##Build a menu for PF T.S Diags starting with ## 1-PF enviroment general stats (PF Overview,PFs count,MEPFs count,PF MBXs count,DBEB status,explict user permissions added on PF MBXs,Hierarchy sync,autosplit status) ## 2-T.S 554 5.2.2 mailbox full NDR ## 3-Diagnose PF dumpster for cases related to either delete items inside PF or PF as a whole ## 4-T.S modern\legacy PFs access in a remote enviroment ## 5-T.S error Mailbox must be accessed as owner. Owner: f4e1a3f9-a0f3-421f-9340-76a8e561c1d1; Accessing user: /o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=a39e513cc49849209ea864396c71dc15-exo1 ## ## ###################################################################################### <# 1st requirement install the module O365 TS Import-Module C:\Users\haembab\Documents\GitHub\O365Troubleshooters\O365Troubleshooters.psm1 -Force # 2nd requirement Execute set global variables Set-GlobalVariables # 3rd requirement to start the menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu #> Clear-Host #region Connecting to EXO $Workloads = "exo" try { Connect-O365PS $Workloads $CurrentProperty = "Connecting to: $Workloads" $CurrentDescription = "Success" write-log -Function "Connecting to O365 workloads" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } catch { $CurrentProperty = "Connecting to: $Workloads" $CurrentDescription = "Failure" write-log -Function "Connecting to O365 workloads" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } #endregion Connecting to EXO #region Create working folder for Groups Diag $ts= get-date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss $ExportPath = "$global:WSPath\PublicFolderTroubleshooter_$ts" mkdir $ExportPath -Force |out-null #endregion Create working folder for Groups Diag ##Initialize HTML Object [System.Collections.ArrayList]$TheObjectToConvertToHTML = @() ##T.S 554 5.2.2 mailbox full NDR Function Start-MEPFNDRDiagnosis{ Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$MEPFSMTP) [string]$Mitigatemessage="Please ensure to follow the fix to mitigate your issue!" #region Validating that Content Public Folder mailbox hosting that mail-enabled public folder quota limit is not reached if($ContentPFMBXSizeinB -ge $ContentPFMBXProhibitSendReceiveQuotainB) { $Orgreached= "Content Public Folder mailbox hosting that mail-enabled public folder has reached its quota! " #$UserAction=Read-Host "Do you wish to investigate further by checking if Autosplit has processed that mailbox?`nType Y(Yes) to proceed or N(No) to exit!" <#if ($UserAction -like "*y*") { #Call FIX function Diagnose-MEPFNDRCause("ContentPFMBXfull") }#> [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating against content public folder mailbox quota" [string]$Description = "Checking if the content public folder mailbox hosting the mail-enabled public folder has reached its quota! " try { $fix=Repair-MEPFNDRCause("ContentPFMBXfull") -ErrorAction stop $Description=$Description+$Orgreached+"<br>"+$fix [PSCustomObject]$PFMBXContentQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Mitigatemessage $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($PFMBXContentQuotareachedHTML) $CurrentProperty = "Running repair function across affected mail enabld public folder $MEPFSMTP for ContentPFMBXfull reason" $CurrentDescription = "Success" write-log -Function "Repair affected mail enabled public folder" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } catch { $CurrentProperty = "Running repair function across affected mail enabld public folder $MEPFSMTP for ContentPFMBXfull reason" $CurrentDescription = "Failure" write-log -Function "Repair affected mail enabled public folder" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } } else { [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating against content public folder mailbox quota" [string]$Description = "Checking if the content public folder mailbox hosting the mail-enabled public folder has reached its quota! " [PSCustomObject]$PFMBXContentQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($PFMBXContentQuotareachedHTML) } #endregion Validating that Content Public Folder mailbox hosting that mail-enabled public folder quota limit is not reached #region Validating individual/Organization public folder quota ##Validate if DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota at the organization level applies if($MEPFProperties.ProhibitPostQuota -eq "unlimited") { [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating against organization public folder post quota" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder total size has reached organization public folder DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota value! " ##catch unlimited value ##Test to use foldersize or stick to the below ##Validate that MEPF size is < 20 GB AND greater than Org DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota if($MEPFTotalSizeinB -ge $DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB -and $MEPFTotalSizeinB -le 21474836480) { $Orgreached= "MEPF size ($MEPFTotalSizeinB Bytes) reached the organization DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota ($DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB Bytes!)" ###Call FIX function <#$UserAction=Read-Host "Do you wish to mitigate the issue by increasing the DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota & DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota values?`nType Y(Yes) to proceed or N(No) to exit!" if ($UserAction -like "*y*") { Debug-MEPFNDRCause("OrgProhibitPostQuotaReached") } #> try { $fix=Repair-MEPFNDRCause("OrgProhibitPostQuotaReached") -ErrorAction stop $Description=$Description+$Orgreached+"<br>"+$fix #[PSCustomObject]$MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Orgreached [PSCustomObject]$MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Mitigatemessage $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML) $CurrentProperty = "Running repair function across affected mail enabld public folder $MEPFSMTP for OrganizationProhibitPostQuotaReached reason" $CurrentDescription = "Success" write-log -Function "Repair affected mail enabled public folder" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } catch { $CurrentProperty = "Running repair function across affected mail enabld public folder $MEPFSMTP for OrganizationProhibitPostQuotaReached reason" $CurrentDescription = "Failure" write-log -Function "Repair affected mail enabled public folder" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } } elseif($MEPFTotalSizeinB -ge $DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB -and $MEPFTotalSizeinB -ge 21474836480) { ##Validate that MEPF size is > 20 GB AND greater than Org DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota $Orgreached= "Mail-enabled public folder size is > 20 GB and reached the Organization DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota, we recommend that you delete content from that folder to make it smaller than 20 GB. Or, we recommend that you divide the public folder's content into multiple, smaller public folders as Giant Public Folders impact Autosplitting process!" [PSCustomObject]$MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Orgreached $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML) } elseif($MEPFTotalSizeinB -le $DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB -and $MEPFTotalSizeinB -le 21474836480) { ##Validate that MEPF size is > 20 GB AND greater than Org DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota #$Orgreached= "No Issue found.