
function New-VMVolume {
        Creates a storage pool, virtual disk and volume intended for VMs
        RAID Level will always be 0, so be carefull
        .Parameter VMDriveLetter
        Letter for the volume
        .Parameter StoragePoolName
        Name of the StoragePool
        .Parameter VirtualDiskName
        Name of the VirtualDisk
        .Parameter VMVolumeName
        Name of the Volume
        # Creates a volume with the letter W
        New-VMVolume -VMDriveLetter 'W'
        - There must be at least one other disk in addition to disk 0.
        - If an NVMe disk is present, only this is taken

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $VMDriveLetter = 'V',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $StoragePoolName = "Pool01",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $VirtualDiskName = "VDisk01",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $VMVolumeName = "VMs"

    try {
        if ($null -eq (Get-StoragePool -FriendlyName $StoragePoolName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            $PhysicalDisks = Get-PhysicalDisk -CanPool $true | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSitem.Bustype -ne "USB" }
            $NVMe_Devices = $PhysicalDisks | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem.Bustype -eq "NVMe" -and $PSitem.Size -gt 256GB }
            $Non_NVMe_Devices = $PhysicalDisks | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem.Bustype -ne "NVMe" }
            if ($null -ne $NVMe_Devices) {
                $SelectedDisks = $NVMe_Devices
            else {
                $SelectedDisks = $Non_NVMe_Devices
            $StorageSubSystemFriendlyName = (Get-StorageSubSystem -FriendlyName "*Windows*").FriendlyName
            Write-Output "create storage pool '$($StoragePoolName)'"
            New-StoragePool -StorageSubSystemFriendlyName $StorageSubSystemFriendlyName -FriendlyName $StoragePoolName -PhysicalDisks $SelectedDisks | Out-Null
            if ($null -eq (Get-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName $VirtualDiskName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                Write-Output "create vdisk '$($VirtualDiskName)'"
                New-VirtualDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName $StoragePoolName -FriendlyName $VirtualDiskName -UseMaximumSize -ProvisioningType Fixed -ResiliencySettingName Simple | Out-Null
                Initialize-Disk -FriendlyName $VirtualDiskName -PartitionStyle GPT | Out-Null
                $VDiskNumber = (Get-Disk -FriendlyName $VirtualDiskName).Number
                Write-Output "create volume '$($VMVolumeName)'"
                New-Volume -DiskNumber $VDiskNumber -FriendlyName $VMVolumeName -FileSystem ReFS -DriveLetter $VMDriveLetter | Out-Null
            else {
                Write-Output "Virtual disk '$($VirtualDiskName)' already exists - skipping"
        else {
            Write-Output "Pool '$($StoragePoolName)' already exists - skipping"
    catch {
        throw "error during creation of vm volume: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function New-VMVSwitch {
        Creates a VM switch based on a network card with the Up state. 10Gbit NICs are preferred
        .Parameter Course_Shortcut
        Name of the VM Switch
        # Creates a new VM Switch with the name IC
        New-VMVSwitch -Course_Shortcut 'IC'
        there must be at least one nic with status 'up'

    param (
        # Course Shortcut
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Course_Shortcut = "LAN"
    try {
        if ($null -eq (Get-VMSwitch -Name $Course_Shortcut -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            $pNICs = Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Where-Object -Property Status -eq "UP"
            $10G_NICs = $pNICs | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -EQ "10 Gbps"
            $1G_NICs = $pNICs | Where-Object -Property LinkSpeed -EQ "1 Gbps"
            if ($10G_NICs) {
                $Selected_NIC = $10G_NICs[0]
            elseif ($1G_NICs) {
                $Selected_NIC = $1G_NICs[0]
            else {
                (Get-NetAdapter -Physical | Where-Object -Property Status -eq "UP")[0]
            Write-Output "create vswitch '$($Course_Shortcut)'"
            New-VMSwitch -Name $Course_Shortcut -NetAdapterName $Selected_NIC.Name -AllowManagementOS $false | Out-Null
            Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $Course_Shortcut -Name "vNIC-$($Course_Shortcut)"
            Rename-NetAdapter -Name $Selected_NIC.Name -NewName "pNIC-$($Course_Shortcut)"
        else {
            Write-Output "virtual vswitch '$($Course_Shortcut)' already exists - skipping"
    catch {
        throw "error during creation of virtual switch: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Register-VM_in_CM {
        Registers the VM Objects in ConfigMgr with its MAC address for Required Deployments
        .Parameter VM_Config_Obj
        Object that contains multiple descriptive objects for deployment from a VM.
        .Parameter CM_Siteserver_FQDN
        FQDN of ConfigMgr
        .Parameter CM_Credentials
        Credentials of a user that can create/edit/delete CMDevices and add them to a Collection. Should be able to start a collection update
        # Registers the VMs from $VM_Config with $CM_Siteserver_FQDN
        Register-VM_in_CM -VM_Config_Obj $VM_Config -CM_Siteserver_FQDN $CM_Siteserver_FQDN -CM_Credentials $CM_Credentials
        the VM_Config_Obj object, should be like `
        `$VM_Config_Obj = @{}
        `$VM_01 = @{
            Name = '`$Course_Shortcut)-VWIN11-`$Participant_Number)1'
            RAM = `$RAM
            CPU = `$CPUCount
            CM_Collection_Name = `$CM_Collection_W11_Autopilot
            Credentials = `$VM_Credentials
            DiskSize = `$DynamicDiskSize
            MAC = ""

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Output "`nstart registration of vms in configmgr"
    Write-Output "------"
    Confirm-VMPresence -VM_Config_Obj $VM_Config_Obj
    try {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $CM_Siteserver_FQDN -Credential $CM_Credentials -ScriptBlock {
            $PSDriveName = "CM-PB2"
            $VM_Config_Obj = $using:VM_Config_Obj
            $CM_Collection_All_Systems_Name = "All Systems"

            # load configmgr ps module
            Import-Module -Name ConfigurationManager
            New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "CMSite" -Root $using:CM_Siteserver_FQDN -Description "Primary site" | Out-Null
            Set-Location -Path "$($PSDriveName):\"

            # check destination collection existance
            foreach ($VM in $VM_Config_Obj.Keys | Sort-Object) {
                if ($null -eq (Get-CMCollection -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name)) {
                    throw "collection '$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name)' does not existing"
            # cleanup before creation
            foreach ($VM in $VM_Config_Obj.Keys | Sort-Object) {
                $Temp_CMDevice = Get-CMDevice -Name $VM
                if ($null -ne $Temp_CMDevice) {
                    $Collections = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/Sms/site_PB1 -ClassName SMS_FullCollectionMembership -Filter "ResourceID = $($Temp_CMDevice.ResourceID)"
                    if ($null -ne $Collections) {
                        Write-Output "'$($VM)': removing existing computer collection membership rules configmgr - macaddress '$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.MAC)'"
                        $Collections | ForEach-Object {
                            $MembershipRule = Get-CMCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionId $PSItem.CollectionID | Where-Object -Property RuleName -EQ $CMDevice.Name
                            Remove-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionId $PSItem.CollectionID -ResourceId $MembershipRule.ResourceID    
                    Write-Output "'$($VM)': removing existing computer info in configmgr - macaddress '$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.MAC)'"
                    $Temp_CMDevice | Remove-CMDevice -Force -Confirm:$false
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

