
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Moc Module

#requires -runasadministrator

using module .\Common.psm1

#region Module Constants

$moduleName       = "Moc"
$moduleVersion    = "1.2.20"


#region Download catalog constants

# Default until MOC has it's own catalog
$catalogName = "aks-hci-stable-catalogs-ext"
$ringName    = "stable"
$productName = "mocstack"
$global:mocProductName = "mocstack"


#region Global Config

if (!$global:config) {
    $global:config = @{}

#region Script Constants

$mocBinariesAug2023 = @(

$mocBinaries = @(

$requiredServerFeatures = @(

$svcFailureRestartMs     = 60000
$svcFailureResetSecond   = 86400
$svcNodeAgentDependency  = "winmgmt"
$script:defaultTokenExpiryDays = 90
$script:defaultTokenExpirySeconds = $script:defaultTokenExpiryDays * 60 * 60 * 24
$script:mocVersionFeb    = ""
$script:mocVersionMar    = ""
$script:mocVersionMay    = ""
$script:mocVersionJune    = ""
$script:mocVersionAug     = ""
$script:mocVersionJan2023 = ""
$script:mocVersionFeb2023 = ""
$script:mocVersionAug2023 = ""

$global:cloudAgentRegistryPath         = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\wssdcloudagent"
$global:nodeAgentRegistryPath          = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\wssdagent"
$global:cloudAgentCertName             = "cloudagent.pem"
$global:nodeAgentCertName              = "nodeagent.pem"
$global:cloudloginYAMLName             = "cloudlogin.yaml"
$global:nodeloginYAMLName              = "nodelogin.yaml"
$global:nodeToCloudloginYAMLName       = "nodeToCloudlogin.yaml"
$global:hostToNodeloginYAMLName        = "hostToNodelogin.yaml"
$global:VMMSSpec                       = "vmms"
$global:failoverClusterSpec            = "fc"
$global:cloudAgentCACertName           = "CloudAgent"
$global:cloudAgentServerCertName       = "Server"
$global:smallBinConcurrentDownloads    = 1
$global:FailoverResourceName = "MOC Cloud Agent Service"
$global:RegistryStore = "registry"
$global:ClusterRegistryStore = "Cluster-Registry"

$mocBinariesMapAug2023 = @{
    $global:nodeCtlBinary = $global:nodeCtlFullPath;
    $global:cloudCtlBinary = $global:cloudCtlFullPath;
    $global:cloudAgentBinary = $global:cloudAgentFullPath;
    $global:nodeAgentBinary = $global:nodeAgentFullPath;
    $global:mocCppWrapper = $global:mocCppWrapperFullPath;

$mocBinariesMap = @{
    $global:nodeCtlBinary = $global:nodeCtlFullPath;
    $global:cloudCtlBinary = $global:cloudCtlFullPath;
    $global:cloudAgentBinary = $global:cloudAgentFullPath;
    $global:nodeAgentBinary = $global:nodeAgentFullPath;
    $global:hostAgentBinary = $global:hostAgentFullPath;
    $global:guestAgentLinBinary = $global:guestAgentLinFullPath;
    $global:guestAgentWinBinary = $global:guestAgentWinFullPath;
    $global:mocCppWrapper = $global:mocCppWrapperFullPath;


# Install Event Log
New-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName

Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable "GenericLocMessage" -FileName commonLocalizationMessages
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable "MocLocMessage" -FileName MocLocalizationMessages

#region Aliases
Set-Alias -Name Reset-Moc -Value Reinstall-Moc

#region Private Function

function Initialize-MocConfiguration
        Initialize Moc Configuration
        Wipes off any existing cached configuration

    if ($global:config.ContainsKey($moduleName)) {
    $global:config += @{
        $moduleName = @{
            "cloudAgentAuthorizerPort" = 0
            "cloudAgentPort"           = 0
            "cloudConfigLocation"      = $global:defaultCloudConfigLocation
            "cloudFqdn"                = "localhost"
            "cloudLocation"            = ""
            "cloudServiceCidr"         = ""
            "clusterRoleName"          = ""
            "deploymentType"           = [DeploymentType]::None
            "dnsservers"               = ""
            "forceDnsReplication"      = $false
            "gateway"                  = ""
            "hostAgentPort"            = 48000
            "hostConfigLocation"       = $defaultHostConfigLocation
            "imageDir"                 = ""
            "installationPackageDir"   = ""
            "installState"             = [InstallState]::NotInstalled
            "ipaddressprefix"          = ""
            "k8snodeippoolstart"       = ""
            "k8snodeippoolend"         = ""
            "macPoolEnd"               = ""
            "macpoolname"              = ""
            "macPoolStart"             = ""
            "manifestCache"            = ""
            "mocCertLocation"          = [io.Path]::Combine($global:defaultCloudConfigLocation, $global:cloudAgentCertName)
            "mocLoginYAML"             = [io.Path]::Combine($global:defaultNodeConfigLocation, $global:cloudloginYAMLName)
            "moduleVersion"            = $moduleVersion
            "nodeAgentAuthorizerPort"  = 0
            "nodeAgentPort"            = 0
            "nodeCertLocation"         = [io.Path]::Combine($global:defaultCloudConfigLocation, $global:nodeAgentCertName)
            "nodeConfigLocation"       = $defaultNodeConfigLocation
            "nodeLoginYAML"            = [io.Path]::Combine($global:defaultNodeConfigLocation, $global:nodeloginYAMLName)
            "nodeToCloudLoginYAML"     = [io.Path]::Combine($global:defaultNodeConfigLocation, $global:nodeToCloudloginYAMLName)
            "nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir"  = ""
            "hostToNodeLoginYAML"      = [io.Path]::Combine($global:defaultNodeConfigLocation, $global:hostToNodeloginYAMLName)
            "skipHostLimitChecks"      = $false
            "skipUpdates"              = $false
            "sshPrivateKey"            = ""
            "sshPublicKey"             = ""
            "sshCIDR"                  = ""
            "sshIPAddresses"           = ""
            "sshRestrictCommands"      = $false
            "stagingShare"             = ""
            "tokenExpiryDays"          = 0
            "useStagingShare"          = $false
            "version"                  = ""
            "vlanid"                   = 0
            "vnetName"                 = ""
            "vswitchName"              = ""
            "vnetvippoolend"           = ""
            "vnetvippoolstart"         = ""
            "workingDir"               = ""
            "catalog"                  = ""
            "ring"                     = ""
            "proxyServerCertFile"      = ""
            "proxyServerHTTP"          = ""
            "proxyServerHTTPS"         = ""
            "proxyServerNoProxy"       = ""
            "proxyServerPassword"      = ""
            "proxyServerUsername"      = ""
            "certificateValidityFactor" = $global:certificateValidityFactor
            "caCertificateValidityFactor" = $global:caCertificateValidityFactor
            "nodeCertificateValidityFactor" = $global:nodeCertificateValidityFactor
            "hostCertificateValidityFactor" = $global:defaultHostCertificateValidityFactor
            "cloudAgentTimeout"        = $global:cloudAgentTimeout
            "deploymentId"             = ""
            "nodeCount"                = 1
            "useNetworkController" = $false
            "networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress" = ""
            "networkControllerClientCertificateName" = ""
            "networkControllerLbSubnetRef" = ""
            "networkControllerLnetRef" = ""
            "defaultVipPoolName"        = ""
            "vipPoolStart"       = ""
            "vipPoolEnd"         = ""
            "offlineDownload"         = $false
            "offsiteTransferCompleted"       = $false
            "accessFileDirPath"       = ""
            "accessFilePath"          = ""
            "useUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationLogic" = $false
            "useDefaultClusterRoleName" = $false
            "useHTTPSForDownloads" = $false


# Initialize

#region invoke helpers

function Invoke-MocShowCommand
        Executes a cloudagent command either against a local cloudagent (single node deployment) or a cluster generic
        service (multi-node/cluster deployments).
    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to cloud ctl.
    .PARAMETER ignoreError
        Optionally, ignore errors from the command (don't throw).

    param (
        [ValidateSet("tsv", "csv", "yaml", "json")]
        [string]$output = "json"

    $arguments += " --output $output"
    $out = Invoke-MocCommand -arguments $arguments -ignoreError:$ignoreError.IsPresent
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($out))
    return $out | ConvertFrom-Json
function Invoke-MocListCommand
        Executes a cloudagent command either against a local cloudagent (single node deployment) or a cluster generic
        service (multi-node/cluster deployments).
    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to cloud ctl.
    .PARAMETER ignoreError
        Optionally, ignore errors from the command (don't throw).

    param (
        [ValidateSet("tsv", "csv", "yaml", "json")]
        [string]$output = "json",

    $arguments += " --output $output"
    if ($filter)
        $arguments += " --query ""$filter"""
    $out = Invoke-MocCommand -arguments $arguments -ignoreError:$ignoreError.IsPresent 
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($out) -or $out -like "No *")
    Write-Verbose "$out"
    return $out | ConvertFrom-Json
function Invoke-MocCommand
        Executes a cloudagent command either against a local cloudagent (single node deployment) or a cluster generic
        service (multi-node/cluster deployments).
    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to cloud ctl.
    .PARAMETER ignoreError
        Optionally, ignore errors from the command (don't throw).
    .PARAMETER argDictionary
        Dictionary of arguments (e.g. obtained from $PSBoundParameters).
    .PARAMETER boolFlags
        List of boolean flags to be passed
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $argDictionary,
        [string[]] $boolFlags,
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    #region trace
    $configCmdletParams = @{
        ignoreError = $ignoreError.IsPresent
        argDictionary = $argDictionary
        boolFlags = $boolFlags

    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
            -CmdletParameters $configCmdletParams `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    #region trace
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    if (-not (Get-Command $global:cloudCtlFullPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_missing_cmd , $global:cloudCtlFullPath)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    $cloudFqdn = Get-CloudFqdn
    $cmdArgs = "--cloudFqdn $cloudFqdn $arguments"

    $argString = ConvertTo-ArgString -argDictionary $argDictionary -boolFlags $boolFlags

    if ($argString)
        $cmdArgs += " " + $argString

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.invoke_moc_command, $cmdArgs))
        $response = Invoke-CommandLine -Command $global:cloudCtlFullPath -Arguments $cmdArgs -ignoreError:$ignoreError -moduleName $global:MocModule
        $isCertificateExpired = $_.Exception -like "*Error: Certificate has expired: Expired*"
        if($isCertificateExpired) {
            Write-Host "Warning: The Certificate was expired. Renewing now."
            $response = Invoke-CommandLine -Command $global:cloudCtlFullPath -Arguments $cmdArgs -ignoreError:$ignoreError -moduleName $global:MocModule
            if ($_.Exception.Message)
                Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName  `
                    -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.invoke_moc_command_failed, $cmdArgs, $_.Exception.Message))
            throw $_
    if (!($arguments.Contains("identity create") -or $arguments.Contains("identity update") -or $arguments.Contains("identity rotate"))) {
        Write-Status $response -moduleName $global:MocModule

    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet    `
         -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName)   `
         -CmdletParameters $configCmdletParams  `
         -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime

    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    return $response

function Invoke-NodeCommand
        Executes a nodeagent command.
    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to node ctl.

    param (

    if (-not (Get-Command $global:nodeCtlFullPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_missing_cmd , $global:nodeCtlFullPath)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    $cmdArgs = "$arguments"
    Invoke-CommandLine -Command $global:nodeCtlFullPath -Arguments $cmdArgs -moduleName $global:MocModule

function Invoke-MocLogin
        Provisions the Script to have access to node ctl
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (
    Invoke-MocCommand $(" security login --loginpath ""$loginYaml"" --identity")


#region Exported Functions

function Install-Moc
        The main deployment method for MOC. This function is responsible for provisioning files,
        deploying the agents.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
#region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -ErrorMessage $_

        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) {
            throw $_ 

    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    $curState = Get-InstallState -module $moduleName
    switch ($curState) {
        ([InstallState]::Installed) {
            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_already_installed)
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_reinstall_uninstall)
            Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        ([InstallState]::Installing) {
            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_installing)
            Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        {$_ -eq ([InstallState]::InstallFailed) -or $_ -eq ([InstallState]::UninstallFailed)} {
            # Cleanup partial installs from previous attempts
            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_uninstall_current_state, $currentState))
            Uninstall-Moc -SkipConfigCleanup:$True -activity $activity -Confirm:$false
        ([InstallState]::NotInstalled) {
            # Fresh install
        Default {
            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_current_state, $currentState))
            throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_install_invalid_current_state, $currentState)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

        Install-MocInternal -activity $activity
    catch [Exception]
        $errorMessage = Write-ModuleEventException -message $MocLocMessage.moc_install_failed -exception $_ -moduleName $modulename
        Uninstall-Moc -SkipConfigCleanup:$True -activity $activity -Confirm:$false
        throw [CustomException]::new([System.Exception]::new($errorMessage, $_.Exception), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))
    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done)

function Reinstall-Moc
        Cleans up an existing MOC deployment and reinstalls everything. This isn't equivalent to
        executing 'Uninstall-Moc' followed by 'Install-Moc' as Reinstall-Moc will preserve existing
        configuration settings and any downloaded images.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, SupportsShouldProcess)] #, ConfirmImpact = 'High'
    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
#region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) {
            throw $_ 
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    $confirmValue = $true
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm'))
        $confirmValue = $PSBoundParameters['Confirm']

    Uninstall-Moc -SkipConfigCleanup:$True -activity $activity -Confirm:$confirmValue

    Install-MocInternal -activity $activity
    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done)

function Uninstall-Moc
        Removes a MOC deployment.
    .PARAMETER SkipConfigCleanup
        Skip removal of the configurations after uninstall.
        After Uninstall, you have to Set-MocConfig to install again.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
#region trace
    $StartCmdletTime = Get-Date
    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
            -BoundParameterKeys $PSBoundParameters.Keys `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -ErrorMessage $_

        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) {
            throw $_ 

    if(-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_operation_warning)), "Moc", "Uninstall-Moc is a destructive command, which will break and AKS or ARC VM scenarios" ))
        Write-Warning $($MocLocMessage.moc_uninstall_cancelled)
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

        Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        # traceconfig would contain valid, only after Initialize-MocEnvironment
        $traceConfig = $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName)
    catch [Exception]
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message "$activity - $_"

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Uninstalling)
        # Confirm-Remoting - We assume that the remoting check was already done and nothing has changed
        Reset-Host -removeAll -skipConfigDeletion:$SkipConfigCleanup.IsPresent
    catch [Exception]
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::NotInstalled)
    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $traceConfig -BoundParameterKeys $PSBoundParameters.Keys -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    if (!$SkipConfigCleanup.IsPresent)
        Reset-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done)

function Initialize-MocNode
        Run checks on every physical node to see if all requirements are satisfied to install.
        Run checks on every physical node to see if all requirements are satisfied to install.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_initializing_node)



    Confirm-Remoting -localhostOnly

    Test-ForWindowsFeatures -features $script:requiredServerFeatures -nodeName $env:computername

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done)

function Update-Moc
        Update MOC to specified version. If not use the latest version
    .PARAMETER version
        The Optional version to update to. If none specified, it would be
        updated to latest
    .PARAMETER skipHostAgentUpdate
        Update mochostagent only if this parameter is false
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER skipValidationCheck

    param (
        [bool]$skipHostAgentUpdate = $false,
        [Switch] $skipValidationCheck,
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
#region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date

    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) {
            throw $_ 
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    $updateMocCommand = "Update-Moc"
    $isMocUpdateRunning = Test-ConflictingCommandRunning `
                            -currentCommand $activity `
                            -cannotRunWithInstallState Updating `
                            -cannotRunWithCommand $updateMocCommand `
                            -moduleName $moduleName `

    if ($isMocUpdateRunning) {
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_update_in_progress, $moduleName)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    $currentVersion = Get-MocVersion
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_current_version, $currentVersion))

    # This code is needed as a temporary solution till May2022 release is obselete.
    # the deployment ID was not part of MocConfig till June2022 release. During upgrade of AksHci from any previous
    # versions the deployment ID is passed from the upgrade-akshci.
    # The only catch we have is if the update-Moc is called directly then we would not have the deployment ID
    # we would need to generate a new deployment ID if the set-mocconfig did not set the deployment ID
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($deploymentId))
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "deploymentId" -value $deploymentId
    else {
        # If the deploymentID passed is empty, We check the global moc config to see if the value already exists.
        # If it does not we genreate a new ID
        $deploymentId = Get-MocConfigValue -name "deploymentId"
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($deploymentId)) {
            $deploymentId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "deploymentId" -value $deploymentId

    if (-not $skipValidationCheck) {
        $precheckResults = Test-MOCUpdateReadiness

        $failedPrechecks = @()
        foreach($precheckResult in $precheckResults) {
            if ($precheckResult.Severity -eq "CRITICAL" -and $precheckResult.Status -ne "SUCCESS") {
                $failedPrechecks += $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_individual_upgrade_precheck_failed, $precheckResult.Title, $precheckResult.Description, $precheckResult.TargetResourceID, $precheckResult.Remediation))

        if ($failedPrechecks.count -ne 0) {
            $fullExceptionMessage = "`n{0}" -f $($failedPrechecks -join "`n")
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_full_upgrade_prechecks_failed, $fullExceptionMessage))
            throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_full_upgrade_prechecks_failed, $fullExceptionMessage)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    # If no version is specified, try to move to the latest
    if (!$version) {
        # If no version is specified, use the latest
        $release = Get-LatestRelease -moduleName $moduleName
        $version = $release.Version
        Get-LatestCatalog -moduleName $moduleName | Out-Null # This clears the cache
        Get-ProductRelease -Version $version -module $moduleName | Out-Null
    if ($version -eq $currentVersion) {
        Write-Warning $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_already_in_expected_version, $version))
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    $workingDir = $global:config[$moduleName]["workingDir"]

    try {
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Updating)

        $installationPackageDir = ([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $version))
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "installationPackageDir" -value $installationPackageDir
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $installationPackageDir | Out-Null
        Update-MocInternal -activity $activity -fromVersion $currentVersion -toVersion $version -skipHostAgentUpdate $skipHostAgentUpdate

        # Set the version, once successful
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "version" -value $version
    } catch {
        $errorMessage = Write-ModuleEventException -message "Update-Moc failed." -exception $_ -moduleName $modulename

        # Collect logs
            $tpath = Get-MocLogs
            $errorMessage += "`r`n Logs are available at $tpath"
            Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message "$activity - $_"

        Set-MocConfigValue -name "version" -value $currentVersion
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "installationPackageDir" -value $([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $currentVersion))
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::UpdateFailed)
        # Revert
        Update-MocInternal -activity $activity -fromVersion $version -toVersion $currentVersion -skipHostAgentUpdate $skipHostAgentUpdate
        throw [System.Exception]::new($errorMessage, $_.Exception)
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Installed)
#region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

function Update-MocInternal
        Upgrade MOC to selected version.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER fromVersion
        Updating from which version
    .PARAMETER toVersion
        Updating to which version
    .PARAMETER skipHostAgentUpdate
        Update mochostagent only if this parameter is false

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,
        [bool]$skipHostAgentUpdate = $false

        Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::UpdateFailed)
        throw $_

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Updating)

    if(([version]$toVersion -ge [version]$script:mocVersionAug) -and ([version]$fromVersion -lt [version]$script:mocVersionAug)) {
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "accessFileDirPath" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["workingDir"], $global:accessFileDir))
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "accessFilePath" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["accessFileDirPath"], $global:accessFileDirMoc, $global:accessFileName))

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_updating_to_version , $toVersion))

    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$modulename]["installationPackageDir"], $global:yamlDirectoryName)) | Out-Null

    Get-MocRelease -version $toVersion -activity $activity

    # 0. Update forlder permissions

    # 1. Stop the agents
    # 2. Upgrade Agents
    $isMultiNodeDeployment = Test-MultiNodeDeployment 
    if ($isMultiNodeDeployment)
        Get-ClusterGroup $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"].ToString()  -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
            Stop-ClusterGroup -InputObject $_ -IgnoreLocked -ErrorAction Ignore

        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock {
                $service = Get-Service wssdagent
                if ($service.Status -ieq "StartPending") {
                    Stop-Process -Name wssdagent -Force
                else {
                    Stop-Service wssdagent -Force
                # Stop mochostagent only if the service is present.
                # During launch, existing MOC deployment won't have mochostagent installed.
                $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='mochostagent'"
                if ($null -ne $service) {
                    Stop-Service mochostagent -Force
                # Stop IGVMAgent only if the service is present. Failure to stop the service
                # will prevent moccppwrapper.dll from being overwritten. So we dont want to siliently continue.
                $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='igvmagent'"
                if ($null -ne $service) {
                    Stop-Service igvmagent -Force 
            Update-MocNode -nodeName $_.Name -activity $activity
            # remove this function call when Sept release is not supported
            Update-CloudAgent -cloudAgentName $global:cloudAgentAppName -fromVersion $fromVersion -toVersion $toVersion
            Update-NodeAgent -nodeName $_.Name -activity $activity -fromVersion $fromVersion -toVersion $toVersion
            if (-not $global:config[$modulename]["skipHostAgentInstall"] -and -not $skipHostAgentUpdate) {
                Update-HostAgent -nodeName $_.Name -activity $activity -fromVersion $fromVersion -toVersion $toVersion
        Stop-Service wssdcloudagent -Force
        # Stop mochostagent only if the service is present.
        # During launch, existing MOC deployment won't have mochostagent installed.
        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='mochostagent'"
        if ($null -ne $service) {
            Stop-Service mochostagent -Force
        # Stop IGVMAgent only if the service is present. Failure to stop the service
        # will prevent moccppwrapper.dll from being overwritten. So we dont want to siliently continue.
        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='igvmagent'"
        if ($null -ne $service) {
            Stop-Service igvmagent -Force 
        Update-CloudAgent -cloudAgentName $global:cloudAgentAppName -fromVersion $fromVersion -toVersion $toVersion
        Update-NodeAgent -nodeName ($env:computername) -activity $activity -fromVersion $fromVersion -toVersion $toVersion
        if (-not $global:config[$modulename]["skipHostAgentInstall"] -and -not $skipHostAgentUpdate) {
            Update-HostAgent -nodeName ($env:computername) -activity $activity -fromVersion $fromVersion -toVersion $toVersion
        Update-MocNode -nodeName ($env:computername) -activity $activity
    # 3. Start Cloud agent
    if ($isMultiNodeDeployment)
        Get-ClusterGroup $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"].ToString()  -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { 
            Start-ClusterGroup -InputObject $_ -IgnoreLocked -ErrorAction Stop
        Start-Service wssdcloudagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue

    # We must wait for the generic service VIP to become usable
    Wait-ForCloudAgentEndpoint -activity $activity

    # 4. Start Node and Host agents
    if ($isMultiNodeDeployment)
        # if the new nodeToCloudLoginYAML directory does not exist, cx is updating from an older version to a newer version
        # we need to create the directory and add acl to it. If the directory already exist, cx is updating from a newer verison and acl already exists
        # we need to set-content for nodeIdentity in both case
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            $nodeCloudLoginFile = Get-NodeToCloudLoginYamlFilePath -nodeName $_.Name
            $mocNodeName = Get-MocNodeName -name $_.Name
            if (([version]$toVersion) -ge ([version]$script:mocVersionMar)) {
                # set tokenExpiryDays to 90 only if it is not set or < 90.
                # We are enforcing a 90day min expiry days in the code to avoid upgrade issues
                $tokenExpiryDays = Get-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpiryDays"
                    $tokenExpirySeconds = Get-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpirySeconds"
                    if (!$tokenExpirySeconds)
                        Set-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpirySeconds" -value $script:defaultTokenExpirySeconds
                if (!$tokenExpiryDays -or ($tokenExpiryDays -lt $script:defaultTokenExpiryDays) ) {
                    Set-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpiryDays" -value $script:defaultTokenExpiryDays
                    if ([version]$fromVersion -lt [version]$script:mocVersionFeb2023)
                        Update-MocIdentity -name $mocNodeName -validityDays $global:config[$moduleName]["tokenExpiryDays"] -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] | Out-Null
                        Update-MocIdentity -name $mocNodeName -validitySeconds $global:config[$moduleName]["tokenExpirySeconds"] `
                            -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] -loginFilePath $nodeCloudLoginFile -enableTokenAutoRotate | Out-Null
            if ([version]$toVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
                $hasCertificateReaderRole = Get-MocRoleAssignment -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateReader"
                if (-not $hasCertificateReaderRole) {
                    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateReader" | Out-Null
                $hasCertificateSignerRole = Get-MocRoleAssignment -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateSigner"
                if (-not $hasCertificateSignerRole) {
                    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateSigner" | Out-Null
            $nodeIdentity = Invoke-MocIdentityRotate -name $mocNodeName
            Set-Content -Path $nodeCloudLoginFile -Value $nodeIdentity -ErrorVariable err

            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock {
                Start-Service wssdagent -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
                Start-Service igvmagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
            if (-not $global:config[$modulename]["skipHostAgentInstall"] -and -not $skipHostAgentUpdate) {
                if ([version]$toVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
                    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock {
                        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='mochostagent'"
                        if ($null -ne $service) {
                            Start-Service mochostagent -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
        $nodeCloudLoginFile = $global:config[$modulename]["nodeToCloudLoginYAML"]
        $mocNodeName = Get-MocNodeName -name ($env:computername)

        if (([version]$toVersion) -ge ([version]$script:mocVersionMar)) {
            # set tokenExpiryDays to 90 only if it is not set or < 90.
            # We are enforcing a 90day min expiry days in the code to avoid upgrade issues
            $tokenExpiryDays = Get-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpiryDays"
            $tokenExpirySeconds = Get-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpirySeconds"
            if (!$tokenExpirySeconds)
                Set-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpirySeconds" -value $script:defaultTokenExpirySeconds
            if (!$tokenExpiryDays -or ($tokenExpiryDays -lt $script:defaultTokenExpiryDays)) {
                Set-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpiryDays" -value $script:defaultTokenExpiryDays
                if ([version]$fromVersion -lt [version]$script:mocVersionFeb2023)
                    Update-MocIdentity -name $mocNodeName -validityDays $global:config[$moduleName]["tokenExpiryDays"] -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] | Out-Null
                    Update-MocIdentity -name $mocNodeName -validitySeconds $global:config[$moduleName]["tokenExpirySeconds"] `
                    -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] -loginFilePath $nodeCloudLoginFile -enableTokenAutoRotate | Out-Null
        if ([version]$toVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
            $hasCertificateReaderRole = Get-MocRoleAssignment -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateReader"
            if (-not $hasCertificateReaderRole) {
                New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateReader" | Out-Null
            $hasCertificateSignerRole = Get-MocRoleAssignment -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateSigner"
            if (-not $hasCertificateSignerRole) {
                New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateSigner" | Out-Null
        $nodeIdentity = Invoke-MocIdentityRotate -name $mocNodeName
        Set-Content -Path $nodeCloudLoginFile -Value $nodeIdentity -ErrorVariable err

        Start-Service wssdagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
        Start-Service igvmagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
        if ([version]$toVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
            Start-Service mochostagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
    $mocLocation = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"]
    Wait-ForActiveNodes -location $mocLocation -activity $activity
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Installed)

function Stop-NodeAgentService 
        Stop Nodeagent service if stuck in pending too

    $service = Get-Service wssdagent
    if ($service.Status -ieq "Stopped") 
    elseif ($service.Status -ieq "StartPending") {
        Stop-Process -Name wssdagent -Force
    else {
        Stop-Service wssdagent -Force

function Repair-MocLogin
        Relogin to Admin using updated cloudlogin.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

#region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.comm_repairing_admin_login)
    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    $loginpath = $global:config[$modulename]["mocLoginYAML"]
    Invoke-MocCommand " security login --loginpath ""$loginpath"" --identity"

#region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime

    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

function Repair-Moc
        Repair cloudagent cert & nodeagent loginconfig.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
#region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_repairing_nodeagent)

    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_stopping_nodeagent)

    $isMultiNodeDeployment = Test-MultiNodeDeployment 

    # 1. Stop the agents
    $version = Get-MocVersion
    if ($isMultiNodeDeployment)
        # 1.a. Stop all node agents. This would let cloudagent update its healthy agents state
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock {
                $service = Get-Service wssdagent
                if ($service.Status -ieq "StartPending") {
                    Stop-Process -Name wssdagent -Force
                else {
                    Stop-Service wssdagent -Force
                # Stop IGVMAgent only if the service is present. Failure to stop the service
                # will prevent moccppwrapper.dll from being overwritten. So we dont want to siliently continue.
                $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='igvmagent'"
                if ($null -ne $service) {
                    Stop-Service igvmagent -Force 

        # 2. Stop the cloudagent. Cloud agent would be aware of the node agent states when it starts back
        Get-ClusterGroup $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"].ToString()  -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
            Stop-ClusterGroup -InputObject $_ -IgnoreLocked -ErrorAction Ignore

        Stop-Service wssdcloudagent -Force
        # Stop IGVMAgent only if the service is present. Failure to stop the service
        # will prevent moccppwrapper.dll from being overwritten. So we dont want to siliently continue.
        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='igvmagent'"
        if ($null -ne $service) {
            Stop-Service igvmagent -Force 

    # 2. Start back the cloud agent
    if ($isMultiNodeDeployment)
        Get-ClusterGroup $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"].ToString()  -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            Start-ClusterGroup -InputObject $_ -IgnoreLocked -ErrorAction Stop 
        Start-Service wssdcloudagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue

    Wait-ForCloudAgentEndpoint -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_rotating_login_token)

    # 3. Rotate Token
    # 4. Restart agents
    if ($isMultiNodeDeployment)
        $nodeCloudLoginFile = $global:config[$modulename]["nodeToCloudLoginYAML"]
        # if the nodeToCloudLogin yaml does not exist in the new directory (i.e workingdir/wssdagent), then cx is reparing from an older verion
        # and the node agent service parameter's nodeToCloudLoginYAML variable contains the old location. To ensure compability, we will:
        # 1) create and set acl for the new nodeToCloudLoginYAML directory and write the nodeIdentity there. 2) Write the new node identity to
        # the existing location as well. The paramete will get updated when customer run update-nodeAgent the next time
        # If the nodeToCloudLogin yaml exist in the new directory, then cx is reparing from the newer version and the node agent cloud service
        # parameter contains the new location. we will only overwrite the node identity to the new version.
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            $mocNodeName = Get-MocNodeName -name $_.Name
            $nodeIdentity = Invoke-MocIdentityRotate -name $mocNodeName
            $updatedNodeCloudLoginFile = Get-NodeToCloudLoginYamlFilePath -nodeName $_.Name
            if (!(Test-Path -path $updatedNodeCloudLoginFile -PathType leaf))
                New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path $updatedNodeCloudLoginFile | Out-Null
            Set-Content -Path $updatedNodeCloudLoginFile -Value $nodeIdentity -ErrorVariable err
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock {
                $nodeToCloudLoginFile = $args[0]
                $cloudagentlogin = $args[1]

                if (Test-Path -Path $nodeToCloudLoginFile -PathType leaf)
                    Set-Content -Path $nodeToCloudLoginFile -Value $cloudagentlogin -ErrorVariable err
                Start-Service wssdagent -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
                Start-Service igvmagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
            } -ArgumentList $nodeCloudLoginFile, $nodeIdentity
        $nodeCloudLoginFile = $global:config[$modulename]["nodeToCloudLoginYAML"]
        $mocNodeName = Get-MocNodeName -name ($env:computername)
        $nodeIdentity = Invoke-MocIdentityRotate -name $mocNodeName
        Set-Content -Path $nodeCloudLoginFile -Value $nodeIdentity -ErrorVariable err
        Start-Service wssdagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
        Start-Service igvmagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue
    $mocLocation = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"]
    Wait-ForActiveNodes -location $mocLocation -activity $activity
    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime

    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

function Repair-MocGuestAgent {
        Repair VM mocguestagent.
    .PARAMETER name
        name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--group" = $group }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " compute vm repair" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocVersion {
        Get the current MOC version
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    return $global:config[$modulename]["version"]

function Update-MocNode {
        Upgrade Moc binaries to latest on a node
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_upgrading_node, $nodeName))

    Install-MocBinaries -nodeName $nodeName

    # Cleanup nodeagent and mochostagent console logs
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $nodeLog = $args[0]
        $hostLog = $args[1]
        Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $nodeLog -Filter wssd*.log -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
            Remove-Item -Path $_ -ErrorAction Ignore -Force
        if ($null -ne $hostlog -and "" -ne $hostLog -and (Test-Path $hostLog)) {
            Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $hostLog -Filter mochost*.log -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
                Remove-Item -Path $_ -ErrorAction Ignore -Force
    } -ArgumentList $global:config[$modulename]["nodeConfigLocation"], $global:config[$modulename]["hostConfigLocation"]

    # Cleanup cloudagent console logs
    $cloudConfigPath = $global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"]
    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $cloudConfigPath -Filter wssd*.log -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
        Remove-Item -Path $_ -ErrorAction Ignore -Force

function Install-MocBinaries
        Copies Moc binaries to a node
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    $currentMocVersion = Get-MocVersion
    if ([version]$currentMocVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
        Install-Binaries -nodeName $nodeName -binariesMap $mocBinariesMap -module $moduleName
    } else {
        Install-Binaries -nodeName $nodeName -binariesMap $mocBinariesMapAug2023 -module $moduleName

function Uninstall-MocBinaries
        Copies Moc binaries to a node
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    $currentMocVersion = Get-MocVersion
    if ([version]$currentMocVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
        Uninstall-Binaries -nodeName $nodeName -binariesMap $mocBinariesMap -module $moduleName
    } else {
        Uninstall-Binaries -nodeName $nodeName -binariesMap $mocBinariesMapAug2023 -module $moduleName

function Get-MocConfig
        Loads and returns the current MOC configuration.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    #region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        throw $_
    Import-MocConfig -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_get_configuration)
    # Fixup the type for readability reasons
    # we need mocConfig variable, without that $global:config[$moduleName]["installState"] mutation is not happeing
    $mocConfig = $global:config[$moduleName]
    $mocConfig["installState"] = Get-InstallState -module $moduleName
    $mocConfig["deploymentType"] = Get-ConfigurationValue -module $moduleName -type ([Type][DeploymentType]) -name "deploymentType"
    $global:config[$moduleName] = $mocConfig

    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime
    return $mocConfig

function Import-MocConfig
        Loads a configuration from persisted storage. If no configuration is present
        then a default configuration can be optionally generated and persisted.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [string]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.comm_importing_configuration)

    if  (Test-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName)
        Import-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName
        throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_cannot_deploy, $moduleName)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.comm_importing_configuration_completed)

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.comm_validating_configuration)
    if (-not (Test-LocalFilePath -path $global:config[$moduleName]["nodeConfigLocation"]))
        throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_nodeConfigLocation_rerun)
    if (-not (Test-LocalFilePath -path $global:config[$moduleName]["hostConfigLocation"]))
        throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_hostConfigLocation_rerun)

function Set-MocDownloadConfig
        Configures download settings for the MOC module.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress.
    .PARAMETER useHttps
        Use HTTPS for downloads performed by the module.

