
    OSDCloud Cloud Module for
    OSDCloud Cloud Module for
    This module is designed to work in WinPE or Full
    This module is for HP Devices and leveraged HP Tools
    Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '')

#region Functions

function osdcloud-addserviceui {
    param ()
    $EXEName = "ServiceUI.exe"
    $EXEURL = "$EXEName"
    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $EXEURL -OutFile "$env:TEMP\$EXEName"
function osdcloud-TestHPIASupport {
    $CabPath = "$env:TEMP\"
    $XMLPath = "$env:TEMP\platformList.xml"
    $PlatformListCabURL = ""
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PlatformListCabURL -OutFile $CabPath -UseBasicParsing
    $Expand = expand $CabPath $XMLPath
    [xml]$XML = Get-Content $XMLPath
    $Platforms = $XML.ImagePal.Platform.SystemID
    $MachinePlatform = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/cimv2 -ClassName Win32_BaseBoard).Product
    if ($MachinePlatform -in $Platforms){$HPIASupport = $true}
    else {$HPIASupport = $false}

    return $HPIASupport

function osdcloud-InstallModuleHPCMSL {
    param ()
    $InstallModule = $false
    $PSModuleName = 'HPCMSL'
    if (-not (Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Version -ge '2.2.5'})) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray 'Install-Package PackageManagement,PowerShellGet [AllUsers]'
        Install-Package -Name PowerShellGet -MinimumVersion 2.2.5 -Force -Confirm:$false -Source PSGallery | Out-Null

        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray 'Import-Module PackageManagement,PowerShellGet [Global]'
        Import-Module PackageManagement,PowerShellGet -Force -Scope Global -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $InstalledModule = Get-InstalledModule $PSModuleName -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -First 1
    $GalleryPSModule = Find-Module -Name $PSModuleName -ErrorAction Ignore

    if ($InstalledModule) {
        if (($GalleryPSModule.Version -as [version]) -gt ($InstalledModule.Version -as [version])) {
            $InstallModule = $true
    else {
        $InstallModule = $true

    if ($InstallModule) {
        if ($WindowsPhase -eq 'WinPE') {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Install-Module $PSModuleName $($GalleryPSModule.Version) [AllUsers]"
            Install-Module $PSModuleName -SkipPublisherCheck -Scope AllUsers -Force -AcceptLicense -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        else {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Install-Module $PSModuleName $($GalleryPSModule.Version) [AllUsers]"
            Install-Module $PSModuleName -SkipPublisherCheck -AcceptLicense -Scope AllUsers -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    Import-Module -Name $PSModuleName -Force -Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
function osdcloud-HPTPMDetermine{
    $SP87753 = Get-CimInstance  -Namespace "root\cimv2\security\MicrosoftTPM" -query "select * from win32_tpm where IsEnabled_InitialValue = 'True' and ((ManufacturerVersion like '7.%' and ManufacturerVersion < '7.63.3353') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.1%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.60%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.61%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '4.4%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.40%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.41%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '') or (ManufacturerVersion like ''))"
    $SP94937 = Get-CimInstance  -Namespace "root\cimv2\security\MicrosoftTPM" -query "select * from win32_tpm where IsEnabled_InitialValue = 'True' and ((ManufacturerVersion like '7.62%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '7.63%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '7.83%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.43%') )"
    if ($SP87753){Return "SP87753"}
    elseif ($SP94937){Return "SP94937"}
    else{Return $false}
function osdcloud-HPTPMDowngrade{
    Param (
        [ValidateSet("SP87753", "SP94937")]
        $SPNumber = "SP94937"
    if ((!($WorkingFolder))-or ($null -eq $WorkingFolder)){$WorkingFolder = "$env:TEMP\TPM"}
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $WorkingFolder)){New-Item -Path $WorkingFolder -ItemType Directory -Force |Out-Null}
    $UpdatePath = "$WorkingFolder\$SPNumber.exe"
    $extractPath = "$WorkingFolder\$SPNumber"
    Write-Host "Starting downlaod & Install of TPM Update $SPNumber"
    Get-Softpaq -Number $SPNumber -SaveAs $UpdatePath -Overwrite yes
    Start-Process -FilePath $UpdatePath -ArgumentList "/s /e /f $extractPath" -Wait
    Suspend-BitLocker -MountPoint c: -RebootCount 2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Start-Process -FilePath "$extractPath\TPMConfig64.exe" -ArgumentList "-xVTx"

