#Region '.\Private\apiCalls\ConvertTo-MyITProcessQueryString.ps1' 0 function ConvertTo-MyITProcessQueryString { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts uri filter parameters .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-MyITProcessRequest cmdlet converts & formats uri filter parameters from a function which are later used to make the full resource uri for an API call This is an internal helper function the ties in directly with the Invoke-MyITProcessRequest & any public functions that define parameters .PARAMETER uri_Filter Hashtable of values to combine a functions parameters with the resource_Uri parameter. This allows for the full uri query to occur .PARAMETER resource_Uri Defines the short resource uri (url) to use when creating the API call .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-MyITProcessQueryString -uri_Filter $uri_Filter -resource_Uri '/account' Example: (From public function) $uri_Filter = @{} ForEach ( $Key in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() ){ if( $excludedParameters -contains $Key.Key ){$null} else{ $uri_Filter += @{ $Key.Key = $Key.Value } } } 1x key = 2x key = .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [hashtable]$uri_Filter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$resource_Uri ) begin {} process { if (-not $uri_Filter) { return "" } $excludedParameters = 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'InformationAction', 'InformationVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'OutVariable', 'PipelineVariable', 'Verbose', 'WarningAction', 'WarningVariable', 'allPages', 'recommendationId', 'overdue_Reviews' $convertParameters = 'filter_', 'sort_' $query_filterParameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $query_sortParameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $query_paginationRule = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) #Region [ Format query string ] ForEach ( $Key in $uri_Filter.GetEnumerator() ){ $new_KeyName = $null foreach ( $convertParameter in $convertParameters ){ if ( $Key.Key -like "$convertParameter*" ) { $split_KeyName = $Key.Key -split '_' $new_KeyName = $split_KeyName[1] } } if ( $excludedParameters -contains $Key.Key ){ $null } else{ if ($new_KeyName){ switch -Wildcard ($Key.Key) { 'filter_*' { $query_filterParameters.Add( "`"$new_KeyName`"", "`"$($Key.Value)`"" ) } 'sort_*' { $query_sortParameters.Add( "`"$new_KeyName`"", "`"$($Key.Value)`"" ) } } } else{ $query_paginationRule.Add($Key.Key, $Key.Value) } } } #EndRegion [ Format query string ] #Region [ Create query string ] #All parameters if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($query_filterParameters) -eq $false -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($query_sortParameters) -eq $false ) { $queryFilters = "queryFilters={$( $query_filterParameters.ToString() -replace "=",":" -replace "&","," )}" $sortingRules = "sortingRules={$( $query_sortParameters.ToString() -replace "=",":" -replace "&","," )}" $paginationRule = $query_paginationRule.ToString() $uri_Query = $queryFilters + '&' + $sortingRules + '&' + $paginationRule } #Filter\Page parameters elseif ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($query_filterParameters) -eq $false -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($query_sortParameters) -eq $true ) { $queryFilters = "queryFilters={$( $query_filterParameters.ToString() -replace "=",":" -replace "&","," )}" $paginationRule = $query_paginationRule.ToString() $uri_Query = $queryFilters + '&' + $paginationRule } #Sort\Page parameters elseif ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($query_filterParameters) -eq $true -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($query_sortParameters) -eq $false ) { $sortingRules = "sortingRules={$( $query_sortParameters.ToString() -replace "=",":" -replace "&","," )}" $paginationRule = $query_paginationRule.ToString() $uri_Query = $sortingRules + '&' + $paginationRule } #Page parameters only else{ $paginationRule = $query_paginationRule.ToString() $uri_Query = $paginationRule } #EndRegion [ Create query string ] # Build the request and load it with the query string. $uri_Request = [System.UriBuilder]($MyITProcess_Base_URI + $resource_Uri) $uri_Request.Query = $uri_Query return $uri_Request } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiCalls\ConvertTo-MyITProcessQueryString.ps1' 152 #Region '.\Private\apiCalls\Invoke-MyITProcessRequest.ps1' 0 function Invoke-MyITProcessRequest { <# .SYNOPSIS Makes an API request .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-MyITProcessRequest cmdlet invokes an API request to MyITProcess API. This is an internal function that is used by all public functions As of 2023-08 the MyITProcess v1 API only supports GET requests .PARAMETER method Defines the type of API method to use Allowed values: 'GET' .PARAMETER resource_Uri Defines the resource uri (url) to use when creating the API call .PARAMETER uri_Filter Used with the internal function [ ConvertTo-MyITProcessQueryString ] to combine a functions parameters with the resource_Uri parameter. This allows for the full uri query to occur The full resource path is made with the following data $MyITProcess_Base_URI + $resource_Uri + ConvertTo-MyITProcessQueryString .PARAMETER data Place holder parameter to use when other methods are supported by the MyITProcess v1 API .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint When using this parameter there is no need to use either the page or perPage parameters .EXAMPLE Invoke-MyITProcessRequest -method GET -resource_Uri '/account' -uri_Filter $uri_Filter Invoke a rest method against the defined resource using any of the provided parameters Example: Name Value ---- ----- Method GET Uri Headers {Authorization = Bearer 123456789} Body .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet('GET')] [String]$method = 'GET', [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$resource_Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Hashtable]$uri_Filter = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Hashtable]$data = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$allPages ) begin {} process { # Load Web assembly when needed as PowerShell Core has the assembly preloaded if ( !