function Save-ZTIDriverPack { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Manufacturer = (Get-MyComputerManufacturer -Brief), [string]$Product = (Get-MyComputerProduct) ) #================================================= # Make sure we are running in a Task Sequence first #================================================= try { $TSEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment } catch { $TSEnv = $false } if ($TSEnv -eq $false) { Write-Warning "This functions requires a running Task Sequence" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Continue } #================================================= # Get some Task Sequence variables #================================================= $DEPLOYROOT = $TSEnv.Value("DEPLOYROOT") $DEPLOYDRIVE = $TSEnv.Value("DEPLOYDRIVE") # Z: $OSVERSION = $TSEnv.Value("OSVERSION") # WinPE $RESOURCEDRIVE = $TSEnv.Value("RESOURCEDRIVE") # Z: $OSDISK = $TSEnv.Value("OSDISK") # E: $OSDANSWERFILEPATH = $TSEnv.Value("OSDANSWERFILEPATH") # E:\MININT\Unattend.xml $TARGETPARTITIONIDENTIFIER = $TSEnv.Value("TARGETPARTITIONIDENTIFIER") # [SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Size = '134343553024' and VolumeName = 'Windows' and VolumeSerialNumber = '90D39B87'] #================================================= # Set some Variables # DeployRootDriverPacks are where DriverPacks must be staged # This is not working out so great at the moment, so I would suggest # not doing this yet #================================================= $DeployRootDriverPacks = Join-Path $DEPLOYROOT 'DriverPacks' $OSDiskDrivers = Join-Path $OSDISK 'Drivers' #================================================= # Create $OSDiskDrivers #================================================= if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path $OSDiskDrivers)) { New-Item -Path $OSDiskDrivers -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null } if (-NOT (Test-Path -Path $OSDiskDrivers)) { Write-Warning "Could not create $OSDiskDrivers" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Continue } #================================================= # Start-Transcript #================================================= Start-Transcript -OutputDirectory $OSDiskDrivers #================================================= # Copy-PSModuleToFolder # The OSD Module needs to be available on the next boot for Specialize # Drivers to work #================================================= if ($env:SystemDrive -eq 'X:'){ Copy-PSModuleToFolder -Name OSD -Destination "$OSDISK\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" } #================================================= # Get-MyDriverPack #================================================= Write-Verbose -Verbose "Processing function Get-MyDriverPack" if ($Manufacturer -in ('Dell','HP','Lenovo','Microsoft')) { $GetMyDriverPack = Get-MyDriverPack -Manufacturer $Manufacturer -Product $Product } else { $GetMyDriverPack = Get-MyDriverPack -Product $Product } if (-NOT ($GetMyDriverPack)) { Write-Warning "There are no DriverPacks for this computer" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Continue } #================================================= # Get-MyDriverPack #================================================= Write-Verbose -Verbose "Name: $($GetMyDriverPack.Name)" Write-Verbose -Verbose "Product: $($GetMyDriverPack.Product)" Write-Verbose -Verbose "FileName: $($GetMyDriverPack.FileName)" Write-Verbose -Verbose "Url: $($GetMyDriverPack.Url)" $OSDiskDriversFile = Join-Path $OSDiskDrivers $GetMyDriverPack.FileName #================================================= # MDT DeployRoot DriverPacks # See if the DriverPack we need exists in $DeployRootDriverPacks #================================================= $DeployRootDriverPack = @() $DeployRootDriverPack = Get-ChildItem "$DeployRootDriverPacks\" -Include $GetMyDriverPack.FileName -File -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -First 1 if ($DeployRootDriverPack) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Source: $($DeployRootDriverPack.FullName)" Write-Verbose -Verbose "Destination: $OSDiskDriversFile" Copy-Item -Path $($DeployRootDriverPack.FullName) -Destination $OSDiskDrivers -Force } if (Test-Path $OSDiskDriversFile) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "DriverPack is in place and ready to go" Stop-Transcript Continue } #================================================= # Curl # Make sure Curl is available #================================================= if ((-NOT (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\System32\curl.exe")) -and (-NOT (Test-Path "$OSDISK\Windows\System32\curl.exe"))) { Write-Warning "Curl is required for this to function" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Continue } if ((-NOT (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\System32\curl.exe")) -and (Test-Path "$OSDISK\Windows\System32\curl.exe")) { Copy-Item -Path "$OSDISK\Windows\System32\curl.exe" -Destination "$env:SystemRoot\System32\curl.exe" -Force } if (-NOT (Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\System32\curl.exe")) { Write-Warning "Curl is required for this to function" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 Continue } #================================================= # OSDCloud DriverPacks # Finally, let's download the file and see where this goes #================================================= Save-WebFile -SourceUrl $GetMyDriverPack.Url -DestinationDirectory $OSDiskDrivers -DestinationName $GetMyDriverPack.FileName if (Test-Path $OSDiskDriversFile) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "DriverPack is in place and ready to go" Stop-Transcript } else { Write-Warning "Could not download the DriverPack. Sorry!" Stop-Transcript } #================================================= } |