            # import device
            foreach ($VM in $VM_Config_Obj.Keys | Sort-Object) {
                Write-Output "'$($VM)': creating vm computer info in configmgr - macaddress '$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.MAC)'"
                Import-CMComputerInformation -CollectionName $CM_Collection_All_Systems_Name -ComputerName $VM -MacAddress $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.MAC

            # check vm collection membership
            foreach ($VM in $VM_Config_Obj.Keys | Sort-Object) {
                #region all systems collection
                $Device_Exists_In_AllDevices = $false
                $All_Devices_Counter = 0
                Write-Output "'$($VM)': checking collection memberships"
                while ($Device_Exists_In_AllDevices -eq $false -and $All_Devices_Counter -lt 30) {
                    $CMDevice = Get-CMDevice -Name $VM
                    if ($CMDevice.Name -eq $VM) {
                        $Device_Exists_In_AllDevices = $true
                    else {
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
                    Write-Output "'$($VM)': device not found in collection '$($CM_Collection_All_Systems_Name)'"
                    if ($All_Devices_Counter -eq 12) {
                        Write-Output "'$($VM)': triggering membership update in Collection '$($CM_Collection_All_Systems_Name)'"
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds (10 + (Get-Random -Maximum 50 -Minimum 10))
                        Get-CMCollection -Name $CM_Collection_All_Systems_Name | Invoke-CMCollectionUpdate
                if ($All_Devices_Counter -ge 30) {
                    throw "'$($VM)': could not find in the collection '$($CM_Collection_All_Systems_Name)'"
                else {
                    Write-Output "'$($VM)': '$($CM_Collection_All_Systems_Name)' - found, continuing"
                # create vm membership rule
                Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name -ResourceID $CMDevice.ResourceID

                #region destination collection
                $Device_Exists_In_Specified_Collection = $false
                $Specified_Collection_Counter = 0
                while ($Device_Exists_In_Specified_Collection -eq $false -and $Specified_Collection_Counter -lt 30) {
                    $Collection_Direct_Members = Get-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name | Where-Object RuleName -eq $VM
                    if ($null -ne $Collection_Direct_Members) {
                        $Device_Exists_In_Specified_Collection = $true
                    else {
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
                    Write-Output "'$($VM)': device not found in collection '$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name)'"
                    if ($Specified_Collection_Counter -eq 20) {
                        Write-Output "'$($VM)': triggering membership update in Collection '$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name)'"
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds (10 + (Get-Random -Maximum 50 -Minimum 10))
                        Get-CMCollection -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name | Invoke-CMCollectionUpdate
                if ($Specified_Collection_Counter -ge 30) {
                    throw "'$($VM)': could not find in the collection '$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name)'"
                else {
                    Write-Output "'$($VM)': '$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CM_Collection_Name)' - found, continuing"
            Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive
            Remove-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName
        $SecondsToWait = 300
        Write-Output "`nfinished registration of vms, now waiting $($SecondsToWait) seconds for the configmgr database updates and stabilization"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $SecondsToWait
    catch {
        throw "error during registration of device infos in configmgr: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Start-VM_Deployment {
        Starts VMs
        .Parameter VM_Config_Obj
        Object that contains multiple descriptive objects for deployment from a VM.
        # Starts VMs, based on objects in $VM_Config
        Start-VM_Deployment -VM_Config_Obj $VM_Config
        the VM_Config_Obj object, should be like `
        `$VM_Config_Obj = @{}
        `$VM_01 = @{
            Name = '`$Course_Shortcut)-VWIN11-`$Participant_Number)1'
            RAM = `$RAM
            CPU = `$CPUCount
            CM_Collection_Name = `$CM_Collection_W11_Autopilot
            Credentials = `$VM_Credentials
            DiskSize = `$DynamicDiskSize
            MAC = ""

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($null -eq $VM_Config_Obj) {
        throw "no VM_Config_Obj was supplied, please specify"

    try {
        Write-Output "`nstarting vm deployments"
        Write-Output "------"
        foreach ($VM in $VM_Config_Obj.Keys | Sort-Object) {
            Write-Output "'$($VM)': starting deployment"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
            Start-VM -VMName $VM
    catch {
        throw "error while starting vms: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Confirm-VM_Deployment {
        Checks the ConfigMgr database to see if the deployment of VM objects is complete.
        .Parameter VM_Config_Obj
        Object that contains multiple descriptive objects for deployment from a VM.
        .Parameter CM_Siteserver_FQDN
        FQDN of ConfigMgr
        .Parameter CM_Credentials
        Credentials of a user that can create/edit/delete CMDevices and add them to a Collection. Should be able to start a collection update
        # Checks the ConfigMgr database to see if the deployment of VM objects in $VM_Config is complete.
        Confirm-VM_Deployment -VM_Config_Obj $VM_Config -CM_Siteserver_FQDN $CM_Siteserver_FQDN -CM_Credentials $CM_Credentials
        the VM_Config_Obj object, should be like `
        `$VM_Config_Obj = @{}
        `$VM_01 = @{
            Name = '`$Course_Shortcut)-VWIN11-`$Participant_Number)1'
            RAM = `$RAM
            CPU = `$CPUCount
            CM_Collection_Name = `$CM_Collection_W11_Autopilot
            Credentials = `$VM_Credentials
            DiskSize = `$DynamicDiskSize
            MAC = ""

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($null -eq $VM_Config_Obj) {
        throw "no VM_Config_Obj was supplied, please specify"
    if ($null -eq $CM_Siteserver_FQDN) {
        throw "no CM_Siteserver_FQDN was supplied, please specify"
    if ($null -eq $CM_Credentials) {
        throw "no CM_Credentials was supplied, please specify"

    try {
        Write-Output "`nchecking vm os deployment status"
        Write-Output "------"
        Confirm-VMPresence -VM_Config_Obj $VM_Config_Obj    
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $CM_Siteserver_FQDN -Credential $CM_Credentials -ScriptBlock {
            $PSDriveName = "CM-PB2"