("System.Web.HttpUtility" -as [Type]) ) { Add-Type -Assembly System.Web } $query_string = ConvertTo-MyITProcessQueryString -uri_Filter $uri_Filter -resource_Uri $resource_Uri Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_queryString' -Value $query_string -Scope Global -Force if ($null -eq $data) { $body = $null } else { $body = @{'data'= $data} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $MyITProcess_JSON_Conversion_Depth } try { $Api_Token = Get-MyITProcessAPIKey -PlainText $parameters = [ordered] @{ "Method" = $method "Uri" = $query_string.Uri "Headers" = @{ 'mitp-api-key' = $Api_Token } "Body" = $body } if ( $method -ne 'GET' ) { $parameters['ContentType'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_invokeParameters' -Value $parameters -Scope Global -Force if ($allPages){ Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Gathering all items from [ $( $parameters.uri.LocalPath ) ] " $page_number = 1 $all_responseData = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new() do { $parameters['Uri'] = $query_string.Uri -replace 'page=\d+',"page=$page_number" $current_page = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "[ $page_number ] of [ $( [math]::ceiling( $($current_page.totalCount)/$($current_page.pageSize) ) ) ] pages" foreach ($item in $current_page.items){ $all_responseData.add($item) } $page_number++ } while ( [math]::ceiling( $($current_page.totalCount)/$($current_page.pageSize) ) -ne $page_number - 1 -and $current_page.totalCount -ne 0 ) } else{ Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Gathering items from [ $( $parameters.uri.LocalPath ) ] " $api_response = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters -ErrorAction Stop } } catch { $exceptionError = $_.Exception.Message Write-Warning 'The [ MyITProcess_invokeParameters, MyITProcess_queryString, & MyITProcess_<CmdletName>Parameters ] variables can provide extra details' switch -Wildcard ($exceptionError) { '*308*' { Write-Error "Invoke-MyITProcessRequest : Permanent Redirect, check assigned region" } '*404*' { Write-Error "Invoke-MyITProcessRequest : Uri not found - [ $resource_Uri ]" } '*429*' { Write-Error 'Invoke-MyITProcessRequest : API rate limited' } '*504*' { Write-Error "Invoke-MyITProcessRequest : Gateway Timeout" } default { Write-Error $_ } } } finally { $Auth = $MyITProcess_invokeParameters['headers']['mitp-api-key'] $MyITProcess_invokeParameters['headers']['mitp-api-key'] = $Auth.Substring( 0, [Math]::Min($Auth.Length, 5) ) + '*******' } if($allPages){ #Making output consistent if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($all_responseData.items) ){ $api_response = $null } else{ $api_response = [PSCustomObject]@{ page = '1' pageSize = ($all_responseData | Measure-Object).Count totalCount = $current_page.totalCount items = $all_responseData } } return $api_response } else{ return $api_response } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiCalls\Invoke-MyITProcessRequest.ps1' 196 #Region '.\Private\apiKeys\Add-MyITProcessAPIKey.ps1' 0 function Add-MyITProcessAPIKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets your API key used to authenticate all API calls. .DESCRIPTION The Add-MyITProcessAPIKey cmdlet sets your API key which is used to authenticate all API calls made to MyITProcess. Once the API key is defined by Add-MyITProcessAPIKey, it is encrypted using SecureString. The MyITProcess API keys are generated via the MyITProcess web interface at Organization Settings > API Keys. .PARAMETER Api_Key Define your API key that was generated from MyITProcess. .EXAMPLE Add-MyITProcessAPIKey Prompts to enter in the API Key .EXAMPLE Add-MyITProcessAPIKey -Api_key '12345' The MyITProcess API will use the string entered into the [ -Api_Key ] parameter. .EXAMPLE '12345' | Add-MyITProcessAPIKey The Add-MyITProcessAPIKey function will use the string passed into it as its API key. .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias( 'Add-MipAPIKey', 'Set-MipAPIKey', 'Set-MyITProcessAPIKey' )] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [Alias('ApiKey')] [string]$Api_Key ) begin {} process { if ($Api_Key) { $x_api_key = ConvertTo-SecureString $Api_Key -AsPlainText -Force Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_API_Key' -Value $x_api_key -Option ReadOnly -Scope global -Force } else { $x_api_key = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter your API key' -AsSecureString Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_API_Key' -Value $x_api_key -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiKeys\Add-MyITProcessAPIKey.ps1' 67 #Region '.\Private\apiKeys\Get-MyITProcessAPIKey.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessAPIKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the MyITProcess API key global variable. .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessAPIKey cmdlet gets the MyITProcess API key global variable and returns it as a SecureString. .PARAMETER plainText Decrypt and return the API key in plain text. .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessAPIKey Gets the MyITProcess API key global variable and returns it as a SecureString. .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Get-MipAPIKey")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false) ] [Switch]$plainText ) begin {} process { try { if ($MyITProcess_API_Key){ if ($PlainText){ $Api_Key = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($MyITProcess_API_Key) ( [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($Api_Key) ).ToString() } else{$MyITProcess_API_Key} } else{ Write-Warning 'The MyITProcess API key is not set. Run Add-MyITProcessAPIKey to set the API key.' } } catch { Write-Error $_ } finally { if ($Api_Key) { [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($Api_Key) } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiKeys\Get-MyITProcessAPIKey.ps1' 63 #Region '.\Private\apiKeys\Remove-MyITProcessAPIKey.ps1' 0 function Remove-MyITProcessAPIKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the MyITProcess API key global variable. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-MyITProcessAPIKey cmdlet removes the MyITProcess API key global variable. .EXAMPLE Remove-MyITProcessAPIKey Removes the MyITProcess API key global variable. .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [alias("Remove-MipAPIKey")] Param () begin {} process{ if ($MyITProcess_API_Key) { Remove-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_API_Key' -Scope Global -Force } else{ Write-Warning "The MyITProcess API key variable is not set. Nothing to remove" } } end{} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiKeys\Remove-MyITProcessAPIKey.ps1' 41 #Region '.\Private\apiKeys\Test-MyITProcessAPIKey.ps1' 0 function Test-MyITProcessAPIKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Test the MyITProcess API key. .DESCRIPTION The Test-MyITProcessAPIKey cmdlet tests the base URI & API key that was defined in the Add-MyITProcessBaseURI & Add-MyITProcessAPIKey cmdlets. This functions validates authorization to the /users endpoint .PARAMETER base_uri Define the base URI for the MyITProcess API connection using MyITProcess's URI or a custom URI. The default base URI is .EXAMPLE Test-MyITProcessBaseURI Tests the base URI & API key that was defined in the Add-MyITProcessBaseURI & Add-MyITProcessAPIKey cmdlets. The default full base uri test path is: .EXAMPLE Test-MyITProcessBaseURI -base_uri Tests the base URI & API key that was defined in the Add-MyITProcessBaseURI & Add-MyITProcessAPIKey cmdlets. The full base uri test path in this example is: .