<# .SYNOPSIS This script/function requests and receives a New Certificate from your Windows-based Issuing Certificate Authority. When used in conjunction with the Generate-CertTemplate.ps1 script/function, all needs can be satisfied. (See: IMPORTANT NOTE: By running the function without any parameters, the user will be walked through several prompts. This is the recommended way to use this function until the user feels comfortable with parameters mentioned below. .DESCRIPTION This function/script is split into the following sections (ctl-f to jump to each of these sections) - Libraries and Helper Functions (~Lines 1127-2794) - Initial Variable Definition and Validation (~Lines 2796-3274) - Writing the Certificate Request Config File (~Lines 3276-3490) - Generate Certificate Request, Submit to Issuing Certificate Authority, and Recieve Response (~Lines 3492-END) DEPENDENCIES OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES (One of the two will be required depending on if you use the ADCS Website) 1) RSAT (Windows Server Feature) - If you're not using the ADCS Website, then the Get-ADObject cmdlet is used for various purposes. This cmdlet is available only if RSAT is installed on the Windows Server. 2) Win32 OpenSSL - If $UseOpenSSL = "Yes", the script/function depends on the latest Win32 OpenSSL binary that can be found here: Simply extract the (32-bit) zip and place the directory on your filesystem in a location to be referenced by the parameter $PathToWin32OpenSSL. IMPORTANT NOTE 2: The above third-party Win32 OpenSSL binary is referenced by here: .PARAMETER CertGenWorking This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the full path to a directory that will contain all output files. .PARAMETER BasisTemplate This parameter is OPTIONAL, but becomes MANDATORY if the -IntendedPurposeValues parameter is not used. This parameter takes a string that represents either the CN or the displayName of the Certificate Template that you are basing this New Certificate on. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are requesting the new certificate via the ADCS Web Enrollment Website, the Certificate Template will ONLY appear in the Certificate Template drop-down (which makes it a valid option for this parameter) if msPKITemplateSchemaVersion is "2" or "1" AND pKIExpirationPeriod is 1 year or LESS. See the Generate-CertTemplate.ps1 script/function for more details here: .PARAMETER CertificateCN This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the name that you would like to give the New Certificate. This name will appear in the following locations: - "FriendlyName" field of the Certificate Request - "Friendly name" field the New Certificate itself - "Friendly Name" field when viewing the New Certificate in the Local Certificate Store - "Subject" field of the Certificate Request - "Subject" field on the New Certificate itself - "Issued To" field when viewing the New Certificate in the Local Certificate Store .PARAMETER CertificateRequestConfigFile This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a file name to be used for the Certificate Request Configuration file to be submitted to the Issuing Certificate Authority. File extension should be .inf. A default value is supplied: "NewCertRequestConfig_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".inf" .PARAMETER CertificateRequestFile This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a file name to be used for the Certificate Request file to be submitted to the Issuing Certificate Authority. File extension should be .csr. A default value is supplied: "NewCertRequest_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".csr" .PARAMETER CertFileOut This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a file name to be used for the New Public Certificate received from the Issuing Certificate Authority. The file extension should be .cer. A default value is supplied: "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".cer" .PARAMETER CertificateChainOut This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a file name to be used for the Chain of Public Certificates from the New Public Certificate up to the Root Certificate Authority. File extension should be .p7b. A default value is supplied: "NewCertificateChain_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".p7b" IMPORTANT NOTE: File extension will be .p7b even if format is actually PKCS10 (which should have extension .p10). This is to ensure that Microsoft Crypto Shell Extensions recognizes the file. (Some systems do not have .p10 associated with Crypto Shell Extensions by default, leading to confusion). .PARAMETER PFXFileOut This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a file name to be used for the file containing both Public AND Private Keys for the New Certificate. File extension should be .pfx. A default values is supplied: "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".pfx" .PARAMETER PFXPwdAsSecureString This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes a securestring. In order to export a .pfx file from the Local Certificate Store, a password must be supplied (or permissions based on user accounts must be configured beforehand, but this is outside the scope of this script). IMPORTANT NOTE: This same password is applied to $ProtectedPrivateKeyOut if OpenSSL is used to create Linux-compatible certificates in .pem format. .PARAMETER ADCSWebEnrollmentURL This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes a string that represents the URL for the ADCS Web Enrollment website. Example: https://pki.test.lab/certsrv .PARAMETER ADCSWebAuthType This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes one of two inputs: 1) The string "Windows"; OR 2) The string "Basic" The IIS Web Server hosting the ADCS Web Enrollment site can be configured to use Windows Authentication, Basic Authentication, or both. Use this parameter to specify either "Windows" or "Basic" authentication. .PARAMETER ADCSWebAuthUserName This parameter is OPTIONAL. Do NOT use this parameter if you are using the -ADCSWebCreds parameter. This parameter takes a string that represents a username with permission to access the ADCS Web Enrollment site. If $ADCSWebAuthType = "Basic", then INCLUDE the domain prefix as part of the username. Example: test2\testadmin . If $ADCSWebAuthType = "Windows", then DO NOT INCLUDE the domain prefix as part of the username. Example: testadmin (NOTE: If you mix up the above username formatting, then the script will figure it out. This is more of an FYI.) .PARAMETER ADCSWebAuthPass This parameter is OPTIONAL. Do NOT use this parameter if you are using the -ADCSWebCreds parameter. This parameter takes a securestring. If $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl is used, then this parameter becomes MANDATORY. Under this circumstance, if this parameter is left blank, the user will be prompted for secure input. If using this script as part of a larger automated process, use a wrapper function to pass this parameter securely (this is outside the scope of this script). .PARAMETER ADCSWebCreds This parameter is OPTIONAL. Do NOT use this parameter if you are using the -ADCSWebAuthuserName and -ADCSWebAuthPass parameters. This parameter takes a PSCredential. IMPORTANT NOTE: When speicfying the UserName for the PSCredential, make sure the format adheres to the following: If $ADCSWebAuthType = "Basic", then INCLUDE the domain prefix as part of the username. Example: test2\testadmin . If $ADCSWebAuthType = "Windows", then DO NOT INCLUDE the domain prefix as part of the username. Example: testadmin (NOTE: If you mix up the above username formatting, then the script will figure it out. This is more of an FYI.) .PARAMETER CertADCSWebResponseOutFile This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a valid file path that will contain the HTTP response after submitting the Certificate Request via the ADCS Web Enrollment site. A default value is supplied: "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+"_ADCSWebResponse"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".txt" .PARAMETER Organization This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents an Organization name. This will be added to "Subject" field in the Certificate. .PARAMETER OrganizationalUnit This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents an Organization's Department. This will be added to the "Subject" field in the Certificate. .PARAMETER Locality This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a City. This will be added to the "Subject" field in the Certificate. .PARAMETER State This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a State. This will be added to the "Subject" field in the Certificate. .PARAMETER Country This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a Country. This will be added to the "Subject" field in the Certificate. .PARAMETER KeyLength This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string representing a key length of either "2048" or "4096". A default value is supplied: 2048 For more information, see: .PARAMETER HashAlgorithmValue This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that must be one of the following values: "SHA1","SHA256","SHA384","SHA512","MD5","MD4","MD2" A default value is supplied: SHA256 For more information, see: .PARAMETER EncryptionAlgorithmValue This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string representing an available encryption algorithm. Valid values: "AES","DES","3DES","RC2","RC4" A default value is supplied: AES .PARAMETER PrivateKeyExportableValue This parameter is MANDATORY. The parameter takes a string with one of two values: "True", "False" Setting the value to "True" means that the Private Key will be exportable. A default value is supplied: True .PARAMETER KeySpecValue This parameter is MANDATORY. The parameter takes a string that must be one of two values: "1", "2" A default value is supplied: 1 For details about Key Spec Values, see: .PARAMETER KeyUsageValue This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents a hexadecimal value. A defult value is supplied: 80 For reference, here are some commonly used values - A valid value is the hex sum of one or more of following: CERT_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY_USAGE = 80 CERT_NON_REPUDIATION_KEY_USAGE = 40 CERT_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE = 20 CERT_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE = 10 CERT_KEY_AGREEMENT_KEY_USAGE = 8 CERT_KEY_CERT_SIGN_KEY_USAGE = 4 CERT_OFFLINE_CRL_SIGN_KEY_USAGE = 2 CERT_CRL_SIGN_KEY_USAGE = 2 CERT_ENCIPHER_ONLY_KEY_USAGE = 1 Some Commonly Used Values: 'c0' (i.e. 80+40) 'a0' (i.e. 80+20) 'f0' (i.e. 80+40+20+10) '30' (i.e. 20+10) '80' All Valid Values: "1","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","2","20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","3","30","38","4","40", "41","42","43","44","45","46","47","48","5","50","58","6","60","68","7","70","78","8","80","81","82","83","84","85","86","87","88","9","90", "98","a","a0","a8","b","b0","b8","c","c0","c","8","d","d0","d8","e","e0","e8","f","f0","f8" For more information see: .PARAMETER MachineKeySet This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that must be one of two values: "True", "False" A default value is provided: "False" If you would like the Private Key exported, use "False". If you are creating this certificate to be used in the User's security context (like for a developer to sign their code), use "False". If you are using this certificate for a service that runs in the Computer's security context (such as a Web Server, Domain Controller, etc) and DO NOT need the Private Key exported use "True". For more info, see: .PARAMETER SecureEmail This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes string that must be one of two values: "Yes", "No" A default value is provided: "No" If the New Certificate is going to be used to digitally sign and/or encrypt emails, this parameter should be set to "Yes". .PARAMETER UserProtected This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that must be one of two values: "True", "False" A default value is provided: False If $MachineKeySet is set to "True", then $UserProtected MUST be set to "False". If $MachineKeySet is set to "False", then $UserProtected can be set to either "True" or "False". If $UserProtected is set to "True", a CryptoAPI password window is displayed when the key is generated during the certificate request process. Once the key is protected with a password, you must enter this password every time the key is accessed. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not set this parameter to "True" if you want this script/function to run unattended. .PARAMETER ProviderNameValue This parameter is MANDATORY. This parameter takes a string that represents the name of the Cryptographic Provider you would like to use for the New Certificate. A default value is provided: "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" Valid values are as follows: "Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0","Microsoft Base DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider", "Microsoft Base DSS Cryptographic Provider","Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider", "Microsoft DH SChannel Cryptographic Provider","Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0", "Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider", "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider","Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider", "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider","Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider", "Microsoft Passport Key Storage Provider" For more details and a list of valid values, see: WARNING: The Certificate Template that this New Certificate is based on (i.e. the value provided for the parameter $BasisTemplate) COULD POTENTIALLY limit the availble Crypographic Provders for the Certificate Request. Make sure the Cryptographic Provider you use is allowed by the Basis Certificate Template. .PARAMETER RequestTypeValue This parameter is MANDATORY. A default value is provided: PKCS10 This parameter takes a string that indicates the format of the Certificate Request. Valid values are: "CMC", "PKCS10", "PKCS10-", "PKCS7" For more details, see: .PARAMETER IntendedPurposeValues This parameter is OPTIONAL, but becomes MANDATORY if the -BasisTemplate parameter is not used. This parameter takes an array of strings. Valid values are as follows: "Code Signing","Document Signing","Client Authentication","Server Authentication", "Remote Desktop","Private Key Archival","Directory Service Email Replication","Key Recovery Agent", "OCSP Signing","Microsoft Trust List Signing","EFS","Secure E-mail","Enrollment Agent","Smart Card Logon", "File Recovery","IPSec IKE Intermediate","KDC Authentication","Windows Update", "Windows Third Party Application Component","Windows TCB Component","Windows Store", "Windows Software Extension Verification","Windows RT Verification","Windows Kits Component", "No OCSP Failover to CRL","Auto Update End Revocation","Auto Update CA Revocation","Revoked List Signer", "Protected Process Verification","Protected Process Light Verification","Platform Certificate", "Microsoft Publisher","Kernel Mode Code Signing","HAL Extension","Endorsement Key Certificate", "Early Launch Antimalware Driver","Dynamic Code Generator","DNS Server Trust","Document Encryption", "Disallowed List","Attestation Identity Key Certificate","System Health Authentication","CTL Usage", "IP Security End System","IP Security Tunnel Termination","IP Security User","Time Stamping", "Microsoft Time Stamping","Windows Hardware Driver Verification","Windows System Component Verification", "OEM Windows System Component Verification","Embedded Windows System Component Verification","Root List Signer", "Qualified Subordination","Key Recovery","Lifetime