
function Get-TargetResource
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('All', 'None')]










    Write-Verbose -Message "Getting SPOSiteAuditSettings for {$Url}"

    $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'PNP' `
        -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters `
        -Url $Url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment.

    #region Telemetry
    $ResourceName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -replace 'MSFT_', ''
    $CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    $data = Format-M365DSCTelemetryParameters -ResourceName $ResourceName `
        -CommandName $CommandName `
        -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
    Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data

    $nullReturn = @{
        IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'

        $auditSettings = Get-PnPAuditing -ErrorAction Stop
        $auditFlag = $auditSettings.AuditFlags
        if ($null -eq $auditFlag)
            $auditFlag = 'None'
        return @{
            Url                   = $Url
            AuditFlags            = $auditFlag
            Credential            = $Credential
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            ApplicationSecret     = $ApplicationSecret
            CertificatePassword   = $CertificatePassword
            CertificatePath       = $CertificatePath
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint
            Managedidentity       = $ManagedIdentity.IsPresent
            AccessTokens          = $AccessTokens
        if ($error[0].Exception.Message -like 'No connection available')
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Make sure that you are connected to your PnPConnection'

        New-M365DSCLogEntry -Message 'Error retrieving data:' `
            -Exception $_ `
            -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) `
            -TenantId $TenantId `
            -Credential $Credential

        return $nullReturn

function Set-TargetResource
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('All', 'None')]










    Write-Verbose -Message "Setting Audit settings for {$Url}"

    #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment.

    #region Telemetry
    $ResourceName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -replace 'MSFT_', ''
    $CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    $data = Format-M365DSCTelemetryParameters -ResourceName $ResourceName `
        -CommandName $CommandName `
        -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
    Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data

    $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'PNP' `
        -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters `
        -Url $Url

    if ($AuditFlags -eq 'All')
        Set-PnPAuditing -EnableAll
        Set-PnPAuditing -DisableAll

function Test-TargetResource
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('All', 'None')]









    #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment.

    #region Telemetry
    $ResourceName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -replace 'MSFT_', ''
    $CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
    $data = Format-M365DSCTelemetryParameters -ResourceName $ResourceName `
        -CommandName $CommandName `
        -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
    Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data

    Write-Verbose -Message "Testing audit settings for {$Url}"
    $CurrentValues = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters

    Write-Verbose -Message "Current Values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $CurrentValues)"
    Write-Verbose -Message "Target Values: $(Convert-M365DscHashtableToString -Hashtable $PSBoundParameters)"

    $TestResult = Test-M365DSCParameterState -CurrentValues $CurrentValues `
        -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) `
        -DesiredValues $PSBoundParameters `
        -ValuesToCheck @('AuditFlags')

    Write-Verbose -Message "Test-TargetResource returned $TestResult"

    return $TestResult

function Export-TargetResource









        $ConnectionMode = New-M365DSCConnection -Workload 'PNP' `
            -InboundParameters $PSBoundParameters

        #Ensure the proper dependencies are installed in the current environment.

        #region Telemetry
        $ResourceName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ModuleName -replace 'MSFT_', ''
        $CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $data = Format-M365DSCTelemetryParameters -ResourceName $ResourceName `
            -CommandName $CommandName `
            -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
        Add-M365DSCTelemetryEvent -Data $data

        $sites = Get-PnPTenantSite -ErrorAction Stop

        $i = 1
        Write-Host "`r`n" -NoNewline

        $principal = '' # Principal represents the "NetBios" name of the tenant (e.g. the M365DSC part of M365DSC.onmicrosoft.com)
        if ($null -ne $Credential -and $Credential.UserName.Contains('@'))
            $organization = $Credential.UserName.Split('@')[1]

            if ($organization.IndexOf('.') -gt 0)
                $principal = $organization.Split('.')[0]
            $organization = $TenantId
            $principal = $organization.Split('.')[0]

        $dscContent = ''
        foreach ($site in $sites)
                if ($null -ne $Global:M365DSCExportResourceInstancesCount)

                Write-Host " [$i/$($sites.Length)] Audit Settings for {$($site.Url)}" -NoNewline

                $Params = @{
                    Url                   = $site.Url
                    AuditFlags            = 'None'
                    ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
                    TenantId              = $TenantId
                    ApplicationSecret     = $ApplicationSecret
                    CertificatePassword   = $CertificatePassword
                    CertificatePath       = $CertificatePath
                    CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint
                    Managedidentity       = $ManagedIdentity.IsPresent
                    Credential            = $Credential
                    AccessTokens          = $AccessTokens

                $Results = Get-TargetResource @Params
                if ($Results -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] -and $Results.Count -gt 1)
                    if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Results.AuditFlags))
                        $Results.AuditFlags = 'None'
                    $currentDSCBlock = Get-M365DSCExportContentForResource -ResourceName $ResourceName `
                        -ConnectionMode $ConnectionMode `
                        -ModulePath $PSScriptRoot `
                        -Results $Results `
                        -Credential $Credential

                    # Make the Url parameterized
                    if ($currentDSCBlock.ToLower().Contains($currentDSCBlock.ToLower()) -or `
                        $currentDSCBlock = $currentDSCBlock -ireplace [regex]::Escape('https://' + $principal + '.sharepoint.com/'), "https://`$(`$OrganizationName.Split('.')[0]).sharepoint.com/"
                    $dscContent += $currentDSCBlock
                    Save-M365DSCPartialExport -Content $currentDSCBlock `
                        -FileName $Global:PartialExportFileName

                    Write-Host $Global:M365DSCEmojiGreenCheckMark
                    Write-Host $Global:M365DSCEmojiRedX
                Write-Host $Global:M365DSCEmojiRedX

                New-M365DSCLogEntry -Message 'Error during Export:' `
                    -Exception $_ `
                    -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) `
                    -TenantId $TenantId `
                    -Credential $Credential

                Write-Verbose "There was an issue retrieving Audit Settings for $Url"

        if ($i -eq 1)
            Write-Host ''

        return $dscContent
        Write-Host $Global:M365DSCEmojiRedX

        New-M365DSCLogEntry -Message 'Error during Export:' `
            -Exception $_ `
            -Source $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) `
            -TenantId $TenantId `
            -Credential $Credential

        return ''

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource