.NOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code generated by: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2024 v5.8.251 (L) Generated on: 2/18/2025 11:21 PM Generated by: Organization: MyPSFunctions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .DESCRIPTION Script generated by PowerShell Studio 2024 #> <# =========================================================================== Created with: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio Created on: 10/27/2023 9:00 AM Created by: Organization: MyPSFunctions Filename: MyPSFunctions.psm1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Name: MyPSFunctions =========================================================================== #> Function Write-Log { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Info', 'Warning', 'Error')] [string]$Level, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Message ) switch ($Level) { Warning { # Write warning log if ($LogPath) { Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")] WARNING: $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Append } Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")]" -nonewline; Write-host " WARNING: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline; Write-Host $Message } Error { # Write Error log if ($LogPath) { Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")] ERROR: $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Append } Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")]" -nonewline; Write-host " ERROR: " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline; Write-Host $Message } default { # Write Information log if ($LogPath) { Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")] INFO: $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Append } Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")]" -nonewline; Write-host " INFO: " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline; Write-Host $Message } } } Function Write-CLog { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Info', 'Warning', 'Error')] [string]$Level, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$LogPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Message ) switch ($Level) { Warning { # Write warning log if ($LogPath) { Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")] WARNING: $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Append } Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")]" -ForegroundColor Yellow -nonewline; Write-host " WARNING: " -NoNewline; Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Yellow } Error { # Write Error log if ($LogPath) { Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")] Error: $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Append } Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")]" -ForegroundColor Red -nonewline; Write-host " Error: " -NoNewline; Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Red } default { # Write Information log if ($LogPath) { Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")] INFO: $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath -Append } Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")]" -nonewline; Write-host " INFO: " -NoNewline; Write-Host $Message } } } Function Create-Folder { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string]$Path ) If (!(Test-Path $Path)) { New-Item $Path -Type Directory -ErrorVariable FolderCreationFailed } Else { Write-Host "The folder $Path is already created" -ForegroundColor Yellow } # Check if no error occurs during the folder creation If ($FolderCreationFailed) { Write-Host "The folder $Path failed to be created" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Folder creation failed with error: $FolderCreationFailed" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Yellow } } Function Zip-Folder { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [String]$Folder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [String]$ZipFile ) # Test if the ZipFile is existed Add-Type -assembly "" [io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($Folder, $ZipFile) } Function Clear-PSSession { $PSSessions = Get-PSSession $PSSessionsCount = ($PSSessions | measure).count If ($PSSessionsCount -gt 0) { $PSSessions | ft Read-Host "Are you sure you want to clear all PS Session? - Press Enter to Continue or CTRL+C to Cancel" Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession -Confirm:$false Write-Host "All PS Sessions have been removed" -ForegroundColor Green } Else { Write-Host "No PS Session Found" -ForegroundColor Red } } Function Allows-BasicWinRM { ###### Basic Authentication is disabled #### $RegistryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WinRM\Client" $Name = "AllowBasic" $Value = "1" if (Test-path $RegistryPath) { New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name $Name -Value $Value -PropertyType DWORD -Force } } Function Test-ServerSSLSupport { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$HostName, [UInt16]$Port = 443 ) process { $RetValue = New-Object psobject -Property @{ Host = $HostName Port = $Port SSLv2 = $false SSLv3 = $false TLSv1_0 = $false TLSv1_1 = $false TLSv1_2 = $false KeyExhange = $null HashAlgorithm = $null } "ssl2", "ssl3", "tls", "tls11", "tls12" | %{ $TcpClient = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient $TcpClient.Connect($RetValue.Host, $RetValue.Port) $SslStream = New-Object Net.Security.SslStream $TcpClient.GetStream(), $true, ([System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback]{ $true }) $SslStream.ReadTimeout = 15000 $SslStream.WriteTimeout = 15000 try { $SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient($RetValue.Host, $null, $_, $false) $RetValue.KeyExhange = $SslStream.KeyExchangeAlgorithm $RetValue.HashAlgorithm = $SslStream.HashAlgorithm $status = $true } catch { $status = $false } switch ($_) { "ssl2" { $RetValue.SSLv2 = $status } "ssl3" { $RetValue.SSLv3 = $status } "tls" { $RetValue.TLSv1_0 = $status } "tls11" { $RetValue.TLSv1_1 = $status } "tls12" { $RetValue.TLSv1_2 = $status } } # dispose objects to prevent memory leaks $TcpClient.Dispose() $SslStream.Dispose() } $RetValue } } Function Append-PrefixFileswithinFolder { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [String]$Folder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [String]$Prefix ) $Files = $Null $Files = Get-ChildItem $Folder Foreach ($File in $Files) { $OldName = $Null $OldName = $File.versioninfo.FileName $NewName = $Null $Name = $Null $Name = $File.Name $NewName = $Prefix + $Name rename-item -NewName $NewName -path $OldName } } Function Clear-IECachedData { [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = ' Delete Temporary Internet Files')] [switch]$TempIEFiles, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Delete Cookies')] [switch]$Cookies, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Delete History')] [switch]$History, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Delete Form Data')] [switch]$FormData, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Delete Passwords')] [switch]$Passwords, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Delete All')] [switch]$All, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Delete Files and Settings Stored by Add-Ons')] [switch]$AddOnSettings ) if ($TempIEFiles) { RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 8 } if ($Cookies) { RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 2 } if ($History) { RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 1 } if ($FormData) { RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 16 } if ($Passwords) { RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 32 } if ($All) { RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 255 } if ($AddOnSettings) { RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351 } } Function Get-ServerPublicIP { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$HostFQDN ) if ($HostFQDN -ne "") { $IPInfo = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $HostFQDN -ScriptBlock { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ('' + (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "").Content) } } else { $IPInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ('' + (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "").Content) } $IPAddress = $IPInfo.IpAddress $URI = "" + $IPAddress $API_IPInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI $API_IPInfo } Function Get-MyPublicIP { [CmdletBinding()] param () $IPInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ('' + (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "").Content) $IPAddress = $IPInfo.IpAddress $URI = "" + $IPAddress $API_IPInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI $API_IPInfo } Function Get-IPAddressInformation { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [String]$IPAddress ) #$IPAddressInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ('' + $IPAddress) Write-Log -Level INFO -message "The Information from IP Info:" $URI = "" + $IPAddress $API_IPInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URI $API_IPInfo } Function ConvertFrom-ImmutableIdToGuid ([string]$ImmutableId) { [Guid]([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($ImmutableId)) } Function ConvertTo-Gb { <# .EXTERNALHELP MyPSFunctions.EXO.psm1-Help.xml #> param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string]$size ) process { if ($size -ne $null) { $value = $size.Split(" ") switch ($value[1]) { "GB" { $sizeInGb = ($value[0]) } "MB" { $sizeInGb = ($value[0] / 1024) } "KB" { $sizeInGb = ($value[0] / 1024 / 1024) } } return [Math]::Round($sizeInGb, 2, [MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) } } } Function ConvertTo-MB { <# .EXTERNALHELP MyPSFunctions.EXO.psm1-Help.xml #> param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string]$size ) process { if ($size -ne $null) { $value = $size.Split(" ") switch ($value[1]) { "GB" { $sizeInMB = ($value[0] * 1024) } "MB" { $sizeInMB = ($value[0]) } "KB" { $sizeInMB = ($value[0] / 1024) } } return [Math]::Round($sizeInMB, 2, [MidPointRounding]::AwayFromZero) } } } Function Select-MyProfile { # CSV Profile (MyPSFunctionsPSProfiles.csv) $PSProfileFolder = $Profile.Substring(0, $Profile.LastIndexOf("\")) $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile = $PSProfileFolder + "\MyPSFunctionsPSProfiles.csv" # Check if file exist If (!(Test-Path $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile)) { Try { New-Item $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile -Type File $CreatedCSVFileStatus = "Successful" } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message $CMDLet = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.Line $FailedItem = $Error[0].Exception.ItemName Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed to create CSV File : $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile" Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed to run the following CMDLet: $CMDLet" Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed with Error:$ErrorMessage" $CreatedCSVFileStatus = "Failed" } } Else { #Write-Log info -message "The File $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile is already created" $CreatedCSVFileStatus = "Exist" } If ($CreatedCSVFileStatus -eq "Exist") { #Write-Log warning -message "The File $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile exists" Try { $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = $null $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = @() $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = Import-Csv $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile } Catch { $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = $null $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = @() } } Else { $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = $null $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = @() } if ($MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles) { $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesCount = ($MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles | measure).count If ($MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesCount -ge 2) { $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile = $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles | Out-GridView -PassThru } Else { $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile = $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsProfileName -ErrorAction Stop Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsProfileName -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.ProfileName -Scope Global } Catch { New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsProfileName -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.ProfileName -Scope Global } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsTenantName -ErrorAction Stop Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsTenantName -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.TenantName -Scope Global } Catch { New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsTenantName -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.TenantName -Scope Global } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsTenantNameOnMicrosoft -ErrorAction Stop $MyPSFunctionsTenantNameOnMicrosoft = $MyPSFunctionsTenantName + "" Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsTenantNameOnMicrosoft -Value $MyPSFunctionsTenantNameOnMicrosoft -Scope Global } Catch { $MyPSFunctionsTenantNameOnMicrosoft = $MyPSFunctionsTenantName + "" New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsTenantNameOnMicrosoft -Value $MyPSFunctionsTenantNameOnMicrosoft -Scope Global } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsSharepointAdminURL -ErrorAction Stop $MyPSFunctionsTenantNameSharepoinAdminURL = "https://" + $MyPSFunctionsTenantName + "" Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsSharepointAdminURL -Value $MyPSFunctionsTenantNameSharepoinAdminURL -Scope Global } Catch { $MyPSFunctionsTenantNameSharepoinAdminURL = "https://" + $MyPSFunctionsTenantName + "" New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsSharepointAdminURL -Value $MyPSFunctionsTenantNameSharepoinAdminURL -Scope Global } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsO365Admin -ErrorAction Stop Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsO365Admin -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.O365Admin -Scope Global } Catch { New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsO365Admin -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.O365Admin -Scope Global } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsEXOHybridServerName -ErrorAction Stop Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsEXOHybridServerName -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.EXOHybridServerName -Scope Global } Catch { New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsEXOHybridServerName -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.EXOHybridServerName -Scope Global } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsDCServerName -ErrorAction Stop Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsDCServerName -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.DCServerName -Scope Global } Catch { New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsDCServerName -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.DCServerName -Scope Global } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsOnPremiseAdmin -ErrorAction Stop Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsOnPremiseAdmin -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.OnPremiseAdmin -Scope Global } Catch { New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsOnPremiseAdmin -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.OnPremiseAdmin -Scope Global } Try { Get-Variable MyPSFunctionsAzAdmin -ErrorAction Stop Set-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsAzAdmin -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.AzAdmin -Scope Global } Catch { New-Variable -Name MyPSFunctionsAzAdmin -Value $MyPSFunctionsSelectedProfile.AzAdmin -Scope Global } Write-Log Warning -Message "Your MyPSFunctions Global Variables have been set" # Get-Variable MyPSFunctions* } Else { Write-Log Error -Message "Global Variable does not exist, please use run Initiate-MyProfile" } } Function Add-MyProfile { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [String]$ProfileName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [string]$TenantName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)] [String]$O365Admin, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4)] [String]$EXOHybridServerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 5)] [String]$DCServerName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 6)] [String]$OnPremiseAdmin, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 7)] [String]$AzAdmin ) # CSV Profile (MyPSFunctionsPSProfiles.csv) $PSProfileFolder = $Profile.Substring(0, $Profile.LastIndexOf("\")) $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile = $PSProfileFolder + "\MyPSFunctionsPSProfiles.csv" $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile # Check if file exist If (!