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Test-MipAPIKey")] Param ( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string]$base_uri = $MyITProcess_Base_URI ) begin { $resource_uri = "/users" } process { Write-Verbose "Testing API key against [ $($base_uri + $resource_uri) ]" try { $Api_Token = Get-MyITProcessAPIKey -PlainText $MyITProcess_Headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $MyITProcess_Headers.Add('mitp-api-key', $Api_Token) $rest_output = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri ($base_uri + $resource_uri) -Headers $MyITProcess_Headers -ErrorAction Stop } catch { [PSCustomObject]@{ Method = $_.Exception.Response.Method StatusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ StatusDescription = $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription Message = $_.Exception.Message URI = $($base_uri + $resource_uri) } } finally { Remove-Variable -Name MyITProcess_Headers -Force } if ($rest_output){ $data = @{} $data = $rest_output [PSCustomObject]@{ StatusCode = $data.StatusCode StatusDescription = $data.StatusDescription URI = $($base_uri + $resource_uri) } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\apiKeys\Test-MyITProcessAPIKey.ps1' 94 #Region '.\Private\baseUri\Add-MyITProcessBaseURI.ps1' 0 function Add-MyITProcessBaseURI { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the base URI for the MyITProcess API connection. .DESCRIPTION The Add-MyITProcessBaseURI cmdlet sets the base URI which is later used to construct the full URI for all API calls. .PARAMETER base_uri Define the base URI for the MyITProcess API connection using MyITProcess's URI or a custom URI. .PARAMETER data_center MyITProcess's URI connection point that can be one of the predefined data centers. The accepted values for this parameter are: [ US ] US = .EXAMPLE Add-MyITProcessBaseURI The base URI will use which is MyITProcess's default URI. .EXAMPLE Add-MyITProcessBaseURI -data_center US The base URI will use which is MyITProcess's default URI. .EXAMPLE Add-MyITProcessBaseURI -base_uri A custom API gateway of will be used for all API calls to MyITProcess's reporting API. .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias( "Add-MipBaseURI", "Set-MipBaseURI", "Set-MyITProcessBaseURI" )] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$base_uri = '', [Parameter( Mandatory = $false) ] [ValidateSet( 'US' )] [string]$data_center ) begin {} process{ # Trim superfluous forward slash from address (if applicable) if ($base_uri[$base_uri.Length-1] -eq "/") { $base_uri = $base_uri.Substring(0,$base_uri.Length-1) } switch ($data_center) { 'US' { $base_uri = '' } Default {} } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_Base_URI' -Value $base_uri -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\baseUri\Add-MyITProcessBaseURI.ps1' 71 #Region '.\Private\baseUri\Get-MyITProcessBaseURI.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessBaseURI { <# .SYNOPSIS Shows the MyITProcess base URI global variable. .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessBaseURI cmdlet shows the MyITProcess base URI global variable value. .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessBaseURI Shows the MyITProcess base URI global variable value. .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Get-MipBaseURI")] Param () begin {} process { switch ([bool]$MyITProcess_Base_URI) { $true { $MyITProcess_Base_URI } $false { Write-Warning "The MyITProcess base URI is not set. Run Add-MyITProcessBaseURI to set the base URI." } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\baseUri\Get-MyITProcessBaseURI.ps1' 39 #Region '.\Private\baseUri\Remove-MyITProcessBaseURI.ps1' 0 function Remove-MyITProcessBaseURI { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the MyITProcess base URI global variable. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-MyITProcessBaseURI cmdlet removes the MyITProcess base URI global variable. .EXAMPLE Remove-MyITProcessBaseURI Removes the MyITProcess base URI global variable. .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [alias("Remove-MipBaseURI")] Param () begin {} process { switch ([bool]$MyITProcess_Base_URI) { $true { Remove-Variable -Name "MyITProcess_Base_URI" -Scope Global -Force } $false { Write-Warning "The MyITProcess base URI variable is not set. Nothing to remove" } } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\baseUri\Remove-MyITProcessBaseURI.ps1' 39 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 0 function Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports the MyITProcess BaseURI, API, & JSON configuration information to file. .DESCRIPTION The Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings cmdlet exports the MyITProcess BaseURI, API, & JSON configuration information to file. Making use of PowerShell's System.Security.SecureString type, exporting module settings encrypts your API key in a format that can only be unencrypted with the your Windows account as this encryption is tied to your user principal. This means that you cannot copy your configuration file to another computer or user account and expect it to work. .PARAMETER MyITProcessConfPath Define the location to store the MyITProcess configuration file. By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI .PARAMETER MyITProcessConfFile Define the name of the MyITProcess configuration file. By default the configuration file is named: config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings Validates that the BaseURI, API, and JSON depth are set then exports their values to the current user's MyITProcess configuration file located at: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI\config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings -MyITProcessConfPath C:\MyITProcessAPI -MyITProcessConfFile MyConfig.psd1 Validates that the BaseURI, API, and JSON depth are set then exports their values to the current user's MyITProcess configuration file located at: C:\MyITProcessAPI\MyConfig.psd1 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'set')] [alias("Export-MipModuleSettings")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$MyITProcessConfPath = $(Join-Path -Path $home -ChildPath $(if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop'){"MyITProcessAPI"}else{".MyITProcessAPI"}) ), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$MyITProcessConfFile = 'config.psd1' ) begin {} process { Write-Warning "Secrets are stored using Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI)" Write-Warning "DPAPI provides user context encryption in Windows but NOT in other operating systems like Linux or UNIX. It is recommended to use a more secure & cross-platform storage method" $MyITProcessConfig = Join-Path -Path $MyITProcessConfPath -ChildPath $MyITProcessConfFile # Confirm variables exist and are not null before exporting if ($MyITProcess_Base_URI -and $MyITProcess_API_Key -and $MyITProcess_JSON_Conversion_Depth) { $secureString = $MyITProcess_API_KEY | ConvertFrom-SecureString if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { New-Item -Path $MyITProcessConfPath -ItemType Directory -Force | ForEach-Object { $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bor "Hidden" } } else{ New-Item -Path $MyITProcessConfPath -ItemType Directory -Force } @" @{ MyITProcess_Base_URI = '$MyITProcess_Base_URI' MyITProcess_API_Key = '$secureString' MyITProcess_JSON_Conversion_Depth = '$MyITProcess_JSON_Conversion_Depth' } "@ | Out-File -FilePath $MyITProcessConfig -Force } else { Write-Error "Failed to export MyITProcess module settings to [ $MyITProcessConfPath\$MyITProcessConfFile ]" Write-Error $_ exit 1 } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 94 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Get-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessModuleSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the saved MyITProcess configuration settings .