
# Nmap2PSObject.psm1

# Function: Get-NmapRegularScan
function Get-NmapRegularScan {
    Parses the results of a regular Nmap scan with no support for additional flags from an XML file.
    This function reads an Nmap XML output file and converts it into PowerShell objects.
    It extracts host-level information such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, vendors,
    and status.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
    The full path to the Nmap XML file to parse.
    Get-NmapRegularScan -FilePath "C:\scans\scan.xml"
    Author: Kalichuza

    param (
    # Load the Nmap XML file
    $nmapXml = [xml](Get-Content -Path $FilePath)

    # Initialize an array to store PSCustomObjects
    $hosts = @()

    foreach ($currentHost in $nmapXml.nmaprun.hosthint) {
        $hostname = $currentHost.hostname
        $ipAddress = $currentHost.address.addr
        $macAddress = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].addr } else { $null }
        $vendor = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].vendor } else { $null }
        $status = $currentHost.status.state

        $hostObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Hostname   = $hostname
            IPAddress  = $ipAddress
            MACAddress = $macAddress
            Vendor     = $vendor
            Status     = $status

        $hosts += $hostObject

    return $hosts

# Function: Get-NmapVersionScan
function Get-NmapVersionScan {
    Parses the results of a Nmap scan uding the -sV flag with version information from an XML file.
    This function reads an Nmap XML output file and converts it into PowerShell objects.
    It extracts host-level information such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, vendors,
    and status.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
    The full path to the Nmap XML file to parse.
    Get-NmapVersionScan -FilePath "C:\scans\scan.xml"
    Author: Kalichuza

    param (

    # Load the Nmap XML file
    $nmapXml = [xml](Get-Content -Path $FilePath)

    # Initialize an array to store PSCustomObjects
    $hosts = @()

    foreach ($currentHost in $nmapXml.nmaprun.host) {
        $hostname = $currentHost.hostname
        $ipAddress = $currentHost.address.addr
        $macAddress = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].addr } else { $null }
        $vendor = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].vendor } else { $null }
        $status = $currentHost.status.state

        $ports = @()

        if ($currentHost.ports.port) {
            foreach ($port in $currentHost.ports.port) {
                $portNumber = $port.portid
                $protocol = $port.protocol
                $state = $port.state.state
                $serviceName = $port.service.name
                $serviceVersion = if ($port.service.version) { $port.service.version } else { "Unknown" }
                $product = if ($port.service.product) { $port.service.product } else { "Unknown" }

                $ports += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    PortNumber      = $portNumber
                    Protocol        = $protocol
                    State           = $state
                    ServiceName     = $serviceName
                    ServiceVersion  = $serviceVersion
                    Product         = $product

        $hostObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Hostname   = $hostname
            IPAddress  = $ipAddress
            MACAddress = $macAddress
            Vendor     = $vendor
            Status     = $status
            OpenPorts  = $ports

        $hosts += $hostObject

    return $hosts

# Function: Get-NmapVulnScan
function Get-NmapVulnScan {
    Parses the results of a Nmap scan using the --script flag with vulnerability information from an XML file.
    This function reads an Nmap XML output file and converts it into PowerShell objects.
    It extracts host-level information such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, vendors,
    and status.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
    The full path to the Nmap XML file to parse.
    Get-NmapVulnScan -FilePath "C:\scans\scan.xml"
    Author: Kalichuza

    param (

    # Load the Nmap XML file
    $nmapXml = [xml](Get-Content -Path $FilePath)

    # Initialize an array to store PSCustomObjects
    $hosts = @()

    foreach ($currentHost in $nmapXml.nmaprun.host) {
        $hostname = $currentHost.hostname
        $ipAddress = $currentHost.address.addr
        $macAddress = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].addr } else { $null }
        $vendor = if ($currentHost.address.Count -ge 2) { $currentHost.address[1].vendor } else { $null }
        $status = $currentHost.status.state
        $scripts = $currentHost.hostscript.script

        $ports = @()

        if ($currentHost.ports.port) {
            foreach ($port in $currentHost.ports.port) {
                $portNumber = $port.portid
                $protocol = $port.protocol
                $state = $port.state.state
                $serviceName = $port.service.name
                $serviceVersion = if ($port.service.version) { $port.service.version } else { "Unknown" }
                $product = if ($port.service.product) { $port.service.product } else { "Unknown" }

                $ports += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    PortNumber      = $portNumber
                    Protocol        = $protocol
                    State           = $state
                    ServiceName     = $serviceName
                    ServiceVersion  = $serviceVersion
                    Product         = $product

        $scripts = @()

        if ($currentHost.hostscript.script) {
            foreach ($script in $currentHost.hostscript.script) {
                $scriptName = $script.id
                $scriptOutput = $script.output 

        $scripts += [PSCustomObject]@{
            ScriptName = $scriptName
            ScriptOutput = $scriptOutput 

        $hostObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Hostname   = $hostname
            IPAddress  = $ipAddress
            MACAddress = $macAddress
            Vendor     = $vendor
            Status     = $status
            OpenPorts  = $ports
            Scripts    = $scripts

        $hosts += $hostObject

    return $hosts

function Format-NmapResults {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Process the input object through the specified function
    $full = & $ScriptFunction -FilePath $InputObject

    foreach ($pc in $full) {
        # Combine IPv4 and IPv6 addresses with a pipe separator
        $ipAddress = if ($pc.IPAddress -is [array]) {
            $pc.IPAddress -join " | "
        } else {

        # Display top-level information for each IP address
        Write-Host "IPAddress: $ipAddress" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        if ($pc.Hostname) { Write-Host "Hostname: $($pc.Hostname)" }
        if ($pc.Vendor) { Write-Host "Vendor: $($pc.Vendor)" }
        if ($pc.Status) { Write-Host "Status: $($pc.Status)" }

        # Expand and display OpenPorts
        if ($pc.OpenPorts) {
            Write-Host "Open Ports:" -ForegroundColor Green
            foreach ($port in $pc.OpenPorts) {
                Write-Host " PortNumber : $($port.PortNumber)"
                Write-Host " Protocol : $($port.Protocol)"
                Write-Host " State : $($port.State)"
                Write-Host " ServiceName : $($port.ServiceName)"
                Write-Host " ServiceVersion : $($port.ServiceVersion)"
                Write-Host " Product : $($port.Product)"
                Write-Host ""

        # Expand and display Scripts
        if ($pc.Scripts) {
            Write-Host "Scripts:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            foreach ($script in $pc.Scripts) {
                Write-Host " ScriptName : $($script.ScriptName)"
                Write-Host " ScriptOutput : $($script.ScriptOutput)"
                Write-Host ""

        # Add a separator for readability
        Write-Host ("-" * 50) -ForegroundColor DarkGray