#Requires -Version 5.1 <# .SYNOPSIS The Office 365 Recommended Configuration Analyzer (ORCA) .DESCRIPTION .NOTES Cam Murray Principal Product Manager - Microsoft camurray@microsoft.com Daniel Mozes Senior Product Manager - Microsoft damozes@microsoft.com Output report uses open source components for HTML formatting - bootstrap - MIT License - https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/about/license/ - fontawesome - CC BY 4.0 License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free ############################################################################ This sample script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. This sample script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample script and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample script or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages. ############################################################################ .LINK about_functions_advanced #> function Get-ORCADirectory { <# Gets or creates the ORCA directory in AppData #> If($IsWindows) { $Directory = "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Microsoft\ORCA" } elseif($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { $Directory = "$($env:HOME)/ORCA" } else { $Directory = "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Microsoft\ORCA" } If(Test-Path $Directory) { Return $Directory } else { New-Item -Type Directory $Directory | out-null Return $Directory } } Function Invoke-ORCAConnections { Param ( [String]$ExchangeEnvironmentName, [String]$DelegatedOrganization, [Boolean]$SCC, [Boolean]$Install ) <# Check which module is loaded and then run the respective connection #> If(Get-Command "Connect-ExchangeOnline" -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting to Exchange Online (Modern Module).." if($DelegatedOrganization -eq $null) { Connect-ExchangeOnline -ExchangeEnvironmentName $ExchangeEnvironmentName -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } else { Connect-ExchangeOnline -ExchangeEnvironmentName $ExchangeEnvironmentName -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue -DelegatedOrganization $DelegatedOrganization | Out-Null } if($SCC) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Connecting to SCC.." if($DelegatedOrganization -eq $null) { Connect-IPPSSession -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } else { Connect-IPPSSession -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue -DelegatedOrganization $DelegatedOrganization | Out-Null } } } Else { If($Install) { Try { # Try installing ExchangeOnlineManagement module in to CurrentUser scope Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Exchange Online Management module is missing - attempting to install in to CurrentUser scope.. (You may be asked to trust the PS Gallery)" Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -Scope CurrentUser # Then connect.. Connect-ExchangeOnline -ExchangeEnvironmentName $ExchangeEnvironmentName -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null if($SCC) { Connect-IPPSSession -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } $Installed = $True } catch { $Installed = $False } } if(!$Installed) { # Error if not installed Throw "ORCA requires the ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell Gallery module installed. Install by running 'Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -Scope CurrentUser' for the current user only, or 'Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement' for all users" } } # Perform check for Exchange Connection Status If($(Get-EXConnectionStatus) -eq $False) { Throw "ORCA was unable to connect to Exchange Online, or you do not have sufficient permissions to check ORCA related configuration." } } enum CheckType { ObjectPropertyValue PropertyValue } [Flags()] enum ORCAService { EOP = 1 MDO = 2 } enum ORCAConfigLevel { None = 0 Standard = 5 Strict = 10 TooStrict = 15 All = 100 } enum ORCAResult { None = 0 Pass = 1 Informational = 2 Fail = 3 } enum ORCACHI { NotRated = 0 Low = 5 Medium = 10 High = 15 VeryHigh = 20 Critical = 100 } enum PolicyType { Malware Spam Antiphish SafeAttachments SafeLinks OutboundSpam } enum PresetPolicyLevel { None = 0 Strict = 1 Standard = 2 } Class ORCACheckConfig { ORCACheckConfig() { # Constructor $this.Results = @() $this.Results += New-Object -TypeName ORCACheckConfigResult -Property @{ Level=[ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard } $this.Results += New-Object -TypeName ORCACheckConfigResult -Property @{ Level=[ORCAConfigLevel]::Strict } $this.Results += New-Object -TypeName ORCACheckConfigResult -Property @{ Level=[ORCAConfigLevel]::TooStrict } } # Set the result for this mode SetResult([ORCAConfigLevel]$Level,[ORCAResult]$Result) { $InputResult = $Result; # Override level if the config is disabled and result is a failure. if($this.ConfigDisabled -eq $true -and $InputResult -eq [ORCAResult]::Fail) { $InputResult = [ORCAResult]::Informational; $this.InfoText = "The policy is not enabled and will not apply. " if($InputResult -eq [ORCAResult]::Fail) { $this.InfoText += "This configuration level is below the recommended settings, and is being flagged incase of accidental enablement. It is not scored as a result of being disabled." } else { $this.InfoText += "This configuration is set to a recommended level, but is not scored because of the disabled state." } } if($Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::All) { # Set all to this $Rebuilt = @() foreach($r in $this.Results) { $r.Value = $InputResult; $Rebuilt += $r } $this.Results = $Rebuilt } elseif($Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Strict -and $Result -eq [ORCAResult]::Pass) { # Strict results are pass at standard level too ($this.Results | Where-Object {$_.Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard}).Value = [ORCAResult]::Pass ($this.Results | Where-Object {$_.Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Strict}).Value = [ORCAResult]::Pass } else { ($this.Results | Where-Object {$_.Level -eq $Level}).Value = $InputResult } # The level of this configuration should be its strongest result (e.g if its currently standard and we have a strict pass, we should make the level strict) if($InputResult -eq [ORCAResult]::Pass -and ($this.Level -lt $Level -or $this.Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::None)) { $this.Level = $Level } elseif ($InputResult -eq [ORCAResult]::Fail -and ($Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Informational -and $this.Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::None)) { $this.Level = $Level } $this.ResultStandard = $this.GetLevelResult([ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard) $this.ResultStrict = $this.GetLevelResult([ORCAConfigLevel]::Strict) } [ORCAResult] GetLevelResult([ORCAConfigLevel]$Level) { [ORCAResult]$StrictResult = ($this.Results | Where-Object {$_.Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Strict}).Value [ORCAResult]$StandardResult = ($this.Results | Where-Object {$_.Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard}).Value if($Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Strict) { return $StrictResult } if($Level -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard) { # If Strict Level is pass, return that, strict is higher than standard if($StrictResult -eq [ORCAResult]::Pass) { return [ORCAResult]::Pass } return $StandardResult } return [ORCAResult]::None } $Check $Object $ConfigItem $ConfigData $ConfigReadonly $ConfigDisabled [string]$ConfigPolicyGuid $InfoText [array]$Results [ORCAResult]$ResultStandard [ORCAResult]$ResultStrict [ORCAConfigLevel]$Level } Class ORCACheckConfigResult { [ORCAConfigLevel]$Level=[ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard [ORCAResult]$Value=[ORCAResult]::None } Class ORCACheck { <# Check definition The checks defined below allow contextual information to be added in to the report HTML document. - Control : A unique identifier that can be used to index the results back to the check - Area : The area that this check should appear within the report - PassText : The text that should appear in the report when this 'control' passes - FailRecommendation : The text that appears as a title when the 'control' fails. Short, descriptive. E.g "Do this" - Importance : Why this is important - ExpandResults : If we should create a table in the callout which points out which items fail and where - ObjectType : When ExpandResults is set to, For Object, Property Value checks - what is the name of the Object, e.g a Spam Policy - ItemName : When ExpandResults is set to, what does the check return as ConfigItem, for instance, is it a Transport Rule? - DataType : When ExpandResults is set to, what type of data is returned in ConfigData, for instance, is it a Domain? #> [Array] $Config=@() [String] $Control [String] $Area [String] $Name [String] $PassText [String] $FailRecommendation [Boolean] $ExpandResults=$false [String] $ObjectType [String] $ItemName [String] $DataType [String] $Importance [ORCACHI] $ChiValue = [ORCACHI]::NotRated [ORCAService]$Services = [ORCAService]::EOP [CheckType] $CheckType = [CheckType]::PropertyValue $Links $ORCAParams [Boolean] $SkipInReport=$false [ORCAConfigLevel] $AssessmentLevel [ORCAResult] $Result=[ORCAResult]::Pass [ORCAResult] $ResultStandard=[ORCAResult]::Pass [ORCAResult] $ResultStrict=[ORCAResult]::Pass [Boolean] $Completed=$false [Boolean] $CheckFailed = $false [String] $CheckFailureReason = $null # Overridden by check GetResults($Config) { } [int] GetCountAtLevelFail([ORCAConfigLevel]$Level) { if($this.Config.Count -eq 0) { return 0 } $ResultsAtLevel = $this.Config.GetLevelResult($Level) return @($ResultsAtLevel | Where-Object {$_ -eq [ORCAResult]::Fail}).Count } [int] GetCountAtLevelPass([ORCAConfigLevel]$Level) { if($this.Config.Count -eq 0) { return 0 } $ResultsAtLevel = $this.Config.GetLevelResult($Level) return @($ResultsAtLevel | Where-Object {$_ -eq [ORCAResult]::Pass}).Count } [int] GetCountAtLevelInfo([ORCAConfigLevel]$Level) { if($this.Config.Count -eq 0) { return 0 } $ResultsAtLevel = $this.Config.GetLevelResult($Level) return @($ResultsAtLevel | Where-Object {$_ -eq [ORCAResult]::Informational}).Count } [ORCAResult] GetLevelResult([ORCAConfigLevel]$Level) { if($this.GetCountAtLevelFail($Level) -gt 0) { return [ORCAResult]::Fail } if($this.GetCountAtLevelPass($Level) -gt 0) { return [ORCAResult]::Pass } if($this.GetCountAtLevelInfo($Level) -gt 0) { return [ORCAResult]::Informational } return [ORCAResult]::None } AddConfig([ORCACheckConfig]$Config) { $this.Config += $Config $this.ResultStandard = $this.GetLevelResult([ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard) $this.ResultStrict = $this.GetLevelResult([ORCAConfigLevel]::Strict) if($this.AssessmentLevel -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard) { $this.Result = $this.ResultStandard } if($this.AssessmentLevel -eq [ORCAConfigLevel]::Strict) { $this.Result = $this.ResultStrict } } # Run Run($Config) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Analysis - $($this.Area) - $($this.Name)" $this.GetResults($Config) If($this.SkipInReport -eq $True) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Skipping - $($this.Name) - No longer part of $($this.Area)" continue } # If there is no results to expand, turn off ExpandResults if($this.Config.Count -eq 0) { $this.ExpandResults = $false } # Set check module to completed $this.Completed=$true } } Class ORCAOutput { [String] $Name [Boolean] $ShowSurvey = $true [Boolean] $Completed = $False $VersionCheck = $null $DefaultOutputDirectory $Result # Function overridden RunOutput($Checks,$Collection,[ORCAConfigLevel]$AssessmentLevel) { } Run($Checks,$Collection,[ORCAConfigLevel]$AssessmentLevel) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Output - $($this.Name)" $this.RunOutput($Checks,$Collection,$AssessmentLevel) $this.Completed=$True } } Function Get-ORCACheckDefs { Param ( $ORCAParams, [ORCAConfigLevel]$AssessmentLevel ) $Checks = @() # Load individual check definitions $CheckFiles = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Checks" ForEach($CheckFile in $CheckFiles) { if($CheckFile.BaseName -match '^check-(.