Signing","Key Pack Licenses","License Server Verification" IMPORTANT NOTE: If this parameter is not set by user, the Intended Purpose Value(s) of the Basis Certificate Template (i.e. $BasisTemplate) will be used. If $BasisTemplate is not provided, then the user will be prompted. .PARAMETER UseOpenSSL This parameter is MANDATORY. A default value is provided: "Yes" The parameter takes a string that must be one of two values: "Yes", "No" This parameter determines whether the Win32 OpenSSL binary should be used to extract certificates/keys in a format (.pem) readily used in Linux environments. .PARAMETER AllPublicKeysInChainOut This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if the parameter -UseOpenSSL is "Yes" This parameter takes a string that represents a file name. This file will contain all public certificates in the chain, from the New Certificate up to the Root Certificate Authority. File extension should be .pem A default value is provided: "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+"_all_public_keys_in_chain"+".pem" .PARAMETER ProtectedPrivateKeyOut This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if the parameter -UseOpenSSL is "Yes" This parameter takes a string that represents a file name. This file will contain the password-protected private key for the New Certificate. File extension should be .pem A default value is provided: "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+"_protected_private_key"+".pem" .PARAMETER UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if the parameter -UseOpenSSL is "Yes" This parameter takes a string that represents a file name. This file will contain the raw private key for the New Certificate. File extension should be .key A default value is provided: "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+"_unprotected_private_key"+".key" .PARAMETER StripPrivateKeyOfPassword This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if the parameter -UseOpenSSL is "Yes" The parameter takes a string that must be one of two values: "Yes", "No" This parameter removes the password from the file $ProtectedPrivateKeyOut and outputs the result to $UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut. A default value is provided: Yes .PARAMETER SANObjectsToAdd This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter takes an array of strings. All possible values are: "DNS","Distinguished Name","URL","IP Address","Email","UPN","GUID" .PARAMETER DNSSANObjects This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if $SANObjectsToAdd includes "DNS". This parameter takes an array of strings. Each string represents a DNS address. Example: "","" .PARAMETER DistinguishedNameSANObjects This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if $SANObjectsToAdd includes "Distinguished Name". This parameter takes an array of strings. Each string represents an LDAP Path. Example: "CN=www01,OU=Web Servers,DC=fabrikam,DC=com","CN=www01,OU=Load Balancers,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" .PARAMETER URLSANObjects This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if $SANObjectsToAdd includes "URL". This parameter takes an array of string. Ech string represents a Url. Example: "","" .PARAMETER IPAddressSANObjects This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if $SANObjectsToAdd includes "IP Address". This parameter takes an array of strings. Each string represents an IP Address. Example: "","" .PARAMETER EmailSANObjects This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if $SANObjectsToAdd includes "Email". This paramter takes an array of strings. Each string should represent and Email Address. Example: "","" .PARAMETER UPNSANObjects This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if $SANObjectsToAdd includes "UPN". This parameter takes an array of strings. Each string should represent a Principal Name object. Example: "","" .PARAMETER GUIDSANObjects This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter becomes MANDATORY if $SANObjectsToAdd includes "GUID". This parameter takes an array of strings. Each string should represent a GUID. Example: "f7c3ac41-b8ce-4fb4-aa58-3d1dc0e36b39","g8D4ac41-b8ce-4fb4-aa58-3d1dc0e47c48" .PARAMETER CSRGenOnly This parameter is OPTIONAL. This parameter is a switch. If used, a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) will be created, but it will NOT be submitted to the Issuing Certificate Authority. This is useful for requesting certificates from non-Microsoft Certificate Authorities. .EXAMPLE # Scenario 1: No Parameters Provided # Executing the script/function without any parameters will ask for input on defacto mandatory parameters. # All other parameters will use default values which should be fine under the vast majority of circumstances. # De facto mandatory parameters are as follows: # -CertGenWorking # -BasisTemplate # -CertificateCN # -Organization # -OrganizationalUnit # -Locality # -State # -Country PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Generate-Certificate .EXAMPLE # Scenario 2: Generate a Certificate for a Web Server From Machine on Same Domain As Your CA # Assuming you run this function from a workstation on the same Domain as your ADCS Certificate # Authorit(ies) under an account that has privileges to request new Certificates, do the following: PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $GenCertSplatParams = @{ CertGenWorking = "$HOME\Downloads\temp" BasisTemplate = "WebServer" CertificateCN = "VaultServer" Organization = "Boop Inc" OrganizationalUnit = "DevOps" Locality = "Philadelphia" State = "PA" Country = "US" CertFileOut = "VaultServer.cer" PFXFileOut = "VaultServer.pfx" CertificateChainOut = "VaultServerChain.p7b" AllPublicKeysInChainOut = "VaultServerChain.pem" ProtectedPrivateKeyOut = "VaultServerPwdProtectedPrivateKey.pem" UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut = "VaultServerUnProtectedPrivateKey.pem" SANObjectsToAdd = @("IP Address","DNS") IPAddressSANObjects = @("$VaultServerIP","") DNSSANObjects = "" } PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $GenVaultCertResult = Generate-Certificate @GenCertSplatParams .EXAMPLE # Scenario 3: Generate a Certificate for a Web Server From Machine on a Different Domain Than Your CA # Assuming the ADCS Website is available - PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $GenCertSplatParams = @{ CertGenWorking = "$HOME\Downloads\temp" BasisTemplate = "WebServer" ADCSWebEnrollmentURL = "https://pki.test2.lab/certsrv" ADCSWebAuthType = "Windows" ADCSWebCreds = [pscredential]::new("testadmin",$(Read-Host "Please enter the password for 'zeroadmin'" -AsSecureString)) CertificateCN = "VaultServer" Organization = "Boop Inc" OrganizationalUnit = "DevOps" Locality = "Philadelphia" State = "PA" Country = "US" CertFileOut = "VaultServer.cer" PFXFileOut = "VaultServer.pfx" CertificateChainOut = "VaultServerChain.p7b" AllPublicKeysInChainOut = "VaultServerChain.pem" ProtectedPrivateKeyOut = "VaultServerPwdProtectedPrivateKey.pem" UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut = "VaultServerUnProtectedPrivateKey.pem" SANObjectsToAdd = @("IP Address","DNS") IPAddressSANObjects = @("$VaultServerIP","") DNSSANObjects = "" } PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $GenVaultCertResult = Generate-Certificate @GenCertSplatParams .OUTPUTS All outputs are written to the $CertGenWorking directory specified by the user. ALWAYS GENERATED The following outputs are ALWAYS generated by this function/script, regardless of optional parameters: - A Certificate Request Configuration File (with .inf file extension) - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $CertificateRequestConfigFile - A Certificate Request File (with .csr file extenstion) - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $CertificateRequestFile - A Public Certificate with the New Certificate Name (NewCertificate_$CertificateCN_[Timestamp].cer) - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $CertFileOut NOTE: This file is not explicitly generated by the script. Rather, it is received from the Issuing Certificate Authority after the Certificate Request is submitted and accepted by the Issuing Certificate Authority. NOTE: If you choose to use Win32 OpenSSL to extract certs/keys from the .pfx file (see below), this file should have SIMILAR CONTENT to the file $PublicKeySansChainOutFile. To clarify, $PublicKeySansChainOutFile does NOT have what appear to be extraneous newlines, but $CertFileOut DOES. Even though $CertFileOut has what appear to be extraneous newlines, Microsoft Crypto Shell Extensions will be able to read both files as if they were the same. However, Linux machines will need to use $PublicKeySansChainOutFile (Also, the file extension for $PublicKeySansChainOutFile can safely be changed from .cer to .pem without issue) - A PSCustomObject with properties: - FileOutputHashTable - CertNamevsContentsHash The 'FileOutputHashTable' property can help the user quickly and easily reference output files in $CertGenWorking. Example content: Key : CertificateRequestFile Value : NewCertRequest_aws-coreos3-client-server-cert04-Sep-2016_2127.csr Name : CertificateRequestFile Key : IntermediateCAPublicCertFile Value : ZeroSCA_Public_Cert.pem Name : IntermediateCAPublicCertFile Key : EndPointPublicCertFile Value : aws-coreos3-client-server-cert_Public_Cert.pem Name : EndPointPublicCertFile Key : AllPublicKeysInChainOut Value : NewCertificate_aws-coreos3-client-server-cert_all_public_keys_in_chain.pem Name : AllPublicKeysInChainOut Key : CertificateRequestConfigFile Value : NewCertRequestConfig_aws-coreos3-client-server-cert04-Sep-2016_2127.inf Name : CertificateRequestConfigFile Key : EndPointUnProtectedPrivateKey Value : NewCertificate_aws-coreos3-client-server-cert_unprotected_private_key.key Name : EndPointUnProtectedPrivateKey Key : RootCAPublicCertFile Value : ZeroDC01_Public_Cert.pem Name : RootCAPublicCertFile Key : CertADCSWebResponseOutFile Value : NewCertificate_aws-coreos3-client-server-cert_ADCSWebResponse04-Sep-2016_2127.txt Name : CertADCSWebResponseOutFile Key : CertFileOut Value : NewCertificate_aws-coreos3-client-server-cert04-Sep-2016_2127.cer Name : CertFileOut Key : PFXFileOut Value : NewCertificate_aws-coreos3-client-server-cert04-Sep-2016_2127.pfx Name : PFXFileOut Key : EndPointProtectedPrivateKey Value : NewCertificate_aws-coreos3-client-server-cert_protected_private_key.pem Name : EndPointProtectedPrivateKey The 'CertNamevsContentHash' hashtable can help the user quickly access the content of each of the aforementioned files. Example content for the 'CertNamevsContentsHash' property: Key : EndPointUnProtectedPrivateKey Value : -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Name : EndPointUnProtectedPrivateKey Key : aws-coreos3-client-server-cert Value : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- Name : aws-coreos3-client-server-cert Key : ZeroSCA Value : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- Name : ZeroSCA Key : ZeroDC01 Value : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- Name : ZeroDC01 GENERATED WHEN $MachineKeySet = "False" The following outputs are ONLY generated by this function/script when $MachineKeySet = "False" (this is its default setting) - A .pfx File Containing the Entire Public Certificate Chain AS WELL AS the Private Key of your New Certificate (with .pfx file extension) - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $PFXFileOut NOTE: The Private Key must be marked as exportable in your Certificate Request Configuration File in order for the .pfx file to contain the private key. This is controlled by the parameter $PrivateKeyExportableValue = "True". The Private Key is marked as exportable by default. GENERATED WHEN $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl is NOT provided The following outputs are ONLY generated by this function/script when $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl is NOT provided (this is its default setting) (NOTE: Under this scenario, the workstation running the script must be part of the same domain as the Issuing Certificate Authority): - A Certificate Request Response File (with .rsp file extension) NOTE: This file is not explicitly generated by the script. Rather, it is received from the Issuing Certificate Authority after the Certificate Request is submitted - A Certificate Chain File (with .p7b file extension) - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $CertificateChainOut NOTE: This file is not explicitly generated by the script. Rather, it is received from the Issuing Certificate Authority after the Certificate Request is submitted and accepted by the Issuing Certificate Authority NOTE: This file contains the entire chain of public certificates, from the requested certificate, up to the Root CA WARNING: In order to parse the public certificates for each entity up the chain, you MUST use the Crypto Shell Extensions GUI, otherwise, if you look at this content with a text editor, it appears as only one (1) public certificate. Use the OpenSSL Certificate Chain File ($AllPublicKeysInChainOut) optional output in order to view a text file that parses each entity's public certificate. GENERATED WHEN $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl IS provided The following outputs are ONLY generated by this function/script when $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl IS provided (NOTE: Under this scenario, the workstation running the script is sending a web request to the ADCS Web Enrollment website): - An File Containing the HTTP Response From the ADCS Web Enrollment Site (with .txt file extension) - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $CertADCSWebResponseOutFile GENERATED WHEN $UseOpenSSL = "Yes" The following outputs are ONLY generated by this function/script when $UseOpenSSL = "Yes" (WARNING: This creates a Dependency on a third party Win32 OpenSSL binary that can be found here: For more information, see the DEPENDENCIES Section below) - A Certificate Chain File (ending with "all_public_keys_in_chain.pem") - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $AllPublicKeysInChainOut NOTE: This optional parameter differs from the aforementioned .p7b certificate chain output in that it actually parses each entity's public certificate in a way that is viewable in a text editor. - EACH Public Certificate in the Certificate Chain File (file name like [Certificate CN]_Public_Cert.cer) - A Public Certificate with the New Certificate Name ($CertificateCN_Public_Cert.cer) - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $PublicKeySansChainOutFile NOTE: This file should have SIMILAR CONTENT to $CertFileOut referenced earlier. To clarify, $PublicKeySansChainOutFile does NOT have what appear to be extraneous newlines, but $CertFileOut DOES. Even though $CertFileOut has what appear to be extraneous newlines, Microsoft Crypto Shell Extensions will be able to read both files as if they were the same. However, Linux machines will need to use $PublicKeySansChainOutFile (Also, the file extension for $PublicKeySansChainOutFile can safely be changed from .cer to .pem without issue) - Additional Public Certificates in Chain including [Subordinate CA CN]_Public_Cert.cer and [Root CA CN]_Public_Cert.cer - A Password Protected Private Key file (ending with "protected_private_key.pem") - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $ProtectedPrivateKeyOut NOTE: This is the New Certificate's Private Key that is protected by a password defined by the $PFXPwdAsSecureString parameter. GENERATED WHEN $UseOpenSSL = "Yes" AND $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword = "Yes" - An Unprotected Private Key File (ends with unprotected_private_key.key) - RELEVANT PARAMETER: $UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut #> function Generate-Certificate { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$CertGenWorking = "$HOME\Downloads\CertGenWorking", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$BasisTemplate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$CertificateCN = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the Name that you would like your Certificate to have For a Computer/Client/Server Certificate, recommend using host FQDN)"), # This function creates the $CertificateRequestConfigFile. It should NOT exist prior to running this function [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$CertificateRequestConfigFile = "NewCertRequestConfig_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".inf", # This function creates the $CertificateRequestFile. It should NOT exist prior to running this function [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$CertificateRequestFile = "NewCertRequest_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".csr", # This function creates $CertFileOut. It should NOT exist prior to running this function [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$CertFileOut = "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".cer", # This function creates the $CertificateChainOut. It should NOT exist prior to running this function [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$CertificateChainOut = "NewCertificateChain_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".p7b", # This function creates the $PFXFileOut. It should NOT exist prior to running this function [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$PFXFileOut = "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".pfx", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [securestring]$PFXPwdAsSecureString, # If the workstation being used to request the certificate is part of the same domain as the Issuing Certificate Authority, we can identify # the Issuing Certificate Authority with certutil, so there is no need to set an $IssuingCertificateAuth Parameter #[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] #$IssuingCertAuth = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the FQDN the server responsible for Issuing New Certificates."), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidatePattern("certsrv$")] [string]$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl, # Example:" [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("Windows","Basic")] [string]$ADCSWebAuthType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$ADCSWebAuthUserName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [securestring]$ADCSWebAuthPass, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$ADCSWebCreds, # This function creates the $CertADCSWebResponseOutFile file. It should NOT exist prior to running this function [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$CertADCSWebResponseOutFile = "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+"_ADCSWebResponse"+$(Get-Date -format 'dd-MMM-yyyy_HHmm')+".txt", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $Organization = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the name of the the Company that will appear on the New Certificate"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $OrganizationalUnit = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the name of the Department that you work for within your Company"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $Locality = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the City where your Company is located"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $State = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the State where your Company is located"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $Country = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the Country where your Company is located"), <# # ValidityPeriod is controlled by the Certificate Template and cannot be modified at the time of certificate request # (Unless it is a special circumstance where "RequestType = Cert" resulting in a self-signed cert where no request # is actually submitted) [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $ValidityPeriodValue = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the length of time that the certificate will be valid for. NOTE: Values must be in Months or Years. For example '6 months' or '2 years'"), #> [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("2048","4096")] $KeyLength = "2048", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("SHA1","SHA256","SHA384","SHA512","MD5","MD4","MD2")] $HashAlgorithmValue = "SHA256", <# # KeyAlgorithm should be determined by ProviderName. Run "certutil -csplist" to see which Providers use which Key Algorithms [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("RSA","DH","DSA","ECDH_P256","ECDH_P521","ECDSA_P256","ECDSA_P384","ECDSA_P521")] $KeyAlgorithmValue, #> [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("AES","DES","3DES","RC2","RC4")] $EncryptionAlgorithmValue = "AES", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("True","False")] $PrivateKeyExportableValue = "True", # Valid values are '1' for AT_KEYEXCHANGE and '2' for AT_SIGNATURE [1,2]" [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("1","2")] $KeySpecValue = "1", <# The below $KeyUsageValue is the HEXADECIMAL SUM of the KeyUsage hexadecimal values you would like to use. A valid value is the hex sum of one or more of following: CERT_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY_USAGE = 80 CERT_NON_REPUDIATION_KEY_USAGE = 40 CERT_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE = 20 CERT_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE = 10 CERT_KEY_AGREEMENT_KEY_USAGE = 8 CERT_KEY_CERT_SIGN_KEY_USAGE = 4 CERT_OFFLINE_CRL_SIGN_KEY_USAGE = 2 CERT_CRL_SIGN_KEY_USAGE = 2 CERT_ENCIPHER_ONLY_KEY_USAGE = 1 Commonly Used Values: 'c0' (i.e. 80+40) 'a0' (i.e. 80+20) 'f0' (i.e. 80+40+20+10) '30' (i.e. 20+10) '80' #> [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("1","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","2","20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","3","30","38","4","40", "41","42","43","44","45","46","47","48","5","50","58","6","60","68","7","70","78","8","80","81","82","83","84","85","86","87","88","9","90", "98","a","a0","a8","b","b0","b8","c","c0","c","8","d","d0","d8","e","e0","e8","f","f0","f8")] $KeyUsageValue = "80", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("True","False")] $MachineKeySet = "False", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("Yes","No")] $SecureEmail = "No", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("True","False")] $UserProtected = "False", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0","Microsoft Base DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider", "Microsoft Base DSS Cryptographic Provider","Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider", "Microsoft DH SChannel Cryptographic Provider","Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0", "Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider", "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider","Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider", "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider","Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider", "Microsoft Passport Key Storage Provider")] [string]$ProviderNameValue = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("CMC", "PKCS10", "PKCS10-", "PKCS7")] $RequestTypeValue = "PKCS10", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("Code Signing","Document Signing","Client Authentication","Server Authentication", "Remote Desktop","Private Key Archival","Directory Service Email Replication","Key Recovery Agent", "OCSP Signing","Microsoft Trust List Signing","EFS","Secure E-mail","Enrollment Agent","Smart Card Logon", "File Recovery","IPSec IKE Intermediate","KDC Authentication","Windows Update", "Windows Third Party Application Component","Windows TCB Component","Windows Store", "Windows Software Extension Verification","Windows RT Verification","Windows Kits Component", "No OCSP Failover to CRL","Auto Update End Revocation","Auto Update CA Revocation","Revoked List Signer", "Protected Process Verification","Protected Process Light Verification","Platform Certificate", "Microsoft Publisher","Kernel Mode Code Signing","HAL Extension","Endorsement Key Certificate", "Early Launch Antimalware Driver","Dynamic Code Generator","DNS Server Trust","Document Encryption", "Disallowed List","Attestation Identity Key Certificate","System Health Authentication","CTL Usage", "IP Security End System","IP Security Tunnel Termination","IP Security User","Time Stamping", "Microsoft Time Stamping","Windows Hardware Driver Verification","Windows System Component Verification", "OEM Windows System Component Verification","Embedded Windows System Component Verification","Root List Signer", "Qualified Subordination","Key Recovery","Lifetime Signing","Key Pack Licenses","License Server Verification")] [string[]]$IntendedPurposeValues, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("Yes","No")] $UseOpenSSL = "Yes", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$AllPublicKeysInChainOut = "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+"_all_public_keys_in_chain"+".pem", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$ProtectedPrivateKeyOut = "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+"_protected_private_key"+".pem", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut = "NewCertificate_$CertificateCN"+"_unprotected_private_key"+".key", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("Yes","No")] $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword = "Yes", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("DNS","Distinguished Name","URL","IP Address","Email","UPN","GUID")] [string[]]$SANObjectsToAdd, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$DNSSANObjects, # Example:, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$DistinguishedNameSANObjects, # Example: CN=www01,OU=Web Servers,DC=fabrikam,DC=com; CN=www01,OU=Load Balancers,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$URLSANObjects, # Example:, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$IPAddressSANObjects, # Example:, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$EmailSANObjects, # Example:, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$UPNSANObjects, # Example:, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$GUIDSANObjects, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$CSRGenOnly ) #region >> Libraries and Helper Functions function Compare-Arrays { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [array]$LargerArray, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [array]$SmallerArray ) -not @($SmallerArray | where {$LargerArray -notcontains $_}).Count } $OIDHashTable = @{ # Remote Desktop "Remote Desktop" = "" # Windows Update "Windows Update" = "" # Windows Third Party Applicaiton Component "Windows Third Party Application Component" = "" # Windows TCB Component "Windows TCB Component" = "" # Windows Store "Windows Store" = "" # Windows Software Extension verification " Windows Software Extension Verification" = "" # Windows RT Verification "Windows RT Verification" = "" # Windows Kits Component "Windows Kits Component" = "" # ROOT_PROGRAM_NO_OCSP_FAILOVER_TO_CRL "No OCSP Failover to CRL" = "" # ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_END_REVOCATION "Auto Update End Revocation" = "" # ROOT_PROGRAM_AUTO_UPDATE_CA_REVOCATION "Auto Update CA Revocation" = "" # Revoked List Signer "Revoked List Signer" = "" # Protected Process Verification "Protected Process Verification" = "" # Protected Process Light Verification "Protected Process Light Verification" = "" # Platform Certificate "Platform Certificate" = "" # Microsoft Publisher "Microsoft Publisher" = "" # Kernel Mode Code Signing "Kernel Mode Code Signing" = "" # HAL Extension "HAL Extension" = "" # Endorsement Key Certificate "Endorsement Key Certificate" = "" # Early Launch Antimalware Driver "Early Launch Antimalware Driver" = "" # Dynamic Code Generator "Dynamic Code Generator" = "" # Domain Name System (DNS) Server Trust "DNS Server Trust" = "" # Document Encryption "Document Encryption" = "" # Disallowed List "Disallowed List" = "" # Attestation Identity Key Certificate "Attestation Identity Key Certificate" = "" "Generic Conference Contro" = "" "X509Extensions" = "" "EnrollmentCspProvider" = "" # System Health Authentication "System Health Authentication" = "" "OsVersion" = "" "RenewalCertificate" = "" "Certificate Template" = "" "RequestClientInfo" = "" "ArchivedKeyAttr" = "" "EncryptedKeyHash" = "" "EnrollmentNameValuePair" = "" "IdAtName" = "" "IdAtCommonName" = "" "IdAtLocalityName" = "" "IdAtStateOrProvinceName" = "" "IdAtOrganizationName" = "" "IdAtOrganizationalUnitName" = "" "IdAtTitle" = "" "IdAtDnQualifier" = "" "IdAtCountryName" = "" "IdAtSerialNumber" = "" "IdAtPseudonym" = "" "IdDomainComponent" = "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25" "IdEmailAddress" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1" "IdCeAuthorityKeyIdentifier" = "" "IdCeSubjectKeyIdentifier" = "" "IdCeKeyUsage" = "" "IdCePrivateKeyUsagePeriod" = "" "IdCeCertificatePolicies" = "" "IdCePolicyMappings" = "" "IdCeSubjectAltName" = "" "IdCeIssuerAltName" = "" "IdCeBasicConstraints" = "" "IdCeNameConstraints" = "" "idCdPolicyConstraints" = "" "IdCeExtKeyUsage" = "" "IdCeCRLDistributionPoints" = "" "IdCeInhibitAnyPolicy" = "" "IdPeAuthorityInfoAccess" = "" "IdPeSubjectInfoAccess" = "" "IdCeCRLNumber" = "" "IdCeDeltaCRLIndicator" = "" "IdCeIssuingDistributionPoint" = "" "IdCeFreshestCRL" = "" "IdCeCRLReason" = "" "IdCeHoldInstructionCode" = "" "IdCeInvalidityDate" = "" "IdCeCertificateIssuer" = "" "IdModAttributeCert" = "" "IdPeAcAuditIdentity" = "" "IdCeTargetInformation" = "" "IdCeNoRevAvail" = "" "IdAcaAuthenticationInfo" = "" "IdAcaAccessIdentity" = "" "IdAcaChargingIdentity" = "" "IdAcaGroup" = "" "IdAtRole" = "" "IdAtClearance" = "" "IdAcaEncAttrs" = "" "IdPeAcProxying" = "" "IdPeAaControls" = "" "IdCtContentInfo" = "1.2.840.113549." "IdDataAuthpack" = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1" "IdSignedData" = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.2" "IdEnvelopedData" = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.3" "IdDigestedData" = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.5" "IdEncryptedData" = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.6" "IdCtAuthData" = "1.2.840.113549." "IdContentType" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.3" "IdMessageDigest" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4" "IdSigningTime" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.5" "IdCounterSignature" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.6" "RsaEncryption" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1" "IdRsaesOaep" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.7" "IdPSpecified" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.9" "IdRsassaPss" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.10" "Md2WithRSAEncryption" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.2" "Md5WithRSAEncryption" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.4" "Sha1WithRSAEncryption" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5" "Sha256WithRSAEncryption" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11" "Sha384WithRSAEncryption" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.12" "Sha512WithRSAEncryption" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.13" "IdMd2" = "1.2.840.113549.2.2" "IdMd5" = "1.2.840.113549.2.5" "IdSha1" = "" "IdSha256" = "2.16.840." "IdSha384" = "2.16.840." "IdSha512" = "2.16.840." "IdMgf1" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8" "IdDsaWithSha1" = "1.2.840.10040.4.3" "EcdsaWithSHA1" = "1.2.840.10045.4.1" "IdDsa" = "1.2.840.10040.4.1" "DhPublicNumber" = "1.2.840.10046.2.1" "IdKeyExchangeAlgorithm" = "2.16.840." "IdEcPublicKey" = "1.2.840.10045.2.1" "PrimeField" = "1.2.840.10045.1.1" "CharacteristicTwoField" = "1.2.840.10045.1.2" "GnBasis" = "1.2.840.10045." "TpBasis" = "1.2.840.10045." "PpBasis" = "1.2.840.10045." "IdAlgEsdh" = "1.2.840.113549." "IdAlgSsdh" = "1.2.840.113549." "IdAlgCms3DesWrap" = "1.2.840.113549." "IdAlgCmsRc2Wrap" = "1.2.840.113549." "IdPbkDf2" = "1.2.840.113549.1.5.12" "DesEde3Cbc" = "1.2.840.113549.3.7" "Rc2Cbc" = "1.2.840.113549.3.2" "HmacSha1" = "" "IdAes128Cbc" = "2.16.840." "IdAes192Cbc" = "2.16.840." "IdAes256Cbc" = "2.16.840." "IdAes128Wrap" = "2.16.840." "IdAes192Wrap" = "2.16.840." "IdAes256Wrap" = "2.16.840." "IdCmcIdentification" = "" "IdCmcIdentityProof" = "" "IdCmcDataReturn" = "" "IdCmcTransactionId" = "" "IdCmcSenderNonce" = "" "IdCmcRecipientNonce" = "" "IdCmcRegInfo" = "" "IdCmcResponseInfo" = "" "IdCmcQueryPending" = "" "IdCmcPopLinkRandom" = "" "IdCmcPopLinkWitness" = "" "IdCctPKIData" = "" "IdCctPKIResponse" = "" "IdCmccMCStatusInfo" = "" "IdCmcAddExtensions" = "" "IdCmcEncryptedPop" = "" "IdCmcDecryptedPop" = "" "IdCmcLraPopWitness" = "" "IdCmcGetCert" = "" "IdCmcGetCRL" = "" "IdCmcRevokeRequest" = "" "IdCmcConfirmCertAcceptance" = "" "IdExtensionReq" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.14" "IdAlgNoSignature" = "" "PasswordBasedMac" = "1.2.840.113533.7.66.13" "IdRegCtrlRegToken" = "" "IdRegCtrlAuthenticator" = "" "IdRegCtrlPkiPublicationInfo" = "" "IdRegCtrlPkiArchiveOptions" = "" "IdRegCtrlOldCertID" = "" "IdRegCtrlProtocolEncrKey" = "" "IdRegInfoUtf8Pairs" = "" "IdRegInfoCertReq" = "" "SpnegoToken" = "" "SpnegoNegTok" = "" "GSS_KRB5_NT_USER_NAME" = "1.2.840.113554." "GSS_KRB5_NT_MACHINE_UID_NAME" = "1.2.840.113554." "GSS_KRB5_NT_STRING_UID_NAME" = "1.2.840.113554." "GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE" = "1.2.840.113554." "KerberosToken" = "1.2.840.113554.1.2.2" "Negoex" = "" "GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME" = "1.2.840.113554." "GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL" = "1.2.840.113554." "UserToUserMechanism" = "1.2.840.113554." "MsKerberosToken" = "1.2.840.48018.1.2.2" "NLMP" = "" "IdPkixOcspBasic" = "" "IdPkixOcspNonce" = "" "IdPkixOcspCrl" = "" "IdPkixOcspResponse" = "" "IdPkixOcspNocheck" = "" "IdPkixOcspArchiveCutoff" = "" "IdPkixOcspServiceLocator" = "" # Smartcard