[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("EXOMailboxCalendarConfiguration")]
class MSFT_EXOMailboxCalendarConfiguration: OMI_BaseResource { [Write, Description("Credentials of the workload's Admin"), EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential")] string Credential; [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory application to authenticate with.")] String ApplicationId; [Write, Description("Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant used for authentication.")] String TenantId; [Write, Description("Thumbprint of the Azure Active Directory application's authentication certificate to use for authentication.")] String CertificateThumbprint; [Write, Description("Managed ID being used for authentication.")] Boolean ManagedIdentity; [Write, Description("Access token used for authentication.")] String AccessTokens[]; [Key, Description("Specifies the mailbox identity.")] String Identity; [Write, Description("Enables or disables agenda mail introduction.")] Boolean AgendaMailIntroductionEnabled; [Write, Description("Automatically declines meeting requests when the user is busy.")] Boolean AutoDeclineWhenBusy; [Write, Description("Preferred language for calendar feeds.")] String CalendarFeedsPreferredLanguage; [Write, Description("Preferred region for calendar feeds.")] String CalendarFeedsPreferredRegion; [Write, Description("Root page ID for calendar feeds.")] String CalendarFeedsRootPageId; [Write, Description("Enables or disables conversational scheduling.")] Boolean ConversationalSchedulingEnabled; [Write, Description("Creates events from email as private.")] Boolean CreateEventsFromEmailAsPrivate; [Write, Description("Default minutes to reduce long events by.")] UInt32 DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy; [Write, Description("Default minutes to reduce short events by.")] UInt32 DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy; [Write, Description("Default online meeting provider.")] String DefaultOnlineMeetingProvider; [Write, Description("Default reminder time.")] String DefaultReminderTime; [Write, Description("Deletes meeting request on respond.")] Boolean DeleteMeetingRequestOnRespond; [Write, Description("Enables or disables dining events from email.")] Boolean DiningEventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Enables or disables entertainment events from email.")] Boolean EntertainmentEventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Enables or disables events from email.")] Boolean EventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Specifies the first week of the year.")] String FirstWeekOfYear; [Write, Description("Enables or disables flight events from email.")] Boolean FlightEventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Enables or disables hotel events from email.")] Boolean HotelEventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Enables or disables invoice events from email.")] Boolean InvoiceEventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Specifies location details in free/busy information.")] String LocationDetailsInFreeBusy; [Write, Description("Specifies the mailbox location.")] String MailboxLocation; [Write, Description("Enables or disables online meetings by default.")] Boolean OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled; [Write, Description("Enables or disables package delivery events from email.")] Boolean PackageDeliveryEventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Preserves declined meetings.")] Boolean PreserveDeclinedMeetings; [Write, Description("Enables or disables reminders.")] Boolean RemindersEnabled; [Write, Description("Enables or disables reminder sound.")] Boolean ReminderSoundEnabled; [Write, Description("Enables or disables rental car events from email.")] Boolean RentalCarEventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Enables or disables service appointment events from email.")] Boolean ServiceAppointmentEventsFromEmailEnabled; [Write, Description("Specifies the default scope for shortening events.")] String ShortenEventScopeDefault; [Write, Description("Shows or hides week numbers.")] Boolean ShowWeekNumbers; [Write, Description("Specifies the time increment for calendar events.")] String TimeIncrement; [Write, Description("Uses a bright calendar color theme in Outlook on the web.")] Boolean UseBrightCalendarColorThemeInOwa; [Write, Description("Enables or disables weather information.")] String WeatherEnabled; [Write, Description("Specifies the weather location bookmark.")] UInt32 WeatherLocationBookmark; [Write, Description("Specifies the weather locations.")] String WeatherLocations[]; [Write, Description("Specifies the weather unit.")] String WeatherUnit; [Write, Description("Specifies the start day of the week.")] String WeekStartDay; [Write, Description("Specifies the work days.")] String WorkDays; [Write, Description("Specifies the end time of working hours.")] String WorkingHoursEndTime; [Write, Description("Specifies the start time of working hours.")] String WorkingHoursStartTime; [Write, Description("Specifies the time zone for working hours.")] String WorkingHoursTimeZone; [Write, Description("Enables or disables workspace user.")] Boolean WorkspaceUserEnabled; [Write, Description("Ensures the presence or absence of the configuration.")] String Ensure; }; |