Set-StrictMode -Version 1 $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # For older WinPS versions: Set OS/edition flags (which in PSCore are automatically defined). # !! At least with Pester v5.x, script-level variables must explicitly created with scope $script: # !! Do NOT *refer to* these variables with $script: below, however. if (-not (Test-Path Variable:IsWindows)) { $script:IsWindows = $true } if (-not (Test-Path Variable:IsCoreCLR)) { $script:IsCoreCLR = $false } # Force-(re)import this module. # Target the *.psd1 file explicitly, so the tests can run from versioned subfolders too. Note that the # loaded module's ModuleInfo's .Path property will reflect the *.psm1 instead. $manifest = (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot/../*.psd1) Remove-Module -ea Ignore -Force $manifest.BaseName # Note: To be safe, we unload any modules with the same name first (they could be in a different location and end up side by side in memory with this one.) Import-Module $manifest -Force -Global # -Global makes sure that when psake runs tester in a child scope, the module is still imported globally. Describe 'dbea (Debug-ExecutableArguments) tests' { It 'Rejects incompatible switches' { { dbea -UseBatchFile -UseWrapperBatchFile } | Should -Throw -ExceptionType System.Management.Automation.ParameterBindingException } It 'Echoes the arguments in diagnostic form.' { $argList = 'one', 'two' $patternsToFind = $patternsToFindBatchFile = '\b2\b', '\bone\b', '\btwo\b' if ($IsWindows) { $patternsToFind += '\bone two\b' } # Windows only, via binary: the whole command-line $result = dbea -- $argList ($result | Select-String $patternsToFind).Count | Should -Be $patternsToFind.Count # Compare-Object $argList $result | ForEach-Object $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput | Should -BeNull if ($IsWindows) { $result = dbea -UseWrapperBatchFile -- $argList ($result | Select-String $patternsToFind).Count | Should -Be $patternsToFind.Count $result = dbea -UseBatchFile -- $argList ($result | Select-String $patternsToFindBatchFile).Count | Should -Be $patternsToFindBatchFile.Count } } It 'Echoes the arguments as-is with -Raw' { $argList = '-u', 'two (2)', 'three' # To avoid breaking with arguments that contain cmd.exe metacharacters, the batch file must # echo arguments that were passed quoted *with* the quotes. $expectedBatchFileResult = '-u', '"two (2)"', 'three' $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput = { '{0} <{1}>' -f $_.SideIndicator, $_.InputObject } $result = dbea -Raw -- $argList Compare-Object $argList $result | ForEach-Object $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput | Should -BeNull if ($IsWindows) { $result = dbea -Raw -UseWrapperBatchFile -- $argList Compare-Object $argList $result | ForEach-Object $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput | Should -BeNull $result = dbea -Raw -UseBatchFile -- $argList Compare-Object $expectedBatchFileResult $result | ForEach-Object $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput | Should -BeNull } } It 'Passes arguments properly with -UseIe' { # Note: We use an option-like 1st argument to make # sure it is still correctly passed through and not mistakenly # interpreted as an option for /bin/sh. $argList = '-u', '{ "foo": "bar" }' # To avoid breaking with arguments that contain cmd.exe metacharacters, the batch file must # echo arguments that were passed quoted *with* the quotes. $expectedBatchFileResult = '-u', '"{ ""foo"": ""bar"" }"' $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput = { '{0} <{1}>' -f $_.SideIndicator, $_.InputObject } $result = dbea -UseIe -Raw -- $argList Compare-Object $argList $result | ForEach-Object $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput | Should -BeNull if ($IsWindows) { $result = dbea -UseIe -Raw -UseWrapperBatchFile -- $argList Compare-Object $argList $result | ForEach-Object $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput | Should -BeNull $result = dbea -UseIe -Raw -UseBatchFile -- $argList Compare-Object $expectedBatchFileResult $result | ForEach-Object $sbFormatUnexpectedOutput | Should -BeNull } } } |