`nMail-enabled public folder size is < 20 GB AND LOWER than Organization DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota!" [PSCustomObject]$MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML) } else { $Orgreached= "No Issue found.`nMail-enabled public folder size is > 20 GB AND LOWER than public folder Organzation DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota, we recommend that you delete content from that folder to make it smaller than 20 GB. Or, we recommend that you divide the public folder's content into multiple, smaller public folders as Giant Public Folders impact Autosplitting process!" [PSCustomObject]$MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Orgreached $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML) } [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating against individual public folder post quota" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder total size has reached individual public folder ProhibitPostQuota value!" [PSCustomObject]$PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML) } else { [Int]$script:MEPFProhibitPostQuotainB=$MEPFProperties.ProhibitPostQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating against organization public folder post quota" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder total size has reached organization public folder DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota value!" [PSCustomObject]$MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($MEPFOrgPostQuotareachedHTML) [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating against individual public folder post quota" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder total size has reached individual public folder ProhibitPostQuota value! " ##Validate that MEPF size is < 20 GB AND greater than Individual ProhibitPostQuota if($MEPFTotalSizeinB -ge $MEPFProhibitPostQuotainB -and $MEPFTotalSizeinB -le 21474836480) { $Orgreached="The individual public folder post quota (ProhibitPostQuota $MEPFProhibitPostQuotainB Bytes) has been reached!" <###Call FIXES function $UserAction=Read-Host "Do you wish to mitigate the issue by increasing the public folder ProhibitPostQuota value?`nType Y(Yes) to proceed or N(No) to exit!" if ($UserAction -like "*y*") { Debug-MEPFNDRCause("IndProhibitPostQuotaReached") } #> try { $fix=Repair-MEPFNDRCause("IndProhibitPostQuotaReached") -ErrorAction stop $Description=$Description+$Orgreached+"<br>"+$fix $CurrentProperty = "Running repair function across affected mail enabld public folder $MEPFSMTP for IndividualProhibitPostQuotaReached reason" [PSCustomObject]$PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Mitigatemessage $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML) $CurrentDescription = "Success" write-log -Function "Repair affected mail enabled public folder" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } catch { $CurrentProperty = "Running repair function across affected mail enabld public folder $MEPFSMTP for IndividualProhibitPostQuotaReached reason" $CurrentDescription = "Failure" write-log -Function "Repair affected mail enabled public folder" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } } ##Validate that MEPF size is > 20 GB AND greater than Org DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota elseif($MEPFTotalSizeinB -ge $MEPFProhibitPostQuotainB -and $MEPFTotalSizeinB -ge 21474836480) { $Orgreached= "The individual public folder post quota (ProhibitPostQuota $MEPFProhibitPostQuotainGB GB) has been reached.`nMail-enabled public folder size ($MEPFTotalSizeinGB GB) is > 20 GB, we recommend that you delete content from that folder to make it smaller than 20 GB. Or, we recommend that you divide the public folder's content into multiple, smaller public folders as Giant Public Folders impact Autosplitting process!" [PSCustomObject]$PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Orgreached $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML) } elseif($MEPFTotalSizeinB -le $MEPFProhibitPostQuotainB -and $MEPFTotalSizeinB -le 21474836480) { $Orgreached= "No issue found!" [PSCustomObject]$PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Orgreached $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML) } else { write-host "Mail-enabled public folder size ($MEPFTotalSizeinGB GB) is > 20 GB and didn't reach public folder ProhibitPostQuota ($MEPFProhibitPostQuotainGB GB) value, we recommend that you delete content from that folder to make it smaller than 20 GB. Or, we recommend that you divide the public folder's content into multiple, smaller public folders as Giant Public Folders impact Autosplitting process!" [PSCustomObject]$PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $Orgreached $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($PFProhibitPostQuotareachedHTML) } } } #endregion Validating individual/Organization public folder quota ##Present FIX for 554 5.2.2 mailbox full NDR Function Repair-MEPFNDRCause { Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Cause ) [string]$SectionTitle = "<br>"+'<font size="+2"><b>FIX</b></font>'+"<br>" if($Cause -eq "OrgProhibitPostQuotaReached") { $article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please insert a new Organization DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota value in correlation with a new DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota value ensuring that these values are greater than MEPF size($MEPFTotalSizeinB Bytes) using command Set-OrganizationConfig."+"<br>"+"For more information please check the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$OrgquotaHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $OrgProhibitQuotaReached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($OrgquotaHTML) } if($Cause -eq "IndProhibitPostQuotaReached") { if($MEPFProperties.IssueWarningQuota -like "unlimited") { if ($MEPFTotalSizeinB -le $DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB -and $MEPFTotalSizeinB -le $DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuotainB) { [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please set public folder ProhibitPostQuota value to Unlimited to inherit from Organization setting(DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota $DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB Bytes) or set a new public folder ProhibitPostQuota value ensuring that it's greater than the public folder size($MEPFTotalSizeinB Bytes)using command Set-PublicFolder."