
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    FindingNetAdapterMessage = Finding network adapters matching the parameters.
    AllNetAdaptersFoundMessage = Found all network adapters because no filter parameters provided.
    NetAdapterFoundMessage = {0} network adapters were found matching the parameters.
    NetAdapterNotFoundError = A network adapter matching the parameters was not found. Please correct the properties and try again.
    InterfaceAliasNotFoundError = A network adapter with the alias '{0}' could not be found.
    MultipleMatchingNetAdapterFound = Please adjust the parameters or specify IgnoreMultipleMatchingAdapters to only use the first and try again.
    InvalidNetAdapterNumberError = network adapter interface number {0} was specified but only {1} was found. Please correct the interface number and try again.
    GettingDNSServerStaticAddressMessage = Getting staticly assigned DNS server {0} address for interface alias '{1}'.
    GettingWinsServerStaticAddressMessage = Getting staticly assigned WINS server address for interface alias '{0}'.
    SettingWinsServerStaticAddressMessage = Setting staticly assigned WINS server address for interface alias '{0}' to '{1}'.
    DNSServerStaticAddressNotSetMessage = Statically assigned DNS server {0} address for interface alias '{1}' is not set.
    WinsServerStaticAddressNotSetMessage = Statically assigned WINS server address for interface alias '{0}' is not set.
    DNSServerStaticAddressFoundMessage = Statically assigned DNS server {0} address for interface alias '{1}' is '{2}'.
    WinsServerStaticAddressFoundMessage = Statically assigned WINS server address for interface alias '{0}' is '{1}'.
    InvalidCurrentValuesError = Property 'CurrentValues' in Test-DscParameterState must be either a Hashtable, CimInstance or CimIntance[]. Type detected was '{0}'.
    InvalidDesiredValuesError = Property 'DesiredValues' in Test-DscParameterState must be either a Hashtable or CimInstance. Type detected was '{0}'.
    InvalidValuesToCheckError = If 'DesiredValues' is a CimInstance then property 'ValuesToCheck' must contain a value.
    TestDscParameterCompareMessage = Comparing values in property '{0}'.
    MatchPsCredentialUsernameMessage = MATCH: PSCredential username match. Current state is '{0}' and desired state is '{1}'.
    NoMatchPsCredentialUsernameMessage = NOTMATCH: PSCredential username mismatch. Current state is '{0}' and desired state is '{1}'.
    NoMatchTypeMismatchMessage = NOTMATCH: Type mismatch for property '{0}' Current state type is '{1}' and desired type is '{2}'.
    MatchValueMessage = MATCH: Value (type '{0}') for property '{1}' does match. Current state is '{2}' and desired state is '{3}'.
    NoMatchValueMessage = NOTMATCH: Value (type '{0}') for property '{1}' does not match. Current state is '{2}' and desired state is '{3}'.
    NoMatchValueDifferentCountMessage = NOTMATCH: Value (type '{0}') for property '{1}' does have a different count. Current state count is '{2}' and desired state count is '{3}'.
    NoMatchElementTypeMismatchMessage = NOTMATCH: Type mismatch for property '{0}' Current state type of element [{1}] is '{2}' and desired type is '{3}'.
    NoMatchElementValueMismatchMessage = NOTMATCH: Value [{0}] (type '{1}') for property '{2}' does match. Current state is '{3}' and desired state is '{4}'.
    MatchElementValueMessage = MATCH: Value [{0}] (type '{1}') for property '{2}' does match. Current state is '{3}' and desired state is '{4}'.
    TestDscParameterResultMessage = Test-DscParameter result is '{0}'.
    StartingReverseCheck = Starting with a reverse check.