function osdcloud-HPTPMBIOSSettings {
    osdcloud-HPBIOSSetSetting -SettingName 'TPM Device' -Value 'Available'
    osdcloud-HPBIOSSetSetting -SettingName 'TPM State' -Value 'Enable'
    osdcloud-HPBIOSSetSetting -SettingName 'TPM Activation Policy' -Value 'No Prompts'
function osdcloud-HPBIOSDetermine{
    param ([Switch]$Details)
    Import-Module -Name HPCMSL -Force
    $BIOSIsCurrent = Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Check
    if ($Details){
        if (!($BIOSIsCurrent)){Return "HP BIOS Update Available: $((Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Latest).ver)"}
        else {Return "HP BIOS Already Current: $(Get-HPBIOSVersion)"}
        if ($BIOSIsCurrent){Return $false}
        else {Return $true}
function osdcloud-HPTPMDownload {
    param ($WorkingFolder)
    Import-Module -Name HPCMSL -Force
    $TPMUpdate = osdcloud-HPTPMDetermine    
    if ($TPMUpdate -ne $false)
        if ((!($WorkingFolder))-or ($null -eq $WorkingFolder)){$WorkingFolder = "$env:TEMP\TPM"}
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $WorkingFolder)){New-Item -Path $WorkingFolder -ItemType Directory -Force |Out-Null}
        $UpdatePath = "$WorkingFolder\$TPMUpdate.exe"
        $extractPath = "$WorkingFolder\$TPMUpdate"
        Write-Host "Starting downlaod & Install of TPM Update $TPMUpdate"
        Get-Softpaq -Number $TPMUpdate -SaveAs $UpdatePath -Overwrite yes
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatePath)){Throw "Failed to Download TPM Update"}
        Start-Process -FilePath $UpdatePath -ArgumentList "/s /e /f $extractPath" -Wait
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatePath)){Throw "Failed to Extract TPM Update"}
        else {
            Return $extractPath
function osdcloud-HPTPMEXEDownload {
    osdcloud-HPBIOSSetSetting -SettingName 'Virtualization Technology (VTx)' -Value 'Disable'
    Import-Module -Name HPCMSL -Force
    $TPMUpdate = osdcloud-HPTPMDetermine
    if ($TPMUpdate -ne $false)
        $DownloadFolder = "C:\OSDCloud\HP\TPM"
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $DownloadFolder)){New-Item -Path $DownloadFolder -ItemType Directory -Force |Out-Null}
        $UpdatePath = "$DownloadFolder\$TPMUpdate.exe"
        Write-Host "Starting download of TPM Update $TPMUpdate"
        Get-Softpaq -Number $TPMUpdate -SaveAs $UpdatePath -Overwrite yes
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatePath)){Throw "Failed to Download TPM Update"}
function osdcloud-HPTPMEXEInstall {
    Param (
    $DownloadFolder = "C:\OSDCloud\HP\TPM"
    $TPMUpdate = (Get-ChildItem -Path $DownloadFolder -Filter *.exe).FullName
    if (Test-Path $TPMUpdate){
        Start-Process -FilePath $TPMUpdate -ArgumentList "/s /e /f $DownloadFolder" -Wait
        if (!(Test-Path -Path "$DownloadFolder\TPMConfig64.exe")){Throw "Failed to Extract TPM Update"}
        $Process = "$DownloadFolder\TPMConfig64.exe"
        #Create Argument List
        if ($filename -and $spec){$TPMArg = "-s -f$filename -a$spec -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig.log"}
        elseif ($filename -and !($spec)) { $TPMArg = "-s -f$filename -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig.log"}
        elseif (!($filename) -and $spec) { $TPMArg = "-s -a$spec -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig.log"}
        elseif (!($filename) -and !($spec)) { $TPMArg = "-s -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig.log"}
        Write-Output "Running Command: Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $TPMArg -PassThru -Wait"
        $TPMUpdate = Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $TPMArg -PassThru -Wait
        write-output "TPMUpdate Exit Code: $($TPMUpdate.exitcode)"
    else {Throw "Failed to Locate Update Path"}
#does not work in pe
function osdcloud-HPBIOSEXEDownload {
    Import-Module -Name HPCMSL -Force
    $SoftpaqNumber = (Get-SoftpaqList -Category BIOS | Select-Object -Last 1).id
    $DownloadFolder = "C:\OSDCloud\HP\BIOS"
            if (!(Test-Path -Path $DownloadFolder)){New-Item -Path $DownloadFolder -ItemType Directory -Force |Out-Null}
            $UpdatePath = "$DownloadFolder\$BIOSUpdate.exe"
            Write-Host "Starting download of System Firmware Update $BIOSUpdate"
            Get-Softpaq -Number $SoftpaqNumber -SaveAs $UpdatePath -Overwrite yes
            if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatePath)){Throw "Failed to Download System Firmware Update"}
function osdcloud-HPTPMUpdate {
    Param (
    $logsuffix = osdcloud-HPTPMDetermine
    if ($logsuffix -ne $false){
        write-output "Determined TPM Update $logsuffix required"
        if ((Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ProtectionStatus -eq "ON"){
            Suspend-BitLocker -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -RebootCount 2 | Out-Null}
        osdcloud-HPBIOSSetSetting -SettingName 'Virtualization Technology (VTx)' -Value 'Disable'
        $extractPath = osdcloud-HPTPMDownload -WorkingFolder $WorkingFolder
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $extractPath)){Throw "Failed to Locate Update Path"}
        $Process = "$extractPath\TPMConfig64.exe"
        #Create Argument List
        if ($filename -and $spec){$TPMArg = "-s -f$filename -a$spec -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"}
        elseif ($filename -and !($spec)) { $TPMArg = "-s -f$filename -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"}
        elseif (!($filename) -and $spec) { $TPMArg = "-s -a$spec -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"}
        elseif (!($filename) -and !($spec)) { $TPMArg = "-s -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"}
        Write-Output "Running Command: Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $TPMArg -PassThru -Wait"
        $TPMUpdate = Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $TPMArg -PassThru -Wait
        write-output "TPMUpdate Exit Code: $($TPMUpdate.exitcode)"
    else {
        osdcloud-HPBIOSSetSetting -SettingName 'Virtualization Technology (VTx)' -Value 'Enable'
        return "No TPM Update Available"
Function osdcloud-HPIAOfflineSync {
    Param (
        [ValidateSet("All", "BIOS", "Driver", "Software", "Firmware", "UWPPack")]
        $Category = "Driver",
        $OS = "win10",
        $Release = "21H2"
    #Create HPIA Repo & Sync for this Platform (EXE / Online)
    $LogFolder = "C:\OSDCloud\Logs"
    $HPIARepoFolder = "C:\OSDCloud\HPIA\Repo"
    $PlatformCode = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/cimv2 -ClassName Win32_BaseBoard).Product
    New-Item -Path $LogFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    New-Item -Path $HPIARepoFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    $CurrentLocation = Get-Location
    Set-Location -Path $HPIARepoFolder
    Initialize-Repository | out-null
    Set-RepositoryConfiguration -Setting OfflineCacheMode -CacheValue Enable | out-null
    Add-RepositoryFilter -Os $OS -OsVer $Release -Category $Category -Platform $PlatformCode | out-null
    Write-Host "Starting HPCMSL to create HPIA Repo for $($PlatformCode) with Drivers" -ForegroundColor Green
    write-host " This process can take several minutes to download all drivers" -ForegroundColor Gray
    write-host " Writing Progress Log to $LogFolder" -ForegroundColor Gray
    write-host " Downloading to $HPIARepoFolder" -ForegroundColor Gray
    Invoke-RepositorySync -Verbose 4> "$LogFolder\HPIAOfflineSync.log"
    Set-Location $CurrentLocation
    Write-Host "Completed Driver Download for HP Device to be applied in OOBE" -ForegroundColor Green
Function osdcloud-HPIAExecute {
    Update HP Drivers via HPIA - Gary Blok - @gwblok
    Several Code Snips taken from:
    HPIA User Guide:
    Notes about Severity:
    Routine – For new hardware support and feature enhancements.
    Recommended – For minor bug fixes. HP recommends this SoftPaq be installed.
    Critical – For major bug fixes, specific problem resolutions, to enable new OS or Service Pack. Essentially the SoftPaq is required to receive support from HP.

