
#requires -module MicrosoftMvp,PowerHTML

using namespace HtmlAgilityPack

Sessionize doesn't provide a Speaker API, so we must scrape the result of the 'https://sessionize.com/app/speaker/events' page. THIS IS A SCREENSCRAPER AND MAY BREAK IF SESSIONIZE CHANGES THEIR PAGE LAYOUT.
Import-MvpSessionize -RequestHeaders (Get-Clipboard -Raw)
#Log into sessionize, hit F12 to get into devtools, go to your events, right click the "events" item, and choose "copy -> copy request headers", an interactive login using webview2 is on the TODO list

[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]

    #Which focus area to import events for. Example: "PowerShell". Script will fail if this is not exact.
    #A regex filter for event titles, can be useful to select certain events to update for different focus areas.
    $ThrottleLimit = 30

if ($requestHeaders -notmatch '.AspNet.ApplicationCookie=([^;]*)') {
    throw 'Invalid Request Headers, it should have an aspnet.applicationcookie in the content.'

$session = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]::new()
$authCookie = [Net.Cookie]::new('.AspNet.ApplicationCookie', $matches[1], '/', 'sessionize.com')
$PSDefaultParameterValues['Invoke-RestMethod:WebSession'] = $session
$PSDefaultParameterValues['Invoke-RestMethod:Verbose'] = $false

$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
Write-Warning 'This is a screenscraper and may break if Sessionize changes their events page layout.'

#region Utility
filter Assert-ScreenScrapeData {

    if (-not $PSItem) { throw "Invalid Data Detected: $Target. this is either not a valid Sessionize events response, or Sessionize has changed their format and broken this script" }
    return $PSItem

filter ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoding {

function ConvertFrom-SessionizeSessionTab {
    Screenscrapes the data from a Sessionize event tab.


    $rows = $Tab.SelectNodes('.//div[@class="table-responsive"]/table/tbody/tr')

    $currentEvent = $null
    $sessions = foreach ($row in $rows) {
        #Events are specified in the row with an event class, so determine if this row is an event or a session.
        try {
            if ($row.GetClasses() -contains 'event') {
                $newEvent = $row.SelectNodes('.//h4/a').InnerText.Trim()
                | Assert-ScreenScrapeData 'Table Event Name'
                $currentEvent = $newEvent

                #The first row should be an event, so if it is not, something is wrong with the format.
                if (-not $currentEvent) { throw 'Event not found in first row of the table, this is either not a valid Sessionize events response, or Sessionize has changed their format and broken this script' }

            #Otherwise it should be a session entry
            $session = [ordered]@{}

            $session.Event = $currentEvent

            $session.Title = $row.SelectSingleNode('.//td/a[starts-with(@href, "/app/speaker/session")]').InnerText.Trim()
            | ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoding
            | Assert-ScreenScrapeData 'Session Title'

            $session.Name = "$($session.Event): $($session.Title)"
            if ($Filter -and ($session.Name -notmatch $Filter)) {
                Write-Verbose "Skipping $($session.Name) due to not matching filter"

            $session.Url = 'https://sessionize.com' + $row.SelectSingleNode('.//td/a[starts-with(@href, "/app/speaker/session")]').GetAttributeValue('href', '')

            $session.Status = $row.SelectSingleNode('.//td/span').InnerText.Trim()
            | ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoding
            | Assert-ScreenScrapeData 'Event Acceptance Status'

            if ($session.Status -ne 'Accepted') {
                Write-Verbose "Skipping unaccepted session '$($session.Title)' for '$currentEvent'"
                #Unaccepted sessions dont have a date which will crash the below line.

            $session.Date = [datetime](
                | ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoding
                | Assert-ScreenScrapeData 'Session Date'

            $session.TechFocusArea = $TechnologyFocusArea

            $eventDetailHtml = ConvertFrom-Html (Invoke-RestMethod $session.Url)
            $descriptionXPath = './/div[@class="ibox-content"]/h4[contains(text(),"Description")]/following-sibling::p'
            $session.Description = $eventDetailHtml.SelectSingleNode($descriptionXPath).InnerText.Trim()
            | ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoding
            | Assert-ScreenScrapeData 'Session Description'

        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Invalid session data detected: $PSItem. Skipping this session."

    return $sessions

#region Main

#Retrieve the data we care about from the HTML response.
$eventHtml = Invoke-RestMethod 'https://sessionize.com/app/speaker/events'

$page = ConvertFrom-Html $eventHtml

$currentTab = $page.SelectSingleNode('//div[@id="tab-current"]')
| Assert-ScreenScrapeData 'Current Sessions Tab'

$currentSessions = ConvertFrom-SessionizeSessionTab $currentTab

$archiveTab = $page.SelectSingleNode('//div[@id="tab-archived"]')
| Assert-ScreenScrapeData 'Past Sessions Tab'

$archiveSessions = ConvertFrom-SessionizeSessionTab $archiveTab

Write-Verbose "Found $($currentSessions.Count) current Sessions and $($archiveSessions.Count) past Sessions."

$sessionsToUpdate = $currentSessions + $archiveSessions
| Where-Object Name -Match $Filter

#TODO: This "upsert" logic should probably be available in the main module
$mvpModulePath = (Get-Module MicrosoftMvp).path
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'

$existingActivities = Search-MvpActivitySummary -First 10000
| Where-Object type -Like 'Speaker*'

$sessionsToUpdate | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit $ThrottleLimit -Parallel {
    Import-Module $USING:mvpModulePath
    $VerbosePreference = $USING:VerbosePreference
    $WhatIfPreference = $USING:WhatIfPreference
    $DebugPreference = $USING:DebugPreference

    $session = $PSItem
    $activityTitle = $session.Name
    $existingActivity = $USING:existingActivities
    | Where-Object title -EQ $activityTitle
    | Get-MvpActivity
    | Where-Object url -EQ $session.Url

    if ($existingActivity.count -gt 1) {
        Write-Warning "Multiple activities found for '$activityTitle' with url $($session.url). Remove one from your MVP profile to update this."

    $activity = $existingActivity ? ($existingActivity | Get-MvpActivity) : $(
        #HACK: Due to threading issues with validators, we need to do this non-validated:
        $mvpActivity = & (Get-Module microsoftmvp) { [mvpactivity]::new() }

        $mvpActivity.title = $activityTitle
        $mvpActivity.activityTypeName = 'Speaker/Presenter at Third-party event'

        $mvpActivity.url = $session.url
        $mvpActivity.date = $session.date
        $mvpActivity.description = $session.description.Substring(0, [Math]::Min($session.description.Length, 1000))
        $mvpActivity.technologyFocusArea = $session.TechFocusArea
        $mvpActivity.targetAudience = 'Developer', 'IT Pro'

    if ($existingActivity) {
        #Workaround for whatif not working as it is supposed to in parallel
        if ($WhatIfPreference) {
            Write-Host "WhatIf: Updating speaking event '$activityTitle' with url $($session.url)"
        Write-Verbose "Updating speaking event '$activityTitle' with url $($session.url)"
        #Update the activity with the latest data
        $activity.Date = $session.date
        $activity.Description = $session.description
        Set-MvpActivity $activity -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference
    } else {
        if ($WhatIfPreference) {
            Write-Host "WhatIf: Adding speaking event '$activityTitle' with url $($session.url)"
        Write-Verbose "Adding new speaking event '$activityTitle' with url $($session.url)"
        Add-MvpActivity $activity -WhatIf:$WhatIfPreference