
#Region './Private/Register-Autofill.ps1' 0
$Splat = @{
    "CommandName" = "New-MrfkShippingLabel"
    "ParameterName" = "location"
    "ScriptBlock" = {
        param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

        $AllLocationNames = (Get-SnipeLocations).name | Sort-Object
            $_ -like "$wordToComplete*"
Register-ArgumentCompleter @Splat
#EndRegion './Private/Register-Autofill.ps1' 16
#Region './Public/Get-MrfkAdmCreds.ps1' 0
function Get-MrfkAdmCreds {
    param (
        [string]$admCredsPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\.creds\MRFK\adm_creds.xml"

    if (!(Test-Path $admCredsPath)) {
    Import-Clixml $admCredsPath
#EndRegion './Public/Get-MrfkAdmCreds.ps1' 12
#Region './Public/Get-MrfkComputerInfo.ps1' 0
function Get-MrfkComputerInfo {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Get computer by hostname",ValueFromPipeline,Position=0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Get computers by username")][string]$Username,
        [string]$MECMNameSpace = "root/SMS/site_PS1",
        [string]$MECMHost = "sccm-ps.intern.mrfylke.no",
        [string]$DC = "dc01.intern.mrfylke.no"

    begin {
        try {
            $null = Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -eq 0"
        catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
            Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -Message @"
Please install RSAT before running this function. You can install RSAT by following this guide:


        $splat = @{
            "Credential" = Get-MrfkAdmCreds
            "ComputerName" = $MECMHost
            "ErrorAction" = "Stop"
        $CimSession = New-CimSession @splat

    process {
        $ComputerExportArr = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
        $Notes = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "Get computer by hostname" {
                [array]$HostnameArr = $Hostname
            "Get computers by username" {
                $splat = @{
                    "Query" = "Select * from SMS_R_System where LastLogonUserName = `"$Username`""
                    "Namespace" = $MECMNameSpace
                    "CimSession" = $CimSession
                [array]$HostnameArr = (Get-CimInstance @splat).Name

            $splat = @{
                "Query" = "Select * from SMS_R_System where name = `"$_`""
                "Namespace" = $MECMNameSpace
                "CimSession" = $CimSession
            $MecmComputer = Get-CimInstance @splat
            if ($MecmComputer) {
                $splat = @{
                    "Query" = @"
select distinct SMS_G_System_PROCESSOR.*
from SMS_R_System
inner join SMS_G_System_PROCESSOR
on SMS_G_System_PROCESSOR.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId
where ResourceId = $($MecmComputer.ResourceId)

                    "Namespace" = $MECMNameSpace
                    "CimSession" = $CimSession
                $CPUInfo = Get-CimInstance @splat
                $splat = @{
                    "Query" = @"
Select * from SMS_G_System_Computer_System_Product
where ResourceId = $($MecmComputer.ResourceId)

                    "Namespace" = $MECMNameSpace
                    "CimSession" = $CimSession
                $ModelInfo = Get-CimInstance @splat
            } else {
                $null = $Notes.Add("Couldn't find `"$Hostname`" in MECM.")

            try {
                $ADComputer = Get-ADComputer $_
                $splat = @{
                    "Filter" = {objectclass -eq "msFVE-RecoveryInformation"}
                    "SearchBase" = $ADComputer.DistinguishedName
                    "Properties" = "msFVE-RecoveryPassword"
                    "Credential" = Get-MrfkAdmCreds
                    "Server" = $DC
                $BitlockerRecoveryKeys = (Get-ADObject @splat)."msFVE-RecoveryPassword"
            catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException] {
                $null = $Notes.Add("Couldn't find `"$Hostname`" in AD.")
            if ($MecmComputer.agentname) {
                $HeartbeatIndex = $MecmComputer.agentname.IndexOf("Heartbeat Discovery")
                $LastHeartbeat = $MecmComputer.agenttime[$HeartbeatIndex]
            $null = $ComputerExportArr.Add(
                    "Hostname" = $_
                    "LastLoggedOnUser" = $MecmComputer.LastLogonUserName
                    "MACAddresses" = $MecmComputer.MACAddresses
                    "Model" = $ModelInfo.Name
                    "CPUName" = $CPUInfo.Name
                    "SN" = $ModelInfo.IdentifyingNumber
                    "LastHeartbeat" = $LastHeartbeat
                    "BitlockerRecoveryKeys" = $BitlockerRecoveryKeys
                    "Notes" = $Notes
#EndRegion './Public/Get-MrfkComputerInfo.ps1' 123
#Region './Public/Get-MrfkFreeHostnames.ps1' 0
function Get-MrfkFreeHostnames {
    param (
        [string]$MECMNameSpace = "root/SMS/site_PS1",
        [string]$MECMHost = "sccm-ps.intern.mrfylke.no"
    $CimSession = New-CimSession -Credential (Get-MrfkAdmCreds) -ComputerName $MECMHost -ErrorAction Stop
    $AllMecmComputers = Get-CimInstance -Namespace $MECMNameSpace -CimSession $CimSession -Query @"
Select * from SMS_R_System