*)$') { Write-Verbose "Importing $($matches[1])" . $CheckFile.FullName $Check = New-Object -TypeName $matches[1] # Set the ORCAParams $Check.ORCAParams = $ORCAParams $Check.AssessmentLevel = $AssessmentLevel $Checks += $Check } } Return $Checks } Function Get-ORCAOutputs { Param ( $VersionCheck, $Modules, $Options, $ShowSurvey ) $Outputs = @() # Load individual check definitions $OutputFiles = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\Outputs" ForEach($OutputFile in $OutputFiles) { if($OutputFile.BaseName -match '^output-(.*)$') { # Determine if this type should be loaded If($Modules -contains $matches[1]) { Write-Verbose "Importing $($matches[1])" . $OutputFile.FullName $Output = New-Object -TypeName $matches[1] # Load any of the options in to the module If($Options) { If($Options[$matches[1]].Keys) { ForEach($Opt in $Options[$matches[1]].Keys) { # Ensure this property exists before we try set it and get a null ref error $ModProperties = $($Output | Get-Member | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "Property"}).Name If($ModProperties -contains $Opt) { $Output.$Opt = $Options[$matches[1]][$Opt] } else { Throw("There is no option $($Opt) on output module $($matches[1])") } } } } # For default output directory $Output.DefaultOutputDirectory = Get-ORCADirectory # Provide versioncheck $Output.VersionCheck = $VersionCheck $Output.ShowSurvey = $ShowSurvey $Outputs += $Output } } } Return $Outputs } Class PolicyStats { [String] $PolicyName [Boolean] $IsEnabled } Function Get-ORCACollection { Param ( [Boolean]$SCC ) $Collection = @{} [ORCAService]$Collection["Services"] = [ORCAService]::EOP # Determine if MDO is available by checking for presence of an MDO command if($(Get-command Get-AtpPolicyForO365 -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) { $Collection["Services"] += [ORCAService]::MDO } If(!$Collection["Services"] -band [ORCAService]::MDO) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is not detected - these checks will be skipped!" -ForegroundColor Red } Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Anti-Spam Settings" $Collection["HostedConnectionFilterPolicy"] = Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy $Collection["HostedContentFilterPolicy"] = Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy $Collection["HostedContentFilterRule"] = Get-HostedContentFilterRule $Collection["HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy"] = Get-HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy $Collection["HostedOutboundSpamFilterRule"] = Get-HostedOutboundSpamFilterRule If($Collection["Services"] -band [ORCAService]::MDO) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting MDO Preset Policy Settings" $Collection["ATPProtectionPolicyRule"] = Get-ATPProtectionPolicyRule $Collection["ATPBuiltInProtectionRule"] = Get-ATPBuiltInProtectionRule } if($SCC -and $Collection["Services"] -band [ORCAService]::MDO) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Protection Alerts" $Collection["ProtectionAlert"] = Get-ProtectionAlert | Where-Object {$_.IsSystemRule} } Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting EOP Preset Policy Settings" $Collection["EOPProtectionPolicyRule"] = Get-EOPProtectionPolicyRule Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Quarantine Policy Settings" $Collection["QuarantinePolicy"] = Get-QuarantinePolicy $Collection["QuarantinePolicyGlobal"] = Get-QuarantinePolicy -QuarantinePolicyType GlobalQuarantinePolicy If($Collection["Services"] -band [ORCAService]::MDO) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Anti Phish Settings" $Collection["AntiPhishPolicy"] = Get-AntiphishPolicy $Collection["AntiPhishRules"] = Get-AntiPhishRule } Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Anti-Malware Settings" $Collection["MalwareFilterPolicy"] = Get-MalwareFilterPolicy $Collection["MalwareFilterRule"] = Get-MalwareFilterRule Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Transport Rules" $Collection["TransportRules"] = Get-TransportRule If($Collection["Services"] -band [ORCAService]::MDO) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting MDO Policies" $Collection["SafeAttachmentsPolicy"] = Get-SafeAttachmentPolicy $Collection["SafeAttachmentsRules"] = Get-SafeAttachmentRule $Collection["SafeLinksPolicy"] = Get-SafeLinksPolicy $Collection["SafeLinksRules"] = Get-SafeLinksRule $Collection["AtpPolicy"] = Get-AtpPolicyForO365 } Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Accepted Domains" $Collection["AcceptedDomains"] = Get-AcceptedDomain Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting DKIM Configuration" $Collection["DkimSigningConfig"] = Get-DkimSigningConfig Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Connectors" $Collection["InboundConnector"] = Get-InboundConnector Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting Outlook External Settings" $Collection["ExternalInOutlook"] = Get-ExternalInOutlook # Required for Enhanced Filtering checks Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting MX Reports for all domains" $Collection["MXReports"] = @() ForEach($d in $Collection["AcceptedDomains"]) { Try { $Collection["MXReports"] += Get-MxRecordReport -Domain $($d.DomainName) -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue } Catch { Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date) Failed to get MX report for domain $($d.DomainName)" } } # ARC Settings Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Getting ARC Config" $Collection["ARCConfig"] = Get-ArcConfig # Determine policy states Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Determining applied policy states" $Collection["PolicyStates"] = Get-PolicyStates -AntiphishPolicies $Collection["AntiPhishPolicy"] -AntiphishRules $Collection["AntiPhishRules"] -AntimalwarePolicies $Collection["MalwareFilterPolicy"] -AntimalwareRules $Collection["MalwareFilterRule"] -AntispamPolicies $Collection["HostedContentFilterPolicy"] -AntispamRules $Collection["HostedContentFilterRule"] -SafeLinksPolicies $Collection["SafeLinksPolicy"] -SafeLinksRules $Collection["SafeLinksRules"] -SafeAttachmentsPolicies $Collection["SafeAttachmentsPolicy"] -SafeAttachmentRules $Collection["SafeAttachmentsRules"] -ProtectionPolicyRulesATP $Collection["ATPProtectionPolicyRule"] -ProtectionPolicyRulesEOP $Collection["EOPProtectionPolicyRule"] -OutboundSpamPolicies $Collection["HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy"] -OutboundSpamRules $Collection["HostedOutboundSpamFilterRule"] -BuiltInProtectionRule $Collection["ATPBuiltInProtectionRule"] $Collection["AnyPolicyState"] = Get-AnyPolicyState -PolicyStates $Collection["PolicyStates"] # Add IsPreset properties for Preset policies (where applicable) Add-IsPresetValue -CollectionEntity $Collection["HostedContentFilterPolicy"] Add-IsPresetValue -CollectionEntity $Collection["EOPProtectionPolicyRule"] If($Collection["Services"] -band [ORCAService]::MDO) { Add-IsPresetValue -CollectionEntity $Collection["ATPProtectionPolicyRule"] Add-IsPresetValue -CollectionEntity $Collection["AntiPhishPolicy"] Add-IsPresetValue -CollectionEntity $Collection["SafeAttachmentsPolicy"] Add-IsPresetValue -CollectionEntity $Collection["SafeLinksPolicy"] } Return $Collection } Function Add-IsPresetValue { Param ( $CollectionEntity ) # List of preset names $PresetNames = @("Standard Preset Security Policy","Strict Preset Security Policy","Built-In Protection Policy") foreach($item in $CollectionEntity) { if($null -ne $item.Name) { $IsPreset = $PresetNames -contains $item.Name $item | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IsPreset -Value $IsPreset } } } Function Get-ORCAReport { <# .SYNOPSIS The Office 365 Recommended Configuration Analyzer (ORCA) .DESCRIPTION Office 365 Recommended Configuration Analyzer (ORCA) The Get-ORCAReport command generates a HTML report based on the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 recommended practices article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365-atp Output report uses open source components for HTML formatting: - Bootstrap - MIT License https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/about/license/ - Fontawesome - CC BY 4.0 License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free .PARAMETER NoConnect Prevents ORCA from connecting automatically to Exchange Online. In most circumstances you will not want to do this, we will detect if you're connected or not connected as part of running ORCA. Connection will only occur if we detect you are not connected. .PARAMETER NoVersionCheck Prevents ORCA from determining if it's running the latest version. It's always very important to be running the latest version of ORCA. We will change guidelines as the product and the recommended practices article changes. Not running the latest version might provide recommendations that are no longer valid. .PARAMETER AlternateDNS Will perform DNS checks using an alternate DNS server. This is really important if your organisation uses split DNS. Checks for your DKIM deployment for instance might fail if your DNS resolver is resolving your domains to the internal zone. This is because your internal zone doesn't require to have the DKIM selector records published. In these instances use the AlternateDNS flag to use different resolvers (ones that will provide the external DNS records for your domains). .PARAMETER DelegatedOrganization Passes the DelegatedOrganization when connecting to Exchange Online. The DelegatedOrganization parameter specifies the customer organization that you want to manage (for example, contosoelectronics.onmicrosoft.com). Only use this param when connecting to organizations that you have access to. .PARAMETER ExchangeEnvironmentName This will generate MCCA report for Security & Compliance Center PowerShell in a Microsoft 365 DoD organization or Microsoft GCC High organization O365USGovDoD This will generate MCCA report for Security & Compliance Center PowerShell in a Microsoft 365 DoD organization. O365USGovGCCHigh This will generate MCCA report for Security & Compliance Center PowerShell in a Microsoft GCC High organization. .PARAMETER NoSurvey We need your input in to ORCA, but we appreciate that you may not have the time or desire to provide it. We've added this flag in here so that you can suppress survey prompts (please fill out the survey though!). .PARAMETER NoSCC Disable SCC connection and checks. .PARAMETER AssessmentLevel (Alpha) Level to assess at. By default this is Standard, but can be set to Strict. It is not recommended at this stage to adjust this as this is still being developed. .PARAMETER EmbedConfiguration Embed the configuration in to the HTML file, useful if you need to share your configuration with a partner, or another party. .PARAMETER Collection Internal only. .EXAMPLE Get-ORCAReport .EXAMPLE Get-ORCAReport -AlternateDNS @("","") #> Param( [CmdletBinding()] [Switch]$NoConnect, [Switch]$NoSCC, [Switch]$NoVersionCheck, [Switch]$NoSurvey, [String[]]$AlternateDNS, [String]$DelegatedOrganization=$null, [ORCAConfigLevel]$AssessmentLevel=[ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard, [Switch]$EmbedConfiguration, [string][validateset('O365Default', 'O365USGovDoD', 'O365USGovGCCHigh','O365GermanyCloud','O365China')] $ExchangeEnvironmentName = 'O365Default', $Collection ) try { $statusCode = wget https://aka.ms/orca-execution -Method head | % { $_.StatusCode } }catch {} # Easy to use for quick ORCA report to HTML If($NoVersionCheck) { $PerformVersionCheck = $False } Else { $PerformVersionCheck = $True } if($NoSurvey) { $ShowSurvey = $False } else { $ShowSurvey = $True } $Connect = $False $SCC = !