
Module created by ModuleForge
     ModuleForge Version: 1.0.1
    BuildDate: 2025-02-19T09:31:00

function add-mfRepositoryXmlData

            Uncompress a nuspec (Which is just a zip with a different extension), parse the XML, add the URL element for the repository, recreate the ZIP file.
            Some Nuget Package Providers (such as Github Package Manager) require a repository element with a URL attribute in order to be published correctly,
            For Githup Packages, this is so it can tie the package back to the actual repository.
            At present (March 2024), new-moduleManifest and publish-psresource do not have parameter options that works for this.
            This function provides a work-around
            add-repositoryXmlData -RepositoryUri '' -NugetPackagePath = 'c:\example\module.1.2.3-beta.4.nupkg -branch 'main' -commit '1234123412341234Y'
            #### DESCRIPTION
            Unpack module.1.2.3-beta.4.nupkg to a temp location, open the NUSPEC xml and append a repository element with URL, Type, Branch and Commit attributes, repack the nupkg
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-08-08 - AA
                    - Initial Attempt
                2024-08-28 - AA
                    - Need to fix the xml space, I put in type but it should be repository

        #Path to the actual file in the repository, should be something like C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Local\Temp\LocalTestRepository\{ModuleName}.{ModuleVersion}.nupkg
        $ExtractionPath = $(join-path -path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -childpath 'tempUnzip'),
        #Use force to ignore remove prompt
        #What branch to add to NUSPEC (Optional)
        #What commit to add to NUSPEC (Optional)
        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"
        #Check we have valid NuSpec
        $nuPackage = get-item $NugetPackagePath
            throw "Unable to find: $NugetPackagePath"

        if($nuPackage.Extension -ne '.nupkg')
            throw "$NugetPackagePath not a .nupkg file"

        write-verbose "Found nupkg file at: $($nuPackage.fullname)"

        #Get a clean extraction folder
        if(!(test-path $ExtractionPath))
            write-verbose 'Creating Extraction Path'
            New-Item -Path $ExtractionPath -ItemType Directory
            Write-warning "Extraction Path will be removed and recreated`nPath: $($ExtractionPath)"
                $action = Read-Host 'Are you sure you want to continue with this action? (y/n)'
                if ($action -eq 'y') {
                    # Insert the risky action here
                    Write-warning 'Continuing with the action...'
                } else {
                    throw 'Action cancelled'
            if($action -eq 'y' -or $force -eq $true)
                #Probably dont need this IF statement, just a sanity check we have permission to destroy folder
                get-item -Path $ExtractionPath |remove-item -recurse -force
                New-Item -Path $ExtractionPath -ItemType Directory

        write-verbose 'Extracting NuSpec Archive'
        expand-archive -path $nuPackage.FullName -DestinationPath $ExtractionPath
        write-verbose 'Searching for NuSpec file'
        $nuSpec = Get-ChildItem -Path $ExtractionPath -Filter *.nuspec
        if($nuSpec.count -eq 1)
            write-verbose 'Loading XML'


            $nuSpecXml = new-object -TypeName XML

            #Repository Element
            $newElement = $nuSpecXml.CreateElement("repository",$nuSpecXml.package.namespaceURI)
            write-verbose 'Adding Repository Type Attribute'
            write-verbose 'Adding Repository URL Attribute'

                write-verbose 'Adding Repository Branch Attribute'

                write-verbose 'Adding Repository commit Attribute'

            write-verbose 'Appending Element to XML'

            #Save, close XML and repackage

            write-verbose 'Saving the NUSPEC'
            remove-variable nuSpecXml
            start-sleep -seconds 2 #Mini pause to let the save complete

            write-verbose 'Repacking the nuPkg'
            $repackPath = join-path $ExtractionPath -ChildPath '*'
            write-verbose "Repack Path:$repackPath"
            compress-archive -Path $repackPath -DestinationPath $nuPackage.FullName -Force
            write-verbose 'Finished Repack'

            throw 'Error finding NuSpec'

function build-mfProject

            Grab all the files from source, compile them into a single PowerShell module file, create a new module manifest.
            Grab the content, functions, classes, validators etc from the .\source\ directory
            For all functions found in files in the .\source\functions directory, export them in the module manifest
            Add the contents of all scripts to a PSM1 file
            Add the contents of any Validators to a separate external ps1 file as a module dependency
            Create a new module manifest from the parameters saved with new-mfProject
            Tag as a pre-release if a semverPreRelease label is found
            build-mfProject -version '0.12.2-prerelease.1'
            #### DESCRIPTION
            Make a PowerShell module from the current folder, and mark it as a pre-release version
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-07-26 - AA
                    - Refactored from Bartender
                    - Added necessary joining functions
                    - Minimum Parameters
                    - Test with no externals
                2024-07-29 - AA
                    - Test with all classes,enums,validators as external
                    - Revert to just Validators as external after testing
                    - Expand parameters
                    - Make Pre-release work
                    - Decided that short-term, DSC modules are not supported
                2024-08-12 - AA
                    - Change the way we handle prereleases, get it from the supplied semver
                        - Will allow easier passing through of get-mfNextSemver output
                    - Change the way we get script details
                2024-08-23 - AA
                    - Change the build to use the folderItemDetails, should lead to a faster pass
                    - Added informational output stream to the build, should make for nice Orchestration stream

        #What version are we building?
        #Root path of the module. Uses the current working directory by default
        [string]$modulePath = $(get-location).path,
        [string]$configFile = 'moduleForgeConfig.xml',
        #Use this flag to put any classes in ScriptsToProcess
        #Use this flag to put any enums in ScriptsToProcess
        #Use this to not put anything in nestedmodules, making everything a single file. By default validators are put in a separate nestedmodule script to ensure they are loaded properly

        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        write-verbose 'Testing module path'
            $moduleTest = get-item $modulePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $moduleTest = $null
            throw "Unable to read from $modulePath"

        $modulePath = $moduleTest.FullName
        write-verbose "Building from: $modulePath"

        #Read the config file
        write-verbose 'Importing config file'
        $configPath = join-path -path $modulePath -ChildPath $configFile

        if(!(test-path $configPath))
            throw "Unable to find config file at: $configPath"

        $config = import-clixml $configPath -erroraction stop

            throw "Unable to import config file from: $configPath"

        #Reference version as a string
        $versionString = $version.tostring()

        write-verbose 'Checking for a build and module folder'
        $buildFolder = join-path -path $modulePath -childPath 'build'
        if(!(test-path $buildFolder))
            write-verbose "Build folder not found at: $($buildFolder), creating"
                #Save to var to loose the output
                $null = new-item -ItemType Directory -Path $buildFolder -ErrorAction Stop
                throw 'Unable to create build folder'