    $Filter = "$Prefix-$LocationCode-"

    $PCNumArr = $AllMecmComputers.where({
        ($_.Name -like "$Filter*") -and (
            $_.Name -like ($Filter + ((
                $_.Name.Replace("$Filter","","OrdinalIgnoreCase") -replace "^0+",""

    if ($PCNumArr) {
        $PCNumArr = $PCNumArr.Replace("$Filter","","OrdinalIgnoreCase") -replace "^0+","" | Sort-Object
    $FreePCNumArr = (1..("9" * $Digits)).where({$_ -notin $PCNumArr})

    if ($Count) {
        $FreePCNumArr = $FreePCNumArr | Select-Object -First $Count
        $Num = ([string]$_).PadLeft($Digits,'0')
#EndRegion './Public/Get-MrfkFreeHostnames.ps1' 40
#Region './Public/Get-MrfkUserInfo.ps1' 0
function Get-MrfkUserInfo {
    param (

    begin {
        try {
            $null = Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -eq 0"
        catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
            Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -Message @"
Please install RSAT before running this function. You can install RSAT by following this guide:


    process {
        switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "username" {
                $filter = "SamAccountName -like `"$Username`""
            "displayname" {
                $filter = "DisplayName -like `"$DisplayName`""
            "mobilephone" {
                $filter = "MobilePhone -like `"$MobilePhone`""

        #Get userinfo of the ADusers
        $ADUser = Get-ADUser -filter $filter -Properties MobilePhone,DisplayName | Select-Object @(

        #Pick an ADUser if we get multiple hits on the search query
        if ($ADUser -is [array]) {
            $splat = @{
                "Title" = "Found multiple hits on the input. Please select an user."
                "OutputMode" = "Single"
            $ADUser = $ADUser | Out-GridView @splat

        if (!$ADUser) {
            Write-Error -ErrorAction "Stop" -Message "Please select a user before continuing."

        if ($IncludeComputerInfo) {
            $ComputerExportArr = Get-MrfkComputerInfo -Username $ADUser.SamAccountName
            if (!$ExpandComputerInfo) {
                $ADUser | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computers" -Value $ComputerExportArr

        #Post output
        if ($ExpandComputerInfo) {
#EndRegion './Public/Get-MrfkUserInfo.ps1' 69
#Region './Public/Invoke-MrfkShippingLabelPrint.ps1' 0
function Invoke-MrfkShippingLabelPrint {
    param (
        [int]$copies = 1,
        [string]$PrinterNetworkPath = "\\print01\PR-SIT-STORLABEL"

    process {
        #Get current default printer
        $defaultPrinter = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Printer).where({ $_.Default -eq $true }).Name

        #Set printer named PR-STORLABEL-SSDSK to default printer
        if (!(Get-Printer -Name $PrinterNetworkPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
            (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).AddWindowsPrinterConnection($PrinterNetworkPath)
        (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter($PrinterNetworkPath)
        #Create new Word document
        $WordObj = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
        $null = $WordObj.Documents.Add()
        #Set page size and margins
        $WordObj.Selection.PageSetup.PageHeight = "192mm"
        $WordObj.Selection.PageSetup.PageWidth = "102mm"
        $WordObj.Selection.PageSetup.TopMargin = "12,7mm"
        $WordObj.Selection.PageSetup.BottomMargin = "12,7mm"
        $WordObj.Selection.PageSetup.LeftMargin = "12,7mm"
        $WordObj.Selection.PageSetup.RightMargin = "12,7mm"
        #Insert content
        $WordObj.Selection.Font.Bold = 1
        $WordObj.Selection.Font.Bold = 0
        $WordObj.Selection.Font.Bold = 1
        $WordObj.Selection.Font.Bold = 0