+"<br>"+"For more information please check the following article: $article" # [PSCustomObject]$IndquotaHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $IndProhibitQuotaReached # $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($IndquotaHTML) } else { #Either increase ProhibitPostQuota by value or set it to unlimited considering is lower than organization configuration value [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please set a new public folder ProhibitPostQuota value ensuring that it's greater than the public folder size($MEPFTotalSizeinB Bytes)using command Set-PublicFolder."+"<br>"+"For more information please check the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$IndquotaHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $IndProhibitQuotaReached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($IndquotaHTML) } } else { if ($MEPFTotalSizeinB -le $DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB -and $MEPFTotalSizeinB -le $DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuotainB) { [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please set public folder ProhibitPostQuota\IssueWarningQuota values to Unlimited to inherit from Organization setting(DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota $DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB\DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota $DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuotainB Bytes) or set a new public folder ProhibitPostQuota\IssueWarningQuota values ensuring that they are greater than the public folder size($MEPFTotalSizeinB Bytes)using command Set-PublicFolder."+"<br>"+"For more information please check the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$IndquotaHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $IndProhibitQuotaReached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($IndquotaHTML) } else { [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please set a new public folder ProhibitPostQuota\IssueWarningQuota values ensuring that they are greater than the public folder size($MEPFTotalSizeinB Bytes)using command Set-PublicFolder."+"<br>"+"For more information please check the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$IndquotaHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $IndProhibitQuotaReached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($IndquotaHTML) } } } if($Cause -eq "ContentPFMBXfull") { ##add condition Check prohibitsendquota if it was set to a lower value (up to 90 GB) if($ContentPFMBXProhibitSendReceiveQuotainB -le 96636764160 -and $ContentPFMBXProhibitSendReceiveQuotainB -le $MEPFTotalSizeinB) { [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please ensure to use default value of ProhibitSendReceiveQuota(100 GB) or use a higher value than $ContentPFMBXProhibitSendReceiveQuotainB Bytes for content public folder mailbox <b>$MEPFcontentmailbox</b> using set-mailbox command."+"<br>"+"For more information please refer to the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$ContentPFMBXProhibitSendReceiveQuotainBHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $ContentPFMBXreached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ContentPFMBXProhibitSendReceiveQuotainBHTML) } else { try { $PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics=Get-PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics $MailPublicFolder.contentmailbox -ErrorAction stop $CurrentProperty = "Retrieving: $MailPublicFolder content mailbox PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics logs" $CurrentDescription = "Success" write-log -Function "Retrieve PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics logs" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } catch { $CurrentProperty = "Retrieving: $MailPublicFolder content mailbox PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics logs" $CurrentDescription = "Failure" write-log -Function "Retrieve PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics logs" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } ##Validate Autosplit Halted status $Autosplitstatus=$PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics.autosplitinfo.Substring(0,60).split(":")[1].split("")[1] if($Autosplitstatus -like "Halted") { #Log the PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics+ContentPFMBXStatistics+ContentPFMBXProperties for customer to raise a support request with it [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "AutoSplit status is Halted for content public folder mailbox <b>$MEPFcontentmailbox</b> so please raise a support request to Microsoft including output from Get-PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics command for further investigation."+"<br>"+"For more information please refer to the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$AutosplitHaltedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $ContentPFMBXreached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($AutosplitHaltedHTML) } ##Validat if split completed succesfully or failed elseif($Autosplitstatus -like "SplitCompleted"){ $MRFValue=($PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics.autosplitinfo).Split(";")[0].split(" ")[7].split(":")[1] ##validate MRF retry bucket value if ($MRFValue -like "0") { ##Validate the date of split $PublicFolderSplitProcessor=$PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics.AssistantInfo.ProcessorsState|Where-Object {$_ -like "*PublicFolderSplitProcessor*"} $DateofPublicFolderSplitProcessor=$PublicFolderSplitProcessor.Split("=")[1] ##Validate Autosplitting process was recent if((get-date $DateofPublicFolderSplitProcessor) -ge (get-date).AddDays(-7)) { #Check if DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention is keeping the mailbox full, even though AutoSplit completed successfully, you might reduce DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention to be 1 day and then invoke mailbox assistant to process the mailbox. $DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention=$OrganizationConfig.DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention.Split(":")[0].split(".")[0] if((get-date $DateofPublicFolderSplitProcessor) -ge (get-date).AddDays(-$DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention)) { ##we might need to lower DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention value to 1 day and invoke mailbox assistant [string]$Description = @" Organization DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention is keeping the mailbox full, even though AutoSplit completed successfully, you still need to reduce DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention to be 1 day and then invoke mailbox assistant to process the mailbox.Set-OrganizationConfig -DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention 1.00:00:00 Update-PublicFolderMailbox $($MailPublicFolder.contentmailbox) Check later after couple of hours if the $($MailPublicFolder.contentmailbox) TotalItemSize has reduced by running the below command.