        $moduleOutputFolder = join-path -path $buildFolder -ChildPath $($config.moduleName)

        if(!(test-path $moduleOutputFolder))
            write-verbose "Module folder not found at: $($moduleOutputFolder), creating"
                $null = new-item -ItemType Directory -Path $moduleOutputFolder -ErrorAction Stop
                throw 'Unable to create Module folder'
            write-verbose "Module folder not found at: $($moduleOutputFolder), need to replace"
                remove-item $moduleOutputFolder -force -Recurse
                start-sleep -Seconds 2
                #Save to var to loose the output. More efficient than |out-null
                $null = new-item -ItemType Directory -Path $moduleOutputFolder -ErrorAction Stop
                throw 'Unable to recreate Module folder'

        $moduleForgeDetails = (get-module 'ModuleForge' |Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending|select-object -First 1)
            $mfVersion = $moduleForgeDetails.version.tostring()
            $mfVersion = 'unknown'

        $moduleHeader = "<#`nModule created by ModuleForge`n`t ModuleForge Version: $mfVersion`n`tBuildDate: $(get-date -format s)`n#>"
        #Better Order
        [array]$folders = @('enums','validationClasses','classes','dscClasses','functions','private')

        $sourceFolder = join-path -path $modulePath -childPath 'source'

        #What folders do we need to copy the files directly in
        [array]$copyFolders = @('resource','bin')

        $scriptsToProcess = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
        $functionsToExport = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
        $nestedModules = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]

        $DscResourcesToExport = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]

        $fileList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]


        write-verbose "Attempt to build:`n`t`tmodule:$($config.moduleName)version:`n`t`t$versionString"

        #References for our manifest and module root
        $moduleFileShortname = "$($config.moduleName).psm1"
        $moduleFile = join-path $moduleOutputFolder -ChildPath $moduleFileShortname
        $manifestFileShortname = "$($config.moduleName).psd1"
        $manifestFile = join-path $moduleOutputFolder -ChildPath $manifestFileShortname

        write-verbose "Will create module in:`n`t`t$moduleOutputFolder;`n`t`tModule Filename: $moduleFileShortname ;`n`t`tManifest Filename: $manifestFileShortname "

        #References for external files, if needed
        $classesFileShortname = "$($config.moduleName).Classes.ps1"
        $classesFile = join-path -path $moduleOutputFolder -ChildPath $classesFileShortname

        $validatorsFileShortname = "$($config.moduleName).Validators.ps1"
        $validatorsFile = join-path -path $moduleOutputFolder -ChildPath $validatorsFileShortname

        $validatorsFileShortname = "$($config.moduleName).Validators.ps1"
        $validatorsFile = join-path -path $moduleOutputFolder -ChildPath $validatorsFileShortname

        $enumsFileShortname = "$($config.moduleName).Enums.ps1"
        $enumsFile = join-path -path $moduleOutputFolder -ChildPath $enumsFileShortname

        #Start creating the moduleFile
        write-verbose 'Adding Header Comment'
        $moduleHeader|out-file $moduleFile -Force

        #Do a check for DSC Resources because they change how we handle everything
        #Actually, for now lets not worry about DesiredStateConfig,
        # - its a bit broken as of July 2024,
        # - It changes how we build modules because nestedmodules, scriptstoprocess dont work (From previous experience)
        # - I don't have any need to build DSC resources at this time, so my testing will be limited
        # - DSC Resources are being reworked by MicroSoft so this is a moving target at the moment
        write-verbose 'Checking for DSC Resources. DSC Resources add nuance to module build'
        $dscResourcesFolder = join-path -path $sourceFolder -ChildPath 'dscClasses'
        $dscResourceFiles = get-mfFolderItems -path $dscResourcesFolder -psScriptsOnly
        if($dscResourceFiles.count -ge 1)
            write-warning 'DSC Resources Found - Ignoring Export Switches and Compiling to single module file'
            #See above comments
            throw 'DSC is not supported in this version of moduleForge. Its on the roadmap'
            $noExternalFiles = $true
            write-verbose 'No DSC Resources found'

        write-verbose 'Getting all the Script Details'
        $folderItemDetails = get-mfFolderItemDetails -path $sourceFolder
        Write-Information "File Dependency Tree:`n`n$($(get-mfdependencyTree ($folderItemDetails|Select-Object relativePath,dependencies)) -join "`n")`n" -tags 'DependencyTree'
        #Start compiling the module file and associated content
        write-verbose "`n`n`n==========================================`n`n"
        write-verbose 'Starting module Compile'
        write-debug 'Starting module Compile'
        foreach($item in $folderItemDetails)
                'dscClasses' {
                    Write-Information "Processing $($ as a DSCClass" -tags 'FilesProcessed'
                    write-verbose "Processing $($ as a DSCClass"
                    throw 'DSC Classes currently not supported, sorry!'

                'functions' {
                    Write-Information "Processing $($ as a Function" -tags 'FilesProcessed'
                    write-verbose "Processing $($ as a Function"

                    $item.content|out-file $moduleFile -Append
                        write-verbose "Adding $_ as functionToExport"


                'enums' {
                    Write-Information "Processing $($ as a Enum" -tags 'FilesProcessed'
                    write-verbose "Processing $($ as an Enum"

                    if($exportEnums -and !$noExternalFiles){
                        write-verbose 'Exporting enum content to external enum file'
                        $item.content|Out-file $enumsFile -Append

                        if($enumsFileShortname -notIn $scriptsToProcess)

                        if($enumsFileShortname -notIn $fileList)
                        write-verbose 'Exporting enum content to module file'
                        $item.content|out-file $moduleFile -Append


                'validationClasses' {
                    Write-Information "Processing $($ as a ValidationClass" -tags 'FilesProcessed'
                    write-verbose "Processing $($ as ValidationClass"

                        write-verbose 'No ExternalFiles flag set'
                        write-warning 'By setting NoExternalFiles with files in the validationClasses folder, you run the risk of your validator class objects not loading correctly.'
                        write-warning 'If your module has DSC Classes, the NoExternalFiles switch will be forced. Avoid using custom validators with DSC Modules for predictable results'
                        write-verbose 'Exporting validator content to external module file'
                        $item.content|out-file $moduleFile -append
                        write-verbose 'Exporting validator content to external validators file'
                        $item.content|Out-file $validatorsFile -Append
                        if($validatorsFileShortname -notIn $scriptsToProcess)

                        if($validatorsFileShortname -notIn $fileList)


                'classes' {
                    Write-Information "Processing $($ as a Class" -tags 'FilesProcessed'
                    write-verbose "Processing $($ as Class"

                    if($exportClasses -and !$noExternalFiles){
                        write-verbose 'Exporting classes content to external classes file'
                        $item.content|Out-file $classesFile -Append

                        if($classesFileShortname -notIn $scriptsToProcess)

                        if($classesFileShortname -notIn $fileList)

                        write-verbose 'Exporting classes content to external module file'
                        $item.content|out-file $moduleFile -append