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,
        [Bool] $useHttps

    try {
        Import-MocConfig -activity $activity
    } catch {}

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "useHTTPSForDownloads" -value $useHttps

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_new_configuration_for_module_saved, $moduleName))

function Set-MocOffsiteConfig
        Configures MOC when using offline download in offsite scenario.
        Any parameter which is not explictly provided by the user will be defaulted.

    param (
        [String] $workingDir = $global:defaultWorkingDir,

        [String] $catalog = $script:catalogName,

        [String] $ring = $script:ringName,

        [String] $stagingShare = $global:defaultStagingShare,

        [String] $version

    try {
        Import-MocConfig -activity $activity
    } catch {}
    $currentState = Get-ConfigurationValue -module $moduleName -type ([Type][InstallState]) -name "installState"
    if ($currentState -ne $null)
        switch ($currentState) {
            ([InstallState]::NotInstalled) {
                # Fresh install
            Default {
                Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_current_state, $currentState))
                throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_no_new_config_in_current_state, $moduleName, $currentState)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "catalog" -value $catalog
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "ring" -value $ring
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "workingDir" -value $workingDir
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "manifestCache" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $("$catalog.json")))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "stagingShare" -value $stagingShare
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "offlineDownload" -value $true

    if (-not $version)
        $version = Get-ConfigurationValue -Name "version" -module $moduleName
        if (-not $version)
            # If no version is specified, use the latest
            $version = Get-MocLatestVersion
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "version" -value $version
        Get-MocLatestVersion | out-null # This clears the cache
        Get-ProductRelease -Version $version -module $moduleName | Out-Null
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "version" -value $version

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_new_configuration_for_module_saved, $moduleName))

function Set-MocOfflineOffsiteTransferCompleted
        Set offsiteTransferCompleted flag which is used for offline download offsite scenario.

    param (
        [bool] $offsiteTransferCompleted

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "offsiteTransferCompleted" -value $offsiteTransferCompleted

function Set-MocConfig
        Configures MOC by persisting the specified parameters to the registry.
        Any parameter which is not explictly provided by the user will be defaulted.

    param (
        [string] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,
        [String] $workingDir = $global:defaultWorkingDir,
        # Optional. This can be configured or derived from $workingDir
        [String] $imageDir,
        [switch] $isolateImageDir,
        [String] $version,
        [String] $stagingShare = $global:defaultStagingShare,
        # Optional. This can be configured or derived from $workingDir
        [String] $cloudConfigLocation,
        [String] $nodeConfigLocation = $global:defaultNodeConfigLocation,
        [String] $hostConfigLocation = $global:defaultHostConfigLocation,
        [String] $cloudLocation = $global:defaultCloudLocation,
        [VirtualNetwork] $vnet,
        [SSHConfiguration] $ssh,
        [int] $nodeAgentPort = $global:defaultNodeAgentPort,
        [int] $nodeAgentAuthorizerPort = $global:defaultNodeAuthorizerPort,
        [int] $cloudAgentPort = $global:defaultCloudAgentPort,
        [int] $cloudAgentAuthorizerPort = $global:defaultCloudAuthorizerPort,
        [int] $hostAgentPort = $global:defaultHostAgentPort,
        [int64] $tokenExpiryDays = $script:defaultTokenExpiryDays,
        [int64] $tokenExpirySeconds = $script:defaultTokenExpirySeconds,
        [String] $clusterRoleName,
        [String] $cloudServiceIP = "",
        [String] $sshPublicKey,
        [Switch] $skipUpdates,
        [Switch] $skipHostLimitChecks,
        [Switch] $skipRemotingChecks,
        [Switch] $forceDnsReplication,
        [String] $macPoolStart,
        [String] $macPoolEnd,
        [switch] $useStagingShare,
        [String] $catalog = $script:catalogName,
        [String] $ring = $script:ringName,
        [bool] $createAutoConfigContainers = $global:defaultCreateAutoConfigContainers,
        [string] $isolateAutoConfiguredContainerLike = '',
        [ProxySettings] $proxySettings = $null,
        [String] $deploymentId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(),
        [float] $certificateValidityFactor = $global:certificateValidityFactor,
        [float] $caCertificateValidityFactor = $global:caCertificateValidityFactor,
        [Switch] $enablePreview,
        [float] $nodeCertificateValidityFactor = $global:nodeCertificateValidityFactor,
        [float] $hostCertificateValidityFactor = $global:defaultHostCertificateValidityFactor,
        [int] $cloudAgentTimeout = $global:cloudAgentTimeout,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NetworkController')]
        [Switch] $useNetWorkController,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NetworkController')]
        [string] $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NetworkController')]
        [string] $networkControllerClientCertificateName,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NetworkController')]
        [string] $networkControllerLbSubnetRef,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NetworkController')]
        [string] $networkControllerLnetRef,
        [VipPoolSettings] $vipPool,
        [Switch] $skipValidationCheck,
        [bool] $offlineDownload = $false,
        [bool] $offsiteTransferCompleted = $false,
        [switch] $skipHostAgentInstall,
        [switch] $useHTTPSForDownloads
#region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date

    $configCmdletParams = @{
        version= $version;
        catalog= $catalog;
        ring= $ring;
        moduleName= $moduleName;
        enablePreview= $enablePreview;

        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ErrorMessage $_ `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -CmdletParameters $configCmdletParams `
            -BoundParameterKeys $PSBoundParameters.Keys

        throw $_

    # First get the existing config and find out if we are in the middle of something.
    try {
        Import-MocConfig -activity $activity
    } catch {}

    $currentState = Get-InstallState -module $moduleName
    switch ($currentState) {
        ([InstallState]::NotInstalled) {
            # Fresh install
        Default {
            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_current_state, $currentState))
            throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_no_new_config_in_current_state, $moduleName, $currentState)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    # Normalizing directory path
    $workingDir = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $workingDir
    $imageDir = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $imageDir
    $stagingShare = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $stagingShare
    $cloudConfigLocation = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $cloudConfigLocation
    $nodeConfigLocation = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $nodeConfigLocation
    $hostConfigLocation = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $hostConfigLocation

    # testClusterRoleName will be used to test failover cluster networking. We are not using the same name for test as it can cause race condition.
    # We have seen issue where AD entry was not cleaned up properly on time even though failover cluster group was removed successfully.
    # We are not setting the testClusterRoleName if clusterRoleName is passed by user. This is because in this case DNS/AD entries will be
    # added manually prior to deploying MOC. We might not have permission to create using a different role name.
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($clusterRoleName)) {
        $clusterRoleName = $($global:cloudAgentAppName + "-" + [guid]::NewGuid())
        $testClusterRoleName = $("test-" + [guid]::NewGuid())
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "testClusterRoleName" -value $testClusterRoleName
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "useDefaultClusterRoleName" -value $true
    } else {
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "useDefaultClusterRoleName" -value $false

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($workingDir))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_empty, "workingDir"))

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($imageDir))
        $imageDir = [io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $global:imageDirectoryName)

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudConfigLocation))
        $cloudConfigLocation = [io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $global:cloudConfigDirectoryName)

    if ($skipValidationCheck.IsPresent) {
        # if we are good, Validate the input configuration
        Confirm-Configuration -workingDir $workingDir -skipHostLimitChecks:$skipHostLimitChecks.IsPresent `
            -imageDir $imageDir -cloudConfigLocation $cloudConfigLocation -skipRemotingChecks:$skipRemotingChecks.IsPresent `
            -useStagingShare:$useStagingShare.IsPresent -stagingShare $stagingShare `
            -vnet $vnet -cloudServiceCidr $cloudServiceIP `
            -useNetWorkController:$useNetWorkController.IsPresent `
            -networkControllerClientCertificateName $networkControllerClientCertificateName `
            -networkControllerLbSubnetRef $networkControllerLbSubnetRef `
            -networkControllerLnetRef $networkControllerLnetRef `
            -networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress `
            -clusterRoleName $clusterRoleName
    } else {
        if ($skipHostLimitChecks.IsPresent)
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "skipHostLimitChecks" -value $true
        if ($skipRemotingChecks.IsPresent)
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "skipRemotingChecks" -value $true
    Set-ProxyConfiguration -proxySettings $proxySettings -moduleName $moduleName

    # if we are good to proceed, create the requested configuration
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_creating_configuration, $moduleName))

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "workingDir" -value $workingDir
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "manifestCache" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $("$catalog.json")))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "imageDir" -value $imageDir
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "isolateImageDir" -value ($isolateImageDir.ToBool())
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudConfigLocation" -value $cloudConfigLocation
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "moduleVersion" -value $moduleVersion
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::NotInstalled)
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "stagingShare" -value $stagingShare
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeConfigLocation" -value $nodeConfigLocation
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "hostConfigLocation" -value $hostConfigLocation
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudLocation" -value $cloudLocation
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "catalog" -value $catalog
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "ring" -value $ring
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "createAutoConfigContainers" -value $createAutoConfigContainers
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "isolateAutoConfiguredContainerLike" -value $isolateAutoConfiguredContainerLike
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "deploymentId" -value $deploymentId
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "certificateValidityFactor" -value $certificateValidityFactor
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "caCertificateValidityFactor" -value $caCertificateValidityFactor
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeCertificateValidityFactor" -value $nodeCertificateValidityFactor
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "hostCertificateValidityFactor" -value $hostCertificateValidityFactor
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudAgentTimeout" -value $cloudAgentTimeout
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "offlineDownload" -value $offlineDownload
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "offsiteTransferCompleted" -value $offsiteTransferCompleted
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "useHTTPSForDownloads" -value $useHTTPSForDownloads.IsPresent

    if ($useNetworkController.IsPresent)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "useNetworkController" -value $true
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress" -value $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "networkControllerClientCertificateName" -value $networkControllerClientCertificateName 
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "networkControllerLbSubnetRef" -value $networkControllerLbSubnetRef 
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "networkControllerLnetRef" -value $networkControllerLnetRef
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "useNetworkController" -value $false

    if ($vnet) {
        Set-VNetConfiguration -module $moduleName -vnet $vnet

    if ($sshPublicKey)
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_depricated_parameter_please_use, "sshPublicKey", "ssh"))

    if ($ssh) {
        Set-SSHConfiguration -module $moduleName -sshConfig $ssh

    $sshPublicKey = Get-MocConfigValue -name "sshPublicKey"
        # There seems to be an issue with ssh_keygen. It doesnt create public key when using share.
        if ($workingDir.StartsWith("\\"))
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "sshPublicKey" -value ("$env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\")
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "sshPrivateKey" -value ("$env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\akshci_rsa")
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "sshPublicKey" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, ".ssh", ""))
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "sshPrivateKey" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, ".ssh", "akshci_rsa"))

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeAgentPort" -value $nodeAgentPort
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeAgentAuthorizerPort" -value $nodeAgentAuthorizerPort
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudAgentPort" -value $cloudAgentPort
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudAgentAuthorizerPort" -value $cloudAgentAuthorizerPort
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "hostAgentPort" -value $hostAgentPort
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "clusterRoleName" -value $clusterRoleName
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "skipUpdates" -value $skipUpdates.IsPresent
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "skipHostLimitChecks" -value $skipHostLimitChecks.IsPresent
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "forceDnsReplication" -value $forceDnsReplication.IsPresent
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "useStagingShare" -value $useStagingShare.IsPresent
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "macPoolStart" -value $macPoolStart
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "macPoolEnd" -value $macPoolEnd
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudServiceCidr" -value $cloudServiceIP
    # Test whether to use V1 or V2 failover cluster creation logic
    if (Test-UseUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationFlow)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "useUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationLogic" -value $true
    } else {
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "useUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationLogic" -value $false

    if ($vipPool -ne $null)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "defaultVipPoolName" -value $vipPool.Name
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "vipPoolStart" -value $vipPool.VipPoolStart
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "vipPoolEnd" -value $vipPool.VipPoolEnd

    if (-not $version)
        # If no version is specified, use the latest from the product catalog
        $release = Get-LatestRelease -moduleName $moduleName
        $version = $release.Version
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "version" -value $version
        Get-LatestCatalog -moduleName $moduleName | Out-Null # This clears the cache
        Get-ProductRelease -Version $version -module $moduleName | Out-Null
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "version" -value $version

    $commands = Get-ConfigurationValue -Name "commands" -module $moduleName
    if (-not $commands)
        # If no commands are found, initialize with current command
        $currentCommand = [Command]::new($activity, [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Id, $(hostname), $(get-date))
        $commands = @($currentCommand)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "commands" -value $commands

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installationPackageDir" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $version))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "mocCertLocation" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"], $global:cloudAgentCertName))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeCertLocation" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["nodeConfigLocation"], $global:nodeAgentCertName))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "mocLoginYAML" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"], $global:cloudloginYAMLName))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeLoginYAML" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["nodeConfigLocation"], $global:nodeloginYAMLName))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeToCloudLoginYAML" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["nodeConfigLocation"], $global:nodeToCloudloginYAMLName))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "hostToNodeLoginYAML" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["nodeConfigLocation"], $global:hostToNodeloginYAMLName))

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpiryDays" -value $tokenExpiryDays
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "tokenExpirySeconds" -value $tokenExpirySeconds

    # In the new approach, the nodeToCloudYAMLLogin file will be stored in the working directory so it's shared with all nodes in a multi-node
    # deployment scenario. For example, will be stored in C:\AksHci\wssdagent
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $global:nodeConfigDirectoryName))


    Set-MocConfigValue -name "accessFileDirPath" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["workingDir"], $global:accessFileDir))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "accessFilePath" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["accessFileDirPath"], $global:accessFileDirMoc, $global:accessFileName))
    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('ACCESSFILE_DIR_PATH', $global:config[$moduleName]["accessFileDirPath"])


    # Hostagent
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "skipHostAgentInstall" -value $skipHostAgentInstall.IsPresent

    # There is one use case, where configuration is set when it is lost and restored.
    # Setting the install state appropriately
    if ((Test-Path $global:cloudCtlFullPath))
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Installed)
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_existing_configuration_loaded)
            # Ingoring this explicitly as no existing deploying is found
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_new_configuration_saved)

    Save-ConfigurationDirectory -moduleName $moduleName -WorkingDir $workingDir
    Save-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName

    if (-not $skipValidationCheck.IsPresent) {
        Test-DownloadSdkConfiguration -proxySettings $proxySettings -https:$($global:config[$modulename]["useHTTPSForDownloads"])
        $testResults = Test-MocConfiguration -skip
        $overallResult = $true
        $resultDetails = ""
        $failedTest = ""
        foreach($result in $testResults) {
            if ($result.TestResult -eq "Failed") {
                $overallResult = $false
                if ($failedTest -ne "") {
                    $failedTest = $failedTest + ", " + $result.TestName
                    $resultDetails = $resultDetails + "`n" + $result.Details
                } else {
                    $failedTest = $result.TestName
                    $resultDetails = $result.Details

        if (-not $overallResult) {
            $testResults | ConvertTo-Html -Title $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_report_title | Out-File -FilePath moc_validation_report.html
            $reportFileName = "moc_validation_report.html"

            Reset-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName

            $errorMsg = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_validation_set_configuration_failure, $reportFileName)) `
            + "`n" + $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_validation_failed_tests, $failedTest)) `
            + "`n" + $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_validation_failed_tests_details, $resultDetails))

            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host $errorMsg -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host ''

            throw [CustomException]::new($errorMsg, ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))
        else {
            Write-Host ''
            Write-Host '======================================================'
            Write-Host $MocLocMessage.moc_validation_set_configuration_success -ForegroundColor Green 
            Write-Host '======================================================'
            Write-Host ''
    } else {
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_new_configuration_for_module_saved, $moduleName))
    Trace-Cmdlet `
        -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) `
        -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
        -CmdletParameters $configCmdletParams `
        -BoundParameterKeys $PSBoundParameters.Keys

    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

function Set-MocConfigValue {
       Persists a configuration value to the registry
   .PARAMETER name
       Name of the configuration value
   .PARAMETER value
       Value to be persisted

    param (
       [String] $name,
       [Object] $value
    if ($name -eq "installState" -and $value.GetType().Name -ne "InstallState")
        throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_install_state_config, $value)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name $name -value $value -module $moduleName

function Get-MocConfigValue {
       Persists a configuration value to the registry
   .PARAMETER name
       Name of the configuration value
   .PARAMETER value
       Value to be persisted

   param (
       [String] $name,
       [Object] $value

   return Get-ConfigurationValue -name $name -module $moduleName

function Get-MocHyperThreadingEnabled
       Check if HyperThreading is enabled on the current node comparing
       number of actual cores and the logical processors

    $hyperThreadingEnabled = $true 
    $moclocation = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"]
    $coresInfo = Invoke-MocCommand " cloud node list -o json --query ""[?properties.statuses.Info]"" --location $moclocation"
    if ($null -ne $coresInfo) 
        $cores = [UInt32]::Parse([regex]::Match($coresInfo, "cores:(\d+)").captures.groups[1].value)
        $logicalProcessors = [UInt32]::Parse([regex]::Match($coresInfo, "logicalprocessors:(\d+)").captures.groups[1].value)
        $hyperthreadingEnabled = ($cores -ne $logicalProcessors)
    return $hyperthreadingEnabled

function Get-CloudAgentServiceParameters
       Returns the service parameters for cloud agent service

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $dataStore = $global:ClusterRegistryStore
        $multiNodeParams =  "--clusterresourcename ""$global:FailoverResourceName"""
        $dataStore = $global:RegistryStore

    $cloudFqdn = Get-CloudFqdn
    $certificateValidityFactor = $global:config[$modulename]["certificateValidityFactor"]
    $caCertificateValidityFactor = $global:config[$modulename]["caCertificateValidityFactor"]
    $cloudConfigLocation = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudConfigLocation"]
    $useNetworkController = $global:config[$modulename]["useNetworkController"]
    $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress = $global:config[$modulename]["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"]
    $networkControllerLbSubnetRef = $global:config[$modulename]["networkControllerLbSubnetRef"]
    $networkControllerLnetRef = $global:config[$modulename]["networkControllerLnetRef"]
    $networkControllerClientCertificateName = $global:config[$modulename]["networkControllerClientCertificateName"]
    $ncParameters = " --usenetworkcontroller --networkcontrollerfqdnoripaddress ""$networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"" --networkcontrollerlbsubnetref ""$networkControllerLbSubnetRef"" --networkcontrollerlnetref ""$networkControllerLnetRef"" --networkcontrollerclientcertificatename ""$networkControllerClientCertificateName"""
    if ($global:config[$modulename]["deploymentId"])
        $deploymentId = "--deploymentid " + $global:config[$modulename]["deploymentId"]

    $cloudServiceParameters = "--service --basedir ""$cloudConfigLocation"" --cloudagentfqdn $cloudFqdn --dotfolderpath ""$cloudConfigLocation"" --objectdatastore ""$dataStore"" $multiNodeParams --certificatevalidityfactor $certificateValidityFactor --cacertificatevalidityfactor $caCertificateValidityFactor $deploymentId"

    if ($useNetworkController)
        $cloudServiceParameters = $cloudServiceParameters + $ncParameters 

    return $cloudServiceParameters

function Install-CloudAgentOnNode
        Provision a Cloud Agent for multinode setup
            1. Download Cloud Agent Binary
            2. Configure Service
        This function will not start the cloud agent service.
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER startupType
        Startup type to create cloud agent service.

   param (

    $cloudServiceParameters = Get-CloudAgentServiceParameters

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_installing_cloudagent_service_on, $nodeName))
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $cloudAgentFullPath = $args[0]
        $cloudServiceParameters = $args[1]
        $startupType = $args[2]
        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='wssdcloudagent'"
        if ($null -ne $service) {
            $service.delete() | Out-Null
        Remove-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\wssdcloudagent\' -force -ErrorAction Ignore
        New-Service -Name "wssdcloudagent" -BinaryPath """$cloudAgentFullPath"" $cloudServiceParameters" -StartupType $startupType -DisplayName "WSSD Cloud Agent Service" | Out-Null
    } -ArgumentList $global:cloudAgentFullPath, $cloudServiceParameters, $startupType

function Uninstall-CloudAgentService {
        Removes Cloud Agent Service
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

   param (

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $cloudConfigLocation = $args[0]
        $registryLocation = $args[1]
        $GenericLocMessage = $args[2]
        $removeConfig = $args[3]
            Get-Service wssdcloudagent -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
                $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='wssdcloudagent'"
                if ($null -ne $service) {
                    Stop-Service wssdcloudagent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
                    $service.delete() | Out-Null

            # Flush dns on all nodes to avoid issues with stale entries when re-installing cloudagent.
            # The server flushes dns during installation, so not needed for single node.
        catch [Exception]
            # Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"

        write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove_cloudagent_directory, $(hostname)))
        if ($cloudConfigLocation -and $removeConfig)
            Remove-Item -Path $cloudConfigLocation -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
        write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove_cloudagent_registry, $(hostname)))
        Remove-Item -Path $registryLocation -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
    } -ArgumentList @($global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"], $global:cloudAgentRegistryPath, $GenericLocMessage, $removeConfig)

function Test-MocSdnEnabled
       Check if SDN integration is enabled

    $sdnConfig = $global:config[$modulename]["useNetworkController"]
    return ($sdnConfig -eq $true)

function Invoke-MocRotateCACertificate
        The main deployment method for MOC. This function is responsible for provisioning files,
        deploying the agents.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [int]$timeout=3600, #seconds in a hour
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    trap {
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_

    if(-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_operation_warning)), "Moc", "Invoke-MocRotateCACertificate" ))
        Write-Warning $($MocLocMessage.moc_invoke_rotate_certification_cancelled)

    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.moc_rotate_ca_certificate)
    $currentDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
    try {
        Update-MocCertificate -name $global:cloudAgentCACertName
        # Sleeping for the server certificate to be generated
        sleep 5
        Wait-ForCACertificateUpdate -sleepDuration $sleepDuration -timeout $timeout -currentDate $currentDate
        Wait-ForServerCertificateUpdate -sleepDuration $sleepDuration -timeout $timeout -currentDate $currentDate
        throw $_
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.moc_rotate_ca_certificate_complete)

#region Installation and Provisioning functions

function Install-MocInternal
        The main deployment method for MOC. This function is responsible for provisioning files,
        deploying the agents.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::InstallFailed)
        throw $_ 

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Installing)

    Reset-Host -removeAll -skipImageDeletion -skipConfigDeletion -activity $activity

    # Calling Initialize again, since Reset-Host cleans up everything

    Get-MocRelease -version $(Get-MocVersion) -activity $activity

    Initialize-Cloud -activity $activity


    Set-MocConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Installed)

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_installation_complete)

function Initialize-MocEnvironment
        Executes steps to prepare the environment for day 0 operations.
    .PARAMETER createConfigIfNotPresent
        Whether the call should create a new deployment configuration if one is not already present.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.comm_discovering_configuration)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.comm_applying_configuration)
    Initialize-Environment -checkForUpdates:$false  -moduleName $script:moduleName -activity $activity

    # Make sure that ACCESSFILE_DIR_PATH is setup. ACCESSFILE_DIR_PATH is constructed from accessFileDirPath
    # So, we need to be sure that accessFileDirPath is available before setting the env var.
    if([version]$global:config[$moduleName]["version"] -ge [version]$script:mocVersionAug) {

        if($null -eq $global:config[$moduleName]["accessFileDirPath"]){
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "accessFileDirPath" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["workingDir"], $global:accessFileDir))
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "accessFilePath" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["accessFileDirPath"], $global:accessFileDirMoc, $global:accessFileName))

        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('ACCESSFILE_DIR_PATH', $global:config[$moduleName]["accessFileDirPath"])


function Uninitialize-MocEnvironment
        Executes steps to teardown the environment for Moc operations.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (

    Uninitialize-Environment -moduleName $script:moduleName -activity $activity

function Initialize-Cloud
        Provision an onPremise cloud
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_cloud)

    # 1. Provision Moc Agents
    Install-MocAgents -activity $activity

    # 2. Wait for cloud nodes to be active
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_cloud_resources)
    $mocLocation = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"]

    Wait-ForActiveNodes -location $mocLocation -activity $activity
    # 3. Provision Cloud MacPool
    $mocLocation = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"]
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($global:config[$modulename]["macPoolStart"]))
        New-MocMacPool -name $global:cloudMacPool `
            -location $($mocLocation) `
            -macPoolStart $global:config[$modulename]["macPoolStart"] `
            -macPoolEnd $global:config[$modulename]["macPoolEnd"] | Out-Null
    # 4. Provision Global Vipool
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($global:config[$modulename]["defaultVipPoolName"]))
        New-MocVipPool -name $global:config[$modulename]["defaultVipPoolName"] `
            -vipPoolStart $global:config[$modulename]["vipPoolStart"] `
            -vipPoolEnd $global:config[$modulename]["vipPoolEnd"] `
            -location $mocLocation

    # 5. Add cloud resources
    $isolateImageDir = $global:config[$modulename]["isolateImageDir"] -eq $true
    New-MocContainer -name $global:cloudStorageContainer -location $mocLocation -path $global:config[$modulename]["imageDir"] -isolated:$isolateImageDir | Out-Null

    # 6. Add storge container for each CSV for multinode failover cluster setup
    $createAutoConfigContainers = $global:config[$modulename]["createAutoConfigContainers"]
    $isolateAutoConfiguredContainerLike = $global:config[$modulename]["isolateAutoConfiguredContainerLike"]
    if ($createAutoConfigContainers -And (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)) {
        $table = Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Select-Object SharedVolumeInfo, State
        $i = 1
        foreach ($row in $table) {
            if ($row.State -ne "Online") {continue}
            $scname = "auto-config-container-"
            $scname = $scname + $i
            $CSVPath = $row.SharedVolumeInfo.FriendlyVolumeName
            if (!$CSVPath)
                # if volume is not online, we can skip it
            $CSVPath = Join-Path $CSVPath $scname
            if (!(Test-Path($CSVPath))) {
                New-Item -path $CSVPath -ItemType Directory
            New-MocContainer -name $scname -location $mocLocation -path $CSVPath -isolated:$($CSVPath -like $isolateAutoConfiguredContainerLike)
            $i = $i + 1

function Install-MocAgents
        Provision an onPremise cloud
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

   param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_agents)

    # 1. Provision Nodes
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { 
            $nodeName = ${_}.Name
            Initialize-Node -nodeName $nodeName
        Initialize-Node -nodeName ($env:computername)

    # 2. Provision Cloud Agent
    Install-CloudAgent -cloudAgentName $global:cloudAgentAppName -activity $activity
    New-MocLocation -name $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"]  | Out-Null

    $nodeLoginYaml = $(Get-MocConfigValue -name "nodeLoginYAML")
    # 4. Provision Nodes
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            $nodeName = ${_}.Name
            Install-NodeAgent -nodeName $nodeName -activity $activity
            Invoke-NodeLogin -nodeName $nodeName -loginYaml $nodeLoginYaml
            if (-not $global:config[$modulename]["skipHostAgentInstall"]) {
                Install-HostAgent -nodeName $nodeName -activity $activity
        Install-NodeAgent -nodeName ($env:computername) -activity $activity
        Invoke-NodeCommand "security login --loginpath ""$nodeLoginYaml"" --identity"
        if (-not $global:config[$modulename]["skipHostAgentInstall"]) {
            Install-HostAgent -nodeName ($env:computername) -activity $activity

function Install-CloudAgent
        Provision a Cloud Agent
        1. Download Cloud Agent Binary
        2. Configure Service
        3. Start the Service
    .PARAMETER cloudAgentName
        Cloud agent name
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    # Install the service as Cluster Gen Service
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_cloudagent, $cloudAgentName))

    $cloudConfigPath = $global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"]
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $cloudConfigPath | Out-Null
    Set-SecurePermissionFolder -Path $cloudConfigPath

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $nodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop
        $nodes.Name | ForEach-Object {
            Install-CloudAgentOnNode -nodeName $_ -startupType "Manual"

        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_adding_wssdcloudagent_cluster_generic_service_role, $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"]))
        $cloudServiceParameters = Get-CloudAgentServiceParameters
        Add-FailoverClusterGenericRole -serviceDisplayName "$global:FailoverResourceName" -serviceName wssdcloudagent -staticIpCidr $global:config[$modulename]["cloudServiceCidr"] -clusterGroupName $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"] -serviceParameters $cloudServiceParameters
        Install-CloudAgentOnNode -nodeName ($env:computername) -startupType "Automatic"

        # Allow the service to restart twice on failure. Reset the failure counter every hour.
        $result = sc.exe failure "wssdcloudagent" actions= "restart/$script:svcFailureRestartMs/restart/$script:svcFailureRestartMs//0" reset= $script:svcFailureResetSecond
        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            throw "Error " + $LASTEXITCODE + ". " + $result

        Start-Service "wssdcloudagent" -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

    # We must wait for the generic service VIP to become usable (i.e. wait for DNS to propogate) otherwise calls to moc will fail and the script will exit prematurely.
    Wait-ForCloudAgentEndpoint -activity $activity

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        if ($null -eq $env:ACCESSFILE_DIR_PATH)
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($MocLocMessage.moc_replicating_cloudconfig)
            # TODO: Switch to using individual tokens
            Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
                $nodeName = $nodeName = ${_}.Name
                if ($nodeName -ine $env:computername)
                    Copy-FileToRemoteNode -remoteNode $nodeName -source $global:accessFileLocation -destination $global:accessFileLocation

function Initialize-Node
        Provision a Node Agent
        1. Download Node Agent Binary to the Node
        2. Register as Windows service
        3. Configure Service
        4. Start the Service
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_node, $nodeName))

    Install-MocBinaries -nodeName $nodeName

    Initialize-HostOs -NodeName $nodeName

function Install-NodeAgent
        Provision a Node Agent
        1. Download Node Agent Binary to the Node
        2. Register as Windows service
        3. Configure Service
        4. Start the Service
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_nodeagent, $nodeName))
    $cloudFqdn = Get-CloudFqdn
    $currentMocVersion = Get-MocVersion

    # If multi-node deployment, we will write the nodeToCloudLogin file to the new shared working directory
    # If single-node deployment, we will write the nodeToCloudLogin file to the legacy location
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath = Get-NodeToCloudLoginYamlFilePath -nodeName $nodeName
        $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath = $global:config[$modulename]["nodeToCloudLoginYAML"]
    New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath | Out-Null

    $mocNodeName = Get-MocNodeName -name $nodeName
    # Before Moc Feb 2023 release, MocCli security identity create only have --validity-days flag. After the Feb release, we have introduced the --validity-seconds option
    # to ensure backwards compability, depending on the Moc version the cx is running, we will have an argsDict that only contain --validity-days for
    # releases before Feb 2023 and will have a argsDict that contain both --validity-days and --validity-seconds. From MocCli, if --validity-seconds is provided
    # then we will only use --validity-seconds and discard --validity-days. --validity-days is only used shen --validity-seconds is not provided.
    # the long term solution will be to use expose --validity-days from the powershell perspespective and will expose --validity-seconds from the moccli perspective
    # we will do the conversion
    if ([version]$currentMocVersion -lt [version]$script:mocVersionFeb2023)
        $nodeIdentity = New-MocIdentity -name $mocNodeName -validityDays $global:config[$moduleName]["tokenExpiryDays"] -fqdn $cloudFqdn -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] -port $global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentPort"] -authport $global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentAuthorizerPort"]
        $nodeIdentity = New-MocIdentity -name $mocNodeName -validitySeconds $global:config[$moduleName]["tokenExpirySeconds"] -fqdn $cloudFqdn -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] -port $global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentPort"] -authport $global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentAuthorizerPort"] -loginFilePath $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath -enableTokenAutoRotate
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "NodeContributor" -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] | Out-Null
    if ([version]$currentMocVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
        New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateReader" | Out-Null
        New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $mocNodeName -roleName "CertificateSigner" | Out-Null

    Set-Content -Path $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath -Value $nodeIdentity -ErrorVariable err

    $providerSpecArgs = $global:VMMSSpec
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
        $nodeFqdn = $nodeName + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain
        $providerSpecArgs = $global:failoverClusterSpec
        # Pick the host domain
        $nodeFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:computerName)).HostName

    $nodeCertificateValidityFactor = ""
    if ($global:config[$modulename]["nodeCertificateValidityFactor"])
        $nodeCertificateValidityFactor = "--certificatevalidityfactor " + $global:config[$modulename]["nodeCertificateValidityFactor"]

