#For setting dark mode for various OS level and application level items. function set-myDarkMode { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [bool]$darkmode = $true # [switch]$list = $false ) write-debug "debug preference is $DebugPreference" # Read-Host "WARNING: Some programs must be close out to enabled dark mode, please be sure all your work is saved." #List of Programs $Programs = "windowsSystem", "windowsApps", "notepadPlusPlus" # if ($list) { # Write-Host "The following programs will enter dark mode upon running this function" # Write-Host $Programs # } #Setting Variables based on Mode if ($DarkMode) { $int = 0 $lightlevel = "Darkening" Write-Debug "Set int to $int and lightlevel to $lightlevel" } else { $int = 1 $lightlevel = "Lighting" Write-Debug "Set int to $int and lightlevel to $lightlevel" } #Windows System Write-Host "$lightlevel Windows System" New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize -Name SystemUsesLightTheme -Value $int -Type Dword -Force | out-null Write-Host "$lightlevel Windows Apps" #Windows Apps New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize -Name AppsUseLightTheme -Value $int -Type Dword -Force | out-null #Notepad++ #Need to figure out why regex isn't working on my replace and use that to catch all scenarios if (Test-Path "$env:APPDATA\Notepad++\config.xml") { $config = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\Notepad++\config.xml if ($darkmode -And $config -match '"DarkMode" enable="no"') { Write-Host "$lightlevel notepad++" Write-Debug "DEBUG:Running section to change dark mode enable from no to yes in notepad++" $notepadplusplus = Get-Process | where-Object {$_.ProcessName -eq "notepad++"} foreach ($process in $notepadplusplus) { (Get-Process -Id $process.Id).CloseMainWindow() } sleep 1 (Get-content $env:APPDATA\Notepad++\config.xml).Replace('"DarkMode" enable="no"', '<GUIConfig name="DarkMode" enable="yes"') | set-content $env:APPDATA\Notepad++\config.xml | out-null notepad++ } elseif (!$darkmode -And $config -match '"DarkMode" enable="yes"') { Write-Host "$lightlevel notepad++" Write-Debug "DEBUG:Running section to change dark mode enable from yes to no in notepad++" $notepadplusplus = Get-Process | where-Object {$_.ProcessName -eq "notepad++"} foreach ($process in $notepadplusplus) { (Get-Process -Id $process.Id).CloseMainWindow() } sleep 1 (Get-content $env:APPDATA\Notepad++\config.xml).Replace('"DarkMode" enable="yes"', '<GUIConfig name="DarkMode" enable="no"') | set-content $env:APPDATA\Notepad++\config.xml | out-null notepad++ } } else { Write-Host "Notepad++ not installed or config file does not exist at $notepadplusplusconfig" } } |