
  Created by: Brent Denny
  Created on: 17-Sep-2024
  What When
  ---- ----
  Reduced the number of functions to just two, reducing complexity 18-Sep-2024
  Added Error checking and added help 19-Sep-2024
  Removed the ValidateSet as it was too restrictive 20-Sep-2024

function New-NSApplianceSession {
    This creates a login session to a Citrix NetScaler
    When connecting to the Citrix NetScaler this command requires an IP of the NetScaler.
    It will then prompt for a username and password, typically nsroot and a password.
    This will attempt to access the netscaler and if successful it creates a token
    object that can be used by subsequent cmdlets to access the NetScaler without
    re-authentication, this cmdlet further modifies the default token by adding an IP
    header into the token that stores the NetScaler IP address so that subsequent cmdlets
    can use it to direct themselves to the NetScaler, this negates the need to supply the
    IP address as parameter for every cmdlet executed.
    Created By: Brent Denny
    This holds the login credentials for the NetScaler Login
  .PARAMETER NSMgmtIpAddress
    This is the address of the management IP of the NetScaler
    $Session = New-NSApplianceSession -NSMgmtIpAddress
    This will prompt for the login credentials for the NetScaler and then connect, authenticate
    and finally create a token object that will be stored in the variable "Session"

  Param (
    [pscredential]$NSCred = (Get-Credential -UserName nsroot -Message 'Enter the Netscaler credentials'),
    [string]$NSMgmtIpAddress = ''
  $URL = "http://${NSMgmtIpAddress}/nitro/v1/config/login"
  $AuthInfo = @{
    login = @{
      username = $NSCred.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
      password = $NSCred.GetNetworkCredential().Password

  $JsonAuthInfo = $AuthInfo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8
  $RestMethodSplat = @{
    Method          = 'post'
    Uri             = $URL
    ContentType     = 'application/json'
    SessionVariable = 'NSSession'
    Body            = $JsonAuthInfo
    Headers         = @{NSIPAddress = $NSMgmtIpAddress}
    ErrorAction     = 'Stop'
  try {Invoke-RestMethod @RestMethodSplat | Out-Null}
  catch {
    Write-Warning "The Netscaler with IPaddress $NSMgmtIpAddress cannot complete the authentication, check and try again"
  return $NSSession
function Get-NSConfiguration {
    This PowerShell tool gets information from a Citrix NetScaler using Nitro API calls
    When getting configuration information from the NetScaler via Nitro API calls, it is
    apparent that there is very little difference in the API call's URI and so this cmdlet
    can retrieve any information from the NetScaler by doing these simple steps:
    1.Authenticating to the NetScaler and setting up a session object, this object has been further
      Enhanced to include the IP addrfess of the NetScaler so that subsequent commands do not
      need to be supplied with this detail)
      Example: $NSSession = New-NSAppliance Session -NSMmgmtIPAddress
    2.This presents you with a credential dialog box to enter the nsroot and password for the
      NS appliance.
    3.Once the session information is captured this cmdlet can retireive information by doing the
      Example $LBVS = Get-NSConfiguration -WebSession $NSSession -NitroApiFeatureName lbvserver
              $LBVS.lbvserver | Format-Table
    Created By: Brent Denny
    Created on: 19-Sep-2024
  .PARAMETER WebSession
    Before getting the configuration from the NetScaler, it is best to create a session to authenticate to the
    NetScaler using $NSSession = New-NSApplianceSession -NSMgmtIpAddress Once the session
    variable is established you can then use the following command:
    Get-NSConfiguration -WebSession $NSSession -APISyntax lbvserver
    The WebSession parameter accepts the token produced by the session in the New-NSApplianceSession cmdlet.
  .PARAMETER NitroApiFeatureName
    When getting configuration information from the NetScaler by the API calls the API syntax is very similar
    across all of the different API calls, they all have the following syntax for configuration:
    Nitro API Docs:
    URL: http://<netscaler-ip-address>/nitro/v1/config/lbvserver
    URL: http://<netscaler-ip-address>/nitro/v1/config/lbvserver_binding
    The NitroApiFeatureName parameter just requires the information after the http://<netscaler-ip-address>/nitro/v1/config/
    So the NitroApiFeatureName parameter just requires the last part of the URL: lbvserver or lbvserver_binding etc.
    Get-NSConfiguration -WebSession $NSSession -NitroApiFeatureName lbvserver
    This will produce an object that shows the exit code from the API call and a property "lbvserver" that
    contains all of the Load Balancing Virtual Servers from the NetScaler

