
using System.Management.Automation;
using Ominous.Constants;
using Ominous.Model;
namespace Ominous.Commands;
    HelpUri = ""
public partial class ConvertToAdmonitionCmdlet : AbstractValueCmdlet
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Synonymous to a 'callout' type (i.e. tip, note, warning etc)")]
    public AdmonitionType Type { get; set; } = AdmonitionType.NOTE;
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "For flavorless markdown, use this to add a caption to the callout")]
    public SwitchParameter WithCaption { get; set; }
    protected override void BeginProcessing()
        Type = MyInvocation.InvocationName.ToLower() switch
            "tip" => AdmonitionType.TIP,
            "warning" => AdmonitionType.WARNING,
            "caution" => AdmonitionType.CAUTION,
            "important" => AdmonitionType.IMPORTANT,
            _ => Type
    protected override void ProcessRecord() =>
        WriteObject(Convert(Type, Value, ref State, WithCaption.IsPresent).ToMarkdown(Preference.Flavor));
    internal static ConversionResult Convert(AdmonitionType type, string value, ref State state, bool hasCaption = false) =>
        new(value, ref state, type, hasCaption);