            Import-Module -Name ConfigurationManager
            New-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider "CMSite" -Root $using:CM_Siteserver_FQDN -Description "Primary site" | Out-Null
            Set-Location -Path "$($PSDriveName):\"
            $Deployment_Finished = $false
            $Deployment_Check_Count = 0
            $CM_Deployment_Running = @{}
            foreach ($VM in $using:VM_Config_Obj.keys | Sort-Object) {
                $CM_Deployment_Running.Add($VM, $true)
            do {
                $CM_All_Deployments = Get-CMDeploymentStatus | Get-CMDeploymentStatusDetails | `
                    Where-Object -FilterScript { $using:VM_Config_Obj.keys -contains $PSItem.Devicename } | `
                    Sort-Object -Property DeviceName
                Write-Output "timestamp : $(Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm.ss") - $($Deployment_Check_Count)"
                if ($null -ne $CM_All_Deployments) {
                    foreach ($VM_Deployment in $CM_All_Deployments) {
                        if ($VM_Deployment.StatusDescription -notlike "*The task sequence manager successfully completed execution of the task sequence*") {
                            Write-Output "'$($VM_Deployment.DeviceName)': still running - $($VM_Deployment.StatusDescription)"
                            $CM_Deployment_Running.$($VM_Deployment.Devicename) = $true
                        else {
                            Write-Output "'$($VM_Deployment.Devicename)': finished - $($VM_Deployment.StatusDescription)"
                            $CM_Deployment_Running.$($VM_Deployment.Devicename) = $false
                else {
                    Write-Output "Waiting on Deployments"
                Write-Output "------"
                if ($CM_Deployment_Running.Values -notcontains $true) {
                    $Deployment_Finished = $true
                else {
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
            } while (($Deployment_Finished -eq $false) -and $Deployment_Check_Count -lt 180 )
            if ($Deployment_Check_Count -ge 200) {
                throw "deployment not finished after 100 mins"

            Set-Location -Path $env:SystemDrive
            Remove-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName
        Write-Output "`nfinished vm deployments"
        Write-Output "------"
    catch {
        throw "error while checking deployment status: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function New-VMs_Objectbased {
        Creates vms based on objects
        .Parameter VM_Config_Obj
        Object that contains multiple descriptive objects for deployment from a VM.
        .Parameter Course_Shortcut
        Name of the VM Switch
        .Parameter VMDriveLetter
        Letter for the volume where the vms should be stored
        # Creates vms based on $VM_Config and connects them to the vm switch $Course_Shortcut
        New-VMs_Objectbased -VM_Config $VM_Config -Course_Shortcut $Course_Shortcut
        edits $VM_Config by updating the macaddress attribute of each vm object
        the VM_Config_Obj object, should be like `
        `$VM_Config_Obj = @{}
        `$VM_01 = @{
            Name = '`$Course_Shortcut)-VWIN11-`$Participant_Number)1'
            RAM = `$RAM
            CPU = `$CPUCount
            CM_Collection_Name = `$CM_Collection_W11_Autopilot
            Credentials = `$VM_Credentials
            DiskSize = `$DynamicDiskSize
            MAC = ""

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Course_Shortcut = 'LAN',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $VMDriveLetter = 'V'

    if ($null -eq $VM_Config_Obj) {
        throw "no VM_Config_Obj was supplied, please specify"
    try {
        $VM_Base_Path = $VMDriveLetter + ":\VMs"
        Write-Output "`nstarting vm creation"
        Write-Output "------"
        foreach ($VM in $VM_Config_Obj.Keys | Sort-Object) {
            $VMVHDXPath = ($VM_Base_Path + "\" + $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name + "\" + $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name + ".vhdx")
            Write-Output "'$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name)': creating vm"
            try {
                New-VHD -Path $VMVHDXPath -SizeBytes $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.DiskSize -Dynamic | Out-Null
                New-VM -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name -MemoryStartupBytes $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.RAM -Path $VM_Base_Path -Generation 2 -VHDPath $VMVHDXPath -BootDevice NetworkAdapter -SwitchName $Course_Shortcut | Out-Null
            catch {
                throw "'$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name)': error during creation of vhdx or vm - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
            try {
                Set-VMProcessor -VMName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name -Count $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.CPU
                if ((Get-VM -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name).DynamicMemoryEnabled) {
                    Set-VM -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name -StaticMemory

                Set-VMKeyProtector -VMName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name -NewLocalKeyProtector
                Enable-VMTPM -VMName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name
                Set-VM -AutomaticStartAction Start -VMName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name -AutomaticStartDelay 10 
                Set-VM -AutomaticStopAction ShutDown -VMName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name
                Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name | Where-Object -Property Enabled -EQ $false | Enable-VMIntegrationService
            catch {
                throw "'$($VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name)': error while setting properties - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
            Start-VM -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
            Stop-VM -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name -Force -TurnOff
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        foreach ($VM in $VM_Config_Obj.Keys | Sort-Object) {
            $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.MAC = (Get-VM -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name | Get-VMNetworkAdapter).MacAddress
            Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.Name -StaticMacAddress $VM_Config_Obj.$VM.MAC
        Confirm-VMPresence -VM_Config_Obj $VM_Config_Obj
    catch {
        throw "error during creation of vms: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Test-VMConnection {
        checks if a powershell direct connection to the vm can be established
        .Parameter VMId
        Id of the vm
        .Parameter LocalAdminCreds
        local admin credentials of the vm
        # checks the powershell direct connection to VDC01
        Test-VMConnection -VMId (Get-VM -Name VDC01).Id -LocalAdminCreds $VM_Credentials

    param (
        # VM object id
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # local admin credentials
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $VM = Get-VM -Id $VMId
    try {
        Write-Output "------"
        if ($VM.State -eq "Off") {
            Write-Output "------"
            Write-Output "'$($VM.Name)': not running - starting"
            $VM | Start-VM -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

        # Wait for the VM's heartbeat integration component to come up if it is enabled
        $HearbeatIC = (Get-VMIntegrationService -VM $VM | Where-Object Id -match "84EAAE65-2F2E-45F5-9BB5-0E857DC8EB47")
        if ($HearbeatIC -and ($HearbeatIC.Enabled -eq $true)) {
            $StartTime = Get-Date
            do {
                $WaitForMinitues = 5
                $TimeElapsed = $(Get-Date) - $StartTime
                if ($($TimeElapsed).TotalMinutes -ge 5) {
                    throw "'$($VM.Name)': integration components did not come up after $($WaitForMinitues) minutes"
                Start-Sleep -sec 1
            until ($HearbeatIC.PrimaryStatusDescription -eq "OK")
            Write-Output "'$($VM.Name)': heartbeat IC connected"
        do {
            $WaitForMinitues = 5
            $TimeElapsed = $(Get-Date) - $StartTime
            Write-Output "'$($VM.Name)': testing connection"
            if ($($TimeElapsed).TotalMinutes -ge 5) {
                throw "'$($VM.Name)': could not connect to ps direct after $($WaitForMinitues) minutes"
            Start-Sleep -sec 3
            $PSReady = Invoke-Command -VMId $VMId -Credential $LocalAdminCreds -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ScriptBlock { $True } 
        until ($PSReady)
    catch {
        throw "'$($VM.Name)': $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
    return $PSReady

function Confirm-VMPresence {
        checks if vms are registered with the local hypervisor
        .Parameter VM_Config_Obj
        Object that contains multiple descriptive objects for deployment from a VM.
        # checks if the vms in $VM_Config_Obj are registerd to the local hypervisor
        Confirm-VMPresence -VM_Config_Obj $VM_Config_Obj
        the VM_Config_Obj object, should be like `
        `$VM_Config_Obj = @{}
        `$VM_01 = @{
            Name = '`$Course_Shortcut)-VWIN11-`$Participant_Number)1'
            RAM = `$RAM
            CPU = `$CPUCount
            CM_Collection_Name = `$CM_Collection_W11_Autopilot
            Credentials = `$VM_Credentials
            DiskSize = `$DynamicDiskSize
            MAC = ""

