
Checks to determine if SafeLinks is re-wring internal to internal emails. Does not however,
check to determine if there is a rule enforcing this.

using module "..\ORCA.psm1"

class ORCA179 : ORCACheck
        CONSTRUCTOR with Check Header Data

        $this.Area="Advanced Threat Protection Policies"
        $this.Name="Intra-organization Safe Links"
        $this.PassText="Safe Links is enabled intra-organization"
        $this.FailRecommendation="Enable Safe Links between internal users"
        $this.Importance="Phishing attacks are not limited from external users. Commonly, when one user is compromised, that user can be used in a process of lateral movement between different accounts in your organization. Configuring Safe Links so that internal messages are also re-written can assist with lateral movement using phishing."
        $this.ItemName="SafeLinks Policy"
        $this.DataType="Enabled for Internal"
        $this.Links= @{
            "Security & Compliance Center - Safe links"=""
            "Recommended settings for EOP and Office 365 ATP security"=""



        $Enabled = $False

        ForEach($Policy in $Config["SafeLinksPolicy"]) 
            # Check objects
            $ConfigObject = [ORCACheckConfig]::new()

            # Determine if ATP link tracking is on for this safelinks policy
            If($Policy.EnableForInternalSenders -eq $true) 
                $Enabled = $True


        If($Enabled -eq $False)

            # No policy enabling
            $ConfigObject = [ORCACheckConfig]::new()
            $ConfigObject.ConfigData="Enabled False"



