
    Import BC powershell modules from artifact folder
    Import BC powershell modules from artifact folder to be used without entering the container to use BC cmdlets
    PS C:\> Import-BCModulesFromArtifacts -artifactPath (Download-Artifacts -artifactUrl -includePlatform)[1]
    Will download given artifact and load the powershell modules for management and apps management
    artifactPath - path to platform artifact of given version
    databaseServer - if set then libraries to interact with the database server are loaded (e.g. for Export-NAVApplication etc.)

function Import-BCModulesFromArtifacts {
    if (([Version]$PSVersionTable.Version).Major -ge 7) {
        Write-Host "Getting path for PS7 management module"
        $Paths = Get-BCModulePathFromArtifact7 -artifactPath $artifactPath

    else {
        Write-Host "Getting path for old powershell management module"
        $Paths = Get-BCModulePathFromArtifact -artifactPath $artifactPath

    try { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText((Join-Path $artifactPath 'lastused'), "$([datetime]::UtcNow.Ticks)") } catch {}
    Import-Module $Paths -Global
