class MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments { [Write, Description("The type of the target assignment."), ValueMap{"#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.configurationManagerCollectionAssignmentTarget"}, Values{"#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget","#microsoft.graph.configurationManagerCollectionAssignmentTarget"}] String dataType; [Write, Description("The type of filter of the target assignment i.e. Exclude or Include. Possible values are:none, include, exclude."), ValueMap{"none","include","exclude"}, Values{"none","include","exclude"}] String deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType; [Write, Description("The Id of the filter for the target assignment.")] String deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId; [Write, Description("The group Id that is the target of the assignment.")] String groupId; [Write, Description("The group Display Name that is the target of the assignment.")] String groupDisplayName; [Write, Description("The collection Id that is the target of the assignment.(ConfigMgr)")] String collectionId; }; [ClassVersion("")] class MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogDeviceSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineDefenderForEndpoint { [Write, Description("Prevent installation of devices using drivers that match these device setup classes (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny; [Write, Description("Prevented Classes - Depends on DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny")] String DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny_List[]; [Write, Description("Also apply to matching devices that are already installed. - Depends on DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny_Retroactive; [Write, Description("Choose drive encryption method and cipher strength (Windows 10 [Version 1511] and later) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String EncryptionMethodWithXts_Name; [Write, Description("Select the encryption method for operating system drives: - Depends on EncryptionMethodWithXts_Name (3: AES-CBC 128-bit, 4: AES-CBC 256-bit, 6: XTS-AES 128-bit (default), 7: XTS-AES 256-bit)"), ValueMap{"3", "4", "6", "7"}, Values{"3", "4", "6", "7"}] String EncryptionMethodWithXtsOsDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Select the encryption method for fixed data drives: - Depends on EncryptionMethodWithXts_Name (3: AES-CBC 128-bit, 4: AES-CBC 256-bit, 6: XTS-AES 128-bit (default), 7: XTS-AES 256-bit)"), ValueMap{"3", "4", "6", "7"}, Values{"3", "4", "6", "7"}] String EncryptionMethodWithXtsFdvDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Select the encryption method for removable data drives: - Depends on EncryptionMethodWithXts_Name (3: AES-CBC 128-bit (default), 4: AES-CBC 256-bit, 6: XTS-AES 128-bit, 7: XTS-AES 256-bit)"), ValueMap{"3", "4", "6", "7"}, Values{"3", "4", "6", "7"}] String EncryptionMethodWithXtsRdvDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Choose how BitLocker-protected fixed drives can be recovered (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String FDVRecoveryUsage_Name; [Write, Description("Save BitLocker recovery information to AD DS for fixed data drives - Depends on FDVRecoveryUsage_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String FDVActiveDirectoryBackup_Name; [Write, Description("Omit recovery options from the BitLocker setup wizard - Depends on FDVRecoveryUsage_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String FDVHideRecoveryPage_Name; [Write, Description("Configure user storage of BitLocker recovery information: - Depends on FDVRecoveryUsage_Name (2: Allow 48-digit recovery password, 1: Require 48-digit recovery password, 0: Do not allow 48-digit recovery password)"), ValueMap{"2", "1", "0"}, Values{"2", "1", "0"}] String FDVRecoveryPasswordUsageDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Do not enable BitLocker until recovery information is stored to AD DS for fixed data drives - Depends on FDVRecoveryUsage_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String FDVRequireActiveDirectoryBackup_Name; [Write, Description("Allow data recovery agent - Depends on FDVRecoveryUsage_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String FDVAllowDRA_Name; [Write, Description("Configure storage of BitLocker recovery information to AD DS: - Depends on FDVRecoveryUsage_Name (1: Backup recovery passwords and key packages, 2: Backup recovery passwords only)"), ValueMap{"1", "2"}, Values{"1", "2"}] String FDVActiveDirectoryBackupDropDown_Name; [Write, Description(" - Depends on FDVRecoveryUsage_Name (2: Allow 256-bit recovery key, 1: Require 256-bit recovery key, 0: Do not allow 256-bit recovery key)"), ValueMap{"2", "1", "0"}, Values{"2", "1", "0"}] String FDVRecoveryKeyUsageDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Deny write access to fixed drives not protected by BitLocker (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String FDVDenyWriteAccess_Name; [Write, Description("Enforce drive encryption type on fixed data drives (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String FDVEncryptionType_Name; [Write, Description("Select the encryption type: (Device) - Depends on FDVEncryptionType_Name (0: Allow user to choose (default), 1: Full encryption, 2: Used Space Only encryption)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String FDVEncryptionTypeDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Allow devices compliant with InstantGo or HSTI to opt out of pre-boot PIN. (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String EnablePreBootPinExceptionOnDECapableDevice_Name; [Write, Description("Allow enhanced PINs for startup (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String EnhancedPIN_Name; [Write, Description("Choose how BitLocker-protected operating