Logon "IdMsKpScLogon" = "" "IdPkinitSan" = "" "IdPkinitAuthData" = "" "IdPkinitDHKeyData" = "" "IdPkinitRkeyData" = "" "IdPkinitKPClientAuth" = "" "IdPkinitKPKdc" = "" "SHA1 with RSA signature" = "" "AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER" = "" "KEY_ATTRIBUTES" = "" "CERT_POLICIES_95" = "" "KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION" = "" "SUBJECT_ALT_NAME" = "" "ISSUER_ALT_NAME" = "" "Subject_Directory_Attributes" = "" "BASIC_CONSTRAINTS" = "" "ANY_CERT_POLICY" = "" "LEGACY_POLICY_MAPPINGS" = "" # Certificate Request Agent "ENROLLMENT_AGENT" = "" "PKIX" = "" "PKIX_PE" = "" "NEXT_UPDATE_LOCATION" = "" "REMOVE_CERTIFICATE" = "" "CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS" = "" "CTL" = "" "SORTED_CTL" = "" "SERIALIZED" = "" "NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME" = "" "PRODUCT_UPDATE" = "" "ANY_APPLICATION_POLICY" = "" # CTL Usage "AUTO_ENROLL_CTL_USAGE" = "" "CERT_MANIFOLD" = "" "CERTSRV_CA_VERSION" = "" "CERTSRV_PREVIOUS_CERT_HASH" = "" "CRL_VIRTUAL_BASE" = "" "CRL_NEXT_PUBLISH" = "" # Private Key Archival "KP_CA_EXCHANGE" = "" # Key Recovery Agent "KP_KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT" = "" "CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE" = "" "ENTERPRISE_OID_ROOT" = "" "RDN_DUMMY_SIGNER" = "" "APPLICATION_CERT_POLICIES" = "" "APPLICATION_POLICY_MAPPINGS" = "" "APPLICATION_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS" = "" "CRL_SELF_CDP" = "" "REQUIRE_CERT_CHAIN_POLICY" = "" "ARCHIVED_KEY_CERT_HASH" = "" "ISSUED_CERT_HASH" = "" "DS_EMAIL_REPLICATION" = "" "CERTSRV_CROSSCA_VERSION" = "" "NTDS_REPLICATION" = "" "PKIX_KP" = "" "PKIX_KP_SERVER_AUTH" = "" "PKIX_KP_CLIENT_AUTH" = "" "PKIX_KP_CODE_SIGNING" = "" # Secure Email "PKIX_KP_EMAIL_PROTECTION" = "" # IP Security End System "PKIX_KP_IPSEC_END_SYSTEM" = "" # IP Security Tunnel Termination "PKIX_KP_IPSEC_TUNNEL" = "" # IP Security User "PKIX_KP_IPSEC_USER" = "" # Time Stamping "PKIX_KP_TIMESTAMP_SIGNING" = "" "KP_OCSP_SIGNING" = "" # IP security IKE intermediate "IPSEC_KP_IKE_INTERMEDIATE" = "" # Microsoft Trust List Signing "KP_CTL_USAGE_SIGNING" = "" # Microsoft Time Stamping "KP_TIME_STAMP_SIGNING" = "" "SERVER_GATED_CRYPTO" = "" "SGC_NETSCAPE" = "2.16.840.1.113730.4.1" "KP_EFS" = "" "EFS_RECOVERY" = "" # Windows Hardware Driver Verification "WHQL_CRYPTO" = "" # Windows System Component Verification "NT5_CRYPTO" = "" # OEM Windows System Component Verification "OEM_WHQL_CRYPTO" = "" # Embedded Windows System Component Verification "EMBEDDED_NT_CRYPTO" = "" # Root List Signer "ROOT_LIST_SIGNER" = "" # Qualified Subordination "KP_QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION" = "" # Key Recovery "KP_KEY_RECOVERY" = "" "KP_DOCUMENT_SIGNING" = "" # Lifetime Signing "KP_LIFETIME_SIGNING" = "" "KP_MOBILE_DEVICE_SOFTWARE" = "" # Digital Rights "DRM" = "" "DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION" = "" # Key Pack Licenses "LICENSES" = "" # License Server Verification "LICENSE_SERVER" = "" "YESNO_TRUST_ATTR" = "" "PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_CPS" = "" "PKIX_POLICY_QUALIFIER_USERNOTICE" = "" "CERT_POLICIES_95_QUALIFIER1" = "2.16.840.1.113733." "RSA" = "1.2.840.113549" "PKCS" = "1.2.840.113549.1" "RSA_HASH" = "1.2.840.113549.2" "RSA_ENCRYPT" = "1.2.840.113549.3" "PKCS_1" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1" "PKCS_2" = "1.2.840.113549.1.2" "PKCS_3" = "1.2.840.113549.1.3" "PKCS_4" = "1.2.840.113549.1.4" "PKCS_5" = "1.2.840.113549.1.5" "PKCS_6" = "1.2.840.113549.1.6" "PKCS_7" = "1.2.840.113549.1.7" "PKCS_8" = "1.2.840.113549.1.8" "PKCS_9" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9" "PKCS_10" = "1.2.840.113549.1.10" "PKCS_12" = "1.2.840.113549.1.12" "RSA_MD4RSA" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.3" "RSA_SETOAEP_RSA" = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.6" "RSA_DH" = "1.2.840.113549.1.3.1" "RSA_signEnvData" = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.4" "RSA_unstructName" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.2" "RSA_challengePwd" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.7" "RSA_unstructAddr" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.8" "RSA_extCertAttrs" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.9" "RSA_SMIMECapabilities" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.15" "RSA_preferSignedData" = "1.2.840.113549." "RSA_SMIMEalg" = "1.2.840.113549." "RSA_MD4" = "1.2.840.113549.2.4" "RSA_RC4" = "1.2.840.113549.3.4" "RSA_RC5_CBCPad" = "1.2.840.113549.3.9" "ANSI_X942" = "1.2.840.10046" "X957" = "1.2.840.10040" "DS" = "2.5" "DSALG" = "2.5.8" "DSALG_CRPT" = "" "DSALG_HASH" = "" "DSALG_SIGN" = "" "DSALG_RSA" = "" "OIW" = "1.3.14" "OIWSEC" = "" "OIWSEC_md4RSA" = "" "OIWSEC_md5RSA" = "" "OIWSEC_md4RSA2" = "" "OIWSEC_desECB" = "" "OIWSEC_desCBC" = "" "OIWSEC_desOFB" = "" "OIWSEC_desCFB" = "" "OIWSEC_desMAC" = "" "OIWSEC_rsaSign" = "" "OIWSEC_dsa" = "" "OIWSEC_shaDSA" = "" "OIWSEC_mdc2RSA" = "" "OIWSEC_shaRSA" = "" "OIWSEC_dhCommMod" = "" "OIWSEC_desEDE" = "" "OIWSEC_sha" = "" "OIWSEC_mdc2" = "" "OIWSEC_dsaComm" = "" "OIWSEC_dsaCommSHA" = "" "OIWSEC_rsaXchg" = "" "OIWSEC_keyHashSeal" = "" "OIWSEC_md2RSASign" = "" "OIWSEC_md5RSASign" = "" "OIWSEC_dsaSHA1" = "" "OIWSEC_dsaCommSHA1" = "" "OIWDIR" = "" "OIWDIR_CRPT" = "" "OIWDIR_HASH" = "" "OIWDIR_SIGN" = "" "OIWDIR_md2" = "" "OIWDIR_md2RSA" = "" "INFOSEC" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_sdnsSignature" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicSignature" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_sdnsConfidentiality" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicConfidentiality" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_sdnsIntegrity" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicIntegrity" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_sdnsTokenProtection" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicTokenProtection" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_sdnsKeyManagement" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicKeyManagement" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_sdnsKMandSig" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicKMandSig" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_SuiteASignature" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_SuiteAConfidentiality" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_SuiteAIntegrity" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_SuiteATokenProtection" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_SuiteAKeyManagement" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_SuiteAKMandSig" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicUpdatedSig" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicKMandUpdSig" = "2.16.840." "INFOSEC_mosaicUpdatedInteg" = "2.16.840." "SUR_NAME" = "" "STREET_ADDRESS" = "" "DESCRIPTION" = "" "SEARCH_GUIDE" = "" "BUSINESS_CATEGORY" = "" "POSTAL_ADDRESS" = "" "POSTAL_CODE" = "" "POST_OFFICE_BOX" = "" "PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_OFFICE_NAME" = "" "TELEPHONE_NUMBER" = "" "TELEX_NUMBER" = "" "TELETEXT_TERMINAL_IDENTIFIER" = "" "FACSIMILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER" = "" "X21_ADDRESS" = "" "INTERNATIONAL_ISDN_NUMBER" = "" "REGISTERED_ADDRESS" = "" "DESTINATION_INDICATOR" = "" "PREFERRED_DELIVERY_METHOD" = "" "PRESENTATION_ADDRESS" = "" "SUPPORTED_APPLICATION_CONTEXT" = "" "MEMBER" = "" "OWNER" = "" "ROLE_OCCUPANT" = "" "SEE_ALSO" = "" "USER_PASSWORD" = "" "USER_CERTIFICATE" = "" "CA_CERTIFICATE" = "" "AUTHORITY_REVOCATION_LIST" = "" "CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_LIST" = "" "CROSS_CERTIFICATE_PAIR" = "" "GIVEN_NAME" = "" "INITIALS" = "" "PKCS_12_FRIENDLY_NAME_ATTR" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.20" "PKCS_12_LOCAL_KEY_ID" = "1.2.840.113549.1.9.21" "PKCS_12_KEY_PROVIDER_NAME_ATTR" = "" "LOCAL_MACHINE_KEYSET" = "" "KEYID_RDN" = "" "PKIX_ACC_DESCR" = "" "PKIX_OCSP" = "" "PKIX_CA_ISSUERS" = "" "VERISIGN_PRIVATE_6_9" = "2.16.840.1.113733.1.6.9" "VERISIGN_ONSITE_JURISDICTION_HASH" = "2.16.840.1.113733.1.6.11" "VERISIGN_BITSTRING_6_13" = "2.16.840.1.113733.1.6.13" "VERISIGN_ISS_STRONG_CRYPTO" = "2.16.840.1.113733.1.8.1" "NETSCAPE" = "2.16.840.1.113730" "NETSCAPE_CERT_EXTENSION" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1" "NETSCAPE_CERT_TYPE" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.1" "NETSCAPE_BASE_URL" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.2" "NETSCAPE_REVOCATION_URL" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.3" "NETSCAPE_CA_REVOCATION_URL" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.4" "NETSCAPE_CERT_RENEWAL_URL" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.7" "NETSCAPE_CA_POLICY_URL" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.8" "NETSCAPE_SSL_SERVER_NAME" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.12" "NETSCAPE_COMMENT" = "2.16.840.1.113730.1.13" "NETSCAPE_DATA_TYPE" = "2.16.840.1.113730.2" "NETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCE" = "2.16.840.1.113730.2.5" "CMC" = "" "CMC_ADD_ATTRIBUTES" = "" "PKCS_7_SIGNEDANDENVELOPED" = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.4" "CERT_PROP_ID_PREFIX" = "" "CERT_KEY_IDENTIFIER_PROP_ID" = "" "CERT_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID" = "" "CERT_SUBJECT_NAME_MD5_HASH_PROP_ID" = "" } function Get-IntendedPurposePSObjects { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [System.Collections.Hashtable]$OIDHashTable ) $IntendedPurpose = "Code Signing" $OfficialName = "PKIX_KP_CODE_SIGNING" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Document Signing" $OfficialName = "KP_DOCUMENT_SIGNING" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Client Authentication" $OfficialName = "PKIX_KP_CLIENT_AUTH" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Private Key Archival" $OfficialName = "KP_CA_EXCHANGE" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Directory Service Email Replication" $OfficialName = "DS_EMAIL_REPLICATION" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Key Recovery Agent" $OfficialName = "KP_KEY_RECOVERY_AGENT" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "OCSP Signing" $OfficialName = "KP_OCSP_SIGNING" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Server Authentication" $OfficialName = "PKIX_KP_SERVER_AUTH" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } ##### Below this point, Intended Purposes will be set but WILL NOT show up in the Certificate Templates Console under Intended Purpose column ##### $IntendedPurpose = "EFS" $OfficialName = "KP_EFS" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Secure E-Mail" $OfficialName = "PKIX_KP_EMAIL_PROTECTION" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Enrollment Agent" $OfficialName = "ENROLLMENT_AGENT" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Microsoft Trust List Signing" $OfficialName = "KP_CTL_USAGE_SIGNING" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Smartcard Logon" $OfficialName = "IdMsKpScLogon" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "File Recovery" $OfficialName = "EFS_RECOVERY" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "IPSec IKE Intermediate" $OfficialName = "IPSEC_KP_IKE_INTERMEDIATE" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "KDC Authentication" $OfficialName = "IdPkinitKPKdc" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } ##### Begin Newly Added ##### $IntendedPurpose = "Remote Desktop" $OfficialName = "Remote Desktop" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } # Cannot be overridden in Certificate Request $IntendedPurpose = "Windows Update" $OfficialName = "Windows Update" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Windows Third Party Application Component" $OfficialName = "Windows Third Party Application Component" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Windows TCB Component" $OfficialName = "Windows TCB Component" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Windows Store" $OfficialName = "Windows Store" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Windows Software Extension Verification" $OfficialName = "Windows Software Extension Verification" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Windows RT Verification" $OfficialName = "Windows RT Verification" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Windows Kits Component" $OfficialName = "Windows Kits Component" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "No OCSP Failover to CRL" $OfficialName = "No OCSP Failover to CRL" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Auto Update End Revocation" $OfficialName = "Auto Update End Revocation" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Auto Update CA Revocation" $OfficialName = "Auto Update CA Revocation" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Revoked List Signer" $OfficialName = "Revoked List Signer" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Protected Process Verification" $OfficialName = "Protected Process Verification" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Protected Process Light Verification" $OfficialName = "Protected Process Light Verification" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Platform Certificate" $OfficialName = "Platform Certificate" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Microsoft Publisher" $OfficialName = "Microsoft Publisher" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Kernel Mode Code Signing" $OfficialName = "Kernel Mode Code Signing" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "HAL Extension" $OfficialName = "HAL