This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ApplicationId, [Parameter()] [System.String] $TenantId, [Parameter()] [System.String] $CertificateThumbprint ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { SCPolicyConfig "SCPolicyConfig" { AdvancedClassificationEnabled = $True; ApplicationId = $ApplicationId; AuditFileActivity = $False; BandwidthLimitEnabled = $False; BusinessJustificationList = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigBusinessJustificationList { Id = 'businessJustification1' Enable = $True justificationText = 'default:Were' } MSFT_PolicyConfigBusinessJustificationList { Id = 'businessJustification2' Enable = $True justificationText = 'default:Not' } MSFT_PolicyConfigBusinessJustificationList { Id = 'businessJustification3' Enable = $True justificationText = 'default:Going' } MSFT_PolicyConfigBusinessJustificationList { Id = 'businessJustification4' Enable = $True justificationText = 'default:To' } MSFT_PolicyConfigBusinessJustificationList { Id = 'businessJustification5' Enable = $True justificationText = 'default:Take It' } ); CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint; CloudAppMode = "Block"; CloudAppRestrictionList = @("contoso.net","contoso.com"); CustomBusinessJustificationNotification = 3; DailyBandwidthLimitInMB = 0; DLPAppGroups = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigDLPAppGroups { Name = 'Maracas' Id = '5c124091-bb75-4d20-9c09-b00d584c6270' Description = 'Lacucaracha' Apps = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigDLPApp { ExecutableName = 'toc.exe' Name = 'toctoctoc' Quarantine = $False } ) } ); DLPNetworkShareGroups = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigDLPNetworkShareGroups { groupName = 'Network Share Group' networkPaths = @('\\share2','\\share') } ); DLPPrinterGroups = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigDLPPrinterGroups { groupName = 'MyGroup' groupId = '928f8844-80af-4740-b563-232b33b29f5d' printers = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigPrinter { universalPrinter = $False usbPrinter = $True usbPrinterId = '' name = 'asdf' alias = 'aasdf' usbPrinterVID = '' ipRange = MSFT_PolicyConfigIPRange { fromAddress = '' toAddress = '' } corporatePrinter = $False printToLocal = $False printToFile = $False } ) } ); DLPRemovableMediaGroups = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigDLPRemovableMediaGroups { groupName = 'My Removable USB device group' removablemedia = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigRemovableMedia { deviceId = 'Nik' removableMediaVID = 'bob' name = 'MaCles' alias = 'My Device' removableMediaPID = 'asdfsd' instancePathId = 'instance path' serialNumberId = 'asdf' hardwareId = 'hardware' } ) } ); EnableLabelCoauth = $False; EnableSpoAipMigration = $False; EvidenceStoreSettings = MSFT_PolicyConfigEvidenceStoreSettings { FileEvidenceIsEnabled = $True NumberOfDaysToRetain = 7 StorageAccounts = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigStorageAccount { Name = 'My storage' BlobUri = 'https://contoso.com' } MSFT_PolicyConfigStorageAccount { Name = 'My 2nd storage' BlobUri = 'https://coucou.com' } ) Store = 'CustomerManaged' }; IncludePredefinedUnallowedBluetoothApps = $True; IsSingleInstance = "Yes"; MacDefaultPathExclusionsEnabled = $True; MacPathExclusion = @("/pear","/apple","/orange"); NetworkPathEnforcementEnabled = $True; NetworkPathExclusion = "\\MyFirstPath:\\MySecondPath:\\MythirdPAth"; PathExclusion = @("\\includemenot","\\excludemeWindows","\\excludeme3"); QuarantineParameters = MSFT_PolicyConfigQuarantineParameters { EnableQuarantineForCloudSyncApps = $False QuarantinePath = '%homedrive%%homepath%\Microsoft DLP\Quarantine' MacQuarantinePath = '/System/Applications/Microsoft DLP/QuarantineMA' ShouldReplaceFile = $True FileReplacementText = 'Gargamel' } serverDlpEnabled = $True; SiteGroups = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigDLPSiteGroups { Id = 'cfa0d856-4dc9-4497-b0aa-93584e919a83' Name = 'Whatever' Addresses = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigSiteGroupAddress { MatchType = 'UrlMatch' Url = 'Karakette.com' AddressLower = '' AddressUpper = '' } ) } ); TenantId = $TenantId; UnallowedApp = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigApp { Value = 'Caramel' Executable = 'cara.exe' } MSFT_PolicyConfigApp { Value = 'Fudge' Executable = 'chocolate.exe' } ); UnallowedBluetoothApp = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigApp { Value = 'bluetooth' Executable = 'micase.exe' } MSFT_PolicyConfigApp { Value = 'marmelade' Executable = 'julia.exe' } ); UnallowedBrowser = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigApp { Value = 'UC Browser' Executable = 'ucbrowser.exe' } MSFT_PolicyConfigApp { Value = 'CapitainOS' Executable = 'captn.exe' } ); UnallowedCloudSyncApp = @( MSFT_PolicyConfigApp { Value = 'ikochou' Executable = 'gillex.msi' } MSFT_PolicyConfigApp { Value = 'johny' Executable = 'boo.msi' } ); VPNSettings = @("MyVPNAddress","MySecondVPNAddress"); } } } |