function Install-NLASvcFixForDCs { <# .Description checks if dns is specified as dependy for service nlasvc and if its not the case it will add it. .Example Install-NLASvcFixForDCs .NOTES #> try { $RegKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NlaSvc" $RegKeyValue = "DependOnService" $ServiceName = "DNS" Write-Verbose "adding service $($ServiceName) as dependency for service NlaSvc" $NLASvcDependencies = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -Name $RegKeyValue).$RegKeyValue if ($NLASvcDependencies -notcontains $ServiceName) { $FixedNLASvcDependencies = $NLASvcDependencies + $ServiceName Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -Name $RegKeyValue -Value $FixedNLASvcDependencies Write-Output "NlaSvc fix applied" } else { Write-Verbose "NlaSvc fix already applied" } } catch { throw $PSItem.Exception.Message } } function New-EASEOUStructure { <# .DESCRIPTION this will create the esae structure with OUs, User, Groups and Group Managed Service Accounts .PARAMETER LogFileName name of the log file .PARAMETER LogFileFolderPath path of the folder where to put the log file .PARAMETER Terminal writes to Terminal instead of log file .EXAMPLE New-EASEOUStructure .NOTES must be executed on a domain controller #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $LogFileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $LogFileFolderPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [bool] $Terminal ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $LogParam = Confirm-LogFileParameters -LogFileName $LogFileName -LogFileFolderPath $LogFileFolderPath -Terminal $Terminal #region functions function Add-ESAEADOU { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $OUs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path ) try { $OUs | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "creating ou $($PSItem) at $($Path)" New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Path } } catch { throw $PSItem.Exception.Message } } function New-ESAEADGroup { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path ) try { Write-Verbose "creating group $($Name) at $($Path)" New-ADGroup -Name $Name -SamAccountName $Name -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $Name -Path $Path } catch { throw "$($Name) - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } } function New-ESAEADUser { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Domain, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $Password ) try { Write-Verbose "creating user $($Name)@$($Domain) at $($Path)" New-ADUser -Name $Name -Path $Path -SamAccountName $Name -UserPrincipalName "$($Name)@$($Domain)" -GivenName $Name -DisplayName $Name -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true } catch { throw "$($Name) - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } } function New-ESAEADServiceAccount { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $DNSHostName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup ) try { Write-Verbose "creating gmsa $($DNSHostName)" New-ADServiceAccount -Name $Name -DNSHostName $DNSHostName -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword $PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup } catch { throw "$($Name) - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } } function Add-ESAEADGroupMember { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Group, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $Members ) try { Write-Verbose "add $($Members) to group $($Group)" Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members $Members } catch { throw "$($Name) - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } } #endregion try { if ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).ProductType -ne 2) { throw "this is not a domain controller, can only be used on domain controllers" } Import-Module "Activedirectory" $Domain = Get-ADDomain } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "apply esae structure on $($Domain.Forest)" #region ous try { Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating ous" $TopLevelOU = 'ESAE' New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $TopLevelOU -Path $Domain.DistinguishedName # ESAE - create first level OUs $ESAEPath = "OU=$($TopLevelOU),$($Domain.DistinguishedName)" Add-ESAEADOU -OUs 'Groups', 'PAW', 'Tier 0', 'Tier 1', 'Tier 2' -Path $ESAEPath # ESAE\Tier0 - create second level OUs $Tier0Path = "OU=Tier 0,$($ESAEPath)" Add-ESAEADOU -OUs 'AD', 'PKI', 'SQL', 'ADFS', 'ADSync' -Path $Tier0Path # ESAE\Tier1 - create second level OUs $Tier1Path = "OU=Tier 1,$($ESAEPath)" Add-ESAEADOU -OUs 'Exchange', 'ConfigMgr', 'SQL', 'Fileserver', 'DHCP' -Path $Tier1Path # Create third level OUs # ESAE\Tier0\AD $Tier0ADPath = "OU=AD,$($Tier0Path)" Add-ESAEADOU -OUs 'Accounts', 'Groups' -Path $Tier0ADPath # Default OUs $DefaultSubOUs = 'Accounts', 'Devices', 'Groups' # Basis $PAWPath = "OU=PAW,$($ESAEPath)" # ESAE\PAW # Tier0 $Tier0PKIPath = "OU=PKI,$($Tier0Path)" # ESAE\Tier0\PKI $Tier0SQLPath = "OU=SQL,$($Tier0Path)" # ESAE\Tier0\SQL $Tier0ADFSPath = "OU=ADFS,$($Tier0Path)" # ESAE\Tier0\ADFS $Tier0ADSyncPath = "OU=ADSync,$($Tier0Path)" # ESAE\Tier0\ADSync # Tier1 $Tier1ConfigMgrPath = "OU=ConfigMgr,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\ConfigMgr $Tier1SQLPath = "OU=SQL,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\SQL $Tier1DHCPPath = "OU=DHCP,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\DHCP $Tier1FileServerPath = "OU=Fileserver,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\Fileserver $Tier1ExchangePath = "OU=Exchange,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\Exchange # Tier2 $Tier2Path = "OU=Tier 2,$($ESAEPath)" # ESAE\Tier2 $OUsForWithDefault = @( $PAWPath $Tier0PKIPath $Tier0SQLPath $Tier0ADFSPath $Tier0ADSyncPath $Tier1ExchangePath $Tier1ConfigMgrPath $Tier1SQLPath $Tier1DHCPPath $Tier1FileServerPath $Tier2Path ) foreach ($OU in $OUsForWithDefault) { Add-ESAEADOU -OUs $DefaultSubOUs -Path $OU } } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating ous - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion #region groups try { Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating groups" # PAW $GroupNames = 'T0-Allowed', 'T1-Allowed', 'T2-Allowed', 'T0-Denied', 'T1-Denied', 'T2-Denied' $GroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($ESAEPath)" } $PAWGroupNames = 'PAW-Devices', 'PAW-Maintenance', 'PAW-Users' $PAWGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($PAWPath)" } # T0 $Tier0ADGroupNames = 'T0-CloudAdmins', 'T0-DomAdmins', 'T0-EntAdmins', 'T0-RODCAdmins', 'T0-SchAdmins' $Tier0ADGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0ADPath)" } $Tier0PKIGroupNames = 'T0-PKIAdmins', 'T0-PKISCAgents' $Tier0PKIGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0PKIPath)" } $Tier0SQLGroupNames = 'T0-SQLAdmins', 'T0-SQLServers' $Tier0SQLGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0SQLPath)" } $Tier0ADFSGroupNames = 'T0-ADFSAdmins', 'T0-ADFSServers', 'T0-ADFSSQLServers' $Tier0ADFSGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0ADFSPath)" } $Tier0ADSyncGroupNames = 'T0-ADSyncAdmins', 'T0-ADSyncServers', 'T0-ADSyncSQLServers' $Tier0ADSyncGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0ADSyncPath)" } # T1 $Tier1ExchangeGroupNames = 'T1-ExAdmins', 'T1-ExAllowed', 'T1-ExMaintenance', 'T1-ExMBXAdmins', 'T1-ExOrgAdmins' $Tier1ExchangeGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1ExchangePath)" } $Tier1CMGroupNames = 'T1-CMAdmins', 'T1-CMServers', 'T1-CMSQLServers' $Tier1CMGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1ConfigMgrPath)" } $Tier1SQLGroupNames = 'T1-SQLAdmins', 'T1-SQLServers' $Tier1SQLGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1SQLPath)" } $Tier1DHCPGroupNames = 'T1-DHCPAdmins', 'T1-DHCPServers' $Tier1DHCPGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1DHCPPath)" } $Tier1FileServerGroupNames = 'T1-FileServerAdmins', 'T1-FileServerServers' $Tier1FileServerGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1FileServerPath)" } # T2 $Tier2GroupNames = 'T2-HelpDesk' $Tier2GroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier2Path)" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating groups - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion #region users try { Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating users" $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'C0mplex' -AsPlainText -Force # PAW $PAWUserNames = 'PAWMan1' $PAWUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($PAWPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } # T0 $Tier0ADUserNames = 'T0-DomAdmin1', 'T0-EntAdmin1' $Tier0ADUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0ADPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier0PKIUserNames = 'T0-PKIAdmin1', 'T0-PKISCA1' $Tier0PKIUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0PKIPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier0SQLUserNames = 'T0-SQLAdmin1', 'T0-SQLAdmin2' $Tier0SQLUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0SQLPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier0ADFSUserNames = 'T0-ADFSAdmin1', 'T0-ADFSAdmin2' $Tier0ADFSUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0ADFSPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier0ADSyncUserNames = 'T0-ADSyncAdmin1', 'T0-ADSyncAdmin2' $Tier0ADSyncUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0ADSyncPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } # T1 $Tier1ExchangeUserNames = 'T1-ExAdmin1', 'T1-ExAdmin2' $Tier1ExchangeUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1ExchangePath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier1CMUserNames = 'T1-CMAdmin1', 'T1-CMAdmin2', 