system drives can be recovered (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String OSRecoveryUsage_Name; [Write, Description("Do not enable BitLocker until recovery information is stored to AD DS for operating system drives - Depends on OSRecoveryUsage_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String OSRequireActiveDirectoryBackup_Name; [Write, Description("Save BitLocker recovery information to AD DS for operating system drives - Depends on OSRecoveryUsage_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String OSActiveDirectoryBackup_Name; [Write, Description("Configure user storage of BitLocker recovery information: - Depends on OSRecoveryUsage_Name (2: Allow 48-digit recovery password, 1: Require 48-digit recovery password, 0: Do not allow 48-digit recovery password)"), ValueMap{"2", "1", "0"}, Values{"2", "1", "0"}] String OSRecoveryPasswordUsageDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Omit recovery options from the BitLocker setup wizard - Depends on OSRecoveryUsage_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String OSHideRecoveryPage_Name; [Write, Description("Allow data recovery agent - Depends on OSRecoveryUsage_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String OSAllowDRA_Name; [Write, Description(" - Depends on OSRecoveryUsage_Name (2: Allow 256-bit recovery key, 1: Require 256-bit recovery key, 0: Do not allow 256-bit recovery key)"), ValueMap{"2", "1", "0"}, Values{"2", "1", "0"}] String OSRecoveryKeyUsageDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Configure storage of BitLocker recovery information to AD DS: - Depends on OSRecoveryUsage_Name (1: Store recovery passwords and key packages, 2: Store recovery passwords only)"), ValueMap{"1", "2"}, Values{"1", "2"}] String OSActiveDirectoryBackupDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Enable use of BitLocker authentication requiring preboot keyboard input on slates (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String EnablePrebootInputProtectorsOnSlates_Name; [Write, Description("Enforce drive encryption type on operating system drives (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String OSEncryptionType_Name; [Write, Description("Select the encryption type: (Device) - Depends on OSEncryptionType_Name (0: Allow user to choose (default), 1: Full encryption, 2: Used Space Only encryption)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String OSEncryptionTypeDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Require additional authentication at startup (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String ConfigureAdvancedStartup_Name; [Write, Description("Configure TPM startup key: - Depends on ConfigureAdvancedStartup_Name (2: Allow startup key with TPM, 1: Require startup key with TPM, 0: Do not allow startup key with TPM)"), ValueMap{"2", "1", "0"}, Values{"2", "1", "0"}] String ConfigureTPMStartupKeyUsageDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Configure TPM startup key and PIN: - Depends on ConfigureAdvancedStartup_Name (2: Allow startup key and PIN with TPM, 1: Require startup key and PIN with TPM, 0: Do not allow startup key and PIN with TPM)"), ValueMap{"2", "1", "0"}, Values{"2", "1", "0"}] String ConfigureTPMPINKeyUsageDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Configure TPM startup: - Depends on ConfigureAdvancedStartup_Name (2: Allow TPM, 1: Require TPM, 0: Do not allow TPM)"), ValueMap{"2", "1", "0"}, Values{"2", "1", "0"}] String ConfigureTPMUsageDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Allow BitLocker without a compatible TPM (requires a password or a startup key on a USB flash drive) - Depends on ConfigureAdvancedStartup_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String ConfigureNonTPMStartupKeyUsage_Name; [Write, Description("Configure TPM startup PIN: - Depends on ConfigureAdvancedStartup_Name (2: Allow startup PIN with TPM, 1: Require startup PIN with TPM, 0: Do not allow startup PIN with TPM)"), ValueMap{"2", "1", "0"}, Values{"2", "1", "0"}] String ConfigurePINUsageDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Control use of BitLocker on removable drives (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String RDVConfigureBDE; [Write, Description("Allow users to apply BitLocker protection on removable data drives (Device) - Depends on RDVConfigureBDE (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String RDVAllowBDE_Name; [Write, Description("Enforce drive encryption type on removable data drives (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String RDVEncryptionType_Name; [Write, Description("Select the encryption type: (Device) (0: Allow user to choose (default), 1: Full encryption, 2: Used Space Only encryption)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String RDVEncryptionTypeDropDown_Name; [Write, Description("Allow users to suspend and decrypt BitLocker protection on removable data drives (Device) - Depends on RDVConfigureBDE (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String RDVDisableBDE_Name; [Write, Description("Deny write access to removable drives not protected by BitLocker (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String RDVDenyWriteAccess_Name; [Write, Description("Do not allow write access to devices configured in another organization - Depends on RDVDenyWriteAccess_Name (0: False, 1: True)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String RDVCrossOrg; [Write, Description("Configure Windows Defender SmartScreen (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String EnableSmartScreen; [Write, Description("Pick one of the following settings: (Device) - Depends on EnableSmartScreen (block: Warn and prevent bypass, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"block", "warn"}, Values{"block", "warn"}] String EnableSmartScreenDropdown; [Write, Description("Prevent