(Test-Path $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile)) { Try { New-Item $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile -Type File $CreatedCSVFileStatus = "Successful" } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message $CMDLet = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.Line $FailedItem = $Error[0].Exception.ItemName Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed to create CSV File : $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile" Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed to run the following CMDLet: $CMDLet" Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed with Error:$ErrorMessage" $CreatedCSVFileStatus = "Failed" } } Else { #Write-Log info -message "The File $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile is already created" $CreatedCSVFileStatus = "Exist" } If ($CreatedCSVFileStatus -eq "Exist") { #Write-Log warning -message "The File $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile exists" Try { $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = $null $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = @() $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = Import-Csv $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles | ft $ImportCSVFileStatus = "Successful" } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message $CMDLet = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.Line Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed to Import CSV File : $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile" Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed to run the following CMDLet: $CMDLet" Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed with Error:$ErrorMessage" $ImportCSVFileStatus = "Failed" } } Else { $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = $null $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles = @() $ImportCSVFileStatus = "Successful" } # Create Global Variables If ($ImportCSVFileStatus -eq "Successful") { # Set Update Variable MyPSFunctionsProfiles $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles += New-object PSobject -Property ([Ordered] @{ ProfileName = $ProfileName; TenantName = $TenantName; O365Admin = $O365Admin; EXOHybridServerName = $EXOHybridServerName; DCServerName = $DCServerName; OnPremiseAdmin = $OnPremiseAdmin; AzAdmin = $AzAdmin; }) # Set Export MyPSFunctionsProfiles Try { $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfiles | Export-Csv $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 Write-Log info -Message "Successfully export MyPSFunctionsPSProfiles.csv" } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message Write-Log Error -Message "Failed to export MyPSFunctionsPSProfiles.csv with Error: $ErrorMessage" } Select-MyProfile } } Function Create-MyProfile { [CmdletBinding()] param () If (!(Test-Path $PROFILE)) { New-Item -Type file -Force $profile Write-Log Warning -Message "PSProfile has been created" } Else { Write-Log Warning -Message "PSProfile already created" } } Function Set-MyProfile { [CmdletBinding()] param () If (!(Select-String -Path $PROFILE -Pattern 'MyPSFunctionsProfile')) { Add-Content $PROFILE "`################## MyPSFunctionsProfile ##################" Add-Content $PROFILE "`nCreate-Folder -Path 'C:\Scripts'" Add-Content $PROFILE "`nSet-Location 'C:\scripts'" Add-Content $PROFILE "`nEnable-Transcript -TranscriptFolder 'C:\Powershell_Transcripts\'" Add-Content $PROFILE "`nInitiate-MyProfile" Add-Content $PROFILE "`################## MyPSFunctionsProfile ##################" Write-Log Warning -Message "PS Profile has been set" } Else { Write-Log info -Message "PS Profile is already set" } } Function Enable-Transcript { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [String]$TranscriptFolder ) Create-Folder -Path $TranscriptFolder $Transcript_Date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss" $Transcript_File = $TranscriptFolder + "Transcript_" + $Transcript_Date + ".txt" Start-Transcript -Path $Transcript_File } Function Initiate-MyProfile { [CmdletBinding()] param () # CSV Profile (MyPSFunctionsPSProfiles.csv) $PSProfileFolder = $Profile.Substring(0, $Profile.LastIndexOf("\")) $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile = $PSProfileFolder + "\MyPSFunctionsPSProfiles.csv" #Import CSV If (Test-Path $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile) { Try { $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesTemp = Import-Csv $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile $ImportCSVFileStatus = "Successful" } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message $CMDLet = $Error[0].InvocationInfo.Line Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed to Import CSV File : $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile" Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed to run the following CMDLet: $CMDLet" Write-Log -Level Error -Message "Failed with Error:$ErrorMessage" $ImportCSVFileStatus = "Failed" } } Else { Write-Log Error -message "The File $MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile does not exist" $ImportCSVFileStatus = "NotExist" } If ($ImportCSVFileStatus -eq "Successful") { Write-Log -Level info -Message "$MyPSFunctionsGlobalPSProfilesFile exists" } Else { Add-MyProfile } # Update PS Profile file If (Test-Path $Profile) { Set-MyProfile } Else { Create-MyProfile Set-MyProfile } Select-MyProfile } |