  Param (
  if (-not $WebSession) {$WebSession = Connect-NSAppliance}
  $NitroApiFeatureName = $NitroApiFeatureName.TrimStart('/')
  $URL = "http://$($WebSession.Headers.NSIPAddress)/nitro/v1/config/$NitroApiFeatureName"
  $RestMethodSplat = @{
    Method          = 'get'
    Uri             = $URL
    ContentType     = 'application/json'
    WebSession      = $WebSession
    ErrorAction     = 'Stop'
  try {$Result = Invoke-RestMethod @RestMethodSplat}
  catch {
    Write-Warning "The Netscaler with IPaddress $($WebSession.Headers.NSIPAddress) cannot complete the API request, check and try again"
  return $Result

function Set-NSConfiguration {
    This PowerShell tool modifies configuration in a Citrix NetScaler using Nitro API calls
    When setting configuration information from the NetScaler via Nitro API calls, it is
    apparent that there is very little difference in the API call's URI and so this cmdlet
    can retrieve any information from the NetScaler by doing these simple steps:
    1.Authenticating to the NetScaler and setting up a session object, this object has been further
      Enhanced to include the IP addrfess of the NetScaler so that subsequent commands do not
      need to be supplied with this detail)
      Example: $NSSession = New-NSAppliance Session -NSMmgmtIPAddress
    2.This presents you with a credential dialog box to enter the nsroot and password for the
      NS appliance.
    3.Once the session information is captured this cmdlet can modify configuration by doing the
      Example $Result = Set-NSConfiguration -WebSession $NSSession -APISyntax $HashTable-of-Changes
    Created By: Brent Denny
  .PARAMETER WebSession
    Before getting the configuration from the NetScaler, it is best to create a session to authenticate to the
    NetScaler using $NSSession = New-NSApplianceSession -NSMgmtIpAddress Once the session
    variable is established you can then use the following command:
    Set-NSConfiguration -WebSession $NSSession -APISyntax lbvserver
    The WebSession parameter accepts the token produced by the session in the New-NSApplianceSession cmdlet.
    When setting configuration information from the NetScaler by the API calls the API syntax is very similar
    across all of the different API calls, they all have the following syntax for configuration:
    Nitro API Docs:
    URL: http://<netscaler-ip-address>/nitro/v1/config/lbvserver
    URL: http://<netscaler-ip-address>/nitro/v1/config/lbvserver_binding
    The APISyntax parameter just requires the information after the http://<netscaler-ip-address>/nitro/v1/config/
    So the APISyntax parameter just requires the last part of the URL: lbvserver or lbvserver_binding etc.
    Set-NSConfiguration -WebSession $NSSession -NitroFeatureName lbvserver -NitroJsonBody $NitroBody
    This will create a load balancing virtual server based on the configuration that is in the
    $NitroBody JSON format.

