This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $credsGlobalAdmin ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { SCSensitivityLabel 'ConfigureSensitivityLabel' { Name = 'DemoLabel' Comment = 'Demo Label comment' ToolTip = 'Demo tool tip' DisplayName = 'Demo Label' ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = 'Center' ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $true ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = '#FF0000' ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 10 ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5 ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = 'Demo footer text' ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = 'Center' ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $true ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = '#FF0000' ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 10 ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5 ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = 'demo header text' ApplyWaterMarkingEnabled = $true ApplyWaterMarkingFontColor = '#FF0000' ApplyWaterMarkingFontSize = 10 ApplyWaterMarkingLayout = 'Diagonal' ApplyWaterMarkingText = 'demo watermark' SiteAndGroupProtectionAllowAccessToGuestUsers = $true SiteAndGroupProtectionAllowEmailFromGuestUsers = $true SiteAndGroupProtectionAllowFullAccess = $true SiteAndGroupProtectionAllowLimitedAccess = $true SiteAndGroupProtectionBlockAccess = $true SiteAndGroupProtectionEnabled = $true SiteAndGroupProtectionPrivacy = 'Private' LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'DisplayName' LabelSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'en-us' Value = 'English Display Names' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'fr-fr' Value = "Nom da'ffichage francais" } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'StopColor' LabelSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'en-us' Value = 'RedGreen' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'fr-fr' Value = 'Rouge' } ) } ) AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'AllowedLevel' Value = @('Sensitive', 'Classified') } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'LabelStatus' Value = 'Enabled' } ) ParentId = 'Personal' Ensure = 'Present' Credential = $credsGlobalAdmin } } } |