    $deploymentId = "--deploymentid " + $global:config[$modulename]["deploymentId"]

    return Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $nodeAgentFullPath = $args[0]
        $nodeConfigLocation = $args[1]
        $dotFolderPath = $args[2]
        $nodeagentfqdn = $args[3]
        $svcFailureRestartMs = $args[4]
        $svcFailureResetSecond = $args[5]
        $svcNodeAgentDependency = $args[6]
        $nodeToCloudLoginFile = $args[7]
        $hostToNodeLoginFile = $args[8]
        $nodeAgentRegistryPath = $args[9]
        $providerSpec = $args[10]
        $nodeName = $args[11]
        $nodeCertificateValidityFactor = $args[12]
        $deploymentId = $args[13]
        $MocLocMessage = $args[14]
        $mocNodeName = $args[15]

        # For new releases, all the HCI environment will be WDAC enabled and we can only run code that is locally stored on the computer. The HCI OS team will copy all the modules to
        # each node and we will Import the corresponding modules to run.
        # For old release, WDAC will not be enabled on HCI machines and we will run in the old fashion.
        if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode -eq "ConstrainedLanguage")
            if ($null -eq (Get-Module "MOC" -ListAvailable))
                throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_module_missing_on_wdac_machine))
            Invoke-RemoteInstallNodeAgent -nodeAgentFullPath $nodeAgentFullPath -nodeConfigLocation $nodeConfigLocation -debug $debug -dotFolderPath $dotFolderPath `
                                    -nodeagentfqdn $nodeagentfqdn -svcFailureRestartMs $svcFailureRestartMs -svcFailureResetSecond $svcFailureResetSecond -svcNodeAgentDependency $svcNodeAgentDependency `
                                    -nodeToCloudLoginFile $nodeToCloudLoginFile -hostToNodeLoginFile $hostToNodeLoginFile -nodeAgentRegistryPath $nodeAgentRegistryPath `
                                    -providerSpec $providerSpec -nodeName $nodeName -nodeCertificateValidityFactor $nodeCertificateValidityFactor -deploymentId $deploymentId
        }else {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $nodeConfigLocation | Out-Null

            # Create nodeagent login token file for mochostagent
            New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path $hostToNodeLoginFile | Out-Null

            $acl = Get-Acl $nodeConfigLocation
            $adminGroup = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::BuiltinAdministratorsSid, $null)
            $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($adminGroup, "FullControl", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
            $acl | Set-Acl $nodeConfigLocation

            $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='wssdagent'"
            if ($null -ne $service) {
                $service.delete() | Out-Null
            Remove-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\wssdagent\' -force -ErrorAction Ignore
            $nodeServiceParams = "--service --basedir ""$nodeConfigLocation"" --cloudloginfile ""${nodeToCloudLoginFile}"" --dotfolderpath ""$dotFolderPath"" --nodeagentfqdn $nodeagentfqdn --nodename $mocNodeName --objectdatastore ""registry"" --wssdproviderspec ""$providerSpec"" $nodeCertificateValidityFactor $deploymentId"
            New-Service -Name "wssdagent" -BinaryPath """$nodeAgentFullPath"" $nodeServiceParams " -StartupType "Automatic" -DisplayName "MOC NodeAgent Service" | Out-Null
            # Allow the service to restart twice on failure. Reset the failure counter every hour.
            $result = sc.exe failure "wssdagent" actions= "restart/$svcFailureRestartMs/restart/$svcFailureRestartMs//0" reset= $svcFailureResetSecond
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
                throw "Error " + $LASTEXITCODE + ". " + $result

            # Make the service dependant on WMI
            $result = sc.exe config "wssdagent" depend= $svcNodeAgentDependency
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
                throw "Error " + $LASTEXITCODE + ". " + $result

            Start-Service wssdagent -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
            Start-Service igvmagent -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
            # Set Registry Permissions
            $acl = Get-Acl $nodeAgentRegistryPath
            $adminGroup = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::BuiltinAdministratorsSid, $null)
            $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($adminGroup,"FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
            $acl | Set-Acl $nodeAgentRegistryPath
    } -ArgumentList $global:nodeAgentFullPath, $global:config[$modulename]["nodeConfigLocation"], $global:config[$modulename]["nodeConfigLocation"], $nodeFqdn, $script:svcFailureRestartMs, $script:svcFailureResetSecond, $script:svcNodeAgentDependency, $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath, $global:config[$modulename]["hostToNodeLoginYAML"], $global:nodeAgentRegistryPath, $providerSpecArgs, $nodeName, $nodeCertificateValidityFactor, $deploymentId, $MocLocMessage, $mocNodeName

function Install-HostAgent
        Provision a Host Agent
        1. Download Host Agent Binary to the Node
        2. Register as Windows service (localservice account)
        3. Configure Service
        4. Start the Service
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [bool]$autoStart = $true,
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    $currentMocVersion = Get-MocVersion
    if ([version]$currentMocVersion -le [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_hostagent, $nodeName))

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock ${function:Register-Application} -ArgumentList "00000001-facb-11e6-bd58-64006a7986d3", "HV Socket Agent Communication"

    return Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $nodeConfigLocation = $args[0]
        $hostAgentFullPath = $args[1]
        $hostConfigLocation = $args[2]
        $dotFolderPath = $args[3]
        $svcFailureRestartMs = $args[4]
        $svcFailureResetSecond = $args[5]
        $hostToNodeLoginFile = $args[6]
        $autoStartService = $args[7]

        # For new releases, all the HCI environment will be WDAC enabled and we can only run code that is locally stored on the computer. The HCI OS team will copy all the modules to
        # each node and we will Import the corresponding modules to run.
        # For old release, WDAC will not be enabled on HCI machines and we will run in the old fashion.
        if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode -eq "ConstrainedLanguage")
            if ($null -eq (Get-Module "MOC" -ListAvailable))
                throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_module_missing_on_wdac_machine))
            Invoke-RemoteInstallHostAgent -nodeConfigLocation $nodeConfigLocation -hostAgentFullPath $hostAgentFullPath -hostConfigLocation $hostConfigLocation -dotFolderPath $dotFolderPath `
                                    -svcFailureRestartMs $svcFailureRestartMs -svcFailureResetSecond $svcFailureResetSecond -hostToNodeLoginFile $hostToNodeLoginFile
        } else {

            if (!(Test-Path $hostToNodeLoginFile)) {
                # Create nodeagent login token file for mochostagent
                New-Item -ItemType File -Force -Path $hostToNodeLoginFile | Out-Null
            # Give read permission for nodeConfigLocation path to mochostagent service if it does not exist
            $acl = Get-Acl $nodeConfigLocation
            $permissionExists = $acl.Access | Where-Object { $_.IdentityReference.Value -eq "NT SERVICE\mochostagent" }
            if (!$permissionExists) {
                $serviceSID = (sc.exe showsid "mochostagent" | Select-String 'SERVICE SID') -split '\s+' | Select-Object -Last 1
                $mochostagentSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($serviceSID)
                $accessRuleMocHostAgent = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($mochostagentSID, "Read", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "InheritOnly", "Allow")
                $acl | Set-Acl $nodeConfigLocation

            # Create hostConfigLocation directory and set relevant permissions
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $hostConfigLocation | Out-Null
            $acl = Get-Acl $hostConfigLocation
            $adminGroup = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::BuiltinAdministratorsSid, $null)
            $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($adminGroup, "FullControl", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
            $serviceSID = (sc.exe showsid "mochostagent" | Select-String 'SERVICE SID') -split '\s+' | Select-Object -Last 1
            $mochostagentSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($serviceSID)
            $accessRuleMocHostAgent = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($mochostagentSID, "FullControl", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
            $acl | Set-Acl $hostConfigLocation

            $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='mochostagent'"
            if ($null -ne $service) {
                $service.delete() | Out-Null
            Remove-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\mochostagent\' -force -ErrorAction Ignore
            $hostServiceParams = "--service --basedir $hostConfigLocation --nodeloginfile $hostToNodeLoginFile --dotfolderpath $dotFolderPath"
            $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("NT Authority\Localservice", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
            New-Service -Name "mochostagent" -BinaryPath """$hostAgentFullPath"" $hostServiceParams " -StartupType "Automatic" -DisplayName "MOC HostAgent Service" -Credential $creds | Out-Null
            sc.exe sidtype "mochostagent" unrestricted | Out-Null

            # Allow the service to restart twice on failure. Reset the failure counter every hour.
            $result = sc.exe failure "mochostagent" actions= "restart/$svcFailureRestartMs/restart/$svcFailureRestartMs//0" reset= $svcFailureResetSecond
            if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
                throw "Error " + $LASTEXITCODE + ". " + $result

            if ($autoStartService)
                Start-Service mochostagent -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
    } -ArgumentList $global:config[$modulename]["nodeConfigLocation"], $global:hostAgentFullPath, $global:config[$modulename]["hostConfigLocation"], $global:config[$modulename]["hostConfigLocation"], $script:svcFailureRestartMs, $script:svcFailureResetSecond, $global:config[$modulename]["hostToNodeLoginYAML"], $autoStart

function Register-Application
        Registering the application with the Hyper-V Host's registry to use Hyper-V sockets
    .PARAMETER serviceId
        GUID to use for registering the application.
    .PARAMETER friendlyName
        Name to use for registering the application.

    param (

    $service = New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\GuestCommunicationServices" -Name $serviceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($null -ne $service)
        New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\GuestCommunicationServices\$serviceId" -Name "ElementName" -Value $friendlyName

function Update-HostAgent
        Method to apply workaround to mochostagent during upgrade
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER toVersion
        Moc version to upgrade
    .PARAMETER fromVersion
        Moc version from which upgrade is happening

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,

    if ([version]$toVersion -le [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {

    # Check whether the mochostagent service is present on the node
    $service = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $nodeName -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter "Name='mochostagent'"

    if ($null -eq $service) {
        # Get the current MocConfig
        $mocConfig = Get-MocConfig

        # Set required MocConfig values if not present, in case where customer is upgrading from existing MOC deployment that doesn't include mochostagent.
        $hostConfigLocation = $global:defaultHostConfigLocation
        $hostConfigLocation = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $hostConfigLocation
        if (-not $mocConfig["hostConfigLocation"])
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "hostConfigLocation" -value $hostConfigLocation
        $nodeConfigLocation = $global:defaultNodeConfigLocation
        $nodeConfigLocation = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $nodeConfigLocation
        if (-not $mocConfig["nodeConfigLocation"])
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeConfigLocation" -value $nodeConfigLocation

        if (!$global:config[$modulename]["hostToNodeLoginYAML"]) {
            $global:config[$modulename]["hostToNodeLoginYAML"] = [io.Path]::Combine($nodeConfigLocation, $global:hostToNodeloginYAMLName)
        if (-not $mocConfig["hostToNodeLoginYAML"])
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "hostToNodeLoginYAML" -value $global:config[$modulename]["hostToNodeLoginYAML"]

        if (-not $mocConfig["hostCertificateValidityFactor"])
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "hostCertificateValidityFactor" -value $global:defaultHostCertificateValidityFactor
        if (-not $mocConfig["hostAgentPort"])
            Set-MocConfigValue -name "hostAgentPort" -value $global:defaultHostAgentPort

        # Call Install-HostAgent if the mochostagent service is not present.
        # This can happen when customer is upgrading from existing MOC deployment that doesn't include mochostagent.
        Install-HostAgent -nodeName $nodeName -autoStart $false -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_hostagent, $nodeName))

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName "Migrating MocHostAgent on [$nodeName]"

    $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $hostAgentFullPath = $args[0]
        $hostConfigLocation = $args[1]
        $dotFolderPath = $args[2]
        $svcFailureRestartMs = $args[3]
        $svcFailureResetSecond = $args[4]
        $hostToNodeLoginFile = $args[5]

        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='mochostagent'"
        if ($null -ne $service) {
            $service.delete() | Out-Null
        Remove-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\mochostagent\' -force -ErrorAction Ignore
        $hostServiceParams = "--service --basedir $hostConfigLocation --nodeloginfile $hostToNodeLoginFile --dotfolderpath $dotFolderPath"
        $creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("NT Authority\Localservice", (new-object System.Security.SecureString))
        New-Service -Name "mochostagent" -BinaryPath """$hostAgentFullPath"" $hostServiceParams " -StartupType "Automatic" -DisplayName "MOC HostAgent Service" -Credential $creds | Out-Null
        sc.exe sidtype "mochostagent" unrestricted | Out-Null

        # Allow the service to restart twice on failure. Reset the failure counter every hour.
        $result = sc.exe failure "mochostagent" actions= "restart/$svcFailureRestartMs/restart/$svcFailureRestartMs//0" reset= $svcFailureResetSecond
        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            throw "Error " + $LASTEXITCODE + ". " + $result
    } -ArgumentList $global:hostAgentFullPath, $global:config[$modulename]["hostConfigLocation"], $global:config[$modulename]["hostConfigLocation"], $script:svcFailureRestartMs, $script:svcFailureResetSecond, $global:config[$modulename]["hostToNodeLoginYAML"]

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName "Migration completed on [$nodeName] with result [$result]"

function Update-NodeAgent
        Method to apply workaround to nodeagent during upgrade
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER toVersion
        Moc version to upgrade
    .PARAMETER fromVersion
        Moc version from which upgrade is happening

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_nodeagent, $nodeName))
    $providerSpecArgs = $global:VMMSSpec

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
        $nodeFqdn = $nodeName + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain
        $providerSpecArgs = $global:failoverClusterSpec
        $nodeFqdn = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:computerName)).HostName

    # If Multi-node deployment the nodeToCloudLogin file will be stored in the share working directory
    # If single-node deployment the nodeToCloudLogin file will be stored in the legacy location
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath = Get-NodeToCloudLoginYamlFilePath -nodeName $nodeName
        $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath = $global:config[$modulename]["nodeToCloudLoginYAML"]
    $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $nodeAgentFullPath = $args[0]
        $nodeConfigLocation = $args[1]
        $dotFolderPath = $args[2]
        $nodeagentfqdn = $args[3]
        $svcFailureRestartMs = $args[4]
        $svcFailureResetSecond = $args[5]
        $svcNodeAgentDependency = $args[6]
        $nodeToCloudLoginFile = $args[7]
        $nodeAgentRegistryPath = $args[8]
        $providerSpec = $args[9]
        $deploymentId = $args[10]

        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='wssdagent'"
        if ($null -ne $service) {
            $service.delete() | Out-Null
        Remove-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\wssdagent\' -force -ErrorAction Ignore
        $nodeServiceParams = "--service --basedir ""$nodeConfigLocation"" --cloudloginfile ""${nodeToCloudLoginFile}"" --dotfolderpath ""$dotFolderPath"" --nodeagentfqdn $nodeagentfqdn --objectdatastore ""registry"" --wssdproviderspec ""$providerSpec"" --deploymentid ""$deploymentId"""
        New-Service -Name "wssdagent" -BinaryPath """$nodeAgentFullPath"" $nodeServiceParams " -StartupType "Automatic" -DisplayName "MOC NodeAgent Service" | Out-Null

        # Allow the service to restart twice on failure. Reset the failure counter every hour.
        $result = sc.exe failure "wssdagent" actions= "restart/$svcFailureRestartMs/restart/$svcFailureRestartMs//0" reset= $svcFailureResetSecond
        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            throw "Error " + $LASTEXITCODE + ". " + $result
        # Make the service dependant on WMI
        $result = sc.exe config "wssdagent" depend= $svcNodeAgentDependency
        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            throw "Error " + $LASTEXITCODE + ". " + $result
    } -ArgumentList $global:nodeAgentFullPath, $global:config[$modulename]["nodeConfigLocation"], $global:config[$modulename]["nodeConfigLocation"], $nodeName, $script:svcFailureRestartMs, $script:svcFailureResetSecond, $script:svcNodeAgentDependency ,$nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath,` $global:nodeAgentRegistryPath, $providerSpecArgs, $global:config[$modulename]["deploymentId"] 

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName "Migration completed on [$nodeName] with result [$result]"

function Update-CloudAgent
        Method to apply workaround to cloudagent during upgrade
    .PARAMETER cloudAgentName
        Cloud agent name
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER toVersion
        Moc version to upgrade
    .PARAMETER fromVersion
        Moc version from which upgrade is happening

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_provisioning_cloudagent, $cloudAgentName))
    $authArgs = ""
    $deploymentIdParams =""

    $cloudFqdn = Get-CloudFqdn
    $cloudConfigPath = $global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"]
    $certificateValidityFactor = $global:config[$modulename]["certificateValidityFactor"]
    $cloudConfigLocation = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudConfigLocation"]
    $useNetworkController = $global:config[$modulename]["useNetworkController"]
    $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress = $global:config[$modulename]["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"]
    $networkControllerLbSubnetRef = $global:config[$modulename]["networkControllerLbSubnetRef"]
    $networkControllerLnetRef = $global:config[$modulename]["networkControllerLnetRef"]
    $networkControllerClientCertificateName = $global:config[$modulename]["networkControllerClientCertificateName"]
    $ncParameters = " --usenetworkcontroller --networkcontrollerfqdnoripaddress ""$networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"" --networkcontrollerlbsubnetref ""$networkControllerLbSubnetRef"" --networkcontrollerlnetref ""$networkControllerLnetRef"" --networkcontrollerclientcertificatename ""$networkControllerClientCertificateName"""

    if (([version]$fromVersion -lt [version]$script:mocVersionJune) -and ([version]$toVersion -ge [version]$script:mocVersionJune)) {
        # If upgrading to version greater than or equal to June version
        # from the version older than June version
        # add deploymentid
        $deploymentIdParams = "--deploymentid " + $global:config[$modulename]["deploymentId"] 
    # If downgrading to less than May version from version greater than equal to may reset deployment ID
    # If downgrading to less than May version from version less than may, we dont have to reset.
    # eg: Reset is not needed for downgrading from April to March
    elseif (([version]$fromVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionMay) -and ([version]$toVersion -le [version]$script:mocVersionMay)) {
            $deploymentIdParams = ""
    else {
        # The existing service configuration is the same
        # Other versions, nothing to do

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  "Migrating CloudAgent and patching with the params [$deploymentIdParams]"

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $nodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop
        $clusterRoleName = $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"]

        $cloudFqdn = Update-CloudFQDN
        $cloudServiceParameters = "--service $authArgs --basedir ""$cloudConfigLocation"" --cloudagentfqdn $cloudFqdn --dotfolderpath ""$cloudConfigLocation"" --objectdatastore ""Cluster-Registry"" --clusterresourcename ""$clusterRoleName"" --certificatevalidityfactor $certificateValidityFactor $deploymentIdParams"
        if ($useNetworkController)
            $cloudServiceParameters = $cloudServiceParameters + $ncParameters 

        $nodes.Name | ForEach-Object {
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_installing_cloudagent_service_on, $_))
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock {
                $cloudAgentFullPath = $args[0]
                $cloudServiceParameters = $args[1]
                $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='wssdcloudagent'"
                if ($null -ne $service) {
                    $service.delete() | Out-Null
                Remove-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\wssdcloudagent\' -force -ErrorAction Ignore
                New-Service -Name "wssdcloudagent" -BinaryPath """$cloudAgentFullPath"" $cloudServiceParameters" -StartupType "Manual" -DisplayName "WSSD Cloud Agent Service" | Out-Null
            } -ArgumentList $global:cloudAgentFullPath, $cloudServiceParameters

        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_adding_wssdcloudagent_cluster_generic_service_role, $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"]))
        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='wssdcloudagent'"
        if ($null -ne $service) {
            $service.delete() | Out-Null
        Remove-Item 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\wssdcloudagent\' -force -ErrorAction Ignore
        $cloudServiceParameters = "--service $authArgs --basedir ""$cloudConfigLocation"" --cloudagentfqdn $cloudFqdn --dotfolderpath ""$cloudConfigLocation"" --objectdatastore ""registry"" --certificatevalidityfactor $certificateValidityFactor $deploymentIdParams"
        if ($useNetworkController)
            $cloudServiceParameters = $cloudServiceParameters + $ncParameters 
        New-Service -Name "wssdcloudagent" -BinaryPath """$cloudAgentFullPath"" $cloudServiceParameters" -StartupType "Automatic" -DisplayName "WSSD Cloud Agent Service" | Out-Null

        # Allow the service to restart twice on failure. Reset the failure counter every hour.
        $result = sc.exe failure "wssdcloudagent" actions= "restart/$script:svcFailureRestartMs/restart/$script:svcFailureRestartMs//0" reset= $script:svcFailureResetSecond
        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
            throw "Error " + $LASTEXITCODE + ". " + $result

function Request-DnsReplication
        This optionally attempts to speed up DNS replication by manually replicating data between DNSs.
        In order for this method to succeed, the current user needs to have sufficient access permissions
        to update entries in the DNS server. In case of a failure, the code is skiped and this function is
        a best-effort.

        $forceDnsReplication = Get-ConfigurationValue -module $moduleName -type ([Type][System.Boolean]) -name "forceDnsReplication"
        if ($forceDnsReplication)
            # Only proceed if the Get-DnsServerResourceRecord cmdlet is available (i.e. if the DNS-Server-Tools are installed)
            if ((Get-Module "DnsServer" -All -ErrorAction Ignore).Count -eq 0)
                $wf = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName "DNS-Server-Tools" -Online
                if ($null -eq $wf)
                    # no-op

                if ($wf.State -ine "Enabled")
                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_installing_missing_feature)

                    Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "DNS-Server-Tools" -All -NoRestart -WarningAction SilentlyContinue


            Import-Module "DnsServer"
            # Get the Ip associated with the cluster role and the host NIC associated with the vnetName network
            $ClusterResourceIP = (Get-ClusterGroup $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"].ToString() -ErrorAction Ignore | Get-ClusterResource -ErrorAction Ignore | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq "IP Address" } | Get-ClusterParameter -name Address -ErrorAction Ignore).Value

            # Get the external route with the lowest metric
            $externalRoute = (Get-NetRoute "" -ErrorAction Ignore | Sort-Object -Property InterfaceMetric) | select -First
            if ($ClusterResourceIP -ne $null -and $externalRoute -ne $null)
                $externalInterfaceIpConfig = $externalRoute | Get-NetAdapter | Get-NetIPConfiguration
                $dnsZone = $externalInterfaceIpConfig.NetProfile.Name
                $dnsServers = ($externalInterfaceIpConfig.DNSServer | Where-Object { $_.AddressFamily -eq 2 }).ServerAddresses

                foreach ($dnsServer in $dnsServers)
                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_registering_cloudagent_on_dns_server, $dnsServer))
                    Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName $dnsServer -Name $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"] -ZoneName $dnsZone -ErrorAction Ignore | Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName $dnsServer -Force -ZoneName $dnsZone

                    Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -ComputerName $dnsServer -Name $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"] -ZoneName $dnsZone -AllowUpdateAny -IPv4Address $ClusterResourceIP -TimeToLive 01:00:00
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_could_not_force_dns_replication)


#region Verification Functions

function Test-CloudConfiguration
        A basic sanity test of cloud and all node configuration.

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        # Check for Cloud Agent Gen App Service
        Get-ClusterGroup $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"].ToString() -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        # We only test DNS Name when cx is using non default cluster role name
        $useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow = (Get-MocConfig)["useUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationLogic"]
        if (-not $useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow)
            Get-ClusterResource -Name $global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"].ToString() -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            Test-NodeConfiguration -nodeName $_.Name
        Test-NodeConfiguration -nodeName ($env:computername)


function Test-NodeConfiguration
        A basic sanity test to make sure that a node is ready to deploy kubernetes.
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Test-ForWindowsFeatures -nodeName $nodeName

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_performing_sanity_checks, $nodeName))

    Test-MocInstallation -nodeName $nodeName

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_testing_for_ssh_key)

    if ( !(Test-Path $global:config[$modulename]["sshPrivateKey"])) {
       throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_does_not_exist, $global:config[$modulename]["sshPrivateKey"]))

    Test-Process -processName "wssdagent" -nodeName $nodeName

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_testing_if_cloud_node_resource_is_provisioned)

    $mocNodeName = Get-MocNodeName -name $nodeName
    Get-MocNode -name $mocNodeName -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] | Out-Null

function Test-CloudResource
        A basic sanity test to ensure that cloudagent has been provisioned with the expected resources.

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_testing_if_cloud_node_resource_is_provisioned)
    Get-MocLocation -name $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] | Out-Null
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_testing_if_cloud_container_resource_is_provisioned)
    Get-MocContainer -name $global:cloudStorageContainer -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] | Out-Null

function Test-HostNetworking
        Sanity check the host networking configuration.
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER vswitchName
        The name of the vnet switch to be checked.

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_checking_host_networking_configuration, $nodeName))

    $isMultinode = Test-MultiNodeDeployment

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $vswitchName = $args[0]
        $nodeName = $args[1]
        $isMultinode = $args[2]
        $MocLocMessage = $args[3]
        $GenericLocMessage = $args[4]

        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($vswitchName))
            throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_no_vswitchname)

        write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_checking_for_virtual_switch_with_name, $vswitchName, $nodeName))

        if($isMultinode) {
            $existing = Get-VMSwitch -SwitchType External -Name $vswitchName -ErrorAction Ignore
            if ($null -eq $existing)
                throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_external_vswitchname, $vswitchName, $nodeName))
            $existing = Get-VMSwitch -Name $vswitchName -ErrorAction Ignore
            if ($null -eq $existing)
                throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_missing_vswitchname, $vswitchName, $nodeName))

    } -ArgumentList $vswitchName, $nodeName, $isMultinode, $MocLocMessage, $GenericLocMessage

function Test-MocInstallation
        Sanity checks an installation to make sure that all expected binaries are present.
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.generic_testing_expected_binaries)
    Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:nodeAgentFullPath
    Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:cloudAgentFullPath
    Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:nodeCtlFullPath
    Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:cloudCtlFullPath
    $currentMocVersion = Get-MocVersion
    if ([version]$currentMocVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
        Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:hostAgentFullPath
        Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:guestAgentLinFullPath
        Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:guestAgentWinFullPath

function Wait-ForConnectionFromNodes
        Waits for all nodes to be able to resolve the dns name of cloudagent and connect to it.

    param (
        [int]$timeout=1800 #seconds in 30min

    while(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
        } catch {
            $err = $_
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $err.Exception.Message))
            Start-Sleep $sleepDuration
    if ($null -ne $err)
        throw $err

function Test-CloudDnsFromNodes
        Ensure that all the nodes can resolve the dns name of cloudagent.
    .PARAMETER cloudFqdn
        Fqdn to attemp to resolve and connect
    .PARAMETER ports
        List of ports to test

    param (
        [String] $cloudFqdn,
        [AllowNull()][String[]] $ports

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $nodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $cloudFqdn = $(Get-CloudFqdn)
        if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ports")){
            $cloudPorts = ($global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentPort"], $global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentAuthorizerPort"])
        $nodes | ForEach-Object {
            $nodeName = $_.Name
                Test-MocApiServer -cloudFqdn $cloudFqdn -ports $cloudPorts -nodeName $nodeName
            catch [Exception]
                throw [CustomException]::new($([System.Exception]::new([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_node_agent_cannot_reach_apiserver , $nodeName, $cloudFqdn), $_.Exception)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsInfraErrorFlag))

function Wait-ForCACertificateUpdate
        Waits for all nodes to be able to resolve the dns name of cloudagent and connect to it.

    param (
        [int]$timeout=1800, #seconds in 30min

    while(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
        Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_waiting_for_ca_certificate_update)
        $result = Get-MocCertificate -name $global:cloudAgentCACertName | ConvertFrom-Json
        # Adding 1 second here because during convertion the milliseconds are lost as the resolution is only seconds for epoch
        $notBeforeDate = (([System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($result.tags[0].NotBeforeEpoch)).DateTime.AddSeconds(1))
        # Add 5 minutes to Offset certificate 5 minutes during creation
        $notBeforeDate = $notBeforeDate.AddMinutes(5)
        Write-Host "Expecting Certificate Not Before: $notBeforeDate is after the date $currentDate"
        if ($notBeforeDate -lt $currentDate) {
            Start-Sleep $sleepDuration
    throw [CustomException]::new($([System.Exception]::new([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_ca_certificate_failed), $_.Exception)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

function Wait-ForServerCertificateUpdate
        Waits for all nodes to be able to resolve the dns name of cloudagent and connect to it.

    param (
        [int]$timeout=1800, #seconds in 30min

    while(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
        Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_waiting_for_server_certificate_update)
        $result = Get-MocCertificate -name $global:cloudAgentServerCertName | ConvertFrom-Json
        # Adding 1 second here because during convertion the milliseconds are lost as the resolution is only seconds for epoch
        $notBeforeDate = (([System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($result.tags[0].NotBeforeEpoch)).DateTime.AddSeconds(1))
        Write-Host "Expecting Certificate Not Before: $notBeforeDate is after the date $currentDate"
        if ($notBeforeDate -lt $currentDate) {
            Start-Sleep $sleepDuration
    throw [CustomException]::new($([System.Exception]::new([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_server_certificate_failed), $_.Exception)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))



#region Configuration Helper Functions

function Initialize-HostOs
        Configures the host operating system
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Test-ForWindowsFeatures -NodeName $NodeName

    $vnet = Get-VNetConfiguration -module $moduleName

    if ($vnet) {
        Test-HostNetworking -NodeName $NodeName -vswitchName $vnet.VswitchName

    Initialize-Firewall -NodeName $NodeName

function Initialize-Firewall
        Adds Windows Firewall exceptions to allow inbound network connections to the agents.
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_configuring_windows_firewall, $nodeName))

    $firewallRules = Get-FirewallRules

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $rules = $args[0]
        foreach($rule in $rules)
            $fw = Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $($rule[0]) -ErrorAction Ignore
            if (!$fw)
                New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $($rule[0]) -Protocol $($rule[1]) -LocalPort $($rule[2]) | Out-Null
    } -ArgumentList (, $firewallRules)

function Initialize-Directories
        Creates work directories

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_configuring_directories)

    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $global:config[$modulename]["workingDir"]  | Out-Null
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $global:config[$modulename]["installationPackageDir"] | Out-Null
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$modulename]["installationPackageDir"], $global:yamlDirectoryName)) | Out-Null
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $global:config[$modulename]["imageDir"] | Out-Null
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $global:config[$modulename]["cloudConfigLocation"] | Out-Null

    if ( !(Test-Path $global:config[$modulename]["sshPrivateKey"])) {
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_sshkey_missing, $global:config[$modulename]["sshPrivateKey"]))
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path  ([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($global:config[$modulename]["sshPrivateKey"])) | Out-Null
        ssh-keygen -q -f $($global:config[$modulename]["sshPrivateKey"]) -t rsa -N '""'


function Set-DirectoryPermission{
        Set secure permission to admin only users for below directories
        - workingDir
        - installationPackageDir
        - installationPackageDir\yaml
        - imageDir
        - cloudConfigLocation
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        Timeout in seconds for each permission update job on directories

        [int]$timeoutSeconds = 60

    # $commonModulePath = "C:\Users\yeonghunki.REDMOND\code\cloudmanager\script\Common.psm1"
    $commonModulePath = ((Get-Module "MOC" -ListAvailable | Sort-Object Version -Descending)[0].ModuleBase + "\common.psm1")

    $workingDir = $global:config[$modulename]["workingDir"]
    $jobs = @()
    if ((Test-Path $workingDir)) {
        $workingDirJob = New-BackgroundJob -name "workingDirPermission" -cmdletName "Set-SecurePermissionFolder" `
                            -argDictionary @{"Path"=$workingDir} -importModulePath $commonModulePath
        $jobs += $workingDirJob

    $installationDirectory = $global:config[$modulename]["installationPackageDir"]
    if ((Test-Path $installationDirectory)) {
        $installDirJob = New-BackgroundJob -name "installationDirPermission" -cmdletName "Set-SecurePermissionFolder" `
                            -argDictionary @{"Path"=$installationDirectory} -importModulePath $commonModulePath
        $jobs += $installDirJob

    $yamlDirectory = $([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$modulename]["installationPackageDir"], $global:yamlDirectoryName))
    if ((Test-Path $yamlDirectory)) {
        $yamlDirJob = New-BackgroundJob -name "yamlDirPermission" -cmdletName "Set-SecurePermissionFolder" `
                        -argDictionary @{"Path"=$yamlDirectory} -importModulePath $commonModulePath
        $jobs += $yamlDirJob

    $imageDir = $global:config[$modulename]["imageDir"]
    if ((Test-Path $imageDir)) {
        $imageDirJob = New-BackgroundJob -name "imageDirPermission" -cmdletName "Set-SecurePermissionFolder" `
                        -argDictionary @{"Path"=$imageDir} -importModulePath $commonModulePath
        $jobs += $imageDirJob

    $cloudConfigDir = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudConfigLocation"]
    if ((Test-Path $cloudConfigDir)) {
        $cloudDirJob = New-BackgroundJob -name "cloudConfigDirPermission" -cmdletName "Set-SecurePermissionFolder" `
                        -argDictionary @{"Path"=$cloudConfigDir} -importModulePath $commonModulePath
        $jobs += $cloudDirJob

    $completed = $jobs | Wait-Job -Timeout $timeoutSeconds
    if ($completed){
        Receive-Job -job $jobs
        Remove-Job -job $jobs
    } else {
        Stop-Job -job $jobs
        $uncompletedJobs = $jobs | Where-Object { $_.State -ne "Completed" }
        foreach ($job in $uncompletedJobs) {
            Write-Warning "Job $($job.Name) has not completed within $timeoutSeconds seconds and stopped by timeout."
        Remove-Job -job $jobs

function Enable-MocOfflineDownload

        Turns on offline downloading. Changes the -offlineDownload flag in Set-MocConfig to true.
    .PARAMETER stagingShare
        Path that the bits will be downloaded to.
    .PARAMETER offsiteTransferCompleted
        Set offsiteTransferCompleted flag to use the offline downloaded artifacts.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress

        [String] $stagingShare,

        [bool] $offsiteTransferCompleted = $false,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    #region trace
    $configCmdletParams = @{
        offsiteTransferCompleted= $offsiteTransferCompleted;
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ErrorMessage $_ `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -CmdletParameters $configCmdletParams `
            -BoundParameterKeys $PSBoundParameters.Keys

        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($stagingShare))
        if ((-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace(($global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"]))) -and ($global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"] -ne $stagingShare))
            $errorMsg = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.Moc_stagingshare_updated, $global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"], $stagingShare))
            Write-Warning $errorMsg

        $global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"] = $stagingShare

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"]))
        throw $($GenericLocMessage.generic_staging_share_unspecified)

    Set-MocConfigValue -name "stagingShare" -value $global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"]
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "offlineDownload" -value $true
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "offsiteTransferCompleted" -value $offsiteTransferCompleted
    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

function Disable-MocOfflineDownload

        Turns off offline downloading. Changes the -offlineDownload flag in Set-MocConfig to false
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress
    $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    #region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ErrorMessage $_ `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "offlineDownload" -value $False
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "offsiteTransferCompleted" -value $False

    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

function Get-MocRelease
        Download the Moc release content
    .PARAMETER Version
    .PARAMETER path
        Path that the bits will be downloaded to if provided
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress

    param (
        [String] $version,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    trap {
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
        Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        $offlineDownload = $true

    if ($global:config[$modulename]["offlineDownload"] -eq $true) 
        $offlineDownload = $true
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($path))
        if ((-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace(($global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"]))) -and ($global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"] -ne $path))
            $errorMsg = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.Moc_stagingshare_updated, $global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"], $stagingShare))
            Write-Warning $errorMsg

        $global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"] = $path

    if (($offlineDownload) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($global:config[$modulename]["stagingShare"]))
        throw $($GenericLocMessage.generic_staging_share_unspecified)

    Get-MocReleaseContent -version $version -activity $activity

    if (-not ($global:config[$modulename]["useStagingShare"]) -and -not ($offlineDownload -and $global:config[$moduleName]["offsiteTransferCompleted"]))
        if ([version]$version -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
            Test-AuthenticodeBinaries -workingDir $global:config[$modulename]["installationPackageDir"] -binaries $script:mocBinaries
        } else {
            Test-AuthenticodeBinaries -workingDir $global:config[$modulename]["installationPackageDir"] -binaries $script:mocBinariesAug2023
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

function Get-MocReleaseContent
        Download all required files and packages for the Moc release
    .PARAMETER version
        Version of Moc
    .PARAMETER wssdDir
        Directory for wssd installation
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress

    param (
        [String] $version,

        [string] $wssdDir = $global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"],

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name


    $wssdDir = $wssdDir -replace "\/", "\"

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_discovering_release_content)
    $productRelease = Get-ProductRelease -version $version -moduleName $moduleName

    # find requested moc release
    foreach($releaseStream in $productRelease.ProductStreamRefs)
        foreach($subProductRelease in $releaseStream.ProductReleases)
            if ($subProductRelease.ProductName -ieq $script:productName)
                $versionManifestPath = [io.Path]::Combine($wssdDir, "moc-release.json")

                Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_download_release_content, $wssdDir))

                $downloadVersion = $subProductRelease.Version
                $downloadParams = Get-ReleaseDownloadParameters -name $subProductRelease.ProductStream -version $downloadVersion -releaseVersion $version -destination $wssdDir -parts $global:smallBinConcurrentDownloads -moduleName $moduleName
                $releaseInfo = Get-DownloadSdkRelease @downloadParams

                if (-not ($global:config[$moduleName]["useStagingShare"]) -and -not ($global:config[$moduleName]["offlineDownload"] -and -not $global:config[$moduleName]["offsiteTransferCompleted"]))
                    if ($releaseInfo.Files.Count -ne 1)
                        throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_invalid_file_count, $releaseInfo.Files.Count)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

                    $packagename = $releaseInfo.Files[0] -replace "\/", "\"

                    # Temporary until cross-platform signing is available
                    $auth = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -filepath $packagename
                    if (($global:expectedAuthResponse.status -ne $auth.status) -or ($auth.SignatureType -ne $global:expectedAuthResponse.SignatureType))
                           throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_authenticode_failed, $moduleName, $($global:expectedAuthResponse.status), $($global:expectedAuthResponse.SignatureType), $($auth.status), $($auth.SignatureType)))

                    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_expanding_package, $packagename, $wssdDir))
                    $expandoutput = expand.exe $packagename $wssdDir -f:*
                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_expand_result, $expandoutput))

                $versionJson = $subProductRelease | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100
                set-content -path $versionManifestPath -value $versionJson -encoding UTF8


    throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_invalid_release_content, $version)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

function Get-NodeVirtualizationLogs {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [String]$SystemDrive = $null,
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [String]$LogDir = $null
    # vm logs
    Get-ComputerInfo >> $LogDir"\node_system_info.txt"
    Get-VM | Format-List * >> $LogDir"\node_hyperv_vm.txt"
    Get-VM | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | Format-List * >> $LogDir"\node_hyperv_vnic.txt"
    Get-VM | Get-VMNetworkAdapterVlan | Format-List * >> $LogDir"\node_hyperv_vnic_vlan.txt"
    Get-VMSwitch | Format-List * >> $LogDir"\node_hyperv_vswitch.txt"

    get-VM | Get-VMHardDiskDrive | Format-List * >> $LogDir"\node_hyperv_vhds.txt"
    $vhdFile = [io.Path]::Combine($LogDir, "node_hyperv_vhd.txt")
    New-Item -ItemType File -Path $vhdFile -Force | Out-Null
    foreach ($vm in Get-VM) {
        $vm.Name | Out-File -FilePath $vhdFile -Append
        $vm.VMId  | Out-File -FilePath $vhdFile -Append
        $vm.VMId | Get-VHD | Format-List *  | Out-File -FilePath $vhdFile -Append

    Copy-Item "$SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\Application.evtx" -destination $LogDir
    Copy-Item "$SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\System.evtx" -destination $LogDir
    Copy-Item "$SystemDrive\Windows\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V*.evtx" -destination $LogDir

function Get-NodeHostNetworkingLogs {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [String]$LogDir = $null,

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    # single node
    ipconfig /all >> $LogDir"\ipconfig.txt"
    get-netadapter  | ForEach-Object {$ifindex=$_.IfIndex; $ifName=$_.Name; netsh int ipv4 sh int $ifindex | Out-File  -FilePath "$LogDir/${ifName}_int.txt" -Encoding ascii}

    # multinode
    if ($IsForMultinode.IsPresent) {
        route print >> $LogDir"\route.txt"
        arp -av >> $LogDir"\arp.txt"
        netstat -afio  >>$LogDir"\netstat-afio.txt"
        netstat -b >>$LogDir"\netstat-b.txt"


function Get-MocLogs
        Collects the logs from the deployment.
        When it's called without any of "VirtualMachineLogs", "AgentLogs", "NodeVirtualizationLogs", or "All" switches,
        it collects the "default logs". "default logs" includes...
        1. VirtualMachineLogs
        2. AgentLogs (but only two latest agent-log-* files)
        3. NodeVirtualizationLogs
        4. failover cluster logs
        Path to store the logs
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress
    .PARAMETER VirtualMachineLogs
        log type switch to get the logs from the vm's (LB vm if unstacked deployment and management-cluster vm)
    .PARAMETER AgentLogs
        log type switch to get logs of the wssdagent, wssdcloudagent, and mochostagent on all nodes
    .PARAMETER NodeVirtualizationLogs
        log type switch to get Windows Event Logs and node Virtualization logs on all nodes
    .PARAMETER HostNetworkingLogs
        log type switch to get network Logs on each host
    .PARAMETER MocStore
        log type switch to get store of cloud agent and node agent.
        it will call "admin recovery backup" from mocctl and nodectl
    .PARAMETER Detail
        Switch to collect Detailed logs. it means following differences
        1. Includes all types of logs
            * Mnimum required logs
            * NodeVirtualizationLogs
            * HostNetworkingLogs
            * "System logs" which is only available on debug mode
        2. Extends timespan of Get-ClusterLogs from 1 hour to 1 day.
        3. collect all agent-log-* files from cloudagent and nodeagent(s)
    .PARAMETER LogTimeSpan
        Timespan value for cluster logs

    param (
        [String] $path,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,






        [Timespan]$LogTimeSpan = (New-TimeSpan -Hours 1) # Default value of 1 hour

#region trace
    $startCmdletTime = Get-Date
    $configCmdletParams = @{
        VirtualMachineLogs = $VirtualMachineLogs.IsPresent;
        AgentLogs = $AgentLogs.IsPresent;
        NodeVirtualizationLogs = $NodeVirtualizationLogs.IsPresent;
        HostNetworkingLogs = $HostNetworkingLogs.IsPresent;
        MocStore = $MocStore.IsPresent;
        Detail = $Detail.IsPresent;
    trap {
        Trace-CmdletError `
            -ErrorMessage $_ `
            -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime `
            -CmdletParameters $configCmdletParams `
            -BoundParameterKeys $PSBoundParameters.Keys

        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    if (!$path)
        $path = [io.Path]::Combine([io.Path]::GetTempPath(), [io.Path]::GetRandomFileName())

        $defaultSwitch is used to collect the minimum required logs when no specific log type switch is presented.
        Minimum require logs are followings
            * VirtualMachineLogs
            * MocStore
            * AgentLogs
            * other logs without log type switches
                * MocConfig.txt
                * moduleinfo.txt
                * multiple log files like "failover_cluster*.txt"
                * registry dump on each cluster node

    $defaultSwitch = $true

    if ($VirtualMachineLogs.IsPresent -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent -or $NodeVirtualizationLogs.IsPresent -or $HostNetworkingLogs.IsPresent -or $MocStore.IsPresent  -or $Detail.IsPresent)
        $defaultSwitch = $false

    $logDir = [io.Path]::Combine($path, "moc")
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $logDir | Out-Null

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.comm_collecting_configuration)
    $global:config[$moduleName] > $logDir"\MocConfig.txt"

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.comm_collecting_module_info)
    Get-Command -Module Moc | Sort-Object -Property Source > $($logDir+"\moduleinfo.txt")

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_collecting_logs, $logDir))

    Wait-ForCloudAgentEndpoint -activity $activity
    if ($defaultSwitch -or $VirtualMachineLogs.IsPresent -or $Detail.IsPresent)
            Get-GuestVirtualMachineLogs -logDirectoryName $logDir -activity $activity
        catch [Exception]
            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($GenericLocMessage.generic_exception)
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $_.Exception.Message.ToString()
    if ($defaultSwitch -or $MocStore.IsPresent -or $Detail.IsPresent)
        Invoke-MocBackup -path ([Io.Path]::Combine($logDir, "store"))
        #Remove identity folder from store
        #TODO introduce redacting identity instead of deleting the folder
        if (Test-Path -Path ([Io.Path]::Combine($logDir, "store", "Identity"))) {
            Remove-Item -path ([Io.Path]::Combine($logDir, "store", "Identity")) -Recurse -Force

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_gathering_cloud_logs)
    $log_cloud_agent_dir = [io.Path]::Combine($logDir, "cloudlogs")

    if ($defaultSwitch -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent -or $Detail.IsPresent)
            $fPath = $global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"]+"\log\*"

            if ((Test-Path $fPath))
                if (!(Test-Path $log_cloud_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_cloud_agent_dir | Out-Null }
                if (!(Test-Path $log_cloud_agent_dir)) {
                    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_failed_to_create_directory , $log_cloud_agent_dir))

                if ($Detail.IsPresent -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent)
                    Copy-FileLocal -Source $fPath -Destination $log_cloud_agent_dir
                } else {
                    Get-ChildItem $fPath | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "agent-log-*" } | Copy-Item -Destination $log_cloud_agent_dir

                    # Add only last written two agent-log files by default
                    $cloudAgentLogs = Get-ChildItem $fPath | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "agent-log-*" } | sort LastWriteTime -Descending | select-object -First 2
                    Copy-Item -Path $cloudagentlogs -Destination $log_cloud_agent_dir
            } else {
                Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_log_not_found)
                throw [CustomException]::new($([System.Exception]::new([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_log_not_found)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag)))
        catch [Exception]
            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($MocLocMessage.moc_failed_to_capture_cloudagent_logs)
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $_.Exception.Message.ToString()
            if (($global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"] -ieq $global:defaultCloudConfigLocation) -and (Test-MultiNodeDeployment))
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($MocLocMessage.moc_set_cloudconfiglocation_param)

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        if ($defaultSwitch -or $Detail.IsPresent)
            if (!(Test-Path $log_cloud_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_cloud_agent_dir | Out-Null }

            Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_gathering_cluster_logs)
            Get-Cluster -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -Property * >> $log_cloud_agent_dir"\failover_cluster.txt"
            Get-ClusterGroup -ErrorAction Ignore >> $log_cloud_agent_dir"\failover_clustergroup.txt"
            Get-ClusterResource -ErrorAction Ignore >> $log_cloud_agent_dir"\failover_clusterresource.txt"
            Get-ClusterNetwork -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -Property * >> $log_cloud_agent_dir"\failover_clusternetwork.txt"
            Get-ClusterSharedVolume -ErrorAction Ignore >> $log_cloud_agent_dir"\failover_clustercsv.txt"
            if ($Detail.IsPresent)
                $failoverTestClusterOutput = Test-Cluster -ErrorAction Ignore
                if ($failoverTestClusterOutput -ne $null -and $failoverTestClusterOutput.GetType() -eq [System.IO.FileInfo])
                    cp $failoverTestClusterOutput $log_cloud_agent_dir"\failover_testcluster.html"
            if ($Detail.IsPresent)
                $LogTimeSpan =  (New-TimeSpan -Days 1)                
            Get-ClusterLog -UseLocalTime -Destination $log_cloud_agent_dir -TimeSpan $LogTimeSpan.TotalMinutes | Out-Null

        $nodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Ignore
        foreach ($node in $nodes)
                $nodeName = $node.Name
                $log_node_agent_dir = [io.Path]::Combine($logDir, $nodeName)

                Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_gathering_logs_for_node, $nodeName))

                $sourcesuffix = $($global:config[$moduleName]["nodeConfigLocation"]+"\log\*")
                $remotePath = "\\$nodeName\" + ($sourcesuffix).Replace(":", "$")
                if ($defaultSwitch -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent -or $Detail.IsPresent)
                    if ((Test-Path $remotePath))
                        if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_node_agent_dir | Out-Null }
                        if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) {
                            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_failed_to_create_directory , $log_node_agent_dir))

                        # add directory for node configuration copy
                        $node_agent_dir = [io.Path]::Combine($log_node_agent_dir, "configuration")
                        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $node_agent_dir | Out-Null

                        if ($Detail.IsPresent -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent)
                            Copy-FileLocal -source $remotePath -destination $node_agent_dir -recurse
                        } else {
                            Get-ChildItem $remotePath | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "agent-log-*" } | Copy-Item -Destination $node_agent_dir -recurse

                            # Add only last written two agent-log files by default
                            $nodeAgentLogs = Get-ChildItem $remotePath | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "agent-log-*" } | sort LastWriteTime -Descending | select-object -First 2
                            Copy-Item -Path $nodeAgentLogs -Destination $node_agent_dir
                    } else {
                        Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_nodeagent_log_not_found , $nodeName))

                $remote_invoke_arguments = [pscustomobject]@{
                    nodeAgentRegistryPath = $global:nodeAgentRegistryPath
                    defaultSwitch = $defaultSwitch
                    detailLogs = $Detail.IsPresent
                    mocStore = $MocStore.IsPresent
                    nodeVirtualizationSwitch = $NodeVirtualizationLogs.IsPresent
                    hostNetworkSwitch = $HostNetworkingLogs.IsPresent
                    nodeAgentPath = $global:nodeCtlFullPath
                    nodeLoginYaml = $(Get-MocConfigValue -name "nodeLoginYAML")

                $nodeDir = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
                    # functions are passed as string, it would be created as function in later code
                    param($arguments, $getNodeVirtualizationLogs, $getNodeHostNetworkingLogs, $MocLocMessage)

                    # For new releases, all the HCI environment will be WDAC enabled and we can only run code that is locally stored on the computer. The HCI OS team will copy all the modules to
                    # each node and we will Import the corresponding modules to run.
                    # For old release, WDAC will not be enabled on HCI machines and we will run in the old fashion.
                    if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode -eq "ConstrainedLanguage")
                        if ($null -eq (Get-Module "MOC" -ListAvailable))
                            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_module_missing_on_wdac_machine))
                        Invoke-RemoteGetMocLogs -arguments $arguments -getNodeVirtualizationLogs $getNodeVirtualizationLogs -getNodeHostNetworkingLogs $getNodeHostNetworkingLogs
                    }else {
                        $parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()
                        [string] $guidString = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
                        $tempDir = [io.Path]::Combine($parent, $guidString)
                        # Registry dump
                        if ($arguments.defaultSwitch -or $arguments.detailLogs)
                            if (!(Test-Path $tempDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempDir | Out-Null }

                            if ((Test-Path $arguments.nodeAgentRegistryPath))
                                Get-Childitem $arguments.nodeAgentRegistryPath | foreach-object {
                                    $version= Split-Path -Path $_.Name -Leaf
                                    $registryPath = $arguments.nodeAgentRegistryPath + "\${version}\*"
                                    Get-ItemProperty $registryPath > $tempDir"\${version}_nodeagent_registry.txt" -ErrorAction Ignore

                        # node agent store
                        if ($arguments.defaultSwitch -or $arguments.mocStore -or $arguments.detailLogs)
                            if (!(Test-Path $tempDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempDir | Out-Null }

                            $storeDir = [io.Path]::Combine($tempDir, "store")
                            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $storeDir -Force | Out-Null
                            $command = $arguments.nodeAgentPath
                            $loginfile = $arguments.nodeLoginYaml
                            $nodectlLogin = "& '$command' security login --loginpath '$loginfile' --identity"
                            Invoke-Expression $nodectlLogin
                            $nodectlBackup = "& '$command' admin recovery backup --path ""$storeDir"" "
                            Invoke-Expression $nodectlBackup

                            #Remove identity folder from store
                            #TODO introduce redacting identity instead of deleting the folder
                            if (Test-Path -Path ([Io.Path]::Combine($storeDir, "Identity"))) {
                                Remove-Item -path ([Io.Path]::Combine($storeDir, "Identity")) -Recurse -Force

                        if ($arguments.detailLogs)
                            if (!(Test-Path $tempDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempDir | Out-Null }

                            $systemLogDir = [io.Path]::Combine($tempDir, "systemLogs")
                            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $systemLogDir | Out-Null

                                # Expected to fail if nodeagent is not started with debug flag
                                Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 -OutFile $systemLogDir/"nodeagent-routine.txt" -ErrorAction Ignore
                            catch {}
                                # CloudAgent will only be active on one node, so we expect it to fail in most cases
                                # Expected to fail if cloudagent is not started with debug flag
                                Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 -OutFile $systemLogDir/"cloudagent-routine.txt" -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
                            catch {}

                        if ($arguments.hostNetworkSwitch -or $arguments.detailLogs)
                            if (!(Test-Path $tempDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempDir | Out-Null }

                            $hostNetworkingLogsDir = [io.Path]::Combine($tempDir, "hostNetworkingLogs")
                            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $hostNetworkingLogsDir | Out-Null
                            # call Get-NodeHostNetworkingLogs on remote host
                            [ScriptBlock]::Create($getNodeHostNetworkingLogs).Invoke($hostNetworkingLogsDir, $true)

                        if ($arguments.nodeVirtualizationSwitch -or $arguments.detailLogs)
                            if (!(Test-Path $tempDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempDir | Out-Null }

                            $nodeVirtualizationLogsDir = [io.Path]::Combine($tempDir, "nodeVirtualizationLogs")
                            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $nodeVirtualizationLogsDir | Out-Null
                            # call Get-NodeVirtualizationLogs on remote host
                            [ScriptBlock]::Create($getNodeVirtualizationLogs).Invoke($env:SystemDrive, $nodeVirtualizationLogsDir)

                        return $tempDir
                } -ArgumentList $remote_invoke_arguments, ${function:Get-NodeVirtualizationLogs}, ${function:Get-NodeHostNetworkingLogs}, $MocLocMessage

                $remotePath = "\\$nodeName\" + ($nodeDir).Replace(":", "$")
                if ((Test-Path $remotePath))
                    if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_node_agent_dir | Out-Null }
                    Copy-FileLocal -source $remotePath"\*" -destination $log_node_agent_dir -recurse

                # cleanup temporary directory used on each node
                Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
                    if ((Test-Path $args[0])) {
                        Remove-Item $args[0] -Recurse
                } -ArgumentList $nodeDir

                $hostAgentSourcesuffix = $($global:config[$moduleName]["hostConfigLocation"]+"\log\*")
                $hostAgentRemotePath = "\\$nodeName\" + ($hostAgentSourcesuffix).Replace(":", "$")
                $log_host_agent_dir = [io.Path]::Combine($logDir, "hostlogs_${nodeName}")
                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_host_agent_dir | Out-Null

                if ($allSwitch -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent)
                    if ((Test-Path $hostAgentRemotePath))
                        Copy-FileLocal -source $hostAgentRemotePath -destination $log_host_agent_dir -recurse
            catch [Exception]
                # An exception was thrown, write it out and exit
                Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($GenericLocMessage.generic_exception)
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $_.Exception.Message.ToString()
        # 1Node setup
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_gathering_local_node_logs)
        $nodeName = $(hostname)
        $log_node_agent_dir = [io.Path]::Combine($logDir, $nodeName)

        if ($defaultSwitch -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent -or $Detail.IsPresent)
            $tPath = $global:config[$moduleName]["nodeConfigLocation"]+"\log\*"
            if ((Test-Path $tPath))
                if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_node_agent_dir | Out-Null }
                if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) {
                    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_failed_to_create_directory , $log_node_agent_dir))
                # add directory for node configuration copy
                $node_agent_dir = [io.Path]::Combine($log_node_agent_dir, "configuration")
                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $node_agent_dir | Out-Null

                if ($Detail.IsPresent -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent)
                    Copy-FileLocal -source $tPath -destination $node_agent_dir -recurse
                } else {
                    # add only last two agent-log files by default
                    Get-ChildItem $tPath | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "agent-log-*" } | Copy-Item -Destination $node_agent_dir -recurse
                    # Add only last written two agent-log files by default
                    $nodeAgentLogs = Get-ChildItem $tPath | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "agent-log-*" } | sort LastWriteTime -Descending | select-object -First 2
                    Copy-Item -Path $nodeAgentLogs -Destination $node_agent_dir
            } else {
                Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_nodeagent_log_not_found , $nodeName))

        # Registry dump
        if ($defaultSwitch -or $Detail.IsPresent)   
            if ((Test-Path $global:nodeAgentRegistryPath))
                if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_node_agent_dir | Out-Null }

                Get-Childitem $global:nodeAgentRegistryPath | foreach-object {
                    $version= Split-Path -Path $_.Name -Leaf
                    Get-ItemProperty "${global:nodeAgentRegistryPath}\${version}\*" > $log_node_agent_dir"\${version}_nodeagent_registry.txt" -ErrorAction Ignore

        if ($defaultSwitch -or $MocStore.IsPresent -or $Detail.IsPresent)   
            if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_node_agent_dir | Out-Null }

            $storeDir = [io.Path]::Combine($log_node_agent_dir, "store")
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $storeDir | Out-Null
            Invoke-NodeCommand $(" admin recovery backup --path ""$storeDir"" ")

            #Remove identity folder from store
            #TODO introduce redacting identity instead of deleting the folder
            if (Test-Path -Path ([Io.Path]::Combine($storeDir, "Identity"))) {
                Remove-Item -path ([Io.Path]::Combine($storeDir, "Identity")) -Recurse -Force

        if ($Detail.IsPresent)
            if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_node_agent_dir | Out-Null }

            $systemLogDir = [io.Path]::Combine($log_node_agent_dir, "systemLogs")
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $systemLogDir | Out-Null

                # Expected to fail if nodeagent is not started with debug flag
                Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 -OutFile $systemLogDir/"nodeagent-routine.txt" -ErrorAction Ignore
            catch {}
                # Expected to fail if cloudagent is not started with debug flag
                Invoke-WebRequest http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 -OutFile $systemLogDir/"cloudagent-routine.txt" -ErrorAction Ignore
            catch {}

        if ($HostNetworkingLogs.IsPresent -or $Detail.IsPresent)
            if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_node_agent_dir | Out-Null }
            # Host networking logs
            $hostNetworkingLogsDir = [io.Path]::Combine($log_node_agent_dir, "hostNetworkingLogs")
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $hostNetworkingLogsDir | Out-Null
            Get-NodeHostNetworkingLogs $hostNetworkingLogsDir

        if ($NodeVirtualizationLogs.IsPresent -or $Detail.IsPresent)
            if (!(Test-Path $log_node_agent_dir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_node_agent_dir | Out-Null }
            # Event Logs
            $nodeVirtualizationLogsDir = [io.Path]::Combine($log_node_agent_dir, "nodeVirtualizationLogs")
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $nodeVirtualizationLogsDir | Out-Null
            Get-NodeVirtualizationLogs $env:SystemDrive $virtualizationLogDir

        $log_host_agent_dir = [io.Path]::Combine($logDir, "hostlogs")
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $log_host_agent_dir | Out-Null
        if ($allSwitch -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent)
            $hostAgentPath = $global:config[$moduleName]["hostConfigLocation"]+"\log\*"
            if ((Test-Path $hostAgentPath))
                Copy-FileLocal -source $hostAgentPath -destination $log_host_agent_dir -recurse
    #region trace
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails -moduleName $moduleName) -StartCmdletTime $startCmdletTime
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    return $path

function Get-MocEventLog
        Gets all the event logs from AksHci Module

    Get-WinEvent -ProviderName $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore

function Get-MocLatestVersion
        Get the current MOC release version
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.comm_discovering_latest_version)

    $catalog = Get-LatestCatalog -moduleName $moduleName
    $productRelease = $catalog.ProductStreamRefs[0].ProductReleases[0]

    # find latest moc stack release
    foreach($subProductStream in $productRelease.ProductStreamRefs)
        foreach($subProductRelease in $subProductStream.ProductReleases)
            if ($subProductRelease.ProductName -ieq $script:productName)
                return $subProductRelease.Version

    throw [CustomException]::new($($MocLocMessage.moc_no_latest_version), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

function Get-NodeToCloudLoginYamlFilePath
        Get the node to cloud agent login yaml file path
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node's name

        [string] $nodeName
    # if the nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir is "", then we have to first initialize the directory name
    # this means cx is using legacy setup and running update-mocInternal or repair-moc
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($global:config[$moduleName]["nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir"]))
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["workingDir"], $global:nodeConfigDirectoryName))

    # If the nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir does not exist, we will create the directory and assign appropriate ACL to it
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $global:config[$moduleName]["nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir"]))
        Invoke-CreateNodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir -nodeConfigLocation $global:config[$moduleName]["nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir"]

    $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLFileName = $nodeName + "-" + $global:nodeToCloudloginYAMLName 
    $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath = [io.PATH]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["nodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir"],$nodeToCloudLoginYAMLFileName)
    return $nodeToCloudLoginYAMLPath


function Invoke-CreateNodeToCloudLoginYAMLDir
        creates the upper level folder for the node to cloud login yaml and then sets the ACL on the
        nodeToCloudLoginYAML Directory (i.e. workingDir\wssdagent)

        [string] $nodeConfigLocation
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $nodeConfigLocation | Out-Null
    $acl = Get-Acl $nodeConfigLocation
    $acl.SetAccessRuleProtection($true, $false)
    $adminGroup = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier([System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType]::BuiltinAdministratorsSid, $null)
    $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($adminGroup, "FullControl", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    $acl | Set-Acl $nodeConfigLocation

function Reset-Firewall
        Removes Windows Firewall exceptions that were previously added for agent communication.
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Write-Status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_windows_firewall, $nodeName)) -moduleName $moduleName

    $firewallRules = Get-FirewallRules

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $rules = $args[0]
        foreach($rule in $rules)
            $fw = Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName $($rule[0]) -ErrorAction Ignore
            if ($fw)
                $fw | Remove-NetFirewallRule
    } -ArgumentList (, $firewallRules)

function Reset-Host
        Cleans up the host by removing resources from nodeagent and cloudagent and stopping the processes.
    .PARAMETER removeAll
        Removes all artifacts creates by the deployment script.
    .PARAMETER skipImageDeletion
        This parameter skips deletion of downloaded VHD images and leaves them present in the configured image storage location.
        This is intended to make redeployment faster and avoid unnecessary downloads of the VHDs.
    .PARAMETER skipConfigDeletion
        This parameter skips deletion of the module configuration.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Uninstall-Cloud -activity $activity

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"]) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($global:config[$moduleName]["imageDir"]))
        # This case happens during Initialize Node where the cloud config location and image dir paths don't exist

    $hosts = $env:computername
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $hosts = (Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Ignore).Name

    # In order to avoid double-hop issues with network file share, we remove the
    # files directly (instead of doing it from the remote powershell session)
    if ($removeAll.IsPresent -And $global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"].StartsWith("\\"))
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_removing_cloudagent_directory)
        Remove-Item -Path $global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"] -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

    if ($removeAll.IsPresent -And $global:config[$moduleName]["imageDir"].StartsWith("\\"))
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_removing_image_directory)
        if ($skipImageDeletion.IsPresent)
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_downloaded_images_preserved)
            Get-ChildItem -Path $global:config[$moduleName]["imageDir"] -Directory -ErrorAction Ignore | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
            Remove-Item -Path $global:config[$moduleName]["imageDir"] -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

    # Before we remove workingDir, ensure that this deployment machine is not using that directory as the current working dir. Deleting it while it is the working directory
    # can cause unexpected behavior later on (e.g. download agent failure in redeployment)
    $cwd = Get-Location | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
    if ($cwd -ieq $global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"])
        Set-Location -Path ..

