
function Compile-AppWithArtifact {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('none', 'error', 'warning')]
        [string] $FailOn = 'none',
        [scriptblock] $outputTo = { Param($line) Write-Host $line },
        [string]$sourceRepositoryUrl = '',
        [string]$sourceCommit = '',
        [string]$buildBy = '',
        [string]$buildUrl = ''
    $startTime = [DateTime]::Now
    $appJsonFile = Join-Path $appProjectFolder 'app.json'
    $appJsonObject = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($appJsonFile) | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ("$appName" -eq "") {
        $appName = "$($appJsonObject.Publisher)_$($appJsonObject.Name)_$($appJsonObject.Version).app".Split([System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -join ''

    Write-Host "Using Symbols Folder: $appSymbolsFolder"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $appSymbolsFolder -PathType Container)) {
        New-Item -Path $appSymbolsFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null

    Write-Host 'Copying Microsoft apps from artifact folder'
    $ArtifactPaths = Download-Artifacts -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -includePlatform
    if ((-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $ArtifactPaths[0] 'Applications'))) -and (-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $ArtifactPaths[0] 'Applications.*')))) {
        $AppPath = $ArtifactPaths[1]
    else {
        $AppPath = $ArtifactPaths[0]
    (Join-Path $ArtifactPaths[1] "\ModernDev\program files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\AL Development Environment\"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications.*\Microsoft_Application_*.app"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications\Application\Source\"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications.*\Microsoft_Base Application_*.app"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications\BaseApp\Source\Microsoft_Base"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications.*\Microsoft_System Application_*.app"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications.*\Microsoft_Business Foundation_*.app"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications\Application\Source\Microsoft_Business Foundation*.app"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications\BusinessFoundation\Source\Microsoft_Business"),
    (Join-Path $AppPath "\Applications\System Application\source\Microsoft_System") | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_) {
            if (Test-Path $_) {
                if (-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $appSymbolsFolder (Split-Path $_ -Leaf)))) {
                    Write-Host "Copying $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($_)) "
                    Copy-Item -Path $_ -Destination $appSymbolsFolder -Force
    Write-Host "Getting artifact path for $artifactUrl"
    $Path = (Download-Artifacts -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -includePlatform)[1]
    Write-Host "Importing Microsoft apps from artifact folder"
    import-module (Get-BCModulePathFromArtifact -artifactPath ($Path))
    $Version = [Version]($artifactUrl.Split('/')[4])

    if ($Version.Major -ge 24) {
        Write-Host "Running in pwsh7 for BCv24 or later to make it faster"
        $MSApps = pwsh -CommandWithArgs {
            Write-Host "Looking for apps in $AppPath"
            $MSAppsFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $AppPath -Filter *.app -Recurse
            $MSApps = @()
            foreach ($File in $MSAppsFiles) {
                Write-Verbose "Getting app info from $($File.FullName)"
                $AppInfo = (Get-NavAppInfo -Path $File.FullName)
                $AppJson = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "id" -Value $
                $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "name" -Value $AppInfo.Name
                $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "publisher" -Value $AppInfo.Publisher
                $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "version" -Value $AppInfo.Version
                $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "file" -Value $File.FullName
                $MSApps += $AppJson
            return $MSApps
        } $AppPath
    else {
        Write-Host "Looking for apps in $AppPath"
        $MSAppsFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $AppPath -Filter *.app -Recurse
        $MSApps = @()
        foreach ($File in $MSAppsFiles) {
            Write-Verbose "Getting app info from $($File.FullName)"
            $AppInfo = (Get-NavAppInfo -Path $File.FullName)
            $AppJson = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
            $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "id" -Value $
            $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "name" -Value $AppInfo.Name
            $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "publisher" -Value $AppInfo.Publisher
            $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "version" -Value $AppInfo.Version
            $AppJson | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "file" -Value $File.FullName
            $MSApps += $AppJson

    $dependencies = @()

    if (([bool]($ -eq "application")) -and $appJsonObject.application) {
        $dependencies += @{"publisher" = "Microsoft"; "name" = "Application"; "version" = $appJsonObject.application }

    if (([bool]($ -eq "platform")) -and $appJsonObject.platform) {
        $dependencies += @{"publisher" = "Microsoft"; "name" = "System"; "version" = $appJsonObject.platform }

    if (([bool]($ -eq "test")) -and $appJsonObject.test) {
        $dependencies += @{"publisher" = "Microsoft"; "name" = "Test"; "version" = $appJsonObject.test }
        if (([bool]($ -eq "EnableSymbolLoadingAtServerStartup")) -and ($customConfig.EnableSymbolLoadingAtServerStartup -eq "true")) {
            throw "app.json should NOT have a test dependency when running hybrid development (EnableSymbolLoading)"

    if (([bool]($ -eq "dependencies")) -and $appJsonObject.dependencies) {
        $appJsonObject.dependencies | ForEach-Object {
            $dependencies += @{ "publisher" = $_.publisher; "name" = $; "version" = $_.version }

