
function Test-DLL {
Helper script for checking DLLs

This script does three things:
- displays build configuration
- displays target CPU information
- displays informtaion about Jit Optimization

Location of the folder where your DLLs live.

Test-DLL "C:\dll" -CleanHost
Clears console and then displays information about all DLLs located in "C:\\dll"

Test-DLL "C:\dll"
Displays information about all DLLs located in "C:\\dll"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    process {
        if (!(Test-Path $StartPath)) {
            Write-Host "Incorrect folder path:" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "$StartPath" -ForegroundColor Red
        if ($CleanHost) {

        Import-Module DLLInfo
        Get-ChildItem $StartPath | % {
            Write-Host $_.FullName -ForegroundColor Green
            $versionInfo = (Get-Item $_.FullName).VersionInfo

            $buildConfiguration = Get-BuildConfiguration $_.FullName
            $targetCPU = Get-TargetCPU $_.FullName
            $jitOptimized = Test-JitOptimized $_.FullName

            Write-Host "BuildConfiguration`t [$buildConfiguration]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "TargetCPU`t`t [$targetCPU] " -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "JitOptimized`t`t [$jitOptimized]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            write-host ""