                'private' {
                    Write-Information "Processing $($ as a Private (Non Exported) Function" -tags 'FilesProcessed'
                    write-verbose "Processing $($ as a Private (Non Exported) Function"

                    $item.content|out-file $moduleFile -Append

                Default {
                    write-warning "$($ grouptype is unknown. Uncertain how to handle file: $($ Will be skipped"


        write-verbose 'Finished compiling module file'
        write-verbose "`n`n`n==========================================`n`n"

        foreach($folder in $copyFolders)

            write-verbose "Processing folder for content copy: $folder"

            $fullFolderPath = join-path -path $sourceFolder -ChildPath $folder
            $folderItems = get-mfFolderItems -path $fullFolderPath
            if($folderItems.count -ge 1) #Now we are on PS7 we don't need to worry about measure-object
                write-verbose "$($folderItems.Count) Files found, need to copy"
                $destinationFolder = join-path -path $moduleOutputFolder -childPath $folder
                write-verbose "Destination Path will be: $destinationFolder"
                if(!(test-path $destinationFolder))
                        $null = new-item -ItemType Directory -Path $destinationFolder -ErrorAction Stop
                        write-verbose 'Created Destination Folder'
                        throw "Unable to make directory for: $destinationFolder"

                    Write-Information "Copied $folder, containing $($folderItems.Count) items, to the module" -tags 'FoldersCopied'
                #Make null = to suppress the object output
                $null = get-mfFolderItems -path $fullFolderPath -destination $destinationFolder -copy

                <# Ideally we add all the copied items to the filelist param in the module manifest
                #But since we are putting them in a child folder, I've got concerns
                #Like the relativename is there, and it works, but the folder divider wont be a \ on non-windows
                #Probably safer to leave this out for the time being
                # Also worth noting, I don't think I've ever seen a manifest have a file list
                    if($ -notIn $fileList)


        write-verbose 'Building Manifest'
        #Manifest Base
        $splatManifest = @{
            Path = $manifestFile
            RootModule = $moduleFileShortname
            Author = $($config.moduleAuthors -join ',')
            Copyright = "$(get-date -f yyyy)$(if($config.companyName){" $($config.companyName)"}else{" $($config.moduleAuthors -join ' ')"})"
            CompanyName = $config.companyName
            Description = $config.Description
            ModuleVersion = $versionString
            Guid = $config.guid
            PowershellVersion = $config.minimumPsVersion.tostring()
            CmdletsToExport = [array]@()
        #Add the extra bits if present
        #Splatting really doesn't like nulls
            $splatManifest.licenseUri = $config.licenseUri
            $splatManifest.projecturi = $config.projecturi
            $splatManifest.tags = $config.tags
            $splatManifest.iconUri = $config.iconUri
            $splatManifest.requiredModules = $config.RequiredModules
            $splatManifest.ExternalModuleDependencies = $config.ExternalModuleDependencies
            $splatManifest.DefaultCommandPrefix = $config.DefaultCommandPrefix
            $splatManifest.PrivateData = $config.PrivateData

        if($functionsToExport.count -ge 1)

            write-verbose "Making these functions public: $($functionsToExport.ToArray() -join ',')"
            #I'm not sure why, but the export of this is not an actual array. In the PSD1 it wont have the @(). I tried to force it unsuccessfully
            [array]$splatManifest.FunctionsToExport = [array]$functionsToExport.ToArray()
            write-warning 'No public functions'
            [array]$splatManifest.FunctionsToExport = [array]@()

        #If we are exporting any of our enums, classes, validators into the Global Scope, we should do it here.
        # Ideally in the future a module manifest would have ClassesToExport, EnumsToExport - but I'm not gonna hold my breath for that
        if($scriptsToProcess.count -ge 1)
            write-verbose "Scripts to process on module load: $($scriptsToProcess.ToArray() -join ',')"
            $splatManifest.ScriptsToProcess = [array]$scriptsToProcess.ToArray()
            write-verbose 'No scripts to process on module load'

        #See my comment in on validators in the switch statement
        if($nestedModules.count -ge 1)
            write-verbose "Included in modulesToProcess: $($nestedModules.ToArray() -join ',')"
            [array]$splatManifest.NestedModules = [array]$nestedModules.ToArray()

            write-verbose 'Nothing to include in modulesToProcess'

        #This block should not trigger right now
        if($DscResourcesToExport.count -ge 1)
            write-verbose "Included in dscResources: $($DscResourcesToExport.ToArray() -join ',')"
            $splatManifest.DscResourcesToExport = [array]$DscResourcesToExport.ToArray()

            write-verbose 'No dsc Resources to include'

        #Extra Stuff
            #Semver supplied had a pre-release label
            write-verbose 'Incrementing Prerelease Version'
            #$preReleaseSplit = $version.PreReleaseLabel.Split('.')
            #$preReleaseLabel = $currentPreReleaseSplit[0]
            write-verbose "Setting Prerelease tag to: $($version.PreReleaseLabel)"

            $splatManifest.Prerelease = $version.PreReleaseLabel

        $splatManifest.ModuleVersion = $version

        #Currently not adding anything to file list, will leave this code here in case we revisit later
        if($fileList.count -ge 1)
            write-verbose "Included in fileList: $($fileList.ToArray() -join ',')"
            [array]$splatManifest.fileList = [array]$fileList.ToArray()

        New-ModuleManifest @splatManifest
        Write-Information 'Created Module Manifest' -tags 'CreatedModuleManifest'

function get-mfDependencyTree

            Generate a dependency tree of ModuleForge PowerShell scripts, either in terminal or a mermaid flowchart
            The `get-mfDependencyTree` function processes an array of objects representing PowerShell scripts and their dependencies.
            It generates a visual representation of the dependency tree, either as a text-based tree in the terminal or as a Mermaid diagram.
            This function helps in understanding the relationships and dependencies between different scripts and modules in a project.
            $folderItemDetails = get-mfFolderItemDetails -path (get-item .\source).fullname
            get-mfDependencyTree ($folderItemDetails|Select-Object relativePath,dependencies)
            #### DESCRIPTION
            Show files and any dependencies
            Author: Adrian Andersson
            2024-08-11 - AA
                - Initial script
                - Bit of an experimental function this one

        #What Reference Data are we looking at. See function example for how to retrieve
        [string]$outputType = 'Terminal'
    begin {
        # Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        # Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"
        $dependencies = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[object]

        function printTree {
                [int]$level = 0

            $indent = ' ' * $level
            write-output "$indent >--DEPENDS-ON--> $node"
            if ($tree.ContainsKey($node)) {
                foreach ($child in $tree[$node]) {
                    printTree -node $child -level ($level + 1)
    process {
        foreach ($ref in $referenceData) {
            $relativePath = $ref.relativePath
            foreach ($dep in $ref.dependencies) {
                        Parent = $relativePath
                        Child  = $dep.ReferenceFile