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    try {
        $VM_Config_Obj.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            if ($null -eq (Get-VM -Name $VM_Config_Obj.$PSItem.Name)) {
                throw "'$($VM_Config_Obj.$PSItem.Name)': could not be found"
    catch {
        throw "$($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Get-SQLISO {
        downloads sql iso from microsoft
        .Parameter Outpath
        path where the iso is stored
        # stores the iso to $Outpath
        Get-SQLISO -Outpath $Outpath
        downloads the sql enterprise eval setup and with it the iso

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ((Test-Path -Path $Outpath) -eq $false) {
        New-Item -Path $Outpath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    $Outpath = (Get-Item -Path $Outpath).FullName

    # downloading eval setup
    try {
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': starting download of eval setup"
        $URL = "https://download.microsoft.com/download/4/8/6/486005eb-7aa8-4128-aac0-6569782b37b0/SQL2019-SSEI-Eval.exe"
        $SQLEvalSetupPath = "SQL2019-SSEI-Eval.exe"
        New-Item -Path $Outpath -Force -ItemType Directory | Out-Null 
        Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $URL -OutFile "$($Outpath)\$($SQLEvalSetupPath)"
    catch {
        throw "error downloading eval setup: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

    # downloading iso
    try {
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': starting download of sql iso with eval setup"
        $Arguments = "/ACTION=Download /MEDIAPATH=$($Outpath)\ /MEDIATYPE=ISO /LANGUAGE=en-US /QUIET"
        Start-Process "$($Outpath)\$($SQLEvalSetupPath)" -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait -NoNewWindow        
    catch {
        throw "error downloading iso: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
    Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': finished download - check folder '$($Outpath)'"

function Initialize-SQLSetup {
        prepares the sql installation files for i
        .Parameter Outpath
        path where the data should be cached
        # stores the files to $TempFolderForSQL
        Initialize-SQLSetup -Outpath $TempFolderForSQL
        downloads the sql install files and stores them extracted to the outpath

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    if ((Test-Path -Path $Outpath) -eq $false) {
        New-Item -Path $Outpath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    $Outpath = (Get-Item -Path $Outpath).FullName

    # checks
    $SQLFileFolder = "$($Outpath)\SQLFiles\"
    if ((Test-Path -Path $SQLFileFolder) -eq $true ) {
        throw "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': folder '$($SQLFileFolder)' already exits, please cleanup or skip"

    # downloading iso
    try {
        Get-SQLISO -Outpath $Outpath
    catch {
        throw "error during download: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
    # copying files
    try {
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': mounting iso"
        $ISO = Get-ChildItem -Path $Outpath | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem.Name -like "SQL*.iso" }
        $MountedISOs = Mount-DiskImage -PassThru -ImagePath $ISO.FullName
        $Volume = Get-Volume -DiskImage $MountedISOs
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': file '$($ISO.FullName)' mounted to '$($Volume.DriveLetter):\'"
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': copy files from iso to $($SQLFileFolder)"
        Copy-Item -Path "$($Volume.DriveLetter):\" -Destination $SQLFileFolder -Recurse -Force
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': finished copy job"
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': dismounting iso"
        Dismount-DiskImage $MountedISOs.ImagePath | Out-Null
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': dismounting finished"
    catch {
        throw "error during mount or copy: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Install-SQLADServiceAccount {
        adds the local server to a group with permission to the serviec account and then installs it
        .Parameter SQLServiceAccount
        name of the group managed service account
        .Parameter GroupWithPermissions
        name of the group with permissions to retrieve the password of the group managed service account
        # this installs a gMSA
        Install-SQLADServiceAccount -SQLServiceAccount $SQLEngine.Name -GroupWithPermissions $SQLEngine.GroupWithPermissions
        - the server needs to be member of a domain
        - the group managed service account must exit
        - the user which runs this command must have permissions to add the local device to the group

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).PartofDomain -eq $false) {
        throw "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': not a member of a domain"

    Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-PowerShell | Out-Null

    if ($null -eq (Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity $SQLServiceAccount -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw "service account '$($SQLServiceAccount)$' could not be found"

    # adding device to group
    try {
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': adding to group '$($GroupWithPermissions)'"
        $Self = Get-ADComputer -Identity $env:COMPUTERNAME
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupWithPermissions -Members $Self
    catch {
        throw "not able to add to group '$($GroupWithPermissions)': $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
    # installing and testing service account
    try {
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': installing '$($SQLServiceAccount)'"
        Start-Process -FilePath klist -ArgumentList "purge -lh 0 -li 0x3e7" -NoNewWindow
        Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity ($SQLServiceAccount + "$")
        if ((Test-ADServiceAccount -Identity ($SQLServiceAccount + "$")) -eq $false) {
            throw "service account '$($SQLServiceAccount)$' is not installed, please verify"
    catch {
        throw "could install '$($env:SQLServiceAccount)' - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Install-SQLInstance {
        adds the local server to a group with permission to the serviec account and then installs it
        .Parameter Name
        name of group managed service account
        .Parameter UseLocalAccount
        specify if local accounts are used
        .Parameter UseGmSA
        specify if group managed service accounts are used
        .Parameter EngineAccountName
        service account name for sql engine
        .Parameter AgentAccountName
        service account name for sql agent
        .Parameter UseMixedAuth
        when used, the instance will use sql and windows authentication
        .Parameter SAPWD
        sa pwd
        .Parameter INSTALLSQLDATADIR
        specifies the data directory for SQL Server data files
        .Parameter INSTANCEDIR
        specifies nondefault installation directory for instance-specific components
        .Parameter SQLBACKUPDIR
        backup file path for the sql database
        .Parameter SQLUSERDBDIR
        user file path for the sql database
        .Parameter SQLUSERDBLOGDIR
        user log file path for the sql database
        .Parameter SQLTEMPDBDIR
        temp file path for the sql database
        .Parameter SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR
        temp log file path for the sql database
        .Parameter Features
        features that should be installed, like 'SQLENGINE,FULLTEXT,CONN'
        accounts that should be admin on that instance
        .Parameter SQLMinRAM
        minimum ram for instance
        .Parameter SQLMaxRAM
        maximum ram for instance
        # this installs an sql instance with the name PB1 which uses gmsa with customized file paths
        Install-SQLInstance -Name "PB1" `
            -Features "SQLENGINE" `
            -SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS ('"' + "IC\T1-CMAdmin" + '" "' + "IC\T1-CMAdmins" + '"') `
            -UseGmSA `
            -EngineAccountName $SQLEngine `
            -AgentAccountName $SQLAgent
        # this installs an sql instance with the name INSTANCE and local accounts to default file paths
        Install-SQLInstance -Name "INSTANCE" -UseLocalAccount

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'local')]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local', Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa', Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa', Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa', Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa', Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local', Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa', Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'local')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'gmsa')]

