.Synopsis Utilize Invoke-Generate to create a random value type .DESCRIPTION NameIt returns strings including unecessary zeros in numbers. Get-RandomValue returns a specified values type. .PARAMETER Template A Nameit template string. [alpha]; selects a random character (constrained by the -Alphabet parameter). [numeric]; selects a random numeric (constrained by the -Numbers parameter). [vowel]; selects a vowel from a, e, i, o or u. [phoneticVowel]; selects a vowel sound, for example ou. [consonant]; selects a consonant from the entire alphabet. [syllable]; generates (usually) a pronouncable single syllable. [synonym word]; finds a synonym to match the provided word. [person]; generate random name of female or male based on provided culture like <FirstName><Space><LastName>. [person female]; generate random name of female based on provided culture like <FirstName><Space><LastName>. [person female first] [person female last] [person male]; generate random name of male based on provided culture like <FirstName><Space><LastName>. [person male first] [person male last] [person both first] [person both last] [address]; generate a random street address. Formatting is biased to US currently. [space]; inserts a literal space. Spaces are striped from the templates string by default. .PARAMETER Count The number of random items to return. .PARAMETER Alphabet A set of alpha characters used to generate random strings. .PARAMETER Numbers A set of digit characters used to generate random numerics. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-Generate lhcqalmf .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-Generate -alphabet abc cabccbca .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-Generate "cafe###" cafe176 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-Generate "???###" yhj561 .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-Generate -count 5 "[synonym cafe]_[syllable][syllable]" restaurant_owkub coffeebar_otqo eatingplace_umit coffeeshop_fexuz coffeebar_zuvpe .Notes Inspired by #> function Invoke-Generate { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Data")] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [String] $Template = '????????', [Parameter(Position = 1)] [int] $Count = 1, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [string] $Alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', [Parameter(Position = 3)] [string] $Numbers = '0123456789', [Parameter(Position = 4)] [HashTable]$CustomData, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [String]$CustomDataFile = "$ModuleBase\customData\customData.ps1", [Switch]$ApprovedVerb, [Switch]$AsCsv, [Switch]$UseCsvCultureSeparator, [Switch]$AsTabDelimited, [Switch]$AsPSObject , [Parameter()] [int] $SetSeed , [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $Culture = [cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture ) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SetSeed')) { $null = Get-Random -SetSeed $SetSeed } $script:alphabet = $alphabet $script:numbers = $number if (Test-Path $CustomDataFile) { $CustomData += . $CustomDataFile } if ($CustomData) { foreach ($key in $CustomData.Keys) { Add-GeneratorToSet -Name $key $null = New-Item -Path Function: -Name $key -Value { $CustomData[$MyInvocation.InvocationName] | Get-Random } -Force } } $template = $template -replace '\?', '[alpha]' -replace '#', '[numeric]' $unitOfWork = $template -split "\[(.+?)\]" | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ } $tokenizerErrors = $null # must be declared for [ref] 1..$count | ForEach-Object -Process { $r = -join $($unitOfWork | ForEach-Object -Process { $tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($_, [ref] $tokenizerErrors) $fn = $tokens[0].Content if (Test-GeneratorInSet -Name $fn) { $generator = Get-Command -Name $fn -ErrorAction Stop $arguments = $tokens | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object -Process { if ($_.Type -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSTokenType]::String) { "'{0}'" -f [System.Management.Automation.Language.CodeGeneration]::EscapeSingleQuotedStringContent($_.Content) } else { $_.Content } } if ($generator.Parameters.ContainsKey('Culture') -and $arguments.Count -le $generator.Parameters['Culture'].Attributes.Position) { $arguments = @() + $arguments + @('-Culture', $Culture.ToString()) } $generatorExpression = "$fn $arguments" $generatorExpression | Write-Verbose $generatorExpression | Invoke-Expression } else { $_ } }) if ($AsPSObject) { [pscustomobject](ConvertFrom-StringData $r) } elseif ($AsCsv) { $separator = if ($UseCsvCultureSeparator) { @{ Delimiter = $Culture.TextInfo.ListSeparator } } else { @{} } [pscustomobject](ConvertFrom-StringData $r) | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation @separator } elseif ($AsTabDelimited) { [pscustomobject](ConvertFrom-StringData $r) | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation } else { $r } } } |