function Get-MailboxMoveInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Reports on MailboxMoves to include BadItemLimit + LargeItemLimit information .DESCRIPTION Reports on MailboxMoves to include BadItemLimit + LargeItemLimit information .EXAMPLE Get-MailboxMoveInfo -SharePointURL '' -ExcelFile 'Batches.xlsx' .NOTES General notes #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $SharePointURL, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $ExcelFile ) $ExcelFull = Import-SharePointExcel -SharePointURL $SharePointURL -ExcelFile $ExcelFile $BatchChoice = $ExcelFull | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BatchName -Unique | Sort-Object | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple -Title "Choose which BatchName" $ExcelList = $ExcelFull | Where-Object { $_.BatchName -in $BatchChoice } $ExcelHash = @{} foreach ($Excel in $ExcelList) { $ExcelHash[$Excel.DisplayName] = @{ PrimarySmtpAddress = $Excel.PrimarySmtpAddress UserPrincipalName = $Excel.UserPrincipalName } } $MailboxList = Get-MoveRequest -ResultSize Unlimited $MoveHash = @{} foreach ($Mailbox in $MailboxList) { $MoveHash[$Mailbox.DisplayName] = @{ BatchName = $Mailbox.BatchName BatchStatus = $moves.Status } } foreach ($ExcelItem in $ExcelHash.Keys) { if ($MoveHash.ContainsKey($ExcelItem)) { $movesStats = Get-MoveRequestStatistics -Identity $ExcelHash[$ExcelItem]['PrimarySmtpAddress'] [PSCustomObject]@{ DisplayName = $ExcelItem Result = 'FOUND' UserPrincipalName = $ExcelHash[$ExcelItem]['UserPrincipalName'] PrimarySmtpAddress = $ExcelHash[$ExcelItem]['PrimarySmtpAddress'] BatchName = $MoveHash[$ExcelItem]['BatchName'] BatchStatus = $MoveHash[$ExcelItem]['BatchStatus'] BatchPercent = $movesStats.PercentComplete BadItemLimit = $movesStats.BadItemLimit BadItemsEncountered = $movesStats.BadItemsEncountered LargeItemLimit = $movesStats.LargeItemLimit LargeItemsEncountered = $movesStats.LargeItemsEncountered TotalMailboxSize = $movesStats.TotalMailboxSize TotalMailboxItemCount = $movesStats.TotalMailboxItemCount } } else { [PSCustomObject]@{ DisplayName = $ExcelItem Result = 'NOTFOUND' UserPrincipalName = $ExcelHash[$ExcelItem]['UserPrincipalName'] PrimarySmtpAddress = $ExcelHash[$ExcelItem]['PrimarySmtpAddress'] BatchName = '' BatchStatus = '' BatchPercent = '' BadItemLimit = '' BadItemsEncountered = '' LargeItemLimit = '' LargeItemsEncountered = '' TotalMailboxSize = '' TotalMailboxItemCount = '' } } } } |