
Function Get-MsrcCvrfCVESummary {
        Get the CVE summary from vulnerabilities found in CVRF document
       This function gathers the CVE Summary from vulnerabilities in a CVRF document.
    .PARAMETER Vulnerability
        A vulnerability object or objects from a CVRF document object
        Get-MsrcCvrfDocument -ID 2016-Nov | Get-MsrcCvrfCVESummary
        Get the CVE summary from a CVRF document using the pipeline.
        $cvrfDocument = Get-MsrcCvrfDocument -ID 2016-Nov
        Get-MsrcCvrfCVESummary -Vulnerability $cvrfDocument.Vulnerability
        Get the CVE summary from a CVRF document using a variable and parameters

Param (

Begin {

    $MaximumSeverityType = 3
    $ThreatsImpactType = 0

    Function Get-MaxSeverity {
    Begin {}
    Process {
        if ('Critical' -in $InputObject) {
        } elseif ('Important' -in $InputObject) {
        } elseif ('Moderate' -in $InputObject) {
        } elseif ('Low' -in $InputObject) {
        } else {
    End {}
Process {

    $Vulnerability | ForEach-Object {

        $v = $_

            CVE = $v.CVE
            Weakness = $(if ($v.CWE) { '{0} : {1}' -f "$($v.CWE.ID)","$($v.CWE.Value)"})
            Description = $(
                 ($v.Notes | Where-Object { $_.Title -eq 'Description' }).Value
            ) ;
            'Customer Action Required' = if ($customerActionNotes = $v.Notes | Where-Object { $_.Title -eq "Customer Action Required" }) {
            } else {
            } ;
            'Maximum Severity Rating' = $(
                Get-MaxSeverity ($v.Threats | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $MaximumSeverityType } ).Description.Value | Select-Object -Unique
            ) ;
            'Vulnerability Impact' = $(
                ($v.Threats | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $ThreatsImpactType }).Description.Value | Select-Object -Unique
            ) ;
            'Affected Software' = $(
                $v.ProductStatuses.ProductID | ForEach-Object {
                    $id = $_
                    ($ProductTree.FullProductName | Where-Object { $_.ProductID -eq $id}).Value
            ) ;
End {}