`nGet-MailboxStatistics $($MailPublicFolder.contentmailbox)|ft TotalItemSize `nIf the size is reduced, then the issue is fixed and you may set the MovedItemRetention back to old value of $DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention.00:00:00 using below command.`n Set-OrganizationConfig -DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention $DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention.00:00:00 "@ return $Description #[PSCustomObject]$AutosplitcompletedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $ContentPFMBXreached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($AutosplitcompletedHTML) } else { [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please raise a support request to Microsoft including output from Get-PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics command for content public folder mailbox <b>$MEPFcontentmailbox</b> for further investigation."+"<br>"+"For more information please refer to the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$AutosplitunknownreasonHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $ContentPFMBXreached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($AutosplitunknownreasonHTML) } } ##Something other than DefaultPublicFolderMovedItemRetention value prevented items deletion else { [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please raise a support request to Microsoft including output from Get-PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics command for content public folder mailbox <b>$MEPFcontentmailbox</b> for further investigation."+"<br>"+"For more information please refer to the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$AutosplitunknownreasonHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $ContentPFMBXreached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($AutosplitunknownreasonHTML) } } ##Autosplit was done more than 7 days ago else { #Log the PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics+ContentPFMBXStatistics+ContentPFMBXProperties for customer to raise a support request with it [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Please raise a support request to Microsoft including output from Get-PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics command for content public folder mailbox <b>$MEPFcontentmailbox</b> for further investigation."+"<br>"+"For more information please refer to the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$AutosplitunknownreasonHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $ContentPFMBXreached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($AutosplitunknownreasonHTML) } } else { ##Other Autosplit status #Autosplit process is in PROGRESS, Log the PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics+ContentPFMBXStatistics+ContentPFMBXProperties for customer to raise a support request with it [string]$article='<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' [string]$Description = "Autosplit process is in PROGRESS for content public folder mailbox <b>$MEPFcontentmailbox</b> so please raise a support request to Microsoft including output from Get-PublicFolderMailboxDiagnostics command for further investigation."+"<br>"+"For more information please refer to the following article: $article" #[PSCustomObject]$AutosplitHaltedHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $ContentPFMBXreached #$null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($AutosplitHaltedHTML) } } } [String]$fix=$SectionTitle+"<br>"+$Description+"<br>" return $fix } #region public folder overview Function Start-PFDataCollection{ ##add org config values & check ind post quota health #region main public folders overview information write-host write-host Write-Host "Organization Publicfolders Overview`n-----------------------------------`n" -ForegroundColor Cyan $HostedConnectionFilterPolicy=Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy $DirectoryBasedEdgeBlockModeStatus=$HostedConnectionFilterPolicy.DirectoryBasedEdgeBlockMode if($DirectoryBasedEdgeBlockModeStatus -like "Default") { Write-Host "DirectoryBasedEdgeBlockModeStatus = Enabled" } else { Write-Host "DirectoryBasedEdgeBlockModeStatus = Disabled" } $OrganizationConfig=Get-OrganizationConfig $PublicFoldersLocation=$OrganizationConfig.PublicFoldersEnabled $PublicFolderMailboxes=Get-Mailbox -PublicFolder -ResultSize unlimited [Int]$PublicFolderMailboxesCount=($PublicFolderMailboxes).count [Int]$MailEnabledPublicFoldersCount=(Get-MailPublicFolder -ResultSize unlimited).count $RootPublicFolderMailbox=$OrganizationConfig.RootPublicFolderMailbox.HierarchyMailboxGuid.Guid.ToString() Write-Host "PublicFoldersLocation = $PublicFoldersLocation" if ($PublicFoldersLocation -eq "Local") { $Publicfolders=Get-PublicFolder -Recurse -ResultSize unlimited [Int]$PublicFoldersCount=($Publicfolders).count - 1 Write-Host "PublicFolderMailboxesCount = $PublicFolderMailboxesCount" Write-Host "PublicFoldersCount = $PublicFoldersCount" Write-Host "RootPublicFolderMailbox = $RootPublicFolderMailbox" Write-Host "OrgPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota" = $OrganizationConfig.DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota.Split("(")[0] Write-Host "OrgPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota" = $OrganizationConfig.DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota.Split("(")[0] } else { $RemotePublicFolderMailboxes=$OrganizationConfig.RemotePublicFolderMailboxes $LockedForMigration=$OrganizationConfig.RootPublicFolderMailbox.LockedForMigration if($LockedForMigration -like "True") { Write-Host "Public folder migration in PROGRESS!" -BackgroundColor Gray Write-Host "PublicFolderMailboxesCount = $PublicFolderMailboxesCount" } else { Write-Host "RemotePublicFolderMailboxes = $($RemotePublicFolderMailboxes -join ",")" } } Write-Host "MailEnabledPublicFoldersCount = $MailEnabledPublicFoldersCount" #endregion main public folders overview information #region retrieve publicfolderservinghierarchyMBXs and check if rootPF MBX is serving hierarchy $publicfolderservinghierarchyMBXs=$PublicFolderMailboxes|Where-Object{$_.IsExcludedFromServingHierarchy -like "false" -and $_.IsHierarchyReady -like "true"} Write-Host "Public folder hierarchy serving mailboxes: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow $publicfolderservinghierarchyMBXs|Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Alias,Guid,ExchangeGuid #endregion retrieve publicfolderservinghierarchyMBXs and check if rootPF MBX is serving hierarchy #region add check if primary PF MBX doesn't contain content nor serve hierachy to regular MBXs Write-Host "Primary public folder mailbox diagnosis:" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow if ($publicfolderservinghierarchyMBXs|Where-Object {$_.ExchangeGuid -Like $RootPublicFolderMailbox}) { Write-host "It's not recommended to use root public folder mailbox to serve hierarchy!" