
        Various functions for getting network info from AD
        Various functions for getting network info from AD
        Not much to say here... pretty straight forward. Just filling the gaps
        Acitve Directory Network management
        Acitve Directory Specific Network management
        Not much to say here... pretty straight forward. Just filling the gaps

#region Functions

Function Get-AdAuthorizedDhcpServer
            Get a list of authorized DHCP servers from Active Directory
            Lists authorized DHCP servers, and is also helpful with finding remnants of old servers still
            authorized, but do not exist via the "Warning" output.
            This uses your default name, and returns a list of AD objects
            Get-AdAuthorizedDhcpServer -Domain child.domain.local
            Gets the DHCP servers from the child domain

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] 
        [ValidateScript({$_ -like '*.*'})]
        [String] $Domain
        If (!$Domain)
                $Domain = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
        Write-Verbose -Message $Domain
        # Variables
        [String] $strFilter = "objectclass -eq 'dhcpclass' -AND Name -ne 'dhcproot'"
        [String] $strSearchBase = 'cn=configuration'
        $goodServers = @() # Servers in config, that no longer exist
        Foreach ($dc in $Domain.Split('.'))
            $strSearchBase += ',dc={0}' -f $dc 
        Write-Verbose -Message $strSearchBase
        $objDhcpServers = Get-ADObject -SearchBase $strSearchBase -Filter "$strFilter" -Properties * -Server $Domain
        Foreach ($server in $objDhcpServers)
            Write-Verbose -Message $server.Name 
                [String] $id = $server.Name.Replace(".$Domain",'')
                $null = Get-ADComputer -Identity $id
                $goodServers += $server
                #$objDhcpServers.Remove(($objDhcpServers | ? {$_.Name -eq $server.Name}))
                Write-Warning -Message ('{0} exists in config, but not an AD computer' -f $server.Name) 