        Param (
            [ValidateSet("Analyze", "DownloadSoftPaqs")]
            $Operation = "Analyze",
            [ValidateSet("All", "BIOS", "Drivers", "Software", "Firmware", "Accessories")]
            $Category = "Drivers",
            [ValidateSet("All", "Critical", "Recommended", "Routine")]
            $Selection = "All",
            [ValidateSet("List", "Download", "Extract", "Install", "UpdateCVA")]
            $Action = "Install",
            $LogFolder = "$env:systemdrive\OSDCloud\Logs",
            $ReportsFolder = "$env:systemdrive\OSDCloud\HPIA",
            $OfflineFolder = "$env:systemdrive\OSDCloud\HPIA\Repo",
            [ValidateSet($true, $false)]
            $OfflineMode = $false
        # Params
        $HPIAWebUrl = "" # Static web page of the HP Image Assistant
        $script:FolderPath = "HP_Updates" # the subfolder to put logs into in the storage container
        $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # to speed up web requests
        #Record currently running Processes:
        Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name, Description | Out-File C:\osdcloud\Logs\HPIA-RunningProcesses.txt
        ## Create Directory Structure ##
        $DateTime = Get-Date –Format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"
        $ReportsFolder = "$ReportsFolder\$DateTime"
        $HPIALogFile = "$LogFolder\Run-HPIA.log"
        $script:TempWorkFolder = "C:\Windows\Temp\HPIA"
        # Function write to a log file in ccmtrace format
        function CMTraceLog {
        Param (
                $Component = "Script",
                $LogFile = $HPIALogFile
        Type: 1 = Normal, 2 = Warning (yellow), 3 = Error (red)