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessModuleSettings cmdlet gets the saved MyITProcess configuration settings By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI .PARAMETER MyITProcessConfPath Define the location to store the MyITProcess configuration file. By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI .PARAMETER MyITProcessConfFile Define the name of the MyITProcess configuration file. By default the configuration file is named: config.psd1 .PARAMETER openConfFile Opens the MyITProcess configuration file .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessModuleSettings Gets the contents of the configuration file that was created with the Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings The default location of the MyITProcess configuration file is: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI\config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessModuleSettings -MyITProcessConfPath C:\MyITProcessAPI -MyITProcessConfFile MyConfig.psd1 -openConfFile Opens the configuration file from the defined location in the default editor The location of the MyITProcess configuration file in this example is: C:\MyITProcessAPI\MyConfig.psd1 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'index')] [alias("Export-MipModuleSettings")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'index')] [String]$MyITProcessConfPath = $(Join-Path -Path $home -ChildPath $(if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop'){"MyITProcessAPI"}else{".MyITProcessAPI"}) ), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'index')] [String]$MyITProcessConfFile = 'config.psd1', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'show')] [Switch]$openConfFile ) begin{ $MyITProcessConfig = Join-Path -Path $MyITProcessConfPath -ChildPath $MyITProcessConfFile } process{ if ( Test-Path -Path $MyITProcessConfig ) { if($openConfFile){ Invoke-Item -Path $MyITProcessConfig } else{ Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $MyITProcessConfPath -FileName $MyITProcessConfFile } } else { Write-Verbose "No configuration file found at [ $MyITProcessConfig ]" } } end{} } #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Get-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 89 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Import-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 0 function Import-MyITProcessModuleSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Imports the MyITProcess BaseURI, API, & JSON configuration information to the current session. .DESCRIPTION The Import-MyITProcessModuleSettings cmdlet imports the MyITProcess BaseURI, API, & JSON configuration information stored in the MyITProcess configuration file to the users current session. By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI .PARAMETER MyITProcessConfPath Define the location to store the MyITProcess configuration file. By default the configuration file is stored in the following location: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI .PARAMETER MyITProcessConfFile Define the name of the MyITProcess configuration file. By default the configuration file is named: config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Import-MyITProcessModuleSettings Validates that the configuration file created with the Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings cmdlet exists then imports the stored data into the current users session. The default location of the MyITProcess configuration file is: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI\config.psd1 .EXAMPLE Import-MyITProcessModuleSettings -MyITProcessConfPath C:\MyITProcessAPI -MyITProcessConfFile MyConfig.psd1 Validates that the configuration file created with the Export-MyITProcessModuleSettings cmdlet exists then imports the stored data into the current users session. The location of the MyITProcess configuration file in this example is: C:\MyITProcessAPI\MyConfig.psd1 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'set')] [alias("Import-MipModuleSettings")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$MyITProcessConfPath = $(Join-Path -Path $home -ChildPath $(if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop'){"MyITProcessAPI"}else{".MyITProcessAPI"}) ), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$MyITProcessConfFile = 'config.psd1' ) begin { $MyITProcessConfig = Join-Path -Path $MyITProcessConfPath -ChildPath $MyITProcessConfFile } process { if ( Test-Path $MyITProcessConfig ) { $tmp_config = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $MyITProcessConfPath -FileName $MyITProcessConfFile # Send to function to strip potentially superfluous slash (/) Add-MyITProcessBaseURI $tmp_config.MyITProcess_Base_URI $tmp_config.MyITProcess_API_key = ConvertTo-SecureString $tmp_config.MyITProcess_API_key Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_Base_URI' -Value $tmp_config.MyITProcess_Base_URI -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_API_Key' -Value $tmp_config.MyITProcess_API_key -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_JSON_Conversion_Depth' -Value $tmp_config.MyITProcess_JSON_Conversion_Depth -Scope Global -Force Write-Verbose "The MyITProcessAPI Module configuration loaded successfully from [ $MyITProcessConfig ]" # Clean things up Remove-Variable "tmp_config" } else { Write-Verbose "No configuration file found at [ $MyITProcessConfig ] run Add-MyITProcessAPIKey & Add-MyITProcessBaseURI to get started." Add-MyITProcessBaseURI Set-Variable -Name "MyITProcess_Base_URI" -Value $(Get-MyITProcessBaseURI) -Option ReadOnly -Scope Global -Force Set-Variable -Name "MyITProcess_JSON_Conversion_Depth" -Value 100 -Scope Global -Force } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Import-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 99 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Initialize-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 0 #Used to auto load either baseline settings or saved configurations when the module is imported Import-MyITProcessModuleSettings -Verbose:$false #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Initialize-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 3 #Region '.