function Install-NLASvcFixForDCs { <# .Description checks if dns is specified as dependy for service nlasvc and if its not the case it will add it. .Example Install-NLASvcFixForDCs .NOTES #> try { $RegKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NlaSvc" $RegKeyValue = "DependOnService" $ServiceName = "DNS" Write-Verbose "adding service $($ServiceName) as dependency for service NlaSvc" $NLASvcDependencies = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -Name $RegKeyValue).$RegKeyValue if ($NLASvcDependencies -notcontains $ServiceName) { $FixedNLASvcDependencies = $NLASvcDependencies + $ServiceName Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -Name $RegKeyValue -Value $FixedNLASvcDependencies Write-Output "NlaSvc fix applied" } else { Write-Verbose "NlaSvc fix already applied" } } catch { throw $PSItem.Exception.Message } } function New-EASEOUStructure { <# .Description this will create the esae structure with OUs, User, Groups and Group Managed Service Accounts .Example New-EASEOUStructure .NOTES must be executed on a domain controller #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $LogFileName = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $LogFileFolderPath = "" ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $LogParam = Confirm-LogFileParameters -LogFileName $LogFileName -LogFileFolderPath $LogFileFolderPath function Add-ESAEADOU { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $OUs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path ) try { $OUs | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "creating ou $($PSItem) at $($Path)" New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Path } } catch { throw $PSItem.Exception.Message } } function New-ESAEADGroup { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path ) try { Write-Verbose "creating group $($Name) at $($Path)" New-ADGroup -Name $Name -SamAccountName $Name -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $Name -Path $Path } catch { throw "$($Name) - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } } function New-ESAEADUser { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Domain, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring] $Password ) try { Write-Verbose "creating user $($Name)@$($Domain) at $($Path)" New-ADUser -Name $Name -Path $Path -SamAccountName $Name -UserPrincipalName "$($Name)@$($Domain)" -GivenName $Name -DisplayName $Name -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true } catch { throw "$($Name) - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } } function New-ESAEADServiceAccount { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $DNSHostName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup ) try { Write-Verbose "creating gmsa $($DNSHostName)" New-ADServiceAccount -Name $Name -DNSHostName $DNSHostName -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword $PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup } catch { throw "$($Name) - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } } function Add-ESAEADGroupMember { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Group, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $Members ) try { Write-Verbose "add $($Members) to group $($Group)" Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members $Members } catch { throw "$($Name) - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" } } try { if ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).ProductType -ne 2) { throw "this is not a domain controller, can only be used on domain controllers" } Import-Module "Activedirectory" $Domain = Get-ADDomain } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "apply esae structure on $($Domain.Forest)" #region ous try { Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating ous" $TopLevelOU = 'ESAE' New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $TopLevelOU -Path $Domain.DistinguishedName # ESAE - create first level OUs $ESAEPath = "OU=$($TopLevelOU),$($Domain.DistinguishedName)" Add-ESAEADOU -OUs 'Groups', 'PAW', 'Tier 0', 'Tier 1', 'Tier 2' -Path $ESAEPath # ESAE\Tier0 - create second level OUs $Tier0Path = "OU=Tier 0,$($ESAEPath)" Add-ESAEADOU -OUs 'AD', 'PKI', 'SQL', 'ADFS', 'ADSync' -Path $Tier0Path # ESAE\Tier1 - create second level OUs $Tier1Path = "OU=Tier 1,$($ESAEPath)" Add-ESAEADOU -OUs 'Exchange', 'ConfigMgr', 'SQL', 'Fileserver', 'DHCP' -Path $Tier1Path # Create third level OUs # ESAE\Tier0\AD $Tier0ADPath = "OU=AD,$($Tier0Path)" Add-ESAEADOU -OUs 'Accounts', 'Groups' -Path $Tier0ADPath # Default OUs $DefaultSubOUs = 'Accounts', 'Devices', 'Groups' # Basis $PAWPath = "OU=PAW,$($ESAEPath)" # ESAE\PAW # Tier0 $Tier0PKIPath = "OU=PKI,$($Tier0Path)" # ESAE\Tier0\PKI $Tier0SQLPath = "OU=SQL,$($Tier0Path)" # ESAE\Tier0\SQL $Tier0ADFSPath = "OU=ADFS,$($Tier0Path)" # ESAE\Tier0\ADFS $Tier0ADSyncPath = "OU=ADSync,$($Tier0Path)" # ESAE\Tier0\ADSync # Tier1 $Tier1ConfigMgrPath = "OU=ConfigMgr,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\ConfigMgr $Tier1SQLPath = "OU=SQL,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\SQL $Tier1DHCPPath = "OU=DHCP,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\DHCP $Tier1FileServerPath = "OU=Fileserver,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\Fileserver $Tier1ExchangePath = "OU=Exchange,$($Tier1Path)" # ESAE\Tier1\Exchange # Tier2 $Tier2Path = "OU=Tier 2,$($ESAEPath)" # ESAE\Tier2 $OUsForWithDefault = @( $PAWPath $Tier0PKIPath $Tier0SQLPath $Tier0ADFSPath $Tier0ADSyncPath $Tier1ExchangePath $Tier1ConfigMgrPath $Tier1SQLPath $Tier1DHCPPath $Tier1FileServerPath $Tier2Path ) foreach ($OU in $OUsForWithDefault) { Add-ESAEADOU -OUs $DefaultSubOUs -Path $OU } } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating ous - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion #region groups try { Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating groups" # PAW $GroupNames = 'T0-Allowed', 'T1-Allowed', 'T2-Allowed', 'T0-Denied', 'T1-Denied', 'T2-Denied' $GroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($ESAEPath)" } $PAWGroupNames = 'PAW-Devices', 'PAW-Maintenance', 'PAW-Users' $PAWGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($PAWPath)" } # T0 $Tier0ADGroupNames = 'T0-CloudAdmins', 'T0-DomAdmins', 'T0-EntAdmins', 'T0-RODCAdmins', 'T0-SchAdmins' $Tier0ADGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0ADPath)" } $Tier0PKIGroupNames = 'T0-PKIAdmins', 'T0-PKISCAgents' $Tier0PKIGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0PKIPath)" } $Tier0SQLGroupNames = 'T0-SQLAdmins', 'T0-SQLServers' $Tier0SQLGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0SQLPath)" } $Tier0ADFSGroupNames = 'T0-ADFSAdmins', 'T0-ADFSServers', 'T0-ADFSSQLServers' $Tier0ADFSGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0ADFSPath)" } $Tier0ADSyncGroupNames = 'T0-ADSyncAdmins', 'T0-ADSyncServers', 'T0-ADSyncSQLServers' $Tier0ADSyncGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier0ADSyncPath)" } # T1 $Tier1ExchangeGroupNames = 'T1-ExAdmins', 'T1-ExAllowed', 'T1-ExMaintenance', 'T1-ExMBXAdmins', 'T1-ExOrgAdmins' $Tier1ExchangeGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1ExchangePath)" } $Tier1CMGroupNames = 'T1-CMAdmins', 'T1-CMServers', 'T1-CMSQLServers' $Tier1CMGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1ConfigMgrPath)" } $Tier1SQLGroupNames = 'T1-SQLAdmins', 'T1-SQLServers' $Tier1SQLGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1SQLPath)" } $Tier1DHCPGroupNames = 'T1-DHCPAdmins', 'T1-DHCPServers' $Tier1DHCPGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1DHCPPath)" } $Tier1FileServerGroupNames = 'T1-FileServerAdmins', 'T1-FileServerServers' $Tier1FileServerGroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier1FileServerPath)" } # T2 $Tier2GroupNames = 'T2-HelpDesk' $Tier2GroupNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADGroup -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$($Tier2Path)" } } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating groups - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion #region users try { Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating users" $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'C0mplex' -AsPlainText -Force # PAW $PAWUserNames = 'PAWMan1' $PAWUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($PAWPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } # T0 $Tier0ADUserNames = 'T0-DomAdmin1', 'T0-EntAdmin1' $Tier0ADUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0ADPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier0PKIUserNames = 'T0-PKIAdmin1', 'T0-PKISCA1' $Tier0PKIUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0PKIPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier0SQLUserNames = 'T0-SQLAdmin1', 'T0-SQLAdmin2' $Tier0SQLUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0SQLPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier0ADFSUserNames = 'T0-ADFSAdmin1', 'T0-ADFSAdmin2' $Tier0ADFSUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0ADFSPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier0ADSyncUserNames = 'T0-ADSyncAdmin1', 'T0-ADSyncAdmin2' $Tier0ADSyncUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier0ADSyncPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } # T1 $Tier1ExchangeUserNames = 'T1-ExAdmin1', 'T1-ExAdmin2' $Tier1ExchangeUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1ExchangePath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier1CMUserNames = 'T1-CMAdmin1', 'T1-CMAdmin2', 'T1-CMSQLRPT' $Tier1CMUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1ConfigMgrPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier1SQLUserNames = 'T1-SQLAdmin1', 