    $inputArgs = @(
        $([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"], $global:yamlDirectoryName)),

    $hosts | ForEach-Object {
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_cleaning_up_files, $_))

        $inputArgsIter = @($_)
        $inputArgsIter += $inputArgs

        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock {
            $hostname = $args[0]
            $yamlLocation = $args[1]
            $workingDir = $args[2]
            $removeAll = $args[3]
            $imageDir = $args[4]
            $skipImageDeletion = $args[5]
            $installDir= $args[6]
            $skipConfigDeletion = $args[7]
            $GenericLocMessage = $args[8]

            write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_removing_yaml_on_hostname, $hostname))
            Remove-Item -Path $yamlLocation -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

            if ($removeAll)
                write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_removing_image_directory_on_hostname, $hostname))
                if ($skipImageDeletion)
                    write-verbose $($GenericLocMessage.generic_downloaded_images_preserved)
                    Get-ChildItem -Path $imageDir -Directory -ErrorAction Ignore | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
                    if ($imageDir)
                        Remove-Item -Path $imageDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

                if (-not $skipConfigDeletion)
                    if ($workingDir)
                        # Keeping the working dir as part of config deletion, since config is now part of workingDir
                        Remove-Item -Path $workingDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

                write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_removing_installation_directory_contents, $hostname))
                Remove-Item -Path $installDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
        } -ArgumentList $inputArgsIter

    if (-not $skipConfigDeletion.IsPresent)
        Reset-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName

function Uninstall-Cloud
        Deprovision an onPremise cloud
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_deprovisioning_cloud)

    $deprovisionCloudResources = $true
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        if ($global:config[$moduleName]["clusterRoleName"])
            $cg = Get-ClusterGroup -name $global:config[$moduleName]["clusterRoleName"].ToString() -ErrorAction Ignore
            if ($null -eq $cg -or $cg.State -ieq "Failed")
                # Skip clean-up of cloud resources if the cluster is in a failed state
                $deprovisionCloudResources = $false

    if (!(Test-Path $global:cloudCtlFullPath))
        $deprovisionCloudResources = $false

    # 1. Cleanup Cloud Resources
    if ($deprovisionCloudResources)
        $mocLocation = $($global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"])
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_cloud_groups)
        try {
            Reset-MocGroup -location $($mocLocation)
        } catch {
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*connection closed*")) {
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_cloud_gallery)
            Reset-MocGalleryImage -location $mocLocation
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*connection closed*"))
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_cloud_container)
            Reset-MocContainer -location $($mocLocation)
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*connection closed*"))
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_cloud_vippool)
            Reset-MocVipPool -location $($mocLocation)
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*connection closed*"))
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))

        if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
                Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_cloud_cluster)
                Reset-MocCluster -location $($mocLocation)
                if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*connection closed*"))
                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))
                Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_cloud_node)
                Reset-MocNode -location $($mocLocation)
                if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it*"))
                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_mac_pools)
            Reset-MocMacPool -location $($mocLocation)
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*connection closed*"))
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_cleanup_cloud_locations)
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*connection closed*"))
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))

    # 2. Deprovision Cloud Agents
    Uninstall-CloudAgent -cloudAgentName $global:cloudAgentAppName -activity $activity

    # 3. DeProvision Node Agent
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        # Try to get the nodes, but don't fail if the cluster is in a bad state.
        # Since we don't want Get-ClusterNode to swallow any error from the ForEach loop.
        # So, we have to keep the Get-ClusterNode separate from the pipe/foreach loop.
        $nodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Ignore
        $nodes | ForEach-Object { 
            Uninstall-Node -activity $activity -nodeName $_.Name
    } else {
        Uninstall-Node -activity $activity -nodeName ($env:computername)

function Uninstall-CloudAgent
        Deprovision a Cloud Agent
        1. Stop the Service
        2. Remove Cluster Service
    .PARAMETER cloudAgentName
        Cloud agent name
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_deprovisioning_cloudagent, $cloudAgentName))

    Stop-AllProcesses -processName "wssdcloudagent"

    # Remove the Cluster Gen Service
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        if ($global:config[$moduleName]["clusterRoleName"])
            # Try to get the groups, but don't fail if the cluster is in a bad state.
            # Since we don't want Get-ClusterGroup to swallow any error from the ForEach loop.
            # So, we have to keep the Get-ClusterGroup separate from the pipe/foreach loop.
            $nodes = Get-ClusterGroup $global:config[$moduleName]["clusterRoleName"].ToString()  -ErrorAction Ignore 
            $nodes | ForEach-Object { 
                Remove-ClusterGroup -InputObject $_ -Force -RemoveResources -ErrorAction Ignore
            # The config is lost, try to cleanup orphaned resource
            Get-ClusterGroup -Name "ca-*" | Remove-ClusterGroup -RemoveResources -Force -ErrorAction Ignore -Verbose

        # Remove Cluster group affinity rule
        $useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow = (Get-MocConfig)["useUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationLogic"]
        if ($useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow)
            Remove-ClusterAffinityRule -Name $global:affinityRuleName -ErrorAction Ignore

        $nodes = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Ignore

        $nodes.Name | ForEach-Object {
            Uninstall-CloudAgentService -nodeName $_ -removeConfig $True
        $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='wssdcloudagent'"
        if ($null -ne $service) {
            Stop-Service WssdCloudAgent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
            $service.delete() | Out-Null

        try {
            write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove_cloudagent_directory, $(hostname)))
            Remove-Item -Path $global:config[$moduleName]["cloudConfigLocation"] -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
            write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove_cloudagent_registry, $(hostname)))
            Remove-Item -Path $global:cloudAgentRegistryPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
            Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"

function Uninstall-NodeAgent
        Provision a Node Agent
        1. Download Node Agent Binary to the Node
        2. Register as Windows service
        3. Configure Service
        4. Start the Service
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_deprovisioning_nodeagent, $nodeName))

    $nodeConfigLocation = Get-ConfigurationValue -module $moduleName -name "nodeConfigLocation"
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($nodeConfigLocation))
        # This might happen in cases where the configuration is lost.
        # We make best effort to cleanup the default location
        $nodeConfigLocation = $global:defaultNodeConfigLocation

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $nodeConfigLocation = $args[0]
        $registryLocation = $args[1]
        $GenericLocMessage = $args[2]
        Get-Service WssdAgent -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
            $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='wssdagent'"
            if ($null -ne $service) {
                Stop-Service WssdAgent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue 
                $service.delete() | Out-Null
        write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove_nodeagent_directory, $(hostname)))
        Remove-Item -Path $nodeConfigLocation -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
        write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove_nodeagent_registry, $(hostname)))
        Remove-Item -Path $registryLocation -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
    } -ArgumentList @($nodeConfigLocation, $global:nodeAgentRegistryPath, $GenericLocMessage)

function Uninstall-HostAgent
        Deprovision a Host Agent
        1. Stop the Service
        2. Remove the Service
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_deprovisioning_hostagent, $nodeName))

    $hostConfigLocation = Get-ConfigurationValue -module $moduleName -name "hostConfigLocation"
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hostConfigLocation))
        # This might happen in cases where the configuration is lost.
        # We make best effort to cleanup the default location
        $hostConfigLocation = $global:defaultHostConfigLocation

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock ${function:Unregister-Application} -ArgumentList "00000001-facb-11e6-bd58-64006a7986d3"

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $hostConfigLocation = $args[0]
        $GenericLocMessage = $args[1]
        Get-Service MocHostAgent -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
            $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='mochostagent'"
            if ($null -ne $service) {
                Stop-Service MocHostAgent -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
                $service.delete() | Out-Null
        write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove_hostagent_directory, $(hostname)))
        Remove-Item -Path $hostConfigLocation -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
        write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove_hostagent_registry, $(hostname)))
    } -ArgumentList @($hostConfigLocation, $GenericLocMessage)

function Unregister-Application
        Unregistering the application by deleting the Hyper-V Host's registry entry of Hyper-V sockets.
    .PARAMETER serviceId
        GUID to use for unregistering the application.

    param (

    $registryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\GuestCommunicationServices\" + $serviceId
    if (Test-Path -Path $registryPath)
        Remove-Item -Path $registryPath

function Stop-IgvmAgent
        Make sure IGVMAgent is shut down.
        This is to avoid sharing violations on the moccppwrapper.dll
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        Get-Service IgvmAgent -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
            $service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='igvmagent'"
            if ($null -ne $service) {
                Stop-Service igvmagent -Force

function Uninstall-Node
        Provision a Node Agent
        1. Download Node Agent Binary to the Node
        2. Register as Windows service
        3. Configure Service
        4. Start the Service
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_deprovisioning_node, $nodeName))

    Reset-Firewall -NodeName $nodeName
    Uninstall-NodeAgent -nodeName $nodeName
    if (-not $global:config[$modulename]["skipHostAgentInstall"]) {
        Uninstall-HostAgent -nodeName $nodeName
    Stop-IGVMAgent -nodeName $nodeName
    Uninstall-MocBinaries -nodeName $nodeName
    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $tmp = $args[0]
        $GenericLocMessage = $args[1]

        write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_remove, $tmp, $(hostname)))
        Remove-Item -Path $tmp -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
    } -ArgumentList @($global:mocMetadataRoot, $GenericLocMessage)

#region moc operations

#region moc macpool

function Set-MocYaml
        Sets the content of the input to a file and return the path
    .PARAMETER yamlData
        input string

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($yamlData))
        throw [CustomException]::new($($GenericLocMessage.generic_invalid_yaml_input), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    $yamlFile = [io.Path]::GetTempFileName() + ".yaml"
    if (
        $global:config -and
        $global:config[$moduleName] -and
        (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"]))
        $yamlFile = [io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"],  $global:yamlDirectoryName,  ([io.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + ".yaml"))

    Set-Content -Path $yamlFile -Value $yamlData -ErrorVariable err
    if (!$err -and $err.count -gt 0)
        throw $err
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_set_yaml, $yamlFile, $yamlData))
    return $yamlFile
function New-MocMacPool
        Adds a macpool resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        name of macpool
    .PARAMETER location
    .PARAMETER macPoolStart
        First MAC address in the pool
    .PARAMETER macPoolEnd
        Last MAC address in the pool
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{"--name" = $name; "--start-mac"= $macPoolStart; "--end-mac" = $macPoolEnd; "--location" = $location }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " network macpool create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocMacPool
        Removes a macpool resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the macpool
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the macpool
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" network macpool list --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" network macpool show --name ""$name"" --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocMacPool
        Removes a macpool resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the macpool
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the macpool
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network macpool delete --name ""$name"" --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocMacPool
        Removes the macpool resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER location
        The location to reset the entity

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand " network macpool list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --location $location" | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -ine "Default")
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocMacPool -name $entityName -location $location -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocMacPool -name $entityName -location $location
#endregion moc macpool

#region moc location

function New-MocLocation
        Adds a location resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the location
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_creating_cloud_location, $name))

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " cloud location create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocLocation
        Removes a Location resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Location
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" cloud location list" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" cloud location show --name ""$name"" " + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocLocation
        Removes a Location resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Location
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" cloud location delete --name ""$name"" " + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocLocation
        Remove all moc locations.

    Invoke-MocCommand " cloud location list --output tsv --query ""[*].name""" | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -ine "Reserved")
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocLocation -name $entityName -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocLocation -name $entityName

#endregion moc location

#region moc group

function New-MocGroup
        Adds a group resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the group
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the group
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--location" = $location}

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " cloud group create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocGroup
        Removes a Group resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Group
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Group
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" cloud group list --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" cloud group show --name ""$name"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocGroup
        Removes a Group resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Group
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Group
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" cloud group delete --name ""$name"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
function Reset-MocGroup
        Remove all moc groups.
    .PARAMETER location
        The location to reset the entity
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" cloud group list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --location $location") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocGroup -name $entityName -location $location -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocGroup -name $entityName -location $location

#endregion moc group

#region moc container

function New-MocContainer
        Adds a container resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the container
    .PARAMETER path
        path to create the container
    .PARAMETER location
        Location of the container
    .PARAMETER isolated
        Whether or not, set the container to be isolated
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $path = Update-DirectoryPath -directoryPath $path
    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--path" = $path; "--location" = $location }
    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()
    if($isolated) {
        $boolFlags += '--isolated'

    Invoke-MocCommand " storage container create" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Get-MocContainer
        Removes a Container resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Container
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Container
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" storage container list --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" storage container show --name ""$name"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Set-MocContainer
        Sets a Container resource from moc to be isolated or grouped.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Container
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Container
    .PARAMETER isolated
        Whether or not, set the container to be isolated

    param (



    $origin = Get-MocContainer -name $name -location $location
    $config = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $config = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($config, 'yaml')
    $content = @'
name: "{0}"
    isolated: {1}
version: "{2}"
 -f $name, $isolated.ToBool(), $origin.version
    $content | Out-File -FilePath:$config -Encoding utf8

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--config" = $config; "--location" = $location }
    Invoke-MocCommand " storage container update" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Remove-MocContainer
        Removes a Container resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Container
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Container
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" storage container delete --name ""$name"" --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
function Reset-MocContainer
        Remove all moc storage containers.
    .PARAMETER location
        The location to reset the entity
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" storage container list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --location $location") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *") {
        if ($timeoutSeconds) {
                Invoke-MocCommand $(" storage container delete --name ""$entityName"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        else {
                Invoke-MocCommand $(" storage container delete --name ""$entityName"" --location $location")

#endregion moc container

#region moc vippool

function New-MocVipPool
        Adds a vip pool resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        name of vippool
    .PARAMETER location
    .PARAMETER vipPoolStart
        First vip address in the pool
    .PARAMETER vipPoolEnd
        Last vip address in the pool
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--start-ip" = $vipPoolStart; "--end-ip" = $vipPoolEnd; "--location" = $location }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " network vippool create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocVipPool
        Get a VipPool resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VipPool
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the VipPool
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" network vippool list --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" network vippool show --name ""$name"" --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocVipPool
        Removes a VipPool resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VipPool
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the VipPool
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network vippool delete --name ""$name"" --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocVipPool
        Remove all moc network vippools.
    .PARAMETER location
        The location to reset the entity
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network vippool list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --location "+$location) | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *") {
            Invoke-MocCommand $(" network vippool delete --name ""$entityName"" --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

#endregion moc vippool

#region moc node

function New-MocNode
        Adds a node resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the node
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the node
    .PARAMETER fqdn
        fqdn of the node
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--fqdn" = $fqdn; "--port" = 45000; "--authorizer-port" = 45001; "--location" = $location }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " cloud node create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocNode
        Get a Node(s) resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Node
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Node
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" cloud node list --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" cloud node show --name ""$name"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )

function Remove-MocNode
        Removes a Node resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Node
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Node
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" cloud node delete --name ""$name"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
function Reset-MocNode
        Remove all moc nodes.
    .PARAMETER location
        The location to reset the entity

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" cloud node list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --location $location") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
        if($timeoutSeconds) {
        Remove-MocNode -name $entityName -location $location -timeout $timeoutSeconds
        else {
                Remove-MocNode -name $entityName -location $location

#endregion moc node

#region moc physical node
function Confirm-NodeStatus

        sanity check before New-MocPhysicalNode and Remove-MocPhysicalNode
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The name of the node in the FC
    .PARAMETER checkConfiguration
        To check if the node is configured and running

    param (

    # check if node in FC
    $node = Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Ignore | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $nodeName -and $_.State -ieq 'Up'}
    if (($null -eq $node))
        throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_node_not_in_cluster, $nodeName)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsInfraErrorFlag))

    if (!($checkConfiguration.IsPresent))

    # check if node is configured
    Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:nodeAgentFullPath
    $currentMocVersion = Get-MocVersion
    if ([version]$currentMocVersion -gt [version]$script:mocVersionAug2023) {
        Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:hostAgentFullPath
        Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:guestAgentLinFullPath
        Test-Binary -nodeName $nodeName -binaryName $global:guestAgentWinFullPath
    Test-NodeConfiguration -nodeName $nodeName

function New-MocPhysicalNode
        FRU scenario, orchestrates the onboarding of a new node
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The name of the node in the FC
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    if (!(Test-MultiNodeDeployment))
        throw [CustomException]::new( $($MocLocMessage.moc_new_node_support), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    trap {
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

        $mocNodeName = Get-MocNodeName -name $nodeName
        $nodeTmp = Get-MocNode -name $mocNodeName -location $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"] 
        # Ignore the exception

    if ($nodeTmp)
        # Already part of the deployment
        throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_node_already_present, $nodeName)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    Confirm-NodeStatus -nodeName $nodeName

    $workingDir = $global:config[$modulename]["workingDir"]
    Save-ConfigurationDirectoryNode -nodeName $nodeName -moduleName $moduleName -WorkingDir $workingDir

    # node setup
    Initialize-Node -nodeName $nodeName

    Install-CloudAgentOnNode -nodeName $nodeName -startupType "Manual"
    $nodeLoginYaml = $(Get-MocConfigValue -name "nodeLoginYAML")
    Install-NodeAgent -nodeName $nodeName -activity $activity
    Invoke-NodeLogin -nodeName $nodeName -loginYaml $nodeLoginYaml

    if (-not $global:config[$modulename]["skipHostAgentInstall"]) {
        Install-HostAgent -nodeName $nodeName -activity $activity

    # check if agent is installed successfully and registered with CA
    Confirm-NodeStatus -nodeName $nodeName -checkConfiguration
    # wait for all nodes to become active
    $mocLocation = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"]
    Wait-ForActiveNodes -location $mocLocation -activity $activity

    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

function Remove-MocPhysicalNode
        FRU scenario, orchestrates the offboarding of a node that has failed
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The name of the node in the FC
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    if (!(Test-MultiNodeDeployment))
        throw [CustomException]::new( $($MocLocMessage.moc_remove_node_support), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    if ($nodeName -ieq $(hostname))
        throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_node_removal_not_allowed, $(hostname))), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    trap {
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    # Check if cloudagent is running in the node
    $clusterName = $global:config[$moduleName]["clusterRoleName"]
    $resourceGroup = Get-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterName
    if ($nodeName -ieq $resourceGroup.OwnerNode)
        # Move cloudagent to another node in the cluster
        Move-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterName
        Wait-ForCloudAgentEndpoint -activity $activity
        $resourceGroup = Get-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterName
        # cloudagent is still running in the same node would mean it is a cluster comprising of single node
        if ($nodeName -ieq $resourceGroup.OwnerNode)
            throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_node_removal_not_allowed, $(hostname))), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    $mocNodeName = Get-MocNodeName -name $nodeName

    # check if resources have migrated
    $mocLocation = $($global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"])
        Remove-MocNode -name $mocNodeName -location $mocLocation
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message "$activity - $_"
        if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Not Found*")) {
            throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_failed_remove_node, $_.Exception.Message, $nodeName)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))
    # Remove the cloud agent service
        Uninstall-CloudAgentService -nodeName $nodeName -removeConfig $False
        # swallow error if node is unreachable and uninstall is not successful
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message "$activity - $_"

    # No need to validate the node.
    # We can let the user call it to cleanup any residue
        Uninstall-Node -nodeName $nodeName -activity $activity
        # swallow error if node is unreachable and uninstall is not successful
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message "$activity - $_"
        Remove-MocIdentity -name $mocNodeName
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message "$activity - $_"
        if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Not Found*")) {
            throw [CustomException]::new( $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_failed_remove_identity, $_.Exception.Message, $nodeName)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))
    Delete-ConfigurationDirectoryNode -nodeName $nodeName -moduleName $moduleName
    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
#endregion moc physical node

#region moc cluster
function New-MocCluster
        Adds a cluster resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the cluster
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the cluster
    .PARAMETER fqdn
        Fqdn of the cluster
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{"--name" = $name; "--fqdn" = $fqdn; "--location" = $location }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " cloud cluster create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocCluster
        Get a Cluster(s) resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Cluster
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Cluster
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" cloud cluster list --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" cloud cluster show --name ""$name"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )

function Remove-MocCluster
        Removes a Cluster resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Cluster
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the Cluster
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" cloud cluster delete --name ""$name"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocCluster
        Remove all moc clusters.
    .PARAMETER location
        The location to reset the entity
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" cloud cluster list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --location $location") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            Remove-MocCluster -name $entityName -location $location -timeout $timeoutSeconds

#endregion moc cluster

#region moc galleryimage

function New-MocGalleryImage
        Adds a galleryimage resource to cloudagent.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the galleryimage.
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the galleryimage.
    .PARAMETER imagePath
        Hostname or IP of the galleryimage.
    .PARAMETER container
        Container that galleryimage will use
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds
    .PARAMETER imageSourceSfs
    Switch indicating image source if sfs
    .PARAMETER release
        Release name of the image if imageSource is sfs
    .PARAMETER version
        Version of the image if imageSource is sfs
    .PARAMETER numDownloads
        Number of parallel downloads of the image if imageSource is sfs
    .PARAMETER destinationDir
       Destination Dir of the image if imageSource is sfs
    .PARAMETER hyperVGeneration
        hyperv generation of the image

    param (

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'sfs')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'sfs')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'sfs')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'sfs')]
        [ValidateSet('HyperVGeneration_V1', 'HyperVGeneration_V2')]


    $argsDict = @{"--name" = $name; "--container-name" = $container; "--location" = $location}
    if ($imagePath -and ($imageSourceSfs -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "sfs"))
        throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_imgpath_imgsourcesfs_flags_present)        
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "sfs")
        $argsDict += @{"--image-source" =  "sfs"; "--release" =  $release; "--version" = $version; "--num-downloads" = $numDownloads}
        if ($imagePath)
           $argsDict["--image-path"] = $imagePath
    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hyperVGeneration)) {
        $argsDict["--hyperv-generation"] = $hyperVGeneration

    Invoke-MocCommand " compute galleryimage create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocGalleryImage
        Removes a GalleryImage resource from cloudagent.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the GalleryImage
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the GalleryImage
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" compute galleryimage list --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" compute galleryimage show --name ""$name"" --location $location" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocGalleryImage
        Removes a GalleryImage resource from cloudagent.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the GalleryImage
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the GalleryImage
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute galleryimage delete --name ""$name"" --location "+$location + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
function Reset-MocGalleryImage
        Remove all compute galleryimages.
    .PARAMETER location
        The location to reset the entity
    .PARAMETER skipImages
        Optional list of galleryimages to avoid removing

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute galleryimage list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --location $location ") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -ine "No GalleryImage Resources")
            foreach ($image in $skipImages)
                if ($entityName -ieq $image)
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocGalleryImage -name $entityName -location $location -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocGalleryImage -name $entityName -location $location

#endregion moc galleryimage

#region moc network interface
function New-MocNetworkInterface
        Adds a vnic resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the vnic
    .PARAMETER virtualNetworkName
        The vnet that the vnic should be connected to
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the vnic resides
    .PARAMETER ipAddress
        The ipAddress of the networkInterface
    .PARAMETER loadBalancerBackend
        The loadBalancer Backend to which this network interface should be associated to
    .PARAMETER macAddress
        The macAddress of the networkInterface
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--vnet-name" = $virtualNetworkName; "--group" = $group }

    if ($macAddress) {
        $argsDict["--mac-address"] = $macAddress

    if ($ipAddress) {
        $argsDict["--private-ip-address"] = $ipAddress

    if ($loadBalancerBackend) {
        $argsDict["--lb-name"] = $loadBalancerBackend

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " network vnic create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocNetworkInterface
        Removes a NetworkInterface resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" network vnic list --group $group" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" network vnic show --name ""$name"" --group $group" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocNetworkInterface
        Removes a NetworkInterface resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network vnic delete --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocNetworkInterface
        Remove all moc networkinterface.
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network vnic list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocNetworkInterface -name $entityName -group $group -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocNetworkInterface -name $entityName -group $group

#endregion moc network interface

#region moc loadbalancer
function New-MocLoadBalancer
        Adds a loadbalancer resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the loadbalancer
    .PARAMETER virtualNetworkName
        The vnet that the loadbalancer should be connected to
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the loadbalancer resides
    .PARAMETER backendPoolName
        The backendPoolName
    .PARAMETER frontendPort
        The frontendPort for the loadbalancer
    .PARAMETER backendPort
        The backendPort for the loadbalancer
    .PARAMETER protocol
        The protocol for the loadbalancer
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [ValidateSet('TCP', 'UDP')]

    $argsDict = @{"--name" = $name; "--vnet-name" = $virtualNetworkName; "--backend-pool-name" = $backendPoolName; "--frontend-port" = $frontendPort;
        "--backend-port" = $backendPort; "--protocol" = $protocol; "--group" = $group

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " network loadbalancer create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocLoadBalancer
        Get a LoadBalancer resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the LoadBalancer
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the LoadBalancer
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" network loadbalancer list --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" network loadbalancer show --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocLoadBalancer
        Removes a LoadBalancer resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the LoadBalancer
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the LoadBalancer
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network loadbalancer delete --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocLoadBalancer
        Remove all moc loadbalancer.
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the LoadBalancer

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network loadbalancer list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocLoadBalancer -name $entityName -group $group -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocLoadBalancer -name $entityName -group $group

#endregion moc network interface

#region moc virtual network

function New-MocIPPool
        Adds a vnet resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the vnet
    .PARAMETER type
        Type of the vnet
    .PARAMETER startIpAddress
        The name of the group in which the vnet resides
    .PARAMETER endIPAddress
        name of the macpool

    param (
        [ValidateSet('vm', 'vippool')]

    return @"
      - name: $name
        type: $type
        start: $startIpAddress
        end: $endIPAddress


function New-MocVirtualNetwork
        Adds a vnet resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the vnet
    .PARAMETER type
        Type of the vnet
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the vnet resides
    .PARAMETER macPool
        name of the macpool
    .PARAMETER ipPools
        list of IPPools
        Non Zero value, if vlan is required
    .PARAMETER tags
        Additional tags for vnet creation
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--type" = $type; "--group" = $group }

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($type)) {
        $type = "Transparent"
        if ($name -eq "Default Switch") {
            $type = "ICS"

        $argsDict["--type"] = $type

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($macPool)) {
        $argsDict["--mac-pool"] = $macPool

    if ($vlanID -gt 0) {
        $argsDict["--vlan-id"] = $vlanID

    if ($ipPools -and $ipPools.Count -gt 0) {
        $argsDict["--ip-pools"] = $ipPools

    if ($tags -and $tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [string[]] $tagsVal = @()

        foreach ($key in $tags.Keys) {
            $val = $tags[$key]
            $tagsVal += ("{0}={1}" -f $key, $val)
        $argsDict["--tags"] = $tagsVal

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
    $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " network vnet create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocVirtualNetwork
        Get a VirtualNetwork resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualNetwork
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualNetwork

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" network virtualnetwork list --group "+$group)
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" network virtualnetwork show --name ""$name"" --group "+$group)

function Remove-MocVirtualNetwork
        Removes a VirtualNetwork resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualNetwork
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualNetwork

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network virtualnetwork delete --name ""$name"" --group $group")

function Reset-MocVirtualNetwork
        Remove all moc virtualnetwork.
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the virtualnetwork

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" network virtualnetwork list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            Remove-MocVirtualNetwork -name $entityName -group $group
#endregion moc network interface

#region moc avset
function New-MocAvailabilitySet
        Adds a vnet resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the vnet
    .PARAMETER type
        Type of the vnet
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the vnet resides
    .PARAMETER faultDomainCount
        number of the faultDomain, must be between 2 and number of nodes

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--group" = $group; "--PlatformFaultDomainCount" = $faultDomainCount }

    Invoke-MocCommand " compute availabilityset create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocAvailabilitySet
        Get a AvailabilitySet resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the AvailabilitySet
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the AvailabilitySet

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" compute availabilityset list --group "+$group)
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" compute availabilityset show --name ""$name"" --group "+$group)

function Remove-MocAvailabilitySet
        Removes a AvailabilitySet resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the AvailabilitySet
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the AvailabilitySet

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute availabilityset delete --name ""$name"" --group $group")

#region moc avzone
function New-MocZone
        Adds a zone resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the zone
    .PARAMETER nodes
        Nodes to be added to zone
    .PARAMETER location
        The name of the location in which the zone resides

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--location" = $location }

    if ($nodes.Count -gt 0)
        $argsDict["--nodes"] = $nodes

    Invoke-MocCommand " cloud zone create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocZone
        Gets a zone resource from moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the zone
    .PARAMETER location
        The name of the location in which the zone resides

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" cloud zone list --location "+$location)
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" cloud zone show --name ""$name"" --location "+$location)

function Update-MocZone
        Updates a zone resource in moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the zone
    .PARAMETER nodes
        Nodes to be updated in zone
    .PARAMETER location
        The name of the location in which the zone resides

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--location" = $location }

    if ($nodes.Count -gt 0)
        $argsDict["--nodes"] = $nodes

    Invoke-MocCommand " cloud zone update" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Remove-MocZone
        Removes a zone resource in moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the zone
    .PARAMETER location
        The name of the location in which the zone resides

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--location" = $location }

    Invoke-MocCommand " cloud zone delete" -argDictionary $argsDict

#endregion moc zone

#region moc virtualmachine

enum SecurityType {

function New-MocVirtualMachine
        Create a moc virtualmachine
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the virtualmachine
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the virtualmachine resides
    .PARAMETER galleryImageName
        The name of the galleryImageName to use for image
    .PARAMETER diskName
        The name of the VHD to use as OsDisk for the VM, if galleryImageName is empty
    .PARAMETER osType
        The type of operating system
    .PARAMETER networkInterfaces
        List of networkinterfaces to connect the virtualmachine
    .PARAMETER virtualHardDisks
        List of virtualHardDisks to connect the virtualmachine
    .PARAMETER gpuAssignmentTypes
        List of GPU assignment types to attach to the virtualmachine
    .PARAMETER gpuPartitionSizesMB
        List of GPU partitions to attach to the virtualmachine
    .PARAMETER gpuNames
        List of GPU names to attach to the virtualmachine
    .PARAMETER storageContainerName
        The name of the storageContainerName to store the virtualmachine data
    .PARAMETER disableHA
        switch to disable high availability
    .PARAMETER computerName
        name of the computer to set on the VM.
    .PARAMETER adminUser
        administrator username
    .PARAMETER adminPass
        administrator Password in Clear text
    .PARAMETER bootstrapType
        bootstrap type [CloudInit/WindowsAnswerFile]
    .PARAMETER tags
        hashtable of tags
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds
    .PARAMETER disableSecureBoot
        switch to disable secure boot
    .PARAMETER enableTPM
        switch to enable tpm
    .PARAMETER securityType
        securityType value for TVM machines
    .PARAMETER enableGuestAgent
        switch to enable guest agent
    .PARAMETER sshKeyPaths
        comma-separated list of ssh key paths
    .PARAMETER sshKeyData
        comma-separated list of ssh key data
    .PARAMETER httpProxy
        The HTTP proxy server endpoint
    .PARAMETER httpsProxy
        The HTTPS proxy server endpoint
    .PARAMETER noProxy
        The endpoints that should not go through proxy
    .PARAMETER certFilePath
        Certificate for client side trust
    .PARAMETER availabilitySet
        availabilitySet name
    .PARAMETER priority
        priority level
    .PARAMETER placementGroup
        placementGroup name
    .PARAMETER zones
        zone names
    .PARAMETER strictZonePlacement
        enable strict zone placement

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'UsingGalleryImageName')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = 'UsingDiskName')]
        [ValidateSet('Windows', 'Linux')]
        [string]$storageContainerName = "",
        [ValidateSet('CloudInit', 'WindowsAnswerFiles')]
        [switch] $enableTpm,
        [ValidateSet('LOW', 'MEDIUM', 'HIGH')]

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()

    # Construct OsProfile related Info
    switch ($osType)
        'Windows' {
            $boolFlags += "--enable-auto-update"
        'Linux' {
            $boolFlags += "--disable-password-auth"

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--computer-name" = $computerName; "--admin-username" = $adminUser; "--admin-password" = $adminPass;
        "--os-bootstrap-engine" = $bootstrapType; "--os-type" = $osType; "--group" = $group 

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($galleryImageName))
        $argsDict["--image-name"] = $galleryImageName
    elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($diskName))
        $argsDict["--os-disk-uri"] = $diskName

    if ($networkInterfaces)
        $argsDict["--network-interfaces"] = $networkInterfaces

    if ($virtualHardDisks -and $virtualHardDisks.Count -gt 0)
        $argsDict["--data-disk-uris"] = $virtualHardDisks

    if ($gpuAssignmentTypes -and $gpuAssignmentTypes.Count -gt 0)
        $argsDict["--gpu-assignment-types"] = $gpuAssignmentTypes

    if ($gpuPartitionSizesMB -and $gpuPartitionSizesMB.Count -gt 0)
        # Since gpuPartitionSizesMB is present, validate that gpuAssignmentTypes is not nil and gpuPartitionSizesMB.Count is same as gpuAssignmentTypes.Count
        if (-not $gpuAssignmentTypes -or $gpuPartitionSizesMB.Count -ne $gpuAssignmentTypes.Count)
            throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_gpu_partition_sizes_invalid)
        $argsDict["--gpu-partition-sizes-mb"] = $gpuPartitionSizesMB

    if ($gpuNames -and $gpuNames.Count -gt 0)
        # Since gpuNames is present, validate that gpuAssignmentTypes is not nil and gpuNames.Count is same as gpuAssignmentTypes.Count
        if (-not $gpuAssignmentTypes -or $gpuNames.Count -ne $gpuAssignmentTypes.Count)
            throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_gpu_names_invalid)
        $argsDict["--gpu-names"] = $gpuNames

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($storageContainerName))
        $argsDict["--storage-container-name"] = $storageContainerName

    if ($disableHA.IsPresent)
        $boolFlags += "--disable-high-availability"
    if ($disableSecureBoot.IsPresent)
        $boolFlags += "--disable-secure-boot"

    if ($enableTpm.IsPresent)
        $boolFlags += "--enable-tpm"
    if ($enableGuestAgent.IsPresent)
        $boolFlags += "--enable-guest-agent"

    if ($sshKeyPaths)
        $argsDict["--ssh-key-paths"] = $sshKeyPaths

    if ($sshKeyData)
        $argsDict["--ssh-key-data"] = $sshKeyData

    if ($tags -and $tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [string[]] $tagsVal = @()

        foreach ($key in $tags.Keys) {
            $val = $tags[$key]
            $tagsVal += ("{0}={1}" -f $key, $val)
        $argsDict["--tags"] = $tagsVal

    if ($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($securityType))
        $argsDict["--security-type"] = $securityType.ToString()

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($httpProxy))
        $argsDict["--http-proxy"] = $httpProxy

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($httpsProxy))
        $argsDict["--https-proxy"] = $httpsProxy

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($noProxy))
        $argsDict["--no-proxy"] = $noProxy

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($certFilePath))
        $argsDict["--cert-file-path"] = $certFilePath

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($availabilitySet))
        $argsDict["--availability-set"] = $availabilitySet

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($priority))
        $argsDict["--priority"] = $priority
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($zones))
        $argsDict["--zones"] = $zones
        if ($strictZonePlacement.IsPresent)
            $boolFlags += "--strict-zone-placement"

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($placementGroup))
        $argsDict["--placement-group"] = $placementGroup

    Invoke-MocCommand " compute vm create" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Get-MocVirtualMachine
        Get VirtualMachine(s) from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" compute vm list --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" compute vm show --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocVirtualMachine
        Removes a VirtualMachine resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm delete --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Start-MocVirtualMachine
        Starts a VirtualMachine from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm start --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Stop-MocVirtualMachine
        Stops a VirtualMachine from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm stop --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Restart-MocVirtualMachine
        Restarts a VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm restart --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Pause-MocVirtualMachine
        Pauses a virtual machine from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm pause --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Save-MocVirtualMachine
        Saves a VirtualMachine from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm save --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Get-MocVirtualMachineSizes
        List sizes for a moc VirtualMachine

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm list-sizes" )

function Resize-MocVirtualMachine
        Resize a VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER newSize
        newSize for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm resize --name ""$name"" --group $group --size $newSize" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Resize-MocVirtualMachineCustom
        Resize a VirtualMachine with Custom Size
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
     .PARAMETER cpuCount
        new cpuCount for the VirtualMachine
     .PARAMETER memoryMB
        new memoryMB for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm resize --name ""$name"" --group $group --size Custom --cpucount $cpuCount --memorymb $memoryMB" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Connect-MocVirtualHardDisk
        Connect a VirtualMachine to VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER virtualMachineName
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm disk attach --name ""$name"" --vm-name $virtualMachineName --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Disconnect-MocVirtualHardDisk
        Disconnect a VirtualMachine from VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER virtualMachineName
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm disk detach --name ""$name"" --vm-name $virtualMachineName --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Connect-MocNetworkInterface
        Connect a VirtualMachine to NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER virtualMachineName
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm nic add --name ""$name"" --vm-name $virtualMachineName --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Disconnect-MocNetworkInterface
        Disconnect a VirtualMachine from NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine
    .PARAMETER virtualMachineName
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm nic remove --name ""$name"" --vm-name $virtualMachineName --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
function Reset-MocVirtualMachine
        Remove all moc virtual machines.
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualMachine

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vm list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            Remove-MocVirtualMachine -name $entityName -group $group
#endregion moc virtualmachine

#region moc virtualmachine

function New-MocVMSS
        Adds a vmss resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the vmss
    .PARAMETER galleryImageName
        name of the image to use for vmss
    .PARAMETER replicaCount
        replica count of vmss
    .PARAMETER osType
        OperatingSystem type of the vmss
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the vmss resides
    .PARAMETER virtualNetworkName
        The name of the virtualNetworkName to connect the vmss to
    .PARAMETER storageContainerName
        The name of the storageContainerName to store the vmss data
    .PARAMETER disableHA
        switch to disable high availability
    .PARAMETER computerNamePrefix
        name of the computer to set on the VM.
    .PARAMETER adminUser
        administrator username
    .PARAMETER adminPass
        administrator Password in Clear text
    .PARAMETER sshPublicKey
        sshPublicKey to use to set certificate based ssh auth
    .PARAMETER bootstrapType
        bootstrap type [CloudInit/WindowsAnswerFile]
    .PARAMETER tags
        hashtable of tags