\Private\moduleSettings\Remove-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 0 function Remove-MyITProcessModuleSettings { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the stored MyITProcess configuration folder. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-MyITProcessModuleSettings cmdlet removes the MyITProcess folder and its files. This cmdlet also has the option to remove sensitive MyITProcess variables as well. By default configuration files are stored in the following location and will be removed: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI .PARAMETER MyITProcessConfPath Define the location of the MyITProcess configuration folder. By default the configuration folder is located at: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI .PARAMETER AndVariables Define if sensitive MyITProcess variables should be removed as well. By default the variables are not removed. .EXAMPLE Remove-MyITProcessModuleSettings Checks to see if the default configuration folder exists and removes it if it does. The default location of the MyITProcess configuration folder is: $env:USERPROFILE\MyITProcessAPI .EXAMPLE Remove-MyITProcessModuleSettings -MyITProcessConfPath C:\MyITProcessAPI -AndVariables Checks to see if the defined configuration folder exists and removes it if it does. If sensitive MyITProcess variables exist then they are removed as well. The location of the MyITProcess configuration folder in this example is: C:\MyITProcessAPI .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'set')] [alias("Remove-MipModuleSettings")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'set')] [string]$MyITProcessConfPath = $(Join-Path -Path $home -ChildPath $(if ($IsWindows -or $PSEdition -eq 'Desktop'){"MyITProcessAPI"}else{".MyITProcessAPI"}) ), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'set')] [switch]$AndVariables ) begin {} process { if(Test-Path $MyITProcessConfPath) { Remove-Item -Path $MyITProcessConfPath -Recurse -Force -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference If ($AndVariables) { Remove-MyITProcessAPIKey Remove-MyITProcessBaseURI } if ($WhatIfPreference -eq $false){ if (!(Test-Path $MyITProcessConfPath)) { Write-Output "The MyITProcessAPI configuration folder has been removed successfully from [ $MyITProcessConfPath ]" } else { Write-Error "The MyITProcessAPI configuration folder could not be removed from [ $MyITProcessConfPath ]" } } } else { Write-Warning "No configuration folder found at [ $MyITProcessConfPath ]" } } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Private\moduleSettings\Remove-MyITProcessModuleSettings.ps1' 92 #Region '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessClients.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessClients { <# .SYNOPSIS Lists all clients (both active and inactive) .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessClients cmdlet lists all clients (both active and inactive) .PARAMETER filter_field Filter by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'name', 'createdDate', 'isActive', 'deactivatedDate', 'lastReviewDate', 'lastAssignedMemberActivityDate', 'alignmentScore' .PARAMETER filter_predicate Filter by a specific field predicate operator Allowed values: 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' .PARAMETER filter_condition Filter by a value in the specified field. This value cannot be empty .PARAMETER filter_operator Also filter for other values Allowed values: 'and', 'or', $null This parameter is just a placeholder for now as I am unsure how to add this functionality if multiple queries are needed .PARAMETER sort_field Sort by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'name', 'createdDate', 'isActive', 'deactivatedDate', 'lastReviewDate', 'lastAssignedMemberActivityDate', 'alignmentScore' .PARAMETER sort_direction Sort the specific field name in a certain direction Allowed values: 'asc', 'desc' .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return [Default] 1 .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the number of items to return with each page [Default] 100 [Maximum] 100 .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessClients Returns the first 100 clients .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessClients -filter_field name -filter_predicate equal -filter_condition 'Celerium' Returns the clients whose name equals the defined condition .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessClients -sort_field name -sort_direction desc Returns the first 100 clients sorted by name in descending order .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessClients -page 2 -pageSize 50 Returns results 50 at a time and outputs data from page 2 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Get-MipClients")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'name', 'createdDate', 'isActive', 'deactivatedDate', 'lastReviewDate', 'lastAssignedMemberActivityDate', 'alignmentScore' )] [string]$filter_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' )] [string]$filter_predicate, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [AllowNull()] [string]$filter_condition, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'or', 'and', $null )] [AllowNull()] [string]$filter_operator, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'name', 'createdDate', 'isActive', 'deactivatedDate', 'lastReviewDate', 'lastAssignedMemberActivityDate', 'alignmentScore' )] [string]$sort_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'asc', 'desc' )] [string]$sort_direction, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch]$allPages ) begin { $resource_uri = '/clients' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $ = 1 } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 100 } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_clientParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force Invoke-MyITProcessRequest -method GET -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessClients.ps1' 150 #Region '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessFindings.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessFindings { <# .SYNOPSIS List all findings .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessFindings cmdlet list all findings Findings are located under Strategy > Client > Menu > Initiatives .PARAMETER filter_field Filter by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'question.label', 'question.text', '', '', 'vcioAnswerType', 'isArchived' .PARAMETER filter_predicate Filter by a specific field predicate operator Allowed values: 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' .PARAMETER filter_condition Filter by a value in the specified field. This value cannot be empty .PARAMETER filter_operator Also filter for other values Allowed values: 'and', 'or', $null This parameter is just a placeholder for now as I am unsure how to add this functionality if multiple queries are needed .PARAMETER sort_field Sort by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'question.label', 'question.text', '', '', 'vcioAnswerType', 'isArchived' .PARAMETER sort_direction Sort the specific field name in a certain direction Allowed values: 'asc', 'desc' .