
        Install Nuget
        Install Nuget. This will install a stand-alone version of nuget.exe
        Author :
        Version : 1.1
        DateLastChanged : 2023-11-28

Param ( 
    [Switch] $Auto 

Write-Host "Load nested module 'helper_nuget' ... "; 

#region begin DECLARATION
    #region begin TYPES

    #region begin USER_VARIABLES

    #region begin SYSTEM_VARIABLES

    [String] $psScriptFilePath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition; 
    [String] $psScriptFolderPath = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent; 
    [String] $defaultUrlArtifactsCredproviderPsScript = ""; 



Function Install-Nuget {

    Write-Host ("Install nuget ... ") -BackgroundColor Green; 
    Initialize-NugetClient `
        -NugetSettings $Global:nugetSettings; 

    Get-NugetFromWeb `
        -NugetSettings $Global:nugetSettings; 

    Get-ArtifactCredProvider `
        -ArtifactSettings $Global:artifactSettings; 

    Add-NugetEnvPath `
        -NugetSettings $Global:nugetSettings; 




Function Initialize-NugetClient {
        [NugetSettings] $NugetSettings 

    Write-Host ( "Initialize nuget client environment ... " );    

    [String[]] $folders = @(

    $folders `
        | ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host ("- Check for folder '{0}' ... " -f $_)
            If ( -not ( Test-Path $_ ) ) {                
                New-Item -Path $_ -ItemType Directory; 
            Else {
                Write-Host " No action required"; 

Function Add-NugetEnvPath {
    Param ( 
        [NugetSettings] $NugetSettings

    [String] $newPath = $NugetSettings.NugetProgramFolder; 

    Write-Host ( "Update env:path variable. Add '{0}'" -f $newPath ); 

    # Check if new path already exists
    [String[]] $pathItems = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "Machine").Split(";"); 
    If ( $pathItems.Contains($newPath) ) {
        Write-Host ( "The environment variable already contains the new path. Abort." ); 
    } Else { # Add path
        [String] $currentPathValue = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "Machine"); 
        If ( -not ( $currentPathValue.EndsWith(";") ) ) {
            $currentPathValue += ";"; 
        [String] $newPathValue = $currentPathValue + $newPath + ";"; 
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $newPathValue, "Machine"); 


Function Get-ArtifactCredProvider {
        [ArtifactSettings] $ArtifactSettings 

    Write-Host ("Going to install artifact credential provider ... "); 

    Invoke-Expression "& { $(Invoke-RestMethod } -AddNetfx"; 

Function Get-NugetFromWeb { 
    Param ( 
        [NugetSettings] $NugetSettings

    Write-Host ( "Going to download nuget.exe from '{0}'" ); 
    Write-Host ( "Save nuget.exe to nuget program files folder" -f $NugetSettings.NugetExeDownloadUrl, $NugetSettings.NugetProgramFolder ); 

    # Action
    Invoke-WebRequest `
        -Uri $NugetSettings.NugetExeDownloadUrl `
        -OutFile ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($NugetSettings.NugetProgramFolder, "nuget.exe")); 

    # Return Nuget.Config file paths
    Write-Host ( "'Nuget.Config' file path 1 (User) = '{0}'" -f "%appdata%\NuGet" ); 
    Write-Host ( "'Nuget.Config' file path 2 (System) = '{0}'" -f "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\NuGet\Config" ); 




# Function Add-NugetPackageSource {
# Param (
# [NugetSettings] $NugetSettings,
# [String] $NugetProgramFolder = $folders.NugetProgramFolder
# )
# Write-Host ( "Add nuget package source '{0}'" -f $NugetSettings.NuGetSourceName );
# cd $NugetProgramFolder;
# # Check for existing source
# [String[]] $s = `
# .\nuget.exe source `
# | Where-Object { $_ -like ( "*" + $NugetSettings.NuGetSourceName + "*" ) };
# If ( $s.Count -gt 0 ) {
# "Package source already exists. Skip.";
# Return
# }
# # Action
# Write-Host ( "- Nuget source properties: " );
# Write-Host ( " - Name: '{0}'" -f $NugetSettings.NuGetSourceName );
# Write-Host ( " - Source: '{0}'" -f $NugetSettings.AzArtifactFeedUrl );
# Write-Host ( " - UserName: '{0}'" -f $NugetSettings.AzArtifactUserName );
# Write-Host ( " - Password / PersonalAccessToken: '{0}'" -f $NugetSettings.AzApiKey ); # $NugetSettings.AzArtifactUserPassword );
# .\nuget.exe sources add `
# -Name $NugetSettings.NuGetSourceName `
# -Source $NugetSettings.AzArtifactFeedUrl `
# -UserName $NugetSettings.AzArtifactUserName `
# -Password $NugetSettings.AzApiKey;
# # $NugetSettings.AzArtifactUserPassword;
# }


#region EXPORT

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Install-Nuget'; 