            $Time = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.ffffff"
            $Date = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"
            if ($ErrorMessage -ne $null) {$Type = 3}
            if ($Component -eq $null) {$Component = " "}
            if ($Type -eq $null) {$Type = 1}
            $LogMessage = "<![LOG[$Message $ErrorMessage" + "]LOG]!><time=`"$Time`" date=`"$Date`" component=`"$Component`" context=`"`" type=`"$Type`" thread=`"`" file=`"`">"
            $LogMessage.Replace("`0","") | Out-File -Append -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath $LogFile
        CMTraceLog –Message "#######################" –Component "Preparation"
        CMTraceLog –Message "## Starting HPIA ##" –Component "Preparation"
        CMTraceLog –Message "#######################" –Component "Preparation"
        Write-Host "Starting HPIA to Update HP Drivers" -ForegroundColor Magenta
        ## Disable IE First Run Wizard ##
        # This prevents an error running Invoke-WebRequest when IE has not yet been run in the current context
        CMTraceLog –Message "Disabling IE first run wizard" –Component "Preparation"
        $null = New-Item –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft" –Name "Internet Explorer" –Force
        $null = New-Item –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" –Name "Main" –Force
        $null = New-ItemProperty –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" –Name "DisableFirstRunCustomize" –PropertyType DWORD –Value 1 –Force
        ## Get latest HPIA Info ##
        CMTraceLog –Message "Finding info for latest version of HP Image Assistant (HPIA)" –Component "Download"
            $HTML = Invoke-WebRequest –Uri $HPIAWebUrl –ErrorAction Stop -UseBasicParsing
            CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to download the HPIA web page. $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Download" -Type 3
        $HPIASoftPaqNumber = ($HTML.Links | Where {$_.href -match "hp-hpia-"}).outerText
        $HPIADownloadURL = ($HTML.Links | Where {$_.href -match "hp-hpia-"}).href
        $HPIAFileName = $HPIADownloadURL.Split('/')[-1]
        CMTraceLog –Message "SoftPaq number is $HPIASoftPaqNumber" –Component "Download"
        CMTraceLog –Message "Download URL is $HPIADownloadURL" –Component "Download"
        Write-Host "Download URL is $HPIADownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Green
        ## Download HPIA ##
        CMTraceLog –Message "Downloading HPIA" –Component "DownloadHPIA"
        Write-Host "Downloading HPIA" -ForegroundColor Green
        if (!(Test-Path -Path "$TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName")){
                $ExistingBitsJob = Get-BitsTransfer –Name "$HPIAFileName" –AllUsers –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                If ($ExistingBitsJob)
                    CMTraceLog –Message "An existing BITS tranfer was found. Cleaning it up." –Component "Download" –Type 2
                    Remove-BitsTransfer –BitsJob $ExistingBitsJob
                $BitsJob = Start-BitsTransfer –Source $HPIADownloadURL –Destination $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName –Asynchronous –DisplayName "$HPIAFileName" –Description "HPIA download" –RetryInterval 60 –ErrorAction Stop 
                do {
                    Start-Sleep –Seconds 5
                    $Progress = [Math]::Round((100 * ($BitsJob.BytesTransferred / $BitsJob.BytesTotal)),2)
                    CMTraceLog –Message "Downloaded $Progress`%" –Component "Download"
                } until ($BitsJob.JobState -in ("Transferred","Error"))
                If ($BitsJob.JobState -eq "Error")
                    CMTraceLog –Message "BITS tranfer failed: $($BitsJob.ErrorDescription)" –Component "Download" –Type 3
                CMTraceLog –Message "Download is finished" –Component "Download"
                Complete-BitsTransfer –BitsJob $BitsJob
                CMTraceLog –Message "BITS transfer is complete" –Component "Download"
                Write-Host "BITS transfer is complete" -ForegroundColor Green
                CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to start a BITS transfer for the HPIA: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Download" –Type 3
                Write-Host "Failed to start a BITS transfer for the HPIA: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
            if (!(Test-Path -Path $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName)){
                write-host "Failed to download HPIA using BITS, trying WebRequest"  -ForegroundColor yellow
                Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -uri $HPIADownloadURL -OutFile $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName -ErrorAction Stop
            CMTraceLog –Message "$HPIAFileName already downloaded, skipping step" –Component "Download"
            Write-Host "$HPIAFileName already downloaded, skipping step" -ForegroundColor Green
        ## Extract HPIA ##
        CMTraceLog –Message "Extracting HPIA" –Component "Extract"
        Write-Host "Extracting HPIA" -ForegroundColor Green
            $Process = Start-Process –FilePath $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder –ArgumentList "/s /f .\HPIA\ /e" –NoNewWindow –PassThru –Wait –ErrorAction Stop
            Start-Sleep –Seconds 5
            If (Test-Path $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe)
                CMTraceLog –Message "Extraction complete" –Component "Extract"
                CMTraceLog –Message "HPImageAssistant not found!" –Component "Extract" –Type 3
                Write-Host "HPImageAssistant not found!" -ForegroundColor Red
            CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to extract the HPIA: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Extract" –Type 3
            Write-Host "Failed to extract the HPIA: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
        ## Install Updates with HPIA ##
        #CMTraceLog –Message "/Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –Component "Update"
        #Write-Host "Running HPIA With Args: /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" -ForegroundColor Green
        #osdcloud-addserviceui -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($OfflineMode -eq $false){
                if (Test-Path -path $env:temp\ServiceUI.exe)
                        CMTraceLog –Message "Running HPIA With Args: $env:temp\ServiceUI.exe -process:WinLogon.exe $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –Component "Update"
                        Write-Host "Running HPIA With Args: $env:temp\ServiceUI.exe -process:WinLogon.exe $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" -ForegroundColor Green                   
                    $Process = Start-Process –FilePath $env:temp\ServiceUI.exe –ArgumentList "-process:WinLogon.exe $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –NoNewWindow –PassThru –ErrorAction Stop
                else {                
                    CMTraceLog –Message "Running HPIA With Args: /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –Component "Update"
                    Write-Host "Running HPIA With Args: /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" -ForegroundColor Green                   
                    $Process = Start-Process –FilePath $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder –ArgumentList "/Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –NoNewWindow –PassThru –ErrorAction Stop
                #CMTraceLog –Message "/Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –Component "Update"
                #Write-Host "Running HPIA With Args: /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" -ForegroundColor Green
                #$Process = Start-Process –FilePath $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder –ArgumentList "/Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –NoNewWindow –PassThru –Wait –ErrorAction Stop
            if ($OfflineMode -eq $true){
                CMTraceLog –Message "/Offlinemode:$Offlinefolder /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –Component "Update"
                Write-Host "Running HPIA With Args: /Offlinemode:$Offlinefolder /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" -ForegroundColor Green 
                $Process = Start-Process –FilePath $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder –ArgumentList "/Offlinemode:$Offlinefolder /Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /ReportFolder:$ReportsFolder /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –NoNewWindow –PassThru –ErrorAction Stop
            #Bring Progress Bar to Front
            start-sleep -Seconds 10
            write-host "Attempting to bring HPIA Progress bar to top"
            (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).AppActivate((get-process HPImageAssistant.dll).Description)
            #Wait for Process to Finish
            $Process = Get-Process -name "HPImageAssistant" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($Process -ne $null){
                write-host "Waiting for HPIA Process to Finish"
            $ExitCode = $process.GetType().GetField('exitCode', 'NonPublic, Instance').GetValue($process)
            #$Process = Start-Process –FilePath $TempWorkFolder\HPIA\HPImageAssistant.exe –WorkingDirectory $TempWorkFolder –ArgumentList "/Operation:$Operation /Category:$Category /Selection:$Selection /Action:$Action /Noninteractive /Debug /LogFolder:$ReportsFolder" –NoNewWindow –PassThru –Wait –ErrorAction Stop

