
data DscParameterToXmlNodeMap
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
ForestName = //private-configuration/adma-configuration/forest-name
ForestLoginDomain = //private-configuration/adma-configuration/forest-login-domain
ForestLoginUser = //private-configuration/adma-configuration/forest-login-user
SignAndSeal = //private-configuration/adma-configuration/sign-and-seal
SslBind = //private-configuration/adma-configuration/ssl-bind
SslBindCrlCheck = //private-configuration/adma-configuration/ssl-bind/@crl-check
SimpleBind = //private-configuration/adma-configuration/simple-bind


function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    ### Check the schema cache and update if necessary
    Write-MimSyncConfigCache -Verbose

    ### Get the FIM object XML from the server configuration files
    Write-Verbose "Finding Private Configuration..."
    $xPathFilter = "//ma-data[name='$ManagementAgentName']/private-configuration/adma-configuration"
    Write-Verbose " Using XPath: $xPathFilter"
    $fimSyncObject = Select-Xml -Path (Join-Path (Get-MimSyncConfigCache) *.xml) -XPath $xPathFilter

    if (-not $fimSyncObject)
        Write-Warning "No matching object so returning nothing."

    $returnValue = @{
        ManagementAgentName = $ManagementAgentName
        ForestName          = $fimSyncObject.Node.'forest-name' -as [String]
        ForestLoginDomain   = $fimSyncObject.Node.'forest-login-domain' -as [String]
        ForestLoginUser     = $fimSyncObject.Node.'forest-login-user' -as [String]
        SignAndSeal         = [UInt32]$fimSyncObject.Node.'sign-and-seal' -as [Boolean]
        SslBind             = [UInt32]$fimSyncObject.Node.'ssl-bind'.'#text' -as [Boolean]
        SslBindCrlCheck     = [UInt32]$fimSyncObject.Node.'ssl-bind'.'crl-check' -as [Boolean]
        SimpleBind          = [UInt32]$fimSyncObject.Node.'simple-bind' -as [Boolean]
        Authentication = [System.String]
        User = [System.String]
        Domain = [System.String]
        Server = [System.String]
        DatabaseName = [System.String]
        TableName = [System.String]
        DeltaTableName = [System.String]
        Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]
        Ensure = [System.String]



function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

















    Write-Warning "DSC resources for the Synchronization Service are not able to update the Synchronization configuration."

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

















    ### Check the schema cache and update if necessary
    Write-MimSyncConfigCache -Verbose

    ### Get the FIM object XML from the server configuration files
    $currentObject = Get-TargetResource -ManagementAgentName $ManagementAgentName

    $objectsAreTheSame = $true

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Present')
        if ($currentObject -eq $null)
            Write-Verbose "Management agent not found."
            $objectsAreTheSame =  $false
            Write-Verbose "Management agent found, diffing the properties..."

            #region Compare ForestName
            Write-Verbose " Comparing property 'ForestName'"
            Write-Verbose " From DSC: $ForestName"
            Write-Verbose " From FIM: $($currentObject.ForestName)"
            if ($ForestName -ne $currentObject.ForestName)
                Write-Warning " Property is not the same."
                $objectsAreTheSame = $false

            #region Compare ForestLoginDomain
            Write-Verbose " Comparing property 'ForestLoginDomain'"
            Write-Verbose " From DSC: $ForestLoginDomain"
            Write-Verbose " From FIM: $($currentObject.ForestLoginDomain)"
            if ($ForestLoginDomain -ne $currentObject.ForestLoginDomain)
                Write-Warning " Property is not the same."
                $objectsAreTheSame = $false

            #region Compare ForestLoginUser
            Write-Verbose " Comparing property 'ForestLoginUser'"
            Write-Verbose " From DSC: $ForestLoginUser"
            Write-Verbose " From FIM: $($currentObject.ForestLoginUser)"
            if ($ForestLoginUser -ne $currentObject.ForestLoginUser)
                Write-Warning " Property is not the same."
                $objectsAreTheSame = $false

            #region Compare SignAndSeal
            Write-Verbose " Comparing property 'SignAndSeal'"
            Write-Verbose " From DSC: $SignAndSeal"
            Write-Verbose " From FIM: $($currentObject.SignAndSeal)"
            if ($SignAndSeal -ne $currentObject.SignAndSeal)
                Write-Warning " Property is not the same."
                $objectsAreTheSame = $false

            #region Compare SslBind
            Write-Verbose " Comparing property 'SslBind'"
            Write-Verbose " From DSC: $SslBind"
            Write-Verbose " From FIM: $($currentObject.SslBind)"
            if ($SslBind -ne $currentObject.SslBind)
                Write-Warning " Property is not the same."
                $objectsAreTheSame = $false

            #region Compare SslBindCrlCheck
            Write-Verbose " Comparing property 'SslBindCrlCheck'"
            Write-Verbose " From DSC: $SslBindCrlCheck"
            Write-Verbose " From FIM: $($currentObject.SslBindCrlCheck)"
            if ($SslBindCrlCheck -ne $currentObject.SslBindCrlCheck)
                Write-Warning " Property is not the same."
                $objectsAreTheSame = $false

            #region Compare SimpleBind
            Write-Verbose " Comparing property 'SimpleBind'"
            Write-Verbose " From DSC: $SimpleBind"
            Write-Verbose " From FIM: $($currentObject.SimpleBind)"
            if ($SimpleBind -ne $currentObject.SimpleBind)
                Write-Warning " Property is not the same."
                $objectsAreTheSame = $false

    elseif($Ensure -eq 'Absent')
        if ($currentObject -ne $null)
            $objectsAreTheSame = $false
            $objectsAreTheSame =  $true
        Write-Error "Expected the 'Ensure' parameter to be 'Present' or 'Absent'"

    Write-Verbose "Returning: $objectsAreTheSame"
    return $objectsAreTheSame

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource