
$modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) -ChildPath 'Modules'

# Import the Networking Common Modules
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath `
        -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'NetworkingDsc.Common' `
            -ChildPath 'NetworkingDsc.Common.psm1'))

Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath 'DscResource.Common')

# Import Localization Strings
$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -DefaultUICulture 'en-US'

        This function will get the network adapter based on the provided
    .PARAMETER NewName
        Specifies the new name of the network adapter.
        This is the name of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER PhysicalMediaType
        This is the media type of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER Status
        This is the status of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER MacAddress
        This is the MAC address of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceDescription
        This is the interface description of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceIndex
        This is the interface index of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceGuid
        This is the interface GUID of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER DriverDescription
        This is the driver description of the network adapter.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceNumber
        This is the interface number of the network adapter if more than one
        are returned by the parameters.
    .PARAMETER IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters
        This switch will suppress an error occurring if more than one matching
        adapter matches the parameters passed.

function Get-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [ValidateSet('Up', 'Disconnected', 'Disabled')]
        $Status = 'Up',






        $InterfaceNumber = 1,

        $IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters = $false

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($script:localizedData.GettingNetAdapterNameMessage -f $NewName)
        ) -join '')

    $adapter = Find-NetworkAdapter `
        -Name $NewName `
        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if (-not $adapter)
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            ) -join '')

        $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('NewName')

        $adapter = Find-NetworkAdapter `
            @PSBoundParameters `
            -ErrorAction Stop

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($script:localizedData.NetAdapterNameFoundMessage -f $adapter.Name)
        ) -join '')

    $returnValue = @{
        Name                           = $adapter.Name
        PhysicalMediaType              = $adapter.PhysicalMediaType
        Status                         = $adapter.Status
        MacAddress                     = $adapter.MacAddress
        InterfaceDescription           = $adapter.InterfaceDescription
        InterfaceIndex                 = $adapter.InterfaceIndex
        InterfaceGuid                  = $adapter.InterfaceGuid
        DriverDescription              = $adapter.DriverDescription
        InterfaceNumber                = $InterfaceNumber
        IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters = $IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters

    return $returnValue
} # Get-TargetResource

        This function will rename a network adapter that matches the parameters.
    .PARAMETER NewName
        Specifies the new name of the network adapter.
        This is the name of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER PhysicalMediaType
        This is the media type of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER Status
        This is the status of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER MacAddress
        This is the MAC address of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceDescription
        This is the interface description of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceIndex
        This is the interface index of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceGuid
        This is the interface GUID of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER DriverDescription
        This is the driver description of the network adapter.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceNumber
        This is the interface number of the network adapter if more than one
        are returned by the parameters.
    .PARAMETER IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters
        This switch will suppress an error occurring if more than one matching
        adapter matches the parameters passed.

function Set-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [ValidateSet('Up', 'Disconnected', 'Disabled')]
        $Status = 'Up',






        $InterfaceNumber = 1,

        $IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters = $false

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($script:localizedData.SettingNetAdapterNameMessage -f $NewName)
        ) -join '')

    $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('NewName')

    $adapter = Find-NetworkAdapter `
        @PSBoundParameters `
        -ErrorAction Stop

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($script:localizedData.RenamingNetAdapterNameMessage -f $adapter.Name, $NewName)
        ) -join '')

    $adapter | Rename-NetAdapter `
        -NewName $NewName

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($script:localizedData.NetAdapterNameRenamedMessage -f $NewName)
        ) -join '')
} # Set-TargetResource

        This will check if the network adapter that matches the parameters needs
        to be returned.
    .PARAMETER NewName
        Specifies the new name of the network adapter.
        This is the name of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER PhysicalMediaType
        This is the media type of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER Status
        This is the status of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER MacAddress
        This is the MAC address of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceDescription
        This is the interface description of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceIndex
        This is the interface index of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceGuid
        This is the interface GUID of the network adapter to find.
    .PARAMETER DriverDescription
        This is the driver description of the network adapter.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceNumber
        This is the interface number of the network adapter if more than one
        are returned by the parameters.
    .PARAMETER IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters
        This switch will suppress an error occurring if more than one matching
        adapter matches the parameters passed.

function Test-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [ValidateSet('Up', 'Disconnected', 'Disabled')]
        $Status = 'Up',






        $InterfaceNumber = 1,

        $IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters = $false

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($script:localizedData.TestingNetAdapterNameMessage -f $NewName)
        ) -join '')

    $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('NewName')

    # Can an adapter be found with the new name?
    $adapterWithNewName = Find-NetworkAdapter `
        -Name $NewName `
        -Verbose:$Verbose `
        -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($adapterWithNewName)
        # An adapter was found matching the new name
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($script:localizedData.NetAdapterWithNewNameExistsMessage -f $adapterWithNewName.Name)
            ) -join '')

        return $true
        # Find an adapter matching the parameters - throw if none can be found
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            ) -join '')

        $adapter = Find-NetworkAdapter `
            @PSBoundParameters `
            -ErrorAction Stop

        # An adapter was found that needs to be changed to the new name
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
                $($script:localizedData.NetAdapterNameNotMatchMessage -f $adapter.Name, $NewName)
            ) -join '')

        return $false
    } # if
} # Test-TargetResource

Export-ModuleMember -function *-TargetResource