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline $publicfolderservinghierarchyMBXs|Where-Object {$_.ExchangeGuid -Like $RootPublicFolderMailbox}|Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Alias,Guid,ExchangeGuid } else { Write-host "Root public folder mailbox is not used to serve hierachy" -ForegroundColor Green } if ([Int]($Publicfolders|Where-Object {$_.ContentMailboxGuid -Like $RootPublicFolderMailbox}).name.count -eq 1) { Write-host "RootPublicFolderMailbox is not hosting content of Public folders" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-host "RootPublicFolderMailbox is hosting content of Public folders,it's recommended to stop creating public folders hosted on the primary public folder mailbox!" -ForegroundColor Red } #endregion add check if primary PF MBX doesn't contain content nor serve hierachy to regular MBXs #region add health quota check on PF MBXs [Int]$unhealthyPFMBXcount=0 $unhealthyPFMBX=@() #[Int]$percent=0 foreach($PublicFolderMailbox in $PublicFolderMailboxes) { # Write-Progress -Activity "Validating quota on PF MBXs" -Status "$(($percent/$PublicFolderMailboxes.count)*100)% Complete:" -PercentComplete (($percent/$PublicFolderMailboxes.count)*100) $PublicFolderMailboxSendReceiveQuota= $PublicFolderMailbox.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") try { $PublicFolderMailboxMailboxStatistics= Get-MailboxStatistics $PublicFolderMailbox.Guid.Guid.ToString() -ErrorAction stop -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue [int]$PFMBXSizeinB=[int]$PublicFolderMailboxMailboxStatistics.TotalItemSize.value.tostring().Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","")+[int]$PublicFolderMailboxMailboxStatistics.TotalDeletedItemSize.value.tostring().Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") } catch { ##write failue in the log } ##Validate PFMBXsize has exceeded 85% PublicFolderMailboxSendReceiveQuota if ((($PublicFolderMailboxSendReceiveQuota-$PFMBXSizeinB)/(1024*1024*1024)) -le 15) { $unhealthyPFMBXcount++ $unhealthyPFMBX+=$PublicFolderMailbox } #$percent++ } Write-Host write-host "Recommendations:`n================" -ForegroundColor Cyan if($unhealthyPFMBXcount -eq 0) { Write-host "All Public folder mailboxes are on quota healthy state" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-host "Please diagnose below public folder mailboxes as their size have exceeded autosplit threshold: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Red $unhealthyPFMBX |Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Alias,Guid,ExchangeGuid } #endregion add health quota check on PF MBXs #region add health quota check on PFs approaching individual/organization prohibitpostquota,check if we have Giant PFs,that check to be ignored if PFs location is remote if ($PublicFoldersLocation -eq "Local") { [Int]$unhealthyPFcountapproachingIndQuota=0 [Int]$unhealthyPFcountapproachingOrgQuota=0 $unhealthyOrgPF=@() $unhealthyIndPF=@() $GiantPF=@() $UnhealthygiantOrgPF=@() $UnhealthygiantIndPF=@() foreach($Publicfolder in $Publicfolders) { [Int64]$OrgPFProhibitPostQuotainB=$OrganizationConfig.DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") [Int64]$DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuotainB=$OrganizationConfig.DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") $Publicfolderstats=Get-PublicFolderStatistics $($Publicfolder.EntryID) [Int64]$PublicfolderTotalSize=[Int64]$Publicfolderstats.TotalItemSize.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","")+[Int64]$Publicfolderstats.TotalDeletedItemSize.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") ##Check health in regards to Organization quota if ($Publicfolder.ProhibitPostQuota -eq "unlimited") { if ($PublicfolderTotalSize -ge $OrgPFProhibitPostQuotainB -and $PublicfolderTotalSize -ge 21474836480) { $unhealthyPFcountapproachingOrgQuota++ $UnhealthygiantOrgPF=$UnhealthygiantOrgPF+$publicfolder } elseif ($PublicfolderTotalSize -ge $OrgPFProhibitPostQuotainB -and $PublicfolderTotalSize -le 21474836480) { $unhealthyPFcountapproachingOrgQuota++ $unhealthyOrgPF=$unhealthyOrgPF+$publicfolder } elseif ($PublicfolderTotalSize -le $OrgPFProhibitPostQuotainB -and $PublicfolderTotalSize -ge 21474836480) { $unhealthyPFcountapproachingOrgQuota++ $GiantPF=$GiantPF+$publicfolder } #No action done as it's healthy PF } ##Check health in regards to PF individual quota else { [Int64]$ProhibitPostQuota=$Publicfolder.ProhibitPostQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") if ($PublicfolderTotalSize -ge $ProhibitPostQuota -and $PublicfolderTotalSize -ge 21474836480) { $unhealthyPFcountapproachingIndQuota++ $UnhealthygiantIndPF=$UnhealthygiantIndPF+$publicfolder } elseif($PublicfolderTotalSize -ge $ProhibitPostQuota -and $PublicfolderTotalSize -le 21474836480) { $unhealthyPFcountapproachingIndQuota++ $unhealthyIndPF=$unhealthyIndPF+$publicfolder } elseif ($PublicfolderTotalSize -le $ProhibitPostQuota -and $PublicfolderTotalSize -ge 21474836480) { $unhealthyPFcountapproachingIndQuota++ $GiantPF=$GiantPF+$publicfolder } #No action done as it's healthy PF } } if ($unhealthyPFcountapproachingOrgQuota -ge 1) { Write-host "Please diagnose below public folder(s) as their sizes are not compliant for the below reason: " -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Red if($UnhealthygiantOrgPF.Count -ge 1) { Write-host "Giant public folder(s) found exceeding OrganizationProhibitPostQuota:`n=====================================================================" $UnhealthygiantOrgPF|Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Identity,FolderSize,EntryID } if($unhealthyOrgPF.Count -ge 1) { Write-host "Public folder(s) found exceeding OrganizationProhibitPostQuota:`n===============================================================" $unhealthyOrgPF|Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Identity,FolderSize,EntryID } if($GiantPF.Count -ge 1) { Write-host "Giant Public folder(s) found:`n=============================" $GiantPF|Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Identity,FolderSize,EntryID } } if ($unhealthyPFcountapproachingIndQuota -ge 1) { Write-host "Please diagnose below public folder(s) as their sizes are not compliant for the below reason: " -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Red if($UnhealthygiantIndPF.Count -ge 1) { Write-host "Giant public folder(s) found exceeding individual ProhibitPostQuota:`n===================================================================================" $UnhealthygiantIndPF|Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Identity,ProhibitPostQuota,EntryID } if($unhealthyIndPF.Count -ge 1) { Write-host "Public folder(s) found exceeding their individual ProhibitPostQuota:`n====================================================================" $unhealthyIndPF|Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Identity,ProhibitPostQuota,EntryID } if($GiantPF.Count -ge 1) { Write-host "Giant Public