    # define arguments
    if ($UseLocalAccount -eq $false -and $UseGmSA -eq $false) {
        throw "you have to specify 'UseLocalAccount' or 'UseGmSA'"
    if ($UseMixedAuth -eq $false -and $null -eq $SAPWD) {
        throw "you have to specify 'SAPWD' when 'UseMixedAuth' is used"
    if ($uselocalaccount) {
        $AGTSVCACCOUNT = 'NT Service\SQLAgent$' + $Name
        $SQLSVCACCOUNT = 'NT Service\MSSQL$' + $Name
    elseif ($UseGmSA) {
        $AGTSVCACCOUNT = $env:USERDOMAIN + "\" + (Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity $AgentAccountName).SamAccountName
        $SQLSVCACCOUNT = $env:USERDOMAIN + "\" + (Get-ADServiceAccount -Identity $EngineAccountName).SamAccountName
    if ($Features -eq "") {
        $Features = "SQLENGINE"
    if ($null -eq $SQLBACKUPDIR) {
    if ($null -eq $SQLUSERDBDIR) {
    if ($null -eq $SQLUSERDBLOGDIR) {
    if ($null -eq $SQLTEMPDBDIR) {
    if ($null -eq $SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR) {
    if ($null -eq $SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS) {
        $SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS = ('"' + "$($env:COMPUTERNAME)\Administrator" + '"')

    # check dependencies
    try {
            if($env:USERDOMAIN -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME){
                throw "you are logged in with a local user, domain user required"
            if ((Test-ADServiceAccount -Identity "$($EngineAccountName)$") -eq $false) {
                throw "gmsa '$($EngineAccountName)' not installed"
            if ((Test-ADServiceAccount -Identity "$($AgentAccountName)$") -eq $false) {
                throw "gmsa '$($AgentAccountName)' not installed"
        $InstalledInstances = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).InstalledInstances
        if ($InstalledInstances -contains $Name) {
            throw "SQL instance is already installed '$($Name)'"
    catch {
        throw "error during prerequesits check : $($Psitem.Exception.Message)"

    # start installation
    try {
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': starting install of '$($Name)'"
        $Arguments = @(
            ('/FEATURES=' + $Features)
            ('/INSTANCENAME="' + $Name + '"')
            '/INSTALLSHAREDDIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server"'
            '/INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server"'
            ('/INSTANCEID="' + $Name + '"')
            ('/SQLTELSVCACCT="' + $SQLTELSVCACCT + '"')
            ('/AGTSVCACCOUNT="' + $AGTSVCACCOUNT + '"')
            ('/SQLSVCACCOUNT="' + $SQLSVCACCOUNT + '"')
            ('/SQLBACKUPDIR="' + $SQLBACKUPDIR + '"')
            ('/SQLUSERDBDIR="' + $SQLUSERDBDIR + '"')
            ('/SQLTEMPDBDIR="' + $SQLTEMPDBDIR + '"')
        if ($UseMixedAuth -eq $true){
            $SAArguments = @(
                '/SAPWD="' + $SAPWD + '"'
            $Arguments = $Arguments + $SAArguments
        if ($INSTALLSQLDATADIR -eq $true){
            $INSTALLSQLDATADIR_Arguments = @(
            $Arguments = $Arguments + $INSTALLSQLDATADIR_Arguments
        if ($INSTANCEDIR -eq $true){
            $INSTANCEDIR_Arguments = @(
                ('/INSTANCEDIR="' + $INSTANCEDIR + '"')
            $Arguments = $Arguments + $INSTANCEDIR_Arguments
        if ($SQLMinRAM -eq $true){
            $MinRAMArguments = @(
                ('/SQLMINMEMORY="' + $SQLMinRAM + '"')
            $Arguments = $Arguments + $MinRAMArguments
        if ($SQLMaxRAM -eq $true){
            $MaxRAMArguments = @(
                ('/SQLMAXMEMORY="' + $SQLMaxRAM + '"')
            $Arguments = $Arguments + $MaxRAMArguments
        $Process = Start-Process ".\SQLFiles\setup.exe" -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
        if ($Process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
            throw "check logs of sql setup - %temp%\sqlsetup*.log or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\*\Setup Bootstrap\Log"
    catch {
        throw "error during installation of sql instance '$($Name)': $($Psitem.EXception.Message)"
    # service customization
    try {
            Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': setting agent service to autostart delayed"
            $Agent = (Get-Service -Name "SQLAgent`$$($Name)").Name
            Start-Process "sc" -ArgumentList ('config "' + $($Agent) + '" start=delayed-auto') -NoNewWindow

            Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': setting agent service to autostart delayed"
            $Engine = (Get-Service -Name "MSSQL`$$($Name)").Name    
            Start-Process "sc" -ArgumentList ('config "' + $($Engine) + '" start=delayed-auto') -NoNewWindow
    catch {
        throw "error during service customization : $($Psitem.EXception.Message)"
    Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': finished install of '$($Name)'"

function Install-SQLCU {
        installs sql 2019 latest cu to all local instances
        # this installes sql 2019 latest cu to all instances

    try {
        $TempFolderForSQL = "C:\ProgramData\NTS\SQL\CU"
        $SQLCUFilePath = "$($TempFolderForSQL)\SQL2019-latest-cu.exe"
        $SQLCUUnpackedFilePath = "$($TempFolderForSQL)\SQL2019-latest-cu\"
        if ((Test-Path -Path $TempFolderForSQL) -eq $false) {
            New-Item -Path $TempFolderForSQL -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

        # link to latest cu of sql 2019 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=100809
        $Content = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=100809"
        $UpdateLink = ($Content.Links | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem.href -like "*download.microsoft.com*" -and $PSItem.outerHTML -like "*download manually*" }).href
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': downloading sql cu"
        Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $UpdateLink -OutFile $SQLCUFilePath
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': unpacking sql cu"
        $Arguments = "/X:$($SQLCUUnpackedFilePath)"
        $Process = Start-Process $SQLCUFilePath -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
        if ($Process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
            throw "there was an error unpacking cu files"
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': installing sql cu"
        $Process = Start-Process ($SQLCUUnpackedFilePath + "setup.exe") -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru
        if ($Process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
            throw "there was an error installing sql cu"
        Write-Output "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': removing temp files"
        try {
            Remove-Item -Path $TempFolderForSQL -Recurse -Force
        catch {
            throw "error while cleanup - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
    catch {
        throw "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': error sql cu installation - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Add-VMDisk {
        add a virtual disk to a vm
        .Parameter VMName
        name of the vm
        .Parameter VHDXPath
        where should the vhdx file be stored
        .Parameter VHDXSize
        size in byte of the disk
        # this will add a disk to the vm and store ist at the file location from the vm
        Add-VMDisk -VMName $VM.Name -VHDXPath ($VM.ConfigurationLocation + "\" + $VM.Name + "-2.vhdx") -VHDXSize $DMP_ContentLibDisk_Size

