$manifestPath = $PSScriptRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath '..' | Join-Path -ChildPath 'NameIT.psd1' | Resolve-Path Import-Module $manifestPath -Force Describe "NameIT Tests" { $StaticSeed = [System.Random]::new().Next() Context "Module Health" { It "Should have a valid module manifest" { Test-ModuleManifest -Path $manifestPath | Should BeOfType ([psmoduleinfo]) } It "Should have a manifest that meets PSGallery Requirements" { # this catches one verified case so far of a valid manifest rejected by PSGallery # https://github.com/dfinke/NameIT/issues/24 Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $manifestPath | Should BeOfType [hashtable] } It "All Static Generators Should Exist as Functions" { InModuleScope NameIT { Clear-GeneratorSet $generators = Get-GeneratorSet -Enumerate Get-Command -CommandType Function -Name $generators | Should HaveCount $generators.Count } } } Context "Generation Tests" { InModuleScope NameIT { Clear-CacheStore } It "Should generate five entries" { $actual = Invoke-Generate -Template "[person]" -Count 5 $actual.count | Should Be 5 } It "Should return a culture-specific space character" { $actual = Invoke-Generate -Template '[space 1 ja-JP]' $actual -as [char] -as [int] | Should Be 12288 } It "Should pass through culture from Invoke-Generate" { $actual = Invoke-Generate -Template '[space 1]' -Culture ja-JP $actual -as [char] -as [int] | Should Be 12288 } It "'[space]' and a literal space should return the same results" { $spaceLit = Invoke-Generate -Template '[noun] [noun]' -SetSeed $StaticSeed $spaceGen = Invoke-Generate -Template '[noun][space][noun]' -SetSeed $StaticSeed $spaceLit | Should BeExactly $spaceGen } It "'[space 5]' and 5 literal spaces should return the same results" { $spaceLit = Invoke-Generate -Template '[noun] [noun]' -SetSeed $StaticSeed $spaceGen = Invoke-Generate -Template '[noun][space 5][noun]' -SetSeed $StaticSeed $spaceLit | Should BeExactly $spaceGen } It "Spaces in quoted arguments should behave" { $dateHyphen = Invoke-Generate -Template "[randomdate 1/1/1999 5/5/5555 'yyyy-MM-dd']" -SetSeed $StaticSeed $dateSpace = Invoke-Generate -Template "[randomdate 1/1/1999 5/5/5555 'yyyy MM dd']" -SetSeed $StaticSeed $dateSpace | Should BeExactly $dateHyphen.Replace('-', ' ') } It "Newlines in a template should behave" { { Invoke-Generate -Template '[noun] [noun]' } | Should Not Throw } It "Newlines in a quoted argument should behave" { # https://github.com/dfinke/NameIT/issues/29 # $dateGen = Invoke-Generate -Template "[randomdate 1/1/1999 5/5/5555 'yyyy']" -SetSeed $StaticSeed # $dateNlGen = Invoke-Generate -Template "[randomdate 1/1/1999 5/5/5555 'yyyy # 2 # 3']" -SetSeed $StaticSeed # "$dateGen # 2 # 3" | Should BeExactly $dateNlGen } It "Internal Aliases shouldn't expand inside arguments" { # https://github.com/dfinke/NameIT/issues/30 } } } |