    Write-Host "Looking for missing MS dependencies"
    foreach ($dep in ($dependencies | Where-Object { $_.publisher -like 'Microsoft' })) {
        $MSAppFile = $MSApps | Where-Object { ($ -eq $ -and ($_.publisher -eq $dep.publisher) } | Select-Object -First 1
        if ($MSAppFile) {
            if (-not (Test-Path (Join-Path $appSymbolsFolder (Split-Path $MSAppFile -Leaf)))) {
                Write-Host "Copying $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($MSAppFile.file)) "
                Copy-Item -Path $MSAppFile.file -Destination $appSymbolsFolder -Force
    $result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
        Param($binPath, $appProjectFolder, $appSymbolsFolder, $appOutputFile, $EnableCodeCop, $EnableAppSourceCop, $EnablePerTenantExtensionCop, $EnableUICop, $rulesetFile, $assemblyProbingPaths, $nowarn, $generateReportLayoutParam, $features, $preProcessorSymbols )

        set-location $binPath
        #Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
        #Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Text.Encoding
        # Import types needed to invoke the compiler
        #Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $alcPath System.Collections.Immutable.dll)
        #Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $alcPath Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.CodeAnalysis.dll)
        if (Test-Path (Join-Path $binPath 'Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.CodeCop.dll')) {
            $AnalyzersbinPath = Join-Path $binPath 'Analyzers' #pre BCv24
        else {
            $AnalyzersbinPath = Join-Path $binPath '..\Analyzers' #BCv24 and later

        $alcParameters = @("/project:""$($appProjectFolder.TrimEnd('/\'))""", "/packagecachepath:""$($appSymbolsFolder.TrimEnd('/\'))""", "/out:""$appOutputFile""")
        if ($EnableCodeCop) {
            $alcParameters += @("/analyzer:$(Join-Path $AnalyzersbinPath 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.CodeCop.dll')")
        if ($EnableAppSourceCop) {
            $alcParameters += @("/analyzer:$(Join-Path $AnalyzersbinPath 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.AppSourceCop.dll')")
        if ($EnablePerTenantExtensionCop) {
            $alcParameters += @("/analyzer:$(Join-Path $AnalyzersbinPath 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.PerTenantExtensionCop.dll')")
        if ($EnableUICop) {
            $alcParameters += @("/analyzer:$(Join-Path $AnalyzersbinPath 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.UICop.dll')")
        if ($rulesetFile) {
            $alcParameters += @("/ruleset:$rulesetfile")
        if ($assemblyProbingPaths) {
            $alcParameters += @("/assemblyprobingpaths:$assemblyProbingPaths")
        $alcItem = get-item .\alc.exe
        $alcVersion = $alcItem.VersionInfo.ProductVersion
        if ($alcVersion -ge [System.Version]"") {
            if ($sourceRepositoryUrl) {
                $alcParameters += @("/SourceRepositoryUrl:""$sourceRepositoryUrl""")
            if ($sourceCommit) {
                $alcParameters += @("/SourceCommit:""$sourceCommit""")
            if ($buildBy) {
                $buildBy += ';'
            $buildBy += "NVRAppDevOps, v$(Get-CurrentModuleVersion)"
            $alcParameters += @("/BuildBy:""$buildBy""")
            if ($buildUrl) {
                $alcParameters += @("/BuildUrl:""$buildUrl""")
        Write-Host ".\alc.exe $([string]::Join(' ', $alcParameters))"
        & .\alc.exe $alcParameters
        if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
            "App generation failed with exit code $lastexitcode"
    } -ArgumentList $alcPath, $appProjectFolder, $appSymbolsFolder, (Join-Path $appOutputFolder $appName), $EnableCodeCop, $EnableAppSourceCop, $EnablePerTenantExtensionCop, $EnableUICop, $rulesetFile, $assemblyProbingPaths, $nowarn, $GenerateReportLayoutParam, $features, $preProcessorSymbols

    $devOpsResult = ""
    if ($result) {
        $devOpsResult = Convert-ALCOutputToAzureDevOps -FailOn $FailOn -AlcOutput $result -DoNotWriteToHost
    if ($AzureDevOps) {
        $devOpsResult | % { $outputTo.Invoke($_) }
    else {
        $result | % { $outputTo.Invoke($_) }
        if ($devOpsResult -like "*task.complete result=Failed*") {
            throw "App generation failed"
    $result | Where-Object { $_ -like "App generation failed*" } | % { throw $_ }
    $timespend = [Math]::Round([DateTime]::Now.Subtract($startTime).Totalseconds)
    $appFile = Join-Path $appOutputFolder $appName
    if (Test-Path -Path $appFile) {
        Write-Host "$appFile successfully created in $timespend seconds"
        if ($CopyAppToSymbolsFolder) {
            Copy-Item -Path $appFile -Destination $appSymbolsFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $appSymbolsFolder -ChildPath $appName)) {
                Write-Host "${appName} copied to ${appSymbolsFolder}"
    else {
        throw "App generation failed"