bypassing SmartScreen Filter warnings about files that are not commonly downloaded from the Internet (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String DisableSafetyFilterOverrideForAppRepUnknown; [Write, Description("Prevent managing SmartScreen Filter (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String Disable_Managing_Safety_Filter_IE9; [Write, Description("Select SmartScreen Filter mode - Depends on Disable_Managing_Safety_Filter_IE9 (0: Off, 1: On)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String IE9SafetyFilterOptions; [Write, Description("Allow Warning For Other Disk Encryption (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowWarningForOtherDiskEncryption; [Write, Description("Allow Standard User Encryption - Depends on AllowWarningForOtherDiskEncryption (0: This is the default, when the policy is not set. If current logged on user is a standard user, 'RequireDeviceEncryption' policy will not try to enable encryption on any drive., 1: 'RequireDeviceEncryption' policy will try to enable encryption on all fixed drives even if a current logged in user is standard user.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowStandardUserEncryption; [Write, Description("Configure Recovery Password Rotation (0: Refresh off (default), 1: Refresh on for Azure AD-joined devices, 2: Refresh on for both Azure AD-joined and hybrid-joined devices)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String ConfigureRecoveryPasswordRotation; [Write, Description("Require Device Encryption (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String RequireDeviceEncryption; [Write, Description("Allow Archive Scanning (0: Not allowed. Turns off scanning on archived files., 1: Allowed. Scans the archive files.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowArchiveScanning; [Write, Description("Allow Behavior Monitoring (0: Not allowed. Turns off behavior monitoring., 1: Allowed. Turns on real-time behavior monitoring.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowBehaviorMonitoring; [Write, Description("Allow Cloud Protection (0: Not allowed. Turns off the Microsoft Active Protection Service., 1: Allowed. Turns on the Microsoft Active Protection Service.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowCloudProtection; [Write, Description("Allow Email Scanning (0: Not allowed. Turns off email scanning., 1: Allowed. Turns on email scanning.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowEmailScanning; [Write, Description("Allow Full Scan Removable Drive Scanning (0: Not allowed. Turns off scanning on removable drives., 1: Allowed. Scans removable drives.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowFullScanRemovableDriveScanning; [Write, Description("Allow On Access Protection (0: Not allowed., 1: Allowed.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowOnAccessProtection; [Write, Description("Allow Realtime Monitoring (0: Not allowed. Turns off the real-time monitoring service., 1: Allowed. Turns on and runs the real-time monitoring service.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowRealtimeMonitoring; [Write, Description("Allow Scanning Network Files (0: Not allowed. Turns off scanning of network files., 1: Allowed. Scans network files.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowScanningNetworkFiles; [Write, Description("Allow scanning of all downloaded files and attachments (0: Not allowed., 1: Allowed.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowIOAVProtection; [Write, Description("Allow Script Scanning (0: Not allowed., 1: Allowed.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowScriptScanning; [Write, Description("Allow User UI Access (0: Not allowed. Prevents users from accessing UI., 1: Allowed. Lets users access UI.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String AllowUserUIAccess; [Write, Description("Block execution of potentially obfuscated scripts - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockExecutionOfPotentiallyObfuscatedScripts; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockExecutionOfPotentiallyObfuscatedScripts_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block Win32 API calls from Office macros - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockWin32APICallsFromOfficeMacros; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockWin32APICallsFromOfficeMacros_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockExecutableFilesRunningUnlessTheyMeetPrevalenceAgeTrustedListCriterion; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockExecutableFilesRunningUnlessTheyMeetPrevalenceAgeTrustedListCriterion_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block Office communication application from creating child processes - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockOfficeCommunicationAppFromCreatingChildProcesses; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockOfficeCommunicationAppFromCreatingChildProcesses_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block all Office applications from creating child processes - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockAllOfficeApplicationsFromCreatingChildProcesses; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockAllOfficeApplicationsFromCreatingChildProcesses_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block Adobe Reader from creating child processes - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockAdobeReaderFromCreatingChildProcesses; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockAdobeReaderFromCreatingChildProcesses_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block credential stealing from the Windows local security authority subsystem - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockCredentialStealingFromWindowsLocalSecurityAuthoritySubsystem; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockCredentialStealingFromWindowsLocalSecurityAuthoritySubsystem_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block