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Windows', 'Linux')]
        [string]$storageContainerName = "",
        [ValidateSet('CloudInit', 'WindowsAnswerFiles')]

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--replicas" = $replicaCount; "--image-name" = $galleryImageName; "--os-type" = $osType;
        "--computer-name-prefix" = $computerNamePrefix; "--admin-username" = $adminUser; "--admin-password" = $adminPass; "--bootstrap-type" = $bootstrapType;
        "--group" = $group 

    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sshPublicKey))
        $argsDict["--ssh-public-key"] = $sshPublicKey

     if ($virtualNetworkName)
         $argsDict["--vnet-name"] = $virtualNetworkName

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($storageContainerName))
        $argsDict["--storage-container-name"] = $storageContainerName

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()

    if ($disableHA.IsPresent) {
        $boolFlags += "--disable-high-availability"

    if ($tags -and $tags.Count -gt 0) {
        [string[]] $tagsVal = @()

        foreach ($key in $tags.Keys) {
            $val = $tags[$key]
            $tagsVal += ("{0}={1}" -f $key, $val)
        $argsDict["--tags"] = $tagsVal

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " compute vmss create" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Get-MocVMSS
        Get a VMSS resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VMSS
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VMSS
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" compute vmss list --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" compute vmss show --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Set-MocVMSS
        Get a VMSS resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VMSS
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VMSS
    .PARAMETER replicaCount
        replicaCount for the VMSS
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vmss scale --count $replicaCount --name ""$name"" --group $group" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )

function Remove-MocVMSS
        Removes a VMSS resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VMSS
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VMSS
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vmss delete --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocVMSS
        Remove all moc vmss
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the VMSS
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" compute vmss list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocVMSS -name $entityName -group $group -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocVMSS -name $entityName -group $group
#endregion moc virtualmachine

#region moc virtual harddisk
function New-MocVirtualHardDisk
        Adds a virtualharddisk resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the virtualharddisk
    .PARAMETER sizeBytes
        size in bytes for the virtualharddisk
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the virtualharddisk resides
    .PARAMETER dynamic
        flag to specify if we want
        * dynamic expanding disk -> overprovisioning
        * static disks
    .PARAMETER containerName
        name of the storage container to use
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds
    .PARAMETER hyperVGeneration
        hyperv generation of the disk
    .PARAMETER diskFileFormat
        hyperv generation of the disk

    param (
        [bool]$dynamic = $true,
        [ValidateSet('HyperVGeneration_V1', 'HyperVGeneration_V2')]
        [ValidateSet('VHD', 'VHDX')]


    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()
    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--disk-size-bytes" = $sizeBytes; "--group" = $group }

    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($containerName)) {
        $argsDict["--container"] = $containerName

    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($hyperVGeneration)) {
        $argsDict["--hyperv-generation"] = $hyperVGeneration

    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($diskFileFormat)) {
        $argsDict["--disk-file-format"] = $diskFileFormat

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    if ($dynamic) {
        $boolFlags += "--dynamic"

    Invoke-MocCommand " storage vhd create" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Import-MocVirtualHardDisk
        Impoirts an existing virtualharddisk resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the virtualharddisk
    .PARAMETER sourcePath
        sourcePath of the virtualharddisk to import
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the virtualharddisk resides
    .PARAMETER containerName
        name of the storage container to use
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $yaml = @"
name: $name
  source: $sourcePath

    $yamlFile = Set-MocYaml -yamlData $yaml

    $cmd = ""
    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($containerName))
        $cmd +=  " --container $containerName"

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" storage vhd create --config ""$yamlFile"" --group $group $cmd" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )

function Get-MocVirtualHardDisk
        Get a VirtualHardDisk resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER containerName
        name of the storage container to use
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $cmd = ""
    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($containerName))
        $cmd +=  " --container $containerName"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" storage vhd list --group "+$group + $cmd + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" storage vhd show --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + $cmd + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Resize-MocVirtualHardDisk
        Resize a VirtualHardDisk resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER newSizeBytes
        newSizeBytes for the VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER containerName
        name of the storage container to use
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $cmdDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--size-bytes" = $newSizeBytes; "--group" = $group } 

    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($containerName))
        $cmdDict["--container"] = $containerName
    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $cmdDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand $( "storage vhd resize") -argDictionary $cmdDict

function Remove-MocVirtualHardDisk
        Removes a VirtualHardDisk resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" storage vhd delete --name ""$name"" --group $group --container $containerName" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocVirtualHardDisk
        Remove all moc virtual harddisks.
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the VirtualHardDisk
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $cmd = ""
    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($containerName))
        $cmd +=  " --container $containerName"

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" storage vhd list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group $cmd") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocVirtualHardDisk -name $entityName -group $group -containerName $containerName -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocVirtualHardDisk -name $entityName -group $group -containerName $containerName
#endregion moc virtual harddisk

#region moc certificate
function Update-MocCertificate
        Updates a certificate resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the certificate.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name;}

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    return Invoke-MocCommand " security certificate update" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocCertificate
        Updates a certificate resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the certificate.
    .PARAMETER fqdn
        Hostname or IP of the cloud agent.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [String]$format = "json",
        [int32]$expiryDays = 90

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--output" = $format; "--expirydays" = $expiryDays }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    return Invoke-MocCommand " security certificate list " -argDictionary $argsDict
#endregion moc certificate

#region moc identity
function New-MocIdentity
        Adds a identity resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the identity identity.
    .PARAMETER validityDays
        Time before expiry of token for identity in days.
    .PARAMETER validitySeconds
        Time before expiry of token for identity in seconds
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the identity.
    .PARAMETER fqdn
        Hostname or IP of the cloud agent.
    .PARAMETER clienttype
        Type of client for which identity is created.
    .PARAMETER port
        Port that cloud agent is listening on.
    .PARAMETER authport
        Authorizer Port that cloud agent is listening on.
    .PARAMETER encode
        output to be base64 encoded.
    .PARAMETER outFile
        write the identity to the given file name.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds
    .PARAMETER enableTokenAutoRotate
        An indicate whether enable cloud agent token auto rotate feature. Default is disabled
    .PARAMETER loginFilepath
        The login yaml filepath for nodeToCloudAgent.yaml

    param (
        [String]$fqdn = "localhost",
        [string]$clienttype = "Node",
        [int]$port = $global:defaultCloudAgentPort,
        [int]$authport = $global:defaultCloudAuthorizerPort,
        [string]$outFile = "",
        [string] $loginFilePath

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_creating_identity, $name))

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--fqdn" = $fqdn; "--client-type" = $clienttype;
    "--port" = $port; "--auth-port" = $authport; "--location" = $location; "--outfile" = $outFile}

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    if ($validitySeconds)
        $argsDict["--validity-seconds"] = $validitySeconds

    if ($validityDays)
        $argsDict["--validity-days"] = $validityDays

    if ($loginFilePath)
        $argsDict["--login-path"] = $loginFilePath

    $boolFlags += "--encode=$encode"
    if ($enableTokenAutoRotate.IsPresent)
        $boolFlags += "--enable-autorotate=$enableTokenAutoRotate"
    return Invoke-MocCommand " security identity create" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Update-MocIdentity
        Updates a identity resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the identity identity.
    .PARAMETER validityDays
        Time before expiry of token for identity in days.
    .PARAMETER validitySeconds
        Time before expiry of token for identity in seconds
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the identity.
    .PARAMETER fqdn
        Hostname or IP of the cloud agent.
    .PARAMETER clienttype
        Type of client for which identity is created.
    .PARAMETER port
        Port that cloud agent is listening on.
    .PARAMETER authport
        Authorizer Port that cloud agent is listening on.
    .PARAMETER encode
        output to be base64 encoded.
    .PARAMETER outFile
        write the identity to the given file name.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds
    .PARAMETER enableTokenAutoRotate
        An indicate whether enable cloud agent token auto rotate feature. Default is disabled
    .PARAMETER loginFilepath
        The login yaml filepath for nodeToCloudAgent.yaml

    param (
        [String]$fqdn = "localhost",
        [string]$clienttype = "Node",
        [int]$port = $global:defaultCloudAgentPort,
        [int]$authport = $global:defaultCloudAuthorizerPort,
        [string]$outFile = "",
        [string] $loginFilePath

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_creating_identity, $name))

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--fqdn" = $fqdn; "--client-type" = $clienttype;
    "--port" = $port; "--auth-port" = $authport; "--location" = $location; "--outfile" = $outFile}

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    if ($validitySeconds)
        $argsDict["--validitySeconds"] = $validitySeconds

    if ($validityDays)
        $argsDict["--validity-days"] = $validityDays

    if ($loginFilePath)
        $argsDict["--login-path"] = $loginFilePath

    $boolFlags += "--encode=$encode"
    if ($enableTokenAutoRotate.IsPresent)
        $boolFlags += "--enable-autorotate=$enableTokenAutoRotate"

    return Invoke-MocCommand " security identity update" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Remove-MocIdentity
        Deletes a identity resource from moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the identity identity.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_deleting_identity)

    return Invoke-MocCommand $(" security identity delete --name $name" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Get-MocIdentity
        Get a identity resource from moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the identity identity.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [String]$format = "json",

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--output" = $format }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    return Invoke-MocCommand " security identity list "  -argDictionary $argsDict

function Invoke-MocIdentityRotate
        Adds a identity resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the identity identity.
    .PARAMETER encode
        output to be base64 encoded.

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_rotating_identity_tokens_for, $name))
    return Invoke-MocCommand " security identity rotate --name $name --encode=$encode"

function New-MocAdminIdentity
        Creates a new Admin identity resource in moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the identity identity.
    .PARAMETER validityDays
        Time before expiry of token for identity in days.

    param (
        [String]$name = "Appliance",
        [int64]$validityDays = 90


    $mocConfig = Get-MocConfig
    $adminIdentity  = New-MocIdentity -name $name -validityDays $validityDays -fqdn $mocConfig.cloudFqdn -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation -port $mocConfig.cloudAgentPort -authport $mocConfig.cloudAgentAuthorizerPort -encode
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "LocationContributor" | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "IdentityContributor" | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "RoleContributor" | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "CertificateReader" | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "VipPoolReader" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "GroupContributor" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "KeyVaultContributor" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "VirtualNetworkContributor" $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "LBContributor" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "NetworkInterfaceContributor" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "VMContributor" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "SecretContributor" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "GalleryImageContributor" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable -identityName $name -roleName "StorageContainerContributor" -location $mocConfig.cloudLocation | Out-Null
    return $adminIdentity

function Get-MocNodeName
        Get the lowercase name to use for a moc Node and identity .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the node.

    param (

        # For backwards compatibility, checking for existance of identity name matching node name and using that if found
        # Newer deployments will use all lower case names
        Get-MocIdentity -name $name | Out-Null
        $nodeName = $name
        if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Not Found*")
            $nodeName = $name.ToLower()
            throw $_

    return $nodeName

#endregion moc identity

#region moc role assignment
function New-MocRoleAssignment
        Assigns a moc role to a moc identity
    .PARAMETER identityName
        Name of the identity.
    .PARAMETER roleName
        Name of the role to assign.
    .PARAMETER location
        Location to which the role is scoped to.
    .PARAMETER group
        Group to which the role is scoped to.
    .PARAMETER providerType
        ProviderType to which the role is scoped to.
    .PARAMETER resourceName
        Name of resource to which the role is scoped to.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_creating_role_assignment)

    $argsDict = @{ "--identity" = $identityName; "--role" = $roleName }

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($location))
        $argsDict["--location"] = $location
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($group))
        $argsDict["--group"] = $group
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($providerType))
        $argsDict["--provider-type"] = $providerType
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($resourceName))
        $argsDict["--resource"] = $resourceName
    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    return Invoke-MocCommand " security roleassignment create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function New-MocRoleAssignmentWhenAvailable
        Waits for a moc role to be available, then assigns it to a moc identity
    .PARAMETER identityName
        Name of the identity.
    .PARAMETER roleName
        Name of the role to assign.
    .PARAMETER location
        Location to which the role is scoped to.
    .PARAMETER group
        Group to which the role is scoped to.
    .PARAMETER providerType
        ProviderType to which the role is scoped to.
    .PARAMETER resourceName
        Name of resource to which the role is scoped to.

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_creating_role_assignment)

    $isRoleAvailable = Wait-ForMocRole -roleName $roleName
    if (-not $isRoleAvailable)
        throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_role_unavailable, $roleName)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    return New-MocRoleAssignment -identityName $identityName -roleName $roleName -location $location -group $group -providerType $providerType -resourceName $resourceName

function Get-MocRoleAssignment
        Get a RoleAssignment resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the RoleAssignment.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        $cmd = ""
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($identityName))
            $cmd += " --identity $identityName"
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($roleName))
            $cmd += " --role $roleName"
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($location))
            $cmd += " --location $location"
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($group))
            $cmd += " --group $group"
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($providerType))
            $cmd += " --provider-type $providerType"
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($resourceName))
            $cmd += " --resource $resourceName"
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" security roleassignment list $cmd" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" security roleassignment show --name ""$name""" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocRoleAssignmentByName
        Removes a role assignment to an identity from moc using a generated role assignment name.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the role assignment.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    return Invoke-MocCommand $(" security roleassignment delete --name $name" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocRoleAssignment
        Removes a role assignment to an identity from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the role assignment.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $cmdDict = @{ "--identity" = $identityName; "--role" = $roleName }
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($location))
        $cmdDict[" --location"] = $location
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($group))
        $cmdDict["--group"] = $group  
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($providerType))
        $cmdDict["--provider-type"] = $providerType
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($resourceName))
        $cmdDict["--resource"] = $resourceName

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $cmdDict['--timeout'] = $timeoutSeconds

    return Invoke-MocCommand " security roleassignment delete" -argDictionary $cmdDict

#endregion moc role assignment

#region moc earlyaccess preview
function Enable-MocPreview
        Enable AKS Arc catalog and ring configuration to expose early access preview builds.
        Enable AKS Arc catalog and ring configuration to expose early access preview builds.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER catalog
        Release catalog for AKS Arc. Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER ring
        Audience (aka ring) type of each catalog. Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,

        [String] $catalog,

        [String] $ring


    #Set MocConfig for early access preview
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_enabling_preview, $moduleName))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "catalog" -value $catalog
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "ring" -value $ring
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_configuration_for_module_updated, $moduleName))
    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done)

function Disable-MocPreview

        Disable AKS Arc catalog and ring configuration which exposes early access preview builds and revert to a stable build.
        Disable AKS Arc catalog and ring configuration which exposes early access preview builds and revert to a stable build.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress.
    .PARAMETER catalog
        Release catalog for AKS Arc. Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER ring
        Audience (aka ring) type of each catalog. Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,

        [String] $catalog,

        [String] $ring

    #Revert MocConfig from early access preview to stable build
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_disabling_preview, $moduleName))
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "catalog" -value $catalog
    Set-MocConfigValue -name "ring" -value $ring
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_configuration_for_module_updated, $moduleName))
    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done)
#end region earlyaccess preview

#region moc role
function New-MocRole
        Add new role resource to moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the role.
    .PARAMETER actionOperations
        List of actions to be allowed in role.
    .PARAMETER actionProviders
        List of providers to which the corresponding actions are applied to.
    .PARAMETER notActionOperations
        List of actions to be excluded in role.
    .PARAMETER notActionProviders
        List of providers to which the corresponding excluded actions are applied to.
    .PARAMETER provideractionOperations
        List of provideractions to be allowed in role.
    .PARAMETER provideractionProviders
        List of providers to which the corresponding provideractions are applied to.
    .PARAMETER notProvideractionOperations
        List of provideeractions to be excluded in role.
    .PARAMETER notProvideractionProviders
        List of providers to which the corresponding excluded provideractions are applied to.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  $($MocLocMessage.moc_creating_role)

    if ($actionOperations.Count -eq 0)
        throw [CustomException]::new($($MocLocMessage.moc_no_action_operation), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    if ($actionOperations.Length -ne $actionProviders.Length)
        throw [CustomException]::new($($MocLocMessage.moc_unequal_action_operation), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    if ($notActionOperations -and $notActionOperations.Length -ne $notActionProviders.Length)
        throw [CustomException]::new($($MocLocMessage.moc_unequal_not_action_operations), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    if ($provideractionOperations.Length -ne $provideractionProviders.Length)
        throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_unequal_action_operation)

    if ($notProvideractionOperations -and $notProvideractionOperations.Length -ne $notProvideractionProviders.Length)
        throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_unequal_not_action_operations)

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name }

    if ($actionOperations -and $actionOperations.Count -gt 0)
        $argsDict["--actions"] = $actionOperations
        $argsDict["--action-providers"] = $actionProviders

    if ($notActionOperations -and $notActionOperations.Count -gt 0)
        $argsDict["--not-actions"] = $notActionOperations
        $argsDict["--not-action-providers"] = $notActionProviders

    if ($provideractionOperations -and $provideractionOperations.Count -gt 0)
        $argsDict["--provideractions"] = $provideractionOperations
        $argsDict["--provideraction-providers"] = $provideractionProviders

    if ($notProvideractionOperations -and $notProvideractionOperations.Count -gt 0)
        $argsDict["--not-provideractions"] = $notProvideractionOperations
        $argsDict["--not-provideraction-providers"] = $notProvideractionProviders
    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " security role create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocRole
        Get a Role resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Role.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" security role list" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" security role show --name ""$name""" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocRole
        Removes a role resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the role.
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    return Invoke-MocCommand $(" security role delete --name $name" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )

#endregion moc role

#region moc login

function Invoke-NodeLogin
        Provisions the Script to have access to node ctl
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $nodeloginYAMLLocation = $args[0]
        $nodectlPath = $args[1]
        Invoke-Expression "& '$nodectlPath' security login --loginpath ""$nodeloginYAMLLocation"" --identity"
    } -ArgumentList @($loginYaml, $global:nodeCtlFullPath)

#endregion moc login

#region moc key vault
function New-MocKeyVault
        Adds a keyvault resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the keyvault resides
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--group" = $group }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " security keyvault create" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocKeyVault
        Get a KeyVault resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the KeyVault
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the KeyVault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" security keyvault list --group $group" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" security keyvault show --name ""$name"" --group $group" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocKeyVault
        Removes a KeyVault resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the KeyVault
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the KeyVault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" security keyvault delete --name ""$name"" --group "+$group + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocKeyVault
        Remove all moc keyvault.
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" security keyvault list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocKeyVault -name $entityName -group $group -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocKeyVault -name $entityName -group $group
#endregion moc key vault

#region moc secret
function New-MocSecret
        Adds a secret resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the secret
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the secret resides
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--value" = $value; "--vault-name" = $keyvaultName; "--group" = $group}

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " security keyvault secret set" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocSecret
        Get a Secret resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Secret
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Secret
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" security keyvault secret list --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" security keyvault secret show --name ""$name"" --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocSecret
        Removes a Secret resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Secret
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Secret
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" security keyvault secret delete --name ""$name"" --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Reset-MocSecret
        Remove all moc secret.
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the NetworkInterface
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" security keyvault secret list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
        if($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocSecret -name $entityName -group $group -keyvaultName $keyvaultName -timeout $timeoutSeconds
        else {
                Remove-MocSecret -name $entityName -group $group -keyvaultName $keyvaultName 
#endregion moc secret

#region moc key
function New-MocKey
        Adds a key resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the key
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the key resides
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [ValidateSet('RSA', 'AES')]
        [ValidateSet(256, 2048)]

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--vault-name" = $keyvaultName; "--key-size" = $size; "--key-type" = $type; "--group" = $group }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " security keyvault key create" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Get-MocKey
        Get a Key resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Key
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Key
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" security keyvault key list --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" security keyvault key show --name ""$name"" --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName" + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Import-MocKey
        Imports a key resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the key
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the key resides
    .PARAMETER importKeyFile
        The path of the import key file previously exported from moc
    .PARAMETER type
        The type of key. Can be either RSA or AES
    .PARAMETER size
        The size of key. Can be either 256 for AES or 2048 for RSA
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [ValidateSet('RSA', 'AES')]
        [ValidateSet(256, 2048)]

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--vault-name" = $keyvaultName; "--key-size" = $size; "--key-type" = $type; "--group" = $group; "--key-file-path" = $importKeyFile }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand " security keyvault key import" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Export-MocKey
        Exports a key resource from moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the key
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the key resides
    .PARAMETER wrappingKeyName
        The name of the key that will be used to wrap the key
    .PARAMETER wrappingKeyFile
        The key file path of the key that will be used to wrap the key
    .PARAMETER outFile
        The file path where to store the export key
    .PARAMETER algorithm
        The wrapping key algorithm
    .PARAMETER size
        The size of key. Can be either 256 for AES or 2048 for RSA
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [string]$algorithm = 'CKM_RSA_AES_KEY_WRAP',
        [ValidateSet(256, 2048)]

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--vault-name" = $keyvaultName; "--algorithm" = $algorithm; "--group" = $group; "--out-file" = $outFile; "--key-size" = $size; }

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wrappingKeyName))) {
        $argsDict["--wrapping-key-name"] = $wrappingKeyName

    if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wrappingPubKeyFile))) {
        $argsDict["--wrapping-pub-key-file"] = $wrappingPubKeyFile

    Invoke-MocCommand " security keyvault key export" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Invoke-MocKeyEncrypt
        Encrypt input data using key
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Key
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Key
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [string]$inputType = 'base64',

    $argsdict = @{
        "--name"       = $name;
        "--group"      = $group;
        "--vault-name" = $keyvaultName;
        "--file"       = $inputDataFile;
        "--out-file"   = $outputDataFile;
        "--data-type"  = $inputType

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand "security keyvault key encrypt" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Invoke-MocKeyDecrypt
        Decrypt input data using key
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Key
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Key
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [string]$inputType = 'base64',

    $argsdict = @{
        "--name"       = $name;
        "--group"      = $group;
        "--vault-name" = $keyvaultName;
        "--file"       = $inputDataFile;
        "--out-file"   = $outputDataFile;
        "--data-type"  = $inputType

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand "security keyvault key decrypt" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Invoke-MocKeyWrap
        Wrap input data using key
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Key
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Key
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [string]$inputType = 'base64',

    $argsdict = @{
        "--name"       = $name;
        "--group"      = $group;
        "--vault-name" = $keyvaultName;
        "--file"       = $inputDataFile;
        "--out-file"   = $outputDataFile;
        "--data-type"  = $inputType

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand "security keyvault key wrap" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Invoke-MocKeyUnwrap
       Unwrap input data using key
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Key
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Key
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (
        [string]$inputType = 'base64',

    $argsdict = @{
        "--name"       = $name;
        "--group"      = $group;
        "--vault-name" = $keyvaultName;
        "--file"       = $inputDataFile;
        "--out-file"   = $outputDataFile;
        "--data-type"  = $inputType

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand "security keyvault key unwrap" -argDictionary $argsDict

function Get-MocKeyPublicKey
       Downloads Public Key if keytype is RSA
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Key
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Key
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $("security keyvault key download --name $name --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName --file-path ""$outputFile"" " + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}))

function Remove-MocKey
        Get a Key resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the Key
    .PARAMETER group
        group for the Key
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    if($timeoutSeconds) {
        $argsDict["--timeout"] = $timeoutSeconds

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" security keyvault key delete --name ""$name"" --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName")

function Reset-MocKey
        Remove all moc key
     .PARAMETER group
        group for the key
    .PARAMETER keyvaultName
        name of the keyvault
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" security keyvault key list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group $group --vault-name $keyvaultName") | ForEach-Object {
        $entityName = $_
        if ($entityName -notlike "No *")
            if ($timeoutSeconds) {
                Remove-MocKey -name $entityName -group $group -keyvaultName $keyvaultName -timeout $timeoutSeconds
            else {
                Remove-MocKey -name $entityName -group $group -keyvaultName $keyvaultName
#endregion moc key

#region moc backup

function Invoke-MocBackup
        Removes a group resource from moc.
    .PARAMETER path
        Path to backup to
    .PARAMETER timeoutSeconds
        timeout in seconds

    param (

    Invoke-MocCommand $(" admin recovery backup --path ""$path"" " + (&{If($timeoutSeconds) {" --timeout $timeoutSeconds"}}) )

#endregion moc backup

#region moc placement group
function New-MocPlacementGroup
        Adds a placement group resource to moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the placement group
    .PARAMETER type
        Placement group type
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the placement group resides
    .PARAMETER scope
        Scope of the placement group
    .PARAMETER Zones
        Zones to be attached to placement group.
    .PARAMETER strictplacement
       strictplacement of the placement group w.r.t zones.

    param (
        [ValidateSet('Affinity', 'AntiAffinity', 'StrictAntiAffinity')]
        [ValidateSet('Server', 'Zone')]

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()

    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--type" = $type; "--scope" = $scope; "--group" = $group }

    if ($zones -and $zones.Count -gt 0) {
        $argsDict["--zones"] = $zones

    if ($strictzoneplacement.IsPresent) {
        $boolFlags += "--strict-zone-placement"

    Invoke-MocCommand " compute placementgroup create" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Get-MocPlacementGroup
        Gets a placement group resource from moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the placement group
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the placement group resides

    param (

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name))
        Invoke-MocListCommand $(" compute placementgroup list --group "+$group)
        Invoke-MocShowCommand $(" compute placementgroup show --name ""$name"" --group "+$group)

function Remove-MocPlacementGroup
        Removes a placement group resource in moc .
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the placement group
    .PARAMETER group
        The name of the group in which the placement group resides

    param (
    $argsDict = @{ "--name" = $name; "--group" = $group }
    Invoke-MocCommand " compute placementgroup delete" -argDictionary $argsDict
#endregion moc placementgroup

#end region
function Get-NodeAgentVersion
        Executes a nodeagent command.

    $cmdArgs = " version"
    $tmp = Invoke-CommandLine -Command $global:nodeAgentBinary -Arguments $cmdArgs -moduleName $moduleName
    return $tmp[2]

function Get-MocAgentVersion
        Executes a nodeagent command.

    $cmdArgs = " version"
    $tmp = Invoke-CommandLine -Command $global:cloudAgentBinary -Arguments $cmdArgs -moduleName $moduleName
    return $tmp[2]

function Get-HostAgentVersion
        Executes a hostagent command.

    $cmdArgs = " version"
    $tmp = Invoke-CommandLine -Command $global:hostAgentBinary -Arguments $cmdArgs -moduleName $moduleName
    if ($tmp.Length -ge 3)
        return $tmp[2]
    return $null

function Set-DeploymentType
        Determine what type of deployment is being performed (single node or multi-node).

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_determining_deployment_type)

    # Important to save the cluster information globally for subsequent function calls to use
    $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
    if ($failoverCluster)
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_multinode_deployment_using_failover_cluster, $failoverCluster.Name))
        # Set additional cluster related globals for later use
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "deploymentType" -value ([DeploymentType]::MultiNode)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "nodeCount" -value (Get-ClusterNode).Count

        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_singlenode_deployment)
        $hostname = ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName(($env:computerName))).Hostname

        # If this single node hostname is a short name, we use the host ip to avoid DNS resolution issues
        if ($hostname -notlike '*.*')
            $hostname = Get-HostIp -nodeName localhost

        Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudFqdn" -value $hostname
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "deploymentType" -value ([DeploymentType]::SingleNode)

function Set-CloudFQDN
        This function sets the cloud fqdn for cloud agent. If using default cluster role name,
        then cloudfqdn = failovercluster.Name + "." + failoverCluster.Domain. If customer is providing their own cluster role name
        then cloudfqdn = clusterRoleName + "." + failoverCluster.Domain

    $clusterRoleName = (Get-MocConfig)["clusterRoleName"]
    $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
    $useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow = (Get-MocConfig)["useUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationLogic"]
    if ($useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudFqdn" -value ($failoverCluster.Name + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudFqdn" -value ($clusterRoleName + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain)

function Update-CloudFqdn
        This function updates the cloud fqdn for cloud agent. To handle existing cxs and ensure backwards compability, this method will check existing
        cloud fqdn. If 1) clusterRolename is default and cloudfqdn does not start with ca-, then we will cloudfqdn = $failoverCluster.Name + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain.
        If 2) cloud fqdn will remain unchanged for all other cases to ensure backwards compability.

    $clusterRoleName = (Get-MocConfig)["clusterRoleName"]
    $cloudFqdn = Get-CloudFqdn
    $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
    $useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow = (Get-MocConfig)["useUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationLogic"]
    if (($useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow) -and !($cloudFqdn -like "ca-*"))
        $updatedCloudFqdn = ($failoverCluster.Name + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudFqdn" -value ($failoverCluster.Name + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain)
        $updatedCloudFqdn = ($clusterRoleName + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain)
        Set-MocConfigValue -name "cloudFqdn" -value ($clusterRoleName + "." + $failoverCluster.Domain)
    return $updatedCloudFqdn

function Test-Remoting
        Validate that powershell remoting to a node is working.
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to remote to.

    param (

        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock { return $null } -ErrorAction Stop
        return $true
    } catch {}

    return $false

function Test-CloudLimits
        Verify the resource limits for all nodes in the cloud.
    .PARAMETER path
        Path to WSSD Image directory.
    .PARAMETER minRequiredDisk
        Minimimum required disk space (GB).
    .PARAMETER minRequiredMemory
        Minimimum required memory (GB).
    .PARAMETER minRequiredLp
        Minimimum required logical processor.

    param (

    Write-Status $($MocLocMessage.moc_verifying_cloud_limits) -moduleName $moduleName

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        if($path.ToLower().IndexOf("$env:SystemDrive\clusterstorage".ToLower()) -eq 0)
            Write-SubStatus $($MocLocMessage.moc_checking_available_space) -moduleName $moduleName
            $space = Get-ClusterSharedVolume -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$path.ToLower().IndexOf($_.SharedVolumeInfo.FriendlyVolumeName.ToLower()) -eq 0}
            if ($null -ne $space)

                $freespaceGb = [Math]::Round($space.SharedVolumeInfo.Partition.FreeSpace / 1GB)
                throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_missing_drive, $path))

            Write-SubStatus $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_shared_drive_has_free_space, $freespaceGb)) -moduleName $moduleName
            Write-SubStatus $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_shared_drive_disk_space_required, $minRequiredDisk)) -moduleName $moduleName

            if ($freespaceGb -lt $minRequiredDisk)
                throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_insufficient_shared_drive_space, $path, $freespaceGb, $minRequiredDisk)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsInfraErrorFlag))
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            Test-HostLimits -nodeName $_.Name -minRequiredMemory $minRequiredMemory -minRequiredLp $minRequiredLp
        $drive = Split-Path -Path $path -Qualifier
        $disk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter $("DeviceID='$drive'") | Select-Object Size,FreeSpace
        $freespaceGb = [Math]::Round($Disk.Freespace / 1GB)
        Write-SubStatus $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_drive_free_space, $drive, $freespaceGb)) -moduleName $moduleName
        Write-SubStatus $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_minimum_disk_space_required_on_drive, $minRequiredDisk, $drive)) -moduleName $moduleName

        if ($freespaceGb -lt $minRequiredDisk)
            throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_insufficient_drive_space, $drive, $freespaceGb, $minRequiredDisk)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsInfraErrorFlag))        
        Test-HostLimits -nodeName ($env:computername) -minRequiredMemory $minRequiredMemory -minRequiredLp $minRequiredLp

function Test-HostLimits
        Verify the resource limits for a host node.
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER minRequiredMemory
        Minimimum required memory (GB).
    .PARAMETER minRequiredLp
        Minimimum required LogicalProcessor.

    param (

    Write-Status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_verifying_host_limits, $nodeName)) -moduleName $moduleName
    try {
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
            $minRequiredMemory = $args[0]
            $minRequiredLp = $args[1]
            $MocLocMessage = $args[2]
            $GenericLocMessage = $args[3]

            # For new releases, all the HCI environment will be WDAC enabled and we can only run code that is locally stored on the computer. The HCI OS team will copy all the modules to
            # each node and we will Import the corresponding modules to run.
            # For old release, WDAC will not be enabled on HCI machines and we will run in the old fashion.
            if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode -eq "ConstrainedLanguage")
                if ($null -eq (Get-Module "MOC" -ListAvailable))
                    throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_module_missing_on_wdac_machine))
                Invoke-RemoteTestHostLimits -minRequiredMemory $minRequiredMemory -minRequiredLp $minRequiredLp -MocLocMessage $MocLocMessage -GenericLocMessage $GenericLocMessage
                $freemem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
                $freemem = [Math]::Round($freemem.FreePhysicalMemory / 1MB)

                write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_free_memory_left, $freemem))
                write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_minimum_required_memory, $minRequiredMemory))

                if ($freemem -lt $minRequiredMemory)
                    throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_insufficient_memory, $freemem, $minRequiredMemory))

                $lpCount = (Get-ComputerInfo -Property CsNumberOfLogicalProcessors).CsNumberOfLogicalProcessors

                write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_logical_processors_count, $lpCount))
                write-verbose $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_minimum_required_logical_processors, $minRequiredLp))

                if ($lpCount -lt $minRequiredLp)
                    throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_insufficient_logical_procesors, $lpCount, $minRequiredLp))
        } -ArgumentList $minRequiredMemory, $minRequiredLp, $MocLocMessage, $GenericLocMessage
    catch {
        throw [CustomException]::new($_, ([ErrorTypes]::IsInfraErrorFlag))

function Confirm-Remoting
        Confirm that powershell remoting is enabled and working for the cloud.
    .PARAMETER localhostOnly
        Limit the validation to only the local node.

