function Resolve-MonocleMPathExpression { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Expression, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Document')] $Document, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Elements')] $Elements ) # Regex to match an individual mpath expression $regex = '^(?<tag>[a-zA-Z]+)(?<filter>\[(?<attr>\@[a-zA-Z\-]+|\d+)((?<opr>(\!){0,1}(\=|\~))(?<value>.+?)){0,1}\](\[(?<index>\d+)\]){0,1}){0,1}$' $foundElements = $null # ensure the expression is valid against the regex if ($Expression -match $regex) { $tag = $Matches['tag'] # find initial elements based on the tag from document or previously found elements if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'Document') { $foundElements = $Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName($tag) } else { $foundElements = ($Elements | ForEach-Object { $_.getElementsByTagName($tag) }) } # if there's a filter, then filter down the found elements above if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Matches['filter'])) { $attr = $Matches['attr'] $opr = $Matches['opr'] $value = $Matches['value'] $index = $Matches['index'] # filtering by attributes starts with an '@', else we have an index into the elements if ($attr.StartsWith('@')) { $attr = $attr.Trim('@') # if there's no operator, then use all elements that have a non-empty attribute if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($opr)) { $foundElements = $foundElements | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.getAttribute($attr)) } } else { # find elements based on validaity of attribute to passed value switch ($opr) { '=' { $foundElements = $foundElements | Where-Object { $_.getAttribute($attr) -ieq $value } } '~' { $foundElements = $foundElements | Where-Object { $_.getAttribute($attr) -imatch $value } } '!=' { $foundElements = $foundElements | Where-Object { $_.getAttribute($attr) -ine $value } } '!~' { $foundElements = $foundElements | Where-Object { $_.getAttribute($attr) -inotmatch $value } } } } # select a element from the filtered elements based on index (could sometimes happen) if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($index)) { $foundElements = $foundElements | Select-Object -Skip ([int]$index) -First 1 } } else { # select the element based on index of found elements $foundElements = $foundElements | Select-Object -Skip ([int]$attr) -First 1 } } } else { throw "MPath expression is not valid: $Expression" } if (($foundElements | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { return $null } return $foundElements } function Resolve-MonocleMPath { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $MPath ) # split into multiple expressions $exprs = $MPath -split '/' # if there are no expression, return null if (($null -eq $exprs) -or ($exprs.length -eq 0)) { return [System.DBNull]::Value } # find initial elements based on the document and first expression $elements = Resolve-MonocleMPathExpression -Expression $exprs[0] -Document $Browser.Document if (($elements | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { return $null } # find rest of elements from the previous elements found above for ($i = 1; $i -lt $exprs.length; $i++) { $elements = Resolve-MonocleMPathExpression -Expression $exprs[$i] -Elements $elements if (($elements | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { return $null } } # Monocle only deals with single elements, so return the first return ($elements | Select-Object -First 1) } |