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $VHDXSize = 80GB

    try {
        Write-Host "'$($VMName)': creating disk '$($VHDXPath)'"
        New-VHD -Path $VHDXPath  -SizeBytes $VHDXSize -Dynamic | Out-Null
        Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -Path $VHDXPath 
    catch {
        throw "$($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Set-VMIPConfig {
        configures the network interface of a vm
        .Parameter VMName
        name of the vm
        .Parameter VMCredential
        local admin credentials of the vm
        .Parameter IPAddress
        ip address that should be assigned
        .Parameter NetPrefix
        subnet prefix, aka 24 or 16
        .Parameter DefaultGateway
        gateway of the subnet
        .Parameter DNSAddresses
        dns server ip addresses
        # this will configure the ip interface
        Set-VMIPConfig -VMName $DMP_VM.Name -VMCredential $VMCredential-IPAddress "" -NetPrefix $NetPrefix -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway -DNSAddresses $DNSAddresses
        always uses the first nic founc on the system

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    try {
        Write-Host "'$($VMName)': configuring network"
        Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $VMCredential -ScriptBlock {
            $InterfaceObject = (Get-NetAdapter)[0]
            Write-Host "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': nic with mac '$($InterfaceObject.MacAddress)' was selected"
            If (($InterfaceObject | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
                $InterfaceObject | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4" -Confirm:$false
            If (($InterfaceObject | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
                $InterfaceObject | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily "IPv4" -Confirm:$false
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\$($InterfaceObject.InterfaceGuid)" -Name EnableDHCP -Value 0
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
            Write-Host "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': nic with mac '$($InterfaceObject.MacAddress)' will have ip '$($using:IPAddress)'"
            $InterfaceObject | New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $using:IPAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4" -PrefixLength $using:NetPrefix -DefaultGateway $using:DefaultGateway | Out-Null
            $InterfaceObject | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses $using:DNSAddresses
    catch {
        throw "'$($VMName)': error setting ip interface - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Add-VMToDomain {
        takes the vm into a domain
        .Parameter VMName
        name of the vm
        .Parameter VMCredential
        local admin credentials of the vm
        .Parameter DomainName
        name of the domain where the vm should be joined
        .Parameter DomainCredential
        domain credentials with the permission to join devices
        .Parameter OUPath
        ou path in the domain where the vm should be organized
        .Parameter NoReboot
        when used, the vm will not reboot after join
        # this will join the vm to the specified domain and OU
        Add-VMToDomain -VMName $SiteServer_VM.Name -VMCredential $VMCredential -DomainName $DomainName -DomainCredential $Domain_Credentials -OUPath "OU=Servers,OU=CM,OU=TIER-1,OU=ESAE,DC=INTUNE-CENTER,DC=DE"

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    try {
        Confirm-VMState -VMObject (Get-VM -Name $VMName) -VMCredential $VMCredential
        Write-Output "'$($VMName)': joining domain '$($DomainName)'"
        Invoke-Command -VMName $VMName -Credential $VMCredential -ScriptBlock { 
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            if ($NoReboot -eq $true) {
                if ($null -ne $OUPath) {
                    Add-Computer -Credential $using:DomainCredential -DomainName $using:DomainName -OUPath $using:OUPath -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                else {
                    Add-Computer -Credential $using:DomainCredential -DomainName $using:DomainName -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            else {
                if ($null -ne $OUPath) {
                    Add-Computer -Credential $using:DomainCredential -DomainName $using:DomainName -OUPath $using:OUPath -Restart -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                else {
                    Add-Computer -Credential $using:DomainCredential -DomainName $using:DomainName -Restart -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($NoReboot -eq $true) {
            Write-Output "'$($VMName)': domainjoin succesful - vm reboot required"
        else {
            Write-Output "'$($VMName)': domainjoin succesful - vm will do reboot"
    catch {
        throw "'$($VMName)': error joining to domain '$($DomainName)' - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Confirm-VMState {
        checks if the vm is running and starts it if necessary then checks the connection to the vm via powershell direct
        .Parameter VMObject
        name of the vm
        .Parameter VMCredential
        local admin credentials of the vm
        # this will check the specified vm
        Confirm-VMState -VMObject $VM -VMCredential $VMCred
        VMObject should be like this:
        $VM_01 = @{
            Name = '`$Course_Shortcut)-VWIN11-`$Participant_Number)1'
            RAM = `$RAM
            CPU = `$CPUCount
            CM_Collection_Name = `$CM_Collection_W11_Autopilot
            Credentials = `$VM_Credentials
            DiskSize = `$DynamicDiskSize
            MAC = ""

    param (
        # VM Objects
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    try {
        if ($VMObject.State -ne "Running") {
            Start-VM -VM $VMObject
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
        if (Test-VMConnection -VMId $VMObject.Id -LocalAdminCreds $VMCredential) {
            # Write-Output "'$($VMObject.Name)': connected succesfully"
        else {
            throw "'$($VMObject.Name)': error while connecting with ps direct - $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
    catch {
        throw "$($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

function Install-NLASvcFixForDCs {
        checks if dns is specified as dependy for service nlasvc and if its not the case it will add it.
        # this will service dns as dependency for the service nlasvc

    try {
        $RegKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NlaSvc"
        $RegKeyValue = "DependOnService"
        $ServiceName = "DNS"

        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): adding service $($ServiceName) as dependency for service NlaSvc"
        $NLASvcDependencies = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -Name $RegKeyValue).$RegKeyValue
        if($NLASvcDependencies -notcontains $ServiceName) {
            $FixedNLASvcDependencies = $NLASvcDependencies + $ServiceName
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -Name $RegKeyValue -Value $FixedNLASvcDependencies
            Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): NlaSvc fix applied"
        else {
            Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): NlaSvc fix already applied"
    catch {
        throw $PSItem.Exception.Message

function New-EASEOUStructure {
        this will create the esae structure with OUs, User, Groups and Group Managed Service Accounts
        # creates the ease structure on the local domain controller
        must be executed on a domain controller

    if ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).ProductType -ne 2) {
        throw "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': this is not a domain controller, can only be used on domain controllers"
    Import-Module Activedirectory
    $Domain = Get-ADDomain

    Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): apply esae structure on $($Domain.Forest)"
    #region ous
    try {
        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): creating ous"
        $TopLevelOU = 'ESAE'
        New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $TopLevelOU -Path $Domain.DistinguishedName
        # ESAE
        $ESAEPath = "OU=$TopLevelOU,$($Domain.DistinguishedName)"
        $ESAEOUs = 'Groups', 'PAW', 'Tier 0', 'Tier 1', 'Tier 2' 
        $ESAEOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $ESAEPath
        # ESAE\PAW
        $PAWPath = "OU=PAW,$ESAEPath"
        $PAWOUs = 'Accounts', 'Devices', 'Groups' 
        $PAWOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $PAWPath 
        # ESAE\Tier0
        $Tier0Path = "OU=Tier 0,$ESAEPath"
        $Tier0OUs = 'AD', 'PKI', 'SQL', 'ADFS', 'ADSync'
        $Tier0OUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier0Path 
        # ESAE\Tier1
        $Tier1Path = "OU=Tier 1,$ESAEPath"
        $Tier1OUs = 'Exchange', 'ConfigMgr', 'SQL'
        $Tier1OUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier1Path
        # ESAE\Tier2
        $Tier2Path = "OU=Tier 2,$ESAEPath"
        $Tier2OUs = 'Accounts', 'Devices', 'Groups'
        $Tier2OUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier2Path
        # ESAE\Tier0\AD
        $Tier0ADPath = "OU=AD,$Tier0Path"
        $Tier0ADOUs = 'Accounts', 'Groups' 
        $Tier0ADOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier0ADPath
        # ESAE\Tier0\PKI
        $Tier0PKIPath = "OU=PKI,$Tier0Path"
        $Tier0PKIOUs = 'Accounts', 'Groups', 'Servers'
        $Tier0PKIOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier0PKIPath 
        # ESAE\Tier0\SQL
        $Tier0SQLPath = "OU=SQL,$Tier0Path"
        $Tier0SQLOUs = 'Accounts', 'Groups', 'Servers'
        $Tier0SQLOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier0SQLPath 
        # ESAE\Tier0\ADFS
        $Tier0ADFSPath = "OU=ADFS,$Tier0Path"
        $Tier0ADFSOUs = 'Accounts', 'Groups', 'Servers'
        $Tier0ADFSOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier0ADFSPath 
        # ESAE\Tier0\ADSync
        $Tier0ADSyncPath = "OU=ADSync,$Tier0Path"
        $Tier0ADSyncOUs = 'Accounts', 'Groups', 'Servers'
        $Tier0ADSyncOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier0ADSyncPath 
        # ESAE\Tier1\Exchange
        $Tier1ExchangePath = "OU=Exchange,$Tier1Path"
        $Tier1ExchangeOUs = 'Accounts', 'Groups', 'Servers'
        $Tier1ExchangeOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier1ExchangePath 
        # ESAE\Tier1\ConfigMgr
        $Tier1ConfigMgrPath = "OU=ConfigMgr,$Tier1Path"
        $Tier1ConfigMgrOUs = 'Accounts', 'Groups', 'Servers'
        $Tier1ConfigMgrOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier1ConfigMgrPath 
        # ESAE\Tier1\SQL
        $Tier1SQLPath = "OU=SQL,$Tier1Path"
        $Tier1SQLOUs = 'Accounts', 'Groups', 'Servers'
        $Tier1SQLOUs | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $PSItem -Path $Tier1SQLPath
    catch {
        throw "error creating ous: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

    #region groups
    try {
        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): creating groups"
        # PAW
        $GroupNames = 'T0-Allowed', 'T1-Allowed', 'T2-Allowed', 'T0-Denied', 'T1-Denied', 'T2-Denied'
        $GroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$ESAEPath"
        $PAWGroupNames = 'PAW-Devices', 'PAW-Maintenance', 'PAW-Users'
        $PAWGroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$PAWPath"

        # T0
        $Tier0ADGroupNames = 'T0-CloudAdmins', 'T0-DomAdmins', 'T0-EntAdmins', 'T0-RODCAdmins', 'T0-SchAdmins'
        $Tier0ADGroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier0ADPath"
        $Tier0PKIGroupNames = 'T0-PKIAdmins', 'T0-PKISCAgents'
        $Tier0PKIGroupNames | ForEach-Object {
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier0PKIPath"
        $Tier0SQLGroupNames = 'T0-SQLAdmins', 'T0-SQLServers'
        $Tier0SQLGroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier0SQLPath"
        $Tier0ADFSGroupNames = 'T0-ADFSAdmins', 'T0-ADFSServers', 'T0-ADFSSQLServers'
        $Tier0ADFSGroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier0ADFSPath"
        $Tier0ADSyncGroupNames = 'T0-ADSyncAdmins', 'T0-ADSyncServers', 'T0-ADSyncSQLServers'
        $Tier0ADSyncGroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier0ADSyncPath"

        # T1
        $Tier1ExchangeGroupNames = 'T1-ExAdmins', 'T1-ExAllowed', 'T1-ExMaintenance', 'T1-ExMBXAdmins', 'T1-ExOrgAdmins'
        $Tier1ExchangeGroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier1ExchangePath"
        $Tier1CMGroupNames = 'T1-CMAdmins', 'T1-CMServers', 'T1-CMSQLServers'
        $Tier1CMGroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier1ConfigMgrPath"
        $Tier1SQLGroupNames = 'T1-SQLAdmins', 'T1-SQLServers'
        $Tier1SQLGroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier1SQLPath"

        # T2
        $Tier2GroupNames = 'T2-HelpDesk'
        $Tier2GroupNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADGroup -Name $PSItem -SamAccountName $PSItem -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Universal -DisplayName $PSItem -Path "OU=Groups,$Tier2Path"
    catch {
        throw "error creating groups: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

    #region users
    try {
        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): creating users"
        $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'C0mplex' -AsPlainText -Force

        # PAW
        $PAWUserNames = 'PAWMan1'
        $PAWUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$PAWPath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        # T0
        $Tier0ADUserNames = 'T0-DomAdmin1', 'T0-EntAdmin1'
        $Tier0ADUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier0ADPath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        $Tier0PKIUserNames = 'T0-PKIAdmin1', 'T0-PKISCA1'
        $Tier0PKIUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier0PKIPath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        $Tier0SQLUserNames = 'T0-SQLAdmin1', 'T0-SQLAdmin2'
        $Tier0SQLUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier0SQLPath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        $Tier0ADFSUserNames = 'T0-ADFSAdmin1', 'T0-ADFSAdmin2'
        $Tier0ADFSUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier0ADFSPath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        $Tier0ADSyncUserNames = 'T0-ADSyncAdmin1', 'T0-ADSyncAdmin2'
        $Tier0ADSyncUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier0ADSyncPath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        # T1
        $Tier1ExchangeUserNames = 'T1-ExAdmin1', 'T1-ExAdmin2'
        $Tier1ExchangeUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier1ExchangePath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        $Tier1CMUserNames = 'T1-CMAdmin1', 'T1-CMAdmin2'
        $Tier1CMUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier1ConfigMgrPath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        $Tier1SQLUserNames = 'T1-SQLAdmin1', 'T1-SQLAdmin2'
        $Tier1SQLUserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier1SQLPath" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
        # T2
        $Tier2UserNames = 'T2-HelpDesk1', 'T2-HelpDesk2'
        $Tier2UserNames | ForEach-Object { 
            New-ADUser -Name $PSItem -Path "OU=Accounts,$Tier2Path" -SamAccountName $PSItem -UserPrincipalName "$PSItem@$($Domain.Forest)" -GivenName $PSItem -DisplayName $PSItem -AccountPassword $Password -Enabled $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true
    catch {
        throw "error creating users: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

    #region gmsa
    try {
        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): creating gmsa"
        Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-10) | Out-Null
        # T0
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T0-SQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-SQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T0-SQLServers"
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T0-SQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-SQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T0-SQLServers"
        # T0\ADFS
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T0-ADFSServers"
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T0-ADFSSQLServers"
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADFSSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-ADFSSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T0-ADFSSQLServers"
        # T0\ADSync
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T0-ADSyncServers"
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T0-ADSyncSQLServers"
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T0-ADSyncSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T0-ADSyncSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T0-ADSyncSQLServers"
        # T1
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T1-SQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T1-SQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T1-SQLServers"
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T1-SQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T1-SQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T1-SQLServers"
        # T1\ConfigMgr
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T1-CMSQLSvc" -DNSHostName "T1-CMSQLSvc.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T1-CMSQLServers"
        New-ADServiceAccount -Name "T1-CMSQLAgt" -DNSHostName "T1-CMSQLAgt.$($Domain.Forest)" -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "T1-CMSQLServers"
    catch {
        throw "error creating gmsa: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"

    #region group membership
    try {
        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): creating group membership"
        # Tier Groups
        $Tier0AllowedGroups = 'T0-CloudAdmins', 'T0-DomAdmins', 'T0-EntAdmins', 'T0-RODCAdmins', 'T0-SchAdmins', 'T0-PKIAdmins', 'T0-PKISCAgents', 'T0-SQLAdmins', 'T0-ADFSAdmins', 'T0-ADSyncAdmins'
        $Tier1AllowedGroups = 'T1-CMAdmins', 'T1-ExAdmins', 'T1-ExAllowed', 'T1-ExMaintenance', 'T1-ExMBXAdmins', 'T1-ExOrgAdmins', 'T1-SQLAdmins'
        $Tier2AllowedGroups = 'T2-HelpDesk'
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T0-Allowed' -Members $Tier0AllowedGroups
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T0-Denied' -Members ($Tier1AllowedGroups + $Tier2AllowedGroups)
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T1-Allowed' -Members $Tier1AllowedGroups
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T1-Denied' -Members ($Tier0AllowedGroups + $Tier2AllowedGroups)
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T2-Allowed' -Members $Tier2AllowedGroups
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T2-Denied' -Members ($Tier0AllowedGroups + $Tier1AllowedGroups)

        # PAW
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'PAW-Maintenance' -Members 'PAWMan1'

        # T0
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' -Members 'T0-DomAdmin1'
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Enterprise Admins' -Members 'T0-EntAdmin1'
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T0-PKIAdmins' -Members 'T0-PKIAdmin1'
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T0-PKISCAgents' -Members 'T0-PKISCA1'
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T0-SQLAdmins' -Members 'T0-SQLAdmin1', 'T0-SQLAdmin2'

        # T1
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T1-ExAdmins' -Members 'T1-ExAdmin1', 'T1-ExAdmin2'
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T1-CMAdmins' -Members 'T1-CMAdmin1', 'T1-CMAdmin2'
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T1-SQLAdmins' -Members 'T1-SQLAdmin1', 'T1-SQLAdmin2'

        # T2
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'T2-HelpDesk' -Members 'T2-HelpDesk1', 'T2-HelpDesk2'
    catch {
        throw "error creating group memberships: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
function Repair-DFSRReplication {
        this will forcefully repair dfsr replication on the domain, use with care
        # this will forcefully repair dfsr replication on the domain
        must be executed on a domain controller

    $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName
    $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator
    $DCs = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "computer") } -SearchBase "OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain" -Properties Name | Sort-Object Name
    $DCs | ForEach-Object {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PSItem.Name -ScriptBlock {
            $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName
            $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator
            $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } `
                -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"`
                -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled"
            Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Restarting NIC to correct Network Profile"
            $NetAdapter = Get-NetAdapter 
            $NetAdapter[0] | Restart-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false

            Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Installing DFSR Management Tools"
            Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con | Out-Null
            if ($($PDC).Contains($env:COMPUTERNAME)) {
                Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Setting msDFSR-Options to 1"
                Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Options" = 1 }
            Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Setting msDFSR-Enabled to false"
            Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $false }
    Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Forcing AD Replication"
    repadmin /syncall /P /e

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PDC -ScriptBlock {
        $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName
        $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } `
            -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"`
            -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled"
            Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Restarting DFSR Service"
        Restart-Service DFSR 
        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Setting msDFSR-Enabled to true"
        Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $true }
        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Forcing AD Replication"
        repadmin /syncall /P /e
        Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Executing DFSRDIAG"
        dfsrdiag pollad
    $DCs | ForEach-Object {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PSItem.Name -ScriptBlock {
            $Domain = (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).DistinguishedName
            $PDC = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator
            $sysvolADObject = Get-ADObject -Filter { (objectclass -eq "msDFSR-Subscription") } `
                -SearchBase "CN=SYSVOL Subscription,CN=Domain System Volume,CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=$($env:COMPUTERNAME),OU=Domain Controllers,$Domain"`
                -Properties "msDFSR-Options", "msDFSR-Enabled"
            if (!$($PDC).Contains($($env:COMPUTERNAME))) {
                Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Restarting DFSR Service"
                Restart-Service DFSR 
                Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Setting msDFSR-Enabled to true"
                Set-ADObject -Identity $sysvolADObject.DistinguishedName -Replace @{"msDFSR-Enabled" = $true }
                Write-Output "$($env:COMPUTERNAME): Executing DFSRDIAG"
                dfsrdiag pollad  

function Set-Interface {
        configures the network interface, ip, dns, gateway
        .Parameter InterfaceObject
        nic objects
        .Parameter IPAddress
        .Parameter NetPrefix
        net prefix, e.g. 24
        .Parameter DefaultGateway
        default gateway in the subnet
        .Parameter DNSAddresses
        dns server addresses
        .Parameter NewName
        new name of the network adapter
        # configures the specified network card
        Set-Interface -InterfaceObject $SFP10G_NICs[0] -IPAddress $CLU1_IPAddress -NetPrefix $NetPrefix -DefaultGateway $CLU_DefaultGateway -DNSAddresses $CLU_DNSAddresses -NewName "Datacenter-1"

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    try {
        Write-Host "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': configuring nic with macaddress '$($InterfaceObject.MacAddress)'"
        If (($InterfaceObject | Get-NetIPConfiguration).IPv4Address.IPAddress) {
            $InterfaceObject | Remove-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4" -Confirm:$false
        If (($InterfaceObject | Get-NetIPConfiguration).Ipv4DefaultGateway) {
            $InterfaceObject | Remove-NetRoute -AddressFamily "IPv4" -Confirm:$false
        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\$($InterfaceObject.InterfaceGuid)" -Name EnableDHCP -Value 0
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        if ($null -ne $DefaultGateway) {
            $InterfaceObject | New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $IPAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4" -PrefixLength $NetPrefix -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway | Out-Null
            Write-Host "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': nic with mac '$($InterfaceObject.MacAddress)' has static ip '$($IPAddress)'"
        else {
            $InterfaceObject | New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $IPAddress -AddressFamily "IPv4" -PrefixLength $NetPrefix | Out-Null
            Write-Host "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': nic with mac '$($InterfaceObject.MacAddress)' has static ip '$($IPAddress)'"
        if ($null -ne $DNSAddresses) {
            $InterfaceObject | Set-DnsClientServerAddress -ServerAddresses $DNSAddresses
        if ($null -ne $NewName) {
            $InterfaceObject | Rename-NetAdapter -NewName $NewName
            Write-Host "'$($env:COMPUTERNAME)': nic with mac '$($InterfaceObject.MacAddress)' renamed to '$($NewName)'"
    catch {
        throw "error setting '$($InterfaceObject.Name)': $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"