
Drop-in replacement for Import-Csv
Can be used transparently in most cases where Import-Csv would be used, but will store the contents in memory.
Also optionally supports transforms (your own code in a scriptblock called on each read and/or write into the cache).

function Import-CacheableCsv {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Delimiter')]
        $Path ,

        $LiteralPath ,

            ParameterSetName = 'Delimiter'
        $Delimiter ,

        $Encoding = 'utf8' ,

        $Header ,

            ParameterSetName = 'UseCulture' ,
        $UseCulture ,

            ParameterSetName = 'UseCulture'
        $Culture ,

        $RefreshCache ,

        $Transform ,

        $TransformCacheContentOn = 'Write'

    Begin {
        $local:cache = Get-CacheStore

        $commonParams = @{}
        if ($Encoding) {
            $commonParams.Encoding = $Encoding

        if ($Delimiter) {
            $commonParams.Delimiter = $Delimiter

        if ($Header) {
            $commonParams.Header = $Header

        if ($UseCulture) {
            if ($Culture) {
                $commonParams.Delimiter = $Culture.TextInfo.ListSeparator
            } else {
                $commonParams.UseCulture = $UseCulture

    Process {
        $params = $commonParams.Clone()

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LiteralPath')) {
            $OnePath = $LiteralPath
            $pathParam = 'LiteralPath'

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')) {
            if ($OnePath) {
                throw [System.InvalidOperationException]'You must specify either the -Path or -LiteralPath parameters, but not both.'
            $OnePath = $Path
            $pathParam = 'Path'

        foreach ($thisPath in $OnePath) {
            $key = $thisPath

            if ($RefreshCache -or -not $local:cache.ContainsKey($key)) {
                $params[$pathParam] = $thisPath

                $content = Import-Csv @params

                $local:cache[$key] = if ($Transform -and $TransformCacheContentOn -in 'Write','ReadWrite') {
                    $content | ForEach-Object -Process $Transform
                } else {
            if ($Transform -and $TransformCacheContentOn -in 'Read','ReadWrite') {
                $local:cache[$key] | ForEach-Object -Process $Transform
            } else {