        $output = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
        if ($outputType -eq 'Mermaid' -or $outputType -eq 'MermaidMarkdown') {
            if ($outputType -eq 'MermaidMarkdown') {
            $output.add('flowchart TD')
            foreach ($dep in $dependencies) {
                $output.add("'$($dep.Parent)' --> '$($dep.Child)'")
            if ($outputType -eq 'MermaidMarkdown') {
            $output -join "`n"
        } else {
            $tree = @{}
            foreach ($dep in $dependencies) {
                write-verbose "In: $dep dependencyCheck"
                if (-not $tree.ContainsKey($dep.Parent)) {
                    write-verbose "Need to add: $($dep.Parent) As ParentRef"
                    $tree[$dep.Parent] = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]

                write-verbose "Need to add $($dep.Child) as child of $($dep.Parent)"

            $rootNodes = $referenceData.where{$_.Dependencies.Count -gt 0}.relativePath
                write-output $_
                if ($tree.ContainsKey($_)) {
                    foreach ($child in $tree[$_]) {
                        printTree -node $child -level 1
function get-mfFolderItemDetails

            This function analyses a PS1 file, returning its content, any functions, classes and dependencies, as well as a relative location
            The `get-mfFolderItemDetails` function takes a path to source folder
            It creates a job that generates a details about all found PS1 files,
            including: The content of PS1 files, the names of any functions, any dependencies
            This function uses a job to import all the ps1 items so that all types can be reflected correctly without having to load the module
            get-mfFolderItemDetails .\source
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-07-27 AA
                    - First Refactor
                2024-08-12 AA
                    - Improve the relativePath code
                    - Add a folderGroup passthrough
                    - Need to figure out a better way for importing the module

        #Path to source folder.
        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        write-verbose 'Creating Scriptblock'
        [scriptblock]$sblock = {
            function Get-mfScriptDetails {
                    [string]$type = 'All',
                    write-verbose 'Checking Item'
                    if($path[-1] -eq '\' -or $path[-1] -eq '/')
                        write-verbose 'Removing extra \ or / from path'
                        $path = $path.Substring(0,$($path.length-1))
                        write-verbose "New Path $path"
                    $file = get-item $Path
                        throw "File not found at: $path"
                    $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($Path, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
                    #$Functions = $AST.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $true)

                    #The above was the original way to do this
                    #However it was so efficient it also returned subfunctions AND functions in scriptblocks
                    #Since we don't want to do that, we cycle through and look at the start and end line numbers and only return top-level functions
                    $AllFunctions = $AST.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $true)
                    $TopLevelFunctions = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]
                    foreach($func in $allFunctions){
                        $isNested = $false
                        foreach($parentFunc in $allFunctions)
                            if($func -ne $parentFunc -and $func.Extent.StartLineNumber -ge $parentFunc.Extent.StartLineNumber -and $func.Extent.EndLineNumber -le $parentFunc.Extent.EndLineNumber)
                                $isNested = $true
                        if(-not $isNested) {
                    $Classes = $AST.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst] }, $true)
                    if($type -eq 'All' -or $type -eq 'Function')
                        $functionDetails = foreach ($Function in $TopLevelFunctions) {
                            $cmdletDependenciesList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
                            $typeDependenciesList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
                            $paramTypeDependenciesList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
                            $validatorTypeDependenciesList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
                            $FunctionName = $Function.Name
                            $Cmdlets = $Function.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] }, $true)
                            foreach($c in $Cmdlets)
                            $TypeExpressions = $Function.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeExpressionAst] }, $true)
                                $tname = $_
                                [string]$tnameReplace = $($tname.Replace('[','')).replace(']','')
                            $Parameters = $Function.Body.ParamBlock.Parameters
                            $attributes = $Parameters.Attributes
                            foreach($att in $attributes)
                                $refType = $att.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
                                if($refType -and ($refType.IsSubclassOf([System.Management.Automation.ValidateArgumentsAttribute]) -or [System.Management.Automation.ValidateArgumentsAttribute].IsAssignableFrom($refType))) {
                                    [string]$tname = $Att.TypeName.FullName
                                    [string]$tname = $($tname.Replace('[','')).replace(']','')
                                functionName = $FunctionName
                                cmdLets = $cmdletDependenciesList|group-object|Select-Object Name,Count
                                types = $typeDependenciesList|group-object|Select-Object Name,Count
                                parameterTypes = $paramTypeDependenciesList|group-object|Select-Object name,count
                                Validators = $validatorTypeDependenciesList|Group-Object|Select-Object name,count
                    if($type -eq 'all' -or $type -eq 'Class')
                        $classDetails = foreach ($Class in $Classes) {
                            $className = $Class.Name
                            $classMethodsList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
                            $classPropertiesList = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
                            $Methods = $Class.Members | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst] }
                            foreach($m in $Methods)
                            $Properties = $Class.Members | Where-Object { $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.PropertyMemberAst] }
                            foreach($p in $Properties)
                                className = $className
                                methods = $classMethodsList|group-object|Select-Object Name,Count
                                properties = $classPropertiesList|group-object|Select-Object Name,Count
                    $objectHash = @{
                        Name = $file.Name
                        Path = $file.FullName
                        FileSize = "$([math]::round($file.length / 1kb,2)) kb"
                        FunctionDetails = $functionDetails
                        ClassDetails = $classDetails
                        Content = $AST.ToString()
                        $objectHash.relativePath = $RelativePath
                        $ = $folderGroup
            $privateMatch = "*$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)private$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)*"
            $functionMatch = "*$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)functions$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)*"

                if($_.path -notlike $privateMatch -and $_.path -notlike $functionMatch)
                    #Need to dot source the files to make sure all the types are loaded
                    #Only needs to happen for non-function files
                    . $_.Path

            $thisPath = (Get-Item $path)
            $relPathBase = ".$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)$($"
            $itemDetails = $folderItems.ForEach{
                $folderPath = join-path -path $_.folder -childpath $_.RelativePath.Substring(1)
                $relPath = join-path -path $relPathBase -childpath $folderPath
                if($_.path -like $privateMatch -or $_.path -like $functionMatch -or $_.folder -eq $functionMatch -or $_.folder -eq $privateMatch)
                    write-verbose "$($_.Path) matched on type: Function"
                    Get-mfScriptDetails -Path $_.Path -RelativePath $relPath -type Function -folderGroup $_.folder
                    write-verbose "$($_.Path) matched on type: Class"
                    Get-mfScriptDetails -Path $_.Path -RelativePath $relPath -type Class -folderGroup $_.folder
            write-verbose 'Return items in Context'
            $inContextList =New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
            $filenameReference = @{}
            $filenameRelativeReference = @{}
                $fullPath = $_.path
                $relPath = $_.relativePath
                write-verbose "Getting details for $($"