'T1-SQLAdmin2' $Tier1SQLUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1SQLPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier1DHCPUserNames = 'T1-DHCPAdmin1', 'T1-DHCPAdmin2' $Tier1DHCPUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1DHCPPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } $Tier1FileServerUserNames = 'T1-FileServerAdmin1', 'T1-FileServerAdmin2' $Tier1FileServerUserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier1FileServerPath)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } # T2 $Tier2UserNames = 'T2-HelpDesk1', 'T2-HelpDesk2' $Tier2UserNames | ForEach-Object { New-ESAEADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$($Tier2Path)" -Domain $Domain.Forest -Password $Password } } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating users - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion #region gmsa try { Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating gmsa" Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-10) | Out-Null # T0 New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-SQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-SQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-SQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-SQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-SQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-SQLServers" # T0\ADFS New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADFSServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADFSSQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADFSSQLServers" # T0\ADSync New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADSyncServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADSyncSQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T0-ADSyncSQLServers" # T1 New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T1-SQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T1-SQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T1-SQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T1-SQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T1-SQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T1-SQLServers" # T1\ConfigMgr New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T1-CMSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T1-CMSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T1-CMSQLServers" New-ESAEADServiceAccount -Name "T1-CMSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T1-CMSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPwdGroup "T1-CMSQLServers" } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating gmsa - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion #region group membership try { Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Info -Message "creating group membership" # Tier Groups $Tier0AllowedGroups = 'T0-CloudAdmins', 'T0-DomAdmins', 'T0-EntAdmins', 'T0-RODCAdmins', 'T0-SchAdmins', 'T0-PKIAdmins', 'T0-PKISCAgents', 'T0-SQLAdmins', 'T0-ADFSAdmins', 'T0-ADSyncAdmins' $Tier1AllowedGroups = 'T1-CMAdmins', 'T1-ExAdmins', 'T1-ExAllowed', 'T1-ExMaintenance', 'T1-ExMBXAdmins', 'T1-ExOrgAdmins', 'T1-SQLAdmins' $Tier2AllowedGroups = 'T2-HelpDesk' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-Allowed' -Members $Tier0AllowedGroups Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-Denied' -Members ($Tier1AllowedGroups + $Tier2AllowedGroups) Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-Allowed' -Members $Tier1AllowedGroups Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-Denied' -Members ($Tier0AllowedGroups + $Tier2AllowedGroups) Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T2-Allowed' -Members $Tier2AllowedGroups Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T2-Denied' -Members ($Tier0AllowedGroups + $Tier1AllowedGroups) # PAW Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'PAW-Maintenance' -Members 'PAWMan1' # T0 Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'Domain Admins' -Members 'T0-DomAdmin1' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'Enterprise Admins' -Members 'T0-EntAdmin1' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-PKIAdmins' -Members 'T0-PKIAdmin1' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-PKISCAgents' -Members 'T0-PKISCA1' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T0-SQLAdmins' -Members 'T0-SQLAdmin1', 'T0-SQLAdmin2' # T1 Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-ExAdmins' -Members 'T1-ExAdmin1', 'T1-ExAdmin2' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-CMAdmins' -Members 'T1-CMAdmin1', 'T1-CMAdmin2' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-SQLAdmins' -Members 'T1-SQLAdmin1', 'T1-SQLAdmin2' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-DHCPAdmins' -Members 'T1-DHCPAdmin1', 'T1-DHCPAdmin2' Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T1-FileServerAdmins' -Members 'T1-FileServerAdmin1', 'T1-FileServerAdmin2' # T2 Add-ESAEADGroupMember -Group 'T2-HelpDesk' -Members 'T2-HelpDesk1', 'T2-HelpDesk2' } catch { $ErrorMessage = "error creating group memberships - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)" Write-ToLogOrConsole @LogParam -Severity Error -Message $ErrorMessage throw $ErrorMessage } #endregion } function Repair-DFSRReplication { <# .Description this will forcefully repair dfsr replication on the domain, use with care .Example Repair-DFSRReplication .NOTES must be executed on a domain controller #> $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator $DCs = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "computer") } -SearchBase "OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain" -Properties Name | Sort-Object Name $DCs | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PSItem.Name -ScriptBlock { try { $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } ` -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"` -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled" Write-Output "Restarting NIC to correct Network Profile" $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter $NetAdapter[0] | Restart-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false Write-Output "Installing DFSR Management Tools" Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con | Out-Null if ($($PDC).Contains($env:COMPUTERNAME)) { Write-Output "Setting msDFSR-Options to 1" Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Options" = 1 } } Write-Output "Setting msDFSR-Enabled to false" Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $false } } catch { throw $PSItem.Exception.Message } } } Write-Output "Forcing AD Replication" repadmin /syncall /P /e Start-Sleep(10) Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PDC -ScriptBlock { try { $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } ` -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"` -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled" Write-Output "Restarting DFSR Service" Restart-Service DFSR Start-Sleep(20) Write-Output "Setting msDFSR-Enabled to true" Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $true } Write-Output "Forcing AD Replication" repadmin /syncall /P /e Start-Sleep(10) Write-Output "Executing DFSRDIAG" dfsrdiag pollad } catch { $PSItem.Exception.Message } } $DCs | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PSItem.Name -ScriptBlock { try { $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } ` -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"` -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled" if (!$($PDC).Contains($($env:COMPUTERNAME))) { Write-Output "Restarting DFSR Service" Restart-Service DFSR Start-Sleep(20) Write-Output "Setting msDFSR-Enabled to true" Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $true } Write-Output "Executing DFSRDIAG" dfsrdiag pollad } } catch { throw $PSItem.Exception.Message } } } } function Compare-DFSRObject { [CmdletBinding()] $Domain = Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator $DCs = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "computer") } -SearchBase "OU=Domain Controllers,$($Domain.DistinguishedName)" -Properties Name, DNSHostName | Where-Object -Property Name -NE "AzureADKerberos" | Sort-Object Name $Polices_CompareObject = @{} $Scripts_CompareObject = @{} # Get Files Write-Output "Getting data for comparison" $DCs | ForEach-Object { # C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\AZURE-HYBRID.DE\ $PoliciesPath = "\\$($PSItem.DNSHostName)\C$\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies" $ScriptsPath = "\\$($PSItem.DNSHostName)\C$\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\scripts" $Polices_CompareObject.add("$($PSItem.DNSHostName)", $(Get-ChildItem -Path $PoliciesPath).count) $Scripts_CompareObject.add("$($PSItem.DNSHostName)", $(Get-ChildItem -Path $ScriptsPath).count) } # Compare files count Write-Output "Comparing data" $Polices_CompareObject.Keys | ForEach-Object { if ($Polices_CompareObject."$($PDC)" -ne $Polices_CompareObject.$($PSItem)) { Write-Output "--------------------------------------------------------" Write-Warning "$($PSItem) is not in sync with $($PDC) at folder Policies" Write-Warning "$($PDC): $($Polices_CompareObject."$($PDC.Trim())") <---> $($PSItem): $($Polices_CompareObject.$($PSItem))" } else { Write-Output "$($PSItem) is in sync with $($PDC) at folder Policies" } } $Scripts_CompareObject.Keys | ForEach-Object { if ($Scripts_CompareObject."$($PDC)" -ne $Scripts_CompareObject.$($PSItem)) { Write-Output "--------------------------------------------------------" Write-Warning "$($PSItem) is not in sync with $($PDC) at folder Scripts" Write-Warning "$($PDC): $($Scripts_CompareObject."$($PDC.Trim())") <---> $($PSItem): $($Scripts_CompareObject.$($PSItem))" } else { Write-Output "$($PSItem) is in sync with $($PDC) at folder Scripts" } } } |