Extension" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Endorsement Key Certificate" $OfficialName = "Endorsement Key Certificate" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Early Launch Antimalware Driver" $OfficialName = "Early Launch Antimalware Driver" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Dynamic Code Generator" $OfficialName = "Dynamic Code Generator" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "DNS Server Trust" $OfficialName = "DNS Server Trust" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Document Encryption" $OfficialName = "Document Encryption" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Disallowed List" $OfficialName = "Disallowed List" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Attestation Identity Key Certificate" $OfficialName = "Attestation Identity Key Certificate" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "System Health Authentication" $OfficialName = "System Health Authentication" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "CTL Usage" $OfficialName = "AUTO_ENROLL_CTL_USAGE" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "IP Security End System" $OfficialName = "PKIX_KP_IPSEC_END_SYSTEM" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "IP Security Tunnel Termination" $OfficialName = "PKIX_KP_IPSEC_TUNNEL" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "IP Security User" $OfficialName = "PKIX_KP_IPSEC_USER" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Time Stamping" $OfficialName = "PKIX_KP_TIMESTAMP_SIGNING" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Microsoft Time Stamping" $OfficialName = "KP_TIME_STAMP_SIGNING" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Windows Hardware Driver Verification" $OfficialName = "WHQL_CRYPTO" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Windows System Component Verification" $OfficialName = "NT5_CRYPTO" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "OEM Windows System Component Verification" $OfficialName = "OEM_WHQL_CRYPTO" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Embedded Windows System Component Verification" $OfficialName = "EMBEDDED_NT_CRYPTO" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Root List Signer" $OfficialName = "ROOT_LIST_SIGNER" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Qualified Subordination" $OfficialName = "KP_QUALIFIED_SUBORDINATION" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Key Recovery" $OfficialName = "KP_KEY_RECOVERY" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Lifetime Signing" $OfficialName = "KP_LIFETIME_SIGNING" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "Key Pack Licenses" $OfficialName = "LICENSES" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } $IntendedPurpose = "License Server Verification" $OfficialName = "LICENSE_SERVER" $OfficialOID = $OIDHashTable.$OfficialName $szOIDString = "szOID_$OfficialName" $CertRequestConfigFileLine = "szOID_$OfficialName = `"$OfficialOID`"" $ExtKeyUse = $AppPol = $OfficialOID [pscustomobject]@{ IntendedPurpose = $IntendedPurpose OfficialName = $OfficialName OfficialOID = $OfficialOID szOIDString = $szOIDString CertRequestConfigFileLine = $CertRequestConfigFileLine ExtKeyUse = $OfficialOID AppPol = $OfficialOID } } function Install-RSAT { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$DownloadDirectory = "$HOME\Downloads", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$AllowRestart, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$Force ) Write-Host "Please wait..." if (!$(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ActiveDirectory) -or $Force) { $OSInfo = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' $OSCimInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem $OSArchitecture = $OSCimInfo.OSArchitecture if ([version]$OSCimInfo.Version -lt [version]"6.3") { Write-Error "This function only handles RSAT Installation for Windows 8.1 and higher! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($OSInfo.ProductName -notlike "*Server*") { $KBCheck = [bool]$(Get-WmiObject -query 'select * from win32_quickfixengineering' | Where-Object { $_.HotFixID -eq 'KB958830' -or $_.HotFixID -eq 'KB2693643' }) if (!$KBCheck -or $Force) { if ($([version]$OSCimInfo.Version).Major -lt 10 -and [version]$OSCimInfo.Version -ge [version]"6.3") { if ($OSArchitecture -eq "64-bit") { $OutFileName = "Windows8.1-KB2693643-x64.msu" } if ($OSArchitecture -eq "32-bit") { $OutFileName = "Windows8.1-KB2693643-x86.msu" } $DownloadUrl = "$OutFileName" } if ($([version]$OSCimInfo.Version).Major -ge 10) { if ([int]$OSInfo.ReleaseId -ge 1803) { if ($OSArchitecture -eq "64-bit") { $OutFileName = "WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1803-x64.msu" } if ($OSArchitecture -eq "32-bit") { $OutFileName = "WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1803-x86.msu" } } if ([int]$OSInfo.ReleaseId -ge 1709 -and [int]$OSInfo.ReleaseId -lt 1803) { if ($OSArchitecture -eq "64-bit") { $OutFileName = "WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1709-x64.msu" } if ($OSArchitecture -eq "32-bit") { $OutFileName = "WindowsTH-RSAT_WS_1709-x86.msu" } } if ([int]$OSInfo.ReleaseId -lt 1709) { if ($OSArchitecture -eq "64-bit") { $OutFileName = "WindowsTH-RSAT_WS2016-x64.msu" } if ($OSArchitecture -eq "32-bit") { $OutFileName = "WindowsTH-RSAT_WS2016-x86.msu" } } $DownloadUrl = "$OutFileName" } try { # Make sure the Url exists... $HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($DownloadUrl) $HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse() } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } try { # Download via System.Net.WebClient is a lot faster than Invoke-WebRequest... $WebClient = [System.Net.WebClient]::new() $WebClient.Downloadfile($DownloadUrl, "$DownloadDirectory\$OutFileName") } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } Write-Host "Beginning installation..." if ($AllowRestart) { $Arguments = "`"$DownloadDirectory\$OutFileName`" /quiet /log:`"$DownloadDirectory\wusaRSATInstall.log`"" } else { $Arguments = "`"$DownloadDirectory\$OutFileName`" /quiet /norestart /log:`"$DownloadDirectory\wusaRSATInstall.log`"" } #Start-Process -FilePath $(Get-Command wusa.exe).Source -ArgumentList "`"$DownloadDirectory\$OutFileName`" /quiet /log:`"$DownloadDirectory\wusaRSATInstall.log`"" -NoNewWindow -Wait $ProcessInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo #$ProcessInfo.WorkingDirectory = $BinaryPath | Split-Path -Parent $ProcessInfo.FileName = $(Get-Command wusa.exe).Source $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardError = $true $ProcessInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true #$ProcessInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode #$ProcessInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode $ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = $false $ProcessInfo.Arguments = $Arguments $Process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $Process.StartInfo = $ProcessInfo $Process.Start() | Out-Null # Below $FinishedInAlottedTime returns boolean true/false # Wait 20 seconds for wusa to finish... $FinishedInAlottedTime = $Process.WaitForExit(20000) if (!$FinishedInAlottedTime) { $Process.Kill() } $stdout = $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() $stderr = $Process.StandardError.ReadToEnd() $AllOutput = $stdout + $stderr # Check the log to make sure there weren't any errors # NOTE: Get-WinEvent cmdlet does NOT work consistently on all Windows Operating Systems... Write-Host "Reviewing wusa.exe logs..." $EventLogReader = [System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader]::new("$DownloadDirectory\wusaRSATInstall.log", [System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType]::FilePath) [System.Collections.ArrayList]$EventsFromLog = @() $Event = $EventLogReader.ReadEvent() $null = $EventsFromLog.Add($Event) while ($Event -ne $null) { $Event = $EventLogReader.ReadEvent() $null = $EventsFromLog.Add($Event) } if ($EventsFromLog.LevelDisplayName -contains "Error") { $ErrorRecord = $EventsFromLog | Where-Object {$_.LevelDisplayName -eq "Error"} $ProblemDetails = $ErrorRecord.Properties.Value | Where-Object {$_ -match "[\w]"} $ProblemDetailsString = $ProblemDetails[0..$($ProblemDetails.Count-2)] -join ": " $ErrMsg = "wusa.exe failed to install '$DownloadDirectory\$OutFileName' due to '$ProblemDetailsString'. " + "This could be because of a pending restart. Please restart $env:ComputerName and try the Install-RSAT function again." Write-Error $ErrMsg $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($AllowRestart) { Restart-Computer -Confirm:$false -Force } else{ $Output = "RestartNeeded" } } } if ($OSInfo.ProductName -like "*Server*") { #Import-Module ServerManager if (!$(Get-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Tools).Installed) { Write-Host "Beginning installation..." if ($AllowRestart) { Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools -Restart } else { Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools $Output = "RestartNeeded" } } } } else { Write-Warning "RSAT is already installed! No action taken." } if ($Output -eq "RestartNeeded") { Write-Warning "You must restart your computer in order to finish RSAT installation." } $Output } #endregion >> Libraries and Helper Functions #region >> Variable Definition And Validation # Make a working Directory Where Generated Certificates will be Saved if (Test-Path $CertGenWorking) { $NewDirName = NewUniqueString -PossibleNewUniqueString $($CertGenWorking | Split-Path -Leaf) -ArrayOfStrings $(Get-ChildItem -Path $($CertGenWorking | Split-Path -Parent) -Directory).Name $CertGenWorking = "$CertGenWorking`_Certs_$(Get-Date -Format MMddyy_hhmmss)" } if (!$(Test-Path $CertGenWorking)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $CertGenWorking } # Check Cert:\CurrentUser\My for a Certificate with the same CN as our intended new Certificate. [array]$ExistingCertInStore = Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -match "CN=$CertificateCN,"} if ($ExistingCertInStore.Count -gt 0) { Write-Warning "There is already a Certificate in your Certificate Store under 'Cert:\CurrentUser\My' with Common Name (CN) $CertificateCN!" $ContinuePrompt = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you want to continue? [Yes\No]" while ($ContinuePrompt -notmatch "Yes|yes|Y|y|No|no|N|n") { Write-Host "$ContinuePrompt is not a valid option. Please enter 'Yes' or 'No'" $ContinuePrompt = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you sure you want to continue? [Yes\No]" } if ($ContinuePrompt -match "Yes|yes|Y|y") { $ThumprintToAvoid = $ExistingCertInStore.Thumbprint } else { Write-Error "User chose not proceed due to existing Certificate concerns. Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if (!$PSBoundParameters['BasisTemplate'] -and !$PSBoundParameters['IntendedPurposeValues']) { $BasisTemplate = "WebServer" } if ($PSBoundParameters['BasisTemplate'] -and $PSBoundParameters['IntendedPurposeValues']) { Write-Error "The $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) function must use either the -BasisTemplate parameter or the -IntendedPurposeValues parameter! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if (!$MachineKeySet) { $MachineKeySetPrompt = "If you would like the private key exported, please enter 'False'. If you are " + "creating this certificate to be used in the User's security context (like for a developer to sign their code)," + "enter 'False'. If you are using this certificate for a service that runs in the Computer's security context " + "(such as a Web Server, Domain Controller, etc) enter 'True' [TRUE/FALSE]" $MachineKeySet = Read-Host -Prompt $MachineKeySetPrompt while ($MachineKeySet -notmatch "True|False") { Write-Host "$MachineKeySet is not a valid option. Please enter either 'True' or 'False'" -ForeGroundColor Yellow $MachineKeySet = Read-Host -Prompt $MachineKeySetPrompt } } $MachineKeySet = $MachineKeySet.ToUpper() $PrivateKeyExportableValue = $PrivateKeyExportableValue.ToUpper() $KeyUsageValueUpdated = "0x" + $KeyUsageValue if (!$SecureEmail) { $SecureEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you using this new certificate for Secure E-Mail? [Yes/No]" while ($SecureEmail -notmatch "Yes|No") { Write-Host "$SecureEmail is not a vaild option. Please enter either 'Yes' or 'No'" -ForeGroundColor Yellow $SecureEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Are you using this new certificate for Secure E-Mail? [Yes/No]" } } if ($SecureEmail -eq "Yes") { $KeySpecValue = "2" $SMIMEValue = "TRUE" } else { $KeySpecValue = "1" $SMIMEValue = "FALSE" } if (!$UserProtected) { $UserProtected = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to password protect the keys on this certificate? [True/False]" while ($UserProtected -notmatch "True|False") { Write-Host "$UserProtected is not a valid option. Please enter either 'True' or 'False'" $UserProtected = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to password protect the keys on this certificate? [True/False]" } } if ($UserProtected -eq "True") { $MachineKeySet = "FALSE" } $UserProtected = $UserProtected.ToUpper() if (!$UseOpenSSL) { $UseOpenSSL = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to use Win32 OpenSSL to extract public cert and private key from the Microsoft .pfx file? [Yes/No]" while ($UseOpenSSL -notmatch "Yes|No") { Write-Host "$UseOpenSSL is not a valid option. Please enter 'Yes' or 'No'" $UseOpenSSL = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to use Win32 OpenSSL to extract public cert and private key from the Microsoft .pfx file? [Yes/No]" } } $Win32CompSys = Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem $DomainPrefix = $($Win32CompSys.Domain).Split(".") | Select-Object -Index 0 $DomainSuffix = $($Win32CompSys.Domain).Split(".") | Select-Object -Index 1 $Hostname = $Win32CompSys.Name $HostFQDN = $Hostname+'.'+$DomainPrefix+'.'+$DomainSuffix # If using Win32 OpenSSL, check to make sure the path to binary is valid... if ($UseOpenSSL -eq "Yes" -and !$CSRGenOnly) { if ($PathToWin32OpenSSL) { if (!$(Test-Path $PathToWin32OpenSSL)) { $OpenSSLPathDNE = $True } $env:Path = "$PathToWin32OpenSSL;$env:Path" } # Check is openssl.exe is already available if ([bool]$(Get-Command openssl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Check to make sure the version is at least 1.1.0 $OpenSSLExeInfo = Get-Item $(Get-Command openssl).Source $OpenSSLExeVersion = [version]$($OpenSSLExeInfo.VersionInfo.ProductVersion -split '-')[0] } # We need at least vertion 1.1.0 of OpenSSL if ($OpenSSLExeVersion.Major -lt 1 -or $($OpenSSLExeVersion.Major -eq 1 -and $OpenSSLExeVersion.Minor -lt 1) -or ![bool]$(Get-Command openssl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop") {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"} $OpenSSLWinBinariesUrl = '' #$OpenSSLWinBinariesUrl = "" $IWRResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $OpenSSLWinBinariesUrl -UseBasicParsing if ($OpenSSLWinBinariesUrl -match "fulgan") { $LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryUrl = $OpenSSLWinBinariesUrl + $($IWRResult.Links | Where-Object {$_.OuterHTML -match "win64\.zip"})[-1].href } if ($OpenSSLWinBinariesUrl -match "overbyte") { $LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryUrl = $($IWRResult.Links | Where-Object {$_.OuterHTML -match "win64\.zip"})[0].href } $OutputFileName = $($LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryUrl -split '/')[-1] $OutputFilePath = "$HOME\Downloads\$OutputFileName" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LatestOpenSSLWinBinaryUrl -OutFile $OutputFilePath $ExpansionDirectory = $OutputFilePath -replace '\.zip$','' if (Test-Path $ExpansionDirectory) { Remove-Item "$ExpansionDirectory\*" -Recurse -Force } else { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ExpansionDirectory } $null = Expand-Archive -Path $OutputFilePath -DestinationPath $ExpansionDirectory -Force $WinOpenSSLFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $ExpansionDirectory $WinOpenSSLParentDir = $WinOpenSSLFiles[0].Directory.FullName [System.Collections.Arraylist][array]$CurrentEnvPathArray = $env:Path -split ';' | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)} if ($CurrentEnvPathArray -notcontains $WinOpenSSLParentDir) { $CurrentEnvPathArray.Insert(0,$WinOpenSSLParentDir) $env:Path = $CurrentEnvPathArray -join ';' } } if (![bool]$(Get-Command openssl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Error "Problem setting openssl.exe to `$env:Path! Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $PathToWin32OpenSSL = $(Get-Command openssl).Source | Split-Path -Parent } # Check for contradictions in $MachineKeySet value and $PrivateKeyExportableValue and $UseOpenSSL if ($MachineKeySet -eq "TRUE" -and $PrivateKeyExportableValue -eq "TRUE") { $WrnMsg = "MachineKeySet and PrivateKeyExportableValue have both been set to TRUE, but " + "Private Key cannot be exported if MachineKeySet = TRUE!" Write-Warning $WrnMsg $ShouldPrivKeyBeExportable = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like the Private Key to be exportable? [Yes/No]" while ($ShouldPrivKeyBeExportable -notmatch "Yes|yes|Y|y|No|no|N|n") { Write-Host "$ShouldPrivKeyBeExportable is not a valid option. Please enter either 'Yes' or 'No'" -ForeGroundColor Yellow $ShouldPrivKeyBeExportable = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like the Private Key to be exportable? [Yes/No]" } if ($ShouldPrivKeyBeExportable -match "Yes|yes|Y|y") { $MachineKeySet = "FALSE" $PrivateKeyExportableValue = "TRUE" } else { $MachineKeySet = "TRUE" $PrivateKeyExportableValue = "FALSE" } } if ($MachineKeySet -eq "TRUE" -and $UseOpenSSL -eq "Yes") { $WrnMsg = "MachineKeySet and UseOpenSSL have both been set to TRUE. OpenSSL targets a .pfx file exported from the " + "local Certificate Store. If MachineKeySet is set to TRUE, no .pfx file will be exported from the " + "local Certificate Store!" Write-Warning $WrnMsg $ShouldUseOpenSSL = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to use OpenSSL in order to generate keys in formats compatible with Linux? [Yes\No]" while ($ShouldUseOpenSSL -notmatch "Yes|yes|Y|y|No|no|N|n") { Write-Host "$ShouldUseOpenSSL is not a valid option. Please enter either 'Yes' or 'No'" -ForeGroundColor Yellow $ShouldUseOpenSSL = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to use OpenSSL in order to generate keys in formats compatible with Linux? [Yes\No]" } if ($ShouldUseOpenSSL -match "Yes|yes|Y|y") { $MachineKeySet = "FALSE" $UseOpenSSL = "Yes" } else { $MachineKeySet = "TRUE" $UseOpenSSL = "No" } } if ($MachineKeySet -eq "FALSE" -and $PFXPwdAsSecureString -eq $null -and !$CSRGenOnly) { $PFXPwdAsSecureStringA = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter a password to use when exporting .pfx bundle certificate/key bundle" -AsSecureString $PFXPwdAsSecureStringB = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the same password again" -AsSecureString while ([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PFXPwdAsSecureStringA)) -ne [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PFXPwdAsSecureStringB)) ) { Write-Warning "Passwords don't match!" $PFXPwdAsSecureStringA = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter a password to use when exporting .pfx bundle certificate/key bundle" -AsSecureString $PFXPwdAsSecureStringB = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the same password again" -AsSecureString } $PFXPwdAsSecureString = $PFXPwdAsSecureStringA } if (!$CSRGenOnly) { if ($PFXPwdAsSecureString.GetType().Name -eq "String") { $PFXPwdAsSecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $PFXPwdAsSecureString -Force -AsPlainText } } # If the workstation being used to request the Certificate is part of the same Domain as the Issuing Certificate Authority, leverage certutil... if (!$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl -and !$CSRGenOnly) { #$NeededRSATFeatures = @("RSAT","RSAT-Role-Tools","RSAT-AD-Tools","RSAT-AD-PowerShell","RSAT-ADDS","RSAT-AD-AdminCenter","RSAT-ADDS-Tools","RSAT-ADLDS") if (!$(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ActiveDirectory)) { try { $InstallRSATResult = Install-RSAT -ErrorAction Stop if ($InstallRSATResult -eq "RestartNeeded") { $WrnMsg = "$env:ComputerName must be restarted post RSAT install in order to use the " + "ActiveDirectory Module. The Generate-Certificate function can continue but it cannot " + "verify that '$BasisTemplate' is appropriate for the requested certificate." Write-Warning $WrnMsg } } catch { Write-Error $_ $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if (!$(Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory)) { try { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { Import-WinModule ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop } else { Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop } } catch { Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message } } $AvailableCertificateAuthorities = (((certutil | Select-String -Pattern "Config:") -replace "Config:[\s]{1,32}``") -replace "'","").trim() $IssuingCertAuth = foreach ($obj1 in $AvailableCertificateAuthorities) { $obj2 = certutil -config $obj1 -CAInfo type | Select-String -Pattern "Enterprise Subordinate CA" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value if ($obj2 -eq "Enterprise Subordinate CA") { $obj1 } } $IssuingCertAuthFQDN = $IssuingCertAuth.Split("\") | Select-Object -Index 0 $IssuingCertAuthHostname = $IssuingCertAuth.Split("\") | Select-Object -Index 1 $null = certutil -config $IssuingCertAuth -ping if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "Successfully contacted the Issuing Certificate Authority: $IssuingCertAuth" } else { Write-Verbose "Cannot contact the Issuing Certificate Authority: $IssuingCertAuth. Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } if ($PSBoundParameters['BasisTemplate']) { # $AllAvailableCertificateTemplates Using PSPKI # $AllAvailableCertificateTemplates = Get-PSPKICertificateTemplate # Using certutil $AllAvailableCertificateTemplatesPrep = certutil -ADTemplate # Determine valid CN using PSPKI # $ValidCertificateTemplatesByCN = $AllAvailableCertificateTemplatesPrep.Name # Determine valid displayNames using certutil $ValidCertificateTemplatesByCN = foreach ($obj1 in $AllAvailableCertificateTemplatesPrep) { $obj2 = $obj1 | Select-String -Pattern "[\w]{1,32}:[\s][\w]" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value $obj3 = $obj2 -replace ':[\s][\w]','' $obj3 } # Determine valid displayNames using PSPKI # $ValidCertificateTemplatesByDisplayName = $AllAvailableCertificateTemplatesPrep.DisplayName # Determine valid displayNames using certutil $ValidCertificateTemplatesByDisplayName = foreach ($obj1 in $AllAvailableCertificateTemplatesPrep) { $obj2 = $obj1 | Select-String -Pattern "\:(.*)\-\-" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value $obj3 = ($obj2 -replace ": ","") -replace " --","" $obj3 } if ($ValidCertificateTemplatesByCN -notcontains $BasisTemplate -and $ValidCertificateTemplatesByDisplayName -notcontains $BasisTemplate) { $TemplateMsg = "You must base your New Certificate Template on an existing Certificate Template.`n" + "To do so, please enter either the displayName or CN of the Certificate Template you would like to use as your base.`n" + "Valid displayName values are as follows:`n$($ValidDisplayNamesAsString -join "`n")`n" + "Valid CN values are as follows:`n$($ValidCNNamesAsString -join "`n")" $BasisTemplate = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the displayName or CN of the Certificate Template you would like to use as your base" while ($($ValidCertificateTemplatesByCN + $ValidCertificateTemplatesByDisplayName) -notcontains $BasisTemplate) { Write-Host "$BasisTemplate is not a valid displayName or CN of an existing Certificate Template on Issuing Certificate Authority $IssuingCertAuth!" -ForeGroundColor Yellow $BasisTemplate = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the displayName or CN of the Certificate Template you would like to use as your base" } } # Get all Certificate Template Properties of the Basis Template $LDAPSearchBase = "CN=Certificate Templates,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=$DomainPrefix,DC=$DomainSuffix" # Set displayName and CN Values for user-provided $BasisTemplate if ($ValidCertificateTemplatesByCN -contains $BasisTemplate) { $cnForBasisTemplate = $BasisTemplate if ($InstallRSATResult -eq "RestartNeeded") { Write-Verbose "Unable to use 'Get-ADObject' from ActiveDirectory Module without restart..." } else { if ([bool]$(Get-Command Get-ADObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { try { $CertificateTemplateLDAPObject = Get-ADObject -SearchBase $LDAPSearchBase -Filter "cn -eq '$cnForBasisTemplate'" $AllCertificateTemplateProperties = Get-ADObject -SearchBase $LDAPSearchBase -Filter "cn -eq '$cnForBasisTemplate'" -Properties * $displayNameForBasisTemplate = $AllCertificateTemplateProperties.DisplayName } catch { Write-Waring $($_ | Out-String) } } } } if ($ValidCertificateTemplatesByDisplayName -contains $BasisTemplate) { $displayNameForBasisTemplate = $BasisTemplate if ($InstallRSATResult -eq "RestartNeeded") { Write-Verbose "Unable to use 'Get-ADObject' from ActiveDirectory Module without restart..." } else { if ([bool]$(Get-Command Get-ADObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { try { $CertificateTemplateLDAPObject = Get-ADObject -SearchBase $LDAPSearchBase -Filter "displayName -eq '$displayNameForBasisTemplate'" $AllCertificateTemplateProperties = Get-ADObject -SearchBase $LDAPSearchBase -Filter "displayName -eq '$displayNameForBasisTemplate'" -Properties * $cnForBasisTemplate = $AllCertificateTemplateProperties.CN } catch { Write-Warning $($_ | Out-String) } } } } # Validate $ProviderNameValue # All available Cryptographic Providers (CSPs) are as follows: $PossibleProvidersPrep = certutil -csplist | Select-String "Provider Name" -Context 0,1 $PossibleProviders = foreach ($obj1 in $PossibleProvidersPrep) { $obj2 = $obj1.Context.PostContext | Select-String 'FAIL' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Success $obj3 = $obj1.Context.PostContext | Select-String 'not ready' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Success if ($obj2 -ne "True" -and $obj3 -ne "True") { $obj1.Line -replace "Provider Name: ","" } } # Available Cryptographic Providers (CSPs) based on user choice in Certificate Template (i.e. $BasisTemplate) # Does the Basis Certificate Template LDAP Object have an attribute called pKIDefaultCSPs that is set? if ($AllCertificateTemplateProperties) { $CertificateTemplateLDAPObjectSetAttributes = $AllCertificateTemplateProperties.PropertyNames if ($CertificateTemplateLDAPObjectSetAttributes -notcontains "pKIDefaultCSPs") { $PKIMsg = "The Basis Template $BasisTemplate does NOT have the attribute pKIDefaultCSPs set. " + "This means that Cryptographic Providers are NOT Limited, and (almost) any ProviderNameValue is valid" Write-Host $PKIMsg } else { $AvailableCSPsBasedOnCertificateTemplate = $AllCertificateTemplateProperties.pkiDefaultCSPs -replace '[0-9],','' if ($AvailableCSPsBasedOnCertificateTemplate -notcontains $ProviderNameValue) { Write-Warning "$ProviderNameValue is not one of the available Provider Names on Certificate Template $BasisTemplate!" Write-Host "Valid Provider Names based on your choice in Basis Certificate Template are as follows:`n$($AvailableCSPsBasedOnCertificateTemplate -join "`n")" $ProviderNameValue = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the name of the Cryptographic Provider (CSP) you would like to use" while ($AvailableCSPsBasedOnCertificateTemplate -notcontains $ProviderNameValue) { Write-Warning "$ProviderNameValue is not one of the available Provider Names on Certificate Template $BasisTemplate!" Write-Host "Valid Provider Names based on your choice in Basis Certificate Template are as follows:`n$($AvailableCSPsBasedOnCertificateTemplate -join "`n")" $ProviderNameValue = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the name of the Cryptographic Provider (CSP) you would like to use" } } } } } } # If the workstation being used to request the Certificate is NOT part of the same Domain as the Issuing Certificate Authority, use ADCS Web Enrollment Site... if ($ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl -and !$CSRGenOnly) { # Make sure there is no trailing / on $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl if ($ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl.EndsWith('/')) { $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl = $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl.Substring(0,$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl.Length-1) } # The IIS Web Server hosting ADCS Web Enrollment may be configured for Windows Authentication, Basic Authentication, or both. if ($ADCSWebAuthType -eq "Windows") { if (!$ADCSWebCreds) { if (!$ADCSWebAuthUserName) { $ADCSWebAuthUserName = Read-Host -Prompt "Please specify the AD account to be used for ADCS Web Enrollment authentication." # IMPORTANT NOTE: $ADCSWebAuthUserName should NOT include the domain prefix. Example: testadmin } if ($ADCSWebAuthUserName -match "[\w\W]\\[\w\W]") { $ADCSWebAuthUserName = $ADCSWebAuthUserName.Split("\")[1] } if (!$ADCSWebAuthPass) { $ADCSWebAuthPass = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter a password to be used for ADCS Web Enrollment authentication" -AsSecureString } $ADCSWebCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($ADCSWebAuthUserName, $ADCSWebAuthPass) } # Test Connection to $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl # Validate $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl... $StatusCode = $(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl/" -Credential $ADCSWebCreds).StatusCode if ($StatusCode -eq "200") { Write-Host "Connection to $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl was successful...continuing" } else { Write-Host "Connection to $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl was NOT successful. Please check your credentials and/or DNS." $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if ($ADCSWebAuthType -eq "Basic") { if (!$ADCSWebAuthUserName) { $PromptMsg = "Please specify the AD account to be used for ADCS Web Enrollment authentication. " + "Please *include* the domain prefix. Example: test\testadmin" $ADCSWebAuthUserName = Read-Host -Prompt $PromptMsg } while (![bool]$($ADCSWebAuthUserName -match "[\w\W]\\[\w\W]")) { Write-Host "Please include the domain prefix before the username. Example: test\testadmin" $ADCSWebAuthUserName = Read-Host -Prompt $PromptMsg } if (!$ADCSWebAuthPass) { $ADCSWebAuthPass = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter a password to be used for ADCS Web Enrollment authentication" -AsSecureString } # If $ADCSWebAuthPass is a Secure String, convert it back to Plaintext if ($ADCSWebAuthPass.GetType().Name -eq "SecureString") { $ADCSWebAuthPass = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($ADCSWebAuthPass)) } $pair = "${$ADCSWebAuthUserName}:${$ADCSWebAuthPass}" $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair) $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) $basicAuthValue = "Basic $base64" $headers = @{Authorization = $basicAuthValue} # Test Connection to $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl # Validate $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl... $StatusCode = $(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl/" -Headers $headers).StatusCode if ($StatusCode -eq "200") { Write-Host "Connection to $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl was successful...continuing" -ForeGroundColor Green } else { Write-Error "Connection to $ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl was NOT successful. Please check your credentials and/or DNS." $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if ($PSBoundParameters['BasisTemplate']) { # Check available Certificate Templates... if ($ADCSWebAuthType -eq "Windows") { $CertTemplCheckInitialResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl/certrqxt.asp" -Credential $ADCSWebCreds } if ($ADCSWebAuthType -eq "Basic") { $CertTemplCheckInitialResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl/certrqxt.asp" -Headers $headers } $ValidADCSWebEnrollCertTemplatesPrep = ($CertTemplCheckInitialResponse.RawContent.Split("`r") | Select-String -Pattern 'Option Value=".