using module "..\ORCA.psm1" class csv : ORCAOutput { $OutputDirectory=$null csv() { $this.Name="CSV" } RunOutput($Checks,$Collection) { # Write to file if($null -eq $this.OutputDirectory) { $OutputDir = $this.DefaultOutputDirectory } else { $OutputDir = $this.OutputDirectory } $ResultOverview = @() $ResultDetail = @() # Parse to flatten the output, for the overview some data is going to get lost because it's not a flat structure ForEach($c in $Checks) { $ResultOverview += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Control=$c.Control Area=$c.Area Name=$c.Name Result=$($c.Result.ToString()) ObjectsFailed=$c.FailCount ObjectsPassed=$c.PassCount ObjectsInfo=$c.InfoCount } ForEach($config in $c.Config) { $ResultDetail += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Control=$c.Control Area=$c.Area Name=$c.Name ConfigObject=$config.Object ConfigItem=$config.ConfigItem ConfigData=$config.ConfigData Level=$($config.Level.ToString()) } } } $Tenant = $(($Collection["AcceptedDomains"] | Where-Object {$_.InitialDomain -eq $True}).DomainName -split '\.')[0] $ReportFileNameOverview = "ORCA-$($tenant)-$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmm').csv" $ReportFileNameDetail = "ORCA-$($tenant)-$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmm')-Detail.csv" $OverviewFile = "$OutputDir\$ReportFileNameOverview" $DetailFile = "$OutputDir\$ReportFileNameDetail" $ResultOverview | Select-Object Control,Area,Name,Result,ObjectsFailed,ObjectsPassed,ObjectsInfo,Text | Export-Csv $OverviewFile -NoTypeInformation $ResultDetail | Select-Object Control,Area,Name,ConfigObject,ConfigItem,ConfigData,Level | Export-Csv $DetailFile -NoTypeInformation $this.Completed = $True $this.Result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Overview=$OverviewFile Detail=$DetailFile } } } |