            $checklist = $filenameReference.GetEnumerator().name

            foreach($item in $itemDetails)
                #Clumsy way of doing this list, could just do array with +
                #Feel like this is slightly neater and easier to turn bits off or expand
                write-verbose "Checking dependencies for file: $($"
                $compareList =New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string]

                $dependenciesList =New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[object]

                foreach($c in $compareList)
                    write-verbose "Checking dependency of $c"
                    if($c -in $checklist)
                        write-verbose "$c found in checklist"
                        if($item.path -ne $filenameReference["$c"])
                            write-verbose "$c found in checklist"

                            write-verbose "$c found in checklist - but in same file, ignoring"
                #Add dependencies as an item
                $item|add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Dependencies' -Value $dependenciesList


        $global:dbgScriptBlock = $sblock

        write-verbose 'Getting Folder Items'

        [array]$folders = @('enums','validationClasses','classes','dscClasses','functions','private')
        $folderItems = $folders.ForEach{
            $folderPath = Join-Path $path -ChildPath $_
            get-mfFolderItems -path $folderPath -psScriptsOnly

        write-verbose 'Starting Job'
        $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sblock -ArgumentList @($path, $folderItems)
        write-verbose 'Retrieving output and returning result'
        $output = Receive-Job -Job $job

        remove-job -job $job
        return $output   
function get-mfFolderItems
            Get a list of files from a folder - whilst processing the .mfignore and .mforder files
             Get the files out of a folder. Adds a bit of smarts to it such as:
             - Ignore anything in the .mfignore file
             - Filter out anything that isn't a PS1 file if, with a switch
             - Ignore files with .test.ps1 - These are assumed to be pester files
             - Ignore files with .tests.ps1 - These are assumed to be pester files
             - Ignore files with .skip.ps1 - These are assumed to be skippable
              Will always return a full path name
            get-mfFolderItems '.\source\functions\example.ps1'
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-07-22 - AA
                    - Refactored from Bartender
                    - Made much faster and more modern
                2024-08-23 - AA
                    - Added the .bt files as exclusions to help with Bartender backwards compatibility

        #Path to start in
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName ='Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName ='Copy')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName ='Default')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName ='Copy')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName ='Copy')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName ='Copy')]

        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        if($path[-1] -eq '\' -or $path[-1] -eq '/')
            write-verbose 'Removing extra \ or / from path'
            $path = $path.Substring(0,$($path.length-1))
            write-verbose "New Path $path"

            $folderItem = get-item $path -erroraction stop
            #Ensure we have the full path

            $folder = $folderItem.FullName
            write-verbose "Folder Fullname: $folder"
            $folderShortName = $folderItem.Name
            write-verbose "Folder Shortname: $folderShortName"

            throw "Unable to get folder at $path"

        #Include the older bartender bits so we have backwards compatibility
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$excludeList = '.gitignore','.mfignore','.btorderEnd','.btorderStart','.btignore'

            if($destination[-1] -eq '\' -or $destination[-1] -eq '/')
                write-verbose 'Removing extra \ or / from destination'
                $path = $path.Substring(0,$($destination.length-1))
                write-verbose "New destination $destination"

            if(!(test-path $destination))
                throw "Unable to resolve destination path: $destination"


        $fileListSelect = @(
                Name = 'Path'
                Expression = {$_.Fullname}
                Name = 'Folder'
                Expression = {$folderShortName}

        $fileListSelect2 = @(
                Name = 'Path'
                Expression = {$_.Fullname}
                Name = 'Folder'
                Expression = {$folderShortName}


        $mfIgnorePath = join-path -path $folder -childpath '.mfignore'
        if(test-path $mfIgnorePath)
            write-verbose 'Getting ignore list from .mfignore'
            $content = (get-content $mfIgnorePath).where{$_.length -gt 1}

        write-verbose "Full Exclude List: `n`n$($excludeList|format-list|Out-String)"


        write-verbose 'Getting Folder files'
            write-verbose 'Getting PS1 Files'
            $fileList = get-childitem -path $folder -recurse -filter *.ps1|where-object{$_.psIsContainer -eq $false -and $ -notlike '*.test.ps1' -and $ -notlike '*.tests.ps1' -and $ -notlike '*.skip.ps1' -and $_.Name.tolower() -notin $excludeList}
            write-verbose 'Getting Folder files'
            $fileList = get-childitem -path $folder -recurse |where-object{$_.psIsContainer -eq $false -and $ -notlike '*.test.ps1' -and $ -notlike '*.tests.ps1' -and $ -notlike '*.skip.ps1' -and $_.Name.tolower() -notin $excludeList}

        write-verbose 'Add custom member values'
            $_|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'RelativePath' -Value $($_.fullname.ToString()).replace("$($folder)$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)",".$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)")
                $_|add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name 'newPath' -Value $($_.fullname.ToString()).replace($folder,$destination)
                $_|Add-Member -name 'newFolder' -memberType NoteProperty -value $($$folder,$destination)

                    write-verbose "Copy file $($_.relativePath) to $($_.newFolder)"
                    if(!(test-path $_.newFolder))
                        write-verbose 'Destination folder does not exist, attempt to create'
                            $null = new-item -itemtype directory -path $_.newFolder -force -ErrorAction stop
                            write-verbose "Made new directory at: $($_.newFolder)"
                            throw "Error making new directory at: $($_.newFolder)"
                        write-verbose "Copying $($_.relativePath) to $($_.newPath)"
                        $null = copy-item -path ($_.fullname) -destination ($_.newPath) -force
                        write-verbose "Copied $($_.relativePath) to $($_.newFolder)"
                        throw "Error with Copy: $($_.relativePath) to $($_.newFolder)"
            $fileList|Select-Object $fileListSelect2
            $fileList|Select-Object $fileListSelect
function get-mfNextSemver

        Increments the version of a Semantic Version (SemVer) object.
        The `get-mfNextSemver` function takes a Semantic Version (SemVer) object as input and increments the version based on the 'increment' parameter. It can handle major, minor, and patch increments. The function also handles pre-release versions and allows the user to optionally override the pre-release label.
        $version = [SemVer]::new('1.0.0')
        get-mfNextSemver -version $version -increment 'Minor' -prerelease
        #### DESCRIPTION
        This example takes a SemVer object with version '1.0.0', increments the minor version, and adds a pre-release tag. The output will be '1.1.0-prerelease.1'.
        #### OUTPUT
        $version = [SemVer]::new('2.0.0-prerelease.1')
        get-mfNextSemver -version $version -increment 'Major'
        #### DESCRIPTION
        This example takes a SemVer object with version '2.0.0-prerelease.1', increments the major version, and removes the pre-release tag because the 'prerelease' switch is not set. The output will be '3.0.0'.
        #### OUTPUT
        Author: Adrian Andersson
            2024-08-10 - AA
                - First attempt at incrementing the Semver
            2024-08-24 - AA
                - Have discovered that PSGallery only supports SemVer v1. So need to remove the prerelese Version
                - I think we need to change our default label to PRE, and have a 3 digit number afterwards to indicate the prerelease number
                    - I.e. 1.0.0-PREv001, 1.0.0-PREv002, 1.0.1-PREv001
            2024-08-26 - AA
                - Added functionality to be able to drop pre-release tag

