.SYNOPSIS OSDCloud Cloud Module for .DESCRIPTION OSDCloud Cloud Module for .NOTES This module is designed to work in WinPE or Full This module is for HP Devices and leveraged HP Tools .LINK .EXAMPLE Invoke-Expression (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '') #> #================================================= #region Functions function osdcloud-InstallModuleHPCMSL { [CmdletBinding()] param () $InstallModule = $false $PSModuleName = 'HPCMSL' $InstalledModule = Get-InstalledModule $PSModuleName -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -First 1 $GalleryPSModule = Find-Module -Name $PSModuleName -ErrorAction Ignore if ($InstalledModule) { if (($GalleryPSModule.Version -as [version]) -gt ($InstalledModule.Version -as [version])) { $InstallModule = $true } } else { $InstallModule = $true } if ($InstallModule) { if ($WindowsPhase -eq 'WinPE') { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Install-Module $PSModuleName $($GalleryPSModule.Version) [AllUsers]" Install-Module $PSModuleName -SkipPublisherCheck -Scope AllUsers -Force -AcceptLicense } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Install-Module $PSModuleName $($GalleryPSModule.Version) [AllUsers]" Install-Module $PSModuleName -SkipPublisherCheck -AcceptLicense -Scope AllUsers -Force } } Import-Module -Name $PSModuleName -Force -Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } function osdcloud-DetermineHPTPM{ $SP87753 = Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root\cimv2\security\MicrosoftTPM" -query "select * from win32_tpm where IsEnabled_InitialValue = 'True' and ((ManufacturerVersion like '7.%' and ManufacturerVersion < '7.63.3353') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.1%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.60%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '5.61%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '4.4%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.40%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.41%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '') or (ManufacturerVersion like ''))" $SP94937 = Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root\cimv2\security\MicrosoftTPM" -query "select * from win32_tpm where IsEnabled_InitialValue = 'True' and ((ManufacturerVersion like '7.62%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '7.63%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '7.83%') or (ManufacturerVersion like '6.43%') )" if ($SP87753){Return "SP87753"} elseif ($SP94937){Return "SP94937"} else{Return "NA"} } function osdcloud-DownloadHPTPM { [CmdletBinding()] param ($WorkingFolder) osdcloud-InstallModuleHPCMSL Import-Module -Name HPCMSL -Force $TPMUpdate = osdcloud-DetermineHPTPM if ($TPMUpdate -ne "NA") { if ((!($WorkingFolder))-or ($null -eq $WorkingFolder)){$WorkingFolder = "$env:TEMP\TPM"} if (!(Test-Path -Path $WorkingFolder)){New-Item -Path $WorkingFolder -ItemType Directory -Force |Out-Null} $UpdatePath = "$WorkingFolder\$TPMUpdate.exe" $extractPath = "$WorkingFolder\$TPMUpdate" Write-Host "Starting downlaod & Install of TPM Update $TPMUpdate" Get-Softpaq -Number $TPMUpdate -SaveAs $UpdatePath -Overwrite yes if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatePath)){Throw "Failed to Download TPM Update"} Start-Process -FilePath $UpdatePath -ArgumentList "/s /e /f $extractPath" -Wait if (!(Test-Path -Path $UpdatePath)){Throw "Failed to Extract TPM Update"} else { Return $extractPath } } } function osdcloud-UpdateHPTPM { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $filename, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $spec, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $logsuffix, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $WorkingFolder ) $logsuffix = osdcloud-DetermineHPTPM if ($logsuffix -ne "NA"){ write-output "Determined TPM Update $logsuffix required" if ((Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ProtectionStatus -eq "ON"){ Suspend-BitLocker -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -RebootCount 2 | Out-Null} $extractPath = osdcloud-DownloadHPTPM -WorkingFolder $WorkingFolder if (!(Test-Path -Path $extractPath)){Throw "Failed to Locate Update Path"} $Process = "$extractPath\TPMConfig64.exe" #Create Argument List if ($filename -and $spec){$TPMArg = "-s -f$filename -a$spec -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"} elseif ($filename -and !($spec)) { $TPMArg = "-s -f$filename -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"} elseif (!($filename) -and $spec) { $TPMArg = "-s -a$spec -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"} elseif (!($filename) -and !($spec)) { $TPMArg = "-s -l$($env:temp)\TPMConfig_$($logsuffix).log"} Write-Output "Running Command: Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $TPMArg -PassThru -Wait" $TPMUpdate = Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $TPMArg -PassThru -Wait write-output "TPMUpdate Exit Code: $($TPMUpdate.exitcode)" } else { return "No TPM Update Available" } } #endregion #================================================= |