            If ($ExitCode -eq 0)
                CMTraceLog –Message "Analysis complete" –Component "Update"
                Write-Host "Analysis complete" -ForegroundColor Green
            elseif ($ExitCode -eq 256) 
                CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($ExitCode) - The analysis returned no recommendation." –Component "Update" –Type 2
                Write-Host "Exit $($ExitCode) - The analysis returned no recommendation." -ForegroundColor Green
                Exit 0
                elseif ($ExitCode -eq 257) 
                CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($ExitCode) - There were no recommendations selected for the analysis." –Component "Update" –Type 2
                Write-Host "Exit $($ExitCode) - There were no recommendations selected for the analysis." -ForegroundColor Green
                Exit 0
            elseif ($ExitCode -eq 3010) 
                CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($ExitCode) - HPIA Complete, requires Restart" –Component "Update" –Type 2
                Write-Host "Exit $($ExitCode) - HPIA Complete, requires Restart" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            elseif ($ExitCode -eq 3020) 
                CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($ExitCode) - Install failed — One or more SoftPaq installations failed." –Component "Update" –Type 2
                Write-Host "Exit $($ExitCode) - Install failed — One or more SoftPaq installations failed." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            elseif ($ExitCode -eq 4096) 
                CMTraceLog –Message "Exit $($ExitCode) - This platform is not supported!" –Component "Update" –Type 2
                Write-Host "Exit $($ExitCode) - This platform is not supported!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                CMTraceLog –Message "Process exited with code $($ExitCode). Expecting 0." –Component "Update" –Type 3
                Write-Host "Process exited with code $($ExitCode). Expecting 0." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to start the HPImageAssistant.exe: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Update" –Type 3
            Write-Host "Failed to start the HPImageAssistant.exe: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
        ## Gathering Addtional Information ##
        CMTraceLog –Message "Reading xml report" –Component "Report"
            $XMLFile = Get-ChildItem –Path $ReportsFolder –Recurse –Include *.xml –ErrorAction Stop
            If ($XMLFile)
                CMTraceLog –Message "Report located at $($XMLFile.FullName)" –Component "Report"
                    [xml]$XML = Get-Content –Path $XMLFile.FullName –ErrorAction Stop
                    if ($Category -eq "BIOS" -or $Category -eq "All"){
                        CMTraceLog –Message "Checking BIOS Recommendations" –Component "Report"
                        Write-Host "Checking BIOS Recommendations" -ForegroundColor Green 
                        $null = $Recommendation
                        $Recommendation = $xml.HPIA.Recommendations.BIOS.Recommendation
                        If ($Recommendation)
                            $ItemName = $Recommendation.TargetComponent
                            $CurrentBIOSVersion = $Recommendation.TargetVersion
                            $ReferenceBIOSVersion = $Recommendation.ReferenceVersion
                            $DownloadURL = "https://" + $Recommendation.Solution.Softpaq.Url
                            $SoftpaqFileName = $DownloadURL.Split('/')[-1]
                            CMTraceLog –Message "Component: $ItemName" –Component "Report"
                            Write-Host "Component: $ItemName" -ForegroundColor Gray                           
                            CMTraceLog –Message " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" –Component "Report"
                            Write-Host " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray
                            CMTraceLog –Message " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" –Component "Report"
                            Write-Host " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray
                            CMTraceLog –Message " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" –Component "Report"
                            Write-Host " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Gray
                            CMTraceLog –Message "No BIOS recommendation in the XML report" –Component "Report" –Type 2
                            Write-Host "No BIOS recommendation in XML" -ForegroundColor Gray
                    if ($Category -eq "drivers" -or $Category -eq "All"){
                        CMTraceLog –Message "Checking Driver Recommendations" –Component "Report"
                        Write-Host "Checking Driver Recommendations" -ForegroundColor Green                
                        $null = $Recommendation
                        $Recommendation = $xml.HPIA.Recommendations.drivers.Recommendation
                        If ($Recommendation){
                            Foreach ($item in $Recommendation){
                                $ItemName = $item.TargetComponent
                                $CurrentBIOSVersion = $item.TargetVersion
                                $ReferenceBIOSVersion = $item.ReferenceVersion
                                $DownloadURL = "https://" + $item.Solution.Softpaq.Url
                                $SoftpaqFileName = $DownloadURL.Split('/')[-1]
                                CMTraceLog –Message "Component: $ItemName" –Component "Report"
                                Write-Host "Component: $ItemName" -ForegroundColor Gray                           
                                CMTraceLog –Message " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" –Component "Report"
                                Write-Host " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray
                                CMTraceLog –Message " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" –Component "Report"