        #Semver Version

        #What are we incrementing

        #Is this a prerelease

        #Is this a prerelease

        #Optional override the prerelease label. If not supplied will use 'prerelease'

        #Is this the initial prerelease

        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        #Making the default preReleaase label to be lower case. This addresses a problem with psResourceGet and AzureDevOps repositories specifically (Issue #1787)
        $defaultPrereleaseLabel = 'pre' 

        if (-not $increment -and -not $prerelease -and -not $initialPreRelease -and -not $stableRelease) {
            throw 'At least one of "increment", parameter or "stableRelease", "prerelease", "initialPreRelease" switch should be supplied.'
        # Increment the version based on the 'increment' parameter
        switch ($increment) {
            'Major' { 
                #$nextVersion = $version.IncrementMajor()
                $nextVersion = [semver]::new($version.Major+1,0,0)
                write-verbose "Incrementing Major Version to: $($nextVersion.tostring())"
            'Minor' { 
                $nextVersion = [semver]::new($version.Major,$version.minor+1,0)
                write-verbose "Incrementing Minor Version to: $($nextVersion.tostring())"
            'Patch' { 
                $nextVersion = [semver]::new($version.Major,$version.minor,$version.Patch+1)
                write-verbose "Incrementing Patch Version to: $($nextVersion.tostring())"

        # Handle pre-release versions
        if($prerelease -and !$nextVersion -and $version.PreReleaseLabel)
            #This scenario indicates version supplied is already a prerelease, and what we want to do is increment the prerelease version
            write-verbose 'Incrementing Prerelease Version'
            $currentPreReleaseSplit = $version.PreReleaseLabel.Split('v')
            $currentpreReleaseLabel = $currentPreReleaseSplit[0]
            write-verbose "Current PreRelease Label: $currentpreReleaseLabel"
            if(!$preReleaseLabel -or ($currentpreReleaseLabel -ceq $preReleaseLabel)){
                if($currentpreReleaseLabel -eq $preReleaseLabel)
                    write-warning 'It appears the prerelease casing has changed, but the label has not. This may cause unexpected ordering results.'
                write-verbose 'No change to prerelease label'
                $nextPreReleaseLabel = $currentpreReleaseLabel
                $currentPreReleaseInt = [int]$currentPreReleaseSplit[1]
                $nextPrerelease = $currentPreReleaseInt+1

                write-verbose 'Prerelease label changed. Resetting prerelease version to 1'
                $nextPreReleaseLabel = $preReleaseLabel
                $nextPreRelease = 1
            $nextVersionString = "$($version.major).$($version.minor).$($version.patch)-$($nextPreReleaseLabel)v$('{0:d3}' -f $nextPrerelease)"
            $nextVersion = [semver]::New($nextVersionString)
            write-verbose "Next Prerelease will be: $($nextVersion.ToString())"
        }elseIf($prerelease -and $nextVersion)
            write-verbose 'Need to tag incremented version as PreRelease'
            #This scenario indicates we have incremented a major,minor or patch, and need to start a fresh prerelease
                $nextPreReleaseLabel = $defaultPrereleaseLabel
                $nextPreReleaseLabel = $preReleaseLabel

            $nextVersionString = "$($nextVersion.major).$($nextVersion.minor).$($nextVersion.patch)-$($nextPreReleaseLabel)v001"
            $nextVersion = [semver]::New($nextVersionString)
            write-verbose "Next Prerelease will be: $($nextVersion.ToString())"
            #This is a strange scenario. Indicates that we have prerelease switch,but the version supplied wasn't a prerelease already. And we didn't increment anything.
            #Are we supposed to go backwards

            #throw 'Unsure on version scenario. Prerelease wanted but version provided was not a pre-release. Please provide a version with existing prerelease, or include an increment'
            #I think what we do, is we increment patch by 1 and then tag as pre-release
            write-warning 'Unspecified version increment. Will increment Patch. If this is not what you meant, please try again'

                $nextPreReleaseLabel = $defaultPrereleaseLabel
                $nextPreReleaseLabel = $preReleaseLabel

            $nextVersionString = "$($version.major).$($version.minor).$($version.patch+1)-$($nextPreReleaseLabel)v001"
            $nextVersion = [semver]::New($nextVersionString)
                $nextPreReleaseLabel = $defaultPrereleaseLabel
                $nextPreReleaseLabel = $preReleaseLabel
            write-verbose 'Start at v1 prerelease v001'
            $nextVersionString = "1.0.0-$($nextPreReleaseLabel)v001"
            $nextVersion = [semver]::New($nextVersionString)
            write-verbose 'Mark release as stable'
            #This scenario is for when we have a pre-release tag and we want to drop it for a stable release version
                throw 'version supplied does not contain a prerelease'

            $nextVersionString = "$($version.major).$($version.minor).$($version.patch)"
            $nextVersion = [semver]::New($nextVersionString)
            write-verbose "Stable Release Version: $($nextVersion.tostring())"


        return $nextVersion

function new-mfProject

            Capture some basic parameters, and create the scaffold file structure
            The new-mfProject function streamlines the process of creating a scaffold (or basic structure) for a new PowerShell module.
            Whether you’re building a custom module for automation, administration, or any other purpose, this function sets up the initial directory structure, essential files, and variables and properties.
            Think of it as laying the foundation for your module project.
            new-mfProject -ModuleName "MyModule" -description "A module for automating tasks" -moduleAuthors "John Doe" -companyName "MyCompany" -moduleTags "automation", "tasks" -projectUri "" -iconUri "" -licenseUri "" -RequiredModules @("Module1", "Module2") -ExternalModuleDependencies @("Dependency1", "Dependency2") -DefaultCommandPrefix "MyMod" -PrivateData @{}
            #### DESCRIPTION
            This example demonstrates how to use the `new-mfProject` function to create a scaffold for a new PowerShell module named "MyModule".
            It includes a description, authors, company name, tags, project URI, icon URI, license URI, required modules, external module dependencies, default command prefix, and private data.
            #### OUTPUT
            The function will create the directory structure and essential files for the new module "MyModule" in the current working directory.
            It will also set up the specified metadata and dependencies.
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-07-22 - AA
                    - Refactored from Bartender

