
This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on.
It is not meant to use as a production baseline.

Configuration Example


    Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC
    node localhost
        AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow "AADIdentityGovernanceLifecycleWorkflow-Onboard pre-hire employee updated version"
            Category             = "joiner";
            Description          = "Description the onboard of prehire employee";
            DisplayName          = "Onboard pre-hire employee updated version";
            Ensure               = "Present";
            ExecutionConditions  = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceWorkflowExecutionConditions {
                ScopeValue = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceScope {
                    Rule = '(not (country eq ''Brazil''))'
                    ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.ruleBasedSubjectSet'
                TriggerValue = MSFT_IdentityGovernanceTrigger {
                    OffsetInDays = 4
                    TimeBasedAttribute = 'employeeHireDate'
                    ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.timeBasedAttributeTrigger'
                ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.triggerAndScopeBasedConditions'
            IsEnabled            = $True;
            IsSchedulingEnabled  = $False;
            Tasks                = @(
                MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTask {
                    DisplayName       = 'Add user to groups'
                    Description       = 'Add user to selected groups'
                    Category          = 'joiner,leaver,mover'
                    IsEnabled         = $True
                    ExecutionSequence = 1
                    ContinueOnError   = $True
                    TaskDefinitionId   = '22085229-5809-45e8-97fd-270d28d66910'
                    Arguments         = @(
                        MSFT_AADIdentityGovernanceTaskArguments {
                            Name  = 'groupID'
                            Value = '7ad01e00-8c3a-42a6-baaf-39f2390b2565'
            ApplicationId         = $ApplicationId
            TenantId              = $TenantId
            CertificateThumbprint = $CertificateThumbprint