JavaScript or VBScript from launching downloaded executable content - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockJavaScriptOrVBScriptFromLaunchingDownloadedExecutableContent; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockJavaScriptOrVBScriptFromLaunchingDownloadedExecutableContent_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block Webshell creation for Servers - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockWebshellCreationForServers; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockWebshellCreationForServers_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block untrusted and unsigned processes that run from USB - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockUntrustedUnsignedProcessesThatRunFromUSB; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockUntrustedUnsignedProcessesThatRunFromUSB_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block persistence through WMI event subscription - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockPersistenceThroughWMIEventSubscription; [Write, Description("[PREVIEW] Block use of copied or impersonated system tools - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockUseOfCopiedOrImpersonatedSystemTools; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockUseOfCopiedOrImpersonatedSystemTools_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block abuse of exploited vulnerable signed drivers (Device) - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockAbuseOfExploitedVulnerableSignedDrivers; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockAbuseOfExploitedVulnerableSignedDrivers_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockProcessCreationsFromPSExecAndWMICommands; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockProcessCreationsFromPSExecAndWMICommands_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block Office applications from creating executable content - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockOfficeApplicationsFromCreatingExecutableContent; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockOfficeApplicationsFromCreatingExecutableContent_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block Office applications from injecting code into other processes - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockOfficeApplicationsFromInjectingCodeIntoOtherProcesses; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockOfficeApplicationsFromInjectingCodeIntoOtherProcesses_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("[PREVIEW] Block rebooting machine in Safe Mode - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockRebootingMachineInSafeMode; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockRebootingMachineInSafeMode_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Use advanced protection against ransomware - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String UseAdvancedProtectionAgainstRansomware; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String UseAdvancedProtectionAgainstRansomware_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Block executable content from email client and webmail - Depends on AttackSurfaceReductionRules (off: Off, block: Block, audit: Audit, warn: Warn)"), ValueMap{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}, Values{"off", "block", "audit", "warn"}] String BlockExecutableContentFromEmailClientAndWebmail; [Write, Description("ASR Only Per Rule Exclusions")] String BlockExecutableContentFromEmailClientAndWebmail_ASROnlyPerRuleExclusions[]; [Write, Description("Check For Signatures Before Running Scan (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String CheckForSignaturesBeforeRunningScan; [Write, Description("Cloud Block Level (0: NotConfigured, 2: High, 4: HighPlus, 6: ZeroTolerance)"), ValueMap{"0", "2", "4", "6"}, Values{"0", "2", "4", "6"}] String CloudBlockLevel; [Write, Description("Cloud Extended Timeout")] SInt32 CloudExtendedTimeout; [Write, Description("Disable Local Admin Merge (0: Enable Local Admin Merge, 1: Disable Local Admin Merge)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String DisableLocalAdminMerge; [Write, Description("Enable Network Protection (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled (block mode), 2: Enabled (audit mode))"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String EnableNetworkProtection; [Write, Description("Hide Exclusions From Local Admins (1: If you enable this setting, local admins will no longer be able to see the exclusion list in Windows Security App or via PowerShell., 0: If you disable or do not configure this setting, local admins will be able to see exclusions in the Windows Security App and via PowerShell.)"), ValueMap{"1", "0"}, Values{"1", "0"}] String HideExclusionsFromLocalAdmins; [Write, Description("Hide Exclusions From Local Users (1: If you enable this setting, local users will no longer be able to see the exclusion list in Windows Security App or via PowerShell., 0: If you disable or do not configure this setting, local users will be able to see exclusions in the Windows Security App and via PowerShell.)"), ValueMap{"1", "0"}, Values{"1", "0"}] String HideExclusionsFromLocalUsers; [Write, Description("Oobe Enable Rtp And Sig Update (1: If you enable this setting, real-time protection and Security Intelligence Updates are enabled during OOBE., 0: If you either disable or do not configure this setting, real-time protection and Security Intelligence Updates during OOBE is not enabled.)"), ValueMap{"1", "0"}, Values{"1", "0"}] String OobeEnableRtpAndSigUpdate; [Write, Description("PUA Protection (0: PUA Protection off. Windows Defender will not protect against potentially unwanted applications., 1: PUA Protection on. Detected items are blocked. They will show in history along with other threats., 2: Audit mode. Windows Defender will detect potentially unwanted applications, but take no action. You can review information about the applications Windows Defender would have taken action against by searching for events created by Windows Defender in the Event Viewer.