        #The name of your module
        #A description of your module. Is used as the descriptor in the module repository
        #Minimum PowerShell version. Defaults to 7.2 as this is the current LTS version
        [version]$minimumPsVersion = [version]::new('7.2.0'),
        #Who are the primary module authors. Can expand later with add-mfmoduleAuthors command
        #Company Name. If you are building this module for your organisation, this is where it goes
        #Module Tags. Used to help discoverability and compatibility in package repositories
        #Root path of the module. Uses the current working directory by default
        [string]$modulePath = $(get-location).path,
        #Project URI. Will try and read from Git if your using a git repository.
        [string]$projectUri = $(try{git config remote.origin.url}catch{$null}),
        # A URL to an icon representing this module.
        #URI to use for your projects license. Will try and use the license file if a projectUri is found
        [string]$configFile = 'moduleForgeConfig.xml',
        #Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module
        #Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module

        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        #I'm not sure why I had this in here. Cannot remember.
        if($modulePath -like '*\' -or $modulePath -like '*/' )
            Write-Verbose 'Superfluous \ or / character found at end of modulePath, removing'
            $modulePath = $modulePath.Substring(0,$($modulePath.Length-1))
            Write-Verbose "New path = $modulePath"

        $configPath = join-path -path $modulePath -childpath $configFile


        write-verbose 'Validating Module Path'
        if(!(test-path $modulePath))
            throw "ModulePath: $modulePath not found"

        write-verbose 'Checking for Existing Config'
        if(test-path $configPath)
            throw "Config already found at: $configPath"

        write-verbose 'Create Folder Scaffold'
        add-mfFilesAndFolders -moduleRoot $modulePath

        if($projectUri -and !$licenseUri)
            write-verbose 'Auto-checking for license'
            if(test-path $(join-path -path $modulePath -childPath 'LICENSE'))
                $licenseUri = "$projectUri\LICENSE"

        #Should we use JSON for this, or CLIXML.
        #The vote from the internet in July 2024 is stick to CLIXML for PowerShell centric projects. So we will do that
        $moduleForgeReference = get-module 'ModuleForge'|Sort-Object version -Descending|Select-Object -First 1
        if(! $moduleForgeReference)
            $moduleForgeReference = get-module -listavailable 'ModuleForge'|Sort-Object version -Descending|Select-Object -First 1

        write-verbose 'Create config file'
        $config = [psCustomObject]@{
            #The params set from this function
            moduleName = $ModuleName
            description = $description
            minimumPsVersion = $minimumPsVersion
            moduleAuthors = [array]$moduleAuthors
            companyName = $companyName
            tags = [array]$moduleTags
            #Some automatic variables
            projectUri = $projectUri
            licenseUri = $licenseUri
            guid = $(new-guid).guid
            moduleforgeVersion = $(if($moduleForgeReference){ $moduleForgeReference.Version.ToString()}else{'n/a'})
            iconUri = $iconUri
            requiredModules = $RequiredModules
            ExternalModuleDependencies = $ExternalModuleDependencies
            DefaultCommandPrefix = $DefaultCommandPrefix
            PrivateData = $PrivateData



        write-verbose "Exporting config to: $configPath"
            $config|export-clixml $configPath
            throw 'Error exporting config'
function register-mfLocalPsResourceRepository

            Add a local file-based PowerShell repository into the systems temp location
            Allows you to test psresourceGet, as well as directly manipulate the nuget package,
            for example, to add git data to the nuspec
            #### DESCRIPTION
            Create a powershell file repository using default values.
            Repository will be called: LocalTestRepository
            Path will be where-ever [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() points
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-07-26 - AA
                    - Created function to register repository

        #Name of the repository
        [string]$repositoryName = 'LocalTestRepository',
        #Root path of the module. Uses Temp Path by default
        [string]$path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()

        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        $psResourceGet = @{
            name = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet'
            version = [version]::new('1.0.4')

        $psResourceGetRef = get-module $ -ListAvailable|Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending|Select-Object -First 1

        if(!$psResourceGetRef -or $psResourceGetRef.Version -lt $psResourceGet.version)
            throw "Module dependancy Name: $($psResourceGet.Name) minver:$($psResourceGet.version) Not found. Please install from the PSGallery"

        $repositoryLocation = join-path $path -ChildPath $repositoryName

        write-verbose "Checking we dont already have a repository with name: $repositoryName"
        if(!(Get-PSResourceRepository -Name $repositoryName -erroraction Ignore))
            write-verbose 'Repository not found.'

            write-verbose "Checking for drive location at:`n`t$($repositoryLocation)"
            if(!(test-path $repositoryLocation))
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $repositoryLocation
                    write-verbose 'Directory Created'
                    Throw 'Error creating directory'

            $registerSplat = @{
                Name = $repositoryName
                URI = $repositoryLocation
                Trusted = $true
            write-verbose 'Registering resource repository'
                Register-PSResourceRepository @registerSplat
                throw 'Error creating temporary repository'

            write-verbose 'Test Repository was created'
            if(!(Get-PSResourceRepository -Name $repositoryName -erroraction Ignore))
                throw 'Something has gone wrong. Unable to find repository'
                write-verbose 'Repository looks healthy'

            write-verbose "$repositoryName Found"
function remove-mfLocalPsResourceRepository

            Remove the local test repository that was created with register-mfLocalPsResourceRepository
             If a local test repository was created with the register-mfLocalPsResourceRepository, this command will remove it
             It will also remove the directory that hosted the local repository
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-07-26 - AA
                    - Created function to clean-up repository

        #Name of the repository
        [string]$repositoryName = 'LocalTestRepository',
        #Root path of the module. Uses Temp Path by default
        [string]$path = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()

        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        $psResourceGet = @{
            name = 'Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet'
            version = [version]::new('1.0.4')

        $psResourceGetRef = get-module $ -ListAvailable|Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending|Select-Object -First 1

        if(!$psResourceGetRef -or $psResourceGetRef.Version -lt $psResourceGet.version)
            throw "Module dependancy Name: $($psResourceGet.Name) minver:$($psResourceGet.version) Not found. Please install from the PSGallery"

        $repositoryLocation = join-path $path -ChildPath $repositoryName


        write-verbose 'Clean up the repository'
        write-verbose "Checking we dont already have a repository with name: $repositoryName"
        $repoRef = (Get-PSResourceRepository -Name $repositoryName -erroraction Ignore)
            write-verbose 'Repository reference found, try and remove'
                unregister-PSResourceRepository -name $repositoryName -ErrorAction Stop
                throw 'Error unregistering the Resource Repository'

        if((test-path $repositoryLocation))
            write-verbose "File folder found at: $repositoryLocation"
                remove-item $repositoryLocation -force -ErrorAction Stop -Recurse
                write-verbose 'Directory removed'
                Throw 'Error Removing directory'
function update-mfProject

