
    Compile the App in the given folder
    Run alc.exe to create .app file from the AL project folder, based on the App.Json.
.Parameter ContainerName
    Name of the container to use for compiling the project
.Parameter AppPath
    Path to the Main App folder with App.json for the main App
.Parameter TestAppPath
    Path to the Test App folder with App.json for the test App
.Parameter TestApp
    If specified, will compile Test App and not Main App
    PS C:\> Read-ALConfiguration -Path c:\myproject | Compile-ALProject
    Will read config from given path and compile the main App
    PS C:\> Read-ALConfiguration -Path c:\myproject | Compile-ALProject -TestApp '1'
    Will read config from given path and compile the Test App
    .app files with main app and test app in their folders

function Compile-ALProject 
    Param (

    $ALC = (Get-ChildItem "C:\ProgramData\NavContainerHelper\Extensions\$ContainerName\" -Filter alc.exe -Recurse).FullName
    if (-not $TestApp) {
        Write-Host "Running $ALC for MainApp"
        Set-Location $AppPath
        & $ALC --% /project:.\ /packagecachepath:.\.alpackages | Convert-ALCOutputToTFS
    } else {
        if ($TestAppPath) {
            Write-Host "Running $ALC for TestApp"
            Set-Location $TestAppPath
            & $ALC --% /project:.\ /packagecachepath:.\.alpackages | Convert-ALCOutputToTFS