folder(s) found:`n=============================" $GiantPF|Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize Name,Identity,FolderSize,EntryID } } else { Write-Host "All Public folder(s) are on quota healthy state" -ForegroundColor Green } } #endregion add health quota check on PFs approaching individual/organization prohibitpostquota,check if we have Giant PFs #condition for validation on root PFs have dumpsterentryIDs ##add HRR MBXs in case exist ##Think about adding Autosplit status will take so much time for huge enviroments ##add MEPFs are synced using AD connect ##add print for report to html } Function ValidatePermission { Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PSCustomObject]$Perms ) [array]$workingpermissions=@("editor","owner","publishingeditor","deleteallitems") if ($null -ne $Perms) { foreach($perm in $Perms.AccessRights) { if($workingpermissions.Contains($($perm.ToLower()))) { ##user has the permission skip by break the forloop return "user has permission" } } return "user has no permission" } else { return "user has no permission" } } Function ValidatePFDumpster{ Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Pfolder ) #Blockers in Red,add spaces in report name #region public folder diagnosis try { $Publicfolder=Get-PublicFolder $Pfolder -ErrorAction stop $Publicfolderdumpster=Get-PublicFolder $Publicfolder.DumpsterEntryId -ErrorAction stop #$Publicfolderdumpster="0000000096CE4B52BB898C4FA11E7E230A3C8EE7010077B56B4D3B88794B9817E41A07D18FF500000000001F0000" $pfmbx=Get-mailbox -PublicFolder $Publicfolder.ContentMailboxGuid.Guid $PfMBXstats=Get-mailboxStatistics $Publicfolder.ContentMailboxGuid.Guid -ErrorAction stop $IPM_SUBTREE=Get-PublicFolder \ -ErrorAction stop $NON_IPM_SUBTREE=Get-PublicFolder \NON_IPM_SUBTREE -ErrorAction stop $DUMPSTER_ROOT=Get-PublicFolder \NON_IPM_SUBTREE\DUMPSTER_ROOT -ErrorAction stop $CurrentProperty = "Retrieving: $($Publicfolder.identity) & its dumpster for diagnosing" $CurrentDescription = "Success" write-log -Function "Retrieve public folder & its dumpster statistics" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription [string]$SectionTitle = "Introduction" [string]$Description = "This report illustrates causes behind users with sufficient permissions cannot delete items under public folder using OWA\Outlook or cannot remove the entire public folder as a whole." + "<br>"+ "Checks run on Public folder: <b>$($Publicfolder.identity)</b>" $blockersinhtml='<span style="color: red">BLOCKERS</span>' [PSCustomObject]$StartHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDataString "Please ensure to mitigate $blockersinhtml in case found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($StartHTML) } catch { $Errorencountered=$Global:error[0].Exception $CurrentProperty = "Retrieving: $($Pfolder) & its dumpster for diagnosing" $CurrentDescription = "Failure with error: "+$Errorencountered write-log -Function "Retrieve public folder & its dumpster statistics" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription Write-Host "Error encountered during executing the script!"-ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $Errorencountered -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "`nOutput was exported in the following location: $ExportPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Read-Key # Go back to the main menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu ##write log and exit function } #endregion public folder diagnosis #region to validate permissions across the public folder #Identify if item or folder $ItemORFolder=Read-Host "Please specify if the issue is related to a user who is not able to delete an item inside a public folder or neither a user with owner permissions nor the admin are not able to delete the Public folder as awhole, Type (I) for Item or (F) for Folder" if ($ItemORFolder.ToLower() -eq "i") { #validate explict permission & default permission if item $Affecteduser=Get-ValidEmailAddress("Please provide an affected user smtp!") try { $User=Get-Mailbox $Affecteduser -ErrorAction stop $Explicitperms=Get-PublicFolderClientPermission $Publicfolder.EntryId -User $User.Guid.Guid.tostring() -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Defaultperms=Get-PublicFolderClientPermission $Publicfolder.EntryId -User Default -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($null -ne $Explicitperms) { $Explicitpermsresult=ValidatePermission($Explicitperms) } else { $Explicitpermsresult="user has no permission" } if ($null -ne $Defaultperms){ $Defaultpermsresult=ValidatePermission($Defaultperms) } else { $Defaultpermsresult -match "user has no permission" } if ($Explicitpermsresult -match "user has no permission" -and $Defaultpermsresult -match "user has no permission") { #user has no permission to delete break the script [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating User Permission" [string]$Description = "Checking if user $($User.PrimarySmtpAddress) has sufficient permissions to delete" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "Neither $($User.PrimarySmtpAddress) nor Default user have sufficient permissions to delete items inside $($publicfolder.identity)" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) #Identify the type of permission that has the trouble ,add the user to the report } else { #user has permission to delete continue with the script [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating User Permission" [string]$Description = "Checking if user $($User.PrimarySmtpAddress) has sufficient permissions to delete" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) } } catch { #log the error and quit $Errorencountered=$Global:error[0].Exception $CurrentProperty = "Validating if user has sufficient permissions to delete" $CurrentDescription = "Failure with error: "+$Errorencountered write-log -Function "Validate user permissions" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription Write-Host "Error encountered during executing the script!"-ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $Errorencountered -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "`nOutput was exported in the following location: $ExportPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Read-Key # Go back to the main menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu ##write log and exit function } } elseif ($ItemORFolder.ToLower() -eq "f") { #continue with the script } else { Write-Host "You didn't provide an expected input!" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Relaunching the main menu again" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Read-Key # Go back to the main menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu } #endregion to validate permissions across the public folder #region to validate content PF MBX across both PF & its dumpster if($Publicfolder.ContentMailboxGuid.Guid -ne $Publicfolderdumpster.ContentMailboxGuid.Guid) { #raise a support request for microsoft including get-publicfolder logs [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating content public folder mailbox" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder & its dumpster has the same content public folder mailbox" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "Please raise a support request for microsoft including the HTML report & compressed logs folder" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) #add the report to the request + logs folder } else{ [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating content public folder mailbox" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder & its dumpster has the same content public folder mailbox" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) } #endregion to validate content PF MBX across both PF & its dumpster #region to validate EntryId &DumpsterEntryID values are mapped properly if($Publicfolder.EntryId -ne $Publicfolderdumpster.DumpsterEntryID -or $Publicfolder.DumpsterEntryID -ne $Publicfolderdumpster.EntryId) { #raise a support request for microsoft including get-publicfolder logs [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating public folder EntryId mapping" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder EntryId & DumpsterEntryID values are mapped properly" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "Please raise a support request for microsoft including the HTML report & compressed logs folder" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) #add the report to the request +logs folder } else { [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating public folder EntryId mapping" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder EntryId & DumpsterEntryID values are mapped properly" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) } #endregion to validate EntryId &DumspterEnryID values are mapped properly #region to validate public folder mailbox TotalDeletedItemSize value hasn’t reached its RecoverableItemsQuota value [Int64]$pfmbxRecoverableItemsQuotainB=[Int64]$pfmbx.RecoverableItemsQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") [Int64]$PfMBXstatsinB=[Int64]$PfMBXstats.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.tostring().Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") if($PfMBXstatsinB -ge $pfmbxRecoverableItemsQuotainB ) { <# To resolve a scenario where content public folder mailbox TotalDeletedItemSize value has reached RecoverableItemsQuota value, users could manually clean up the dumpster using: Outlook RecoverDeletedItems MFCMAPI please refer to following article to check steps related to get to public folder dumpster using MFCMAPI then select unrequired items to be purged permanently #> $article='<a href="" target="_blank">article</a>' $RecoverDeletedItems='<a href="" target="_blank">RecoverDeletedItems</a>' $FixTotalDeletedItemSize="To resolve a scenario where content public folder mailbox TotalDeletedItemSize value has reached RecoverableItemsQuota value, users could manually clean up the dumpster using:<br> ->Outlook $RecoverDeletedItems<br> ->MFCMAPI please refer to the following $article to check steps related to get to public folder dumpster using MFCMAPI then select unrequired items to be purged permanently" [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating TotalDeletedItemSize for content public folder mailbox" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder mailbox TotalDeletedItemSize value hasn’t reached its RecoverableItemsQuota value" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring $FixTotalDeletedItemSize $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) } else { [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating TotalDeletedItemSize for content public folder mailbox" [string]$Description = "Checking if public folder mailbox TotalDeletedItemSize value hasn’t reached its RecoverableItemsQuota value" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) } #endregion to validate public folder mailbox TotalDeletedItemSize value hasn’t reached its RecoverableItemsQuota value #region to validate that root public folders “IPM_SUBTREE & NON_IPM_SUBTREE & DUMPSTER_ROOT” DumpsterEntryID values are populated if($null -eq $IPM_SUBTREE.DumpsterEntryId -or $null -eq $NON_IPM_SUBTREE.DumpsterEntryId -or $null -eq $DUMPSTER_ROOT.DumpsterEntryId) { #raise a support request for microsoft including get-publicfolder for root folder logs [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating root public folders" [string]$Description = "Checking if root public folders have DumpsterEntryId value" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Red" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "Please raise a support request for microsoft including the HTML report & compressed logs folder" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) #add the report to the request +logs folder } else { [string]$SectionTitle = "Validating root public folders" [string]$Description = "Checking if root public folders have DumpsterEntryId value" [PSCustomObject]$ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Green" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDatastring "No issue found!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($ConditioncheckPFPermissionhtml) } #endregion to validate that root public folders “IPM_SUBTREE & NON_IPM_SUBTREE & DUMPSTER_ROOT” DumpsterEntryID values are populated #region ResultReport [string]$FilePath = $ExportPath + "\PublicFolderdumpsterTroubleshooter.html" Export-ReportToHTML -FilePath $FilePath -PageTitle "Public Folder Troubleshooter" -ReportTitle "Public Folder Dumpster Troubleshooter" -TheObjectToConvertToHTML $TheObjectToConvertToHTML #Question to ask enduser for opening the HTMl report $OpenHTMLfile=Read-Host "Do you wish to open HTML report file now?`nType Y(Yes) to open or N(No) to exit!" if ($OpenHTMLfile -like "*y*") { Write-Host "Opening report...." -ForegroundColor Cyan Start-Process $FilePath } #endregion ResultReport #create zip file for logs folder $tstamp= get-date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss if (!