            Update the parameters of a moduleForge project
            This command allows you to update any of the parameters that were saved with the new-mfProject function without
            having to recreate the whole project file from scratch.
            update-mfProject -ModuleName "UpdatedModule" -description "An updated description for the module" -moduleAuthors "Jane Doe" -companyName "UpdatedCompany" -moduleTags "updated", "module" -projectUri "" -iconUri "" -licenseUri "" -RequiredModules @("UpdatedModule1", "UpdatedModule2") -ExternalModuleDependencies @("UpdatedDependency1", "UpdatedDependency2") -DefaultCommandPrefix "UpdMod" -PrivateData @{}
            #### DESCRIPTION
            This example demonstrates how to use the `update-mfProject` function to update multiple parameters of an existing module project.
            It updates the module name, description, authors, company name, tags, project URI, icon URI, license URI, required modules, external module dependencies, default command prefix, and private data.
            #### OUTPUT
            The function will update the specified parameters in the module project configuration file.
            update-mfProject -ModuleName "UpdatedModule" -description "An updated description for the module"
            #### DESCRIPTION
            This example demonstrates how to use the `update-mfProject` function to update only the module name and description of an existing module project.
            It leaves all other parameters unchanged.
            #### OUTPUT
            The function will update the module name and description in the module project configuration file.
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-07-22 - AA
                    - Refactored from Bartender

        #The name of your module
        #A description of your module. Is used as the descriptor in the module repository
        #Minimum PowerShell version. Defaults to 7.2 as this is the current LTS version
        #Who are the primary module authors. Can expand later with add-mfmoduleAuthors command
        #Company Name. If you are building this module for your organisation, this is where it goes
        #Module Tags. Used to help discoverability and compatibility in package repositories
        #Root path of the module. Uses the current working directory by default
        # A URL to an icon representing this module.
        #URI to use for your projects license. Will try and use the license file if a projectUri is found
        #Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module
        #Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module
         #Root path of the module. Uses the current working directory by default
        [string]$modulePath = $(get-location).path,
        [string]$configFile = 'moduleForgeConfig.xml'

        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        write-verbose 'Testing module path'
        $moduleTest = get-item $modulePath
            throw "Unable to read from $modulePath"

        $modulePath = $moduleTest.FullName
        write-verbose "Building from: $modulePath"

        #Read the config file
        write-verbose 'Importing config file'
        $configPath = join-path -path $modulePath -ChildPath $configFile

        if(!(test-path $configPath))
            throw "Unable to find config file at: $configPath"

        $config = import-clixml $configPath -erroraction stop


            write-verbose "Updating Module name from: $($config.moduleName) -> $($moduleName)"
            $config.moduleName = $moduleName

            write-verbose "Updating Module description from: $($config.description) -> $($description)"
            $config.description = $description

            write-verbose "Updating Module minimumPsVersion from: $($config.minimumPsVersion.tostring()) -> $($minimumPsVersion.tostring())"
            $config.minimumPsVersion = $minimumPsVersion

            write-verbose "Updating Module moduleAuthors from: $($config.moduleAuthors) -> $($moduleAuthors)"
            $config.moduleAuthors = $moduleAuthors

            write-verbose "Updating Module companyName from: $($config.companyName) -> $($companyName)"
            $config.companyName = $companyName

            write-verbose "Updating Module tags from: $($config.tags) -> $($tags)"
            $config.tags = $moduleTags

            write-verbose "Updating Module projectUri from: $($config.projectUri) -> $($projectUri)"
            $config.projectUri = $projectUri

            write-verbose "Updating Module iconUri from: $($config.iconUri) -> $($iconUri)"
            $config.iconUri = $iconUri

            write-verbose "Updating Module licenseUri from: $($config.licenseUri) -> $($licenseUri)"
            $config.licenseUri = $licenseUri
            write-verbose "Updating Module RequiredModules from: $($config.RequiredModules|convertTo-json -depth 4)`n`n`t ->`n $($RequiredModules|convertTo-json -depth 4)"
            $config.RequiredModules = $RequiredModules

            write-verbose "Updating Module ExternalModuleDependencies from: $($config.ExternalModuleDependencies -join '; ') -> $($ExternalModuleDependencies -join '; ')"
            $config.ExternalModuleDependencies = $ExternalModuleDependencies

            write-verbose "Updating Module DefaultCommandPrefix from: $($config.DefaultCommandPrefix) -> $($DefaultCommandPrefix)"
            $config.DefaultCommandPrefix = $DefaultCommandPrefix

            write-verbose "Updating Module PrivateData from: $($config.PrivateData|convertTo-json -depth 4)`n`n`t ->`n $($PrivateData|convertTo-json -depth 4)"
            $config.PrivateData = $PrivateData

        write-verbose "Exporting config to: $configPath"
            $config|export-clixml $configPath
            throw 'Error exporting config'
function add-mfFilesAndFolders

            Add the file and folder structure required by moduleForge
            Create the folder structure as a scaffold,
            If a folder does not exist, create it.
            Author: Adrian Andersson
                2024-07-22 - AA
                    - Refactored from Bartender
                    - Tried to make Operating Agnostic by using join-path

        #Root Path for module folder. Assume current working directory
        [string]$moduleRoot = (Get-Item .).FullName #Use the fullname so that we don't have problems with PSDrive, symlinks, confusing bits etc
        #Return the script name when running verbose, makes it tidier
        write-verbose "===========Executing $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)==========="
        #Return the sent variables when running debug
        Write-Debug "BoundParams: $($MyInvocation.BoundParameters|Out-String)"

        $rootDirectories = @('documentation','source')
        $sourceDirectories = @('functions','enums','classes','filters','dscClasses','validationClasses','private','bin','resource')
        $emptyFiles = @('.gitignore','.mfignore')
        write-verbose 'Verifying base folder structure'

            $fullPath = Join-Path -path $moduleRoot -ChildPath $_
            if(test-path $fullPath)
                write-verbose "Directory: $fullpath is OK"
                write-information "Directory: $fullpath not found. Will create" -tags 'FileCreation'
                    $result = new-item -itemtype directory -Path $fullPath -ErrorAction Stop
                    throw "Unable to make new directory: $result. Please check permissions and conflicts"


            if($_ -eq 'source')
                write-verbose 'Source Folder: Checking for subdirectories and files in source folder'
                    $subdirectoryFullPath = join-path -path $fullPath -childPath $_
                    if(test-path $subdirectoryFullPath)
                        write-verbose "Directory: $subdirectoryFullPath is OK"
                        write-information "Directory: $subdirectoryFullPath not found. Will create" -tags 'FileCreation'
                            $null = new-item -itemtype directory -Path $subdirectoryFullPath -ErrorAction Stop
                            throw "Unable to make new directory: $subdirectoryFullPath. Please check permissions and conflicts"
                        $filePath = join-path $subdirectoryFullPath -childPath $_
                        if(test-path $filePath)
                            write-verbose "File: $filePath is OK"
                            write-information "File: $filePath not found. Will create" -tags 'FileCreation'
                                $null = new-item -itemtype File -Path $filePath -ErrorAction Stop
                                throw "Unable to make new directory: $filePath. Please check permissions and conflicts"