  Param (
  if (-not $WebSession) {$WebSession = Connect-NSAppliance}
  $NitroApiFeatureName = $NitroApiFeatureName.TrimStart('/')
  $URL = "http://$($WebSession.Headers.NSIPAddress)/nitro/v1/config/$NitroApiFeatureName"
  $RestMethodSplat = @{
    Method          = 'post'
    Uri             = $URL
    ContentType     = 'application/json'
    WebSession      = $WebSession
    ErrorAction     = 'Stop'
    Body            = $NitroJsonBody
  try {$Result = Invoke-RestMethod @RestMethodSplat}
  catch {
    Write-Warning "The Netscaler with IPaddress $($WebSession.Headers.NSIPAddress) cannot complete the API request, check and try again"
  return $Result

function Convert-NitroWebContentToPSObject {
  param (
  $URL = "${NitroApiFeatureName}#operations"
  $WebResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL
  $WebContent      = $WebResult.Content
  $SplitContent    = $WebContent -split "`n"
  $MinifiedContent = $SplitContent -join '' -replace '\s{2,}',''
  $TableStartIndex = $MinifiedContent.IndexOf('<table')
  $TableEndIndex   = $MinifiedContent.IndexOf('</table>') + 8
  $EntireHtmlTable = $MinifiedContent.Substring($TableStartIndex,($TableEndIndex-$TableStartIndex))
  $HtmlTableHeader = ($EntireHtmlTable -replace '.+(\<thead.+\<\/thead>).+','$1') -replace '\</?thead>',''
  $HtmlTableBody   = ($EntireHtmlTable -replace '.+(\<tbody.+\<\/tbody>).+','$1') -replace '\</?tbody>',''
  $CsvTableHeader  = ($HtmlTableHeader -replace '<.+?><.+?>', ',' -replace '\s+','').trim(',') -split ',' 
  $SplitTableBody  = ($HtmlTableBody -replace '\<\/td\>\<\/tr\>',"`n") -replace '\<\/td\>\<td.*?\>','^' -split '^' -replace '\<tr\>\<td\>','' -replace '<(.+?)></\1>','$1' -replace '&(lt|gt);',''
  $TableObject     = $SplitTableBody | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '^' -Header $CsvTableHeader
  return $TableObject

function Select-NitroElementToJson {
  param (
  $SelectedApiElements = $TableObject | Out-GridView -Title 'Select the elements you need for the API configuration' -OutputMode Multiple
  $ApiHashElements = [ordered]@{}
  Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Enter values for each of the API elements"
  foreach ($Element in $SelectedApiElements) {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $Element.Description
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "Type the value for the element - `"$($Element.Name)`": "
    $Value = Read-Host
    switch ($Element.DataType) {
      string    {[string]$TypeCastValue = $Value}
      string[]  {[string[]]$TypeCastValue = $Value}
      integer   {[int]$TypeCastValue = $Value}
      integer[] {[int]$TypeCastValue = $Value}
      double    {[double]$TypeCastValue = $Value}
      double[]  {[double[]]$TypeCastValue = $Value}
      Default   {[string]$TypeCastValue = $Value}
  $NitroApiObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
    $NitroFeatureName = $ApiHashElements
  $JsonObject = $NitroApiObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8 
  return $JsonObject

function Add-NSObject {
    Uses functions from the NetscalerNitroApiTools module to build NetScaler objects via Nitro API
    This is a controller script that uses the module NetscalerNitroApiTools to create JSON
    content that can be used with the NetScaler Nitro API to create and manage NetScalers
    Created by: Brent Denny
    Created on: 3-Oct-2024
  .PARAMETER NitroApiFeatureName
    This is the feature from the Nitro API documentation that will be used to create the JSON
    data to manipulate the Netscaler configuration
    NSController.ps1 -NitroApiFeatureName lbvserver
    This will create a JSON data block that will manage Load Balancing Virtual Servers

  Param (
  $NSSession = New-NSApplianceSession
  $NitroObject = Convert-NitroWebContentToPSObject -NitroApiFeatureName $NitroApiFeatureName
  $NitroJson = Select-NitroElementToJson -NitroFeatureName $NitroApiFeatureName -TableObject $NitroObject
  Set-NSConfiguration -WebSession $NSSession -NitroApiFeatureName $NitroApiFeatureName -NitroJsonBody $NitroJson