#Requires -Version 7 function Connect-NinjaOne { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new connection to a NinjaOne instance. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new connection to a NinjaOne instance and stores this in a PowerShell Session. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Connect-NinjaOne -Instance "eu" This logs into NinjaOne using the Authorisation Code authorisation flow. .OUTPUTS Sets two script-scoped variables to hold connection and authentication information. #> [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code' )] [OutputType([System.Void])] Param ( # Use the "Authorisation Code" flow with your web browser. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code', Mandatory = $True )] [Switch]$UseWebAuth, # Use the "Token Authentication" flow - useful if you already have a refresh token. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Token Authentication', Mandatory = $True )] [switch]$UseTokenAuth, # Use the "Client Credentials" flow - useful if you already have a client ID and secret. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Client Credentials', Mandatory = $True )] [switch]$UseClientAuth, # The NinjaOne instance to connect to. Choose from 'eu', 'oc' or 'us'. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code', Mandatory = $True )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Token Authentication', Mandatory = $True )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Client Credentials', Mandatory = $True )] [ValidateSet('eu', 'oc', 'us')] [string]$Instance, # The Client ID for the application configured in NinjaOne. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code', Mandatory = $True )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Token Authentication', Mandatory = $True )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Client Credentials', Mandatory = $True )] [String]$ClientID, # The Client Secret for the application configured in NinjaOne. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code', Mandatory = $True )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Token Authentication', Mandatory = $True )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Client Credentials', Mandatory = $True )] [String]$ClientSecret, # The API scopes to request, if this isn't passed the scope is assumed to be "all". Pass a string or array of strings. Limited by the scopes granted to the application in NinjaOne. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code' )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Token Authentication' )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Client Credentials' )] [ValidateSet('monitoring', 'management', 'control', 'offline_access')] [String[]]$Scopes = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Client Credentials' ? @('monitoring', 'management', 'control') : @('monitoring', 'management', 'control', 'offline_access'), # The redirect URI to use. If not set defaults to 'http://localhost'. Should be a full URI e.g. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code' )] [URI]$RedirectURL, # The port to use for the redirect URI. Must match with the configuration set in NinjaOne. If not set defaults to '9090'. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code' )] [Int]$Port = 9090, # The refresh token to use for "Token Authentication" flow. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Token Authentication' )] [String]$RefreshToken, # Output the tokens - useful when using "Authorisation Code" flow - to use with "Token Authentication" flow. [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Authorisation Code' )] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'Token Authentication' )] [Switch]$ShowTokens ) # Convert scopes to space separated string if it's an array. if ($Scopes -is [System.Array]) { $AuthScopes = $Scopes -Join ' ' } else { $AuthScopes = $Scopes } # Get the NinjaOne instance URL. if ($Instance) { Write-Verbose "Using instance $($Instance) with URL $($Script:NRAPIInstances[$Instance])" $URL = $Script:NRAPIInstances[$Instance] } # Generate a GUID to serve as our state validator. $GUID = ([GUID]::NewGuid()).Guid # Build the redirect URI, if we need one. if ($RedirectURL) { $RedirectURI = [System.UriBuilder]$RedirectURL } else { $RedirectURI = New-Object System.UriBuilder -ArgumentList 'http', 'localhost', $Port } # Build a script-scoped variable to hold the connection information. $ConnectionInformation = @{ AuthMode = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName URL = $URL Instance = $Instance ClientID = $ClientID ClientSecret = $ClientSecret AuthListenerPort = $Port AuthScopes = $AuthScopes RedirectURI = $RedirectURI } Set-Variable -Name 'NRAPIConnectionInformation' -Value $ConnectionInformation -Visibility Private -Scope Script -Force Write-Debug "Connection information set to: $($Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation | Out-String)" $AuthenticationInformation = [HashTable]@{} # Set a script-scoped variable to hold authentication information. Set-Variable -Name 'NRAPIAuthenticationInformation' -Value $AuthenticationInformation -Visibility Private -Scope Script -Force if ($UseWebAuth) { # NinjaOne authorisation request query params. $AuthRequestParams = @{ response_type = 'code' client_id = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.ClientID client_secret = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.ClientSecret redirect_uri = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.RedirectURI.ToString() state = $GUID } if ($Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.AuthScopes) { $AuthRequestParams.scope = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.AuthScopes } # Build the authentication URI. # Start with the query string. $AuthRequestQuery = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $AuthRequestParams.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $AuthRequestURI.Add($_.Key, $_.Value) } # Now the authentication URI $AuthRequestURI = [System.UriBuilder]$URL $AuthRequestURI.Path = 'oauth/authorize' $AuthRequestURI.Query = $AuthRequestQuery.ToString() Write-Debug "Authentication request query string is $($AuthRequestQuery.ToString())" try { # Get our authorisation code. Write-Verbose 'Opening browser to authenticate.' Write-Debug "Authentication URL: $($AuthRequestURI.ToString())" Start-Process $AuthReqURI.ToString() $OAuthListenerDirectory = Join-Path "$((Get-Item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName)" 'OAuthListener' $Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation.Code = dotnet run --project $OAuthListenerDirectory -- $Port Write-Debug "Authorisation code received: $($Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation.Code)" if ($null -ne $Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation.Code) { $GotAuthorisationCode = $True } } catch { New-NinjaOneError -ErrorRecord $_ } } if (($UseTokenAuth) -or ($GotAuthorisationCode) -or ($UseClientAuth)) { Write-Verbose 'Getting authentication token.' try { if ($GotAuthorisationCode) { Write-Verbose 'Using token authentication.' $TokenRequestBody = @{ grant_type = 'authorization_code' client_id = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.ClientID client_secret = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.ClientSecret code = $Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation.Code redirect_uri = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.RedirectURI.toString() scope = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.AuthScopes } } elseif ($UseTokenAuth) { Write-Verbose 'Using refresh token.' $TokenRequestBody = @{ grant_type = 'refresh_token' client_id = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.ClientID client_secret = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.ClientSecret refresh_token = $RefreshToken scope = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.AuthScopes } } elseif ($UseClientAuth) { Write-Verbose 'Using client authentication.' $TokenRequestBody = @{ grant_type = 'client_credentials' client_id = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.ClientID client_secret = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.ClientSecret redirect_uri = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.RedirectURI.toString() scope = $Script:NRAPIConnectionInformation.AuthScopes } } Write-Debug "Token request body is $($TokenRequestBody | Out-String)" # Using our authorisation code or refresh token let's get an auth token. $TokenRequestUri = [System.UriBuilder]$URL $TokenRequestUri.Path = 'oauth/token' Write-Verbose "Making token request to $($TokenRequestUri.ToString())" $TokenRequestParams = @{ Uri = $TokenRequestUri.ToString() Method = 'POST' Body = $TokenRequestBody ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } $TokenResult = Invoke-WebRequest @TokenRequestParams $TokenPayload = $TokenResult.Content | ConvertFrom-Json # Update our script-scoped NRAPIAuthenticationInformation variable with the token. $Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation.Type = $TokenPayload.token_type $Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation.Access = $TokenPayload.access_token $Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation.Expires = Get-TokenExpiry -ExpiresIn $TokenPayload.expires_in $Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation.Refresh = $TokenPayload.refresh_token Write-Verbose 'Got authentication token information from NinjaOne.' Write-Debug "Authentication information set to: $($Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation | Out-String -Width 2048)" if ($ShowTokens) { Write-Output '================ Auth Tokens ================' Write-Output $($Script:NRAPIAuthenticationInformation | Format-Table) Write-Output ' SAVE THESE IN A SECURE LOCATION ' } } catch { throw $_ } } } |