*').Matches.Value $ValidADCSWEbEnrollCertTemplates = foreach ($obj1 in $ValidADCSWebEnrollCertTemplatesPrep) { $obj1.Split(";")[1] } # Validate specified Certificate Template... while ($ValidADCSWebEnrollCertTemplates -notcontains $BasisTemplate) { Write-Warning "$BasisTemplate is not on the list of available Certificate Templates on the ADCS Web Enrollment site." $DDMsg = "IMPORTANT NOTE: For a Certificate Template to appear in the Certificate Template drop-down on the ADCS " + "Web Enrollment site, the msPKITemplateSchemaVersion attribute MUST BE '2' or '1' AND pKIExpirationPeriod MUST " + "BE 1 year or LESS" Write-Host $DDMsg -ForeGroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Certificate Templates available via ADCS Web Enrollment are as follows:`n$($ValidADCSWebEnrollCertTemplates -join "`n")" $BasisTemplate = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the name of an existing Certificate Template that you would like your New Certificate to be based on" } $CertTemplvsCSPHT = @{} $ValidADCSWebEnrollCertTemplatesPrep | foreach { $key = $($_ -split ";")[1] $value = [array]$($($_ -split ";")[8] -split "\?") $CertTemplvsCSPHT.Add($key,$value) } $ValidADCSWebEnrollCSPs = $CertTemplvsCSPHT.$BasisTemplate while ($ValidADCSWebEnrollCSPs -notcontains $ProviderNameValue) { $PNMsg = "$ProviderNameVaule is not a valid Provider Name. Valid Provider Names based on your choice in Basis " + "Certificate Template are as follows:`n$($ValidADCSWebEnrollCSPs -join "`n")" Write-Host $PNMsg $ProviderNameValue = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the name of the Cryptographic Provider (CSP) you would like to use" } } } #endregion >> Variable Definition And Validation #region >> Writing the Certificate Request Config File # This content is saved to $CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile # For more information about the contents of the config file, see: Set-Content -Value '[Version]' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value 'Signature="$Windows NT$"' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "`n`r" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value '[NewRequest]' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "FriendlyName = $CertificateCN" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" # For below Subject, for a wildcard use "CN=*.DOMAIN.COM" Add-Content -Value "Subject = `"CN=$CertificateCN,OU=$OrganizationalUnit,O=$Organization,L=$Locality,S=$State,C=$Country`"" -Path $CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile Add-Content -Value "KeyLength = $KeyLength" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "HashAlgorithm = $HashAlgorithmValue" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "EncryptionAlgorithm = $EncryptionAlgorithmValue" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "Exportable = $PrivateKeyExportableValue" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "KeySpec = $KeySpecValue" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "KeyUsage = $KeyUsageValueUpdated" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "MachineKeySet = $MachineKeySet" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "SMIME = $SMIMEValue" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value 'PrivateKeyArchive = FALSE' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "UserProtected = $UserProtected" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value 'UseExistingKeySet = FALSE' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" # Next, get the $ProviderTypeValue based on $ProviderNameValue if ($PSBoundParameters['BasisTemplate']) { $ProviderTypeValuePrep = certutil -csplist | Select-String $ProviderNameValue -Context 0,1 $ProviderTypeValue = $ProviderTypeValuePrep.Context.PostContext | Select-String -Pattern '[0-9]{1,2}' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value Add-Content -Value "ProviderName = `"$ProviderNameValue`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "ProviderType = $ProviderTypeValue" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } else { $ProviderNameValue = "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" $ProviderTypeValue = "12" Add-Content -Value "ProviderName = `"$ProviderNameValue`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "ProviderType = $ProviderTypeValue" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } Add-Content -Value "RequestType = $RequestTypeValue" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" <# TODO: Logic for self-signed and/or self-issued certificates that DO NOT generate a CSR and DO NOT submit to Certificate Authority if ($RequestTypeValue -eq "Cert") { $ValidityPeriodValue = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the length of time that the certificate will be valid for. #NOTE: Values must be in Months or Years. For example '6 months' or '2 years'" $ValidityPeriodPrep = $ValidityPeriodValue.Split(" ") | Select-Object -Index 1 if ($ValidityPeriodPrep.EndsWith("s")) { $ValidityPeriod = $ValidityPeriodPrep.substring(0,1).toupper()+$validityPeriodPrep.substring(1).tolower() } else { $ValidityPeriod = $ValidityPeriodPrep.substring(0,1).toupper()+$validityPeriodPrep.substring(1).tolower()+'s' } $ValidityPeriodUnits = $ValidityPeriodValue.Split(" ") | Select-Object -Index 0 Add-Content -Value "ValidityPeriodUnits = $ValidityPeriodUnits" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value "ValidityPeriod = $ValidityPeriod" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } #> $GetIntendedPurposePSObjects = Get-IntendedPurposePSObjects -OIDHashTable $OIDHashTable [System.Collections.ArrayList]$RelevantPSObjects = @() if ($IntendedPurposeValues) { foreach ($IntendedPurposeValue in [array]$IntendedPurposeValues) { foreach ($PSObject in $GetIntendedPurposePSObjects) { if ($IntendedPurposeValue -eq $PSObject.IntendedPurpose) { $null = $RelevantPSObjects.Add($PSObject) } } } } else { [array]$OfficialOIDs = $AllCertificateTemplateProperties.pKIExtendedKeyUsage [System.Collections.ArrayList]$RelevantPSObjects = @() foreach ($OID in $OfficialOIDs) { foreach ($PSObject in $GetIntendedPurposePSObjects) { if ($OID -eq $PSObject.OfficialOID) { $null = $RelevantPSObjects.Add($PSObject) } } } } if ($IntendedPurposeValues) { Add-Content -Value "`n`r" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value '[Strings]' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value 'szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE = ""' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" foreach ($line in $RelevantPSObjects.CertRequestConfigFileLine) { Add-Content -Value $line -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } Add-Content -Value "`n`r" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value '[Extensions]' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" [array]$szOIDArray = $RelevantPSObjects.szOIDString $szOIDArrayFirstItem = $szOIDArray[0] Add-Content -Value "%szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE%=`"{text}%$szOIDArrayFirstItem%,`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" foreach ($string in $szOIDArray[1..$($szOIDArray.Count-1)]) { Add-Content -Value "_continue_ = `"%$string%`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } } if ($SANObjectsToAdd) { if (![bool]$($(Get-Content "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile") -match "\[Extensions\]")) { Add-Content -Value "`n`r" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" Add-Content -Value '[Extensions]' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } Add-Content -Value ' = "{text}"' -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" if ($SANObjectsToAdd -contains "DNS") { if (!$DNSSANObjects) { $DNSSANObjects = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter one or more DNS SAN objects separated by commas`nExample:," $DNSSANObjects = $DNSSANObjects.Split(",").Trim() } foreach ($DNSSAN in $DNSSANObjects) { Add-Content -Value "_continue_ = `"dns=$DNSSAN&`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } } if ($SANObjectsToAdd -contains "Distinguished Name") { if (!$DistinguishedNameSANObjects) { $DNMsg = "Please enter one or more Distinguished Name SAN objects ***separated by semi-colons***`n" + "Example: CN=www01,OU=Web Servers,DC=fabrikam,DC=com; CN=www01,OU=Load Balancers,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" $DistinguishedNameSANObjects = Read-Host -Prompt $DNMsg $DistinguishedNameSANObjects = $DistinguishedNameSANObjects.Split(";").Trim() } foreach ($DNObj in $DistinguishedNameSANObjects) { Add-Content -Value "_continue_ = `"dn=$DNObj&`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } } if ($SANObjectsToAdd -contains "URL") { if (!$URLSANObjects) { $URLMsg = "Please enter one or more URL SAN objects separated by commas`nExample: " + "," $URLSANObjects = Read-Host -Prompt $URLMsg $URLSANObjects = $URLSANObjects.Split(",").Trim() } foreach ($UrlObj in $URLSANObjects) { Add-Content -Value "_continue_ = `"url=$UrlObj&`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } } if ($SANObjectsToAdd -contains "IP Address") { if (!$IPAddressSANObjects) { $IPAddressSANObjects = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter one or more IP Addresses separated by commas`nExample:," $IPAddressSANObjects = $IPAddressSANObjects.Split(",").Trim() } foreach ($IPAddr in $IPAddressSANObjects) { if (!$(TestIsValidIPAddress -IPAddress $IPAddr)) { Write-Error "$IPAddr is not a valid IP Address! Halting!" # Cleanup Remove-Item $CertGenWorking -Recurse -Force $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } foreach ($IPAddr in $IPAddressSANObjects) { Add-Content -Value "_continue_ = `"ipaddress=$IPAddr&`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } } if ($SANObjectsToAdd -contains "Email") { if (!$EmailSANObjects) { $EmailSANObjects = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter one or more Email SAN objects separated by commas`nExample:," $EmailSANObjects = $EmailSANObjects.Split(",").Trim() } foreach ($EmailAddr in $EmailSANObjectsArray) { Add-Content -Value "_continue_ = `"email=$EmailAddr&`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } } if ($SANObjectsToAdd -contains "UPN") { if (!$UPNSANObjects) { $UPNSANObjects = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter one or more UPN SAN objects separated by commas`nExample:," $UPNSANObjects = $UPNSANObjects.Split(",").Trim() } foreach ($UPN in $UPNSANObjects) { Add-Content -Value "_continue_ = `"upn=$UPN&`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } } if ($SANObjectsToAdd -contains "GUID") { if (!$GUIDSANObjects) { $GUIDMsg = "Please enter one or more GUID SAN objects separated by commas`nExample: " + "f7c3ac41-b8ce-4fb4-aa58-3d1dc0e36b39, g8D4ac41-b8ce-4fb4-aa58-3d1dc0e47c48" $GUIDSANObjects = Read-Host -Prompt $GUIDMsg $GUIDSANObjects = $GUIDSANObjects.Split(",").Trim() } foreach ($GUID in $GUIDSANObjectsArray) { Add-Content -Value "_continue_ = `"guid=$GUID&`"" -Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" } } } #endregion >> Writing the Certificate Request Config File #region >> Generate Certificate Request and Submit to Issuing Certificate Authority ## Generate new Certificate Request File: ## # NOTE: The generation of a Certificate Request File using the below "certreq.exe -new" command also adds the CSR to the # Client Machine's Certificate Request Store located at PSDrive "Cert:\CurrentUser\REQUEST" which is also known as # "Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::CurrentUser\Request" # There doesn't appear to be an equivalent to this using PowerShell cmdlets $null = certreq.exe -new "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestFile" if ($CSRGenOnly) { [pscustomobject]@{ CSRFile = $(Get-Item "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestFile") CSRContent = $(Get-Content "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestFile") } return } # TODO: If the Certificate Request Configuration File referenced in the above command contains "RequestType = Cert", then instead of the above command, # the below certreq command should be used: # certreq.exe -new -cert [CertId] "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile" "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestFile" if ($ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl) { # POST Data as a hash table $postParams = @{ "Mode" = "newreq" "CertRequest" = $(Get-Content "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestFile" -Encoding Ascii | Out-String) "CertAttrib" = "CertificateTemplate:$BasisTemplate" "FriendlyType" = "Saved-Request+Certificate+($(Get-Date -DisplayHint Date -Format M/dd/yyyy),+$(Get-Date -DisplayHint Date -Format h:mm:ss+tt))" "Thumbprint" = "" "TargetStoreFlags" = "0" "SaveCert" = "yes" } # Submit New Certificate Request and Download New Certificate if ($ADCSWebAuthType -eq "Windows") { # Send the POST Data Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl/certfnsh.asp" -Method Post -Body $postParams -Credential $ADCSWebCreds -OutFile "$CertGenWorking\$CertADCSWebResponseOutFile" # Download New Certificate $ReqId = (Get-Content "$CertGenWorking\$CertADCSWebResponseOutFile" | Select-String -Pattern "ReqID=[0-9]{1,5}" | Select-Object -Index 0).Matches.Value.Split("=")[1] if ($ReqId -eq $null) { Write-Host "The Certificate Request was successfully submitted via ADCS Web Enrollment, but was rejected. Please check the format and contents of the Certificate Request Config File and try again." $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $CertWebRawContent = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl/certnew.cer?ReqID=$ReqId&Enc=b64" -Credential $ADCSWebCreds).RawContent # Replace the line that begins with `r with ;;; then split on ;;; and select the last object in the index (($CertWebRawContent.Split("`n") -replace "^`r",";;;") -join "`n").Split(";;;")[-1].Trim() | Out-File "$CertGenWorking\$CertFileOut" # Alternate: Skip everything up until `r #$CertWebRawContent.Split("`n") | Select-Object -Skip $([array]::indexof($($CertWebRawContent.Split("`n")),"`r")) | Out-File "$CertGenWorking\$CertFileOut" } if ($ADCSWebAuthType -eq "Basic") { # Send the POST Data Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl/certfnsh.asp" -Method Post -Body $postParams -Headers $headers -OutFile "$CertGenWorking\$CertADCSWebResponseOutFile" # Download New Certificate $ReqId = (Get-Content "$CertGenWorking\$CertADCSWebResponseOutFile" | Select-String -Pattern "ReqID=[0-9]{1,5}" | Select-Object -Index 0).Matches.Value.Split("=")[1] if ($ReqId -eq $null) { Write-Host "The Certificate Request was successfully submitted via ADCS Web Enrollment, but was rejected. Please check the format and contents of the Certificate Request Config File and try again." $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $CertWebRawContent = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl/certnew.cer?ReqID=$ReqId&Enc=b64" -Headers $headers).RawContent $CertWebRawContentArray = $CertWebRawContent.Split("`n") $CertWebRawContentArray | Select-Object -Skip $([array]::indexof($CertWebRawContentArray,"`r")) | Out-File "$CertGenWorking\$CertFileOut" } } if (!$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl) { ## Submit New Certificate Request File to Issuing Certificate Authority and Specify a Certificate to Use as a Base ## if (Test-Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestFile") { if (!