    param (

    if ((-not $localhostOnly.IsPresent) -and (Test-MultiNodeDeployment))
        # Multi-node
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            $hostname = $_.Name
            Write-Status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_testing_powershell, $hostname)) -moduleName $moduleName
            if (-not (Test-Remoting -nodeName $hostname))
                throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_disabled_powershell, $hostname)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsInfraErrorFlag))
            Write-SubStatus $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_remoting_successful, $hostname)) -moduleName $moduleName
        # Single node or localhostOnly
        Write-Status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_testing_powershell, $env:computername)) -moduleName $moduleName

        if (-not (Test-Remoting -nodeName $env:computername))
            Write-SubStatus $($MocLocMessage.moc_remoting_not_enabled) -moduleName $moduleName


            if (-not (Test-Remoting -nodeName $env:computername))
                throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_ps_remoting_unsuccessful, $env:computername)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

        Write-SubStatus $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_remoting_successful, $env:computername)) -moduleName $moduleName

function Confirm-NetworkControllerConfiguration
        Does basic validation of NetworkController Data

        [string] $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress,
        [string] $networkControllerClientCertificateName,
        [string] $networkControllerLbSubnetRef,
        [string] $networkControllerLnetRef,
        [VipPoolSettings] $vipPool

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_empty, "networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"))

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($networkControllerLbSubnetRef))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_empty, "networkControllerLbSubnetRef"))

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($networkControllerLnetRef))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_empty, "networkControllerLnetRef"))

    if (-not (Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress -Port 443 -InformationLevel Quiet))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_conn_test_failed, $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress))

    # TODO We need to add validation for various NetworkController parameters. Skipping it for now until its confirmed NC REST endpoint is accessible at this point.
function Confirm-Configuration
        Validate if the configuration can be used for the deployment

    param (
        [String] $workingDir,
        [String] $cloudConfigLocation,
        [String] $imageDir,
        [Switch] $skipHostLimitChecks,
        [Switch] $skipRemotingChecks,
        [Switch] $useStagingShare,
        [String] $stagingShare,
        [VirtualNetwork] $vnet,
        [string] $cloudServiceCidr,
        [Switch] $useNetWorkController,
        [string] $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress,
        [string] $networkControllerClientCertificateName,
        [string] $networkControllerLbSubnetRef,
        [string] $networkControllerLnetRef,
        [VipPoolSettings] $vipPool,
        [string] $clusterRoleName

    if (!$skipRemotingChecks.IsPresent)

    if ($useNetworkController.IsPresent)
        Confirm-NetworkControllerConfiguration -networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress `
        -networkControllerLbSubnetRef $networkControllerLbSubnetRef `
        -networkControllerLnetRef $networkControllerLnetRef `
        -networkControllerClientCertificateName $networkControllerClientCertificateName `
        -vipPool $vipPool

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($workingDir))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_empty, "workingDir"))

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudConfigLocation))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_empty, "cloudConfigLocation"))

    # cloudConfigLocation and imageDir cannot be a parent path for workingDir
    # for example, workingDir = c:\test\123 and cloudConfigLocation = c:\test is invalid
    # During install of Moc, the system is reset including cloudConfigLocation/imageDir, that would wipe of workingDir, that
    # contains critical PS configuration
    if ($workingDir.StartsWith($cloudConfigLocation.TrimEnd('\\'), $true, [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, 
                $GenericLocMessage.generic_invalid_working_dir_cloudconfig, $workingDir, $cloudConfigLocation)

    if ($workingDir.StartsWith($imageDir.TrimEnd('\\'), $true, [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,
                $GenericLocMessage.generic_invalid_working_dir_imagedir, $workingDir, $imageDir)

    $multiNode = Test-MultiNodeDeployment
    if ($multiNode) {
        #Check if the working directory corresponds to CSV root.
        $volumeList = Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Select-Object SharedVolumeInfo
        foreach ($volume in $volumeList) {
            if (!$volume.SharedVolumeInfo.FriendlyVolumeName)
                # If volume is not online, we will not find get the friendly volume name
            $rootPath = $volume.SharedVolumeInfo.FriendlyVolumeName.ToLower()
            if (([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($WorkingDir)).ToLower() -eq $rootPath) {
                throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_invalid_workingDir))
   } else {
        #Static check to ensure working directory is not System Drive or Root
        if (($WorkingDir -eq $env:SystemDrive) -or ($WorkingDir.TrimEnd('\\') -eq $env:SystemDrive) -or
            ($WorkingDir -eq $env:SystemRoot) -or ($WorkingDir.TrimEnd('\\') -eq $env:SystemRoot) -or
            ($WorkingDir -eq [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($env:SystemDrive))) {
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_invalid_workingDir))

    #Check HCI node registration status
    if ($multiNode)

       # Sanity check.
       if ((Test-LocalFilePath -path $workingDir) )
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_dir_not_set, "-workingDir"))

       if ((Test-LocalFilePath -path $cloudConfigLocation))
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_dir_not_set, "-cloudConfigLocation"))

       if ((Test-LocalFilePath -path $imageDir))
           throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_no_moc_config)

    if (!$skipHostLimitChecks.IsPresent)
        $tmpDir =  $workingDir
        # Skip SMB path
        if (!$tmpDir.StartsWith("\\"))
            if ($multiNode)
                Test-CloudLimits -path $tmpDir -minRequiredDisk 40 -minRequiredMemory 10 -minRequiredLp 4
                Test-CloudLimits -path $tmpDir -minRequiredDisk 50 -minRequiredMemory 20 -minRequiredLp 4

    if ($useStagingShare.IsPresent -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($stagingShare))
        throw $($MocLocMessage.generic_staging_share_unspecified)

    #Netowrk Validations :
    #1. whether vSwitch provided in the vnet configuration exists.
    #2. CloudCIDR parameter is provided in case of static networks.
    if ($multiNode) {
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            if ($vnet) {
                Test-HostNetworking -nodeName $_.Name -vswitchName $vnet.VswitchName
        $testClusterRoleName = (Get-MocConfig)["testClusterRoleName"]
        Test-ClusterNetworkProperties -cloudServiceCidr $cloudServiceCidr -vnet $vnet -clusterRoleName $testClusterRoleName
        if ($vnet) {
             Test-HostNetworking -nodeName ($env:computername) -vswitchName $vnet.VswitchName
        # There is no cloud service cidr for standalone
        # We use the host ip for cloud service ip
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudServiceCidr))
            Write-Warning $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_ignore_csip , $cloudServiceCidr))   

function Get-SshNatRuleMap
        Fetches the ssh nat lb rules for the group and caches it.
        Returns a map of all ssh nat rules for the given group
    .PARAMETER groupName
        Group name

     param (
        [String] $groupName

    if ($script:natRuleCache -ne $null)
        $ruleMap = $script:natRuleCache[$groupName]
        if ($ruleMap -ne $null) 
            return $ruleMap
        $script:natRuleCache = @{}

    $ruleMap = @{}
    $lbs = Invoke-MocCommand "network loadbalancer list --group $groupName -o json"

    if ($lbs -eq $null) 
        $script:natRuleCache[$groupName] = $ruleMap
        return $ruleMap
    $lbJson = $lbs | Convertfrom-json
    $inboundLb = $lbJson | where-object { $ -ne $null }
    foreach($lb in $inboundLb) 
        $sshNatRules = $ | `
            Where-Object { $_.Properties.backendPort -eq 22 }
        if($sshNatRules -ne $null)
            $feIP = $[0].properties.ipAddress                
            foreach($natRule in $sshNatRules)
                $port = $
                $sshData = @{}
                $sshData["ip"] = $feIP
                $sshData["port"] = $port
                $ruleMap[$natRule.Name] = $sshData

    $natRuleCache[$groupName] = $ruleMap
    return $ruleMap

function Get-SshNatEndpoint
        Fetches the ssh frontend nat ip and port for the given nic. When SDN integration is configured,
        ssh access to the node is via the inbound nat rule
    .PARAMETER nicName
        Networkinterface name
    .PARAMETER groupName
        Group name

     param (
        [String] $nicName,

        [String] $groupName
    $natRuleName = Invoke-MocCommand "network vnic show --name ""$nicName"" -o yaml --query properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.loadBalancerInboundNatRules[0].name --group ""$groupName"""

    if ($natRuleName -eq $null -or $natRuleName[0] -eq $null)
        return $null

    $ruleMap = Get-SshNatRuleMap -groupName $groupName
    return $ruleMap[$natRuleName]

function Get-GuestVirtualMachineLogs
        Collects logs from Virtual Machines via scp
    .PARAMETER logDirectoryName
      Output directory for the logs
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress

    param (
        [String] $logDirectoryName,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_discovering_cloud_groups)

    $groups = Invoke-MocCommand ("cloud group list --output tsv --query ""[*].name"" --location " + $global:config[$modulename]["cloudLocation"])
    foreach ($grpName in $groups)
        if ($grpName -ieq "No Group Resources")

        # Make Resource Group directory
        $logGroupDir = [io.Path]::Combine($logDirectoryName, $grpName)
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $logGroupDir | Out-Null

            $virtualMachines = Invoke-MocCommand "compute vm list -o tsv --query ""[*].name"" --group ""$grpName"""
            foreach ($vmName in $virtualMachines)
                if ($vmName -ieq "No VirtualMachine Resources")

                Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_gather_logs_for_vm, $vmName))

                    $nicName = Invoke-MocCommand "compute vm show --name ""$vmName"" -o tsv --query virtualmachineproperties.networkprofile.networkinterfaces[0] --group ""$grpName"""
                    $cleanNicName = $nicName.Split('', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) -join ''
                    $ipAddress = Invoke-MocCommand "network vnic show --name ""$cleanNicName"" -o tsv --query properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.privateIPAddress --group ""$grpName"""
                    $port = 22
                    $keyGenAddress = $ipAddress

                    if (Test-MocSdnEnabled) 
                        # Use SDN NAT IP & port for ssh if configured
                        $sshData = Get-SshNatEndpoint -nicName $cleanNicName -groupName $grpName

                        if ($sshData -ne $null)
                            $ipAddress = $sshData.ip
                            $port = $sshData.port
                            $keyGenAddress = "[" + $ipAddress+ "]" + ":" + $port

                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ipAddress) -or $ipAddress -ieq "no virtual network interface resources")
                        throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_log_collection_failed, $vmName)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

                    # Remove cached keys belonging to this ip from the known_hosts file.
                    # This will avoid scp/ssh warnings being shown in redeployment scenarios where stale data may exist for a host/ip in the known_hosts file.
                    (& ssh-keygen -R ${keyGenAddress}) 2>&1>$null
                    $userSshPrivateKey = Get-UserSSHPrivateKey

                    # Make VM directory
                    $logVMDir = [io.Path]::Combine($logDirectoryName, $grpName)
                    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $logVMDir | Out-Null

                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_cloudinit_logs_from_vm, $vmName))
                    $osType = Invoke-MocCommand "compute vm show --name ""$vmName"" -o yaml --query virtualmachineproperties.osprofile.osType --group ""$grpName"""
                    if ($osType -like 'Windows')
                        $logDirFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}")
                        (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $port "Administrator@${ipAddress}" "mkdir C:\tmp\$randomFolder && pushd C:\tmp\$randomFolder && powershell.exe C:\Packages\collect-windows-logs.ps1") 2>&1>$null
                        if ($?)
                            (& scp -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -P $port "Administrator@${ipAddress}:/tmp/$randomFolder/*.zip" $logDirFile) 2>$null
                            (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $port "Administrator@${ipAddress}" "powershell.exe Remove-Item -Recurse -Force C:\tmp\$randomFolder") 2>$null
                            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_failed_to_get_logs_from_vm, $vmName))
                        # Windows VM log collection is over

                    $logDirFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_cloudinit.log")
                    (& scp -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -P $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}:/var/log/cloud-init-output.log"  $logDirFile) 2>$null
                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_systemd_logs, $vmName))
                    $systemdLogFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_systemd.log")
                    (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}" sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -n $global:defaultLogLineCount) > $systemdLogFile

                    # Check if LB VM Type
                    $vmType = Invoke-MocCommand "compute vm show --name ""$vmName"" -o tsv --query virtualmachineproperties.vmType --group ""$grpName"""
                    $cleanVmType = $vmType.Split('', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) -join ''
                    if ($cleanVmType -ieq "LoadBalancer")
                        if ($ipAddress -ine "no virtual network interface resources")
                            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_haproxy_configuration, $vmName))
                            $lbLogDirFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_haproxy.cfg")
                            (& scp -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -P $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"  $lbLogDirFile) 2>$null

                            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_keepalived_configuration, $vmName))
                            $lbLogDirFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_keepalived.conf")
                            (& scp -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -P $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}:/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf"  $lbLogDirFile) 2>$null

                            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_haproxy_logs, $vmName))
                            $lbLogDirFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_haproxy.log")
                            (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}" sudo journalctl -u haproxy -n $global:defaultLogLineCount) > $lbLogDirFile

                            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_keepalived_logs, $vmName))
                            $lbLogDirFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_keepalived.log")
                            (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}" sudo journalctl -u keepalived -n $global:defaultLogLineCount) > $lbLogDirFile

                            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_lbagent_logs, $vmName))
                            $lbLogDirFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_lbagent.log")
                            (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}" sudo journalctl -u lbagent -n $global:defaultLogLineCount) > $lbLogDirFile
                        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_docker_logs, $vmName))
                        $dockerLogFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_docker.log")
                        (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}" sudo journalctl  --no-pager -u containerd -n $global:defaultLogLineCount) > $dockerLogFile

                        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_grabbing_kubelet_logs, $vmName))
                        $kubeletLogFile = [io.Path]::Combine($logVMDir, "${vmName}_kubelet.log")
                        (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $userSshPrivateKey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p $port "clouduser@${ipAddress}" sudo journalctl  --no-pager -u kubelet -n $global:defaultLogLineCount) > $kubeletLogFile
                catch [Exception]
                    Write-Status -msg $($GenericLocMessage.generic_exception) -moduleName $moduleName
                    Write-SubStatus -msg $_.Exception.Message.ToString()  -moduleName $moduleName
                    Write-SubStatus -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_could_not_get_cloudinit_logs, $vmName)) -moduleName $moduleName
        catch [Exception]
            Write-Status -msg $($GenericLocMessage.generic_exception) -moduleName $moduleName
            Write-SubStatus -msg $_.Exception.Message.ToString()  -moduleName $moduleName

function Wait-ForActiveNodes
        Waits for all nodes in the cloud to be in Active state.
    .PARAMETER sleepDuration
        Duration to sleep for between attempts
    .PARAMETER timeout
        Duration until timeout of waiting
    .PARAMETER location
        Location for the nodes.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [int]$timeout=1800, #seconds in 30min
        [string]$location = $global:defaultCloudLocation,
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    trap [System.Exception]
        throw [CustomException]::new($($MocLocMessage.moc_nodes_not_active, $_.Exception.Message), ([ErrorTypes]::IsErrorFlag))

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_waiting_for_cloud_nodes_to_be_active)

    ## Start the timer
    $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

    $nodeCount = 1
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $nodeCount = (Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Ignore).Count
        Wait-ForConnectionFromNodes -timeout $timeout

    while(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
        $activeNodes = $null

        try {
            $activeNodes = Invoke-MocCommand "cloud node list -o json --query ""[?properties.statuses.RunningState=='Active']"" --location $location" | ConvertFrom-Json
        } catch {
            # When no nodes are Active, ConvertFrom-Json will throw an exception
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Invalid JSON primitive: No.*")) {
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))

        if ($null -ne $activeNodes)
            $numActive = ($activeNodes).Count
            if ($nodeCount -eq $numActive)
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($MocLocMessage.moc_all_nodes_active)
                return $true

        Start-Sleep $sleepDuration


    return $false

function Set-MocLogVerbosityLevel
        Sets verbosity level for moc logs .
    .PARAMETER level
        verbosity levels from 0 to 9
    .PARAMETER includeNodeAgents
        its used to define whether we want to change only in cloudagent or in both cloudagent as well as nodeagent.

    param (

    [string[]] $boolFlags = @()
    $argsDict = @{"--level" = $level}

    if ($includeNodeAgents.IsPresent) {
        $boolFlags += "--include-nodeagents"

    Invoke-MocCommand "admin log setlevel" -argDictionary $argsDict -boolFlags $boolFlags

function Get-MocLogVerbosityLevel
        Gets verbosity level for cloudagent logs .

    Invoke-MocCommand "admin log getlevel"


#region Wait for resource functions

function Test-MocApiServer
        Waits for the cloudagent generic service VIP/FQDN to be functional (i.e. wait for DNS to propogate).
    .PARAMETER cloudFqdn
        Fqdn to attemp to resolve and connect
    .PARAMETER ports
        List of ports to test
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        Name of the node to run the test from

    param (
        [String] $cloudFqdn,
        [AllowNull()][String[]] $ports,
        [string] $nodeName

    try {
        $proxyConfig = Get-ProxyConfiguration -moduleName $moduleName
        $isProxyConfigured = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($proxyConfig.IsProxyConfigured)
        $proxyStatus = if($isProxyConfigured) {"on"} else {"off"}

        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ErrorAction Stop -ScriptBlock {
            $cloudFqdn = $args[0]
            $ports = $args[1]
            $MocLocMessage = $args[2]
            $proxyStatus = $args[3]
            Resolve-DnsName $cloudFqdn | Out-Null

            foreach ($port in $ports)
                if (-not (Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $cloudFqdn -Port $port -InformationLevel Quiet))
                    throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_testnetconnection_failed_to_contact_ca, $cloudFqdn, $port, $proxyStatus))
        } -ArgumentList @($cloudFqdn, $ports, $MocLocMessage, $proxyStatus)
    catch {
        throw [CustomException]::new($_, ([ErrorTypes]::IsInfraErrorFlag))

function Wait-ForCloudAgentEndpoint
        Waits for the cloudagent generic service VIP/FQDN to be functional (i.e. wait for DNS to propogate).
        On failure, error is thrown back with appropriate message conveying why this failed.
    .PARAMETER sleepDuration
        Duration to sleep for between attempts
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    trap [System.Exception]
        throw $($MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_unreachable, $_.Exception.Message)

    ## Set cloudAgentTimeout value if not set
    $cloudAgentTimeout = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentTimeout"]
    if ((-not $cloudAgentTimeout) -or ($cloudAgentTimeout -eq 0)) {
        Set-ConfigurationValue -name "cloudAgentTimeout" -value $global:cloudAgentTimeout -module $moduleName
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment) {
        $multiNodeCloudAgentTimeout = $global:perNodeCloudAgentTimeout * (Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Ignore).Count

        if ((-not $cloudAgentTimeout) -or ($multiNodeCloudAgentTimeout -gt $cloudAgentTimeout)) {
            Set-ConfigurationValue -name "cloudAgentTimeout" -value $multiNodeCloudAgentTimeout -module $moduleName

    $timeout = $global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentTimeout"]

    Test-MocService -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_waiting_for_cloudagent_api_endpoint) -moduleName $moduleName
    Write-SubStatus $($MocLocMessage.moc_dns_propogation_warning) -moduleName $moduleName

    $endpoint = Get-CloudFqdn
    $cloudPorts = ($global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentPort"], $global:config[$modulename]["cloudAgentAuthorizerPort"])

    $lastException = $null
    ## Start the timer
    $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
    while(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
        Write-SubStatus $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_testing_cloudagent_endpoint, $endpoint)) -moduleName $moduleName
        $location = $null

        try {

            # Test using existing APIs
            # This could fail if DNS resolution fails
            Test-MocApiServer -cloudFqdn $endpoint -ports $cloudPorts -nodeName $(hostname)

            Invoke-MocLogin -loginYaml $($global:config[$moduleName]["mocLoginYAML"]) | Out-Null
            $location = Get-MocLocation
            if ($null -ne $location)
                Write-SubStatus $($MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_vip_is_working) -moduleName $moduleName
                # MOC is completely functional
        } catch {
            $lastException = $_
            Write-Verbose -Message $_
        Sleep $sleepDuration

    throw $lastException

function Test-MocAgents
    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Test if cloud agent service is running.
        Test if node agent service is running.
        If Service exists and is running, would return
        If Service exists and is not running, would throw exception
        If Service doesnt exist, an exception woud be thrown
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    trap [System.Exception]
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_agents_not_healthy, $_.Exception.Message))

    Test-MocService -activity $activity

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            $nodeName = ${_}.Name
            $tmpService = Get-Service wssdagent -ComputerName $nodeName
            if ($tmpService.Status -ne "Running")
                throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_nodeagent_service_not_running, $nodeName))
            $status = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_nodeagent_service_running, $nodeName))
            Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $status -moduleName $moduleName
        $nodeName = $(hostname)
        $tmpService = Get-Service wssdagent
        if ($tmpService.Status -ne "Running")
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_nodeagent_service_not_running, $nodeName))
        $status = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_nodeagent_service_running, $nodeName))
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $status -moduleName $moduleName

function Test-MocService
    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Test if cloud agent service is running.
        If Service exists and is running, would return $true
        If Service exists and is not running, would return $false
        If Service doesnt exist, an exception woud be thrown
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        $status = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_testing_for_cloudagent_service, (Get-Cluster).Name))
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $status -moduleName $moduleName
        $tmpGroup = Get-ClusterGroup -Name ($global:config[$modulename]["clusterRoleName"].ToString()) -ErrorAction Ignore
        if ($tmpGroup.State -ne "Online")
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_service_not_running, (Get-Cluster).Name))

        $status = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_service_running, (Get-Cluster).Name))
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $status -moduleName $moduleName
        $nodeName = $(hostname)
        $status = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_testing_for_cloudagent_service, $nodeName))
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $status -moduleName $moduleName
        $tmpService = Get-Service wssdcloudagent  -ErrorAction Ignore
        if ($tmpService.Status -ne "Running")
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_service_not_running, $nodeName))
        $status = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cloudagent_service_running, $nodeName))
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $status -moduleName $moduleName

function Test-Moc
    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Test if MOC installation is healthy
        Test if MOC Service is healthy
        Test if MOC endpoints are helathy
        Test if MOC Dns resolutions are healthy from nodes
        Throws if any tests fails
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    trap {
        Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
        throw $_
    Initialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_test_health) -moduleName $moduleName

    # Test-MocInstallation
    $currentState = Get-InstallState -module $moduleName
    switch ($currentState) {
        ([InstallState]::NotInstalled) {
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_not_installed))
        ([InstallState]::InstallFailed) {
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_not_installed))
        Default {
            $status = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_installed))
            Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $status -moduleName $moduleName


    Uninitialize-MocEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($MocLocMessage.moc_healthy) -moduleName $moduleName

function Wait-ForMocRole
        Waits for MOC role to be available.
    .PARAMETER roleName
        Name of role to wait on
    .PARAMETER sleepDuration
        Duration to sleep for between attempts
    .PARAMETER timeout
        Duration until timeout of waiting
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [string]$roleName = $global:defaultCloudLocation,
        [int]$timeout=120, #seconds
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_waiting_for_role, $roleName))

    ## Start the timer
    $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

    while(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
        try {
            Get-MocRole -name $roleName | Out-Null
        } catch {
            # When role is not found, exception is thrown
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Not Found*")) {
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_warning, $_.Exception.Message))
            Start-Sleep $sleepDuration

        return $true

    return $false

function Test-MocConfiguration
        Runs validation tests against Moc and host configuration to make sure host is ready to install Moc successfully.
        Runs validation tests against Moc and host configuration to make sure host is ready to install Moc successfully.
    .PARAMETER Ignore
        Specifies which tests or category of tests to ignore during the validation test run. All others tests or category of tests will run.
    .PARAMETER Include
        Specifies which tests or category of tests to include during the validation test run. Only the tests or category of tests specified here will run.
        Causes the cmdlet to list the tests and test categories. This command will not run any test.
        Causes the cmdlet not to generate report file.

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
    param (
        [String[]] $Ignore,

        [String[]] $Include,

        [Switch] $List,

        [Switch] $Skip

    $mocTests = Get-MocValidationTests

    if ($List) {
        return $mocTests | select-object -Property Category, TestName, Description

    $mocTestsToRun = @()

    if ($Include.length -gt 0) {
        $includedTests = $mocTests | Where-Object {$_.Category -in $Include -or $_.TestName -in $Include}
        $mocTestsToRun += $includedTests
    } else {
        $mocTestsToRun = $mocTests

    if ($Ignore.length -gt 0) {
        $mocTestsToRun = $mocTestsToRun | Where-Object {$_.Category -notin $Ignore -and $_.TestName -notin $Ignore}

    if (-not(PSasAdmin)){
        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host $($MocLocMessage.moc_validation_not_admin) -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host $($MocLocMessage.moc_validation_not_admin_recommendation) -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host ''

    $dateTime = get-date -Format "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"
    Write-Host  $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_validation_start, $dateTime))

    $testResults = @()
    $overallResult = $true

    $totalTests = ($mocTestsToRun | measure).Count
    $current = 1
    foreach($mocTest in $mocTestsToRun) {
        $startTime = Get-Date
        Write-Host '===============================================================================' -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
        $outputHeader = "Test ({0} of {1}): `"{2}`". Category: {3}" -f $current,$totalTests,$mocTest.TestName,$mocTest.Category
        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host $outputHeader -ForegroundColor DarkYellow

        $testFunction = $mocTest.TestFunction
        try {
            $testReport = &"$testFunction"
        } catch {
            $testReport = [pscustomobject]@{
                'TestName' = $mocTest.TestName;
                'Category' = $mocTest.Category;
                'TestResult' = "Failed";
                'Details' = $_.Exception.Message
        $testResults += $testReport

        if ($testReport.TestResult -eq "Failed") {
            $overallResult = $false
            Write-Host "Test Failed" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "Details:"$testReport.Details -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "Recommendation:"$testReport.Recommendation -ForegroundColor Red
        } else {
            Write-Host "Test Succeeded" -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "Details:"$testReport.Details -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "Recommendation:"$testReport.Recommendation -ForegroundColor Green
        $testExecutionTime = ((Get-Date) - $startTime).TotalMilliseconds
        Write-Host $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_validation_test_time, $testExecutionTime)) -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
        Write-Host ''

    Write-Host $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_validation_end, $dateTime))

    if ($overallResult) {
        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host '====================================================='
        Write-Host ' '$mocLocMessage.moc_validation_test_success_summary    -ForegroundColor Green 
        Write-Host '====================================================='
        Write-Host ''
    } else {
        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host '====================================================='
        Write-Host ' '$mocLocMessage.moc_validation_test_failure_summary    -ForegroundColor Red 
        Write-Host '====================================================='
        Write-Host ''
    if (-not($Skip)) {
        $testResults | ConvertTo-Html -Title $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_report_title | Out-File -FilePath moc_validation_report.html
        $reportFileName = "moc_validation_report.html"
        Write-Host $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_validation_report_check, $reportFileName)) -ForegroundColor Yellow 

    return $testResults

function Get-MocValidationTests()
    $mocTests = @()

    # Test category "Moc Host"
    # $mocHostNetworkConnectivityTest = [ordered]@{
    # 'TestName' = "Validate MOC Host Internet Connetivity";
    # 'Category' = "MOC Host";
    # 'Description' = "Validates MOC Host Internet Connetivity";
    # 'TestFunction' = "Test-MocHostInternetConnectivity"
    # }
    # $mocTests += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocHostNetworkConnectivityTest

    $mocHostLimitTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC Host Limits";
        'Category' = "MOC Host";
        'Description' = "Validates MOC Host Limits";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-MocHostLimits"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocHostLimitTest

    $mocHostRemotingTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC Host Remoting";
        'Category' = "MOC Host";
        'Description' = "Validates MOC Host Remoting";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-MocHostRemoting"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocHostRemotingTest

    # Test category "Moc Configuration"
    $mocNetworkConfigurationTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC Network Configuration";
        'Category' = "MOC Configuration";
        'Description' = "Validates MOC network configuration";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-MocNetworkConfiguration"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocNetworkConfigurationTest

    $mocSDNConfigurationTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC SDN Configuration";
        'Category' = "MOC Configuration";
        'Description' = "Validates MOC SDN configuration";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-MocSDNConfiguration"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocSDNConfigurationTest

    $mocValidDirectoryTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC directories";
        'Category' = "MOC Configuration";
        'Description' = "Validates MOC directories";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-MocDirectories"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocValidDirectoryTest

    # Test category "Moc Failover Cluster"
    $mocFailOverClusterHealthTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate Failover Cluster Health";
        'Category' = "MOC Failover Cluster";
        'Description' = "Validates Failover Cluster Health";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-FailOverClusterHealthForMoc"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocFailOverClusterHealthTest

    # Test category "Moc Failover Cluster"
    $mocFailOverClusteHCIRegistrationTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate Failover Cluster HCI Registration";
        'Category' = "MOC Failover Cluster";
        'Description' = "Validates Failover Cluster HCI Registration";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-FailOverClusterHCIRegistrationForMoc"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocFailOverClusteHCIRegistrationTest

    # Test category "Moc HyperV"
    $mocHyperVMCreationTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate VM Creation in Hyper-V";
        'Category' = "MOC HyperV";
        'Description' = "Validates VM Creation in Hyper-V";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-VMCreationInHyperV"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocHyperVMCreationTest

    $mocHyperVSwitchTest = [ordered]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate switch in Hyper-V";
        'Category' = "MOC HyperV";
        'Description' = "Validates switch in Hyper-V";
        'TestFunction' = "Test-SwitchInHyperV"
    $mocTests  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $mocHyperVSwitchTest
    return $mocTests

# There are multiple MOC infra supported scenarios
# 1. Windows server (not clustered)
# 2. Failover cluster but not Azure Stack HCI
# 3. Azure Stack HCI 22H2 cluster
# 4. Azure Stack HCI 23H2 cluster
# This function applies to 2,3,4 and will exit early and return
# a null result in case 1.

function Test-MOCUpdateReadiness {
    param (
        # Cluster is an optional param, so that the ASZ validations can pass through the cluster name
        # In case it is not provided, we can fill it in with the failover cluster name
        # if provided, it should be the name of the cluster that the tests are being run against

    # Cluster is an optional param, so that the ASZ validations can pass through the cluster name
    # In case it is not provided, we can fill it in with the failover cluster name
    if (-not $Cluster) {
        $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
        if ($failoverCluster -eq $null) {
            # if we are not in a failover cluster deployment, return
            return $null
        $Cluster = $failoverCluster.Name

    $mocTestResults = @()

    $mocTestResults += Test-MocNodesMatchFailoverClusterNodes -cluster $Cluster
    $mocTestResults += Test-NoProxyEnvironmentVariable -cluster $Cluster

    # note (aweston): copied this check from the Test-HCIRegistration function in common.psm1
    # Check if the substrate is HCI
    $osResult = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CimV2 -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Property OperatingSystemSKU
    if ($osResult.OperatingSystemSKU -eq 406) {
        $mocTestResults += Test-HCIClusterAndNodeRegistration -cluster $Cluster

    return $mocTestResults

Function PSasAdmin{
    $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())

Function RunPScript([String] $PSScript){
    $Job = Register-ScheduledJob -Name $GUID -ScheduledJobOption (New-ScheduledJobOption -RunElevated) -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($PSScript)) -ArgumentList ($PSScript) -ErrorAction Stop
    $Task = Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $GUID -Action (New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $Job.PSExecutionPath -Argument $Job.PSExecutionArgs) -Principal (New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserID "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" -LogonType ServiceAccount -RunLevel Highest) -ErrorAction Stop
    $Task | Start-ScheduledTask -AsJob -ErrorAction Stop | Wait-Job | Remove-Job -Force -Confirm:$False
    While (($Task | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo).LastTaskResult -eq 267009) {Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 150}
    $Job1 = Get-Job -Name $GUID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Wait-Job
    $Job1 | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob 
    Unregister-ScheduledJob -Id $Job.Id -Force -Confirm:$False
    Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $GUID -Confirm:$false

function Test-MocHostInternetConnectivity() {
    $ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue'
    Write-Host $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_internet_testing -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $PSScript = "(Invoke-WebRequest -uri '' -UseBasicParsing).StatusCode"
    $TestResult = RunPScript -PSScript $PSScript
    if ($TestResult -eq 200){
        Write-Host  $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_connection_result, "", $mocLocMessage.moc_validataion_succeeded)) -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_connection_result, "", $mocLocMessage.moc_validataion_failed)) -ForegroundColor Red

    if ($TestFailed){
        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_internet_failure -ForegroundColor red
        Write-Host ''

        Write-Host $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_recommend_actions_header , $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_internet_recommend_actions)) -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Host $recommendation

        return [pscustomobject]@{
            'TestName' = "Validate MOC host network connectivity";
            'Category' = "MOC Host";
            'TestResult' = "Failed";
            'Details' = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_internet_failure;
            'Recommendation' = $recommendation
        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_internet_success -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host ''

        return [pscustomobject]@{
            'TestName' = "Validate MOC host network connectivity";
            'Category' = "MOC Host";
            'TestResult' = "Success";
            'Details' = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_internet_success;
            'Recommendation' = ''

function Test-MocHostLimits() {
    Write-Host ''
    $skipHostLimitChecks = (Get-MocConfig)["skipHostLimitChecks"]
    $workingDir = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "workingDir" -module $moduleName
    $result = [pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC Host Limits";
        'Category' = "MOC Host";
        'TestResult' = "Success";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = ''

    if (-not $skipHostLimitChecks)
        $tmpDir =  $workingDir
        # Skip SMB path
        if (!$tmpDir.StartsWith("\\"))
            $multiNode = Test-MultiNodeDeployment
                if ($multiNode)
                    Test-CloudLimits -path $tmpDir -minRequiredDisk 40 -minRequiredMemory 10 -minRequiredLp 4
                    Test-CloudLimits -path $tmpDir -minRequiredDisk 50 -minRequiredMemory 20 -minRequiredLp 4
            catch {
                $result.TestResult = "Failed"
                $result.Details = $_.Exception.Message
                return $result

