# Nmap2PSObject.psm1 # Function: Get-NmapRegularScan function Get-NmapRegularScan { <# .SYNOPSIS Parses the results of a regular Nmap scan with no support for additional flags from an XML file. .DESCRIPTION This function reads an Nmap XML output file and converts it into PowerShell objects. It extracts host-level information such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, vendors, and status. .PARAMETER FilePath The full path to the Nmap XML file to parse. .EXAMPLE Get-NmapRegularScan -FilePath "C:\scans\scan.xml" .NOTES Author: Kalichuza #> param ( [string]$FilePath ) # Load the Nmap XML file $nmapXml = [xml](Get-Content -Path $FilePath) # Initialize an array to store PSCustomObjects $hosts = @() foreach ($currentHost in $nmapXml.nmaprun.hosthint) { $hostname = $currentHost.hostname $ipAddress = $currentHost.address.addr $macAddress = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].addr } else { $null } $vendor = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].vendor } else { $null } $status = $currentHost.status.state $hostObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Hostname = $hostname IPAddress = $ipAddress MACAddress = $macAddress Vendor = $vendor Status = $status } $hosts += $hostObject } return $hosts } # Function: Get-NmapVersionScan function Get-NmapVersionScan { <# .SYNOPSIS Parses the results of a Nmap scan uding the -sV flag with version information from an XML file. .DESCRIPTION This function reads an Nmap XML output file and converts it into PowerShell objects. It extracts host-level information such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, vendors, and status. .PARAMETER FilePath The full path to the Nmap XML file to parse. .EXAMPLE Get-NmapVersionScan -FilePath "C:\scans\scan.xml" .NOTES Author: Kalichuza #> param ( [string]$FilePath ) # Load the Nmap XML file $nmapXml = [xml](Get-Content -Path $FilePath) # Initialize an array to store PSCustomObjects $hosts = @() foreach ($currentHost in $nmapXml.nmaprun.host) { $hostname = $currentHost.hostname $ipAddress = $currentHost.address.addr $macAddress = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].addr } else { $null } $vendor = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].vendor } else { $null } $status = $currentHost.status.state $ports = @() if ($currentHost.ports.port) { foreach ($port in $currentHost.ports.port) { $portNumber = $port.portid $protocol = $port.protocol $state = $port.state.state $serviceName = $port.service.name $serviceVersion = if ($port.service.version) { $port.service.version } else { "Unknown" } $product = if ($port.service.product) { $port.service.product } else { "Unknown" } $ports += [PSCustomObject]@{ PortNumber = $portNumber Protocol = $protocol State = $state ServiceName = $serviceName ServiceVersion = $serviceVersion Product = $product } } } $hostObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Hostname = $hostname IPAddress = $ipAddress MACAddress = $macAddress Vendor = $vendor Status = $status OpenPorts = $ports } $hosts += $hostObject } return $hosts } # Function: Get-NmapVulnScan function Get-NmapVulnScan { <# .SYNOPSIS Parses the results of a Nmap scan using the --script flag with vulnerability information from an XML file. .DESCRIPTION This function reads an Nmap XML output file and converts it into PowerShell objects. It extracts host-level information such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, vendors, and status. .PARAMETER FilePath The full path to the Nmap XML file to parse. .EXAMPLE Get-NmapVulnScan -FilePath "C:\scans\scan.xml" .NOTES Author: Kalichuza #> param ( [string]$FilePath ) # Load the Nmap XML file $nmapXml = [xml](Get-Content -Path $FilePath) # Initialize an array to store PSCustomObjects $hosts = @() foreach ($currentHost in $nmapXml.nmaprun.host) { $hostname = $currentHost.hostname $ipAddress = $currentHost.address.addr $macAddress = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].addr } else { $null } $vendor = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].vendor } else { $null } $status = $currentHost.status.state $scripts = $currentHost.hostscript.script $ports = @() if ($currentHost.ports.port) { foreach ($port in $currentHost.ports.port) { $portNumber = $port.portid $protocol = $port.protocol $state = $port.state.state $serviceName = $port.service.name $serviceVersion = if ($port.service.version) { $port.service.version } else { "Unknown" } $product = if ($port.service.product) { $port.service.product } else { "Unknown" } $ports += [PSCustomObject]@{ PortNumber = $portNumber Protocol = $protocol State = $state ServiceName = $serviceName ServiceVersion = $serviceVersion Product = $product } } } $scripts = @() if ($currentHost.hostscript.script) { foreach ($script in $currentHost.hostscript.script) { $scriptName = $script.id $scriptOutput = $script.output } $scripts += [PSCustomObject]@{ ScriptName = $scriptName ScriptOutput = $scriptOutput } } $hostObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Hostname = $hostname IPAddress = $ipAddress MACAddress = $macAddress Vendor = $vendor Status = $status OpenPorts = $ports Scripts = $scripts } $hosts += $hostObject } return $hosts } function Format-NmapResults { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ScriptFunction ) # Process the input object through the specified function $full = & $ScriptFunction -FilePath $InputObject foreach ($pc in $full) { # Combine IPv4 and IPv6 addresses with a pipe separator $ipAddress = if ($pc.IPAddress -is [array]) { $pc.IPAddress -join " | " } else { $pc.IPAddress } # Display top-level information for each IP address Write-Host "IPAddress: $ipAddress" -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($pc.Hostname) { Write-Host "Hostname: $($pc.Hostname)" } if ($pc.Vendor) { Write-Host "Vendor: $($pc.Vendor)" } if ($pc.Status) { Write-Host "Status: $($pc.Status)" } # Expand and display OpenPorts if ($pc.OpenPorts) { Write-Host "Open Ports:" -ForegroundColor Green foreach ($port in $pc.OpenPorts) { Write-Host " PortNumber : $($port.PortNumber)" Write-Host " Protocol : $($port.Protocol)" Write-Host " State : $($port.State)" Write-Host " ServiceName : $($port.ServiceName)" Write-Host " ServiceVersion : $($port.ServiceVersion)" Write-Host " Product : $($port.Product)" Write-Host "" } } # Expand and display Scripts if ($pc.Scripts) { Write-Host "Scripts:" -ForegroundColor Yellow foreach ($script in $pc.Scripts) { Write-Host " ScriptName : $($script.ScriptName)" Write-Host " ScriptOutput : $($script.ScriptOutput)" Write-Host "" } } # Add a separator for readability Write-Host ("-" * 50) -ForegroundColor DarkGray } } |