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String PUAProtection; [Write, Description("Real Time Scan Direction (0: Monitor all files (bi-directional)., 1: Monitor incoming files., 2: Monitor outgoing files.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String RealTimeScanDirection; [Write, Description("Scan Parameter (1: Quick scan, 2: Full scan)"), ValueMap{"1", "2"}, Values{"1", "2"}] String ScanParameter; [Write, Description("Schedule Quick Scan Time")] SInt32 ScheduleQuickScanTime; [Write, Description("Schedule Scan Day (0: Every day, 1: Sunday, 2: Monday, 3: Tuesday, 4: Wednesday, 5: Thursday, 6: Friday, 7: Saturday, 8: No scheduled scan)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"}, Values{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"}] String ScheduleScanDay; [Write, Description("Schedule Scan Time")] SInt32 ScheduleScanTime; [Write, Description("Signature Update Interval")] SInt32 SignatureUpdateInterval; [Write, Description("Submit Samples Consent (0: Always prompt., 1: Send safe samples automatically., 2: Never send., 3: Send all samples automatically.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2", "3"}, Values{"0", "1", "2", "3"}] String SubmitSamplesConsent; [Write, Description("Credential Guard (0: (Disabled) Turns off Credential Guard remotely if configured previously without UEFI Lock., 1: (Enabled with UEFI lock) Turns on Credential Guard with UEFI lock., 2: (Enabled without lock) Turns on Credential Guard without UEFI lock.)"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String LsaCfgFlags; [Write, Description("Device Enumeration Policy (0: Block all (Most restrictive), 1: Only after log in/screen unlock, 2: Allow all (Least restrictive))"), ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"}, Values{"0", "1", "2"}] String DeviceEnumerationPolicy; [Write, Description("Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String SmartScreenEnabled; [Write, Description("Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen to block potentially unwanted apps (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String SmartScreenPuaEnabled; [Write, Description("Enable Microsoft Defender SmartScreen DNS requests (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String SmartScreenDnsRequestsEnabled; [Write, Description("Enable new SmartScreen library (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String NewSmartScreenLibraryEnabled; [Write, Description("Force Microsoft Defender SmartScreen checks on downloads from trusted sources (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String SmartScreenForTrustedDownloadsEnabled; [Write, Description("Prevent bypassing Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prompts for sites (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String PreventSmartScreenPromptOverride; [Write, Description("Prevent bypassing of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings about downloads (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String PreventSmartScreenPromptOverrideForFiles; }; [ClassVersion("")] class MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogUserSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineDefenderForEndpoint { [Write, Description("Prevent bypassing SmartScreen Filter warnings about files that are not commonly downloaded from the Internet (User) (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)"), ValueMap{"0", "1"}, Values{"0", "1"}] String DisableSafetyFilterOverrideForAppRepUnknown; }; [ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("IntuneSecurityBaselineDefenderForEndpoint")] class MSFT_IntuneSecurityBaselineDefenderForEndpoint : OMI_BaseResource { [Write, Description("Policy description")] String Description; [Key, Description("Policy name")] String DisplayName; [Write, Description("List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance.")] String RoleScopeTagIds[]; [Write, Description("The unique identifier for an entity. Read-only.")] String Id; [Write, Description("Scope for Device Setting"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogDeviceSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineDefenderForEndpoint")] String DeviceSettings; [Write, Description("Scope for Device Setting"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_MicrosoftGraphIntuneSettingsCatalogUserSettings_IntuneSecurityBaselineDefenderForEndpoint")] String UserSettings; [Write, Description("Represents the assignment to the Intune policy."), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_DeviceManagementConfigurationPolicyAssignments")] String Assignments[]; [Write, Description("Present ensures the policy exists, absent ensures it is removed."), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] string Ensure; [Write, Description("Credentials of the Admin"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string Credential; [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.")] String ApplicationId; [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.")] String TenantId; [Write, Description("Secret of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication."), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] String ApplicationSecret; [Write, Description("Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.")] String CertificateThumbprint; [Write, Description("Managed ID being used for authentication.")] Boolean ManagedIdentity; [Write, Description("Access token used for authentication.")] String AccessTokens[]; }; |