                                Write-Host " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray
                                CMTraceLog –Message " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" –Component "Report"
                                Write-Host " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Gray
                            CMTraceLog –Message "No Driver recommendation in the XML report" –Component "Report" –Type 2
                            Write-Host "No Driver recommendation in XML" -ForegroundColor Gray
                        if ($Category -eq "Software" -or $Category -eq "All"){
                        CMTraceLog –Message "Checking Software Recommendations" –Component "Report"
                        Write-Host "Checking Software Recommendations" -ForegroundColor Green 
                        $null = $Recommendation
                        $Recommendation = $
                        If ($Recommendation){
                            Foreach ($item in $Recommendation){
                                $ItemName = $item.TargetComponent
                                $CurrentBIOSVersion = $item.TargetVersion
                                $ReferenceBIOSVersion = $item.ReferenceVersion
                                $DownloadURL = "https://" + $item.Solution.Softpaq.Url
                                $SoftpaqFileName = $DownloadURL.Split('/')[-1]
                                CMTraceLog –Message "Component: $ItemName" –Component "Report"
                                Write-Host "Component: $ItemName" -ForegroundColor Gray                           
                                CMTraceLog –Message "Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" –Component "Report"
                                Write-Host " Current version is $CurrentBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray
                                CMTraceLog –Message "Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" –Component "Report"
                                Write-Host " Recommended version is $ReferenceBIOSVersion" -ForegroundColor Gray
                                CMTraceLog –Message "Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" –Component "Report"
                                Write-Host " Softpaq download URL is $DownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Gray
                            CMTraceLog –Message "No Software recommendation in the XML report" –Component "Report" –Type 2
                            Write-Host "No Software recommendation in XML" -ForegroundColor Gray
                    CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to parse the XML file: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Report" –Type 3
                CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to find an XML report." –Component "Report" –Type 3
            CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to find an XML report: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Report" –Type 3
        ## Overview History of HPIA
            $JSONFile = Get-ChildItem –Path $ReportsFolder –Recurse –Include *.JSON –ErrorAction Stop
            If ($JSONFile)
                Write-Host "Reporting Full HPIA Results" -ForegroundColor Green
                CMTraceLog –Message "JSON located at $($JSONFile.FullName)" –Component "Report"
                $JSON = Get-Content –Path $JSONFile.FullName  –ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json
                CMTraceLog –Message "HPIAOpertaion: $($JSON.HPIA.HPIAOperation)" –Component "Report"
                Write-Host " HPIAOpertaion: $($JSON.HPIA.HPIAOperation)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                CMTraceLog –Message "ExitCode: $($JSON.HPIA.ExitCode)" –Component "Report"
                Write-Host " ExitCode: $($JSON.HPIA.ExitCode)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                CMTraceLog –Message "LastOperation: $($JSON.HPIA.LastOperation)" –Component "Report"
                Write-Host " LastOperation: $($JSON.HPIA.LastOperation)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                CMTraceLog –Message "LastOperationStatus: $($JSON.HPIA.LastOperationStatus)" –Component "Report"
                Write-Host " LastOperationStatus: $($JSON.HPIA.LastOperationStatus)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                $Recommendations = $JSON.HPIA.Recommendations
                if ($Recommendations) {
                    Write-Host "HPIA Item Results" -ForegroundColor Green
                    foreach ($item in $Recommendations){
                        $ItemName = $Item.Name
                        $ItemRecommendationValue = $Item.RecommendationValue
                        $ItemSoftPaqID = $Item.SoftPaqID
                        CMTraceLog –Message " $ItemName $ItemRecommendationValue | $ItemSoftPaqID" –Component "Report"
                        Write-Host " $ItemName $ItemRecommendationValue | $ItemSoftPaqID" -ForegroundColor Gray
                        CMTraceLog –Message " URL: $($Item.ReleaseNotesUrl)" –Component "Report"
                        write-host " URL: $($Item.ReleaseNotesUrl)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                        CMTraceLog –Message " Status: $($item.Remediation.Status)" –Component "Report"
                        Write-Host " Status: $($item.Remediation.Status)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                        CMTraceLog –Message " ReturnCode: $($item.Remediation.ReturnCode)" –Component "Report"
                        Write-Host " ReturnCode: $($item.Remediation.ReturnCode)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                        CMTraceLog –Message " ReturnDescription: $($item.Remediation.ReturnDescription)" –Component "Report"
                        Write-Host " ReturnDescription: $($item.Remediation.ReturnDescription)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                catch {
                CMTraceLog –Message "Failed to parse the JSON file: $($_.Exception.Message)" –Component "Report" –Type 3
        CMTraceLog –Message "NO JSON report." –Component "Report" –Type 1