            #Send To Default Printer
        #Change default printer back to the previous value
        (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter("$defaultPrinter")
        #Close File without saving
#EndRegion './Public/Invoke-MrfkShippingLabelPrint.ps1' 56
#Region './Public/New-MrfkAdmCreds.ps1' 0
function New-MrfkAdmCreds {
    param (
        [string]$admCredsPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\.creds\MRFK\adm_creds.xml"

    #Create parent folders for the file
    $admCredsDir = $admCredsPath.Substring(0, $admCredsPath.lastIndexOf('\'))
    if (!(Test-Path $admCredsDir)) {
        $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory $admCredsDir
    #Create adm_creds file
    Get-Credential -Message "Enter your mrfk admin credentials" | Export-Clixml $admCredsPath
#EndRegion './Public/New-MrfkAdmCreds.ps1' 15
#Region './Public/New-MrfkShippingLabel.ps1' 0
function New-MrfkShippingLabel {
    param (
            $_ -in (Get-SnipeLocations).name
        [string]$PrinterNetworkPath = "\\sr-safecom-sla1\PR-STORLABEL-SSDSK"

    process {
        #Get the selected locations address
        $locationResult = Get-SnipeLocations -name $location

        $locationName = $locationResult.address
        $address = $locationResult.address2
        $postalCode = $locationResult.zip
        $city = $locationResult.city

        if (!$mobile) {
            try {
                $null = Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -eq 0"
            catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
                Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -Message @"
Please install RSAT before running this function. You can install RSAT by following this guide:


            #Search AD for phonenumber
            [string]$mobile = (Get-ADUser -Filter {DisplayName -like $displayname} -Properties mobile).mobile

        if ($location) {
            $splat = @{
                "Recipient" = "$displayname`v$mobile"
                "Location" = "$locationName`v$address`v$postalCode $city"
                "PrinterNetworkPath" = $PrinterNetworkPath
                "copies" = $copies
            Invoke-MrfkShippingLabelPrint @splat
#EndRegion './Public/New-MrfkShippingLabel.ps1' 48
#Region './Public/Remove-MrfkComputer.ps1' 0
function Remove-MrfkComputer {
    param (
        [string]$MECMNameSpace = "root/SMS/site_PS1",
        [string]$MECMHost = "sccm-ps.intern.mrfylke.no"

    begin {
        try {
            $null = Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -eq 0"
        catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
            Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop -Message @"
Please install RSAT before running this function. You can install RSAT by following this guide:


        $splat = @{
            "Credential" = Get-MrfkAdmCreds
            "ComputerName" = $MECMHost
            "ErrorAction" = "Stop"
        New-CimSession @splat

    process {
        $MECMComputer = Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CimSession -Namespace $MECMNameSpace -Query @"
Select * from SMS_R_System where name = `"$Hostname`"

        if ($MECMComputer) {
            Remove-CimInstance -CimInstance $MECMComputer
        } else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't find any computer in MECM with the name `"$Hostname`""

        try {
            $ADComputer = Get-ADComputer $Hostname
        } catch {
            Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't find any computer in AD with the name `"$Hostname`""

        if ($ADComputer) {
            (Get-ADObject -Filter * -SearchBase $ADComputer.DistinguishedName).ForEach({
                if($_.DistinguishedName -ne $ADComputer.DistinguishedName) {
                    Remove-ADObject $_.DistinguishedName -Credential (Get-MrfkAdmCreds) -Confirm:$false

            Remove-ADComputer -Identity $ADComputer.DistinguishedName -Credential (Get-MrfkAdmCreds) -Confirm:$false
#EndRegion './Public/Remove-MrfkComputer.ps1' 56