'T1-CMSQLRPT' $Tier1CMUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1ConfigMgrPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier1SQLUserNames = 'T1-SQLAdmin1', 'T1-SQLAdmin2' $Tier1SQLUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1SQLPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier1DHCPUserNames = 'T1-DHCPAdmin1', 'T1-DHCPAdmin2' $Tier1DHCPUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1DHCPPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier1FileServerUserNames = 'T1-FileServerAdmin1', 'T1-FileServerAdmin2' $Tier1FileServerUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1FileServerPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } # T2 $Tier2UserNames = 'T2-HelpDesk1', 'T2-HelpDesk2' $Tier2UserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier2Path)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating users - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion #region gmsa try { Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating gmsa" Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-10) | Out-Null # T0 New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-SQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-SQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-SQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-SQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-SQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-SQLServers" # T0\ADFS New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADFSServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADFSSQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADFSSQLServers" # T0\ADSync New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADSyncServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADSyncSQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADSyncSQLServers" # T1 New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T1-SQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T1-SQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T1-SQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T1-SQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T1-SQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T1-SQLServers" # T1\ConfigMgr New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T1-CMSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T1-CMSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T1-CMSQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T1-CMSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T1-CMSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T1-CMSQLServers" } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating gmsa - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion #region group membership try { Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating group membership" # Tier Groups $Tier0AllowedGroups = 'T0-CloudAdmins', 'T0-DomAdmins', 'T0-EntAdmins', 'T0-RODCAdmins', 'T0-SchAdmins', 'T0-PKIAdmins', 'T0-PKISCAgents', 'T0-SQLAdmins', 'T0-ADFSAdmins', 'T0-ADSyncAdmins' $Tier1AllowedGroups = 'T1-CMAdmins', 'T1-ExAdmins', 'T1-ExAllowed', 'T1-ExMaintenance', 'T1-ExMBXAdmins', 'T1-ExOrgAdmins', 'T1-SQLAdmins' $Tier2AllowedGroups = 'T2-HelpDesk' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-Allowed' -Members $Tier0AllowedGroups Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-Denied' -Members ($Tier1AllowedGroups + $Tier2AllowedGroups) Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-Allowed' -Members $Tier1AllowedGroups Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-Denied' -Members ($Tier0AllowedGroups + $Tier2AllowedGroups) Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T2-Allowed' -Members $Tier2AllowedGroups Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T2-Denied' -Members ($Tier0AllowedGroups + $Tier1AllowedGroups) # PAW Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'PAW-Maintenance' -Members 'PAWMan1' # T0 Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'Domain Admins' -Members 'T0-DomAdmin1' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'Enterprise Admins' -Members 'T0-EntAdmin1' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-PKIAdmins' -Members 'T0-PKIAdmin1' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-PKISCAgents' -Members 'T0-PKISCA1' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-SQLAdmins' -Members 'T0-SQLAdmin1', 'T0-SQLAdmin2' # T1 Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-ExAdmins' -Members 'T1-ExAdmin1', 'T1-ExAdmin2' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-CMAdmins' -Members 'T1-CMAdmin1', 'T1-CMAdmin2' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-SQLAdmins' -Members 'T1-SQLAdmin1', 'T1-SQLAdmin2' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-DHCPAdmins' -Members 'T1-DHCPAdmin1', 'T1-DHCPAdmin2' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-FileServerAdmins' -Members 'T1-FileServerAdmin1', 'T1-FileServerAdmin2' # T2 Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T2-HelpDesk' -Members 'T2-HelpDesk1', 'T2-HelpDesk2' } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating group memberships - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrTerminal @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion } function Repair-DFSRReplication { <# .Description this will forcefully repair dfsr replication on the domain, use with care .Example Repair-DFSRReplication .NOTES must be executed on a domain controller #> $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator $DCs = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "computer") } -SearchBase "OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain" -Properties Name | Sort-Object Name $DCs | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PSItem.Name -ScriptBlock { try { $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } ` -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"` -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled" Write-Output "Restarting NIC to correct Network Profile" $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter $NetAdapter[0] | Restart-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false Write-Output "Installing DFSR Management Tools" Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con | Out-Null if ($($PDC).Contains($env:COMPUTERNAME)) { Write-Output "Setting msDFSR-Options to 1" Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Options" = 1 } } Write-Output "Setting msDFSR-Enabled to false" Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $false } } catch { throw $PSItem.Exception.Message } } } Write-Output "Forcing AD Replication" repadmin /syncall /P /e Start-Sleep(10) Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PDC -ScriptBlock { try { $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } ` -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"` -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled" Write-Output "Restarting DFSR Service" Restart-Service DFSR Start-Sleep(20) Write-Output "Setting msDFSR-Enabled to true" Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $true } Write-Output "Forcing AD Replication" repadmin /syncall /P /e Start-Sleep(10) Write-Output "Executing DFSRDIAG" dfsrdiag pollad } catch { $PSItem.Exception.Message } } $DCs | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PSItem.Name -ScriptBlock { try { $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } ` -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"` -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled" if (!$($PDC).Contains($($env:COMPUTERNAME))) { Write-Output "Restarting DFSR Service" Restart-Service DFSR Start-Sleep(20) Write-Output "Setting msDFSR-Enabled to true" Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $true } Write-Output "Executing DFSRDIAG" dfsrdiag pollad } } catch { throw $PSItem.Exception.Message } } } } function Compare-DFSRObject { [CmdletBinding()] $Domain = Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator $DCs = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "computer") } -SearchBase "OU=Domain Controllers,$($Domain.DistinguishedName)" -Properties Name, DNSHostName | Where-Object -Property Name -NE "AzureADKerberos" | Sort-Object Name $Polices_CompareObject = @{} $Scripts_CompareObject = @{} # Get Files Write-Output "Getting data for comparison" $DCs | ForEach-Object { # C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\AZURE-HYBRID.DE\ $PoliciesPath = "\\$($PSItem.DNSHostName)\C$\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies" $ScriptsPath = "\\$($PSItem.DNSHostName)\C$\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\scripts" $Polices_CompareObject.add("$($PSItem.DNSHostName)", $(Get-ChildItem -Path $PoliciesPath).count) $Scripts_CompareObject.add("$($PSItem.DNSHostName)", $(Get-ChildItem -Path $ScriptsPath).count) } # Compare files count Write-Output "Comparing data" $Polices_CompareObject.Keys | ForEach-Object { if ($Polices_CompareObject."$($PDC)" -ne $Polices_CompareObject.$($PSItem)) { Write-Output "--------------------------------------------------------" Write-Warning "$($PSItem) is not in sync with $($PDC) at folder Policies" Write-Warning "$($PDC): $($Polices_CompareObject."$($PDC.Trim())") <---> $($PSItem): $($Polices_CompareObject.$($PSItem))" } else { Write-Output "$($PSItem) is in sync with $($PDC) at folder Policies" } } $Scripts_CompareObject.Keys | ForEach-Object { if ($Scripts_CompareObject."$($PDC)" -ne $Scripts_CompareObject.$($PSItem)) { Write-Output "--------------------------------------------------------" Write-Warning "$($PSItem) is not in sync with $($PDC) at folder Scripts" Write-Warning "$($PDC): $($Scripts_CompareObject."$($PDC.Trim())") <---> $($PSItem): $($Scripts_CompareObject.$($PSItem))" } else { Write-Output "$($PSItem) is in sync with $($PDC) at folder Scripts" } } } |