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return [Default] 1 .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the number of items to return with each page [Default] 100 [Maximum] 100 .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessFindings Returns the first 100 findings .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessFindings -filter_field -filter_predicate contains -filter_condition 'Celerium' Returns the findings whose name contains the defined condition .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessFindings -sort_field -sort_direction desc Returns the first 100 findings sorted by in descending order .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessFindings -page 2 -pageSize 50 Returns results 50 at a time and outputs data from page 2 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Get-MipFindings")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'question.label', 'question.text', '', '', 'vcioAnswerType', 'isArchived' )] [string]$filter_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' )] [string]$filter_predicate, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$filter_condition, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'or', 'and', $null )] [AllowNull()] [string]$filter_operator, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'question.label', 'question.text', '', '', 'vcioAnswerType', 'isArchived' )] [string]$sort_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'asc', 'desc' )] [string]$sort_direction, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch]$allPages ) begin { $resource_uri = '/findings' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $ = 1 } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 100 } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_findingsParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force Invoke-MyITProcessRequest -method GET -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessFindings.ps1' 152 #Region '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessInitiatives.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessInitiatives { <# .SYNOPSIS List of initiatives .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessInitiatives cmdlet gets a list of initiatives Initiatives are located under Strategy > Client > Menu > Initiatives .PARAMETER filter_field Filter by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', '', '', 'title', 'description', 'isArchived', 'recommendationsIds' .PARAMETER filter_predicate Filter by a specific field predicate operator Allowed values: 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' .PARAMETER filter_condition Filter by a value in the specified field. This value cannot be empty .PARAMETER filter_operator Also filter for other values Allowed values: 'and', 'or', $null This parameter is just a placeholder for now as I am unsure how to add this functionality if multiple queries are needed .PARAMETER sort_field Sort by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', '', '', 'title', 'description', 'isArchived', 'recommendationsIds' .PARAMETER sort_direction Sort the specific field name in a certain direction Allowed values: 'asc', 'desc' .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return [Default] 1 .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the number of items to return with each page [Default] 100 [Maximum] 100 .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessInitiatives Returns the first 100 initiatives .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessInitiatives -filter_field -filter_predicate equal -filter_condition '123456789' Returns the initiatives whose equals the defined condition .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessInitiatives -sort_field -sort_direction desc Returns the first 100 initiatives sorted by in descending order .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessInitiatives -page 2 -pageSize 50 Returns results 50 at a time and outputs data from page 2 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Get-MipInitiatives")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', '', '', 'title', 'description', 'isArchived', 'recommendationsIds' )] [string]$filter_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' )] [string]$filter_predicate, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string]$filter_condition, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'or', 'and', $null )] [AllowNull()] [string]$filter_operator, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', '', '', 'title', 'description', 'isArchived', 'recommendationsIds' )] [string]$sort_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'asc', 'desc' )] [string]$sort_direction, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch]$allPages ) begin { $resource_uri = '/initiatives' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $ = 1 } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 100 } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_initiativesParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force Invoke-MyITProcessRequest -method GET -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessInitiatives.ps1' 150 #Region '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessMeetings.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessMeetings { <# .SYNOPSIS List of meetings .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessMeetings cmdlet gets a list of meetings Meetings are located under Strategy > Client > Menu > Meeting History .PARAMETER filter_field Filter by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'status', 'title', 'purpose', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'location', 'summaryDescription', 'recommendationIds', '', '', '', 'createdBy.fullName' .PARAMETER filter_predicate Filter by a specific field predicate operator Allowed values: 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' .PARAMETER filter_condition Filter by a value in the specified field. This value cannot be empty .PARAMETER filter_operator Also filter for other values Allowed values: 'and', 'or', $null This parameter is just a placeholder for now as I am unsure how to add this functionality if multiple queries are needed .PARAMETER sort_field Sort by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'status', 'title', 'purpose', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'location', 'summaryDescription', 'recommendationIds', '', '', '', 'createdBy.fullName' .PARAMETER sort_direction Sort the specific field name in a certain direction Allowed values: 'asc', 'desc' .