$cnForBasisTemplate) { $cnForBasisTemplate = "WebServer" } $null = certreq.exe -submit -attrib "CertificateTemplate:$cnForBasisTemplate" -config "$IssuingCertAuth" "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestFile" "$CertGenWorking\$CertFileOut" "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateChainOut" # Equivalent of above certreq command using "Get-Certificate" cmdlet is below. We decided to use certreq.exe though because it actually outputs # files to the filesystem as opposed to just working with the client machine's certificate store. This is more similar to the same process on Linux. # # ## Begin "Get-Certificate" equivalent ## # $LocationOfCSRInStore = $(Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\Request | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like "*$CertificateCN*"}) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSPath # Get-Certificate -Template $cnForBasisTemplate -Url "https:\\$IssuingCertAuthFQDN\certsrv" -Request $LocationOfCSRInStore -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My # NOTE: The above Get-Certificate command ALSO imports the certificate generated by the above request, making the below "Import-Certificate" command unnecessary # ## End "Get-Certificate" equivalent ## } } if (Test-Path "$CertGenWorking\$CertFileOut") { ## Generate .pfx file by installing certificate in store and then exporting with private key ## # NOTE: I'm not sure why importing a file that only contains the public certificate (i.e, the .cer file) suddenly makes the private key available # in the Certificate Store. It just works for some reason... # First, install the public certificate in store $null = Import-Certificate -FilePath "$CertGenWorking\$CertFileOut" -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My # certreq.exe equivalent of the above Import-Certificate command is below. It is not as reliable as Import-Certifcate. # certreq -accept -user "$CertGenWorking\$CertFileOut" # Then, export cert with private key in the form of a .pfx file if ($MachineKeySet -eq "FALSE") { if ($ThumprintToAvoid) { $LocationOfCertInStore = $(Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -match "CN=$CertificateCN," -and $_.Thumbprint -notmatch $ThumprintToAvoid}) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSPath } else { $LocationOfCertInStore = $(Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -match "CN=$CertificateCN,"}) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSPath } if ($LocationOfCertInStore.Count -gt 1) { Write-Host "Certificates to inspect:`n$($LocationOfCertInStore -join "`n")" -ForeGroundColor Yellow Write-Error "You have more than one certificate in your Certificate Store under Cert:\CurrentUser\My with the Common Name (CN) '$CertificateCN'. Please correct this and try again." $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } $null = Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $LocationOfCertInStore -FilePath "$CertGenWorking\$PFXFileOut" -Password $PFXPwdAsSecureString # Equivalent of above using certutil # $ThumbprintOfCertToExport = $(Get-ChildItem Cert:\CurrentUser\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -like "*$CertificateCN*"}) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Thumbprint # certutil -exportPFX -p "$PFXPwdPlainText" my $ThumbprintOfCertToExport "$CertGenWorking\$PFXFileOut" if ($UseOpenSSL -eq "Yes" -or $UseOpenSSL -eq "y") { # OpenSSL can't handle PowerShell SecureStrings, so need to convert it back into Plain Text $PwdForPFXOpenSSL = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PFXPwdAsSecureString)) # Extract Private Key and Keep It Password Protected & "$PathToWin32OpenSSL\openssl.exe" pkcs12 -in "$CertGenWorking\$PFXFileOut" -nocerts -out "$CertGenWorking\$ProtectedPrivateKeyOut" -nodes -password pass:$PwdForPFXOpenSSL 2>&1 | Out-Null # The .pfx File Contains ALL Public Certificates in Chain # The below extracts ALL Public Certificates in Chain & "$PathToWin32OpenSSL\openssl.exe" pkcs12 -in "$CertGenWorking\$PFXFileOut" -nokeys -out "$CertGenWorking\$AllPublicKeysInChainOut" -password pass:$PwdForPFXOpenSSL 2>&1 | Out-Null # Parse the Public Certificate Chain File and and Write Each Public Certificate to a Separate File # These files should have the EXACT SAME CONTENT as the .cer counterparts $PublicKeySansChainPrep1 = Get-Content "$CertGenWorking\$AllPublicKeysInChainOut" $LinesToReplace1 = $PublicKeySansChainPrep1 | Select-String -Pattern "issuer" | Sort-Object | Get-Unique $LinesToReplace2 = $PublicKeySansChainPrep1 | Select-String -Pattern "Bag Attributes" | Sort-Object | Get-Unique $PublicKeySansChainPrep2 = (Get-Content "$CertGenWorking\$AllPublicKeysInChainOut") -join "`n" foreach ($obj1 in $LinesToReplace1) { $PublicKeySansChainPrep2 = $PublicKeySansChainPrep2 -replace "$obj1",";;;" } foreach ($obj1 in $LinesToReplace2) { $PublicKeySansChainPrep2 = $PublicKeySansChainPrep2 -replace "$obj1",";;;" } $PublicKeySansChainPrep3 = $PublicKeySansChainPrep2.Split(";;;") $PublicKeySansChainPrep4 = foreach ($obj1 in $PublicKeySansChainPrep3) { if ($obj1.Trim().StartsWith("-")) { $obj1.Trim() } } # Setup Hash Containing Cert Name vs Content Pairs $CertNamevsContentsHash = @{} foreach ($obj1 in $PublicKeySansChainPrep4) { # First line after BEGIN CERTIFICATE $obj2 = $obj1.Split("`n")[1] $ContextCounter = 3 $CertNamePrep = $null while (!$CertNamePrep) { $CertNamePrep = (($PublicKeySansChainPrep1 | Select-String -SimpleMatch $obj2 -Context $ContextCounter).Context.PreContext | Select-String -Pattern "subject").Line $ContextCounter++ } $CertName = $($CertNamePrep.Split("=") | Select-Object -Last 1).Trim() $CertNamevsContentsHash.Add($CertName, $obj1) } # Write each Hash Key Value to Separate Files (i.e. writing all public keys in chain to separate files) foreach ($obj1 in $CertNamevsContentsHash.Keys) { $CertNamevsContentsHash.$obj1 | Out-File "$CertGenWorking\$obj1`_Public_Cert.pem" -Encoding Ascii } # Determine if we should remove the password from the private key (i.e. $ProtectedPrivateKeyOut) if ($StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq $null) { $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to remove password protection from the private key? [Yes/No]" if ($StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "Yes" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "y" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "No" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "n") { Write-Host "The value for StripPrivateKeyOfPassword is valid...continuing" } else { Write-Host "The value for StripPrivateKeyOfPassword is not valid. Please enter either 'Yes', 'y', 'No', or 'n'." $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to remove password protection from the private key? [Yes/No]" if ($StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "Yes" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "y" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "No" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "n") { Write-Host "The value for StripPrivateKeyOfPassword is valid...continuing" } else { Write-Host "The value for StripPrivateKeyOfPassword is not valid. Please enter either 'Yes', 'y', 'No', or 'n'. Halting!" $global:FunctionResult = "1" return } } if ($StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "Yes" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "y") { # Strip Private Key of Password & "$PathToWin32OpenSSL\openssl.exe" rsa -in "$CertGenWorking\$ProtectedPrivateKeyOut" -out "$CertGenWorking\$UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut" 2>&1 | Out-Null } } if ($StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "Yes" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "y") { # Strip Private Key of Password & "$PathToWin32OpenSSL\openssl.exe" rsa -in "$CertGenWorking\$ProtectedPrivateKeyOut" -out "$CertGenWorking\$UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut" 2>&1 | Out-Null } } } } # Create Global HashTable of Outputs for use in scripts that source this script $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash = @{} $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("CertificateRequestConfigFile", "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestConfigFile") $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("CertificateRequestFile", "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateRequestFile") $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("CertFileOut", "$CertGenWorking\$CertFileOut") if ($MachineKeySet -eq "FALSE") { $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("PFXFileOut", "$CertGenWorking\$PFXFileOut") } if (!$ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl) { $CertUtilResponseFile = (Get-Item "$CertGenWorking\*.rsp").Name $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("CertUtilResponseFile", "$CertGenWorking\$CertUtilResponseFile") $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("CertificateChainOut", "$CertGenWorking\$CertificateChainOut") } if ($ADCSWebEnrollmentUrl) { $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("CertADCSWebResponseOutFile", "$CertGenWorking\$CertADCSWebResponseOutFile") } if ($UseOpenSSL -eq "Yes") { $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("AllPublicKeysInChainOut", "$CertGenWorking\$AllPublicKeysInChainOut") # Make CertName vs Contents Key/Value Pair hashtable available to scripts that source this script $CertNamevsContentsHash = $CertNamevsContentsHash $AdditionalPublicKeysArray = (Get-Item "$CertGenWorking\*_Public_Cert.pem").Name # For each Certificate in the hashtable $CertNamevsContentsHash, determine it it's a Root, Intermediate, or End Entity foreach ($obj1 in $AdditionalPublicKeysArray) { $SubjectTypePrep = (certutil -dump $CertGenWorking\$obj1 | Select-String -Pattern "Subject Type=").Line if ($SubjectTypePrep) { $SubjectType = $SubjectTypePrep.Split("=")[-1].Trim() } else { $SubjectType = "End Entity" } $RootCertFlag = certutil -dump $CertGenWorking\$obj1 | Select-String -Pattern "Subject matches issuer" $EndPointCNFlag = certutil -dump $CertGenWorking\$obj1 | Select-String -Pattern "CN=$CertificateCN" if ($SubjectType -eq "CA" -and $RootCertFlag.Matches.Success -eq $true) { $RootCAPublicCertFile = $obj1 $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("RootCAPublicCertFile", "$CertGenWorking\$RootCAPublicCertFile") } if ($SubjectType -eq "CA" -and $RootCertFlag.Matches.Success -ne $true) { $IntermediateCAPublicCertFile = $obj1 $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("IntermediateCAPublicCertFile", "$CertGenWorking\$IntermediateCAPublicCertFile") } if ($SubjectType -eq "End Entity" -and $EndPointCNFlag.Matches.Success -eq $true) { $EndPointPublicCertFile = $obj1 $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("EndPointPublicCertFile", "$CertGenWorking\$EndPointPublicCertFile") } } # Alternate Logic using .Net to Inspect Certificate files to Determine RootCA, Intermediate CA, and Endpoint <# foreach ($obj1 in $AdditionalPublicKeysArray) { $certPrint = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $certPrint.Import("$CertGenWorking\$obj1") if ($certPrint.Issuer -eq $certPrint.Subject) { $RootCAPublicCertFile = $obj1 $RootCASubject = $certPrint.Subject $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("RootCAPublicCertFile", "$CertGenWorking\$RootCAPublicCertFile") } } foreach ($obj1 in $AdditionalPublicKeysArray) { $certPrint = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $certPrint.Import("$CertGenWorking\$obj1") if ($certPrint.Issuer -eq $RootCASubject -and $certPrint.Subject -ne $RootCASubject) { $IntermediateCAPublicCertFile = $obj1 $IntermediateCASubject = $certPrint.Subject $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("IntermediateCAPublicCertFile", "$CertGenWorking\$IntermediateCAPublicCertFile") } } foreach ($obj1 in $AdditionalPublicKeysArray) { $certPrint = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $certPrint.Import("$CertGenWorking\$obj1") if ($certPrint.Issuer -eq $IntermediateCASubject) { $EndPointPublicCertFile = $obj1 $EndPointSubject = $certPrint.Subject $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("EndPointPublicCertFile", "$CertGenWorking\$EndPointPublicCertFile") } } #> $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("EndPointProtectedPrivateKey", "$CertGenWorking\$ProtectedPrivateKeyOut") } if ($StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "Yes" -or $StripPrivateKeyOfPassword -eq "y") { $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash.Add("EndPointUnProtectedPrivateKey", "$CertGenWorking\$UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut") # Add UnProtected Private Key to $CertNamevsContentsHash $UnProtectedPrivateKeyContent = ((Get-Content $CertGenWorking\$UnProtectedPrivateKeyOut) -join "`n").Trim() $CertNamevsContentsHash.Add("EndPointUnProtectedPrivateKey", "$CertGenWorking\$UnProtectedPrivateKeyContent") } # Cleanup if ($LocationOfCertInStore) { Remove-Item $LocationOfCertInStore } # Return PSObject that contains $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash and $CertNamevsContentsHash HashTables [pscustomobject]@{ FileOutputHashTable = $GenerateCertificateFileOutputHash CertNamevsContentsHash = $CertNamevsContentsHash } $global:FunctionResult = "0" # ***IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to write the Certificates contained in the $CertNamevsContentsHash out to files again # at some point in the future, make sure you use the "Out-File" cmdlet instead of the "Set-Content" cmdlet #endregion >> Generate Certificate Request and Submit to Issuing Certificate Authority } # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIMiAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIMeTCCDHUCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQU0Qnogkjiy1nTXrFBBgiL/LuH # Ugqgggn9MIIEJjCCAw6gAwIBAgITawAAAB/Nnq77QGja+wAAAAAAHzANBgkqhkiG # 9w0BAQsFADAwMQwwCgYDVQQGEwNMQUIxDTALBgNVBAoTBFpFUk8xETAPBgNVBAMT # CFplcm9EQzAxMB4XDTE3MDkyMDIxMDM1OFoXDTE5MDkyMDIxMTM1OFowPTETMBEG # CgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMT # B1plcm9TQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDCwqv+ROc1 # bpJmKx+8rPUUfT3kPSUYeDxY8GXU2RrWcL5TSZ6AVJsvNpj+7d94OEmPZate7h4d # gJnhCSyh2/3v0BHBdgPzLcveLpxPiSWpTnqSWlLUW2NMFRRojZRscdA+e+9QotOB # aZmnLDrlePQe5W7S1CxbVu+W0H5/ukte5h6gsKa0ktNJ6X9nOPiGBMn1LcZV/Ksl # lUyuTc7KKYydYjbSSv2rQ4qmZCQHqxyNWVub1IiEP7ClqCYqeCdsTtfw4Y3WKxDI # JaPmWzlHNs0nkEjvnAJhsRdLFbvY5C2KJIenxR0gA79U8Xd6+cZanrBUNbUC8GCN # wYkYp4A4Jx+9AgMBAAGjggEqMIIBJjASBgkrBgEEAYI3FQEEBQIDAQABMCMGCSsG # AQQBgjcVAgQWBBQ/0jsn2LS8aZiDw0omqt9+KWpj3DAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUicLX4r2C # Kn0Zf5NYut8n7bkyhf4wGQYJKwYBBAGCNxQCBAweCgBTAHUAYgBDAEEwDgYDVR0P # AQH/BAQDAgGGMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUdpW6phL2RQNF # 7AZBgQV4tgr7OE0wMQYDVR0fBCowKDAmoCSgIoYgaHR0cDovL3BraS9jZXJ0ZGF0 # YS9aZXJvREMwMS5jcmwwPAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEMDAuMCwGCCsGAQUFBzAChiBodHRw # Oi8vcGtpL2NlcnRkYXRhL1plcm9EQzAxLmNydDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEA # tyX7aHk8vUM2WTQKINtrHKJJi29HaxhPaHrNZ0c32H70YZoFFaryM0GMowEaDbj0 # a3ShBuQWfW7bD7Z4DmNc5Q6cp7JeDKSZHwe5JWFGrl7DlSFSab/+a0GQgtG05dXW # YVQsrwgfTDRXkmpLQxvSxAbxKiGrnuS+kaYmzRVDYWSZHwHFNgxeZ/La9/8FdCir # MXdJEAGzG+9TwO9JvJSyoGTzu7n93IQp6QteRlaYVemd5/fYqBhtskk1zDiv9edk # mHHpRWf9Xo94ZPEy7BqmDuixm4LdmmzIcFWqGGMo51hvzz0EaE8K5HuNvNaUB/hq # MTOIB5145K8bFOoKHO4LkTCCBc8wggS3oAMCAQICE1gAAAH5oOvjAv3166MAAQAA # AfkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwPTETMBEGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWA0xBQjEUMBIGCgmS # JomT8ixkARkWBFpFUk8xEDAOBgNVBAMTB1plcm9TQ0EwHhcNMTcwOTIwMjE0MTIy # WhcNMTkwOTIwMjExMzU4WjBpMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCUEExFTAT # BgNVBAcTDFBoaWxhZGVscGhpYTEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlNYWdnaW8gSW5jMQswCQYD # VQQLEwJJVDESMBAGA1UEAxMJWmVyb0NvZGUyMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOC # 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