(Test-Path "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp")) { mkdir "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp" -Force |out-null } $Publicfolder|Format-List|Out-File -FilePath "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp\Publicfolder.txt" -NoClobber $Publicfolderdumpster|Format-List|Out-File -FilePath "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp\Publicfolderdumpster.txt" -NoClobber $pfmbx|Format-List|Out-File -FilePath "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp\pfmbx.txt" -NoClobber $PfMBXstats|Format-List|Out-File -FilePath "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp\PfMBXstats.txt" -NoClobber $IPM_SUBTREE|Format-List|Out-File -FilePath "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp\IPM_SUBTREE.txt" -NoClobber $NON_IPM_SUBTREE|Format-List|Out-File -FilePath "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp\NON_IPM_SUBTREE.txt" -NoClobber $DUMPSTER_ROOT|Format-List|Out-File -FilePath "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp\DUMPSTER_ROOT.txt" -NoClobber Compress-Archive -Path "$ExportPath\logs_$tstamp" -DestinationPath $ExportPath\logs_$tstamp #modify copyrights from 2020 to 2021 #add outputs are exported here #relanuching main menu again Write-Host "`nOutput was exported in the following location: $ExportPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Read-Key # Go back to the main menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu #write log and exit function } ##Code for Menu $PFMenu=@" 1 - Public folder overview 2 - Diagnosing 554 5.2.2 mailbox full NDR received on sending to MEPF 3 - Diagnosing the cause behind the failure of deleting a public folder item or the whole public folder Q Quit Select a task by number or Q to quit "@ $menuchoice=Read-Host $PFMenu $menuchoice = $menuchoice.ToLower() if ($menuchoice -eq 1) { Write-host "This diagnostic is going to be released over O365Troubleshooter upcoming release!" #Read-Key #Clear-Host #$menuchoice=Read-Host $PFMenu #Start-PFDataCollection } elseif ($menuchoice -eq 2) { #region Get the affected MEPF SMTP $MEPFSMTP=Get-ValidEmailAddress("Email address of the mail enabled public folder ") #endregion Get the affected MEPF SMTP #region Intro with group name [string]$SectionTitle = "Introduction" [String]$article='<a href="" target="_blank">Error when sending email to mail-enabled public folders in Office 365: 554 5.2.2 mailbox full</a>' [string]$Description = "This report illustrates causes behind a non-delivery report (NDR) with error code 554 5.2.2 when sending emails to a mail-enabled public folder: "+"<b>$MEPFSMTP</b>"+", Sections in RED are for checks BLOCKERS while Sections in GREEN are for checks PASSED!" $Description=$Description+"<br>"+"For more informtion please check: $article" [PSCustomObject]$StartHTML = Prepare-ObjectForHTMLReport -SectionTitle $SectionTitle -SectionTitleColor "Black" -Description $Description -DataType "String" -EffectiveDataString "Please ensure to mitigate causes in case found by checking FIX section!" $null = $TheObjectToConvertToHTML.Add($StartHTML) #endregion Intro with group name #region script variables used in functions try { [PSCustomObject]$MailPublicFolder=Get-MailPublicFolder $MEPFSMTP -ErrorAction stop [PSCustomObject]$ContentPFMBXStatistics=Get-MailboxStatistics $MailPublicFolder.contentmailbox -ErrorAction stop [PSCustomObject]$ContentPFMBXProperties=Get-Mailbox -PublicFolder $MailPublicFolder.contentmailbox -ErrorAction stop [PSCustomObject]$OrganizationConfig=Get-OrganizationConfig -ErrorAction stop [PSCustomObject]$MEPFStatistics=Get-PublicFolderStatistics -identity $MailPublicFolder.EntryID -ErrorAction stop [PSCustomObject]$MEPFProperties=Get-PublicFolder $MailPublicFolder.EntryID -ErrorAction stop [string]$MEPFcontentmailbox=$MailPublicFolder.contentmailbox [Int64]$MEPFProhibitPostQuotainGB = $MEPFProhibitPostQuotainB /(1024*1024*1024) [Int64]$ContentPFMBXProhibitSendReceiveQuotainB=$ContentPFMBXProperties.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") [Int64]$ContentPFMBXSizeinB=[Int64]$ContentPFMBXStatistics.TotalItemSize.value.tostring().Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","")+[Int64]$ContentPFMBXStatistics.TotalDeletedItemSize.value.tostring().Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") [Int64]$DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuotainB=$OrganizationConfig.DefaultPublicFolderProhibitPostQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") [Int64]$DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuotainB=$OrganizationConfig.DefaultPublicFolderIssueWarningQuota.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") [Int64]$script:MEPFTotalSizeinB=[Int64]$MEPFStatistics.TotalItemSize.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","")+[Int64]$MEPFStatistics.TotalDeletedItemSize.Split("(")[1].split(" ")[0].Replace(",","") [Int64]$MEPFTotalSizeinGB = $MEPFTotalSizeinB /(1024*1024*1024) $CurrentProperty = "Retrieving: $MEPFSMTP object properties & statistics, content mailbox properties & statistics AND organization configuration" $CurrentDescription = "Success" write-log -Function "Retrieve object properties & statistics" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } catch { $Errorencountered=$Global:error[0].Exception $CurrentProperty = "Retrieving: $MEPFSMTP object properties & statistics, content mailbox properties & statistics AND organization configuration" $CurrentDescription = "Failure with error: "+$Errorencountered write-log -Function "Retrieve object properties & statistics" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription Write-Host "Error encountered during executing the script!"-ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $Errorencountered -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "`nOutput was exported in the following location: $ExportPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Read-Key # Go back to the main menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu } #endregion global variables used in functions try { Start-MEPFNDRDiagnosis($MEPFSMTP) -ErrorAction Stop $CurrentProperty = "Diagnosing: $MEPFSMTP for 554 5.2.2 mailbox full NDR cause" $CurrentDescription = "Success" write-log -Function "Diagnose mail enabled public folder" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } catch { $CurrentProperty = "Diagnosing: $MEPFSMTP for 554 5.2.2 mailbox full NDR cause" $CurrentDescription = "Failure" write-log -Function "Diagnose mail enabled public folder" -Step $CurrentProperty -Description $CurrentDescription } #region ResultReport [string]$FilePath = $ExportPath + "\PublicFolderTroubleshooter.html" Export-ReportToHTML -FilePath $FilePath -PageTitle "PublicFolderTroubleshooter" -ReportTitle "PublicFolderTroubleshooter" -TheObjectToConvertToHTML $TheObjectToConvertToHTML #Question to ask enduser for opening the HTMl report $OpenHTMLfile=Read-Host "Do you wish to open HTML report file now?`nType Y(Yes) to open or N(No) to exit!" if ($OpenHTMLfile -like "*y*") { Write-Host "Opening report...." -ForegroundColor Cyan Start-Process $FilePath } #endregion ResultReport } elseif ($menuchoice -eq 3) { $Pfolder=Read-Host "Please enter the affected public folder identity or EntryID ex.\PF1" ValidatePFDumpster($Pfolder) } elseif($menuchoice -eq "q") { Write-Host "Quitting...." Write-Host "Relaunching the main menu again" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Read-Key # Go back to the main menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu } else { Write-Host "You didn't provide an expected input!" Write-Host "Relaunching the main menu again" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Read-Key # Go back to the main menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu } Write-Host "`nOutput was exported in the following location: $ExportPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 Read-Key # Go back to the main menu Start-O365TroubleshootersMenu |