This example is used to test new resources and showcase the usage of new resources being worked on. It is not meant to use as a production baseline. #> Configuration Example { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSCredential] $credsGlobalAdmin ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName Microsoft365DSC node localhost { SCProtectionAlert 'CustomSuspiciousEmailSendingPatternDetected' { AggregationType = "None"; Category = "ThreatManagement"; Comment = "User has been detected as sending suspicious messages outside the organization and will be restricted if this activity continues. -V1.0.0.1"; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; Ensure = "Present"; Name = "Custom Suspicious email sending patterns detected"; NotificationEnabled = $True; NotifyUser = @("admin@contoso.com"); NotifyUserOnFilterMatch = $False; Operation = @("CompromisedWarningAccount"); Severity = "Medium"; } SCProtectionAlert 'CustomEmailMessagesFromAcampaignRemovedAfterDelivery' { AggregationType = "None"; Category = "ThreatManagement"; Comment = "Emails messages from a campaign were delivered and later removed -V1.0.0.2"; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; Ensure = "Present"; Filter = "(Mail.IsMailZAPSuccessful -eq 1) -and Mail.IsCampaignZapped -eq 1 -and (Mail.TenantPolicyFinalVerdictSource -ne 'PhishEdu') -and (Mail.TenantPolicyFinalVerdictSource -ne 'SecOps') -and (Mail.TenantPolicyFinalVerdictSource -ne 'ThirdPartyFiltering')"; Name = "Custom Email messages from a campaign removed after delivery"; NotificationEnabled = $False; NotifyUser = @("TenantAdmins"); NotifyUserOnFilterMatch = $False; Severity = "Informational"; ThreatType = "Malicious"; } } } |