$NoScc # Mac OS X doesnt support connecting to SCC if($IsMacOS -and $SCC) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Overwriting -NoSCC to True on MacOS X due to no support for connecting to SCC. SCC related checks are bypassed." $SCC = $False } if(!$NoConnect) { # Determine if to connect if($(Get-EXConnectionStatus) -eq $False) { $Connect = $True } else { # Check delegated organization specified, and we are connected to this organization. if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DelegatedOrganization)) { $OrgID = (Get-OrganizationConfig).Identity if($OrgID -ne $DelegatedOrganization) { Write-Host "Connected to $($OrgID) not delegated organization $($DelegatedOrganization), reconnecting.." Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$False $Connect = $True } } } } $OutputOptions = @{} if($EmbedConfiguration) { $OutputOptions = @{HTML=@{EmbedConfiguration=$true}} } $Result = Invoke-ORCA -Connect $Connect -SCC $SCC -PerformVersionCheck $PerformVersionCheck -AlternateDNS $AlternateDNS -Collection $Collection -ExchangeEnvironmentName $ExchangeEnvironmentName -Output @("HTML") -DelegatedOrganization $DelegatedOrganization -ShowSurvey $ShowSurvey -OutputOptions $OutputOptions Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Complete! Output is in $($Result.Result)" # Pre-requisite checks if(!(Get-Command Resolve-DnsName -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Warning "Resolve-DnsName command does not exist on this ORCA computer. On non windows machines, this command may not exist. Commands requiring DNS checks such as DKIM and SPF have failed! Follow instructions specific for your Operating System." } } Function Get-ORCAReportEmbeddedConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS The Office 365 Recommended Configuration Analyzer (ORCA) Get Embedded Configuration .DESCRIPTION Get-ORCAReportEmbeddedConfig reads configuration from a HTML file where configuration has been embedded #> Param( [CmdletBinding()] [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$File ) if(!(Test-Path $File)) { throw "File '$($File)' is not a valid path" } # Get the first line $FirstLines = Get-Content $File -First 2 if($FirstLines[0] -notlike "<!-- checkjson*") { throw "File '$($File) is not an ORCA report or there is no embedded meta data" } # Get the underlying object $DecodedText = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($FirstLines[1])) $Object = ConvertFrom-Json $DecodedText # Validate file has embeded configuration if($Object.EmbeddedConfiguration -ne $true -or $null -eq $Object.Config) { throw "File '$($File) is an ORCA report, but has no embedded configuration. It's possible that when generating the -EmbedConfiguration param was not used." } # Create temp file to write zip content to $TempFile = New-TemporaryFile $TempFileZIP = "$($TempFile).zip" $TempFileXMLPath = "$($TempFile)_xml" # Export the content to the zip [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($TempFileZIP, [Convert]::FromBase64String($Object.Config)) # Expand the archive Expand-Archive -Path $TempFileZIP -DestinationPath $TempFileXMLPath # Get the child item $TempFileXML = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $TempFileXMLPath) if($TempFileXML.Count -ne 1) { throw "Temp directory extracting zip in to did not have a file in it, or had multiple files." } # Import config object $ConfigObject = Import-Clixml $TempFileXML.Fullname # Clean up Remove-Item $TempFile Remove-Item $TempFileZIP Remove-Item $TempFileXMLPath -Recurse return $ConfigObject } class PolicyInfo { # Policy applies to something, is enabled, has a rule [bool] $Applies # Preset policy (Standard or Strict) [bool] $Preset # Preset level if applicable [PresetPolicyLevel] $PresetLevel # Built in policy (BIP) [bool] $BuiltIn # Default policy [bool] $Default [String] $Name [PolicyType] $Type } Function Get-PolicyStateInt { <# .SYNOPSIS Called by Get-PolicyStates to process a policy #> Param( $Policies, $Rules, $ProtectionPolicyRules, $BuiltInProtectionRule, [PolicyType]$Type ) $ReturnPolicies = @{} foreach($Policy in $Policies) { $Applies = $false $Default = $false $Preset = $false $PresetPolicyLevel = [PresetPolicyLevel]::None $BuiltIn = ($Policy.Identity -eq $BuiltInProtectionRule.SafeAttachmentPolicy -or $Policy.Identity -eq $BuiltInProtectionRule.SafeLinksPolicy) $Name = $Policy.Name # Determine preset - MDO if($Type -eq [PolicyType]::SafeLinks -or $Type -eq [PolicyType]::SafeAttachments) { $MatchingPolicyRule = @($ProtectionPolicyRules | Where-Object {$_.SafeAttachmentsPolicy -eq $Policy.Identity -or $_.SafeLinksPolicy -eq $Policy.Identity}) if($MatchingPolicyRule.Count -gt 0) { $Preset = $True $Name = $MatchingPolicyRule[0].Name } } # Determine preset - EOP if($Type -eq [PolicyType]::Antiphish -or $Type -eq [PolicyType]::Spam -or $Type -eq [PolicyType]::Malware) { $MatchingPolicyRule = @($ProtectionPolicyRules | Where-Object { $_.HostedContentFilterPolicy -eq $Policy.Identity -or $_.AntiPhishPolicy -eq $Policy.Identity -or $_.MalwareFilterPolicy -eq $Policy.Identity }) if($MatchingPolicyRule.Count -gt 0) { $Preset = $True $Name = $MatchingPolicyRule[0].Name } } # Determine level of preset based on name if($Preset) { if($Name -like "Standard*") { $PresetPolicyLevel = ([PresetPolicyLevel]::Standard) } if($Name -like "Strict*") { $PresetPolicyLevel = ([PresetPolicyLevel]::Strict) } } # Built in rules always apply if($BuiltIn) { $Applies = $True } # Checks for default policies EOP if( $Policy.DistinguishedName.StartsWith("CN=Default,CN=Malware Filter,CN=Transport Settings") -or $Policy.DistinguishedName.StartsWith("CN=Default,CN=Hosted Content Filter,CN=Transport Settings") -or $Policy.DistinguishedName.StartsWith("CN=Default,CN=Outbound Spam Filter,CN=Transport Settings")) { $Default = $True $Applies = $True } # Check for default policies MDO if ($Policy.DistinguishedName.StartsWith("CN=Office365 AntiPhish Default,CN=AntiPhish,CN=Transport Settings,CN=Configuration")) { $Default = $True # Policy will apply based on Enabled state $Applies = $Policy.Enabled } # If not applying - check rules for application if(!$Applies) { $PolicyRules = @(); # If Preset, rules to check is the protection policy rules (MDO or EOP protection policy rules), if not, the policy rules. if($Preset) { # When preset - we need to match the rule using # HostedContentFilterPolicy, AntiPhishPolicy, MalwareFilterPolicy attributes [EOP] # SafeAttachmentPolicy, SafeLinksPolicy [MDO] # instead of the name. # The name of a preset policy doesn't always match the id in the rule. if($Type -eq [PolicyType]::OutboundSpam) { $PolicyRules = @($ProtectionPolicyRules | Where-Object {$_.HostedContentFilterPolicy -eq $Policy.Id}) } if($Type -eq [PolicyType]::Antiphish) { $PolicyRules = @($ProtectionPolicyRules | Where-Object {$_.AntiPhishPolicy -eq $Policy.Id}) } if($Type -eq [PolicyType]::Malware) { $PolicyRules = @($ProtectionPolicyRules | Where-Object {$_.MalwareFilterPolicy -eq $Policy.Id}) } if($Type -eq [PolicyType]::SafeAttachments) { $PolicyRules = @($ProtectionPolicyRules | Where-Object {$_.SafeAttachmentPolicy -eq $Policy.Id}) } if($Type -eq [PolicyType]::SafeLinks) { $PolicyRules = @($ProtectionPolicyRules | Where-Object {$_.SafeLinksPolicy -eq $Policy.Id}) } } else { $PolicyRules = @($Rules | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Policy.Name}) } foreach($Rule in $PolicyRules) { if($Rule.State -eq "Enabled") { if($Rule.SentTo.Count -gt 0 -or $Rule.SentToMemberOf.Count -gt 0 -or $Rule.RecipientDomainIs.Count -gt 0) { $Applies = $true } # Outbound spam uses From, FromMemberOf and SenderDomainIs conditions if($Type -eq [PolicyType]::OutboundSpam) { if($Rule.From.Count -gt 0 -or $Rule.FromMemberOf.Count -gt 0 -or $Rule.SenderDomainIs.Count -gt 0) { $Applies = $true } } } } } Write-Host "Policy $($Policy.Name) applies $($Applies)" $ReturnPolicies[$Policy.Guid.ToString()] = New-Object -TypeName PolicyInfo -Property @{ Applies=$Applies Preset=$Preset PresetLevel=($PresetPolicyLevel) BuiltIn=$BuiltIn Default=$Default Name=$Name Type=$Type } } return $ReturnPolicies } Function Get-PolicyStates { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns hashtable of all policy GUIDs and if they are applied #> Param( $AntiphishPolicies, $AntiphishRules, $AntimalwarePolicies, $AntimalwareRules, $AntispamPolicies, $AntispamRules, $OutboundSpamPolicies, $OutboundSpamRules, $SafeLinksPolicies, $SafeLinksRules, $SafeAttachmentsPolicies, $SafeAttachmentRules, $ProtectionPolicyRulesATP, $ProtectionPolicyRulesEOP, $BuiltInProtectionRule ) $ReturnPolicies = @{} $ReturnPolicies += Get-PolicyStateInt -Policies $AntiphishPolicies -Rules $AntiphishRules -Type ([PolicyType]::Antiphish) -ProtectionPolicyRules $ProtectionPolicyRulesEOP -BuiltInProtectionRule $BuiltInProtectionRule $ReturnPolicies += Get-PolicyStateInt -Policies $AntimalwarePolicies -Rules $AntimalwareRules -Type ([PolicyType]::Malware) -ProtectionPolicyRules $ProtectionPolicyRulesEOP $ReturnPolicies += Get-PolicyStateInt -Policies $AntispamPolicies -Rules $AntispamRules -Type ([PolicyType]::Spam) -ProtectionPolicyRules $ProtectionPolicyRulesEOP $ReturnPolicies += Get-PolicyStateInt -Policies $SafeLinksPolicies -Rules $SafeLinksRules -Type ([PolicyType]::SafeLinks) -ProtectionPolicyRules $ProtectionPolicyRulesATP -BuiltInProtectionRule $BuiltInProtectionRule $ReturnPolicies += Get-PolicyStateInt -Policies $SafeAttachmentsPolicies -Rules $SafeAttachmentRules -Type ([PolicyType]::SafeAttachments) -ProtectionPolicyRules $ProtectionPolicyRulesATP -BuiltInProtectionRule $BuiltInProtectionRule $ReturnPolicies += Get-PolicyStateInt -Policies $OutboundSpamPolicies -Rules $OutboundSpamRules -Type ([PolicyType]::OutboundSpam) -ProtectionPolicyRules $ProtectionPolicyRulesATP -BuiltInProtectionRule $BuiltInProtectionRule return $ReturnPolicies } function Get-AnyPolicyState { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns if any policy is enabled and applies #> Param( $PolicyStates ) $ReturnVals = @{} $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::Antiphish] = $False $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::Malware] = $False $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::Spam] = $False $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::SafeAttachments] = $False $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::SafeLinks] = $False foreach($Key in $PolicyStates.Keys) { if($PolicyStates[$Key].Type -eq [PolicyType]::Antiphish -and $PolicyStates[$Key].Applies) { $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::Antiphish] = $True } if($PolicyStates[$Key].Type -eq [PolicyType]::Malware -and $PolicyStates[$Key].Applies) { $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::Malware] = $True } if($PolicyStates[$Key].Type -eq [PolicyType]::Spam -and $PolicyStates[$Key].Applies) { $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::Spam] = $True } if($PolicyStates[$Key].Type -eq [PolicyType]::SafeAttachments -and $PolicyStates[$Key].Applies) { $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::SafeAttachments] = $True } if($PolicyStates[$Key].Type -eq [PolicyType]::SafeLinks -and $PolicyStates[$Key].Applies) { $ReturnVals[[PolicyType]::SafeLinks] = $True } } return $ReturnVals; } Function Invoke-ORCA { <# .SYNOPSIS The Office 365 Recommended Configuration Analyzer (ORCA) .DESCRIPTION Office 365 Recommended Configuration Analyzer (ORCA) Unless you are wanting to automate ORCA, do not use Invoke-ORCA, run Get-ORCAReport instead!! The Invoke-ORCA command allows you to output different formats based on the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 recommended practices article: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365-atp HTML Output report uses open source components for HTML formatting: - Bootstrap - MIT License https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/about/license/ - Fontawesome - CC BY 4.0 License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free .PARAMETER Output Array of output modules you would like to invoke. You can specify multiple different outputs. Outputs are modular, and additional outputs can be written and placed in the modules Outputs directory if required. Out of the box, the following outputs are included - HTML - JSON (File) - Cosmos DB (Requires CosmosDB third-party module) As this is an array, you can specify different outputs -Output "HTML" Will output just HTML -Output @("HTML","JSON") Will output the HTML report and the JSON report .PARAMETER OutputOptions Array of options for the output modules. Example if running a Cosmos output, you'll need to tell it which account, database and key to use like this: -OutputOptions @{Cosmos=@{Account='MyCosmosAccount';Database='MyCosmosDB';Key='<Your key>';Collection='MyORCA'}} If you're running multiple different outputs, just use a different key for that output module, for instance this will provide the Cosmos details to the Cosmos module and HTML details to the HTML module. -OutputOptions @{HTML=@{DisplayReport=$False};Cosmos=@{Account='MyCosmosAccount';Database='MyCosmosDB';Key='<Your key>';Collection='MyORCA'}} .PARAMETER PerformVersionCheck Prevents ORCA from determining if it's running the latest version if set to $False. It's always very important to be running the latest version of ORCA. We will change guidelines as the product and the recommended practices article changes. Not running the latest version might provide recommendations that are no longer valid. .PARAMETER Connect Prevents ORCA from connecting automatically to Exchange Online if set to $False. In most circumstances you will not want to do this, we will detect if you're connected or not connected as part of running ORCA. Connection will only occur if we detect you are not connected. .PARAMETER AlternateDNS Will perform DNS checks using an alternate DNS server. This is really important if your organisation uses split DNS. Checks for your DKIM deployment for instance might fail if your DNS resolver is resolving your domains to the internal zone. This is because your internal zone doesn't require to have the DKIM selector records published. In these instances use the AlternateDNS flag to use different resolvers (ones that will provide the external DNS records for your domains). .PARAMETER InstallModules Attempts to install missing modules (such as Exchange Online Management) in to the CurrentUser scope if they are missing. Defaults to $True .PARAMETER DelegatedOrganization Passes the DelegatedOrganization when connecting to Exchange Online. The DelegatedOrganization parameter specifies the customer organization that you want to manage (for example, contosoelectronics.onmicrosoft.com). Only use this param when connecting to organizations that you have access to. .PARAMETER AssessmentLevel (Alpha) Level to assess at. By default this is Standard, but can be set to Strict. It is not recommended at this stage to adjust this as this is still being developed. .PARAMETER Collection Internal only. .EXAMPLE Invoke-ORCA -Output "HTML" .EXAMPLE Invoke-ORCA -Output @("HTML","JSON") .EXAMPLE Invoke-ORCA -Output @("HTML","JSON") -OutputOptions @{HTML=@{DisplayReport=$False}} .EXAMPLE Invoke-ORCA -Output "COSMOS" -OutputOptions @{HTML=@{DisplayReport=$False};Cosmos=@{Account='MyCosmosAccount';Database='MyCosmosDB';Key='YourKeyvalue';Collection='MyORCA'}} #> Param( [CmdletBinding()] [Boolean]$Connect=$True, [Boolean]$PerformVersionCheck=$True, [Boolean]$InstallModules=$True, [Boolean]$ShowSurvey=$True, [Boolean]$SCC=$True, [String[]]$AlternateDNS, [String]$DelegatedOrganization=$null, [string][validateset('O365Default', 'O365USGovDoD', 'O365USGovGCCHigh')] $ExchangeEnvironmentName="O365Default", [ORCAConfigLevel]$AssessmentLevel=[ORCAConfigLevel]::Standard, $Output, $OutputOptions, $Collection ) # Version check $VersionCheck = Invoke-ORCAVersionCheck -GalleryCheck $PerformVersionCheck # Mac OS X SCC check if($SCC -and $IsMacOS) { $SCC = $false Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Overwriting SCC due on Mac OS X due to no support. SCC related checks will be bypassed" } If($Connect) { Invoke-ORCAConnections -ExchangeEnvironmentName $ExchangeEnvironmentName -Install $InstallModules -DelegatedOrganization $DelegatedOrganization -SCC $SCC } # Build a param object which can be used to pass params to the underlying classes $ORCAParams = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ AlternateDNS=$AlternateDNS } # Get the output modules $OutputModules = Get-ORCAOutputs -VersionCheck $VersionCheck -Modules $Output -Options $OutputOptions -ShowSurvey $ShowSurvey # Get the object of ORCA checks $Checks = Get-ORCACheckDefs -ORCAParams $ORCAParams -AssessmentLevel $AssessmentLevel # Get the collection in to memory. For testing purposes, we support passing the collection as an object If($Null -eq $Collection) { $Collection = Get-ORCACollection -SCC $SCC } # Perform checks inside classes/modules ForEach($Check in ($Checks | Sort-Object Area)) { # Run EOP checks by default if($check.Services -band [ORCAService]::EOP) { $Check.Run($Collection) } # Run MDO checks only when MDO is present if($check.Services -band [ORCAService]::MDO -and $Collection["Services"] -band [ORCAService]::MDO) { $Check.Run($Collection) } } # Manipulation of check results for disable/read-only <# The Configuration Health Index Each configuration has a score, the CHISum below is a summary of the score based on each check. To gain the points in the score, the check must pass or be informational, fail checks do not count. The Configuration Health Index is the percentage of CHISum and the total points that are available. #> # Generate the CHI value $CHITotal = 0 $CHISum = 0 ForEach($Check in ($Checks)) { $CHITotal += $($Check.Config.Count) * $($Check.ChiValue) $CHISum += $($Check.GetCountAtLevelInfo($AssessmentLevel) + $Check.GetCountAtLevelPass($AssessmentLevel)) * $($Check.ChiValue) } $CHI = [Math]::Round($($CHISum / $CHITotal) * 100) $Collection["CHI"] = $($CHI) $OutputResults = @() Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Generating Output" -ForegroundColor Green # Perform required outputs ForEach($o in $OutputModules) { $o.Run($Checks,$Collection,$AssessmentLevel) $OutputResults += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Name=$o.name Completed=$o.completed Result=$o.Result } } CountORCAStat -Domains $Collection["AcceptedDomains"] -Version $VersionCheck.Version.ToString() Return $OutputResults } function CountORCAStat { Param ( $Domains, [string]$Version ) try { $Command = Get-Command Get-ORCAReport $Channel = $Command.Source if($Channel -eq "ORCA" -and $Command.Version -eq "0.0") { $Channel = "Dev" } else { $Channel = "Main" } if($Channel -eq "ORCAPreview") { $Channel = "Preview"} $TenantDomain = ($Domains | Where-Object {$_.InitialDomain -eq $True}).DomainName $mystream = [IO.MemoryStream]::new([byte[]][char[]]$TenantDomain) $Hash = (Get-FileHash -InputStream $mystream -Algorithm SHA256).Hash $Obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ id=$Hash Version=$Version Channel=$Channel } Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "https://orcastat.azurewebsites.net/stat" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Obj) -ContentType "application/json" | Out-Null } catch { #Silent } } function Invoke-ORCAVersionCheck { Param ( $Terminate, [Boolean] $GalleryCheck ) Write-Host "$(Get-Date) Performing ORCA Version check..." # When detected we are running the preview release $Preview = $False try { $ORCAVersion = (Get-Module ORCA | Sort-Object Version -Desc)[0].Version } catch { $ORCAVersion = (Get-Module ORCAPreview | Sort-Object Version -Desc)[0].Version if($ORCAVersion) { $Preview = $True } } if($GalleryCheck) { if($Preview -eq $False) { $PSGalleryVersion = (Find-Module ORCA -Repository PSGallery -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue).Version } else { $PSGalleryVersion = (Find-Module ORCAPreview -Repository PSGallery -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue).Version } If($PSGalleryVersion -gt $ORCAVersion) { $Updated = $False If($Terminate) { Throw "ORCA is out of date. Your version is $ORCAVersion and the published version is $PSGalleryVersion. Run Update-Module ORCA or run with -NoUpdate." } else { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) ORCA is out of date. Your version: $($ORCAVersion) published version is $($PSGalleryVersion)" } } else { $Updated = $True } } Return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Updated=$Updated Version=$ORCAVersion GalleryCheck=$GalleryCheck GalleryVersion=$PSGalleryVersion Preview=$Preview } } function Get-EXConnectionStatus { # Perform check to determine if we are connected Try { Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null Return $True } Catch { Return $False } } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIImWgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIImSzCCJkcCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCBQ7G5Xx1xHgIAA # /dcP7lqQppvZb7Dec7WPhp6OcBqoKqCCC6YwggULMIID86ADAgECAhMzAAAFwlgA # 087+f22BAAEAAAXCMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMHkxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYD # VQQIEwpXYXNoaW5ndG9uMRAwDgYDVQQHEwdSZWRtb25kMR4wHAYDVQQKExVNaWNy # b3NvZnQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xIzAhBgNVBAMTGk1pY3Jvc29mdCBUZXN0aW5nIFBD # QSAyMDEwMB4XDTIzMDkyMTE4MTE0M1oXDTI0MDkxODE4MTE0M1owfDELMAkGA1UE # BhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCldhc2hpbmd0b24xEDAOBgNVBAcTB1JlZG1vbmQxHjAc # BgNVBAoTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEmMCQGA1UEAxMdQ29kZSBTaWdu # IFRlc3QgKERPIE5PVCBUUlVTVCkwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEK # AoIBAQD5++3gGQURCZ5RFx3f6hxBcryv+l9JDcB/ue8Nf4lxtCZ3BYkCuFTxGzQs # lXh4SBgmfcoDr8X9mqmYlAhGlQn5WdhIlIjY7cyO+Jj9qH6ir7kKmqnxX5UMl2e8 # 1Xd78imtyJHeK3X/mReHaJItcbdObmRrJeq1cJm2qgiadjJK9aFPIGTd/2jgBIMc # G1LVd+lHU7fPU+wlvJshXoo7rj82PhSGoMqTN4s30oaUlIpKwhyn6eO7UIlD77Ez # NikN8J35LSlUGAWR7UW/qBrlVM9JURkIsAFfHUdZbsCu0wB3dHMBru+oDim+X/R9 # ko+B0F3Me40uod5i5D8m8HqIazstAgMBAAGjggGHMIIBgzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMC # B4AwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwMwHQYDVR0OBBYEFJfRokzB8QH6nZ8MnJQI # ahPRxmYhMEUGA1UdEQQ+MDykOjA4MR4wHAYDVQQLExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycG9y # YXRpb24xFjAUBgNVBAUTDTIzMDA3Mis1MDE1NjYwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUv2Wiq291 # o05FllcFzzmH9MAVHBwwXAYDVR0fBFUwUzBRoE+gTYZLaHR0cDovL3d3dy5taWNy # b3NvZnQuY29tL3BraW9wcy9jcmwvTWljcm9zb2Z0JTIwVGVzdGluZyUyMFBDQSUy # MDIwMTAoMSkuY3JsMGkGCCsGAQUFBwEBBF0wWzBZBggrBgEFBQcwAoZNaHR0cDov # 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