function osdcloud-HPIADownload {
    $null = New-Item –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft" –Name "Internet Explorer" –Force
    $null = New-Item –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" –Name "Main" –Force
    $null = New-ItemProperty –Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" –Name "DisableFirstRunCustomize" –PropertyType DWORD –Value 1 –Force
    $HPIAWebUrl = ""
    $script:TempWorkFolder = "c:\windows\temp\HPIA"
    $HTML = Invoke-WebRequest –Uri $HPIAWebUrl –ErrorAction Stop -UseBasicParsing
    $HPIASoftPaqNumber = ($HTML.Links | Where {$_.href -match "hp-hpia-"}).outerText
    $HPIADownloadURL = ($HTML.Links | Where {$_.href -match "hp-hpia-"}).href
    $HPIAFileName = $HPIADownloadURL.Split('/')[-1]
    Write-Host "Download URL is $HPIADownloadURL" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "Downloading HPIA" -ForegroundColor Green
    if (!(Test-Path -Path "$TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName")){
            $ExistingBitsJob = Get-BitsTransfer –Name "$HPIAFileName" –AllUsers –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            If ($ExistingBitsJob)
                Remove-BitsTransfer –BitsJob $ExistingBitsJob
            $BitsJob = Start-BitsTransfer –Source $HPIADownloadURL –Destination $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName –Asynchronous –DisplayName "$HPIAFileName" –Description "HPIA download" –RetryInterval 60 –ErrorAction Stop 
            do {
                Start-Sleep –Seconds 5
                $Progress = [Math]::Round((100 * ($BitsJob.BytesTransferred / $BitsJob.BytesTotal)),2)
            } until ($BitsJob.JobState -in ("Transferred","Error"))
            Complete-BitsTransfer –BitsJob $BitsJob
            Write-Host "BITS transfer is complete" -ForegroundColor Green
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName)){
            Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -uri $HPIADownloadURL -OutFile $TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName -ErrorAction Stop
        if (Test-Path -Path "$TempWorkFolder\$HPIAFileName"){
            Write-Host "HPIA download is complete" -ForegroundColor Green
        else {Write-Host "HPIA download failed" -ForegroundColor red}
        Write-Host "$HPIAFileName already downloaded, skipping step" -ForegroundColor Green

function osdcloud-HPBIOSUpdate {
    #Stage Firmware Update for Next Reboot
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "========================================================================="
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Updating HP System Firmware"
    if (Get-HPBIOSSetupPasswordIsSet){Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Device currently has BIOS Setup Password, Please Update BIOS via different method"}
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Current Firmware: $(Get-HPBIOSVersion)"
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Staging Update: $((Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Latest).ver) "
        Get-HPBIOSUpdates -Flash -Yes -Offline -BitLocker Ignore

function osdcloud-HPBIOSSetSetting {
Param (

<# Testing
$SettingName = "SVM CPU Virtualization"
$Value = "Enable"
$BIOSPW = 'P@ssw0rd'

$BIOS= Get-WmiObject -class hp_biossettinginterface -Namespace "root\hp\instrumentedbios"
$BIOSSetting = Get-CimInstance -class hp_biossetting -Namespace "root\hp\instrumentedbios"
$CurrentValue = ($BIOSSetting | ?{ $_.Name -eq $SettingName }).CurrentValue

if ($CurrentValue -ne $Null)
    if ($CurrentValue -eq $Value)
        Write-Output "BIOS Setting: $SettingName already configured to Requested Value: $Value"
        If (($BIOSSetting | ?{ $_.Name -eq 'Setup Password' }).IsSet -eq 0){
            $Result = $BIOS.SetBIOSSetting($SettingName,$Value)
            $PW = "<utf-16/>$BIOSPW"
            $Result = $BIOS.SetBIOSSetting($SettingName,$Value,$PW)
        if ($Result.Return -eq 0){
            Write-Output "Successfully Updated: $SettingName to: $Value"
            $BIOSSetting = Get-CimInstance -class hp_biossetting -Namespace "root\hp\instrumentedbios"
            $CurrentValue = ($BIOSSetting | ?{ $_.Name -eq $SettingName }).CurrentValue
            Write-Output "Failed to Update BIOS Setting: $SettingName to: $Value"
            Write-Output "Current Value: $CurrentValue"
    Write-Output "BIOS Setting: $SettingName is NOT Available on this Hardware"