    $result.Details = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_host_limit_success
    return $result

function Test-MocHostRemoting() {
    Write-Host ''
    $skipRemotingChecks = (Get-MocConfig)["skipRemotingChecks"]
    $result = [pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC Host Remoting";
        'Category' = "MOC Host";
        'TestResult' = "Success";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = ''

    if (-not $skipRemotingChecks)
        try {
        catch {
            $result.TestResult = "Failed"
            $result.Details = $_.Exception.Message
            return $result

    $result.Details = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_host_remoting_success
    return $result

function Test-MocNetworkConfiguration() {
    Write-Host ''
    $result = [pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC Network Configuraiton";
        'Category' = "MOC Configuration";
        'TestResult' = "Failed";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = ''

    $multiNode = Test-MultiNodeDeployment
    $vnet = Get-VNetConfiguration -module $moduleName
    $cloudServiceCidr = (Get-MocConfig)["cloudServiceCidr"]

    #Netowrk Validations :
    #1. whether vSwitch provided in the vnet configuration exists.
    #2. CloudCIDR parameter is provided in case of static networks.
    if ($multiNode) {
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            if ($vnet) {
                try {
                    Test-HostNetworking -nodeName $_.Name -vswitchName $vnet.VswitchName
                catch {
                    $result.Details = $_.Exception.Message
                    return $result
        try {
            $testClusterRoleName = (Get-MocConfig)["testClusterRoleName"]
            Test-ClusterNetworkProperties -cloudServiceCidr $cloudServiceCidr -vnet $vnet -clusterRoleName $testClusterRoleName
        catch {
            $result.Details = $_.Exception.Message
            return $result
        if ($vnet) {
            try {
                Test-HostNetworking -nodeName ($env:computername) -vswitchName $vnet.VswitchName
            catch {
                $result.Details = $_.Exception.Message
                return $result
        # There is no cloud service cidr for standalone
        # We use the host ip for cloud service ip
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudServiceCidr))
            Write-Warning $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_ignore_csip , $cloudServiceCidr))   

    $result.TestResult = "Success"
    $result.Details = "MOC network has been verified successfully"
    return $result

function Test-MocSDNConfiguration() {
    Write-Host ''
    $isSDNConfigured = (Get-MocConfig)["useNetworkController"]
    $result = [pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC SDN Configuraiton";
        'Category' = "MOC Configuration";
        'TestResult' = "Success";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = "";

    if ($isSDNConfigured)
        $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress = (Get-MocConfig)["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"]
        $networkControllerLbSubnetRef = (Get-MocConfig)["networkControllerLbSubnetRef"]
        $networkControllerLnetRef = (Get-MocConfig)["networkControllerLnetRef"]
        $networkControllerClientCertificateName = (Get-MocConfig)["networkControllerClientCertificateName"]
        $vipPoolStart = (Get-MocConfig)["vipPoolStart"]
        $vipPoolEnd = (Get-MocConfig)["vipPoolEnd"]
        $vipPool = New-VipPoolSettings -name "testPool" -vipPoolStart $vipPoolStart -vipPoolEnd $vipPoolEnd

        try {
            Confirm-NetworkControllerConfiguration -networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress `
            -networkControllerLbSubnetRef $networkControllerLbSubnetRef `
            -networkControllerLnetRef $networkControllerLnetRef `
            -networkControllerClientCertificateName $networkControllerClientCertificateName `
            -vipPool $vipPool

            $result.Details = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_sdn_configuration_success
        catch {
            $result.TestResult = "Failed"
            $result.Details = $_.Exception.Message

    } else {
        $result.TestResult = "Skipped"
        $result.Details = "SDN is not enabled"

    return $result

function Test-MocDirectories() {
    Write-Host ''

    $result = [pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate MOC directories";
        'Category' = "MOC Configuration";
        'TestResult' = "Success";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = ""

    $workingDir = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "workingDir" -module $moduleName
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($workingDir))
        $result.TestResult = "Failed"
        $result.Details = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_empty, "workingDir"))
        return $result

    $cloudConfigLocation = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "cloudConfigLocation" -module $moduleName
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudConfigLocation))
        $result.TestResult = "Failed"
        $result.Details = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_empty, "cloudConfigLocation"))
        return $result

    # cloudConfigLocation cannot be a parent path for workingDir
    # for example, workingDir = c:\test\123 and cloudConfigLocation = c:\test is invalid
    # During install of Moc, the system is reset including cloudConfigLocation, that would wipe of workingDir, that
    # contains critical PS configuration
    if ($workingDir.StartsWith($cloudConfigLocation.TrimEnd('\\'), $true, [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture))
        $result.TestResult = "Failed"
        $result.Details = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_invalid_working_dir_cloudconfig, $workingDir, $cloudConfigLocation))
        return $result        

    $multiNode = Test-MultiNodeDeployment
    if ($multiNode) {
        #Check if the working directory corresponds to CSV root.
        $volumeList = Get-ClusterSharedVolume | Select-Object SharedVolumeInfo
        foreach ($volume in $volumeList) {
            if (!$volume.SharedVolumeInfo.FriendlyVolumeName)
                # If volume is not online, we will not find get the friendly volume name
            $rootPath = $volume.SharedVolumeInfo.FriendlyVolumeName.ToLower()
            if (([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($workingDir)).ToLower() -eq $rootPath) {
                $result.TestResult = "Failed"
                $result.Details = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_invalid_workingDir))
                return $result   
        if ((Test-LocalFilePath -path $workingDir) )
            $result.TestResult = "Failed" 
            $result.Details = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_dir_not_set, "-workingDir"))
            return $result  
        if ((Test-LocalFilePath -path $cloudConfigLocation))
            $result.TestResult = "Failed"
            $result.Details = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_dir_not_set, "-cloudConfigLocation"))
            return $result  
        $imageDir = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "imageDir" -module $moduleName
        if ((Test-LocalFilePath -path $imageDir))
            $result.TestResult = "Failed"
            $result.Details = $($MocLocMessage.moc_no_moc_config)
            return $result  
   } else {
        #Static check to ensure working directory is not System Drive or Root
        if (($workingDir -eq $env:SystemDrive) -or ($workingDir.TrimEnd('\\') -eq $env:SystemDrive) -or
            ($workingDir -eq $env:SystemRoot) -or ($workingDir.TrimEnd('\\') -eq $env:SystemRoot) -or
            ($workingDir -eq [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($env:SystemDrive))) {
            $result.TestResult = "Failed"
            $result.Details = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_invalid_workingDir))
            return $result   
    $useStagingShare = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "useStagingShare" -type "Boolean" -module $moduleName
    $stagingShare = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "stagingShare" -module $moduleName
    if ($useStagingShare -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($stagingShare))
        $result.TestResult = "Failed"
        $result.Details =  $($MocLocMessage.generic_staging_share_unspecified)
        return $result

    $result.Details = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_directories_success_details
    return $result

function Test-FailOverClusterHealthForMoc() {
    Write-Host ''

    $result =[pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate Failover Cluster Health";
        'Category' = "MOC Failover Cluster";
        'TestResult' = "Success";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = ''

    $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
    if ($null -ne $failoverCluster) {
        try {
            $result.Details = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_failover_cluster_healthy
        catch {
            $result.TestResult = "Failed"
            $result.Details = $_.Exception.Message
    } else {
        $result.TestResult = "Skipped"
        $result.Details = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_failover_cluster_skip

    return $result

function Test-FailOverClusterHCIRegistrationForMoc() {
    Write-Host ''

    $result = [pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate Failover Cluster HCI Registration";
        'Category' = "MOC Failover Cluster";
        'TestResult' = "Success";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = ''

    $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
    if ($null -ne $failoverCluster) {
        try {
            $result.Details = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_hci_registration_success
        catch {
            $result.TestResult = "Failed"
            $result.Details = $_.Exception.Message

    } else {
        $result.TestResult = "Skipped"
        $result.Details = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_failover_cluster_skip

    return $result

function Test-MocNodesMatchFailoverClusterNodes {
    param (

    $PrecheckTestResult = @()

    $nodeCountResultObject = Get-NodeCountAndNameResultObject
    $nodeCountResultObject.TargetResourceName = $Cluster
    $nodeCountResultObject.TargetResourceId = "Cluster/" + $Cluster
    $nodeCountResultObject.TargetResourceType = "Cluster"
    $nodeCountResultObject.Title = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_check_node_count_title
    $nodeCountResultObject.Name = "MOCNodeCount"

    $failoverClusterNodes = Get-ClusterNode

    $mocLocation = ""
    try {
        $mocLocation = (Get-MocConfig).cloudLocation
    } catch {
        $nodeCountResultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
        $nodeCountResultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
        $nodeCountResultObject.Description = "Get-MocConfig unexpectedly failed with exception: $_"
        $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeCountResultObject
        return ,$PrecheckTestResult

    $mocNodes = @()
    try {
        $mocNodes = Get-MocNode -Location $mocLocation
    } catch {
        $nodeCountResultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
        $nodeCountResultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
        $nodeCountResultObject.Description = "Get-MocNode unexpectedly failed with exception: $_"
        $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeCountResultObject
        return ,$PrecheckTestResult

    $mocNodeSet = @{}
    foreach ($mocNode in $mocNodes) {
        $mocNodeSet.Add($, $mocNode)

    if ($mocNodes.count -ne $failoverClusterNodes.count) {
        $nodeCountResultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
        $nodeCountResultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
        $nodeCountResultObject.Description = "$($mocNodes.count) MOC nodes and $($failoverClusterNodes.count) Cluster nodes"
        # can get list of fc nodes names with just $failoverClusterNodes.Name
        $nodeCountResultObject.AdditionalData.MocNodes = $mocNodeSet.Keys
        $nodeCountResultObject.AdditionalData.ClusterNodes = $failoverClusterNodes.Name
        $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeCountResultObject
    } else {
        $nodeCountResultObject.Status = "SUCCESS"
        $nodeCountResultObject.Severity = "INFORMATIONAL"
        $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeCountResultObject

    foreach($node in $failoverClusterNodes) {
        $nodeNameResultObject = Get-NodeCountAndNameResultObject
        $nodeNameResultObject.TargetResourceName = $node.Name
        $nodeNameResultObject.TargetResourceId = "Cluster/" + $Cluster + "/Node/" + $node.Name
        $nodeNameResultObject.TargetResourceType = "Node"
        $nodeNameResultObject.Title = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_check_moc_node_title
        $nodeNameResultObject.Name = "MOCNodeName"

        # First check if there is a MOC node name which is the lowercase version of the failover cluster node name
        # This is the latest behavior (for MOC node name to be lowercase version of cluster node name)
        # Next check for an exact match of failover cluster node name and MOC node name. This was the previous behavior.
        # We have to use case sensitive comparison - ccontains rather than contains
        # If neither of those cases are satisfied, this can cause issues during MOC upgrade, so fail the test.
        if ($mocNodeSet.Keys -ccontains $node.Name.ToLower()) {
            $nodeNameResultObject.Status = "SUCCESS"
            $nodeNameResultObject.Severity = "INFORMATIONAL"
            $nodeNameResultObject.Description = "Cluster Node $node in lowercase has a corresponding MOC node"
            $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeNameResultObject
        } elseif ($mocNodeSet.Keys -ccontains $node.Name) {
            $nodeNameResultObject.Status = "SUCCESS"
            $nodeNameResultObject.Severity = "INFORMATIONAL"
            $nodeNameResultObject.Description = "Cluster Node $node has an exact corresponding MOC node"
            $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeNameResultObject
        } else {
            $nodeNameResultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
            $nodeNameResultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
            $nodeNameResultObject.Description = "Cluster Node $node is missing a corresponding MOC node"
            $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeNameResultObject

    # check each MOC node, irrespective of whether they match failover cluster, since
    # we will need to repair them either way if in non-active state
    foreach($mocNode in $mocNodes) {
        $nodeActiveResultObject = Get-NodeCountAndNameResultObject
        $nodeActiveResultObject.TargetResourceName = $mocNode.Name
        $nodeActiveResultObject.TargetResourceId = "Cluster/" + $Cluster + "/Node/" + $mocNode.Name
        $nodeActiveResultObject.TargetResourceType = "Node"
        $nodeActiveResultObject.Title = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_check_node_running_state_title
        $nodeActiveResultObject.Name = "MOCNodeActive"
        if ($ -ne "Active") {
            $nodeActiveResultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
            $nodeActiveResultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
            $nodeActiveResultObject.Description = "Cluster Node is in unexpected running state $($"
            $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeActiveResultObject
        } else {
            $nodeActiveResultObject.Status = "SUCCESS"
            $nodeActiveResultObject.Severity = "INFORMATIONAL"
            $PrecheckTestResult += $nodeActiveResultObject

    # the comma means that even if there is a single entry in the test result array, it will be returned as an array object
    # Otherwise it would be converted to just a simple object. The unit tests assume it is an array
    return ,$PrecheckTestResult

function Test-NoProxyEnvironmentVariable {
    param (

    $PrecheckTestResult = @()

    foreach ($node in Get-ClusterNode) {

        $resultObject = Get-NoProxyConfigurationResultObject
        $resultObject.TargetResourceName = $node.Name
        $resultObject.TargetResourceId = "Cluster/" + $Cluster + "/Node/" + $node.Name
        $resultObject.TargetResourceType = "Node"

        try {
            # We have a broader assumption in the MOC PS module that we can run scripts on any node of the failover cluster
            # without providing creds
            $noProxyValue = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $node.Name -ScriptBlock {
                [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("NO_PROXY", "Machine")

            if ($noProxyValue -eq $null) {
                $resultObject.Status = "SUCCESS"
                $resultObject.Severity = "INFORMATIONAL"
                $resultObject.Description = "NO_PROXY environment variable is null on node, skipping checks"
            } else {
                if ($noProxyValue.contains("*") -or $noProxyValue.contains(";")) {
                    $resultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
                    $resultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
                    $resultObject.Remediation = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_fix_no_proxy_remediation

                    if ($noProxyValue.contains("*") -and $noProxyValue.contains(";")) {
                        $resultObject.Description = "NO_PROXY environment variable contains invalid wildcard characters * and ;"
                    } elseif ($noProxyValue.contains("*")) {
                        $resultObject.Description = "NO_PROXY environment variable contains invalid wildcard character *"
                    } else {
                        $resultObject.Description = "NO_PROXY environment variable contains invalid wildcard character ;"
                } else {
                    $resultObject.Status = "SUCCESS"
                    $resultObject.Severity = "INFORMATIONAL"
        } catch {
            $resultObject.Status = "ERROR"
            $resultObject.Severity = "WARNING"
            $resultObject.Description = "Unable to check NO_PROXY environment variable due to exception: $_"
            $resultObject.Remediation = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_check_no_proxy_remediation

        $PrecheckTestResult += $resultObject

    # the comma means that even if there is a single entry in the test result array, it will be returned as an array object
    # Otherwise it would be converted to just a simple object. The unit tests assume it is an array
    return ,$PrecheckTestResult

function Test-HCIClusterAndNodeRegistration {
    param (

    $PrecheckTestResult = @()

    $resultObject = Get-HCIRegistrationResultObject
    $resultObject.TargetResourceName = $Cluster
    $resultObject.TargetResourceId = "Cluster/" + $Cluster
    $resultObject.TargetResourceType = "Cluster"

    # check the cluster level registration
    $hciStatus = Get-AzureStackHCI
    if ($hciStatus.RegistrationStatus -ne "Registered"){
        $resultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
        $resultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
        $resultObject.Description = "Azure Stack HCI Cluster Registration Status $($hciStatus.RegistrationStatus) does not match expected status Registered, unable to proceed"
        $resultObject.Remediation = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_cluster_not_registered_remediation
    } elseif ($hciStatus.ConnectionStatus -ne "Connected") {
        $resultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
        $resultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
        $resultObject.Description = "Azure Stack HCI Cluster Connection Status $($hciStatus.ConnectionStatus) does not match expected status Connected, unable to proceed"
        $resultObject.Remediation = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_cluster_not_connected_remediation
    } else {
        $resultObject.Status = "SUCCESS"
        $resultObject.Severity = "INFORMATIONAL"

    $PrecheckTestResult += $resultObject

    # check the node registration
    foreach ($node in Get-ClusterNode) {

        $resultObject = Get-HCIRegistrationResultObject
        $resultObject.TargetResourceName = $node.Name
        $resultObject.TargetResourceId = "Cluster/" + $Cluster + "/Node/" + $node.Name
        $resultObject.TargetResourceType = "Node"

        # handle case where there is no valid subscription
        $nodeStatus = Get-AzureStackHCISubscriptionStatus -computerName $node.Name | Where-Object { $_.SubscriptionName -match "Azure Stack HCI" }
        if ($nodeStatus -eq $null) {
            $resultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
            $resultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
            $resultObject.Description = "Unable to find expected Azure Stack HCI Subscription Status entry for node $($node.Name)"
            $resultObject.Remediation = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_contact_support_remediation
        } elseif ($nodeStatus.Status -ne "Active") {
            $resultObject.Status = "FAILURE"
            $resultObject.Severity = "CRITICAL"
            $resultObject.Description = "Azure Stack HCI Subscription Status $($nodeStatus.Status) does not match expected status Active, unable to proceed"
            $resultObject.Remediation = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_cluster_subscription_not_active_remediation
        } else {
            $resultObject.Status = "SUCCESS"
            $resultObject.Severity = "INFORMATIONAL"

        $PrecheckTestResult +=  $resultObject

    # the comma means that even if there is a single entry in the test result array, it will be returned as an array object
    # Otherwise it would be converted to just a simple object. The unit tests assume it is an array
    return ,$PrecheckTestResult

function Get-AsZResultObject
    $resultObject = @{
                "Timestamp" = ""
                "TargetResourceType" = ""
                "TargetResourceID" = ""
                "Title"=  ""
                "Tags" =  @{}
                "Name" =  ""
                "DisplayName" = ""
                "TargetResourceName" = ""
                "Description" = ""
                "Status" = ""
                "Severity" = ""
                "AdditionalData" = @{}
                "HealthCheckSource" = "Test-EnvironmentReadiness"
                "Remediation" = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_contact_support_remediation
    return $resultObject

function Get-NodeCountAndNameResultObject
    $resultObject = Get-AsZResultObject
    $resultObject.TimeStamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('u')
    $resultObject.Tags.Group = "MocEnvironment"
    $resultObject.Tags.Member = "CountAndName"
    $resultObject.Name = "MOCNodeCountAndName"
    $resultObject.DisplayName = "MOC Node Count and Name Check"
    $resultObject.Description = "Checks that the MOC nodes match the number and names of the Azure Stack HCI Cluster nodes"
    $resultObject.Title = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_node_test_title

    return $resultObject

function Get-NoProxyConfigurationResultObject
    $resultObject = Get-AsZResultObject
    $resultObject.TimeStamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('u')
    $resultObject.Tags.Group = "MocEnvironment"
    $resultObject.Tags.Member = "NoProxyConfig"
    $resultObject.Name = "MOCNoProxyConfig"
    $resultObject.DisplayName = "Environment No Proxy Configuration Check"
    $resultObject.Description = "Checks that the NO_PROXY environment variable doesn't include any invalid values"
    $resultObject.Title = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_no_proxy_test_title

    return $resultObject

function Get-HCIRegistrationResultObject
    $resultObject = Get-AsZResultObject
    $resultObject.TimeStamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('u')
    $resultObject.Tags.Group = "MocEnvironment"
    $resultObject.Tags.Member = "HCIRegistration"
    $resultObject.Name = "HCIRegistration"
    $resultObject.DisplayName = "HCI Cluster and Node Status check"
    $resultObject.Description = "Checks that the HCI cluster is registered and connected, and all nodes have Active subscriptions"
    $resultObject.Title = $mocLocMessage.moc_validation_cluster_node_registration_test_title

    return $resultObject

function Test-VMCreationInHyperV() {
    Write-Host ''

    return [pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate VM Creation in Hyper-V";
        'Category' = "MOC HyperV";
        'TestResult' = "Not Implemented";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = ''

function Test-SwitchInHyperV() {
    Write-Host ''

    return [pscustomobject]@{
        'TestName' = "Validate switch in Hyper-V";
        'Category' = "MOC HyperV";
        'TestResult' = "Not Implemented";
        'Details' = "";
        'Recommendation' = ''

function Test-DHCPEnabledInterfaceGreaterThanZero
        Returns true if number of DHCP enabled network interface card for ClusterAndClient network is greater than 0
        Else return false

    $networkList = Get-ClusterNetwork -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.Role -eq "ClusterAndClient" }
    $dhcpInterfaceCount = 0
    foreach($network in $networkList)
        if ((Get-ClusterNetworkInterface -Network $($network.Name) | Select-Object -expandProperty "DhcpEnabled") -eq 1)
            $dhcpInterfaceCount += 1
    return ($dhcpInterfaceCount -gt 0)
function Test-ClusterNetworkProperties
        This function validates cloud service CIDR for both V1 and V2 failover cluster creation workflow.
        We assume that this function is called only for multinode setups:
        Validations specific to Multinode setups (Common to both V1, V2):
            1. CIDR should be part of a cluster network.
            2. The prefix length should match that of the cluster network.
            3. Cloud service CIDR should not overlap with VIP pool, or k8snodepool
               IP addresses provided during VNET configuration.
        Validations Specific to V1 creation workflow:
            1. CIDR must be provided if the machine is not DHCP not enabled.
            2. Can create a failover cluster resource if the given cluster role name is not empty
        Validations specific to V2 creation workflow:
            1. Cluster Group's Network name and DNS name must be online and available.
    .PARAMETER CloudServiceCIDR
        The static IP/network prefix to be assigned to the MOC CloudAgent service.
    .PARAMETER vnet
        A VirtualNetwork object created using the New-AksHciNetworkSetting cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER clusterRoleName
        Name of the cluster group (Example: ca-2f87825b-a4af-473f-8a33-8e3bdd5f9b61)

    param (
        [string] $cloudServiceCidr,
        [virtualNetwork] $vnet,
        [string] $clusterRoleName

    $isSDNConfigured = (Get-MocConfig)["useNetworkController"]
    if ($isSDNConfigured)
        $vipPoolStart = (Get-MocConfig)["vipPoolStart"]
        $vipPoolEnd = (Get-MocConfig)["vipPoolEnd"]
    } elseif ($vnet) {
        $vipPoolStart = $vnet.VipPoolStart
        $vipPoolEnd = $vnet.VipPoolEnd
    #Checks against cloudServiceIP
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudServiceCidr))
        $cloudServiceCidrArray = $cloudServiceCidr.Split("/")
        $cloudServiceIP = $cloudServiceCidrArray[0]
        if ($cloudServiceCidrArray.Length -gt 1)
            $prefixLength = $cloudServiceCidrArray[1] 

        #Check if Cloud Service IP is in valid format.
        if (-Not [System.Net.IPAddress]::TryParse($cloudServiceIP, [ref]$null))
            throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, `
            $MocLocMessage.moc_invalid_csip, $cloudServiceIP)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))
        #Check if cloud service IP is already in use
        if (Test-NetConnection $cloudServiceIP -InformationLevel "Quiet"  -ErrorAction Ignore -WarningAction SilentlyContinue)
            throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, `
            $MocLocMessage.moc_csip_in_use, $cloudServiceIP)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    $dhcpEnabledCluster = $True

    $clusterNetworks = Get-ClusterNetwork -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { ($_.Role -eq "ClusterAndClient" ) `
                    -and ($_.Ipv4Addresses.Count -gt 0 ) } | Select-Object -property Name, IPv4Addresses, IPV4PrefixLengths
    $clusterNetworkList = ""
    $useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow = (Get-MocConfig)["useUpdatedFailoverClusterCreationLogic"]
    # We only run this test if customer does not have any DHCP enabled network interface
    if (-not (Test-DHCPEnabledInterfaceGreaterThanZero))
        foreach ($clusterNetwork in $clusterNetworks)
            for($i = 0; $i -lt $clusterNetwork.Ipv4Addresses.Count; $i++) 
                #Multiple interfaces can be linked to a cluster network.
                if ((Get-ClusterNetworkInterface -Network $($clusterNetwork.Name) | Select-Object -expandProperty "DhcpEnabled") -ne 1)
                    $dhcpEnabledCluster = $False
                    $clusterNetworkList += "$($clusterNetwork.IPv4Addresses[$i])/$($clusterNetwork.Ipv4PrefixLengths[$i]) " 
                    if (!($useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow))
                        #Static Network + Cloud Service CIDR not provided -> Throw error
                        #If ClusterRoleName is empty, it means that customer provided their own clusterRoleName
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudServiceCidr) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($clusterRoleName))
                            throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, `
                            $MocLocMessage.moc_ca_cidr_required, $clusterNetwork.IPv4Addresses[$i])), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    #Cloud Service CIDR is provided -> cluster network and prefix check.
    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudServiceCidr))
        $foundInClusterNetwork = $False

        #Check if Cloud service CIDR is part of Cluster network
        foreach ($clusterNetwork in $clusterNetworks)
            for($i = 0; $i -lt $clusterNetwork.Ipv4Addresses.Count; $i++) 
                [System.Net.IPAddress]$ipv4 = $null
                $clusIpv4 = $clusterNetwork.Ipv4Addresses[$i]
                if (-Not [System.Net.IPAddress]::TryParse($clusIpv4, [ref] $ipv4))
                    Write-Warning $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_ignore_failover_ip , $clusIpv4))

                $lastIp = [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::GetLastIpInCidr($ipv4, $clusterNetwork.Ipv4PrefixLengths[$i])
                if([AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::CompareIpAddresses($cloudServiceIP, $ipv4) -ge 0 -AND [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::CompareIpAddresses($cloudServiceIP, $lastIp) -le 0)
                    $foundInClusterNetwork = $True
                    #The cloud service CIDR is in the range of the cluster network IP! Compare prefix lengths now!
                    $prefixLength = $clusterNetwork.Ipv4PrefixLengths[$i]

        #DHCP Network + Cloud Service CIDR provided -> Give warning and ignore
        if($dhcpEnabledCluster -eq $True) 
            Write-Warning $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_dhcp_network , $cloudServiceCidr))
        } #Not DHCP cluster, and not found in network.
        elseif ($foundInClusterNetwork -ne $True) 
            throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, `
            $MocLocMessage.moc_csip_not_in_network, $cloudServiceCidr, $clusterNetworkList)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))
        } #Not DHCP cluster, found in network, but not same prefix length.
        elseif ($cloudServiceCidrArray.Length -gt 1)
            if ($cloudServiceCidrArray[1] -ne $prefixLength)
                throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_csip_invalid_prefix_len, $cloudServiceCidr, $cloudServiceCidrArray[1], $clusIpv4, $prefixLength)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    #CloudService CIDR should not overlap with VIP pool or k8s node pool
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudServiceCidr) -and ($vnet))
        if([AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::CheckIPInIPPool($vipPoolStart, $vipPoolEnd, $cloudServiceIP))
            throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_csip_in_pool, $cloudServiceIP, $vipPoolStart, $vipPoolEnd)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

        if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($vnet.K8snodeIPPoolStart))
            if([AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::CheckIPInIPPool($vnet.K8snodeIPPoolStart, $vnet.K8snodeIPPoolEnd, $cloudServiceIP)){
                throw [CustomException]::new($([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_csip_in_pool, $cloudServiceIP, $vnet.K8snodeIPPoolStart, $vnet.K8snodeIPPoolEnd)), ([ErrorTypes]::IsUserErrorFlag))

    # Failover cluster resource tests
    if ($useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow)
    if (!($useUpdateFailoverClusterCreationFlow) -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($clusterRoleName)))
        Test-FailoverClusterResourceCreate -cloudServiceCIDR $cloudServiceCidr -prefix $prefixLength `
                                           -dhcpEnabled $dhcpEnabledCluster -clusterGroupName $clusterRoleName

function Test-FailoverClusterDefaultGroup
        This test is only being run when we are not creating failover cluster network resource and it checks two things:
        1) The "Cluster Group's" DNS Network name is online and reachable
        2) All of cluster group's IP Address must be online
        Pre-requisites for calling this function
        1. Multinode setup

    $clusterGroupUUID = Get-ClusterGroupUUID
    $clusterNameResourceUUID = Get-ClusterNameResourceUUID
    $clusterGroup = Get-ClusterGroup -Name "$clusterGroupUUID" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($clusterGroup -eq $null)
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_failover_cluster_group_not_found))

    # We need to ensure the cluster group's DNS Network Name is reachable
    $dnsName = (Get-ClusterGroup -name "$clusterGroupUUID" -ErrorAction Stop | Get-ClusterResource -Name "$clusterNameResourceUUID" -ErrorAction Stop | Get-ClusterParameter -Name "DnsName" -ErrorAction Stop).Value
    $dnsSuffix = (Get-ClusterGroup -name "$clusterGroupUUID" -ErrorAction Stop | Get-ClusterResource -Name "$clusterNameResourceUUID" -ErrorAction Stop| Get-ClusterParameter -Name "DnsSuffix" -ErrorAction Stop).Value
    $dnsNetworkName = ($dnsName + "." + $dnsSuffix)
    if (!(Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $dnsNetworkName -InformationLevel Quiet))
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_cluster_group_network_name_unreachable, $dnsNetworkName, $clusterGroupUUID))

    # we need to ensure all cluster IP address is reachable
    $IpAddressList = Get-ClusterGroup -name "$clusterGroupUUID" -ErrorAction Stop | Get-ClusterResource -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.ResourceType -eq "IP Address"}
    if ($IpAddressList.length -eq 0)
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_no_available_cluster_ip_address))
    foreach ($ipAddressResource in $IpAddressList)
        $ipAddress = ($ipAddressResource | Get-ClusterParameter -name "address" -ErrorAction Stop).value
        if (!(Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $ipAddress -InformationLevel Quiet))
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_ip_address_unreachable, $ipAddress, $ipAddress))


function Test-FailoverClusterResourceCreate
        This checks if we are able to create and start Failover Cluster resource.
        Pre-requisites for calling this function :
        1. Multi node setup
        2. Cloud service CIDR is validated, and sent with prefix
        3. Cluster Network check has already been done to determine if DHCP is enabled
        on all interfaces.
    .PARAMETER cloudServiceCIDR
        The static IP/network prefix to be assigned to the MOC CloudAgent service.
    .PARAMETER prefix
        The prefix length of the Cloud
    .PARAMETER dhcpEnabled
        This parameter denotes if DHCP is enabled on all the interfaces of the cluster
    .PARAMETER clusterGroupName
        Name of the cluster group (Example: ca-2f87825b-a4af-473f-8a33-8e3bdd5f9b61)

    param (
        [string] $cloudServiceCIDR,
        [string] $prefix,
        [bool] $dhcpEnabled,
        [string] $clusterGroupName

    try {
        Add-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -GroupType GenericService -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        $dnsName = Add-ClusterResource -Name "$clusterGroupName" -ResourceType "Network Name" -Group $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
        $dnsName | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{"Name"="$clusterGroupName";"DnsName"="$clusterGroupName"} -ErrorAction Stop
        # 1. Create and Start the resources in order - IP resource, Service and then start the Resource Group
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cloudServiceCIDR))
            # 1.a DHCP Case
            $networkList = Get-ClusterNetwork -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.Role -eq "ClusterAndClient" }
            foreach ($network in $networkList)
                $IPResourceName = "IPv4 Address on $($network.Address)"
                $IPAddress = Add-ClusterResource -Name $IPResourceName -ResourceType "IP Address" -Group $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
                $IPAddress | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{"Network"=$network;"EnableDhcp"=1} -ErrorAction Stop
                Add-ClusterResourceDependency -Resource "$clusterGroupName" -Provider $IPResourceName -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                    Start-FailoverClusterResource -resourceName $IPResourceName | Out-Null
                    $errorMessage = Write-ModuleEventException -message "Start-FailoverClusterResource failed on resource $IPResourceName" -exception $_ -moduleName $global:MocModule
                    Remove-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -RemoveResources -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
                    throw $([System.Exception]::new([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_failover_cluster_networks_error, $errorMessage), $_.Exception))
            # We ignore Cloud service CIDR - no need to add the IP param
            if($dhcpEnabled -eq $False)
                $cloudServiceCidrArray = $cloudServiceCIDR.Split("/")
                $subnetMask = Get-Ipv4MaskFromPrefix -PrefixLength $prefixLength

                $IPResourceName = "IPv4 Address $cloudServiceCidrArray[0]"
                $IPAddress = Add-ClusterResource -Name $IPResourceName -ResourceType "IP Address" -Group $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
                $IPAddress | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{"Address"=$cloudServiceCidrArray[0];"SubnetMask"=$subnetMask;"EnableDhcp"=0} -ErrorAction Stop
                Add-ClusterResourceDependency -Resource "$clusterGroupName" -Provider $IPResourceName -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

                    Start-FailoverClusterResource -resourceName $IPResourceName | Out-Null
                    $errorMessage = Write-ModuleEventException -message "Start-FailoverClusterResource failed." -exception $_ -moduleName $global:MocModule
                    Remove-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -RemoveResources -Force -ErrorAction Ignore            
                    throw $([System.Exception]::new([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.comm_invalid_ip_address, $($cloudServiceCidrArray[0]), $errorMessage), $_.Exception))
        #Start the failover cluster group
        try {
            Start-FailoverClusterGroup -clusterGroupName $clusterGroupName | Out-Null
        } catch [Exception] {
            Remove-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -RemoveResources -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $MocLocMessage.moc_no_cluster_perm, $clusterGroupName, $($_.Exception.Message.ToString())))
    finally {
        <#Do this after the try block regardless of whether an exception occurred or not#>
        Remove-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -RemoveResources -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# SIG # End signature block