Function Get-MsrcCvrfExploitabilityIndex { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the exploitability index of vulnerabilities found in CVRF document .DESCRIPTION This function gathers the Exploitability Index from vulnerabilities in a CVRF document. .PARAMETER Vulnerability A vulnerability object or objects from a CVRF document object .EXAMPLE Get-MsrcCvrfDocument -ID 2016-Nov | Get-MsrcCvrfExploitabilityIndex Get the exploitability index from a CVRF document using the pipeline. .EXAMPLE $cvrfDocument = Get-MsrcCvrfDocument -ID 2016-Nov Get-MsrcCvrfExploitabilityIndex -Vulnerability $cvrfDocument.Vulnerability Get the exploitability index from a CVRF document using a variable and parameters #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] $Vulnerability ) Begin { $ThreatsExploitStatusType = 1 } Process { $Vulnerability | ForEach-Object { $v = $_ $v.Threats | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $ThreatsExploitStatusType } | ForEach-Object { $es = Get-MsrcThreatExploitStatus -ExploitStatusString $_.Description.Value [PSCustomObject]@{ CVE = $v.CVE Title = $v.Title.Value Weakness = $(if ($v.CWE) { '{0} : {1}' -f "$($v.CWE.ID)","$($v.CWE.Value)"}) PubliclyDisclosed = $es.PubliclyDisclosed Exploited = $es.Exploited LatestSoftwareRelease = $es.LatestSoftwareRelease OlderSoftwareRelease = $es.OlderSoftwareRelease } } } } End {} } |