This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $Credscredential ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { TeamsCallQueue "TestQueue" { AgentAlertTime = 114; AllowOptOut = $True; AuthorizedUsers = @("9abce74d-d108-475f-a2cb-bbb82f484982"); ChannelId = "19:Y6MG7XdME2Cf9IRmU8PUXNfA1OtqmjyBgCmCGBN2tzY1@thread.tacv2"; ConferenceMode = $True; Credential = $Credscredential; DistributionLists = @("36c88f29-faba-4f4a-89a7-e5af29e7095e"); EnableOverflowSharedVoicemailTranscription = $False; EnableTimeoutSharedVoicemailTranscription = $False; Ensure = "Present"; LanguageId = "fr-CA"; Name = "TestQueue"; OverflowAction = "Forward"; OverflowActionTarget = "9abce74d-d108-475f-a2cb-bbb82f484982"; OverflowThreshold = 50; PresenceBasedRouting = $True; RoutingMethod = "RoundRobin"; TimeoutAction = "Forward"; TimeoutActionTarget = "9abce74d-d108-475f-a2cb-bbb82f484982"; TimeoutThreshold = 1200; UseDefaultMusicOnHold = $False; } } } |