Import-Module TabExpansionPlusPlus function NPMCompletion { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) Set-Alias -Name nct -Value New-CommandTree $commandTree = & { nct access 'Set access level on published packages' { nct public 'Set a package to be publicly accessible' nct restricted 'Set a package to be restricted' nct grant 'Grant the ability of users and teams to have read-only or read-write access to a package' { nct 'read-only' 'tt' nct 'read-write' 'tt' nct 'scope:' 'tt' } nct revoke "Revoke the ability of users and teams" { nct "scope:team" "the team" } nct ls-packages "Show all of the packages a user or a team is able to access, along with the access level, except for read-only public packages" nct ls-collaborators "Show all of the access privileges for a package. Will only show permissions for packages to which you have at least read access" nct edit 'Set the access privileges for a package at once using $EDITOR' } nct adduser 'Add a registry user account' { } nct bin 'Display npm bin folder' { } nct bugs 'Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe' { } nct build 'Build a package' { } nct cache 'Manipulates packages cache' { } nct config 'Manage the npm configuration files' { } nct dedupe 'Reduce duplication' { } nct deprecate 'Deprecate a version of a package' { } nct dist-tag 'Modify package distribution tags' { } nct docs 'Docs for a package in a web browser maybe' { } nct edit 'Edit an installed package' { } nct explore 'Browse an installed package' { } nct help 'Get help on npm' { } nct help-search 'Search npm help documentation' { } nct init 'Interactively create a package.json file' { } nct link 'Symlink a package folder' { } nct logout 'Log out of the registry' { } nct ls 'List installed packages' { } nct npm 'javascript package manager' { } nct outdated 'Check for outdated packages' { } nct owner 'Manage package owners' { } nct pack 'Create a tarball from a package' { } nct ping 'Ping npm registry' { } nct prefix 'Display prefix' { } nct prune 'Remove extraneous packages' { } nct publish 'Publish a package' { } nct rebuild 'Rebuild a package' { } nct repo 'Open package repository page in the browser' { } nct restart 'Restart a package' { } nct root 'Display npm root' { } nct search 'Search for packages' { } nct shrinkwrap 'Lock down dependency versions' { } nct star 'Mark your favorite packages' { } nct stars 'View packages marked as favorites' { } nct start 'Start a package' { } nct stop 'Stop a package' { } nct tag 'Tag a published version' { } nct team 'Manage organization teams and team memberships' { } nct test 'Test a package' { } nct uninstall 'Remove a package' { } nct unpublish 'Remove a package from the registry' { } nct update 'Update a package' { } nct version 'Bump a package version' { } nct view 'View registry info' { } nct whoami 'Display npm username' { } nct install 'install in package directory' { nct -Argument "--save" "Package will appear in your dependencies" nct -Argument "--save-dev" "Package will appear in your devDependencies" nct -Argument "--save-optional" "Package will appear in your optionalDependencies" } nct run 'Run arbitrary package scripts' { nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) $scripts = (Get-Content .\package.json | ConvertFrom-Json).scripts $scripts | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "${wordToComplete}*" } | ForEach-Object { $target = $scripts.($_.Name) New-CompletionResult $_.Name "$($target)" } } } } Get-CommandTreeCompletion $wordToComplete $commandAst $commandTree } NPMCompletion Register-ArgumentCompleter -Command 'npm' -Native -ScriptBlock $function:NPMCompletion -Description 'Complete parameters and arguments to npm.cmd' |