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return [Default] 1 .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the number of items to return with each page [Default] 100 [Maximum] 100 .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessMeetings Returns the first 100 meetings .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessMeetings -filter_field title -filter_predicate equal -filter_condition 'Celerium' Returns the meetings whose title equals the defined condition .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessMeetings -sort_field title -sort_direction desc Returns the first 100 meetings sorted by title in descending order .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessMeetings -page 2 -pageSize 50 Returns results 50 at a time and outputs data from page 2 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Get-MipMeetings")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'status', 'title', 'purpose', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'location', 'summaryDescription', 'recommendationIds', '', '', '', 'createdBy.fullName' )] [string]$filter_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' )] [string]$filter_predicate, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string]$filter_condition, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'or', 'and', $null )] [AllowNull()] [string]$filter_operator, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'status', 'title', 'purpose', 'startDate', 'endDate', 'location', 'summaryDescription', 'recommendationIds', '', '', '', 'createdBy.fullName' )] [string]$sort_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'asc', 'desc' )] [string]$sort_direction, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch]$allPages ) begin { $resource_uri = '/meetings' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $ = 1 } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 100 } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_meetingsParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force Invoke-MyITProcessRequest -method GET -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessMeetings.ps1' 153 #Region '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessRecommendations.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessRecommendations { <# .SYNOPSIS List of recommendations .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessRecommendations cmdlet gets a list of recommendations Meetings are located under Strategy > Client > Menu > Recommendation backlog .PARAMETER recommendationId Defines the recommendation id that in turn will show you any linked configurations This is a required parameter. .PARAMETER filter_field Filter by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'parentId', '', '', '', 'name', 'description', 'budget', 'budgetMonth', 'hours', 'type', 'responsibleParty', 'status', 'priority', 'isArchived', 'recommendationFeedback', 'findingsIds' .PARAMETER filter_predicate Filter by a specific field predicate operator Allowed values: 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' .PARAMETER filter_condition Filter by a value in the specified field. This value cannot be empty .PARAMETER filter_operator Also filter for other values Allowed values: 'and', 'or', $null This parameter is just a placeholder for now as I am unsure how to add this functionality if multiple queries are needed .PARAMETER sort_field Sort by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'parentId', '', '', '', 'name', 'description', 'budget', 'budgetMonth', 'hours', 'type', 'responsibleParty', 'status', 'priority', 'isArchived', 'recommendationFeedback', 'findingsIds' .PARAMETER sort_direction Sort the specific field name in a certain direction Allowed values: 'asc', 'desc' .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return [Default] 1 .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the number of items to return with each page [Default] 100 [Maximum] 100 .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessRecommendations Returns the first 100 recommendations .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessRecommendations -filter_field name -filter_predicate contains -filter_condition 'Celerium' Returns the recommendations whose name contains the defined condition .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessRecommendations -sort_field name -sort_direction desc Returns the first 100 recommendations sorted by name in descending order .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessRecommendations -page 2 -pageSize 50 Returns results 50 at a time and outputs data from page 2 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation')] [alias("Get-MipRecommendations")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$recommendationId, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'parentId', '', '', '', 'name', 'description', 'budget', 'budgetMonth', 'hours', 'type', 'responsibleParty', 'status', 'priority', 'isArchived', 'recommendationFeedback', 'findingsIds' )] [string]$filter_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [ValidateSet( 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' )] [string]$filter_predicate, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [string]$filter_condition, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [ValidateSet( 'or', 'and', $null )] [AllowNull()] [string]$filter_operator, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'parentId', '', '', '', 'name', 'description', 'budget', 'budgetMonth', 'hours', 'type', 'responsibleParty', 'status', 'priority', 'isArchived', 'recommendationFeedback', 'findingsIds' )] [string]$sort_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [ValidateSet( 'asc', 'desc' )] [string]$sort_direction, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByRecommendationConfig' )] [switch]$allPages ) begin { switch ($($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)){ 'indexByRecommendation' { $resource_uri = '/recommendations' } 'indexByRecommendationConfig' { $resource_uri = "/recommendations/$recommendationId/configurations" } } } process { Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $ = 1 } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 100 } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_recommendationsParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force Invoke-MyITProcessRequest -method GET -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessRecommendations.ps1' 178 #Region '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessReviews.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessReviews { <# .SYNOPSIS List of reviews .