
Function Get-NmeHostPoolUsage {


    Get usage of ARM host pool.


    Get usage of ARM host pool.

    This function calls the /api/v1/usages/arm/hostpool/{subscriptionId}/{resourceGroup}/{hostPoolName} endpoint of the NME REST API, using the get method.

    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId

    The id (guid) of the subscription where this usages resides

    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup

    The Azure resource group where the usages resides

    .PARAMETER HostPoolName

    The name of the Host Pool

    .PARAMETER StartUtc

    Start date in UTC


    End date in UTC


    Try {
        $QueryString = '?'
        $QueryStrings = @{}
        $QueryStrings += @{startUtc= $startUtc}
        $QueryStrings += @{endUtc= $endUtc}
        $QueryString += ($QueryStrings.GetEnumerator() | % { "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }) -join '&'
        $Result = Invoke-RestMethod "$script:NmeUri/api/v1/usages/arm/hostpool/$SubscriptionId/$ResourceGroup/$HostPoolName$Querystring" -Method get -Headers $script:AuthHeaders -ContentType 'application/json'
        $Result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'NmeUsageRestModel')
        $Result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'subscriptionId' -NotePropertyValue $subscriptionId -erroraction 'SilentlyContinue'
        $Result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'resourceGroup' -NotePropertyValue $resourceGroup -erroraction 'SilentlyContinue'
        $Result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'hostPoolName' -NotePropertyValue $hostPoolName -erroraction 'SilentlyContinue'
        $Result | CapProps
    Catch {
        $message = ParseErrorForResponseBody($_)
        write-error ($message | out-string)
Function Get-NmeWorkSpaceUsage {


    Get usage of ARM workspace.


    Get usage of ARM workspace.

    This function calls the /api/v1/usages/arm/workspace/{subscriptionId}/{resourceGroup}/{workspaceName} endpoint of the NME REST API, using the get method.

    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId

    The id (guid) of the subscription where this usages resides

    .PARAMETER ResourceGroup

    The Azure resource group where the usages resides

    .PARAMETER WorkspaceName

    Name of the AVD Workspace

    .PARAMETER StartUtc

    Start date in UTC


    End date in UTC


    Try {
        $QueryString = '?'
        $QueryStrings = @{}
        $QueryStrings += @{startUtc= $startUtc}
        $QueryStrings += @{endUtc= $endUtc}
        $QueryString += ($QueryStrings.GetEnumerator() | % { "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }) -join '&'
        $Result = Invoke-RestMethod "$script:NmeUri/api/v1/usages/arm/workspace/$SubscriptionId/$ResourceGroup/$WorkspaceName$Querystring" -Method get -Headers $script:AuthHeaders -ContentType 'application/json'
        $Result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'NmeUsageRestModel')
        $Result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'subscriptionId' -NotePropertyValue $subscriptionId -erroraction 'SilentlyContinue'
        $Result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'resourceGroup' -NotePropertyValue $resourceGroup -erroraction 'SilentlyContinue'
        $Result | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'workspaceName' -NotePropertyValue $workspaceName -erroraction 'SilentlyContinue'
        $Result | CapProps
    Catch {
        $message = ParseErrorForResponseBody($_)
        write-error ($message | out-string)
Function Get-NmeAllWorkSpaceUsage {


    Get usage of all ARM workspaces.


    Get usage of all ARM workspaces.

    This function calls the /api/v1/usages/arm/workspace endpoint of the NME REST API, using the get method.

    .PARAMETER StartUtc

    Start date in UTC


    End date in UTC


    Try {
        $QueryString = '?'
        $QueryStrings = @{}
        $QueryStrings += @{startUtc= $startUtc}
        $QueryStrings += @{endUtc= $endUtc}
        $QueryString += ($QueryStrings.GetEnumerator() | % { "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" }) -join '&'
        $Result = Invoke-RestMethod "$script:NmeUri/api/v1/usages/arm/workspace$Querystring" -Method get -Headers $script:AuthHeaders -ContentType 'application/json'
        $Result.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'NmeUsageRestModel')
        $Result | CapProps
    Catch {
        $message = ParseErrorForResponseBody($_)
        write-error ($message | out-string)