
# Function New-MyDefaultsFile
# v1.0 by Dave Bishop (davbish) 02/26/2014

Function New-MyDefaultsFile
Creates a new default file for use by the MyDefault functions.
New-MyDefaultFile creates a new file in your $profile folder to hold default
values. These can then be used by functions when not overridden by specifying
them as parameters. This is done by using (Get-WPSDefault 'DefaultName') as
the parameter default value in a function definition. For example, if most of
the time you use function ABC you want parameter Name to be "thisuser", then
define the parameter in the function's code as:
   $UserName = (Get-MyDefault 'UserName')
When you invoke the function, you can still provide UserName as a parameter,
but if you do not, it looks up the value for UserName in the MyDefaults.xml
file in your $Profile folder.
There are no parameters - the file is automatically named MyDefaults.xml and is
placed in the $Profile folder. This is required for the other functions to find
the file.

    # Construct the path to the file from the $profile variable
    $DefaultFilePath = join-path (split-path $profile) 'MyDefaults.xml'

    # Does it already exist?
    if (test-path $DefaultFilePath)
        # if so, error out
        write-error -message "Default file already exists at $DefaultFilePath."
    else  # file did not exist already, so create it
<MyDefaults version="1.0">
 | Out-File $DefaultFilePath

# Function Get-MyDefault
# v1.0 by Dave Bishop (davbish) 02/26/2014

Function Get-MyDefault
Looks up the specified value from the MyDefault file in the user's profile.
Use Get-MyDefault to look up the specified value from the MyDefaults file
stored in your $Profile folder. The file must be named MyDefaults.xml and can be
created by running the command New-MyDefaultsFile.
Specifies the name of the default value to look up.
PS C:\> Get-MyDefault DxDatabase

    [OutputType([String])]  # this function returns a single string value
        [string] $Name

    # Get the path to the file in the $Profile folder
    $DefaultFilePath = join-path (split-path $Profile) 'MyDefaults.xml'
    # if the file exists, then load it into a variable
    if (test-path $DefaultFilePath) 
        $DefaultFile = [xml](get-content $DefaultFilePath) 

    # look up the value and return it (or $null if it doesn't exist)
    if ($DefaultFile.MyDefaults.$Name)
        { return $DefaultFile.MyDefaults.$Name }
        { return $null }

# Function Set-MyDefault
# v1.0 by Dave Bishop (davbish) 02/26/2014
Function Set-MyDefault
Creates or modifies a value in the MyDefault file in the user's profile.
Set-MyDefault creates or modifies a value in the MyDefault file in the user's
profile. The file must be named MyDefaults.xml and can be created by running
the command New-MyDefaultsFile.
Specifies the name of the default value to create or modify.
Specifies the value to assign to the specified default.
PS C:\> Set-MyDefault DxDatabase wsPowerShell

        [string] $Name,

        [string] $Value,

        [switch] $Force
    # get the path to the file in the $profile folder
    $DefaultFilePath = join-path (split-path $profile) 'MyDefaults.xml'

    # if the file exists, then load it into memory.
    if (test-path $DefaultFilePath)
        $DefaultFile = [xml](get-content $DefaultFilePath) 
    { # couldn't find it. Create it and try again
        $DefaultFile = [xml](get-content $DefaultFilePath) 
    # By default, only predefined values can be put in the default file. This helps reduce errors.
    # Use -Force to override and add a totally new value.
    if (! $DefaultFile.MyDefaults.$Name) 
        # We didn't find the value. Should we add it anyway?
        if ($Force)
            # Yes, add it anyway. Create a new element and add it to the list
            $tmp = $DefaultFile.CreateElement($Name)
        {   # No, force is not enabled, so throw error.
            Throw "The name ($Name) is not a currently defined entry in the MyDefaults.xml file. Use -Force to force its creation. Remember to add it to the template in New-MyDefaultsFile."
    # We either found the entry, or we created a new one to get here.
    # So add the new value to the setting and save the change.
    $WPSSupport.WPSDefaults.$Name = $Value