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessReviews cmdlet gets a list of reviews .PARAMETER overdue_Reviews Returns a list of categories up for review .PARAMETER filter_field Filter by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'name', 'status', '', 'assignedEngineer.fullName', '', 'assignedVCIO.fullName', 'createdDate', 'lastUpdatedDate', '', '' .PARAMETER filter_predicate Filter by a specific field predicate operator Allowed values: 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' .PARAMETER filter_condition Filter by a value in the specified field. This value cannot be empty .PARAMETER filter_operator Also filter for other values Allowed values: 'and', 'or', $null This parameter is just a placeholder for now as I am unsure how to add this functionality if multiple queries are needed .PARAMETER sort_field Sort by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'name', 'status', '', 'assignedEngineer.fullName', '', 'assignedVCIO.fullName', 'createdDate', 'lastUpdatedDate', '', '' .PARAMETER sort_direction Sort the specific field name in a certain direction Allowed values: 'asc', 'desc' .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return [Default] 1 .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the number of items to return with each page [Default] 100 [Maximum] 100 .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessReviews Returns the first 100 reviews .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessReviews -overdue_Reviews Returns the first 100 overdue reviews .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessReviews -filter_field name -filter_predicate contains -filter_condition 'Celerium' Returns the reviews whose name contains the defined condition .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessReviews -sort_field name -sort_direction desc Returns the first 100 reviews sorted by name in descending order .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessReviews -page 2 -pageSize 50 Returns results 50 at a time and outputs data from page 2 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews')] [alias("Get-MipReviews")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [switch]$overdue_Reviews, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'name', 'status', '', 'assignedEngineer.fullName', '', 'assignedVCIO.fullName', 'createdDate', 'lastUpdatedDate', '', '' )] [string]$filter_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [ValidateSet( 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' )] [string]$filter_predicate, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$filter_condition, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [ValidateSet( 'or', 'and', $null )] [AllowNull()] [string]$filter_operator, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'name', 'status', '', 'assignedEngineer.fullName', '', 'assignedVCIO.fullName', 'createdDate', 'lastUpdatedDate', '', '' )] [string]$sort_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [ValidateSet( 'asc', 'desc' )] [string]$sort_direction, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByReviews' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'indexByOverdueReviews' )] [switch]$allPages ) begin { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'indexByReviews' { $resource_uri = '/reviews' } 'indexByOverdueReviews' { $resource_uri = '/reviews/categories/overdue' } } } process { Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $ = 1 } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 100 } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_reviewsParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force Invoke-MyITProcessRequest -method GET -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessReviews.ps1' 179 #Region '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessUsers.ps1' 0 function Get-MyITProcessUsers { <# .SYNOPSIS List of users .DESCRIPTION The Get-MyITProcessUsers cmdlet gets a List of users .PARAMETER filter_field Filter by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'roleName', 'lastLoginDate' .PARAMETER filter_predicate Filter by a specific field predicate operator Allowed values: 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' .PARAMETER filter_condition Filter by a value in the specified field. This value cannot be empty .PARAMETER filter_operator Also filter for other values Allowed values: 'and', 'or', $null This parameter is just a placeholder for now as I am unsure how to add this functionality if multiple queries are needed .PARAMETER sort_field Sort by a specific field name Allowed values: 'id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'roleName', 'lastLoginDate' .PARAMETER sort_direction Sort the specific field name in a certain direction Allowed values: 'asc', 'desc' .PARAMETER page Defines the page number to return [Default] 1 .PARAMETER pageSize Defines the number of items to return with each page [Default] 100 [Maximum] 100 .PARAMETER allPages Returns all items from an endpoint .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessUsers Returns the first 100 users .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessUsers -filter_field firstName -filter_predicate equal -filter_condition 'Celerium' Returns the users whose firstName equals the defined condition .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessUsers -sort_field firstName -sort_direction desc Returns the first 100 users sorted by firstName in descending order .EXAMPLE Get-MyITProcessUsers -page 2 -pageSize 50 Returns results 50 at a time and outputs data from page 2 .NOTES N\A .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [alias("Get-MipUsers")] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'roleName', 'lastLoginDate' )] [string]$filter_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'equal', 'notEqual', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan', 'contains' )] [string]$filter_predicate, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string]$filter_condition, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'or', 'and', $null )] [AllowNull()] [string]$filter_operator, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'roleName', 'lastLoginDate' )] [string]$sort_field, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet( 'asc', 'desc' )] [string]$sort_direction, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1, [int64]::MaxValue)] [int64]$page, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateRange(1,100)] [int64]$pageSize, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch]$allPages ) begin { $resource_uri = '/users' } process { Write-Verbose "[ $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) ] - Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet" #Add default PSBoundParameters if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('page') ) { $ = 1 } if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('pageSize') ) { $PSBoundParameters.pageSize = 100 } Set-Variable -Name 'MyITProcess_usersParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force Invoke-MyITProcessRequest -method GET -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters -allPages:$allPages } end {} } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-MyITProcessUsers.ps1' 147 |